// TestInfo.CPP
// Module: CDM Provider
// Purpose: Defines the CClassPro class. An object of this class is
// created by the class factory for each connection.
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
#include <objbase.h>
#ifndef _MT
#define _MT
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "useful.h"
#include "wbemmisc.h"
#include "testinfo.h"
#include "cimmap.h"
#include "text.h"
IWbemServices *pCimServices; IWbemServices *pWdmServices;
HRESULT TestInfoInitialize( void ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will establishes a connection to the root\wmi and root\cimv2 namespaces in global memory
Return Value:
---*/ { HRESULT hr;
WmipAssert(pCimServices == NULL); WmipAssert(pWdmServices == NULL);
hr = WmiConnectToWbem(L"root\\cimv2", &pCimServices); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = WmiConnectToWbem(L"root\\wmi", &pWdmServices); if (hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { pCimServices->Release(); pCimServices = NULL; } }
return(hr); }
void TestInfoDeinitialize( void ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will disestablish a connection to the root\wmi and root\cimv2 namespaces in global memory
Return Value:
---*/ { WmipAssert(pCimServices != NULL); WmipAssert(pWdmServices != NULL); pCimServices->Release(); pCimServices = NULL;
pWdmServices->Release(); pWdmServices = NULL; }
CWdmClass::CWdmClass() /*+++
Routine Description:
Constructor for CWdmClass class
Return Value:
---*/ { Next = NULL; Prev = NULL; WdmShadowClassName = NULL; WdmMappingClassName = NULL; WdmMappingProperty = NULL; CimClassName = NULL; CimMappingClassName = NULL; CimMappingProperty = NULL; PnPDeviceIds = NULL; FriendlyName = NULL; DeviceDesc = NULL;
CimMapRelPaths = NULL; WdmRelPaths = NULL; CimInstances = NULL; RelPathCount = (int)-1;
DerivationType = UnknownDerivation;
// Start out with the class marked as not having instances
// availabel
MappingInProgress = 1; }
CWdmClass::~CWdmClass() /*+++
Routine Description:
Destructor for CWdmClass class
Return Value:
---*/ { int i; if (WdmShadowClassName != NULL) { SysFreeString(WdmShadowClassName); } if (WdmMappingClassName != NULL) { SysFreeString(WdmMappingClassName); } if (WdmMappingProperty != NULL) { SysFreeString(WdmMappingProperty); }
if (CimMappingClassName != NULL) { SysFreeString(CimMappingClassName); }
if (CimClassName != NULL) { SysFreeString(CimClassName); }
if (CimMappingProperty != NULL) { SysFreeString(CimMappingProperty); }
if (WdmMappingProperty != NULL) { SysFreeString(WdmMappingProperty); }
if (CimMapRelPaths != NULL) { delete CimMapRelPaths; }
if (WdmRelPaths != NULL) { delete WdmRelPaths; }
if (CimInstances != NULL) { delete CimInstances; }
if (PnPDeviceIds != NULL) { delete PnPDeviceIds; }
if (FriendlyName != NULL) { delete FriendlyName; }
if (DeviceDesc != NULL) { delete DeviceDesc; } }
IWbemServices *CWdmClass::GetWdmServices( void ) /*+++
Routine Description:
Accessor for the WDM namespace IWbemServices
Return Value:
IWbemServices ---*/ { WmipAssert(pWdmServices != NULL); return(pWdmServices); }
IWbemServices *CWdmClass::GetCimServices( void ) /*+++
Routine Description:
Accessor for the CIM namespace IWbemServices
Return Value:
IWbemServices ---*/ { WmipAssert(pCimServices != NULL); return(pCimServices); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::DiscoverPropertyTypes( IWbemContext *pCtx, IWbemClassObject *pCimClassObject ) { HRESULT hr, hrDontCare; VARIANT v; BSTR PropertyName; ULONG Count; IWbemQualifierSet *pQualifierList;
WmipAssert(pCimClassObject != NULL);
if (DerivationType == ConcreteDerivation) { //
// For a concrete derivation, get all of the key properties
// from the superclass so we can populate them too
hr = pCimClassObject->BeginEnumeration(WBEM_FLAG_KEYS_ONLY); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// TODO: Make CBstrArray allocation dynamic
PropertyList.Initialize(10); Count = 0; do { hr = pCimClassObject->Next(0, &PropertyName, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { PropertyList.Set(Count++, PropertyName); } else if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA) { //
