Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Device Console command-line interface for managing devices
Jamie Hunter (JamieHun) Nov-30-2000
Revision History:
#include "devcon.h"
struct GenericContext { DWORD count; DWORD control; BOOL reboot; LPCTSTR strSuccess; LPCTSTR strReboot; LPCTSTR strFail; };
#define FIND_DEVICE 0x00000001 // display device
#define FIND_STATUS 0x00000002 // display status of device
#define FIND_RESOURCES 0x00000004 // display resources of device
#define FIND_DRIVERFILES 0x00000008 // display drivers used by device
#define FIND_HWIDS 0x00000010 // display hw/compat id's used by device
#define FIND_DRIVERNODES 0x00000020 // display driver nodes for a device.
#define FIND_CLASS 0x00000040 // display device's setup class
#define FIND_STACK 0x00000080 // display device's driver-stack
struct SetHwidContext { int argc_right; LPTSTR * argv_right; DWORD prop; int skipped; int modified; };
int cmdHelp(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
HELP command allow HELP or HELP <command>
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine (ignored) argc/argv - remaining parameters
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD helptext = 0; int dispIndex; LPCTSTR cmd = NULL; BOOL unknown = FALSE;
if(argc) { //
// user passed in a command for help on... long help
for(dispIndex = 0;DispatchTable[dispIndex].cmd;dispIndex++) { if(_tcsicmp(argv[0],DispatchTable[dispIndex].cmd)==0) { cmd = DispatchTable[dispIndex].cmd; helptext = DispatchTable[dispIndex].longHelp; break; } } if(!cmd) { unknown = TRUE; cmd = argv[0]; } }
if(helptext) { //
// long help
FormatToStream(stdout,helptext,BaseName,cmd); } else { //
// help help
FormatToStream(stdout,unknown ? MSG_HELP_OTHER : MSG_HELP_LONG,BaseName,cmd); //
// enumerate through each command and display short help for each
for(dispIndex = 0;DispatchTable[dispIndex].cmd;dispIndex++) { if(DispatchTable[dispIndex].shortHelp) { FormatToStream(stdout,DispatchTable[dispIndex].shortHelp,DispatchTable[dispIndex].cmd); } } } return EXIT_OK; }
int cmdClasses(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
CLASSES command lists classes on (optionally) specified machine format as <name>: <destination>
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - ignored
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD reqGuids = 128; DWORD numGuids; LPGUID guids = NULL; DWORD index; int failcode = EXIT_FAIL;
guids = new GUID[reqGuids]; if(!guids) { goto final; } if(!SetupDiBuildClassInfoListEx(0,guids,reqGuids,&numGuids,Machine,NULL)) { do { if(GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { goto final; } delete [] guids; reqGuids = numGuids; guids = new GUID[reqGuids]; if(!guids) { goto final; } } while(!SetupDiBuildClassInfoListEx(0,guids,reqGuids,&numGuids,Machine,NULL)); } FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_CLASSES_HEADER:MSG_CLASSES_HEADER_LOCAL,numGuids,Machine); for(index=0;index<numGuids;index++) { TCHAR className[MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN]; TCHAR classDesc[LINE_LEN]; if(!SetupDiClassNameFromGuidEx(&guids[index],className,MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN,NULL,Machine,NULL)) { lstrcpyn(className,TEXT("?"),MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN); } if(!SetupDiGetClassDescriptionEx(&guids[index],classDesc,LINE_LEN,NULL,Machine,NULL)) { lstrcpyn(classDesc,className,LINE_LEN); } _tprintf(TEXT("%-20s: %s\n"),className,classDesc); }
failcode = EXIT_OK;
if(guids) { delete [] guids; } return failcode; }
int cmdListClass(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
LISTCLASS <name>.... lists all devices for each specified class there can be more than one physical class for a class name (shouldn't be though) in such cases, list each class if machine given, list devices for that machine
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - list of class names
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL classListed = FALSE; BOOL devListed = FALSE; DWORD reqGuids = 16; int argIndex; int failcode = EXIT_FAIL; LPGUID guids = NULL; HDEVINFO devs = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if(!argc) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
guids = new GUID[reqGuids]; if(!guids) { goto final; }
for(argIndex = 0;argIndex<argc;argIndex++) { DWORD numGuids; DWORD index;
if(!(argv[argIndex] && argv[argIndex][0])) { continue; }
// there could be one to many name to GUID mapping
while(!SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameEx(argv[argIndex],guids,reqGuids,&numGuids,Machine,NULL)) { if(GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { goto final; } delete [] guids; reqGuids = numGuids; guids = new GUID[reqGuids]; if(!guids) { goto final; } } if(numGuids == 0) { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_LISTCLASS_NOCLASS:MSG_LISTCLASS_NOCLASS_LOCAL,argv[argIndex],Machine); continue; } for(index = 0;index<numGuids;index++) { TCHAR className[MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN]; TCHAR classDesc[LINE_LEN]; DWORD devCount = 0; SP_DEVINFO_DATA devInfo; DWORD devIndex;
devs = SetupDiGetClassDevsEx(&guids[index],NULL,NULL,DIGCF_PRESENT,NULL,Machine,NULL); if(devs != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// count number of devices
devInfo.cbSize = sizeof(devInfo); while(SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(devs,devCount,&devInfo)) { devCount++; } }
if(!SetupDiClassNameFromGuidEx(&guids[index],className,MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN,NULL,Machine,NULL)) { lstrcpyn(className,TEXT("?"),MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN); } if(!SetupDiGetClassDescriptionEx(&guids[index],classDesc,LINE_LEN,NULL,Machine,NULL)) { lstrcpyn(classDesc,className,LINE_LEN); }
// how many devices?
