Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
INFSCAN safestring.h
Define SafeString<> template SafeString is our alternative to basic_string as basic_string is not thread-safe a basic_string can be obtained from SafeString and vice-versa
Created July 2001 - JamieHun
#include <string>
template<class _E, class _Tr = std::char_traits<_E> > class SafeString_ {
typedef SafeString_<_E, _Tr> _Myt; _E* pData; size_t nLen;
// safe ref-counting
long & RefCount(_E* p) { return reinterpret_cast<long*>(p)[-1]; } void IncRef(_E* p) { if(p) { InterlockedIncrement(&RefCount(p)); } } void DecRef(_E* p) { if(p && (InterlockedDecrement(&RefCount(p))==0)) { //
// if this is the final release, delete
FreeString(p); } } _E* AllocString(size_t len) { //
// allocate enough data for the refcount, the data
// and terminating NULL
// return pointer to data part
LPBYTE data = new BYTE[((len+1)*sizeof(_E)+sizeof(long))]; return reinterpret_cast<_E*>(data+sizeof(long)); } void FreeString(_E* p) { if(p) { //
// translate to actual allocated data and delete
delete [] (reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(p)-sizeof(long)); } }
void Erase() { //
// release data (final release deletes)
DecRef(pData); pData = NULL; nLen = 0; } void Init(const _E* p,size_t len) { //
// create a new string given pointer to string and length
if(!len) { Erase(); } else { pData = AllocString(len); RefCount(pData)=1; _Tr::copy(pData,p,len); nLen = len; pData[nLen] = 0; } } void Init(const _E* p) { //
// in this case, length is not known and p may be NULL
if(!p) { Erase(); } else { Init(p,_Tr::length(p)); } } void Copy(const _E *p) { //
// copy, in the case where length is not known
if(p && p[0]) { _E *old = pData; Init(p); DecRef(old); } else { Erase(); } } void Copy(const _E *p,size_t len) { //
// copy in the case where length is known
if(len) { _E *old = pData; Init(p,len); DecRef(old); } else { Erase(); } } void Copy(const _Myt & other) { //
// don't need to do byte copy, just add a ref to original string
if(other.nLen) { _E *old = pData; IncRef(other.pData); pData = other.pData; nLen = other.nLen; DecRef(old); } else { Erase(); } } void Copy(const std::basic_string<_E,_Tr> & other) { //
// copying from basic string, need to make copy of actual data
// in this case
if(other.length()) { _E *old = pData; Init(other.c_str(),other.length()); DecRef(old); } else { Erase(); } }
void Concat(const _E *first,size_t flen,const _E *second,size_t slen) { //
// concat second to end of first, both lengths known
if(flen && slen) { _E *old = pData; pData = AllocString(flen+slen); RefCount(pData)=1; _Tr::copy(pData,first,flen); _Tr::copy(pData+flen,second,slen); nLen=flen+slen; pData[nLen] = 0; DecRef(old); } else if(flen) { Init(first,flen); } else if(slen) { Init(second,slen); } else { Erase(); } } void Concat(const _E *first,size_t flen,const _E *second) { //
// concat second to end of first.