// This signifies the end of the enumerations
hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; break; } } while (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR);
pCimClassObject->EndEnumeration(); } } else if (DerivationType == NonConcreteDerivation) { //
// TODO: Figure out how we want to create the list of
// superclass properties to fill
PropertyList.Initialize(1); hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } return(hr); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::InitializeSelf( IWbemContext *pCtx, PWCHAR CimClass ) { HRESULT hr; VARIANT v, vSuper; IWbemClassObject *pClass; IWbemQualifierSet *pQualifiers; PWCHAR Names[6]; VARTYPE Types[6]; VARIANT Values[6]; WmipAssert(CimClass != NULL);
WmipAssert(CimMappingClassName == NULL); WmipAssert(WdmShadowClassName == NULL); WmipAssert(CimClassName == NULL);
// We assume that this method will always be the first one called
// by the class provider
EnterCritSection(); if ((pCimServices == NULL) && (pWdmServices == NULL)) { hr = TestInfoInitialize(); if (hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { LeaveCritSection(); WmipDebugPrint(("WMIMAP: TestInfoInitialize -> %x\n", hr)); return(hr); } } LeaveCritSection();
CimClassName = SysAllocString(CimClass);
if (CimClassName != NULL) { //
// Get the WdmShadowClass class qualifier to discover the name of
// the Wdm class that is represented by this cim class
hr = GetCimServices()->GetObject(CimClassName, WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS, pCtx, &pClass, NULL); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// See if this is a derived class or not
VariantInit(&vSuper); hr = WmiGetProperty(pClass, SUPERCLASS, CIM_STRING, &vSuper);
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = pClass->GetQualifierSet(&pQualifiers); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) {
Names[0] = WDM_SHADOW_CLASS; Types[0] = VT_BSTR;
Names[1] = WDM_MAPPING_CLASS; Types[1] = VT_BSTR;
Names[2] = WDM_MAPPING_PROPERTY; Types[2] = VT_BSTR;
Names[3] = CIM_MAPPING_CLASS; Types[3] = VT_BSTR;
Names[4] = CIM_MAPPING_PROPERTY; Types[4] = VT_BSTR;
Names[5] = DERIVED_CLASS_TYPE; Types[5] = VT_BSTR; hr = GetListOfQualifiers(pQualifiers, 6, Names, Types, Values, FALSE); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// First determine if this is a concrete or non
// concrete derivation
if (Values[5].vt == VT_BSTR) { if (_wcsicmp(Values[5].bstrVal, CONCRETE) == 0) { DerivationType = ConcreteDerivation; } else if (_wcsicmp(Values[5].bstrVal, NONCONCRETE) == 0) { DerivationType = NonConcreteDerivation; } }
if (DerivationType == UnknownDerivation) { //
// Must specify derivation type
hr = WBEM_E_AMBIGUOUS_OPERATION; WmipDebugPrint(("WMIMAP: class %ws must specify derivation type\n", CimClass)); } else { if (Values[3].vt == VT_BSTR) { //
// Use CimMappingClass as specified
CimMappingClassName = Values[3].bstrVal; VariantInit(&Values[3]); } else { //
// CimMappingClass not specified, use
// superclass as mapping class
CimMappingClassName = vSuper.bstrVal; VariantInit(&vSuper); }
if (Values[0].vt == VT_BSTR) { //
// WdmShadowClass is required
WdmShadowClassName = Values[0].bstrVal; VariantInit(&Values[0]); if (Values[1].vt == VT_BSTR) { //
// WdmMappingClass can specify that
// the mapping class is different
// from the shadow class
WdmMappingClassName = Values[1].bstrVal; VariantInit(&Values[1]); }
if (Values[2].vt == VT_BSTR) { WdmMappingProperty = Values[2].bstrVal; VariantInit(&Values[2]); }
if (Values[4].vt == VT_BSTR) { CimMappingProperty = Values[4].bstrVal; VariantInit(&Values[4]); if (WdmMappingProperty == NULL) { //
// If CimMappingProperty
// specified then
// WdmMappingProperty is
// required
hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS; } } else { if (WdmMappingProperty != NULL) { //
// If CimMappingProperty is not
// specified then
// WdmMappingProperty should
// not be specified
