Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
CreateEventUnitTest.c <CreateEvent Component Unit Test>
This is the source file for the CreateEvent unit test sample
Vincent Geglia Environment:
User Mode
Revision History:
// General includes
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <excpt.h>
// Project specific includes
#include <unittest.h>
// Template information
#define COMPONENT_UNIT_TEST_NAME "CreateEventUnitTest"
#define COMPONENT_UNIT_TEST_PARAMDESC1 "/? - Displays the usage message"
#define COMPONENT_UNIT_TEST_ABSTRACT "This module executes the sample CreateEvent Component Unit Test"
// Definitions
// Private function prototypes
INT __cdecl main ( INT argc, CHAR *argv[] ); //
// Code
INT __cdecl main ( INT argc, CHAR *argv[] )
Routine Description:
This is the main function.
argc - Argument count
argv - Argument pointers Return Value:
{ UNIT_TEST_STATUS teststatus = UNIT_TEST_STATUS_NOT_RUN; INT count; UCHAR logfilepath [MAX_PATH]; HANDLE log; BOOL bstatus = FALSE; //
// Check to see if user passed in /?
if (UtParseCmdLine ("/D", argc, argv)) {
printf("/D specified.\n"); } for (count = 0; count < argc; count++) { if (strstr (argv[count], "/?") || strstr (argv[count], "-?")) {
goto exitcleanup; } }
printf("FATAL ERROR: Unable to initialize log file.\n"); teststatus = UNIT_TEST_STATUS_NOT_RUN; goto exitcleanup; }
// Begin individual test cases
// Calling CreateEvent with NULL as a first parameter
// Calling CreateEvent with TRUE as a second parameter
// Calling CreateEvent with FALSE as third parameter
// Calling CreateEvent with NULL as fourth parameter
// Expected result: Valid event handle and no exceptions
UtLogINFO ("TEST CASE: Calling CreateEvent with NULL as a first parameter..."); UtLogINFO ("TEST CASE: Calling CreateEvent with TRUE as a second parameter..."); UtLogINFO ("TEST CASE: Calling CreateEvent with FALSE as third parameter..."); UtLogINFO ("TEST CASE: Calling CreateEvent with NULL as fourth parameter...");
bstatus = FALSE;
__try {
if (hevent == NULL) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent returned an invalid handle."); __leave; }
CloseHandle (hevent); bstatus = TRUE; }__except (1) { UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent threw an exception."); bstatus = FALSE; }
if (bstatus == TRUE) {
UtLogPASS ("PASS: CreateEvent returned a valid handle."); } //
// Calling CreateEvent with TRUE as third parameter
// Expected result: Valid event handle and no exceptions
UtLogINFO ("TEST CASE: Calling CreateEvent with TRUE as third parameter..."); bstatus = FALSE;
__try {
HANDLE hevent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hevent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
if (hevent == NULL) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent returned an invalid handle."); __leave; }
CloseHandle (hevent); bstatus = TRUE; }__except (1) { UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent threw an exception."); bstatus = FALSE; }
if (bstatus == TRUE) {
UtLogPASS ("PASS: CreateEvent returned a valid handle."); }
// Begin test scenarios
// Test Scenario: Create an event, then close it.
// Description: Create an event, then close it. Verify all return codes are as expected.
// Expected Result: The test case is a success if valid handle is returned and
// no exceptions are thrown.
UtLogINFO ("TEST SCENARIO: Create an event, then close it..."); bstatus = FALSE;
__try {
if (hevent == NULL) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent returned an invalid handle."); __leave; }
CloseHandle (hevent); bstatus = TRUE; }__except (1) { UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent threw an exception."); bstatus = FALSE; }
if (bstatus == TRUE) {
UtLogPASS ("PASS: CreateEvent returned a valid handle, and no exception was thrown."); }
// Test Scenario: Create a signaled event, wait on it, then close it.
// Description: Create an signaled event, wait on it, and then close it.
// The wait should return WAIT_OBJECT_0, indicating the event was already
// signaled when the wait was processed. The wait period specified is 0,
// so there is no actual wait, rather the event state is evaluated and
// WaitForSingleObject returns immediately.
// Expected Result: WaitForSingleObject returns WAIT_OBJECT_0, and no
// exceptions are thrown.