if (!devCount) { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_LISTCLASS_HEADER_NONE:MSG_LISTCLASS_HEADER_NONE_LOCAL,className,classDesc,Machine); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_LISTCLASS_HEADER:MSG_LISTCLASS_HEADER_LOCAL,devCount,className,classDesc,Machine); for(devIndex=0;SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(devs,devIndex,&devInfo);devIndex++) { DumpDevice(devs,&devInfo); } } if(devs != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(devs); devs = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } }
failcode = 0;
if(guids) { delete [] guids; }
if(devs != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(devs); }
return failcode; }
int FindCallback(HDEVINFO Devs,PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DevInfo,DWORD Index,LPVOID Context) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback for use by Find/FindAll just simply display the device
Devs )_ uniquely identify the device DevInfo ) Index - index of device Context - GenericContext
Return Value:
--*/ { GenericContext *pFindContext = (GenericContext*)Context;
if(!pFindContext->control) { DumpDevice(Devs,DevInfo); pFindContext->count++; return EXIT_OK; } if(!DumpDeviceWithInfo(Devs,DevInfo,NULL)) { return EXIT_OK; } if(pFindContext->control&FIND_DEVICE) { DumpDeviceDescr(Devs,DevInfo); } if(pFindContext->control&FIND_CLASS) { DumpDeviceClass(Devs,DevInfo); } if(pFindContext->control&FIND_STATUS) { DumpDeviceStatus(Devs,DevInfo); } if(pFindContext->control&FIND_RESOURCES) { DumpDeviceResources(Devs,DevInfo); } if(pFindContext->control&FIND_DRIVERFILES) { DumpDeviceDriverFiles(Devs,DevInfo); } if(pFindContext->control&FIND_STACK) { DumpDeviceStack(Devs,DevInfo); } if(pFindContext->control&FIND_HWIDS) { DumpDeviceHwIds(Devs,DevInfo); } if (pFindContext->control&FIND_DRIVERNODES) { DumpDeviceDriverNodes(Devs,DevInfo); } pFindContext->count++; return EXIT_OK; }
int cmdFind(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
FIND <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, dump to stdout note that we only enumerate present devices
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
--*/ { GenericContext context; int failcode;
if(!argc) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
context.count = 0; context.control = 0; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,FindCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE:MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE_LOCAL,Machine); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL:MSG_FIND_TAIL_LOCAL,context.count,Machine); } } return failcode; }
int cmdFindAll(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
FINDALL <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, dump to stdout like find, but also show not-present devices
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
--*/ { GenericContext context; int failcode;
if(!argc) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
context.count = 0; context.control = 0; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,0,argc,argv,FindCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE:MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE_LOCAL,Machine); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL:MSG_FIND_TAIL_LOCAL,context.count,Machine); } } return failcode; }
int cmdStatus(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
STATUS <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, dump status to stdout note that we only enumerate present devices
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
--*/ { GenericContext context; int failcode;
if(!argc) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
context.count = 0; context.control = FIND_DEVICE | FIND_STATUS; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,FindCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE:MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE_LOCAL,Machine); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL:MSG_FIND_TAIL_LOCAL,context.count,Machine); } } return failcode; }
int cmdResources(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
RESOURCES <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, dump resources to stdout note that we only enumerate present devices
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
--*/ { GenericContext context; int failcode;
if(!argc) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
context.count = 0; context.control = FIND_DEVICE | FIND_RESOURCES; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,FindCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE:MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE_LOCAL,Machine); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL:MSG_FIND_TAIL_LOCAL,context.count,Machine); } } return failcode; }
int cmdDriverFiles(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
STATUS <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, dump driver files to stdout note that we only enumerate present devices
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
--*/ { GenericContext context; int failcode;
if(!argc) { return EXIT_USAGE; } if(Machine) { //
// must be local machine as we need to involve class/co installers (FIND_DRIVERFILES)
return EXIT_USAGE; }
context.count = 0; context.control = FIND_DEVICE | FIND_DRIVERFILES; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,FindCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE:MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE_LOCAL,Machine); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL:MSG_FIND_TAIL_LOCAL,context.count,Machine); } } return failcode; }
int cmdDriverNodes(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
STATUS <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, dump drivernodes to stdout note that we only enumerate present devices
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
--*/ { GenericContext context; int failcode;
if(!argc) { return EXIT_USAGE; } if(Machine) { //
// must be local machine as we need to involve class/co installers (FIND_DRIVERNODES)
return EXIT_USAGE; }
context.count = 0; context.control = FIND_DEVICE | FIND_DRIVERNODES; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,FindCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE:MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE_LOCAL,Machine); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL:MSG_FIND_TAIL_LOCAL,context.count,Machine); } } return failcode; }
int cmdHwIds(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
HWIDS <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, dump hw/compat id's to stdout note that we only enumerate present devices
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
--*/ { GenericContext context; int failcode;
if(!argc) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
context.count = 0; context.control = FIND_DEVICE | FIND_HWIDS; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,FindCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE:MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE_LOCAL,Machine); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL:MSG_FIND_TAIL_LOCAL,context.count,Machine); } } return failcode; }
int cmdStack(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
STACK <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, dump device class and stack to stdout note that we only enumerate present devices
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
--*/ { GenericContext context; int failcode;
if(!argc) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
context.count = 0; context.control = FIND_DEVICE | FIND_CLASS | FIND_STACK; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,FindCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE:MSG_FIND_TAIL_NONE_LOCAL,Machine); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,Machine?MSG_FIND_TAIL:MSG_FIND_TAIL_LOCAL,context.count,Machine); } } return failcode; }
int ControlCallback(HDEVINFO Devs,PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DevInfo,DWORD Index,LPVOID Context) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback for use by Enable/Disable/Restart Invokes DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE with correct parameters uses SetupDiCallClassInstaller so cannot be done for remote devices Don't use CM_xxx API's, they bypass class/co-installers and this is bad.
