Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Win32 Base API Test Program for Profile File Management calls
Steve Wood (stevewo) 26-Oct-1990
Revision History:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
void DumpProfile( LPTSTR ProfileFileName ) { LPTSTR Sections, Section; LPTSTR Keywords, Keyword; LPTSTR KeyValue;
Sections = LocalAlloc( 0, 4096 * sizeof( *Sections ) ); Keywords = LocalAlloc( 0, 4096 * sizeof( *Keywords ) ); KeyValue = LocalAlloc( 0, 1024 * sizeof( *KeyValue ) );
#ifdef UNICODE
printf( "\nDump of %ws\n", #else
printf( "\nDump of %s\n", #endif
ProfileFileName ? ProfileFileName : TEXT("win.ini") ); *Sections = TEXT('\0'); if (!GetPrivateProfileString( NULL, NULL, NULL, Sections, 4096 * sizeof( *Sections ), ProfileFileName ) ) { printf( "*** Unable to read - rc == %d\n", GetLastError() ); }
Section = Sections; while (*Section) { #ifdef UNICODE
printf( "[%ws]\n", #else
printf( "[%s]\n", #endif
Section ); *Keywords = TEXT('\0'); GetPrivateProfileString( Section, NULL, NULL, Keywords, 4096 * sizeof( *Keywords ), ProfileFileName ); Keyword = Keywords; while (*Keyword) { GetPrivateProfileString( Section, Keyword, NULL, KeyValue, 1024 * sizeof( *KeyValue ), ProfileFileName ); #ifdef UNICODE
printf( " %ws=%ws\n", #else
printf( " %s=%s\n", #endif
Keyword, KeyValue );
while (*Keyword++) { } }
while (*Section++) { } }
LocalFree( Sections ); LocalFree( Keywords ); LocalFree( KeyValue );
return; }
void DumpSection( LPTSTR ProfileFileName, LPTSTR SectionName ) { LPTSTR SectionValue; LPTSTR s;
SectionValue = LocalAlloc( 0, 4096 * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
#ifdef UNICODE
printf( "\nDump of Section %ws in %ws\n", #else
printf( "\nDump of Section %s in %s\n", #endif
SectionName, ProfileFileName ? ProfileFileName : TEXT("win.ini") );
*SectionValue = TEXT('\0'); GetPrivateProfileSection( SectionName, SectionValue, 4096 * sizeof( TCHAR ), ProfileFileName ); #ifdef UNICODE
printf( "[%ws]\n", #else
printf( "[%s]\n", #endif
SectionName ); s = SectionValue; while (*s) { #ifdef UNICODE
printf( " %ws\n", s ); #else
printf( " %s\n", s ); #endif
while (*s++) { } }
LocalFree( SectionValue ); return; }
#define MAX_SECTIONS 32
#define MAX_KEYWORDS 32
DWORD main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] ) { ULONG n; int SectionNumber, KeyNumber; LPTSTR SectionValue, KeyValue, Keyword; TCHAR SectionName[ 32 ], KeyName[ 32 ], KeyValueBuffer[ 32 ], Buffer[ 32 ]; FILE *fh;
printf( "TPROF: Entering Test Program\n" );
SectionValue = LocalAlloc( 0, 4096 * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); KeyValue = LocalAlloc( 0, 1024 * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
#if 0
for (SectionNumber=0; SectionNumber<MAX_SECTIONS; SectionNumber++) { sprintf( SectionName, "Section%02u", SectionNumber ); for (KeyNumber=0; KeyNumber<MAX_KEYWORDS; KeyNumber++) { sprintf( KeyName, "KeyName%02u", KeyNumber ); sprintf( KeyValueBuffer, "KeyValue%02u_%02u", SectionNumber, KeyNumber ); if (!WritePrivateProfileString( SectionName, KeyName, KeyValueBuffer, "foo.ini" )) { fprintf( stderr, "WriteProfileString( test.ini, [%s].%s=%s ) errno == %u\n", SectionName, KeyName, KeyValueBuffer, GetLastError() ); }
GetPrivateProfileString( SectionName, KeyName, "bogus", Buffer, sizeof( Buffer ), "foo.ini" );
if (strcmp( Buffer, KeyValueBuffer )) { fprintf( stderr, "Write: %s != %s, errno == %u\n", KeyValueBuffer, Buffer, GetLastError() ); } } }
for (SectionNumber=0; SectionNumber<MAX_SECTIONS; SectionNumber++) { sprintf( SectionName, "Section%02u", SectionNumber ); for (KeyNumber=0; KeyNumber<MAX_KEYWORDS; KeyNumber++) { sprintf( KeyName, "KeyName%02u", KeyNumber ); sprintf( KeyValueBuffer, "KeyValue%02u_%02u", SectionNumber, KeyNumber );
