* extricon.cpp - IExtractIcon implementation for CFusionShortcut class. */
/* Headers
#include "project.hpp"
#include <stdio.h> // for _snwprintf
/* Global Constants
const WCHAR g_cwzDefaultIconKey[] = L"manifestfile\\DefaultIcon";
const HKEY g_hkeySettings = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
/* Module Constants
const WCHAR s_cwzGenericIconFile[] = L"adfshell.dll";
const int s_ciGenericIconFileIndex = 0;
void TrimString(PWSTR pwzTrimMe, PCWSTR pwzTrimChars) { PWSTR pwz = pwzTrimMe;; PWSTR pwzStartMeat = NULL;
if ( !pwzTrimMe || !pwzTrimChars ) goto exit;
// Trim leading characters.
while (*pwz && wcschr(pwzTrimChars, *pwz)) { //CharNext(pwz);
if (*pwz != L'\0') // this really will not be false...
pwz++; }
pwzStartMeat = pwz;
// Trim trailing characters.
if (*pwz) { pwz += wcslen(pwz);
//CharPrev(pwzStartMeat, pwz);
if (pwz != pwzStartMeat) // this check is not really necessary...
if (pwz > pwzStartMeat) { while (wcschr(pwzTrimChars, *pwz)) { //CharPrev(pwzStartMeat, pwz);
if (pwz != pwzStartMeat) // this really will not be false...
pwz--; }
if (*pwz != L'\0') // this check is not really necessary...
ASSERT(pwz > pwzStartMeat);
*pwz = L'\0'; } }
// Relocate stripped string.
if (*pwzStartMeat && pwzStartMeat > pwzTrimMe) // (+ 1) for null terminator.
// BUGBUG?: is this going to bite us later?
MoveMemory(pwzTrimMe, pwzStartMeat, (wcslen(pwzStartMeat)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); else if (!*pwzStartMeat) pwzTrimMe[0] = L'\0'; else ASSERT(pwzStartMeat == pwzTrimMe);
exit: return; }
** TrimWhiteSpace() ** ** Trims leading and trailing white space from a string in place. ** ** Arguments: ** ** Returns: ** ** Side Effects: none */ void TrimWhiteSpace(PWSTR pwzTrimMe) { TrimString(pwzTrimMe, g_cwzWhiteSpace);
// TrimString() validates pwzTrimMe on output.
return; }
** GetRegKeyValue() ** ** Retrieves the data from a registry key's value. ** ** Arguments: ** ** Returns: ** ** Side Effects: none */ LONG GetRegKeyValue(HKEY hkeyParent, PCWSTR pcwzSubKey, PCWSTR pcwzValue, PDWORD pdwValueType, PBYTE pbyteBuf, PDWORD pdwcbBufLen) { LONG lResult; HKEY hkeySubKey;
ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(hkeyParent, KEY)); ASSERT(! pcwzSubKey || ! pcwzValue || ! pdwValueType || ! pbyteBuf);
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyParent, pcwzSubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeySubKey);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LONG lResultClose;
lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hkeySubKey, pcwzValue, NULL, pdwValueType, pbyteBuf, pdwcbBufLen);
lResultClose = RegCloseKey(hkeySubKey);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) lResult = lResultClose; }
return(lResult); }
** GetRegKeyStringValue() ** ** Retrieves the data from a registry key's string value. ** ** Arguments: ** ** Returns: ERROR_CANTREAD if not string ** ** Side Effects: none */ LONG GetRegKeyStringValue(HKEY hkeyParent, PCWSTR pcwzSubKey, PCWSTR pcwzValue, PWSTR pwzBuf, PDWORD pdwcbBufLen) { LONG lResult; DWORD dwValueType;
// GetRegKeyValue() will verify the parameters.
lResult = GetRegKeyValue(hkeyParent, pcwzSubKey, pcwzValue, &dwValueType, (PBYTE)pwzBuf, pdwcbBufLen);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwValueType != REG_SZ) lResult = ERROR_CANTREAD;
return(lResult); }
** GetDefaultRegKeyValue() ** ** Retrieves the data from a registry key's default string value. ** ** Arguments: ** ** Returns: ** ** Side Effects: none */ LONG GetDefaultRegKeyValue(HKEY hkeyParent, PCWSTR pcwzSubKey, PWSTR pwzBuf, PDWORD pdwcbBufLen) { // GetRegKeyStringValue() will verify the parameters.
return(GetRegKeyStringValue(hkeyParent, pcwzSubKey, NULL, pwzBuf, pdwcbBufLen)); }
/***************************** Private Functions *****************************/
** ParseIconEntry() ** ** ** Arguments: ** ** Returns: S_OK if icon entry parsed successfully. ** S_FALSE if not (empty string). ** (get 0 if icon index empty, or ** if icon index parsing fails) ** ** Side Effects: The contents of pwzIconEntry are modified. ** */ HRESULT ParseIconEntry(LPWSTR pwzIconEntry, PINT pniIcon) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR pwzComma;
// caller GetGenericIcon() will verify the parameters.
pwzComma = wcschr(pwzIconEntry, L',');
if (pwzComma) { *pwzComma++ = L'\0'; LPWSTR pwzStopString=NULL; *pniIcon = (int) wcstol(pwzComma, &pwzStopString, 10); } else { *pniIcon = 0; }
if (pwzIconEntry[0] == L'\0') { hr = S_FALSE; }
ASSERT(IsValidIconIndex(hr, pwzIconEntry, MAX_PATH, *pniIcon));
return(hr); }
** GetFallBackGenericIcon() ** ** ** Arguments: ** ** Returns: S_OK if fallback generic icon information retrieved ** successfully. ** E_FAIL if not. ** ** Side Effects: none */ HRESULT GetFallBackGenericIcon(LPWSTR pwzIconFile, UINT ucbIconFileBufLen, PINT pniIcon) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Fall back to first icon in this module.