In Enable case, we try global first, and if still disabled, enable local
Devs )_ uniquely identify the device DevInfo ) Index - index of device Context - GenericContext
Return Value:
--*/ { SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS pcp; GenericContext *pControlContext = (GenericContext*)Context; SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS devParams;
switch(pControlContext->control) { case DICS_ENABLE: //
// enable both on global and config-specific profile
// do global first and see if that succeeded in enabling the device
// (global enable doesn't mark reboot required if device is still
// disabled on current config whereas vice-versa isn't true)
pcp.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); pcp.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE; pcp.StateChange = pControlContext->control; pcp.Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL; pcp.HwProfile = 0; //
// don't worry if this fails, we'll get an error when we try config-
// specific.
if(SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(Devs,DevInfo,&pcp.ClassInstallHeader,sizeof(pcp))) { SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE,Devs,DevInfo); } //
// now enable on config-specific
pcp.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); pcp.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE; pcp.StateChange = pControlContext->control; pcp.Scope = DICS_FLAG_CONFIGSPECIFIC; pcp.HwProfile = 0; break;
default: //
// operate on config-specific profile
pcp.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); pcp.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE; pcp.StateChange = pControlContext->control; pcp.Scope = DICS_FLAG_CONFIGSPECIFIC; pcp.HwProfile = 0; break;
if(!SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(Devs,DevInfo,&pcp.ClassInstallHeader,sizeof(pcp)) || !SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE,Devs,DevInfo)) { //
// failed to invoke DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE
DumpDeviceWithInfo(Devs,DevInfo,pControlContext->strFail); } else { //
// see if device needs reboot
devParams.cbSize = sizeof(devParams); if(SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(Devs,DevInfo,&devParams) && (devParams.Flags & (DI_NEEDRESTART|DI_NEEDREBOOT))) { DumpDeviceWithInfo(Devs,DevInfo,pControlContext->strReboot); pControlContext->reboot = TRUE; } else { //
// appears to have succeeded
DumpDeviceWithInfo(Devs,DevInfo,pControlContext->strSuccess); } pControlContext->count++; } return EXIT_OK; }
int cmdEnable(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
ENABLE <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, attempt to enable global, and if needed, config specific
BaseName - name of executable Machine - must be NULL (local machine only) argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
EXIT_xxxx (EXIT_REBOOT if reboot is required)
--*/ { GenericContext context; TCHAR strEnable[80]; TCHAR strReboot[80]; TCHAR strFail[80]; int failcode = EXIT_FAIL;
if(!argc) { //
// arguments required
return EXIT_USAGE; } if(Machine) { //
// must be local machine as we need to involve class/co installers
return EXIT_USAGE; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_ENABLED,strEnable,ARRAYSIZE(strEnable))) { return EXIT_FAIL; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_ENABLED_REBOOT,strReboot,ARRAYSIZE(strReboot))) { return EXIT_FAIL; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_ENABLE_FAILED,strFail,ARRAYSIZE(strFail))) { return EXIT_FAIL; }
context.reboot = FALSE; context.count = 0; context.strReboot = strReboot; context.strSuccess = strEnable; context.strFail = strFail; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,ControlCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_ENABLE_TAIL_NONE); } else if(!context.reboot) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_ENABLE_TAIL,context.count); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_ENABLE_TAIL_REBOOT,context.count); failcode = EXIT_REBOOT; } } return failcode; }
int cmdDisable(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
DISABLE <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, attempt to disable global
BaseName - name of executable Machine - must be NULL (local machine only) argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
EXIT_xxxx (EXIT_REBOOT if reboot is required)
--*/ { GenericContext context; TCHAR strDisable[80]; TCHAR strReboot[80]; TCHAR strFail[80]; int failcode = EXIT_FAIL;
if(!argc) { //
// arguments required
return EXIT_USAGE; } if(Machine) { //
// must be local machine as we need to involve class/co installers
return EXIT_USAGE; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_DISABLED,strDisable,ARRAYSIZE(strDisable))) { return EXIT_FAIL; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_DISABLED_REBOOT,strReboot,ARRAYSIZE(strReboot))) { return EXIT_FAIL; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_DISABLE_FAILED,strFail,ARRAYSIZE(strFail))) { return EXIT_FAIL; }
