Microsoft Windows Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
File: DEVWMI.C Contents: The purpose of this file is to establish security on driver while it is being installed on the system. The function SetupConfigureWmiFromInfSection is the external call that will establish security for a device when passed the [DDInstall.WMI] section and the appropriate INF and flags. Notes: To configure WMI security for downlevel platforms where the [DDInstall.WMI] section isn't natively supported by setupapi, a redistributable co-installer is supplied in the DDK for use on those platforms.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <sddl.h>
#include <aclapi.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
// ** Function Prototypes **
ULONG ParseSection( IN INFCONTEXT InfLineContext, IN OUT PTCHAR *GuidString, IN OUT ULONG *GuidStringLen, IN OUT PDWORD Flags, IN OUT PTCHAR *SectionNameString, IN OUT ULONG *SectionNameStringLen );
ULONG EstablishGuidSecurity( IN PTCHAR GuidString, IN PTCHAR SDDLString, IN DWORD Flags );
ULONG GetSecurityKeyword( IN HINF InfFile, IN LPCTSTR WMIINterfaceSection, IN OUT PTCHAR *SDDLString, IN OUT ULONG *SDDLStringLen );
// these are keywords introduced by this co-installer
// note that the names are not case sensitive
#define WMIINTERFACE_KEY TEXT("WmiInterface")
// ANSI version
WINSETUPAPI BOOL WINAPI SetupConfigureWmiFromInfSectionA( IN HINF InfHandle, IN PCSTR SectionName, IN DWORD Flags ) {
DWORD rc; PWSTR UnicodeSectionName = NULL;
try {
// For this API, only the SectionName needs to be converted to Unicode since it
// is the only string passed in as a parameter.
rc = pSetupCaptureAndConvertAnsiArg(SectionName,&UnicodeSectionName); if(rc != NO_ERROR) { leave; }
rc = GLE_FN_CALL(FALSE, SetupConfigureWmiFromInfSection(InfHandle, UnicodeSectionName, Flags) );
} except(pSetupExceptionFilter(GetExceptionCode())) { pSetupExceptionHandler(GetExceptionCode(), ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, &rc); }
if(UnicodeSectionName) { MyFree(UnicodeSectionName); }
SetLastError(rc); return (rc == NO_ERROR);
// UNICODE version
WINSETUPAPI BOOL WINAPI SetupConfigureWmiFromInfSection( IN HINF InfHandle, IN PCTSTR SectionName, IN DWORD Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
Process all WmiInterface lines from the WMI install sections, by parsing the directives to obatins the GUID and SDDL strings. For each corresponding SDDL for GUID, then establish the appropriate security descriptors.
InfHandle [in] - handle to INF file SectionName [in] - name of the WMI install section [DDInstall.WMI] Flags [in] - SCWMI_CLOBBER_SECURITY flag only (this flag will override any flag specified in the INF). Return Value:
TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE> Win32 error code retrieved via GetLastError(), or ERROR_UNIDENTIFIED_ERROR if GetLastError() returned NO_ERROR.