// second length not known and pointer may be null
if(second) { Concat(first,flen,second,_Tr::length(second)); } else { Init(first,flen); } }
public: SafeString_() { //
// Initializer, create empty string
pData = NULL; nLen = 0; } SafeString_(const _E *p) { //
// Initializer, given LPCxSTR
pData = NULL; Copy(p); } SafeString_(const _E *p,size_t len) { //
// Initializer, given LPCxSTR and length
pData = NULL; Copy(p,len); } SafeString_(const _Myt & other) { //
// Initializer, refcount other string
pData = NULL; Copy(other); } SafeString_(const std::basic_string<_E,_Tr> & other) { //
// Initializer, copy from basic_string
pData = NULL; Copy(other); } ~SafeString_() { //
// destructor, delete(deref) string
Erase(); } _Myt & operator =(const _E *p) { //
// assignment
Copy(p); return *this; } _Myt & operator =(const _Myt & other) { //
// assignment
Copy(other); return *this; } _Myt & operator =(const std::basic_string<_E,_Tr> & other) { //
// assignment
Copy(other); return *this; }
_Myt & operator +=(const _E *p) { //
// append. If p is NULL, do nothing
if(p) { if(nLen) { Concat(pData,nLen,p); } else { Copy(p); } }
return *this; } _Myt & operator +=(const _Myt & other) { //
// append
if(other.nLen) { if(nLen) { Concat(pData,nLen,other.c_str(),other.nLen); } else { Copy(other); } } return *this; } _Myt & operator +=(const std::basic_string<_E,_Tr> & other) { //
// append
if(other.length()) { if(nLen) { Concat(pData,nLen,other.c_str(),other.length()); } else { Copy(other); } } return *this; }
_Myt operator +(const _E *p) const { //
// concat into new, or copy (left native)
if(p) { if(nLen) { _Myt n; n.Concat(pData,nLen,p); return n; } else { return _Myt(p); } } else { return *this; } } _Myt operator +(const _Myt & other) const { //
// concat into new, or copy (left native)
if(other.nLen) { if(nLen) { _Myt n; n.Concat(pData,nLen,other.c_str(),other.nLen); return n; } else { return other; } } else { return *this; } } _Myt operator +(const std::basic_string<_E,_Tr> & other) const { //
// concat into new, or copy (left native)
if(other.length()) { if(nLen) { _Myt n; n.Concat(pData,nLen,other.c_str(),other.length()); return n; } else { return _Myt(other); } } else { return *this; } }
friend _Myt operator +(const _E *first,const _Myt & second) { //
// concat where left is not native but right is
if(first) { _Myt n; n.Concat(first,_Tr::length(first),second.c_str(),second.length()); return n; } else { return second; } }
friend _Myt operator +(const std::basic_string<_E,_Tr> & first,const _Myt & second) { //
// concat where left is not native but right is
if(first.length()) { _Myt n; n.Concat(first.c_str(),first.length(),second.c_str(),second.length()); return n; } else { return second; } }
int compare(const _Myt & other) const { //
// compare this string with another string
// (force other string into SafeString if needed)
int sz = min(nLen,other.nLen); if(sz) { int cmp = _Tr::compare(pData,other.pData,sz); if(cmp != 0) { return cmp; } } if(nLen<other.nLen) { return -1; } else if(nLen>other.nLen) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } bool operator < (const _Myt & other) const { //
// specific compare
return compare(other)<0; } bool operator > (const _Myt & other) const { //
// specific compare
return compare(other)>0; } bool operator == (const _Myt & other) const { //
// specific compare
return compare(other)==0; } operator const _E* () const { //
// natively convert to LPCxSTR if needed
// (temporary string)
return pData; } const _E & operator[](unsigned int pos) const { //
// index into string (unsigned)
return pData[pos]; } const _E & operator[](int pos) const { //
// index into string (signed)
return pData[pos]; } bool empty(void) const { //
// return true if empty
return nLen==0; } const _E* c_str(void) const { //
// explicit conversion to LPCxSTR
// (temporary string)
return pData; } size_t length(void) const { //
// length of string
return nLen; } _Myt substr(size_t base,size_t len = (size_t)(-1)) const { //
// part of string
// unless it returns the full string, creates new string
if(base>=nLen) { base = 0; len = 0; } else { len = min(len,nLen-base); } if(len == 0) { //
// returns empty string
return SafeString(); } else if(len == nLen) { //
// returns full string
return *this; } else { //
// returns literal copy of part of string
return SafeString(pData+base,len); } } };
// ostream/istream helpers
template<class _E, class _Tr> inline basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>& __cdecl operator<<( basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>& Output, const SafeString_<_E, _Tr>& Str) { size_t i; size_t len = Str.length(); const _E* data = Str.c_str();
for (i = 0; i < len; i++,data++) { if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(),Output.rdbuf()->sputc(*data))) { break; } } return Output; }
// 3 variations of SafeString
typedef SafeString_<TCHAR> SafeString; typedef SafeString_<CHAR> SafeStringA; typedef SafeString_<WCHAR> SafeStringW;