context.reboot = FALSE; context.count = 0; context.strReboot = strReboot; context.strSuccess = strDisable; context.strFail = strFail; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,ControlCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_DISABLE_TAIL_NONE); } else if(!context.reboot) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_DISABLE_TAIL,context.count); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_DISABLE_TAIL_REBOOT,context.count); failcode = EXIT_REBOOT; } } return failcode; }
int cmdRestart(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
RESTART <id> ... use EnumerateDevices to do hardwareID matching for each match, attempt to restart by issueing a PROPCHANGE
BaseName - name of executable Machine - must be NULL (local machine only) argc/argv - remaining parameters - passed into EnumerateDevices
Return Value:
EXIT_xxxx (EXIT_REBOOT if reboot is required)
--*/ { GenericContext context; TCHAR strRestarted[80]; TCHAR strReboot[80]; TCHAR strFail[80]; int failcode = EXIT_FAIL;
if(!argc) { //
// arguments required
return EXIT_USAGE; } if(Machine) { //
// must be local machine as we need to involve class/co installers
return EXIT_USAGE; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_RESTARTED,strRestarted,ARRAYSIZE(strRestarted))) { return EXIT_FAIL; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_REQUIRES_REBOOT,strReboot,ARRAYSIZE(strReboot))) { return EXIT_FAIL; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_RESTART_FAILED,strFail,ARRAYSIZE(strFail))) { return EXIT_FAIL; }
context.control = DICS_PROPCHANGE; context.reboot = FALSE; context.count = 0; context.strReboot = strReboot; context.strSuccess = strRestarted; context.strFail = strFail; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,ControlCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_RESTART_TAIL_NONE); } else if(!context.reboot) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_RESTART_TAIL,context.count); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_RESTART_TAIL_REBOOT,context.count); failcode = EXIT_REBOOT; } } return failcode; }
int cmdReboot(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
REBOOT reboot local machine
BaseName - name of executable Machine - must be NULL (local machine only) argc/argv - remaining parameters - ignored
Return Value:
--*/ { if(Machine) { //
// must be local machine
return EXIT_USAGE; } FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_REBOOT); return Reboot() ? EXIT_OK : EXIT_FAIL; }
int cmdUpdate(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description: UPDATE update driver for existing device(s)
BaseName - name of executable Machine - machine name, must be NULL argc/argv - remaining parameters
Return Value:
--*/ { HMODULE newdevMod = NULL; int failcode = EXIT_FAIL; UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevicesProto UpdateFn; BOOL reboot = FALSE; LPCTSTR hwid = NULL; LPCTSTR inf = NULL; DWORD flags = 0; DWORD res; TCHAR InfPath[MAX_PATH];
if(Machine) { //
// must be local machine
return EXIT_USAGE; } if(argc<2) { //
// at least HWID required
return EXIT_USAGE; } inf = argv[0]; if(!inf[0]) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
hwid = argv[1]; if(!hwid[0]) { return EXIT_USAGE; } //
// Inf must be a full pathname
res = GetFullPathName(inf,MAX_PATH,InfPath,NULL); if((res >= MAX_PATH) || (res == 0)) { //
// inf pathname too long
return EXIT_FAIL; } if(GetFileAttributes(InfPath)==(DWORD)(-1)) { //
// inf doesn't exist
return EXIT_FAIL; } inf = InfPath; flags |= INSTALLFLAG_FORCE;
// make use of UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices
newdevMod = LoadLibrary(TEXT("newdev.dll")); if(!newdevMod) { goto final; } UpdateFn = (UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevicesProto)GetProcAddress(newdevMod,UPDATEDRIVERFORPLUGANDPLAYDEVICES); if(!UpdateFn) { goto final; }
FormatToStream(stdout,inf ? MSG_UPDATE_INF : MSG_UPDATE,hwid,inf);
if(!UpdateFn(NULL,hwid,inf,flags,&reboot)) { goto final; }
failcode = reboot ? EXIT_REBOOT : EXIT_OK;
if(newdevMod) { FreeLibrary(newdevMod); }
return failcode; }
int cmdInstall(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
INSTALL install a device manually
BaseName - name of executable Machine - machine name, must be NULL argc/argv - remaining parameters
Return Value:
--*/ { HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; GUID ClassGUID; TCHAR ClassName[MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN]; TCHAR hwIdList[LINE_LEN+4]; TCHAR InfPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD err; int failcode = EXIT_FAIL; BOOL reboot = FALSE; LPCTSTR hwid = NULL; LPCTSTR inf = NULL; DWORD flags = 0; DWORD len;
if(Machine) { //
// must be local machine
return EXIT_USAGE; } if(argc<2) { //
// at least HWID required
return EXIT_USAGE; } inf = argv[0]; if(!inf[0]) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
hwid = argv[1]; if(!hwid[0]) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
// Inf must be a full pathname
if(GetFullPathName(inf,MAX_PATH,InfPath,NULL) >= MAX_PATH) { //
// inf pathname too long
return EXIT_FAIL; }
// List of hardware ID's must be double zero-terminated
ZeroMemory(hwIdList,sizeof(hwIdList)); lstrcpyn(hwIdList,hwid,LINE_LEN);
// Use the INF File to extract the Class GUID.
if (!SetupDiGetINFClass(InfPath,&ClassGUID,ClassName,sizeof(ClassName)/sizeof(ClassName[0]),0)) { goto final; }
// Create the container for the to-be-created Device Information Element.