--*/ { PTCHAR GuidString, SDDLString, SectionNameString, InterfaceName; ULONG GuidStringLen, SDDLStringLen, SectionNameStringLen, InterfaceNameLen; INFCONTEXT InfLineContext; PLOADED_INF pInf; DWORD Status; INT count;
// Initialize all of the variables
Status = NO_ERROR;
GuidString = NULL; GuidStringLen = 0; SectionNameString = NULL; SectionNameStringLen = 0; SDDLString = NULL; SDDLStringLen = 0; InterfaceName = NULL; count = 0; pInf = NULL;
try { if((InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (InfHandle == NULL)) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; leave; } else if(LockInf((PLOADED_INF)InfHandle)) { pInf = (PLOADED_INF)InfHandle; } else { Status = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; leave; }
InterfaceNameLen = MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH; InterfaceName = MyMalloc(InterfaceNameLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); //
// If the memory wasn't allocated, then return an error
if(!InterfaceName) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; leave; }
// we look for keyword "WmiInterface" in the CompSectionName section
if(SetupFindFirstLine(InfHandle, SectionName, NULL, &InfLineContext)) {
do { count++;
Status = GLE_FN_CALL(FALSE, SetupGetStringField(&InfLineContext, 0, (PTSTR)InterfaceName, InterfaceNameLen, NULL));
if((Status == NO_ERROR) && !(lstrcmpi(WMIINTERFACE_KEY, InterfaceName))) {
// WMIInterface = GUID, flags, SectionName
// The GUID should be at index 1, flags at index 2, and section
// name at index 3
Status = ParseSection(InfLineContext, &GuidString, &GuidStringLen, &Flags, &SectionNameString, &SectionNameStringLen );
if(Status != NO_ERROR) { WriteLogEntry(pInf->LogContext, SETUP_LOG_ERROR | SETUP_LOG_BUFFER, MSG_FAILED_PARSESECTION, NULL, count, SectionName, pInf->VersionBlock.Filename ); WriteLogError(pInf->LogContext, SETUP_LOG_ERROR, Status ); leave; }
// Get SDDL string from the section specified by the interface
Status = GetSecurityKeyword(InfHandle, SectionNameString, &SDDLString, &SDDLStringLen ); if(Status != NO_ERROR) { WriteLogEntry(pInf->LogContext, SETUP_LOG_ERROR | SETUP_LOG_BUFFER, MSG_FAILED_GET_SECURITY, NULL, SectionName, pInf->VersionBlock.Filename ); WriteLogError(pInf->LogContext, SETUP_LOG_ERROR, Status ); break; }
Status = EstablishGuidSecurity(GuidString, SDDLString, Flags);
if(Status != NO_ERROR) { WriteLogEntry(pInf->LogContext, SETUP_LOG_ERROR | SETUP_LOG_BUFFER, MSG_FAILED_SET_SECURITY, NULL, SectionName, pInf->VersionBlock.Filename ); WriteLogError(pInf->LogContext, SETUP_LOG_ERROR, Status ); break; } } } while(SetupFindNextLine(&InfLineContext, &InfLineContext)); }
} except(pSetupExceptionFilter(GetExceptionCode())) { pSetupExceptionHandler(GetExceptionCode(), ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, &Status); } //
// Clean up temporary allocated resources
if(GuidString){ MyFree(GuidString); }
if(SectionNameString){ MyFree(SectionNameString); }
if(SDDLString) { MyFree(SDDLString); }
if(InterfaceName) { MyFree(InterfaceName); }
if(pInf) { UnlockInf((PLOADED_INF)InfHandle); }
SetLastError(Status); return(Status == NO_ERROR); }
ULONG ParseSecurityDescriptor( IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SD, OUT PSECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, OUT PSID *Owner, OUT PSID *Group, OUT PACL *Dacl, OUT PACL *Sacl ) /*++
Routine Description: Checks information provided in the security descriptor to make sure that at least the dacl, sacl, owner or group security was specified. Otherwise it will return an error. Arguments: SD [in] - security descriptor data structure already allocated and where security info is SecurityInformation [out] - indicates which security information is present Owner [out] - variable that receives a pointer to the owner SID in the security descriptor Group [out] - variable that receives a pointer to the group SID in the security descriptor Dacl [out] - variable that receives a pointer to the DACL in the returned security descriptor Sacl [out] - variable that receives a pointer to the SACL in the returned security descriptor
Returns: NO_ERROR or an error code. --*/ { BOOL Ok, Present, Defaulted;
*SecurityInformation = 0;
*Dacl = NULL; *Sacl = NULL; *Owner = NULL; *Group = NULL;
Ok = GetSecurityDescriptorOwner(SD, Owner, &Defaulted ); if(Ok && (Owner != NULL)) { *SecurityInformation |= OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION; }
Ok = GetSecurityDescriptorGroup(SD, Group, &Defaulted ); if(Ok && (Group != NULL)) { *SecurityInformation |= GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION; }
Ok = GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(SD, &Present, Dacl, &Defaulted );
if(Ok && Present) { *SecurityInformation |= DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; }
Ok = GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(SD, &Present, Sacl, &Defaulted );
if(Ok && Present) { *SecurityInformation |= SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; }
// If no security info in the security descriptor then it is an
// error
return((*SecurityInformation == 0) ? ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER : NO_ERROR); }
ULONG EstablishGuidSecurity( IN PTCHAR GuidString, IN PTCHAR SDDLString, IN DWORD Flags ) /*++
Routine Description: Writes security information to registry key (specified by WMIGUIDSECURITYKEY in regstr.w). Makes sure that the DACL is not null. Function will only write security information if it is not specified or the SCWMI_OVERWRITE_SECURITY flag is set. Arguments: GuidString [in] - GUID String taken from the INF file for the WMI interface SDDLString [in] - The security description string for the corresponding GUID (also taken from the INF) that indicates what to set the security to. Flags [in] - SCWMI_CLOBBER_SECURITY flag only Returns: Status, normally NO_ERROR --*/ { HKEY Key; PACL Dacl, Sacl; PSID Owner, Group; SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SD; ULONG Status; ULONG SizeNeeded; BOOL Present, Ok;
try { //
// First check if security has already been set for this guid. If
// so then we don't want to overwrite it.
