Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved
Module Name:
This module controls access to the simulated configuration space of the SHPC.
Config access is controlled in the following manner in this simulator: We assume that this simulator will be loaded on a bridge enumerated by the SoftPCI simulator. SoftPCI keeps an internal representation of the config space of the devices it controls. The function of this simulator, then, is to manage the SHPC register set and perform commands associated with writing the SHPC config space. However, the representation of config space is kept internal to SoftPCI.
Kernel Mode
Revision History:
Davis Walker (dwalker) Sept 8 2000
#include "hpsp.h"
NTSTATUS HpsInitConfigSpace( IN OUT PHPS_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes the config space of this device, and is designed to simulate a ControllerReset event.
DeviceExtension - the device extension for the current devobj
ReadFromRegistry - This indicates whether or not to read the HWINIT parameters from the registry.
Return value:
NT Status code
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; UCHAR offset;
// If we haven't gotten a PCI interface yet, something's broken.
ASSERT(DeviceExtension->InterfaceWrapper.PciContext != NULL); if (DeviceExtension->InterfaceWrapper.PciContext == NULL) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
// Find out where Softpci put the SHPC capability and save it away.
status = HpsGetCapabilityOffset(DeviceExtension, SHPC_CAPABILITY_ID, &offset ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; } DeviceExtension->ConfigOffset = offset; DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_HPS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "HPS-Config Space initialized at offset %d\n", offset ); //
// Also make sure Softpci gave us a HWINIT capability. We only support
// this method of initialization for now, so it's a fatal error if not.
status = HpsGetCapabilityOffset(DeviceExtension, HPS_HWINIT_CAPABILITY_ID, &offset ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; }
// Read the Capability Header from PCI config space. Softpci should have faked this
// up for us. Then initialize the rest of the SHPC config space
DeviceExtension->InterfaceWrapper.PciGetBusData(DeviceExtension->InterfaceWrapper.PciContext, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, &DeviceExtension->ConfigSpace.Header, DeviceExtension->ConfigOffset, sizeof(PCI_CAPABILITIES_HEADER) );
DeviceExtension->ConfigSpace.DwordSelect = 0x00; DeviceExtension->ConfigSpace.Pending.AsUCHAR = 0x0; DeviceExtension->ConfigSpace.Data = 0x0; //
// We'd like to keep Softpci in the loop as far as config space access goes, so write
// this out to the bus.
DeviceExtension->InterfaceWrapper.PciSetBusData(DeviceExtension->InterfaceWrapper.PciContext, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, &DeviceExtension->ConfigSpace, DeviceExtension->ConfigOffset, sizeof(SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE) );
// Finally, initialize the register set.
status = HpsInitRegisters(DeviceExtension);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
return status; }
ULONG HpsHandleDirectReadConfig( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG DataType, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN ULONG Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is provided in the BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD to allow upper drivers direct access to config space without using a ReadConfig IRP. Since SoftPCI maintains the whole config space for the bridge, simply pass the request down. This function is kept as a stub in case more work needs to be done later on reads.
Context - context provided in the interface, in this case a PHPS_INTERFACE_WRAPPER.
DataType - type of config space access
Buffer - a buffer to read into
Offset - offset into config space to read
Length - length of read
Return Value:
The number of bytes read from config space
PHPS_DEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = (PHPS_DEVICE_EXTENSION) Context; PHPS_INTERFACE_WRAPPER wrapper = &deviceExtension->InterfaceWrapper;
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_HPS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "HPS-Config Read at offset 0x%x for length 0x%x\n", Offset, Length ); return wrapper->PciGetBusData(wrapper->PciContext, DataType, Buffer, Offset, Length );
ULONG HpsHandleDirectWriteConfig( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG DataType, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN ULONG Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is provided in the BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD to allow upper drivers direct access to config space without using a WriteConfig IRP. It needs check to see if this is our config space access. If so, handle it, if not, restore the PCI interface state and pass it down.
Context - context provided in the interface, in this case a PHPS_INTERFACE_WRAPPER.