DeviceInfoSet = SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList(&ClassGUID,0); if(DeviceInfoSet == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto final; }
// Now create the element.
// Use the Class GUID and Name from the INF file.
DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); if (!SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoSet, ClassName, &ClassGUID, NULL, 0, DICD_GENERATE_ID, &DeviceInfoData)) { goto final; }
// Add the HardwareID to the Device's HardwareID property.
if(!SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, (LPBYTE)hwIdList, (lstrlen(hwIdList)+1+1)*sizeof(TCHAR))) { goto final; }
// Transform the registry element into an actual devnode
// in the PnP HW tree.
if (!SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_REGISTERDEVICE, DeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInfoData)) { goto final; }
FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_INSTALL_UPDATE); //
// update the driver for the device we just created
failcode = cmdUpdate(BaseName,Machine,argc,argv);
if (DeviceInfoSet != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(DeviceInfoSet); }
return failcode; }
int cmdUpdateNI(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description: UPDATE (non interactive version) update driver for existing device(s)
BaseName - name of executable Machine - machine name, must be NULL argc/argv - remaining parameters
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// turn off interactive mode while doing the update
HMODULE setupapiMod = NULL; SetupSetNonInteractiveModeProto SetNIFn; int res; BOOL prev;
setupapiMod = LoadLibrary(TEXT("setupapi.dll")); if(!setupapiMod) { return cmdUpdate(BaseName,Machine,argc,argv); } SetNIFn = (SetupSetNonInteractiveModeProto)GetProcAddress(setupapiMod,SETUPSETNONINTERACTIVEMODE); if(!SetNIFn) { FreeLibrary(setupapiMod); return cmdUpdate(BaseName,Machine,argc,argv); } prev = SetNIFn(TRUE); res = cmdUpdate(BaseName,Machine,argc,argv); SetNIFn(prev); FreeLibrary(setupapiMod); return res; }
int RemoveCallback(HDEVINFO Devs,PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DevInfo,DWORD Index,LPVOID Context) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback for use by Remove Invokes DIF_REMOVE uses SetupDiCallClassInstaller so cannot be done for remote devices Don't use CM_xxx API's, they bypass class/co-installers and this is bad.
Devs )_ uniquely identify the device DevInfo ) Index - index of device Context - GenericContext
Return Value:
--*/ { SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS rmdParams; GenericContext *pControlContext = (GenericContext*)Context; SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS devParams; LPCTSTR action = NULL;
// need hardware ID before trying to remove, as we wont have it after
devInfoListDetail.cbSize = sizeof(devInfoListDetail); if((!SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail(Devs,&devInfoListDetail)) || (CM_Get_Device_ID_Ex(DevInfo->DevInst,devID,MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN,0,devInfoListDetail.RemoteMachineHandle)!=CR_SUCCESS)) { //
// skip this
return EXIT_OK; }
rmdParams.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); rmdParams.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction = DIF_REMOVE; rmdParams.Scope = DI_REMOVEDEVICE_GLOBAL; rmdParams.HwProfile = 0; if(!SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(Devs,DevInfo,&rmdParams.ClassInstallHeader,sizeof(rmdParams)) || !SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_REMOVE,Devs,DevInfo)) { //
// failed to invoke DIF_REMOVE
action = pControlContext->strFail; } else { //
// see if device needs reboot
devParams.cbSize = sizeof(devParams); if(SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(Devs,DevInfo,&devParams) && (devParams.Flags & (DI_NEEDRESTART|DI_NEEDREBOOT))) { //
// reboot required
action = pControlContext->strReboot; pControlContext->reboot = TRUE; } else { //
// appears to have succeeded
action = pControlContext->strSuccess; } pControlContext->count++; } _tprintf(TEXT("%-60s: %s\n"),devID,action);
return EXIT_OK; }
int cmdRemove(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
REMOVE remove devices
BaseName - name of executable Machine - machine name, must be NULL argc/argv - remaining parameters
Return Value:
--*/ { GenericContext context; TCHAR strRemove[80]; TCHAR strReboot[80]; TCHAR strFail[80]; int failcode = EXIT_FAIL;
if(!argc) { //
// arguments required
return EXIT_USAGE; } if(Machine) { //
// must be local machine as we need to involve class/co installers
return EXIT_USAGE; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_REMOVED,strRemove,ARRAYSIZE(strRemove))) { return EXIT_FAIL; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_REMOVED_REBOOT,strReboot,ARRAYSIZE(strReboot))) { return EXIT_FAIL; } if(!LoadString(NULL,IDS_REMOVE_FAILED,strFail,ARRAYSIZE(strFail))) { return EXIT_FAIL; }