// Ensure key remains INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE so we don't try to free
// it later
if(!((Flags & SCWMI_CLOBBER_SECURITY) || (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(Key, GuidString, NULL, NULL, NULL, &SizeNeeded)))) { //
// We weren't told to clobber security and security exists so
// there is nothing to do.
leave; }
// No security already setup so, lets go ahead and set it up
// Lets create a SD from the SDDL string
Status = GLE_FN_CALL(FALSE, ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor( SDDLString, SDDL_REVISION_1, &SD, NULL) );
if(Status != NO_ERROR) { //
// Ensure SD remains NULL so it isn't freed later.
SD = NULL; leave; } //
// Break up the SD into its components
Status = ParseSecurityDescriptor(SD, &SecurityInformation, &Owner, &Group, &Dacl, &Sacl ); if(Status == NO_ERROR) { //
// Don't allow any SD to be setup with a NULL DACL
// as this results in full access for anyone
if(Dacl != NULL) { //
// For wmiguids, the owner, group and sacl don't mean
// much so we just set the DACL.
SecurityInformation = DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; Owner = NULL; Group = NULL; Sacl = NULL;
Status = SetNamedSecurityInfo(GuidString, SE_WMIGUID_OBJECT, SecurityInformation, Owner, Group, Dacl, Sacl ); } else { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; } } } except(pSetupExceptionFilter(GetExceptionCode())) { pSetupExceptionHandler(GetExceptionCode(), ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, &Status); }
if(SD) { //
// Explicity must use LocalFree for Security Descriptors returned by
// ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor
LocalFree(SD); } if(Key == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { RegCloseKey(Key); } return Status; }
ULONG ParseSection( IN INFCONTEXT InfLineContext, IN OUT PTCHAR *GuidString, IN OUT ULONG *GuidStringLen, IN OUT PDWORD Flags, IN OUT PTCHAR *SectionNameString, IN OUT ULONG *SectionNameStringLen ) /*++
Routinte Description: This section parses the GUID, flags, and SectionName, respectively. There should only be 3 fields in the WMIInterface section, otherwise an error will be returned. Arguments: InfLineContext [in] - The line from the INF we are parsing GuidString [in, out] - Passed as NULL by the caller, then memory is allocated and filled with the corresponding GUID string. GuidStringLen [in, out] - Passed as zero by the caller, and then set to the maximum length for the GUID. Flags [in, out] - SCWMI_CLOBBER_SECURITY flag only SectionNameString [in, out] - assed as NULL by the caller, then memory is allocated and filled with the corresponding section name. SectionNameStringLen [in, out] - assed as zero by the caller, and then set to the maximum length for the section name Returns: Status, normally NO_ERROR
--*/ { PTCHAR TempGuidString = NULL; ULONG FieldCount; ULONG Status; INT infFlags; int i; size_t Length;
Status = NO_ERROR;
try { //
// Make sure there are 3 fields specified in the section
FieldCount = SetupGetFieldCount(&InfLineContext); if(FieldCount < 3) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; }
// Get the guid string
*GuidStringLen = MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN; *GuidString = MyMalloc((*GuidStringLen) * sizeof(TCHAR)); //
// If the memory wasn't allocated, then return an error
if(!(*GuidString)) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; leave; } Status = GLE_FN_CALL(FALSE, SetupGetStringField(&InfLineContext, 1, (PTSTR)(*GuidString), *GuidStringLen, NULL) ); if(Status != NO_ERROR) { leave; } //
// If the GUID string has curly braces take them off
// String has curly braces as first and last character
// Checks to make sure it has the same length as a GUID, otherwise, this function
// relies on the WMI security API to handle and invalid GUID.
