Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
For Internal use only!
Module Name:
INFSCAN installscan.cpp
Individual install section scanner class main entry point InfScan::ScanInstallSection
WARNING! WARNING! All of this implementation relies on intimate knowledge of SetupAPI's SETUPAPI!SetupInstallFromInfSection It is re-implemented here for speed due to having to process 700+ INF's in a single go at the cost of having to maintain this.
DO NOT (I repeat) DO NOT re-implement the code here without consultation with SetupAPI owner.
Created July 2001 - JamieHun
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
InstallScan::InstallScan() /*++
Routine Description:
--*/ { pGlobalScan = NULL; pInfScan = NULL; PlatformMask = 0; pTargetDirectory = NULL; NotDeviceInstall = false; HasDependentFileChanged = false; }
InstallScan::~InstallScan() /*++
Routine Description:
Cleanup allocated data/handles
--*/ { }
void InstallScan::AddHWIDs(const StringSet & hwids) /*++
Routine Description:
Add to list of HWIDs effected by this section
--*/ { StringSet::iterator i; for(i = hwids.begin(); i != hwids.end(); i++) { HWIDs.insert(*i); } }
void InstallScan::GetHWIDs(StringSet & hwids) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieve list of HWIDs effected by this section
--*/ { StringSet::iterator i; for(i = HWIDs.begin(); i != HWIDs.end(); i++) { hwids.insert(*i); } }
int InstallScan::ScanInstallSection() /*++
Routine Description:
Main entry point for processing an install section
WARNING! tightly coupled with SetupAPI implementation that could change MAINTAINANCE: keep this in step with supported Needs/nesting syntax MAINTAINANCE: keep in step with install processing
Arguments: NONE
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { int res;
// prime initial list of search INF's
int count = 1; // no more than 1
res = RecurseKeyword(Section,TEXT("Include"),IncludeCallback,count); if(res != 0) { return res; } if(count<0) { Fail(MSG_MULTIPLE_INCLUDE,Section); } else if(Pedantic() && (count<1)) { Fail(MSG_INCLUDE,Section); }
count = 1; // no more than 1
res = RecurseKeyword(Section,TEXT("Needs"),NeedsCallback,count); if(res != 0) { return res; } if(count<0) { Fail(MSG_MULTIPLE_NEEDS,Section); } else if(Pedantic() && (count<1)) { Fail(MSG_NEEDS,Section); }
return CheckInstallSubSection(Section); }
int InstallScan::RecurseKeyword(const SafeString & sect,const SafeString & keyword,RecurseKeywordCallback callback,int & count) /*++
Routine Description:
Section parsing workhorse WARNING! Uses knowledge about how SetupAPI searches INF lists, could change MAINTAINANCE: Keep search algorithm in step with SetupAPI see aslo QuerySourceFile, GetLineCount and DoesSectionExist
given keyword = val[,val...] each value is converted to lower-case and callback is called with information about what inf/section the value is in.
Arguments: sect - name of section to search keyword - name of keyword callback - callback function for each hit count - must be initialized to max # of callbacks to invoke - returns -1 if there are more entries than wanted
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { INFCONTEXT context; int res; int i; SafeString value;
// we didn't call SetupOpenAppendInf for any INF's, so instead
// enumerate all "included inf's" using our view of the world
// this allows us to reset our view for each install section
// to validate include/needs processing
ParseInfContextList::iterator AnInf; for(AnInf = InfSearchList.begin(); AnInf != InfSearchList.end(); AnInf++) { ParseInfContextBlob & TheInf = *AnInf; if(TheInf->InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// a fail-loaded inf
continue; } if(!SetupFindFirstLine(TheInf->InfHandle,sect.c_str(),keyword.c_str(),&context)) { //
// can't find (keyword in) section in this inf
continue; }
do { if(count>=0) { count--; if(count<0) { return 0; } } for(i=1;MyGetStringField(&context,i,value);i++) { res = (this->*callback)(TheInf,sect,keyword,value); if(res != 0) { return res; } }
} while (SetupFindNextMatchLine(&context,keyword.c_str(),&context)); }
return 0; }
int InstallScan::IncludeCallback(ParseInfContextBlob & TheInf,const SafeString & sect,const SafeString & keyword,const SafeString & val) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback for "INCLUDE" processing Add INF to the search-list
MAINTAINANCE: keep this in step with supported Include/nesting syntax