context.reboot = FALSE; context.count = 0; context.strReboot = strReboot; context.strSuccess = strRemove; context.strFail = strFail; failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,RemoveCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(!context.count) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_REMOVE_TAIL_NONE); } else if(!context.reboot) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_REMOVE_TAIL,context.count); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_REMOVE_TAIL_REBOOT,context.count); failcode = EXIT_REBOOT; } } return failcode; }
int cmdRescan(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
RESCAN rescan for new devices
BaseName - name of executable Machine - machine name, must be NULL argc/argv - remaining parameters
Return Value:
--*/ {
// reenumerate from the root of the devnode tree
// totally CM based
int failcode = EXIT_FAIL; HMACHINE machineHandle = NULL; DEVINST devRoot;
if(Machine) { if(CM_Connect_Machine(Machine,&machineHandle) != CR_SUCCESS) { return failcode; } }
if(CM_Locate_DevNode_Ex(&devRoot,NULL,CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_NORMAL,machineHandle) != CR_SUCCESS) { goto final; }
FormatToStream(stdout,Machine ? MSG_RESCAN : MSG_RESCAN_LOCAL);
if(CM_Reenumerate_DevNode_Ex(devRoot, 0, machineHandle) != CR_SUCCESS) { goto final; }
failcode = EXIT_OK;
final: if(machineHandle) { CM_Disconnect_Machine(machineHandle); }
return failcode; }
int cmdClassFilter(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
CLASSFILTER <name> <type> <subcmds> Allows tweaking of class filters Useful for filter driver development and for Product Support
<subcmds> is a list of the following: @service - sets 'after' to the first match of service after 'after' (reset to -1 after any other command) !service - deletes first match of 'service' after 'after' -service - insert new service directly prior to 'after', or at start +service - insert new service directly after 'after', or at end
if no <subcmds> given, list the services
BaseName - name of executable Machine - if non-NULL, remote machine argc/argv - remaining parameters - list of class names
Return Value:
--*/ { int failcode = EXIT_FAIL; int argIndex; DWORD numGuids; GUID guid; LPTSTR regval = NULL; HKEY hk = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LPTSTR * multiVal = NULL; int after; bool modified = false; int span; SC_HANDLE SCMHandle = NULL; SC_HANDLE ServHandle = NULL;
if((argc<2) || !argv[0][0]) { return EXIT_USAGE; }
// just take the first guid for the name
if(!SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameEx(argv[0],&guid,1,&numGuids,Machine,NULL)) { if(GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { goto final; } } if(numGuids == 0) { goto final; } if(_tcsicmp(argv[1],TEXT("upper"))==0) { regval = REGSTR_VAL_UPPERFILTERS; } else if(_tcsicmp(argv[1],TEXT("lower"))==0) { regval = REGSTR_VAL_LOWERFILTERS; } else { failcode = EXIT_USAGE; goto final; }
hk = SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyEx(&guid, KEY_READ | (argc>2 ? KEY_WRITE : 0), DIOCR_INSTALLER, Machine, NULL ); if(hk == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto final; } multiVal = GetRegMultiSz(hk,regval);
if(argc<=2) { //
// just display
FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_CLASSFILTER_UNCHANGED); DumpArray(1,multiVal); failcode = EXIT_OK; goto final; } after = -1; // for the @service expressions
span = 1;
if(!multiVal) { multiVal = CopyMultiSz(NULL); if(!multiVal) { goto final; } }
for(argIndex=2;argIndex<argc;argIndex++) { if((argv[argIndex] == NULL) || (!argv[argIndex])) { failcode = EXIT_USAGE; break; }
int op = argv[argIndex][0]; LPTSTR serv = argv[argIndex]+1; int mark = 0; int cnt; int ent; LPTSTR * tmpArray;
if(op == TEXT('=')) { after = -1; span = 1; op = serv[0]; if(!op) { continue; } serv++; }
if(!serv[0]) { failcode = EXIT_USAGE; goto final; }
if((op == TEXT('@')) || (op == TEXT('!'))) { //
// need to find specified service in list
for(after+=span;multiVal[after];after++) { if(_tcsicmp(multiVal[after],serv)==0) { break; } } if(!multiVal[after]) { goto final; } if(op == TEXT('@')) { //
// all we needed to do for '@'
span = 1; // span of 1
continue; } //
// we're modifying
int c; for(c = after;multiVal[c];c++) { multiVal[c] = multiVal[c+1]; } LPTSTR * newArray = CopyMultiSz(multiVal); if(!newArray) { goto final; } DelMultiSz(multiVal); multiVal = newArray; span = 0; // span of 0 (deleted)
modified = true; continue; }
if(op == '+') { //
// insert after
if(after<0) { int c; for(c = 0;multiVal[c];c++) { // nothing
} mark = c; } else { mark = after+span; } } else if(op == '-') { //
// insert before
if(after<0) { mark = 0; } else { mark = after; } } else { //
// not valid
failcode = EXIT_USAGE; goto final; } //
// sanity - see if service exists
if(!(SCMHandle = OpenSCManager(Machine, NULL, GENERIC_READ))) { goto final; } ServHandle = OpenService(SCMHandle,serv,GENERIC_READ); if(ServHandle) { CloseServiceHandle(ServHandle); } CloseServiceHandle(SCMHandle); if(!ServHandle) { goto final; }
// need an array a little bigger
for(cnt = 0;multiVal[cnt];cnt++) { // nothing
