Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Steve Wood (stevewo) 14-Jan-1996
Revision History:
#include "instutil.h"
#include "iml.h"
LPSTR SavedModuleName; LPSTR SavedModuleUsage1; LPSTR SavedModuleUsage2;
WCHAR AltTempFilePathBuffer[ MAX_PATH ]; PWSTR AltTempFilePathFileName; WCHAR TempFilePathBuffer[ MAX_PATH ]; PWSTR TempFilePathFileName; USHORT TempFileNextUniqueId;
BOOL WINAPI CtrlCHandler( ULONG CtrlType ) { //
// Ignore control C interrupts. Let child process deal with them
// if it wants. If it doesn't then it will terminate and we will
// get control and terminate ourselves
return TRUE; }
void InitCommonCode( LPSTR ModuleName, LPSTR ModuleUsage1, LPSTR ModuleUsage2 ) { SavedModuleName = ModuleName; SavedModuleUsage1 = ModuleUsage1; SavedModuleUsage2 = ModuleUsage2;
GetTempPath( sizeof( TempFilePathBuffer ) / sizeof( WCHAR ), TempFilePathBuffer ); TempFilePathFileName = TempFilePathBuffer + wcslen( TempFilePathBuffer ); TempFileNextUniqueId = (USHORT)0x0001;
InstalerDirectory[ 0 ] = UNICODE_NULL; return; }
void DisplayIndentedString( ULONG IndentAmount, PCHAR sBegin ) { PCHAR sEnd;
while (sBegin != NULL) { sEnd = sBegin; while (*sEnd && *sEnd != '\n') { sEnd += 1; }
fprintf( stderr, "%.*s%.*s\n", IndentAmount, " ", sEnd - sBegin, sBegin );
if (*sEnd == '\0') { break; } else { sBegin = ++sEnd; } } return; }
void Usage( LPSTR Message, ULONG MessageParameter ) { ULONG n; LPSTR sBegin, sEnd;
n = fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s ", SavedModuleName ); fprintf( stderr, "InstallationName\n" ); DisplayIndentedString( n, SavedModuleUsage1 ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
n = fprintf( stderr, "where: " ); fprintf( stderr, "InstallationName specifies a name for the installation. This is a required parameter.\n" ); DisplayIndentedString( n, "-? Displays this message." ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); DisplayIndentedString( n, SavedModuleUsage2 );
if (Message != NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); }
// No return from FatalError
FatalError( Message, MessageParameter, 0 ); }
void FatalError( LPSTR Message, ULONG MessageParameter1, ULONG MessageParameter2 ) { if (Message != NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", SavedModuleName ); fprintf( stderr, Message, MessageParameter1, MessageParameter2 ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); }
exit( 1 ); }
PWSTR GetArgAsUnicode( LPSTR s ) { ULONG n; PWSTR ps;
n = strlen( s ); ps = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (n + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if (ps == NULL) { FatalError( "Out of memory", 0, 0 ); }
if (MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, s, n, ps, n ) != (LONG)n ) { FatalError( "Unable to convert parameter '%s' to Unicode (%u)", (ULONG)s, GetLastError() ); }
ps[ n ] = UNICODE_NULL; return ps; }
void CommonSwitchProcessing( PULONG argc, PCHAR **argv, CHAR c ) { DWORD dwFileAttributes; PWSTR s;
switch( c = (CHAR)tolower( c ) ) { case 'd': DebugOutput = TRUE; break;
case '?': Usage( NULL, 0 ); break;
default: Usage( "Invalid switch (-%c)", (ULONG)c ); break; }
return; }
BOOLEAN CommonArgProcessing( PULONG argc, PCHAR **argv ) { PWSTR s;
if (InstallationName == NULL) { if (GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_PATH, InstalerDirectory ) != 0) { s = wcschr( InstalerDirectory, UNICODE_NULL ); if (s && s > InstalerDirectory && s[-1] != L'\\') { *s++ = L'\\'; *s = UNICODE_NULL; }