if(((*GuidString)[0] == TEXT('{')) && SUCCEEDED(StringCchLength(*GuidString,MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN,&Length)) && (Length == (MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN-1)) && ((*GuidString)[MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN-2] == TEXT('}'))) { TempGuidString = MyMalloc((MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN-2) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if(TempGuidString == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; leave; } //
// Copy the GuidString, except the first and last character (the braces)
if(FAILED(StringCchCopyN(TempGuidString, MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN-2, &(*GuidString)[1], MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN-3))) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; MyFree(TempGuidString); TempGuidString = NULL; leave; } MyFree(*GuidString); //
// Set GuidString equal to our new one without braces
*GuidString = TempGuidString; TempGuidString = NULL; } //
// Now get the flags string
Status = GLE_FN_CALL(FALSE, SetupGetIntField(&InfLineContext, 2, &infFlags) ); if(Status != NO_ERROR) { leave; } //
// if the flags in the INF were not set then use the flags indicated in the INF,
// otherwise default to use the ones passed in by the calling function.
if(!(*Flags)) { *Flags = infFlags; } *SectionNameStringLen = MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH; *SectionNameString = MyMalloc(*SectionNameStringLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); //
// If the memory wasn't allocated, then return an error
if(!(*SectionNameString)) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; leave; } Status = GLE_FN_CALL(FALSE, SetupGetStringField(&InfLineContext, 3, (PTSTR)(*SectionNameString), (*SectionNameStringLen), NULL) );
} except(pSetupExceptionFilter(GetExceptionCode())) { pSetupExceptionHandler(GetExceptionCode(), ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, &Status); }
// If the function exits abnormally then clean up any strings allocated.
if(Status != NO_ERROR) { if(*GuidString){ MyFree(*GuidString); *GuidString = NULL; } if(TempGuidString) { MyFree(TempGuidString); } if(*SectionNameString){ MyFree(*SectionNameString); *SectionNameString = NULL; } } return Status; }
ULONG GetSecurityKeyword( IN HINF InfFile, IN LPCTSTR WMIInterfaceSection, IN OUT PTCHAR *SDDLString, IN OUT ULONG *SDDLStringLen ) /*++
Routine Description: The section name specified under the WMIInterface should contain a security section the specifies the SDDL. It should be in the form security = <SDDL>. This fcuntion extracts the SDDL. There should only be one security section, otherwise an error will be returned. Arguments: InfLineContext [in] - the line from the INF file WMIInterfaceSection [in] - the section name indicating what section contains the security info SDDLString [in, out] - passed in as NULL by the caller, is allocated and filled in with the corresponding security description string. SDDLStringLen [in, out] - passed in as 0 by the caller and set to the maximum length of an INF field. Returns: Status, normally NO_ERROR
--*/ { INFCONTEXT InfLineContext; DWORD Status; ULONG FieldCount;
Status = NO_ERROR;
try {
if(SetupFindFirstLine(InfFile, WMIInterfaceSection, WMIGUIDSECURITYSECTION_KEY, &InfLineContext)) {
// WmiGuidSecurity = <SDDL>
// sddl will be at index 1
FieldCount = SetupGetFieldCount(&InfLineContext); if(FieldCount < 1) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; } //
// Get the SDDL string
*SDDLStringLen = MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH; *SDDLString = MyMalloc(*SDDLStringLen * sizeof(TCHAR));
// If the memory wasn't allocated, then return an error
if(!(*SDDLString)) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; leave; }
Status = GLE_FN_CALL(FALSE, SetupGetStringField(&InfLineContext, 1, (PTSTR)(*SDDLString), (*SDDLStringLen), NULL) );
if(Status == NO_ERROR) {
// There should not be more than one security entry
if(SetupFindNextMatchLine(&InfLineContext, WMIGUIDSECURITYSECTION_KEY, &InfLineContext)) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; } }
}except(pSetupExceptionFilter(GetExceptionCode())){ pSetupExceptionHandler(GetExceptionCode(), ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, &Status); }
// If the function exits abnormally then clean up any strings allocated.
if(Status != NO_ERROR) { if(*SDDLString) { MyFree(*SDDLString); *SDDLString = NULL; } }
return Status; }