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// Look at all properties to discover which ones
// need to be handled
hr = DiscoverPropertyTypes(pCtx, pClass); }
} else { //
// WDMShadowClass qualifier is required
hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS; } } VariantClear(&Values[0]); VariantClear(&Values[1]); VariantClear(&Values[2]); VariantClear(&Values[3]); VariantClear(&Values[4]); VariantClear(&Values[5]); } pQualifiers->Release(); } VariantClear(&vSuper);
} else { //
// No superclass implies no derivation
DerivationType = NoDerivation; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
pClass->Release(); } } else { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
return(hr); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::RemapToCimClass( IWbemContext *pCtx ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will setup this class and initialize everything so that the provider can interact with the CDM and WDM classes
CdmClass is the name of the CDM class Return Value:
HRESULT ---*/ { CBstrArray WdmInstanceNames; CBstrArray *WdmPaths; CBstrArray *CimPaths; CBstrArray *CimMapPaths; IWbemClassObject *CimInstance; HRESULT hr; int i; WmipAssert(CimMappingClassName != NULL); WmipAssert(WdmShadowClassName != NULL);
// Increment this to indicate that mapping is in progress and thus
// there are no instances available. Consider changing this to some
// kind of synchronization mechanism
IncrementMappingInProgress(); //
// Free rel path bstr arrays
if (CimMapRelPaths != NULL) { delete CimMapRelPaths; }
if (CimInstances != NULL) { delete CimInstances; }
if (WdmRelPaths != NULL) { delete WdmRelPaths; }
// allocate new rel paths
CimMapRelPaths = new CBstrArray; WdmRelPaths = new CBstrArray; CimInstances = new CWbemObjectList; PnPDeviceIds = new CBstrArray; FriendlyName = new CBstrArray; DeviceDesc = new CBstrArray;
if ((CimMapRelPaths != NULL) && (CimInstances != NULL) && (PnPDeviceIds != NULL) && (FriendlyName != NULL) && (DeviceDesc != NULL) && (WdmRelPaths != NULL)) {
if ((WdmMappingProperty == NULL) && (CimMappingProperty == NULL)) { //
// Use worker function to determine which
// Wdm relpaths map to which CIM_LogicalDevice relpaths
// via the PnP ids
hr = MapWdmClassToCimClassViaPnpId(pCtx, pWdmServices, pCimServices, WdmShadowClassName, CimMappingClassName, PnPDeviceIds, FriendlyName, DeviceDesc, &WdmInstanceNames, WdmRelPaths, CimMapRelPaths, &RelPathCount); } else { //
// Use worker function to map WDM relpaths to CIM relpaths
// using a common property in both classes
hr = MapWdmClassToCimClassViaProperty(pCtx, pWdmServices, pCimServices, WdmShadowClassName, WdmMappingClassName ? WdmMappingClassName : WdmShadowClassName, WdmMappingProperty, CimMappingClassName, CimMappingProperty, &WdmInstanceNames, WdmRelPaths, CimMapRelPaths, &RelPathCount);
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// Collect the relpaths for our cim instances that we are
// providing. Best way to do this is to create our instances
CimInstances->Initialize(RelPathCount); for (i = 0; i < RelPathCount; i++) { WmipDebugPrint(("WMIMAP: %ws maps to %ws\n", WdmRelPaths->Get(i), CimMapRelPaths->Get(i))); hr = CreateCimInstance(pCtx, i, &CimInstance); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = CimInstances->Set(i, CimInstance); if (hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { break; } } else { break; } }
} }
if (hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { delete CimMapRelPaths; CimMapRelPaths = NULL; delete WdmRelPaths; WdmRelPaths = NULL; delete CimInstances; CimInstances = NULL; } DecrementMappingInProgress(); return(hr); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::WdmPropertyToCimProperty( IN IWbemClassObject *pCdmClassInstance, IN IWbemClassObject *pWdmClassInstance, IN BSTR PropertyName, IN OUT VARIANT *PropertyValue, IN CIMTYPE CdmCimType, IN CIMTYPE WdmCimType ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will convert a property in a Wdm class into the form required for the property in the Cdm class.