GetPrivateProfileString( SectionName, KeyName, "bogus", Buffer, sizeof( Buffer ), "foo.ini" );
if (strcmp( Buffer, KeyValueBuffer )) { fprintf( stderr, "Read: %s != %s, errno == %u\n", KeyValueBuffer, Buffer, GetLastError() ); } } }
for (SectionNumber=0; SectionNumber<MAX_SECTIONS; SectionNumber++) { sprintf( SectionName, "Section%02u", SectionNumber ); for (KeyNumber=0; KeyNumber<MAX_KEYWORDS; KeyNumber++) { sprintf( KeyName, "KeyName%02u", KeyNumber ); sprintf( KeyValueBuffer, "KeyValue%02u_%02u", SectionNumber, KeyNumber );
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( SectionName, KeyName, NULL, "foo.ini" )) { fprintf( stderr, "WriteProfileString( test.ini, [%s].%s (delete) ) errno == %u\n", SectionName, KeyName, GetLastError() ); }
GetPrivateProfileString( SectionName, KeyName, "bogus", Buffer, sizeof( Buffer ), "foo.ini" );
if (strcmp( Buffer, "bogus" )) { fprintf( stderr, "Delete: bogus != %s, errno == %u\n", Buffer, GetLastError() ); } } }
exit( 0 ); #endif
WriteProfileString( TEXT("TESTINI"), TEXT("Key1"), TEXT("100abc") ); n = GetProfileString( TEXT("ports"), NULL, TEXT(""), SectionValue, 4096 * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); Keyword = SectionValue; printf( "Keywords in win.ini[ports]\n" ); while (*Keyword) { #ifdef UNICODE
printf( " %ws\n", Keyword ); #else
printf( " %s\n", Keyword ); #endif
while (*Keyword++) { } }
n = GetProfileString( TEXT("ports"), NULL, NULL, SectionValue, 4096 ); Keyword = SectionValue; printf( "Keywords in win.ini[ports]\n" ); while (*Keyword) { #ifdef UNICODE
printf( " %ws\n", Keyword ); #else
printf( " %s\n", Keyword ); #endif
while (*Keyword++) { } }
DeleteFile( TEXT("\\nt\\windows\\test.ini") ); fh = fopen( "\\nt\\windows\\test.ini", "w" ); fclose( fh );
DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("StrApp"), TEXT("StrKey"), TEXT("StrVal"), TEXT("test.ini")); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
DeleteFile( TEXT("test.ini") ); fh = fopen( "\\nt\\test.ini", "w" ); fprintf( fh, "[IncompleteSectionWithoutTrailingBracket\n\n" ); fprintf( fh, "[StrApp]\n" ); fprintf( fh, "StrKey=xxxxxx\n" ); fclose( fh );
DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("StrApp"), TEXT("StrKey"), TEXT("StrVal"), TEXT("test.ini"))) { printf( "*** Write failed - rc == %d\n", GetLastError() ); } else { DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") ); }
DeleteFile( "test.ini" );
fh = fopen( "\\nt\\windows\\test.ini", "w" ); fprintf( fh, "[a]\n" ); fprintf( fh, "a1=b1\n" ); fprintf( fh, "[b]\n" ); fprintf( fh, "a2=b2\n" ); fclose( fh ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileSection( TEXT("Section2"), TEXT("Keyword21=Value21\0Keyword22=Value22\0Keyword23=Value23\0Keyword24=\0"), TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
n = GetPrivateProfileString( TEXT("a"), TEXT("\0"), TEXT("Default"), KeyValue, 1024 * sizeof( TCHAR ), TEXT("test.ini") ); #ifdef UNICODE
printf( "GetPrivateProfileString( a, \\0, Default ) == %ld '%ws'\n", n, KeyValue ); #else
printf( "GetPrivateProfileString( a, \\0, Default ) == %ld '%s'\n", n, KeyValue ); #endif
n = GetPrivateProfileInt( TEXT("a"), TEXT("\0"), 123, TEXT("test.ini") ); printf( "GetPrivateProfileString( a, \\0, 123 ) == %ld\n", n );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("a"), NULL, NULL, TEXT("test.ini") );
DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("TESTINI"), TEXT("Key1"), TEXT("100abc"), TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT(" TESTINI "), TEXT(" Key1 "), TEXT(" Val1 "), TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