UtLogINFO ("TEST SCENARIO: Create an event, wait on it, then close it..."); bstatus = FALSE;
__try {
HANDLE hevent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD waitvalue = 0; hevent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
if (hevent == NULL) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent returned an invalid handle."); __leave; }
waitvalue = WaitForSingleObject (hevent, 0);
if (waitvalue != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: WaitForSingleObject did NOT return WAIT_OBJECT_0."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
CloseHandle (hevent); bstatus = TRUE; }__except (1) { UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Test threw an exception."); bstatus = FALSE; }
if (bstatus == TRUE) {
UtLogPASS ("PASS: Wait returned WAIT_OBJECT_0, and no exception was thrown."); }
// Test Scenario: Create a signaled event, set it to non-signaled, wait on it,
// then close it.
// Description: : Create an signaled event. Use ResetEvent to set the event
// to a non-signaled state. Call GetSystemTime to acquire the current system time.
// Call WaitForSingleObject to wait on the event, and set the wait time to 5000 ms.
// The wait should return WAIT_TIMEOUT, indicating the event was not signaled within
// the timeout period. Call GetSystemTime again and compare result to original call.
// The delta should be no less then 5000 ms. Close the event. The test case is a
// success if ResetEvent succeeds, WaitForSingleObject returns WAIT_TIMEOUT, the time
// delta is no less then 5000 ms, and no exceptions are thrown.
// Expected Result: The test case is a success if ResetEvent succeeds, WaitForSingleObject
// returns WAIT_TIMEOUT, the time delta is no less then 5000 ms, time delta is no greater
// then 5500ms, and no exceptions are thrown.
UtLogINFO ("TEST SCENARIO: Create a signaled event, set it to non-signaled, wait on it, then close it..."); bstatus = FALSE;
__try {
HANDLE hevent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD waitvalue = 0; BOOL status = FALSE; SYSTEMTIME systemtime; FILETIME filetime; ULONG64 timestamp1, timestamp2; hevent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
if (hevent == NULL) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent returned an invalid handle."); __leave; }
status = ResetEvent (hevent);
if (status == FALSE) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: ResetEvent returned a failure status."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
GetSystemTime (&systemtime);
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime (&systemtime, &filetime)) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Unable to convert system time to file time."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
timestamp1 = (ULONG64) (filetime.dwLowDateTime + (filetime.dwHighDateTime * 0x10000000)); waitvalue = WaitForSingleObject (hevent, CREATEEVENT_TEST_TIMEOUT); if (waitvalue != WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: WaitForSingleObject did NOT return WAIT_TIMEOUT."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
GetSystemTime (&systemtime);
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime (&systemtime, &filetime)) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Unable to convert system time to file time."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
timestamp2 = (ULONG64) (filetime.dwLowDateTime + (filetime.dwHighDateTime * 0x10000000));
if ((timestamp2 - timestamp1) > 55000000) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Wait took excessive amount of time."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
if ((timestamp2 - timestamp1) < 50000000) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Wait took inadequate amount of time."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
CloseHandle (hevent); bstatus = TRUE; }__except (1) { UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Test threw an exception."); bstatus = FALSE; }
if (bstatus == TRUE) {
UtLogPASS ("PASS: ResetEvent succeeded, WaitForSingleObject returned WAIT_TIMEOUT, the time delta was no less then 5000 ms, time delta was no greater then 5500ms, and no exceptions were thrown."); }
// Test Scenario: Create a non-signaled event, signal it, wait on it, then close it
// Description: Create a non-signaled event. Set it to the signaled state using SetEvent.
// The setting should succeed. Next, use WaitForSingleObject with a zero wait parameter to
// determine the state of the event, then return immediately. WaitForSingleObject should
// return WAIT_OBJECT_0.
// Expected Result: The test case is a success if SetEvent succeeds, WaitForSingleObject
// returns WAIT_OBJECT_0, and no exceptions are thrown.