pCdmClassInstance is the instnace of the Cdm class that will get the property value
pWdmClassInstance is the instance of the Wdm class that has the property value
PropertyName is the name of the property in the Wdm and Cdm classes
PropertyValue on entry has the value of the property in the Wdm instance and on return has the value to set in the Cdm instance
CdmCimType is the property type for the property in the Cdm instance WdmCimType is the property type for the property in the Wdm instance Return Value:
HRESULT ---*/ { HRESULT hr; CIMTYPE BaseWdmCimType, BaseCdmCimType; CIMTYPE WdmCimArray, CdmCimArray;
WmipAssert(pCdmClassInstance != NULL); WmipAssert(pWdmClassInstance != NULL); WmipAssert(PropertyName != NULL); WmipAssert(PropertyValue != NULL); WmipAssert(IsThisInitialized()); //
// Rules for converting Wdm Classes into Cdm Classes
// Wdm Class Type Cdm Class Type Conversion Done
// enumeration string Build string from enum
BaseWdmCimType = WdmCimType & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY; BaseCdmCimType = CdmCimType & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY; WdmCimArray = WdmCimType & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY; CdmCimArray = CdmCimType & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY; if (((BaseWdmCimType == CIM_UINT32) || (BaseWdmCimType == CIM_UINT16) || (BaseWdmCimType == CIM_UINT8)) && (BaseCdmCimType == CIM_STRING) && (WdmCimArray == CdmCimArray) && (PropertyValue->vt != VT_NULL)) { CValueMapping ValueMapping;
hr = ValueMapping.EstablishByName(GetWdmServices(), WdmShadowClassName, PropertyName); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = ValueMapping.MapVariantToString(PropertyValue, WdmCimType); } } else { //
// No conversion needs to occur
hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } return(hr); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::CimPropertyToWdmProperty( IN IWbemClassObject *pWdmClassInstance, IN IWbemClassObject *pCdmClassInstance, IN BSTR PropertyName, IN OUT VARIANT *PropertyValue, IN CIMTYPE WdmCimType, IN CIMTYPE CdmCimType ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will convert a property in a Cdm class into the form required for the property in the Wdm class.