printf( "GetProfileInt( 123 ) == %ld\n", GetProfileInt( TEXT("AAAAA"), TEXT("XXXXX"), 123 ) );
printf( "GetProfileInt( -123 ) == %ld\n", GetProfileInt( TEXT("AAAAA"), TEXT("XXXXX"), -123 ) );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("TESTINI"), TEXT("Key1"), NULL, TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("TESTINI"), TEXT("Key2"), TEXT("Val2"), TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("TESTINI"), TEXT("Key2"), TEXT(""), TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("TESTINI"), TEXT("Key2"), NULL, TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("TESTINI"), TEXT("Key3"), TEXT("Val3"), TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("TESTINI"), NULL, TEXT("Something"), TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("Section1"), TEXT("Keyword11"), TEXT("Value11"), TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileSection( TEXT("Section2"), TEXT("Keyword21=Value21\0Keyword22=Value22\0Keyword23=Value23\0Keyword24=\0"), TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("Section1"), TEXT("Keyword12"), TEXT("Value12"), TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") );
n = GetPrivateProfileSection( TEXT("Section1"), SectionValue, 4096 * sizeof( TCHAR ), TEXT("test.ini") ); #if 0
if (n != 36 || strcmp( SectionValue, "Keyword11=Value11" ) || strcmp( SectionValue+18, "Keyword12=Value12" ) ) { printf( "*** test.ini[ Section1 ] is incorrect (Length == %d)\n", n ); DumpSection( "test.ini", "Section1" ); }
n = GetPrivateProfileString( "Section2", "Keyword25", "Default25", KeyValue, 1024, "test.ini" ); if (n != 9 || strcmp( KeyValue, "Default25" )) { printf( "*** test.ini[ Section2 ].Keyword25 is incorrect (Length == %d)\n", n ); DumpSection( "test.ini", "Section2" ); }
n = GetPrivateProfileString( "Section2", "Keyword24", NULL, KeyValue, 1024, "test.ini" ); if (n || strcmp( KeyValue, "" )) { printf( "*** test.ini[ Section2 ].Keyword24 is incorrect (Length == %d)\n", n ); DumpSection( "test.ini", "Section2" ); }
n = GetPrivateProfileString( "Section2", "Keyword23", NULL, KeyValue, 1024, "test.ini" ); if (n != 7 || strcmp( KeyValue, "Value23" )) { printf( "*** test.ini[ Section2 ].Keyword23 is incorrect (Length == %d)\n", n ); DumpSection( "test.ini", "Section2" ); }
n = GetPrivateProfileString( "Section2", "Keyword22", NULL, KeyValue, 1024, "test.ini" ); if (n != 7 || strcmp( KeyValue, "Value22" )) { printf( "*** test.ini[ Section2 ].Keyword22 is incorrect (Length == %d)\n", n ); DumpSection( "test.ini", "Section2" ); }
n = GetPrivateProfileString( "Section2", "Keyword21", NULL, KeyValue, 1024, "test.ini" ); if (n != 7 || strcmp( KeyValue, "Value21" )) { printf( "*** test.ini[ Section2 ].Keyword21 is incorrect (Length == %d)\n", n ); DumpSection( "test.ini", "Section2" ); }
DumpProfile( "test.ini" );
printf( "Deleting [Section1]Keyword11\n" ); WritePrivateProfileString( "Section1", "Keyword11", NULL, "test.ini" ); DumpProfile( "test.ini" );
printf( "Deleting all keywords in [Section1]\n" ); WritePrivateProfileSection( "Section1", "", "test.ini" ); DumpProfile( "test.ini" );
printf( "Deleting [Section1]\n" ); WritePrivateProfileString( "Section1", NULL, NULL, "test.ini" ); DumpProfile( "test.ini" );
printf( "Setting [Section2]Keyword21=\n" ); WritePrivateProfileString( "Section2", "Keyword21", "", "test.ini" ); #endif
DumpProfile( TEXT("test.ini") ); DumpProfile( NULL ); DumpSection( NULL, TEXT("Extensions") );
printf( "TPROF: Exiting Test Program\n" );
return 0; }