tmpArray = new LPTSTR[cnt+2]; if(!tmpArray) { goto final; } for(ent=0;ent<mark;ent++) { tmpArray[ent] = multiVal[ent]; } tmpArray[ent] = serv; for(;ent<cnt;ent++) { tmpArray[ent+1] = multiVal[ent]; } tmpArray[ent+1] = NULL; LPTSTR * newArray = CopyMultiSz(tmpArray); delete [] tmpArray; if(!newArray) { goto final; } DelMultiSz(multiVal); multiVal = newArray; modified = true; span = 1; after = mark; }
if(modified) { if(multiVal[0]) { int len = 0; LPTSTR multiSz = multiVal[-1]; LPTSTR p = multiSz; while(*p) { p+=lstrlen(p)+1; } p++; // skip past null
len = (p-multiSz)*sizeof(TCHAR); LONG err = RegSetValueEx(hk,regval,0,REG_MULTI_SZ,(LPBYTE)multiSz,len); if(err==NO_ERROR) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_CLASSFILTER_CHANGED); DumpArray(1,multiVal); failcode = EXIT_REBOOT; } } else { LONG err = RegDeleteValue(hk,regval); if((err == NO_ERROR) || (err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_CLASSFILTER_CHANGED); failcode = EXIT_REBOOT; } } } else { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_CLASSFILTER_UNCHANGED); DumpArray(1,multiVal); failcode = EXIT_OK; }
if(multiVal) { DelMultiSz(multiVal); } if(hk != (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { RegCloseKey(hk); }
return failcode; }
int SetHwidCallback(HDEVINFO Devs,PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DevInfo,DWORD Index,LPVOID Context) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback for use by SetHwid
Devs )_ uniquely identify the device DevInfo ) Index - index of device Context - SetHwidContext
Return Value:
--*/ { SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS rmdParams; SetHwidContext *pControlContext = (SetHwidContext*)Context; SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS devParams; ULONG status; ULONG problem; LPTSTR * hwlist = NULL; bool modified = false; int result = EXIT_FAIL;
// processes the sub-commands on each callback
// not most efficient way of doing things, but perf isn't important
devInfoListDetail.cbSize = sizeof(devInfoListDetail); if((!SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail(Devs,&devInfoListDetail)) || (CM_Get_Device_ID_Ex(DevInfo->DevInst,devID,MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN,0,devInfoListDetail.RemoteMachineHandle)!=CR_SUCCESS) || (CM_Get_DevNode_Status_Ex(&status,&problem,DevInfo->DevInst,0,devInfoListDetail.RemoteMachineHandle)!=CR_SUCCESS)) { //
// skip this
return EXIT_OK; } //
// this is how to verify it's root enumerated
if(!(status & DN_ROOT_ENUMERATED)) { _tprintf(TEXT("%-60s: "),devID); FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_SETHWID_NOTROOT); pControlContext->skipped++; return EXIT_OK; } hwlist = GetDevMultiSz(Devs,DevInfo,pControlContext->prop); if(hwlist == NULL) { hwlist = CopyMultiSz(NULL); if(hwlist == NULL) { return EXIT_FAIL; } }
// modify hwid list (only relevent for root-enumerated devices)
int i; int mark = -1;
for(i=0;i<pControlContext->argc_right;i++) { LPTSTR op = pControlContext->argv_right[i]; if(op[0] == TEXT('=')) { //
// clear the hwid list first
hwlist[0] = NULL; mark = 0; op++; } else if(op[0] == TEXT('+')) { //
// insert as better match
mark = 0; op++; } else if(op[0] == TEXT('-')) { //
// insert as worse match
mark = -1; op++; } else if(op[0] == TEXT('!')) { //
// delete
mark = -2; op++; } else { //
// treat as a hardware id
} if(!*op) { result = EXIT_USAGE; goto final; } int cnt; for(cnt = 0;hwlist[cnt];cnt++) { // nothing
} if((mark == -1) || (mark>cnt)) { mark = cnt; } LPTSTR * tmpArray = new LPTSTR[cnt+2]; if(!tmpArray) { goto final; } int dst = 0; int ent; for(ent=0;ent<mark;ent++) { if(_tcsicmp(hwlist[ent],op)==0) { continue; } tmpArray[dst++] = hwlist[ent]; } if(mark>=0) { tmpArray[dst++] = op; } for(;ent<cnt;ent++) { if(_tcsicmp(hwlist[ent],op)==0) { continue; } tmpArray[dst++] = hwlist[ent]; } tmpArray[dst] = NULL; LPTSTR * newArray = CopyMultiSz(tmpArray); delete [] tmpArray; if(!newArray) { goto final; } DelMultiSz(hwlist); hwlist = newArray; modified = true; mark++; }
// re-set the hwid list
if(modified) { if(hwlist[0]) { int len = 0; LPTSTR multiSz = hwlist[-1]; LPTSTR p = multiSz; while(*p) { p+=lstrlen(p)+1; } p++; // skip past final null
len = (p-multiSz)*sizeof(TCHAR); if(!SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(Devs, DevInfo, pControlContext->prop, (LPBYTE)multiSz, len)) { result = EXIT_FAIL; goto final; } } else { //
// delete list
if(!SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(Devs, DevInfo, pControlContext->prop, NULL, 0)) { result = EXIT_FAIL; goto final; } } } result = EXIT_OK; pControlContext->modified++; _tprintf(TEXT("%-60s: "),devID); for(mark=0;hwlist[mark];mark++) { if(mark > 0) { _tprintf(TEXT(",")); } _tprintf(TEXT("%s"),hwlist[mark]); } _tprintf(TEXT("\n"));
// cleanup
if(hwlist) { DelMultiSz(hwlist); }
return result; }
int cmdSetHwid(LPCTSTR BaseName,LPCTSTR Machine,int argc,TCHAR* argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
SETHWID changes the hardware ID's of the listed root-enumerated devices This demonstrates how to differentiate between root-enumerated and non root-enumerated devices. It also demonstrates how to get/set hardware ID's of root-enumerated devices.