DataType - type of config space access
Buffer - a buffer to write from
Offset - offset into config space to write to
Length - length of read
Return Value:
The number of bytes read from config space
--*/ {
PHPS_DEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = (PHPS_DEVICE_EXTENSION) Context; PHPS_INTERFACE_WRAPPER wrapper = &deviceExtension->InterfaceWrapper; ULONG pciLength;
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_HPS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "HPS-Config Write at offset 0x%x for length 0x%x\n", Offset, Length );
if ((DataType == PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG) && IS_SUBSET(Offset, Length, deviceExtension->ConfigOffset, sizeof(SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE) )) {
HpsWriteConfig(deviceExtension, Buffer, Offset, Length );
RtlCopyMemory(Buffer, (PUCHAR)&deviceExtension->ConfigSpace + Offset, Length );
// Even though we've internally handled the write, pass it down to PCI so that
// SoftPCI stays in the loop. Since the write may have caused other fields
// of config to be written, send the whole config to softpci.
pciLength = wrapper->PciSetBusData(wrapper->PciContext, DataType, &deviceExtension->ConfigSpace, deviceExtension->ConfigOffset, sizeof(SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE) );
if (pciLength != sizeof(SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE)) {
return 0;
} else { return Length; }
} else {
return wrapper->PciSetBusData(wrapper->PciContext, DataType, Buffer, Offset, Length ); }
VOID HpsResync( IN PHPS_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension ) { PSHPC_CONFIG_SPACE configSpace = &DeviceExtension->ConfigSpace; PSHPC_REGISTER_SET registerSet = &DeviceExtension->RegisterSet;
if (DeviceExtension->UseConfig) {
configSpace->Pending.Field.ControllerIntPending = (*(PULONG)®isterSet->WorkingRegisters.IntLocator) ? 1:0; configSpace->Pending.Field.ControllerSERRPending = (*(PULONG)®isterSet->WorkingRegisters.SERRLocator) ? 1:0; if (configSpace->DwordSelect < SHPC_NUM_REGISTERS) { DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_HPS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "HPS-Getting Register %d\n", configSpace->DwordSelect ); configSpace->Data = registerSet->AsULONGs[configSpace->DwordSelect]; DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_HPS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "HPS-Value: 0x%x\n", configSpace->Data ); } else { //
// Illegal register write
configSpace->Data = 0x12345678; } DeviceExtension->InterfaceWrapper.PciSetBusData(DeviceExtension->InterfaceWrapper.PciContext, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, configSpace, DeviceExtension->ConfigOffset, sizeof(SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE) ); } else {
RtlCopyMemory((PUCHAR)DeviceExtension->HBRB + DeviceExtension->HBRBRegisterSetOffset, &DeviceExtension->RegisterSet, sizeof(SHPC_REGISTER_SET) ); } }
VOID HpsWriteConfig( IN PHPS_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN ULONG Length )
Routine Description:
This routine performs a write to the config space of the SHPC.
DeviceExtension - this device's device extension
Buffer - a buffer to write the data from
Offset - the offset in bytes into config space
Length - the length in bytes into config space to be written
Return Value:
The number of bytes written
ULONG internalOffset; ULONG regOffset, regLength; ULONG registerNum; ULONG i; UCHAR busNumberBuffer; ULONG bytesRead; SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE configWriteMask; NTSTATUS status; KIRQL irql;
internalOffset = Offset - (DeviceExtension->ConfigOffset);
HpsLockRegisterSet(DeviceExtension, &irql ); //
// This check should have already been done when we verified that this was an access
// to the SHPC
ASSERT((internalOffset + Length)<= sizeof(SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE));
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_HPS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "HPS-Internal Config Write at offset 0x%x for length 0x%x\n", internalOffset, Length );
// now overwrite the current config space, taking into account which bits were
// written and the access mask for the config space
HpsWriteWithMask((PUCHAR)&DeviceExtension->ConfigSpace + internalOffset, ConfigWriteMask + internalOffset, (PUCHAR)Buffer, Length );
if (IS_SUBSET(internalOffset, Length, FIELD_OFFSET(SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE,Data), sizeof(DeviceExtension->ConfigSpace.Data) )) {
// We've written the data register. Update the register set.
registerNum = DeviceExtension->ConfigSpace.DwordSelect; ASSERT(registerNum < SHPC_NUM_REGISTERS);
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_HPS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "HPS-Writing Register %d\n", registerNum ); if (registerNum < SHPC_NUM_REGISTERS) {
// Perform the register specific write
regOffset = (internalOffset > FIELD_OFFSET(SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE,Data)) ? (internalOffset - FIELD_OFFSET(SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE,Data)) : 0; regLength = (internalOffset+Length)-(regOffset+FIELD_OFFSET(SHPC_CONFIG_SPACE,Data)); RegisterWriteCommands[registerNum](DeviceExtension, registerNum, &DeviceExtension->ConfigSpace.Data, HPS_ULONG_WRITE_MASK(regOffset,regLength) ); } }
// Make sure the config space representation reflects what just happened to
// the register set.
