rem Name : Drt.cmd rem Author: Sabina Sutkovic rem Date : 9-1-00
rem This script runs perfval,pdhstress,ctrtest,pdhtest rem pdhtest,runet,pdhsql or drt test.
if exist perfval.txt del perfval.txt if exist pdhtest.txt del pdhtest.txt @echo off @setlocal
if (%1)==(skip) goto TEST if (%1)==(perfval) goto PATH if (%1)==(pdhstress) goto PATH if (%1)==(ctrtest) goto PATH if (%1)==(pdhtest) goto PATH if (%1)==(runet) goto PATH if (%1)==(pdhsql) goto PATH if (%1)==(drt) goto PATH if (%1)==(alltests) goto PATH if (%1)==() ( goto PATH ) else ( goto COPY_FILES )
:PATH echo __________________________________________________ echo You have not specified the path where you want all echo the files nessaccary for the tests to be copied. echo For exmp: runtests C:\dir\dir echo __________________________________________________ goto :EOF
:COPY_FILES set testbin=%1 if not exist %testbin% md %testbin% cd \d %testbin% copy /y \\wolfcub\wmi\bin %testbin% copy /y \\popcorn\public\johnfu\et-old %testbin% echo ____________________________________________________________ echo To run the script runtests.cmd without downloading files echo type skip as the 1st parameter next time. The files for the echo tests must be at the location from which you run the script. echo ____________________________________________________________
:TEST if (%2)==(perfval) goto PERFVAL if (%2)==(pdhstress) goto PDHSTRESS if (%2)==(ctrtest) goto CTRTEST if (%2)==(pdhtest) goto PDHTEST if (%2)==(runet) goto RUNET if (%2)==(pdhsql) goto PDHSQL if (%2)==(drt) goto DRT if (%2)==() goto DEFAULT if (%2)==(alltests) goto DEFAULT
if not (%2)==(perfval) goto ERROR if not (%2)==(pdhstress) goto ERROR if not (%2)==(ctrtest) goto ERROR if not (%2)==(pdhtest) goto ERROR if not (%2)==(runet) goto ERROR if not (%2)==(pdhsql) goto ERROR if not (%2)==(drt) goto ERROR if not (%2)==() goto ERROR if not (%2)==(alltests) goto ERROR :ERROR echo ____________________________________________________________ echo Error in typing. To run specific test you have to type one echo of the test names such as: perfval,pdhstress,ctrtest,pdhtest echo runet,pdhsql or drt as your second parameter. echo To run all the tests the second parameter must be left blank echo or type alltests. echo ____________________________________________________________ goto :EOF
:PERFVAL echo ================================================================= echo PERFVAL is a validation test which tests the system configuration echo for consistency and then performs a simple test on each of the echo installed performance counters to make sure they operate, echo at least at a simple level. It doesn't perform stress testing on echo the performance counters or the performance registry. echo ================================================================= perfval.exe > perfval.txt
for /F "delims=,tokens=1-2" %%I in ('findstr RESULT: perfval.txt') do set result=%%I for /F "delims=,tokens=4" %%I in ('findstr /C:"PASS RATE:" perfval.txt') do set rate=%%I for /F "tokens=3" %%I in ('findstr /C:"END TIME: " perfval.txt') do set date=%%I for /F "tokens=4-6" %%I in ('findstr /C:"END TIME: " perfval.txt') do set time=%%I echo ******************************************** echo * PERFVAL TEST RESULTS echo *%rate% echo *%result% echo * END TIME: %date% %time% echo ******************************************** echo. goto :EOF
:PDHSTRESS echo. echo ========================================================== echo Pdhstress is a test designed to excercises the pdh APIs by echo checking boundring conditions, invalid arguments and etc. echo ========================================================== pdhstress.exe echo ***************************** echo * PDHSTRESS TEST SUCCESSFUL * echo ***************************** echo. goto :EOF
:CTRTEST echo. echo =========================================================== echo CTRTEST is a test program designed to allow the Extensible echo Performance Counter developer to test their performance DLL echo in an isolated scenario. echo =========================================================== echo. ctrtest.exe echo *************************** echo * CTRTEST TEST SUCCESSFUL * echo *************************** echo. goto :EOF
:PDHTEST echo. echo ==================================================================== echo Pdhtest is more like a regression test. PDHTEST calls the API's with echo different parameters to test for valid/invalid parameters, boundary echo condition's and exceptions. PDHTEST performs functional tests on the echo API's to ensure that they are working correctly. echo ==================================================================== echo. pdhtest.exe>pdhtest.txt
for /F "delims=,tokens=3-8" %%I in ('findstr "PASS RATE:" pdhtest.txt') do set rt=%%I for /F "delims=,tokens=3" %%L in ('findstr /C:"RESULT: " pdhtest.txt') do set resultpdh=%%L for /F "tokens=2-3" %%J in ('findstr /C:"TIME:" pdhtest.txt') do set tdata=%%J for /F "tokens=3" %%I in ('findstr /C:"TIME: " pdhtest.txt') do set t=%%I echo ******************************************** echo * PDHTEST TEST RESULTS echo *%rt% echo *%resultpdh% echo * TIME: %tdata% %t% echo ******************************************** echo.
