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#ifndef __LIST_H_INCLUDED__
#define __LIST_H_INCLUDED__
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999.
// File: list.h
// Contents: Quick 'n dirty basic templated list class.
// History: 04-26-1999 Alan Shi (AlanShi) Created.
// ListNode
typedef void * LISTNODE;
template <class Type> class ListNode { public: ListNode(Type item); virtual ~ListNode();
void SetNext(ListNode *pNode); void SetPrev(ListNode *pNode); Type GetItem(); ListNode *GetNext(); ListNode *GetPrev();
private: DWORD _dwSig; Type _type; ListNode *_pNext; ListNode *_pPrev; };
// List
template <class Type> class List { public: List(); ~List();
LISTNODE AddHead(const Type &item); LISTNODE AddTail(const Type &item);
LISTNODE GetHeadPosition(); LISTNODE GetTailPosition(); void RemoveAt(LISTNODE pNode); void RemoveAll(); LISTNODE Find(const Type &item); int GetCount(); Type GetNext(LISTNODE &pNode); Type GetAt(LISTNODE pNode); LISTNODE AddSorted(const Type &item, LPVOID pfn);
public: DWORD _dwSig;
private: ListNode<Type> *_pHead; ListNode<Type> *_pTail; int _iCount; };
// ListNode Implementation
template <class Type> ListNode<Type>::ListNode(Type item) : _pNext(NULL) , _pPrev(NULL) , _type(item) { _dwSig = 'EDON'; }
template <class Type> ListNode<Type>::~ListNode() { }
template <class Type> void ListNode<Type>::SetNext(ListNode *pNode) { _pNext = pNode; }
template <class Type> void ListNode<Type>::SetPrev(ListNode *pNode) { _pPrev = pNode; }
template <class Type> Type ListNode<Type>::GetItem() { return _type; }
template <class Type> ListNode<Type> *ListNode<Type>::GetNext() { return _pNext; }
template <class Type> ListNode<Type> *ListNode<Type>::GetPrev() { return _pPrev; }
// List Implementation
template <class Type> List<Type>::List() : _pHead(NULL) , _pTail(NULL) , _iCount(0) { _dwSig = 'TSIL'; }
template <class Type> List<Type>::~List() { RemoveAll(); }
template <class Type> LISTNODE List<Type>::AddHead(const Type &item) { ListNode<Type> *pNode = NULL;
pNode = new ListNode<Type>(item); if (pNode) { _iCount++; pNode->SetNext(_pHead); pNode->SetPrev(NULL); if (_pHead == NULL) { _pTail = pNode; } else { _pHead->SetPrev(pNode); } _pHead = pNode; } return (LISTNODE)pNode; }
template <class Type> LISTNODE List<Type>::AddSorted(const Type &item, LPVOID pfn) { ListNode<Type> *pNode = NULL; LISTNODE pCurrNode = NULL; LISTNODE pPrevNode = NULL; int i; Type curItem;
LONG (*pFN) (const Type item1, const Type item2);
pFN = (LONG (*) (const Type item1, const Type item2))pfn;
if(_pHead == NULL) { return AddHead(item); } else { pCurrNode = GetHeadPosition(); curItem = ((ListNode<Type> *) pCurrNode)->GetItem(); for (i = 0; i < _iCount; i++) { if (pFN(item, curItem) < 1) { pNode = new(ListNode<Type>(item)); pNode->SetPrev((ListNode<Type> *)pPrevNode); pNode->SetNext((ListNode<Type> *)pCurrNode); if(pPrevNode) { ((ListNode<Type> *)pPrevNode)->SetNext(pNode); } else { _pHead = pNode; } _iCount++; break; } pPrevNode = pCurrNode; curItem = GetNext(pCurrNode); if(i+1 == _iCount) return AddTail(item); } } return (LISTNODE)pNode; }
template <class Type> LISTNODE List<Type>::AddTail(const Type &item) { ListNode<Type> *pNode = NULL; pNode = new ListNode<Type>(item); if (pNode) { _iCount++; if (_pTail) { pNode->SetPrev(_pTail); _pTail->SetNext(pNode); _pTail = pNode; } else { _pHead = _pTail = pNode; } }
return (LISTNODE)pNode; }
template <class Type> int List<Type>::GetCount() { return _iCount; }
template <class Type> LISTNODE List<Type>::GetHeadPosition() { return (LISTNODE)_pHead; }
template <class Type> LISTNODE List<Type>::GetTailPosition() { return (LISTNODE)_pTail; }
template <class Type> Type List<Type>::GetNext(LISTNODE &pNode) { Type item; ListNode<Type> *pListNode = (ListNode<Type> *)pNode;
// Faults if you pass NULL
item = pListNode->GetItem(); pNode = (LISTNODE)(pListNode->GetNext());
return item; }
template <class Type> void List<Type>::RemoveAll() { int i; LISTNODE listNode = NULL; ListNode<Type> *pDelNode = NULL;
listNode = GetHeadPosition();
for (i = 0; i < _iCount; i++) { pDelNode = (ListNode<Type> *)listNode; GetNext(listNode); delete pDelNode; } _iCount = 0; _pHead = NULL; _pTail = NULL; }
template <class Type> void List<Type>::RemoveAt(LISTNODE pNode) { ListNode<Type> *pListNode = (ListNode<Type> *)pNode; ListNode<Type> *pPrevNode = NULL; ListNode<Type> *pNextNode = NULL;
if (pNode) { pPrevNode = pListNode->GetPrev(); pNextNode = pListNode->GetNext();
if (pPrevNode) { pPrevNode->SetNext(pNextNode); if (pNextNode) { pNextNode->SetPrev(pPrevNode); } else { // We're removing the last node, so we have a new tail
_pTail = pPrevNode; } delete pNode; pNode = NULL; } else { // No previous, so we are the head of the list
_pHead = pNextNode; if (pNextNode) { pNextNode->SetPrev(NULL); } else { // No previous, or next. There was only one node.
_pHead = NULL; _pTail = NULL; } delete pNode; }
_iCount--; } }
template <class Type> LISTNODE List<Type>::Find(const Type &item) { int i; Type curItem; LISTNODE pNode = NULL; LISTNODE pMatchNode = NULL; ListNode<Type> * pListNode = NULL;
pNode = GetHeadPosition(); for (i = 0; i < _iCount; i++) { pListNode = (ListNode<Type> *)pNode; curItem = GetNext(pNode); if (curItem == item) { pMatchNode = (LISTNODE)pListNode; break; } }
return pMatchNode; }
template <class Type> Type List<Type>::GetAt(LISTNODE pNode) { ListNode<Type> *pListNode = (ListNode<Type> *)pNode;
// Faults if pListNode == NULL
return pListNode->GetItem(); }