UtLogINFO ("TEST SCENARIO: Create a non-signaled event, signal it, wait on it, then close it..."); bstatus = FALSE;
__try {
HANDLE hevent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD waitvalue = 0; BOOL status = FALSE; hevent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (hevent == NULL) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent returned an invalid handle."); __leave; }
status = SetEvent (hevent);
if (status == FALSE) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: SetEvent returned a failure status."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
waitvalue = WaitForSingleObject (hevent, 0);
if (waitvalue != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: WaitForSingleObject did NOT return WAIT_OBJECT_0."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
CloseHandle (hevent); bstatus = TRUE; }__except (1) { UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Test threw an exception."); bstatus = FALSE; }
if (bstatus == TRUE) {
UtLogPASS ("PASS: SetEvent succeeded, Wait returned WAIT_OBJECT_0, and no exception was thrown."); }
// Test Scenario: Create a non-signaled event, wait on it, then close it
// Description: Create a non-signaled event, wait on it, then close it. Call
// GetSystemTime to acquire the current system time. Call WaitForSingleObject
// to wait on the event, and set the wait time to 5000 ms. The wait should
// return WAIT_TIMEOUT, indicating the event was not signaled within the timeout period.
// Call GetSystemTime again and compare result to original call. The delta should be no
// less then 5000 ms, and no more then 5500ms. Close the event.
// Expected Result: The test case is a success if WaitForSingleObject returns
// WAIT_TIMEOUT, the time delta is no less then 5000 ms, the time delta is no more then
// 5500ms, and no exceptions are thrown.
UtLogINFO ("TEST SCENARIO: Create a non-signaled event, wait on it, then close it..."); bstatus = FALSE;
__try {
HANDLE hevent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD waitvalue = 0; BOOL status = FALSE; SYSTEMTIME systemtime; FILETIME filetime; ULONG64 timestamp1, timestamp2; hevent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (hevent == NULL) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent returned an invalid handle."); __leave; } GetSystemTime (&systemtime);
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime (&systemtime, &filetime)) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Unable to convert system time to file time."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
timestamp1 = (ULONG64) (filetime.dwLowDateTime + (filetime.dwHighDateTime * 0x10000000)); waitvalue = WaitForSingleObject (hevent, CREATEEVENT_TEST_TIMEOUT); if (waitvalue != WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: WaitForSingleObject did NOT return WAIT_TIMEOUT."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
GetSystemTime (&systemtime);
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime (&systemtime, &filetime)) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Unable to convert system time to file time."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
timestamp2 = (ULONG64) (filetime.dwLowDateTime + (filetime.dwHighDateTime * 0x10000000));
if ((timestamp2 - timestamp1) > 55000000) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Wait took excessive amount of time."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
if ((timestamp2 - timestamp1) < 50000000) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Wait took inadequate amount of time."); CloseHandle (hevent); __leave; }
CloseHandle (hevent); bstatus = TRUE; }__except (1) { UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Test threw an exception."); bstatus = FALSE; }
if (bstatus == TRUE) {
UtLogPASS ("PASS: WaitForSingleObject returned WAIT_TIMEOUT, the time delta was no less then 5000 ms, the time delta was no more then 5500ms, and no exceptions were thrown."); }
// Test Scenario: Create a named mutex object, then attempt to create a named event
// with the same name.
// Description: Call CreateMutex and provide a name. Verify the mutex object is
// created properly. Call CreateEvent and pass in the same name.
// Expected Result: Test case is a success if mutex is created properly, CreateEvent
// returns proper error code (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE), and no exception is thrown.
UtLogINFO ("TEST SCENARIO: Create a named mutex object, then attempt to create a named event with the same name...."); bstatus = FALSE;
__try {
HANDLE hevent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hmutex = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; UCHAR objectname[] = {'T','e','s','t','\0'}; hmutex = CreateMutex (NULL, TRUE, objectname);
if (hmutex == NULL) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateMutex returned an invalid handle."); __leave; }
hevent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, objectname);
if (hevent != NULL) { UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent returned a valid handle."); __leave; }
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) {
UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: CreateEvent did not return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE."); __leave; } CloseHandle (hmutex); bstatus = TRUE; }__except (1) { UtLogFAIL ("FAILURE: Test threw an exception."); bstatus = FALSE; }
if (bstatus == TRUE) {
UtLogPASS ("PASS: CreateEvent returns proper error code (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE), and no exception is thrown."); }
UtCloseLog (); return ((INT) teststatus); }