Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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480 lines
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  3. CmRegisterCallback
  4. CmUnRegisterCallback
  5. DbgBreakPoint
  6. DbgPrint
  7. ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe
  8. ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite
  9. ExAcquireResourceSharedLite
  10. ExAcquireSharedStarveExclusive
  11. ExAcquireSharedWaitForExclusive
  12. ExAllocatePool
  13. ExAllocatePoolWithQuota
  14. ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag
  15. ExAllocatePoolWithTag
  16. ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority
  17. ExConvertExclusiveToSharedLite
  18. ExCreateCallback
  19. ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList
  20. ExDeletePagedLookasideList
  21. ExDeleteResourceLite
  22. ExEventObjectType CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  23. ExFreePool
  24. ExFreePoolWithTag
  25. ExGetExclusiveWaiterCount
  26. ExGetPreviousMode
  27. ExGetSharedWaiterCount
  28. ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList
  29. ExInitializePagedLookasideList
  30. ExInitializeResourceLite
  31. ExInterlockedAddLargeInteger
  32. #if !defined(_AMD64_)
  33. ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic
  34. #endif
  35. ExIsProcessorFeaturePresent
  36. ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusiveLite
  37. ExIsResourceAcquiredSharedLite
  38. ExLocalTimeToSystemTime
  39. ExNotifyCallback
  40. ExQueueWorkItem
  41. ExRaiseStatus
  42. ExRegisterCallback
  43. ExReinitializeResourceLite
  44. ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe
  45. ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite
  46. ExReleaseResourceLite
  47. ExSemaphoreObjectType CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  48. ExSetResourceOwnerPointer
  49. ExSetTimerResolution
  50. ExSystemTimeToLocalTime
  51. ExUnregisterCallback
  52. ExVerifySuite
  53. IoAcquireCancelSpinLock
  54. IoAcquireRemoveLockEx
  55. IoAllocateAdapterChannel
  56. IoAllocateDriverObjectExtension
  57. IoAllocateErrorLogEntry
  58. IoAllocateIrp
  59. IoAllocateMdl
  60. IoAllocateWorkItem
  61. IoAttachDevice
  62. IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack
  63. IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest
  64. IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest
  65. IoBuildPartialMdl
  66. IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest
  67. IoCancelIrp
  68. IoCheckShareAccess
  69. IoConnectInterrupt
  70. IoCreateDevice
  71. IoCreateFile
  72. IoCreateNotificationEvent
  73. IoCreateSymbolicLink
  74. IoCreateSynchronizationEvent
  75. IoCreateUnprotectedSymbolicLink
  76. IoCsqInitialize
  77. IoCsqInsertIrp
  78. IoCsqRemoveIrp
  79. IoCsqRemoveNextIrp
  80. IoDeleteDevice
  81. IoDeleteSymbolicLink
  82. IoDetachDevice
  83. IoDisconnectInterrupt
  84. IoFileObjectType CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  85. IoForwardIrpSynchronously
  86. IoFreeErrorLogEntry
  87. IoFreeIrp
  88. IoFreeMdl
  89. IoFreeWorkItem
  90. IoGetAttachedDeviceReference
  91. IoGetCurrentProcess
  92. IoGetDeviceInterfaceAlias
  93. IoGetDeviceInterfaces
  94. IoGetDeviceObjectPointer
  95. IoGetDeviceProperty
  96. IoGetDmaAdapter
  97. IoGetDriverObjectExtension
  98. IoGetInitialStack
  99. IoGetRelatedDeviceObject
  100. IoGetStackLimits
  101. IoInitializeIrp
  102. IoInitializeRemoveLockEx
  103. IoInitializeTimer
  104. IoInvalidateDeviceRelations
  105. IoInvalidateDeviceState
  106. IoIsWdmVersionAvailable
  107. #if defined(_WIN64)
  108. IoIs32bitProcess
  109. #endif
  110. IoOpenDeviceInterfaceRegistryKey
  111. IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey
  112. IoQueueWorkItem
  113. IoRegisterDeviceInterface
  114. IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification
  115. IoRegisterShutdownNotification
  116. IoReleaseCancelSpinLock
  117. IoReleaseRemoveLockAndWaitEx
  118. IoReleaseRemoveLockEx
  119. IoReuseIrp
  120. IoReportTargetDeviceChange
  121. IoReportTargetDeviceChangeAsynchronous
  122. IoRequestDeviceEject
  123. IoSetCompletionRoutineEx
  124. IoSetDeviceInterfaceState
  125. IoSetShareAccess
  126. IoSetStartIoAttributes
  127. IoStartNextPacket
  128. IoStartNextPacketByKey
  129. IoStartPacket
  130. IoStartTimer
