Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the support for the compiler /GS switch
Jonathan Schwartz (JSchwart) 27-Nov-2001 Bryan Tuttle (bryant)
Revision History:
Code to support the /GS compiler switch that is specific to user-mode
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <overflow.h>
void __cdecl __security_init_cookie(void);
BOOL WINAPI _DllMainCRTStartupForGS( HANDLE hDllHandle, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { //
// Do pretty much nothing here. This DllMain exists simply to run through
// initialization of the CRT data section and let us set things up.
if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hDllHandle); __security_init_cookie(); }
return TRUE; }