Arguments: TheInf - INF that the include was found in sect - section that the include was found in keyword - "INCLUDE" val - name of INF to include
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { if(!val.length()) { return 0; }
// simply 'append' the INF
return Include(val); }
int InstallScan::NeedsCallback(ParseInfContextBlob & TheInf,const SafeString & sect,const SafeString & keyword,const SafeString & val) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback for "NEEDS" processing process the specified needed section
MAINTAINANCE: keep this in step with supported Needs/nesting syntax
Arguments: TheInf - INF that the needs was found in sect - section that the needs was found in keyword - "NEEDS" val - name of section to process
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { if(!val.length()) { return 0; }
INFCONTEXT context; //
// concerning if section doesn't exist
if(!DoesSectionExist(val)) { Fail(MSG_NEEDS_NOSECT,sect,val); return 0; }
// catch recursive includes/needs
// set want-count to zero so we don't actually recurse
// (we need to use RecurseKeyword to ensure correct searching)
int res; int count = 0; // no more than zero (query)
res = RecurseKeyword(val,TEXT("Include"),IncludeCallback,count); if(res != 0) { return res; } if(count<0) { Fail(MSG_RECURSIVE_INCLUDE,sect,val); }
count = 0; // no more than zero (query)
res = RecurseKeyword(val,TEXT("Needs"),NeedsCallback,count); if(res != 0) { return res; } if(count<0) { Fail(MSG_RECURSIVE_NEEDS,sect,val); }
return CheckInstallSubSection(val); }
int InstallScan::CheckInstallSubSection(const SafeString & section) /*++
Routine Description:
Effectively SetupInstallInfSection Processed for primary and each needed section
WARNING! tightly coupled with SetupAPI implementation that could change MAINTAINANCE: keep in step with install processing
Arguments: NONE
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { int res;
res = CheckCopyFiles(section); if(res != 0) { return res; } return 0; }
int InstallScan::CheckCopyFiles(const SafeString & section) /*++
Routine Description:
Process CopyFiles entries in install section
WARNING! tightly coupled with SetupAPI implementation that could change MAINTAINANCE: keep in step with CopyFiles processing
Arguments: section - section to check for CopyFiles= entries
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { //
// enumerate all CopyFiles entries in this section
int count = -1; // there can be any # of CopyFiles keywords in a section
return RecurseKeyword(section,TEXT("CopyFiles"),CopyFilesCallback,count); }
int InstallScan::CopyFilesCallback(ParseInfContextBlob & TheInf,const SafeString & section,const SafeString & keyword,const SafeString & val) /*++
Routine Description:
Process CopyFiles entries in install section (callback)
WARNING! tightly coupled with SetupAPI implementation that could change MAINTAINANCE: keep in step with CopyFiles processing MAINTAINANCE: keep in step with CopyFiles section syntax MAINTAINANCE: keep in step with DestinationDirs section syntax
Arguments: TheInf - INF that the needs was found in sect - section that the needs was found in keyword - "CopyFiles" val - section or @file
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { if(!val.length()) { return 0; } //
// a single copy-files section entry
INFCONTEXT context; int res; bool FoundAny = false;
if(val[0] == TEXT('@')) { //
// immediate copy, use default target as specified in context inf
SafeString source = val.substr(1); return CheckSingleCopyFile(TheInf,TheInf->GetDefaultTargetDirectory(),source,source,section); } //
// interpret as a section, we need to enumerate through all the INF's
// that have this particular copy section
ParseInfContextList::iterator AnInf; for(AnInf = InfSearchList.begin(); AnInf != InfSearchList.end(); AnInf++) { ParseInfContextBlob & TheCopyInf = *AnInf; if(TheCopyInf->InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// a fail-loaded inf
continue; } DWORD flgs = TheCopyInf->DoingCopySection(val,PlatformMask); if(flgs!=0) { //
// we have already done this copy section in this INF
if(flgs != (DWORD)(-1)) { FoundAny = true; if(flgs & PLATFORM_MASK_MODIFIEDFILES) { //
// hint that one of the files in this copy section
// was determined to be modified
HasDependentFileChanged = true; } } continue; } //
// section contains multiple copy-files