HpsUnlockRegisterSet(DeviceExtension, irql ); return;
NTSTATUS HpsGetCapabilityOffset( IN PHPS_DEVICE_EXTENSION Extension, IN UCHAR CapabilityID, OUT PUCHAR Offset ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine searches through the config space of this device for a PCI capability on the list that matches the specified CapabilityID.
Extension - The device extension for the device. This allows us access to config space.
CapabilityID - The capability identifier to search for.
Offset - a pointer to a UCHAR which will contain the offset into config space of the matching capability.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if the capability is found. STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL otherwise.
--*/ { PHPS_INTERFACE_WRAPPER interfaceWrapper = &Extension->InterfaceWrapper; UCHAR statusReg, currentPtr; PCI_CAPABILITIES_HEADER capHeader;
ASSERT(interfaceWrapper->PciContext != NULL);
// read the status register to see if we have a capabilities pointer
interfaceWrapper->PciGetBusData(interfaceWrapper->PciContext, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, &statusReg, FIELD_OFFSET(PCI_COMMON_CONFIG,Status), sizeof(UCHAR));
// Capability exists bit is in the PCI status register
// we have a capabilities pointer. go get the capabilities
interfaceWrapper->PciGetBusData(interfaceWrapper->PciContext, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, ¤tPtr, FIELD_OFFSET(PCI_COMMON_CONFIG,u.type0.CapabilitiesPtr), sizeof(UCHAR));
// now walk through the list looking for given capability ID
// Loop until the next capability ptr is 0.
while (currentPtr != 0) {
// This gets us a capability pointer.
interfaceWrapper->PciGetBusData(interfaceWrapper->PciContext, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, &capHeader, currentPtr, sizeof(PCI_CAPABILITIES_HEADER));
if (capHeader.CapabilityID == CapabilityID) {
*Offset = currentPtr; return STATUS_SUCCESS;
} else {
currentPtr = capHeader.Next; } } } return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
NTSTATUS HpsWriteWithMask( OUT PVOID Destination, IN PVOID BitMask, IN PVOID Source, IN ULONG Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine overwrites the Destination parameter with Source for Length bytes, but only the bits that are specified in the BitMask Destination, Source and BitMask are all aligned.
Destination - The destination of the write
BitMask - A bitmask that indicates which bits of source to overwrite into Destination
Source - Pointer to a buffer that will overwrite Destination
Length - the number of bytes to write into Destination
Return Value
NT status code
--*/ {
PUCHAR bitMask = (PUCHAR) BitMask; PUCHAR source = (PUCHAR) Source; PUCHAR destination = (PUCHAR) Destination; ULONG i; UCHAR temp;
for (i=0; i < Length; i++){ temp = source[i] & bitMask[i]; destination[i] &= ~bitMask[i]; destination[i] |= temp; }
Routine Description:
This routine fills in a HPTEST_BRIDGE_INFO structure with the bus/dev/func of this device.
Extension - the device extension associated with this device.
BridgeInfo - a pointer to the HPTEST_BRIDGE_INFO structure to be filled in.
Return Value:
--*/ {
UCHAR busNumber; UCHAR devSel;
Extension->InterfaceWrapper.PciGetBusData(Extension->InterfaceWrapper.PciContext, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, &busNumber, FIELD_OFFSET(PCI_COMMON_CONFIG,u.type1.PrimaryBus), sizeof(UCHAR) ); BridgeInfo->PrimaryBus = busNumber;
Extension->InterfaceWrapper.PciGetBusData(Extension->InterfaceWrapper.PciContext, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, &busNumber, FIELD_OFFSET(PCI_COMMON_CONFIG,u.type1.SecondaryBus), sizeof(UCHAR) ); BridgeInfo->SecondaryBus = busNumber;
// TODO: do this for real.
BridgeInfo->DeviceSelect = 2; BridgeInfo->FunctionNumber = 0;
return; }
VOID HpsLockRegisterSet( IN PHPS_DEVICE_EXTENSION Extension, OUT PKIRQL OldIrql ) { KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, OldIrql ); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&Extension->RegisterLock); }
VOID HpsUnlockRegisterSet( IN PHPS_DEVICE_EXTENSION Extension, IN KIRQL NewIrql ) { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&Extension->RegisterLock);
KeLowerIrql(NewIrql); }