BaseName - name of executable Machine - machine name, must be NULL argc/argv - remaining parameters
Return Value:
--*/ { SetHwidContext context; int failcode = EXIT_FAIL;
if(!SplitCommandLine(argc,argv,context.argc_right,context.argv_right) || (argc == 0) || (context.argc_right == 0)) { //
// arguments required both left and right of ':='
return EXIT_USAGE; } context.skipped = 0; context.modified = 0; context.prop = SPDRP_HARDWAREID;
failcode = EnumerateDevices(BaseName,Machine,DIGCF_PRESENT,argc,argv,SetHwidCallback,&context);
if(failcode == EXIT_OK) {
if(context.skipped) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_SETHWID_TAIL_SKIPPED,context.skipped,context.modified); } else if(context.modified) { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_SETHWID_TAIL_MODIFIED,context.modified); } else { FormatToStream(stdout,MSG_SETHWID_TAIL_NONE); } } return failcode; }
DispatchEntry DispatchTable[] = { { TEXT("classfilter"), cmdClassFilter, MSG_CLASSFILTER_SHORT, MSG_CLASSFILTER_LONG }, { TEXT("classes"), cmdClasses, MSG_CLASSES_SHORT, MSG_CLASSES_LONG }, { TEXT("disable"), cmdDisable, MSG_DISABLE_SHORT, MSG_DISABLE_LONG }, { TEXT("driverfiles"), cmdDriverFiles, MSG_DRIVERFILES_SHORT, MSG_DRIVERFILES_LONG }, { TEXT("drivernodes"), cmdDriverNodes, MSG_DRIVERNODES_SHORT, MSG_DRIVERNODES_LONG }, { TEXT("enable"), cmdEnable, MSG_ENABLE_SHORT, MSG_ENABLE_LONG }, { TEXT("find"), cmdFind, MSG_FIND_SHORT, MSG_FIND_LONG }, { TEXT("findall"), cmdFindAll, MSG_FINDALL_SHORT, MSG_FINDALL_LONG }, { TEXT("help"), cmdHelp, MSG_HELP_SHORT, 0 }, { TEXT("hwids"), cmdHwIds, MSG_HWIDS_SHORT, MSG_HWIDS_LONG }, { TEXT("install"), cmdInstall, MSG_INSTALL_SHORT, MSG_INSTALL_LONG }, { TEXT("listclass"), cmdListClass, MSG_LISTCLASS_SHORT, MSG_LISTCLASS_LONG }, { TEXT("reboot"), cmdReboot, MSG_REBOOT_SHORT, MSG_REBOOT_LONG }, { TEXT("remove"), cmdRemove, MSG_REMOVE_SHORT, MSG_REMOVE_LONG }, { TEXT("rescan"), cmdRescan, MSG_RESCAN_SHORT, MSG_RESCAN_LONG }, { TEXT("resources"), cmdResources, MSG_RESOURCES_SHORT, MSG_RESOURCES_LONG }, { TEXT("restart"), cmdRestart, MSG_RESTART_SHORT, MSG_RESTART_LONG }, { TEXT("sethwid"), cmdSetHwid, MSG_SETHWID_SHORT, MSG_SETHWID_LONG }, { TEXT("stack"), cmdStack, MSG_STACK_SHORT, MSG_STACK_LONG }, { TEXT("status"), cmdStatus, MSG_STATUS_SHORT, MSG_STATUS_LONG }, { TEXT("update"), cmdUpdate, MSG_UPDATE_SHORT, MSG_UPDATE_LONG }, { TEXT("updateni"), cmdUpdateNI, MSG_UPDATENI_SHORT, MSG_UPDATENI_LONG }, { TEXT("?"), cmdHelp, 0, 0 }, { NULL,NULL } };