if(!SetupFindFirstLine(TheCopyInf->InfHandle,val.c_str(),NULL,&context)) { if(SetupGetLineCount(TheCopyInf->InfHandle, val.c_str()) != 0) { //
// make a note that this inf doesn't have this copy section
TheCopyInf->NoCopySection(val); } else { FoundAny = true; } continue; }
// we've found copy section inside TheCopyInf that we haven't
// previously processed for this platform
FoundAny = true;
// determine target directory for this copy section
// this must be in same inf as copy section
TargetDirectoryEntry *pTargDir = TheCopyInf->GetTargetDirectory(val);
SafeString target; SafeString source; //
// enumerate through each <desc> = <install>
do { //
// each line consists of <target>[,<src>]
if(!MyGetStringField(&context,1,target) || !target.length()) { continue; } if(!MyGetStringField(&context,2,source) || !source.length()) { source = target; } //
// source/target always in lower-case to aid comparisons
res = CheckSingleCopyFile(TheCopyInf,pTargDir,target,source,val); if(res != 0) { return res; }
} while(SetupFindNextLine(&context,&context));
} if(!FoundAny) { Fail(MSG_MISSING_COPY_SECTION,val,section); }
return 0; }
int InstallScan::CheckSingleCopyFile(ParseInfContextBlob & TheInf,TargetDirectoryEntry *pTargDir,const SafeString & target,const SafeString & source,const SafeString & section) /*++
Routine Description:
Process a single CopyFile entry (either immediate or not)
WARNING! tightly coupled with SetupAPI implementation that could change MAINTAINANCE: keep in step with CopyFiles processing MAINTAINANCE: keep in step with CopyFiles section syntax
Arguments: TheInf - Inf that the copy section is in pTargDir - relevent target directory entry for this copy target - name of target file source - name of source file section - name of copyfiles section, or of install section
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { if(!target.length()) { return 0; } if(!source.length()) { return 0; } //
// this is a single copy target/source entry
// need to lookup file in SourceDisksFiles
// for matching platform
// for each file, need to
// (1) queue source name
// (2) textmode & guimode validate target
SourceDisksFilesList sources; int res = QuerySourceFile(TheInf,section,source,sources); if(res != 0) { return res; } if(!sources.size()) { return 0; }
SafeString destdir; if(pGlobalScan->TargetsToo) { int IsDriverFile = NotDeviceInstall ? 0 : 1; if(IsDriverFile) { //
// make a special note that we determined at least once that this is a driver file
// wrt this primary INF
// (this saves us reporting that file is and is not a driver file for a given inf)
pInfScan->DriverSourceCheck.insert(source); } else if(pInfScan->DriverSourceCheck.find(source) != pInfScan->DriverSourceCheck.end()) { IsDriverFile = 1; // we found this to be a driver fill during driver pass
} //
// we want a more detailed output for further analysis
// or import into database
basic_ostringstream<TCHAR> line; //
// source name
line << QuoteIt(source); //
// target location
if(pTargDir) { line << TEXT(",") << pTargDir->DirId << TEXT(",") << QuoteIt(pTargDir->SubDir); } else { line << TEXT(",,"); } //
// final name and if this appears to be a driver file or not
line << TEXT(",") << QuoteIt(target) << TEXT(",") << (NotDeviceInstall ? TEXT("0") : TEXT("1")); //
// report primary INF
line << TEXT(",") << QuoteIt(GetFileNamePart(pInfScan->PrimaryInf->InfName)); if(!IsDriverFile) { //
// if this doesn't appear to be a driver file, report install section
line << TEXT(",") << QuoteIt(Section); } pInfScan->SourceFiles.push_back(line.str()); } else { //
// just source will do
pInfScan->SourceFiles.push_back(source); } if((pGlobalScan->BuildChangedDevices & BUILD_CHANGED_DEVICES_DEPCHANGED) && !pInfScan->HasDependentFileChanged && pGlobalScan->IsFileChanged(source)) { HasDependentFileChanged = true; //
// since we only do a copy section once, we need to make the copy section
// 'dirty' so next time we reference section out of here
TheInf->DoingCopySection(section,PLATFORM_MASK_MODIFIEDFILES); } if(pGlobalScan->IgnoreErrors) { //
// if not interested in checking errors
// we're done
return 0; }
SourceDisksFilesList::iterator i; for(i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); i++) { i->Used = true; if((i->UpgradeDisposition != 3) || (i->TextModeDisposition != 3)) { //
// need to do a consistency check
if(!pTargDir) { //
// error already reported (?)