pWdmClassInstance is the instance of the Wdm class that has the property value
pCdmClassInstance is the instnace of the Cdm class that will get the property value
PropertyName is the name of the property in the Wdm and Cdm classes
PropertyValue on entry has the value of the property in the Wdm instance and on return has the value to set in the Cdm instance
WdmCimType is the property type for the property in the Wdm instance CdmCimType is the property type for the property in the Cdm instance Return Value:
HRESULT ---*/ { HRESULT hr; CIMTYPE BaseWdmCimType, BaseCdmCimType; CIMTYPE WdmCimArray, CdmCimArray;
WmipAssert(pCdmClassInstance != NULL); WmipAssert(pWdmClassInstance != NULL); WmipAssert(PropertyName != NULL); WmipAssert(PropertyValue != NULL);
WmipAssert(IsThisInitialized()); //
// Rules for converting Wdm Classes into Cdm Classes
// Wdm Class Type Cdm Class Type Conversion Done
// enumeration string Map string to enum value
BaseWdmCimType = WdmCimType & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY; BaseCdmCimType = CdmCimType & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY; WdmCimArray = WdmCimType & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY; CdmCimArray = CdmCimType & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY; if (((BaseWdmCimType == CIM_UINT32) || (BaseWdmCimType == CIM_UINT16) || (BaseWdmCimType == CIM_UINT8)) && (BaseCdmCimType == CIM_STRING) && (WdmCimArray == CdmCimArray) && (PropertyValue->vt != VT_NULL)) { CValueMapping ValueMapping;
hr = ValueMapping.EstablishByName(GetWdmServices(), WdmShadowClassName, PropertyName); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = ValueMapping.MapVariantToNumber(PropertyValue, (VARTYPE)BaseWdmCimType);
} } else { //
// No conversion needs to occur
return(hr); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::CopyBetweenCimAndWdmClasses( IN IWbemClassObject *pDestinationInstance, IN IWbemClassObject *pSourceInstance, IN BOOLEAN WdmToCdm ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will do the work to copy and convert all properties in an instance of a Wdm or Cdm class to an instance of a Cdm or Wdm class.
Note that properties from one instance are only copied to properties of another instance when the property names are identical. No assumption is ever made on the name of the properties. The only info used to determine how to convert a property is based upon the source and destination cim type.
pDestinationInstance is the class instance that the properties will be copied into
pSourceInstance is the class instance that the properties will be copied from
WdmToCdm is TRUE if copying from Wdm to Cdm, else FALSE Return Value:
HRESULT ---*/ { HRESULT hr; VARIANT PropertyValue; BSTR PropertyName; CIMTYPE SourceCimType, DestCimType; HRESULT hrDontCare;
WmipAssert(pDestinationInstance != NULL); WmipAssert(pSourceInstance != NULL); WmipAssert(IsThisInitialized()); //
// Now we need to move over all of the properties from the source
// class into the destination class. Note that some properties need
// some special effort such as OtherCharacteristics which needs
// to be converted from an enumeration value (in wdm) to a
// string (in CDM).
// Our strategy is to enumerate all of the proeprties in the
// source class and then look for a property with the same name
// and type in the destination class. If so we just copy over the
// value. If the data type is different we need to do some
// conversion.
hr = pSourceInstance->BeginEnumeration(WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { do { //
// Get a property from the source class
hr = pSourceInstance->Next(0, &PropertyName, &PropertyValue, &SourceCimType, NULL); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// Try to get a property with the same name from the
// dest class. If the identically named property does
// not exist in the destination class then it is ignored
hrDontCare = pDestinationInstance->Get(PropertyName, 0, NULL, &DestCimType, NULL); if (hrDontCare == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { if (WdmToCdm) { hr = WdmPropertyToCimProperty(pDestinationInstance, pSourceInstance, PropertyName, &PropertyValue, DestCimType, SourceCimType); } else { hr = CimPropertyToWdmProperty(pDestinationInstance, pSourceInstance, PropertyName, &PropertyValue, DestCimType, SourceCimType); }
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// Try to place the transformed property into the
// destination class.