  131. IoStopTimer
  132. IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotification
  133. IoUnregisterShutdownNotification
  134. IoWMIAllocateInstanceIds
  135. IoWMIDeviceObjectToInstanceName
  136. #if defined(_WIN64)
  137. IoWMIDeviceObjectToProviderId
  138. #endif
  139. IoWMIExecuteMethod
  140. IoWMIHandleToInstanceName
  141. IoWMIOpenBlock
  142. IoWMIRegistrationControl
  143. IoWMIQueryAllData
  144. IoWMIQueryAllDataMultiple
  145. IoWMIQuerySingleInstance
  146. IoWMIQuerySingleInstanceMultiple
  147. IoWMISetNotificationCallback
  148. IoWMISetSingleInstance
  149. IoWMISetSingleItem
  150. IoWMISuggestInstanceName
  151. IoWMIWriteEvent
  152. IoWriteErrorLogEntry
  153. IofCallDriver
  154. IofCompleteRequest
  155. KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel
  156. KdDebuggerNotPresent CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  157. KeAcquireInterruptSpinLock
  158. KeAreApcsDisabled
  159. KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback
  160. KeReleaseInterruptSpinLock
  161. KeBugCheckEx
  162. KeCancelTimer
  163. KeClearEvent
  164. KeDelayExecutionThread
  165. KeEnterCriticalRegion
  166. KeGetCurrentThread
  167. KeGetRecommendedSharedDataAlignment
  168. KeInitializeDeviceQueue
  169. KeInitializeDpc
  170. KeInitializeEvent
  171. KeInitializeMutex
  172. KeInitializeSemaphore
  173. #if defined(_X86_)
  174. KeInitializeSpinLock
  175. #endif
  176. KeInitializeTimer
  177. KeInitializeTimerEx
  178. KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue
  179. KeInsertDeviceQueue
  180. KeInsertQueueDpc
  181. KeLeaveCriticalRegion
  182. #if !defined(_AMD64_)
  183. KeQueryInterruptTime
  184. KeQuerySystemTime
  185. #endif
  186. KeQueryPriorityThread
  187. KeQueryRuntimeThread
  188. KeQueryTimeIncrement
  189. KeReadStateEvent
  190. KeReadStateSemaphore
  191. KeReadStateTimer
  192. KeRegisterBugCheckCallback
  193. KeReleaseMutex
  194. KeReleaseSemaphore
  195. KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel
  196. KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue
  197. KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueueIfBusy
  198. KeRemoveDeviceQueue
  199. KeRemoveEntryDeviceQueue
  200. KeRemoveQueueDpc
  201. KeResetEvent
  202. KeRestoreFloatingPointState
  203. KeSaveFloatingPointState
  204. KeSetEvent
  205. KeSetPriorityThread
  206. KeSetTimer
  207. KeSetTimerEx
  208. KeSynchronizeExecution
  209. #if !defined(_AMD64_)
  210. KeTickCount CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  211. #endif
  212. KeWaitForSingleObject
  213. KeWaitForMultipleObjects
  214. MmIsVerifierEnabled
  215. MmAddVerifierThunks
  216. MmAdvanceMdl
  217. Mm64BitPhysicalAddress CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  218. MmCreateMdl
  219. MmAllocatePagesForMdl
  220. MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool
  221. MmFreePagesFromMdl
  222. MmGetSystemRoutineAddress
  223. MmIsDriverVerifying
  224. MmMapIoSpace
  225. MmMapLockedPages
  226. MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache
  227. MmAllocateMappingAddress
  228. MmFreeMappingAddress
  229. MmMapLockedPagesWithReservedMapping
  230. MmUnmapReservedMapping
  231. MmPageEntireDriver
  232. MmProbeAndLockPages
  233. MmProbeAndLockProcessPages
  234. MmProtectMdlSystemAddress
  235. MmResetDriverPaging
  236. MmQuerySystemSize
  237. MmSizeOfMdl
  238. MmUnlockPages
  239. MmUnmapIoSpace
  240. MmUnmapLockedPages
  241. NlsMbCodePageTag CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  242. NtClose
  243. ObfDereferenceObject
  244. ObGetObjectSecurity
  245. ObLogSecurityDescriptor
  246. ObReferenceSecurityDescriptor
  247. ObDereferenceSecurityDescriptor
  248. ObfReferenceObject
  249. ObReferenceObjectByHandle
  250. ObReferenceObjectByPointer
  251. ObReleaseObjectSecurity
  252. PoCallDriver
  253. PoSetPowerState
  254. PoRegisterDeviceForIdleDetection
  255. PoRequestPowerIrp
  256. PoRegisterSystemState
  257. PoRequestShutdownEvent
  258. PoSetSystemState
  259. PoStartNextPowerIrp
  260. PoUnregisterSystemState
  261. ProbeForRead
  262. ProbeForWrite
  263. PsCreateSystemThread
  264. PsTerminateSystemThread
  265. RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString
  266. RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString
  267. RtlAppendUnicodeToString