continue; } if(pTargDir->DirId != 10) { //
// DirId should be 10 or normalized off 10
Fail(MSG_TEXTMODE_TARGET_MISMATCH,section,source); continue; } if(!i->TargetDirectory) { //
// error already reported
continue; } IntToString::iterator gd = pGlobalScan->GlobalDirectories.find(i->TargetDirectory); if(gd == pGlobalScan->GlobalDirectories.end()) { //
// no textmode subdir for specified dir
Fail(MSG_TEXTMODE_TARGET_UNKNOWN,section,source); continue; } SafeString gm_target = PathConcat(pTargDir->SubDir,target); SafeString tm_target = PathConcat(gd->second,i->TargetName.length() ? i->TargetName : source); if(gm_target.compare(tm_target)!=0) { Fail(MSG_TEXTMODE_TARGET_MISMATCH,section,source); continue; } //
// get here, user-mode and text-mode match
} }
return 0; }
int InstallScan::Include(const SafeString & name) /*++
Routine Description:
Process a single Include entry
WARNING! tightly coupled with SetupAPI implementation that could change MAINTAINANCE: keep in step with INCLUDE processing
Arguments: name - argument passed into INCLUDE
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { //
// nested include
if(Included.find(name) == Included.end()) { //
// first time this install section has come across this file
Included.insert(name); // so we don't try to re-load
ParseInfContextBlob & ThisInf = pInfScan->Include(name,true); InfSearchList.push_back(ThisInf); } return 0; }
int InstallScan::Layouts() /*++
Routine Description:
Prime search list with primary inf and list of layout files
WARNING! tightly coupled with SetupAPI implementation that could change MAINTAINANCE: keep in step with LAYOUT processing DISCREPENCY: layout files list currently limited to layout.inf
Arguments: NONE
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { //
// start the search list with the default inf
Included.insert(pInfScan->PrimaryInf->InfName); InfSearchList.push_back(pInfScan->PrimaryInf); //
// start the search list with layout inf's
// we can do this with pGlobalScan as the data is readable but not modified
// there is an interlocked dependency on multi-processors
ParseInfContextList::iterator i; for(i = pGlobalScan->LayoutInfs.begin(); i != pGlobalScan->LayoutInfs.end(); i++) { Included.insert((*i)->InfName); // so we don't try to re-load
InfSearchList.push_back(*i); // interlocked dependency
} return 0; }
int InstallScan::QuerySourceFile(ParseInfContextBlob & TheInf,const SafeString & section,const SafeString & source,SourceDisksFilesList & Target) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine list of possible source entries for given source file This can be zero (bad layout) 1 (typical) >1 (multiple targets)
Arguments: TheInf - INF of the copy section, or install section section - name of the copy section or install section (for error reporting only) source - name of source file Target - returned list of source media information
Return Value: 0 on success
--*/ { int res =0; Target.clear(); //
// return list of entries matching source file
DWORD platforms = pGlobalScan->Version.PlatformMask & PlatformMask & (PLATFORM_MASK_NT|PLATFORM_MASK_WIN);
// attempt to search within context of specified inf
res = TheInf->QuerySourceFile(platforms,section,source,Target); if(res != 0) { if(res<0) { //
// non-fatal
res = 0; } return res; } if(Target.empty()) { //
// now attempt to search within context of any inf's
ParseInfContextList::iterator AnInf; for(AnInf = InfSearchList.begin(); AnInf != InfSearchList.end(); AnInf++) { ParseInfContextBlob & TheLayoutInf = *AnInf; if(TheLayoutInf->InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// a fail-loaded inf
continue; } res = TheLayoutInf->QuerySourceFile(platforms,section,source,Target); if(res != 0) { if(res<0) { //
// non-fatal
res = 0; } return res; } if(!Target.empty()) { //
// found a hit
break; } } } if(Target.empty()) { //
// not found
Fail(MSG_SOURCE_NOT_LISTED,section,source); return 0; }
return 0; }
LONG InstallScan::GetLineCount(const SafeString & section) /*++
Routine Description:
Simulates SetupGetLineCount WARNING! Uses knowledge about how SetupAPI searches INF lists, could change MAINTAINANCE: Keep search algorithm in step with SetupAPI reference RecurseKeyword
Arguments: section - name of section to count
Return Value: # of lines or -1 if no sections found
--*/ { INFCONTEXT context; int res; int i; SafeString value; LONG count = -1;
ParseInfContextList::iterator AnInf; for(AnInf = InfSearchList.begin(); AnInf != InfSearchList.end(); AnInf++) { ParseInfContextBlob & TheInf = *AnInf; if(TheInf->InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// a fail-loaded inf
continue; }
LONG actcount = SetupGetLineCount(TheInf->InfHandle,section.c_str()); if(actcount >= 0) { if(count<=0) { count = actcount; } else { count += actcount; } } }
return 0;
bool InstallScan::DoesSectionExist(const SafeString & section) /*++
Routine Description:
Optimally simulates "SetupGetLineCount()>=0"
WARNING! Uses knowledge about how SetupAPI searches INF lists, could change MAINTAINANCE: Keep search algorithm in step with SetupAPI reference SetupGetLineCount and RecurseKeyword
Arguments: section - name of section to count
Return Value: true if named section exists
--*/ { //
// optimized version of (GetLineCount(section)>=0)
INFCONTEXT context; int res; int i; SafeString value;
ParseInfContextList::iterator AnInf; for(AnInf = InfSearchList.begin(); AnInf != InfSearchList.end(); AnInf++) { ParseInfContextBlob & TheInf = *AnInf; if(TheInf->InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// a fail-loaded inf
continue; }
LONG actcount = SetupGetLineCount(TheInf->InfHandle,section.c_str()); if(actcount >= 0) { return true; } }
return false;