hr = pDestinationInstance->Put(PropertyName, 0, &PropertyValue, 0); } } SysFreeString(PropertyName); VariantClear(&PropertyValue); } else if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA) { //
// This signifies the end of the enumerations
hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; break; } } while (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR);
} return(hr); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::FillInCimInstance( IN IWbemContext *pCtx, IN int RelPathIndex, IN OUT IWbemClassObject *pCimInstance, IN IWbemClassObject *pWdmInstance ) { IWbemClassObject *pSuperInstance; ULONG Count; ULONG i; BSTR Property; VARIANT v; HRESULT hr, hrDontCare; CIMTYPE CimType; BSTR s; WmipAssert(RelPathIndex < RelPathCount); WmipAssert(pCimInstance != NULL); WmipAssert(pWdmInstance != NULL);
switch (DerivationType) { case ConcreteDerivation: { //
// We derived from a concrete class, so we need to duplicate
// the key properties
hr = GetCimServices()->GetObject(CimMapRelPaths->Get(RelPathIndex), 0, pCtx, &pSuperInstance, NULL); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { Count = PropertyList.GetListSize(); for (i = 0; (i < Count) && (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR); i++) { Property = PropertyList.Get(i); WmipDebugPrint(("WMIMAP: Concrete Property %ws\n", Property)); if (Property != NULL) { hr = pSuperInstance->Get(Property, 0, &v, &CimType, NULL); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = pCimInstance->Put(Property, 0, &v, CimType); VariantClear(&v); } } } pSuperInstance->Release(); } break; }
case NonConcreteDerivation: { //
// We derived from a non concrete class, so we need to fill
// in any properties from the super class that we feel we
// should. The list includes
// Description (from FriendlyName device property)
// Caption (from DeviceDesc device property)
// Name (From DeviceDesc device property)
// Status (always OK)
// PNPDeviceID
if (PnPDeviceIds != NULL) { s = PnPDeviceIds->Get(RelPathIndex); v.vt = VT_BSTR; v.bstrVal = s; hrDontCare = pCimInstance->Put(PNP_DEVICE_ID, 0, &v, 0); }
if (FriendlyName != NULL) { s = FriendlyName->Get(RelPathIndex); if (s != NULL) { v.vt = VT_BSTR; v.bstrVal = s; hrDontCare = pCimInstance->Put(DESCRIPTION, 0, &v, 0); } }
if (DeviceDesc != NULL) { s = DeviceDesc->Get(RelPathIndex); if (s != NULL) { v.vt = VT_BSTR; v.bstrVal = s; hrDontCare = pCimInstance->Put(NAME, 0, &v, 0);
hrDontCare = pCimInstance->Put(CAPTION, 0, &v, 0); } }
s = SysAllocString(OK); if (s != NULL) { v.vt = VT_BSTR; v.bstrVal = s; hrDontCare = pCimInstance->Put(STATUS, 0, &v, 0); SysFreeString(s); } break; }
case NoDerivation: { //
// Nothing to do
hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; break; } default: { WmipAssert(FALSE); hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; break; } } return(hr); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::CreateCimInstance( IN IWbemContext *pCtx, IN int RelPathIndex, OUT IWbemClassObject **pCimInstance ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will create a CIM instance corresponding to the WDM instance for the relpath index. No data is cached as the WDM class is always queried to create the instance.
pCtx is the WBEM context
RelPathIndex is the index into the class corresponding to the instance
*pCimInstance returns with a CIM class instance Return Value:
HRESULT ---*/ { IWbemClassObject *pWdmInstance; HRESULT hr;
WmipAssert(pCimInstance != NULL); WmipAssert(RelPathIndex < RelPathCount); WmipAssert(IsThisInitialized());
// Create a template Cim instance to be filled with WDM properties
hr = CreateInst(pCtx, GetCimServices(), CimClassName, pCimInstance);
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = GetWdmInstanceByIndex(pCtx, RelPathIndex, &pWdmInstance);
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = CopyBetweenCimAndWdmClasses(*pCimInstance, pWdmInstance, TRUE);
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// Fill in additional CIM properties in the case of
// classes derived from concrete and non concrete classes
hr = FillInCimInstance(pCtx, RelPathIndex, *pCimInstance, pWdmInstance); } pWdmInstance->Release();