  268. RtlAreBitsClear
  269. RtlAreBitsSet
  270. RtlAssert
  271. RtlClearAllBits
  272. RtlClearBit
  273. RtlClearBits
  274. RtlCompareMemory
  275. RtlCompareUnicodeString
  276. #if !defined(_WIN64)
  277. RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger
  278. RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger
  279. #endif
  280. RtlCopyMemory = memcpy
  281. RtlCopyUnicodeString
  282. RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor
  283. RtlDeleteRegistryValue
  284. RtlEqualUnicodeString
  285. #if !defined(_WIN64)
  286. RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply
  287. RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide
  288. #endif
  289. #if !defined(_AMD64_)
  290. RtlExtendedMagicDivide
  291. #endif
  292. #if !defined(_IA64_)
  293. RtlFillMemory
  294. #endif
  295. RtlFindClearBits
  296. RtlFindClearBitsAndSet
  297. RtlFindClearRuns
  298. RtlFindFirstRunClear
  299. RtlFindLastBackwardRunClear
  300. RtlFindLeastSignificantBit
  301. RtlFindLongestRunClear
  302. RtlFindSetBits
  303. RtlFindSetBitsAndClear
  304. RtlFreeAnsiString
  305. RtlFreeUnicodeString
  306. RtlGUIDFromString
  307. RtlHashUnicodeString
  308. RtlInitAnsiString
  309. RtlInitString
  310. RtlInitUnicodeString
  311. RtlInitializeBitMap
  312. RtlInt64ToUnicodeString
  313. RtlIntegerToUnicodeString
  314. RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor
  315. #if !defined(_IA64_)
  316. RtlMoveMemory
  317. #endif
  318. RtlNumberOfClearBits
  319. RtlNumberOfSetBits
  320. RtlPrefetchMemoryNonTemporal
  321. RtlQueryRegistryValues
  322. RtlRaiseException
  323. RtlSetAllBits
  324. RtlSetBit
  325. RtlSetBits
  326. RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor
  327. RtlStringFromGUID
  328. RtlTestBit
  329. RtlTimeFieldsToTime
  330. RtlTimeToTimeFields
  331. #if !defined(_AMD64_)
  332. RtlUlongByteSwap
  333. RtlUlonglongByteSwap
  334. #endif
  335. RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString
  336. RtlUnicodeStringToInteger
  337. RtlUnwind
  338. #if !defined(_AMD64_)
  339. RtlUshortByteSwap
  340. #endif
  341. RtlValidSecurityDescriptor
  342. RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor
  343. RtlWriteRegistryValue
  344. RtlxAnsiStringToUnicodeSize
  345. RtlxUnicodeStringToAnsiSize
  346. #if !defined(_IA64_)
  347. RtlZeroMemory
  348. #endif
  349. WmiQueryTraceInformation
  350. WmiTraceMessage
  351. WmiTraceMessageVa
  352. ZwClose
  353. ZwCreateDirectoryObject
  354. ZwCreateFile
  355. ZwCreateKey
  356. ZwDeleteKey
  357. ZwDeleteValueKey
  358. ZwEnumerateKey
  359. ZwEnumerateValueKey
  360. ZwFlushKey
  361. ZwMakeTemporaryObject
  362. ZwMapViewOfSection
  363. ZwOpenKey
  364. ZwOpenSection
  365. ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject
  366. ZwPowerInformation
  367. ZwQueryInformationFile
  368. ZwQueryKey
  369. ZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject
  370. ZwQueryValueKey
  371. ZwReadFile
  372. ZwSetInformationFile
  373. ZwSetValueKey
  374. ZwUnmapViewOfSection
  375. ZwWriteFile
  376. _itoa
  377. _purecall
  378. _snprintf
  379. _snwprintf
  380. _stricmp
  381. _strlwr
  382. _strnicmp
  383. _strnset
  384. _strrev
  385. #if !defined(_AMD64_)
  386. _strset
  387. #endif
  388. _strupr
  389. _vsnprintf
  390. _wcsicmp
  391. _wcslwr
  392. _wcsnicmp
  393. _wcsnset
  394. _wcsrev
  395. _wcsupr
  396. atoi
  397. atol
  398. isdigit
  399. islower
  400. isprint
  401. isspace
  402. isupper
  403. isxdigit
  404. mbstowcs
  405. mbtowc
  406. memchr
  407. qsort
  408. rand
  409. sprintf
  410. srand
  411. #if !defined(_AMD64_)
  412. strcat
  413. #endif
  414. strchr
  415. #if !defined(_AMD64_)
  416. strcmp
  417. strcpy
  418. strlen
  419. #endif
  420. strncat
  421. strncmp
  422. strncpy
  423. strrchr
  424. strspn
  425. strstr
  426. swprintf
  427. tolower
  428. toupper
  429. towlower
  430. towupper
  431. vsprintf
  432. wcscat
  433. wcschr
  434. wcscmp
  435. wcscpy
  436. wcscspn
  437. wcslen
  438. wcsncat
  439. wcsncmp
  440. wcsncpy
  441. wcsrchr
  442. wcsspn
  443. wcsstr
  444. wcstombs
  445. wctomb
  446. #ifdef _X86_
  447. #include "i386nt.src"
  448. #elif _IA64_
  449. #include "ia64nt.src"
  450. #elif _ALPHA_
  451. #include "alphant.src"
  452. #elif _AMD64_
  453. #include "amd64nt.src"
  454. #endif