InstallationName = GetArgAsUnicode( **argv ); ImlPath = FormatImlPath( InstalerDirectory, InstallationName ); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
PWSTR FormatTempFileName( PWSTR Directory, PUSHORT TempFileUniqueId )
ULONG remainingLen;
if (*TempFileUniqueId == 0) { *TempFileUniqueId = (USHORT)(TempFileNextUniqueId++); if (TempFileNextUniqueId == 0) { return NULL; } } else if (*TempFileUniqueId == 0xFFFF) { return NULL; }
if (Directory != NULL) { GetFullPathName( Directory, MAX_PATH, AltTempFilePathBuffer, &AltTempFilePathFileName ); AltTempFilePathFileName = wcsrchr( AltTempFilePathBuffer, TEXT('\\') ); if (NULL == AltTempFilePathFileName) { return NULL; } AltTempFilePathFileName += 1; //
// Calculate how much space we have left
remainingLen = MAX_PATH - 1 - (AltTempFilePathFileName - AltTempFilePathBuffer); _snwprintf( AltTempFilePathFileName, remainingLen, L"~INS%04x.TMP", *TempFileUniqueId ); return AltTempFilePathBuffer; } else { if (TempFilePathFileName < TempFilePathBuffer || TempFilePathFileName >= TempFilePathBuffer + MAX_PATH) { return NULL; } remainingLen = MAX_PATH - 1 - (TempFilePathFileName - TempFilePathBuffer); _snwprintf( TempFilePathFileName, remainingLen, L"~INS%04x.TMP", *TempFileUniqueId ); return TempFilePathBuffer; } }
PWSTR CreateBackupFileName( PUSHORT TempFileUniqueId ) { PWSTR BackupFileName;
while (BackupFileName = FormatTempFileName( NULL, TempFileUniqueId )) { if (GetFileAttributesW( BackupFileName ) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { break; } else { *TempFileUniqueId = 0; // Temp file name existed, try next unique id
} }
return BackupFileName; }
UCHAR EnumTypeBuffer0[ 512 ]; UCHAR EnumTypeBuffer1[ 512 ]; UCHAR EnumTypeBuffer2[ 512 ]; UCHAR EnumTypeBuffer3[ 512 ]; LPSTR EnumTypeBuffers[ 4 ] = { EnumTypeBuffer0, EnumTypeBuffer1, EnumTypeBuffer2, EnumTypeBuffer3 };
LPSTR FormatEnumType( ULONG BufferIndex, PENUM_TYPE_NAMES Table, ULONG Value, BOOLEAN FlagFormat ) { LPSTR s, FlagsBuffer = EnumTypeBuffers[ BufferIndex ]; ULONG remainingLen;
// 02/19/2002 - BogdanA - make some calculations so
// we do not overflow the static buffers...
remainingLen = sizeof(FlagsBuffer)/sizeof(FlagsBuffer[0]) - 1; FlagsBuffer[ 0 ] = '\0'; FlagsBuffer[remainingLen] = 0;
while (Table->Value != 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (FlagFormat) { if (Table->Value & Value) { if (FlagsBuffer[ 0 ] != '\0') { //
// Check that we can still add stuff...
if (remainingLen < strlen(" | ")) { return FlagsBuffer; } remainingLen -= strlen(" | "); strcat( FlagsBuffer, " | " ); }
if (remainingLen < strlen(Table->Name)) { return FlagsBuffer; } remainingLen -= strlen(Table->Name); strcat( FlagsBuffer, Table->Name ); Value &= ~Table->Value; if (Value == 0) { return FlagsBuffer; } } } else if (Table->Value == Value) { if (Value == 0) { if (!strcmp( Table->Name, "STATUS_WAIT_0" )) { return "STATUS_SUCCESS"; } else if (!strcmp( Table->Name, "ERROR_SUCCESS" )) { return "NO_ERROR"; } } return Table->Name; }
Table += 1; }
s = FlagsBuffer; //
// remainingLen should be computed above, use it here again
if (FlagFormat) { if (s[ 0 ] != '\0') { if (remainingLen < strlen(" | ")) { return FlagsBuffer; } remainingLen -= strlen(" | "); strcat( s, " | " ); s += strlen( s ); } }
_snprintf( s, remainingLen, Table->Name ? Table->Name : "%x", Value ); return FlagsBuffer; }