if (hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { (*pCimInstance)->Release(); *pCimInstance = NULL; } }
return(hr); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::GetIndexByCimRelPath( BSTR CimObjectPath, int *RelPathIndex ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will return the RelPathIndex for a specific Cim Relpath
CimRelPath is the Cim relpath
*RelPathIndex returns with the relpath index Return Value:
HRESULT ---*/ { int i;
WmipAssert(CimObjectPath != NULL); WmipAssert(CimInstances->IsInitialized()); WmipAssert(WdmRelPaths->IsInitialized());
WmipAssert(IsThisInitialized()); for (i = 0; i < RelPathCount; i++) { if (_wcsicmp(CimObjectPath, GetCimRelPath(i)) == 0) { *RelPathIndex = i; return(WBEM_S_NO_ERROR); } } return(WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::GetWdmInstanceByIndex( IN IWbemContext *pCtx, IN int RelPathIndex, OUT IWbemClassObject **ppWdmInstance ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will return a IWbemClassObject pointer associated with the RelPath index
*ppWdmClassObject returns with an instance for the relpaht Return Value:
WmipAssert(ppWdmInstance != NULL); WmipAssert(IsThisInitialized()); //
// Run in the caller's context so that if he is not able to access
// the WDM classes, he can't
hr = CoImpersonateClient(); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { *ppWdmInstance = NULL; hr = GetWdmServices()->GetObject(WdmRelPaths->Get(RelPathIndex), WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS, pCtx, ppWdmInstance, NULL); CoRevertToSelf(); } return(hr); }
BOOLEAN CWdmClass::IsThisInitialized( void ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine determines if this class has been initialized to access CDM and WDM classes
Return Value:
TRUE if initialiezed else FALSE ---*/ { return( (CimClassName != NULL) ); }
IWbemClassObject *CWdmClass::GetCimInstance( int RelPathIndex ) { WmipAssert(CimInstances->IsInitialized()); WmipAssert(RelPathIndex < RelPathCount);
WmipAssert(IsThisInitialized()); return(CimInstances->Get(RelPathIndex)); } BSTR /* NOFREE */ CWdmClass::GetCimRelPath( int RelPathIndex ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will return the Cim relpath for a RelPathIndex
RelPathIndex Return Value:
Cim RelPath. This should not be freed ---*/ { WmipAssert(CimInstances->IsInitialized()); WmipAssert(RelPathIndex < RelPathCount);
WmipAssert(IsThisInitialized()); return(CimInstances->GetRelPath(RelPathIndex)); }
BSTR /* NOFREE */ CWdmClass::GetWdmRelPath( int RelPathIndex ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will return the Wdm relpath for a RelPathIndex
RelPathIndex Return Value:
Cim RelPath. This should not be freed ---*/ { WmipAssert(WdmRelPaths->IsInitialized()); WmipAssert(RelPathIndex < RelPathCount);
WmipAssert(IsThisInitialized()); return(WdmRelPaths->Get(RelPathIndex)); }
// Linked list management routines
CWdmClass *CWdmClass::GetNext( ) { return(Next); }
CWdmClass *CWdmClass::GetPrev( ) { return(Prev); }
void CWdmClass::InsertSelf( CWdmClass **Head ) { WmipAssert(Next == NULL); WmipAssert(Prev == NULL);
if (*Head != NULL) { Next = (*Head); (*Head)->Prev = this; } *Head = this; }
BOOLEAN CWdmClass::ClaimCimClassName( PWCHAR ClassName ) {
// If this class has the same CIM class name as the one we are
// looking for then we have a match
if (_wcsicmp(ClassName, CimClassName) == 0) { return(TRUE); }
return(FALSE); }
HRESULT CWdmClass::PutInstance( IWbemContext *pCtx, int RelPathIndex, IWbemClassObject *pCimInstance ) { HRESULT hr; IWbemClassObject *pWdmInstance;
WmipAssert(pCimInstance != NULL); WmipAssert(RelPathIndex < RelPathCount);
// First thing is to obtain the WDM instance that corresponds to
// the cim instance
hr = GetWdmServices()->GetObject(WdmRelPaths->Get(RelPathIndex), 0, pCtx, &pWdmInstance, NULL); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// Now copy properties from the CIM class into the WDM class
hr = CopyBetweenCimAndWdmClasses(pWdmInstance, pCimInstance, FALSE); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// Finally put the WDM instance to reflect the changed
// properties down into the driver
hr = GetWdmServices()->PutInstance(pWdmInstance, WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY, pCtx, NULL); } }
return(hr); }