// caller GetGenericIcon() will verify the parameters.
if (ucbIconFileBufLen >= ( sizeof(s_cwzGenericIconFile) / sizeof(WCHAR) )) { wcscpy(pwzIconFile, s_cwzGenericIconFile); *pniIcon = s_ciGenericIconFileIndex;
} else { hr = E_FAIL; }
ASSERT(IsValidIconIndex(hr, pwzIconFile, ucbIconFileBufLen, *pniIcon));
return(hr); }
** GetGenericIcon() ** ** ** Arguments: ** ** Returns: S_OK if generic icon information retrieved successfully. ** Otherwise error (E_FAIL). ** ** Side Effects: none */ // assumptions: always structure the reg key value and fallback path so that the iconfile
// can be found by the shell!!
// should also consider making it a fully qualify path
// finally the iconfile must exist
HRESULT GetGenericIcon(LPWSTR pwzIconFile, UINT ucbIconFileBufLen, PINT pniIcon) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwcbLen = ucbIconFileBufLen;
// caller GetIconLocation() will verify parameters
if (GetDefaultRegKeyValue(g_hkeySettings, g_cwzDefaultIconKey, pwzIconFile, &dwcbLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) hr = ParseIconEntry(pwzIconFile, pniIcon); else { // no icon entry
hr = S_FALSE; }
if (hr == S_FALSE) hr = GetFallBackGenericIcon(pwzIconFile, ucbIconFileBufLen, pniIcon);
ASSERT(IsValidIconIndex(hr, pwzIconFile, ucbIconFileBufLen, *pniIcon));
return(hr); }
/********************************** Methods **********************************/
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CFusionShortcut::GetIconLocation(UINT uInFlags, LPWSTR pwzIconFile, UINT ucbIconFileBufLen, PINT pniIcon, PUINT puOutFlags) { // is there any pref hit by doing this logic/probing here?
// maybe this can be done in IPersistFile::Load instead?
// always attempt to return S_OK or S_FALSE
// only exception is that one case of E_INVALIDARG right below
if (!pwzIconFile || !pniIcon || ucbIconFileBufLen <= 0) { // should this return S_FALSE anyway so that the default shell icon is used?
hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
if (IS_FLAG_CLEAR(uInFlags, GIL_OPENICON)) { // .. this get the path ...
hr = GetIconLocation(pwzIconFile, ucbIconFileBufLen, pniIcon);
if (hr == S_OK && GetFileAttributes(pwzIconFile) == (DWORD)-1) { // if the file specified by iconfile does not exist, try again in working dir
// it can be a relative path...
// see note in shlink.cpp for string array size
LPWSTR pwzWorkingDir = new WCHAR[ucbIconFileBufLen];
hr = GetWorkingDirectory(pwzWorkingDir, ucbIconFileBufLen); if (hr != S_OK) hr = S_FALSE; else { LPWSTR pwzPath = new WCHAR[ucbIconFileBufLen];
// working dir does not end w/ '\'
_snwprintf(pwzPath, ucbIconFileBufLen, L"%s\\%s", pwzWorkingDir, pwzIconFile);
if (GetFileAttributes(pwzPath) == (DWORD)-1) hr = S_FALSE; else wcscpy(pwzIconFile, pwzPath);
delete [] pwzPath; }
delete [] pwzWorkingDir; }
// BUGBUG?: change to '!= S_OK'?
// no need because GetIconLocation(,,) only returns S_OK/S_FALSE here
if (hr == S_FALSE) { if (m_pwzPath) { // no icon file, use the entry point...
// BUGBUG?: passing NULL as PWIN32_FIND_DATA will assert..
hr = GetPath(pwzIconFile, ucbIconFileBufLen, NULL, SLGP_SHORTPATH); //?????? 0);
if (hr != S_OK || GetFileAttributes(pwzIconFile) == (DWORD)-1) hr = S_FALSE;
*pniIcon = 0; } /*else
hr = S_FALSE;*/
if (hr == S_FALSE) { // ... there's nothing?
// Use generic URL icon.
// see assumptions on GetGenericIcon()
hr = GetGenericIcon(pwzIconFile, ucbIconFileBufLen, pniIcon);
if (FAILED(hr)) // worst case: ask shell to use its generic icon
hr = S_FALSE; } } } else // No "open look" icon.
hr = S_FALSE;
if (hr != S_OK) { // see shelllink?
if (ucbIconFileBufLen > 0) *pwzIconFile = L'\0';
*pniIcon = 0; }
exit: if (puOutFlags) *puOutFlags = 0; // ignore puOutFlags == NULL case
ASSERT(IsValidIconIndex(hr, pwzIconFile, ucbIconFileBufLen, *pniIcon))// &&
return(hr); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CFusionShortcut::Extract(LPCWSTR pcwzIconFile, UINT uiIcon, HICON* phiconLarge, HICON* phiconSmall, UINT ucIconSize) { HRESULT hr;
ASSERT(IsValidIconIndex(S_OK, pcwzIconFile, MAX_PATH, uiIcon));
// FEATURE: Validate ucIconSize here.
if (phiconLarge) *phiconLarge = NULL; if (phiconSmall) *phiconSmall = NULL;
// Use caller's default implementation of ExtractIcon().
// GetIconLocation() should return good path and index
hr = S_FALSE;
ASSERT((hr == S_OK && IS_VALID_HANDLE(*phiconLarge, ICON) && IS_VALID_HANDLE(*phiconSmall, ICON)) || (hr != S_OK && ! *phiconLarge && ! *phiconSmall));
return(hr); }