Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: ShowPerf.c
Abstract: Provides a GUI interface to display the contents of a perf data block
Author: Bob Watson (a-robw)
Revision History: 23 Nov 94 --*/ #include <windows.h>
#include "showperf.h"
#include "resource.h"
#define NUM_BUFS 4
// variable definition
static WORD wHelpContextId = IDH_CONTENTS;
LPCWSTR GetStringResource( HANDLE hInstance, UINT nId ) /*++
Routine Description: look up string resource and return string
Arguments: IN UINT nId Resource ID of string to look up
Return Value: pointer to string referenced by ID in arg list --*/ { static WCHAR szBufArray[NUM_BUFS][SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE]; static DWORD dwIndex; LPWSTR szBuffer; DWORD dwLength; HANDLE hMod;
hMod = (hInstance != NULL) ? (hInstance) : (GetModuleHandle(NULL)); dwIndex ++; dwIndex %= NUM_BUFS; szBuffer = & szBufArray[dwIndex][0];
// clear previous contents
ZeroMemory(szBuffer, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR));
dwLength = LoadStringW(hMod, nId, szBuffer, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); return (LPCWSTR) szBuffer; }
VOID SetHelpContextId( WORD wId ) { wHelpContextId = wId; return; }
WORD GetHelpContextId( ) { return wHelpContextId; }
int DisplayMessageBox( HWND hWnd, UINT nMessageId, UINT nTitleId, UINT nStyle ) /*++
Routine Description: Displays a message box displaying text from the resource file, as opposed to literal strings.
Arguments: IN HWND hWnd window handle to parent window IN UINT nMessageId String Resource ID of message text to display IN UINT nTitleId String Resource ID of title text to display IN UINT nStyle MB style bits (see MessageBox function)
Return Value: ID of button pressed to exit message box --*/ { LPWSTR szMessageText = NULL; LPWSTR szTitleText = NULL; HINSTANCE hInst = GET_INSTANCE(hWnd); int nReturn;
szMessageText = MemoryAllocate(sizeof(WCHAR) * (SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE + 1)); szTitleText = MemoryAllocate(sizeof(WCHAR) * (SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE + 1));
if ((szMessageText != NULL) && (szTitleText != NULL)) { LoadStringW(hInst, ((nTitleId != 0) ? nTitleId : IDS_APP_TITLE), szTitleText, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); LoadStringW(hInst, nMessageId, szMessageText, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); nReturn = MessageBoxW(hWnd, szMessageText, szTitleText, nStyle); } else { nReturn = IDCANCEL; } MemoryFree(szMessageText); MemoryFree(szTitleText); return nReturn; }
BOOL UpdateSystemMenu( HWND hWnd // window handle
) /*++
Routine Description: modifies the system menu by: Removing the "Restore", "Size", "Minimize" and "Maximize" entries
Arguments: IN HWND hWnd window handle of window containing the system menu to modify
Return Value: TRUE if successfully made changes, otherwise FALSE if error occurred --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hWnd); return TRUE; }
BOOL ShowAppHelp( HWND hWnd ) /*++
Routine Description: Generic routine to call WinHelp engine for displaying application help. wContext parameter is used for context.
Arguments: IN HWND hWnd window handle of calling window
Return Value: TRUE if help called successfully --*/ { return WinHelpW(hWnd, GetStringResource(GET_INSTANCE(hWnd), IDS_HELP_FILENAME), HELP_CONTEXT, (DWORD) GetHelpContextId()); }
int APIENTRY WinMain( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, IN LPSTR szCmdLine, IN int nCmdShow ) /*++
Routine Description: Program entry point for LoadAccount application. Initializes Windows data structures and begins windows message processing loop.
Arguments: Standard WinMain arguments
ReturnValue: 0 if unable to initialize correctly, or wParam from WM_QUIT message if messages processed --*/ { HWND hWnd; // Main window handle.
MSG msg; int iReturn = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;
if (RegisterMainWindowClass(hInstance)) { hWnd = CreateMainWindow(hInstance); if (hWnd != NULL) { // Acquire and dispatch messages until a
// WM_QUIT message is received.
while (GetMessage(& msg, // message structure
NULL, // handle of window receiving the message
0, // lowest message to examine
0)) { // highest message to examine
// process this message
TranslateMessage(& msg);// Translates virtual key codes
DispatchMessage(& msg); // Dispatches message to window
} iReturn = (int)(msg.wParam); // Returns the value from PostQuitMessage
} } return iReturn; }