goto :EOF
:RUNET echo. echo ====================================== echo Runet is a test designed to trace APIs echo ====================================== echo. runet.cmd>runet.txt
for /F "tokens=4" %%I in ('findstr Pass runet.txt') do set pass=%%I for /F "tokens=4" %%I in ('findstr Fail runet.txt') do set fail=%%I for /F "tokens=4" %%I in ('findstr Abort runet.txt') do set abort=%%I echo %pass% %fail% %abort% echo *************************** echo * RUNET TEST RESULTS echo * Pass = %pass% echo * Fail = %fail% echo * Abort = %abort% echo *************************** goto :EOF
:PDHSQL echo. echo ==================================================================== echo Pdhsql is a test program designed to do sanity check and stress echo the APIs that log perfmon counters to SQL. APIs covered are: echo PdhCreateSQLTables, PdhVerifySQLDB,PdhEnumlogsetNames, echo PdhEnumObjectItems,PdhEnumObjects,PdhSetLogsetRunID,PdhGetLogSetGUID. echo =====================================================================
pdhsql.exe -S:pdh-black8b -U:sa -P: -vc:2 echo ************************** echo * PDHSQL TEST SUCCESSFUL * echo ************************** echo. goto :EOF
:DRT echo. echo ======================================================= echo DRT test is test containing three scripts. echo RUNTRACECALL.CMD script f. tests event tracing. echo RUNDUMPCALL.CMD script f. tests event tracing consumer. echo RUNUMTEST.CMD script f. tests UM event tracing. echo ======================================================= call drt echo **************************** echo * RESULTS OF THE DRT TESTS * echo **************************** echo ================ echo RUNTRACECALL.CMD echo ================ if not exist st.txt ( sline=0 @echo ==================================== @echo Sorry all of the tests have Failed. ) else ( wc st.txt>linecount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (linecount.txt) do set sline=%%I )
if not exist ft.txt ( set fline=0 echo ================================================ echo Congratulation all of the tests are Successful. ) else ( wc ft.txt>linecount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (linecount.txt) do set fline=%%I ) echo =========================== echo %sline% Successful tests. echo %fline% Failed tests. echo =========================== echo.
echo =============== echo RUNDUMPCALL.CMD echo =============== if not exist STD.txt ( sline=0 echo ==================================== echo Sorry all of the tests have Failed. ) else ( wc STD.txt>lcount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (lcount.txt) do set sline=%%I )
if not exist FTD.txt ( set fline=0 echo ================================================ echo Congratulation all of the tests are Successful. ) else ( wc FTD.txt>lcount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (linecount.txt) do set fline=%%I ) echo =========================== echo %sline% Successful tests. echo %fline% Failed tests. echo =========================== echo.
echo =============== echo RUNDUMPTEST.CMD echo =============== if not exist RMST.txt( sline=0 @echo ==================================== @echo Sorry all of the tests have Failed. ) else ( wc RMST.txt>linecount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (linecount.txt) do set sline=%%I )
if not exist RMFT.txt ( set fline=0 @echo ================================================ @echo Congratulation all of the tests are Successful. ) else ( wc RMFT.txt>linecount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (linecount.txt) do set fline=%%I ) @echo =========================== @echo %sline% Successful tests. @echo %fline% Failed tests. @echo ===========================
goto :EOF
:DEFAULT echo ______________________________________________ echo By default all the tests will run. echo However,if you wish to specifie certain test echo next time. Your second parameter has to be the echo name of the test. echo ______________________________________________
:PERFVAL echo PERFVAL is a validation test which tests the system configuration echo for consistency and then performs a simple test on each of the echo installed performance counters to make sure they operate, echo at least at a simple level. It doesn't perform stress testing on echo the performance counters or the performance registry. echo ================================================================= perfval.exe > perfval.txt
for /F "delims=,tokens=1-2" %%I in ('findstr RESULT: perfval.txt') do set result=%%I for /F "delims=,tokens=4" %%I in ('findstr /C:"PASS RATE:" perfval.txt') do set rate=%%I for /F "delims=,tokens=2-6" %%I in ('findstr /C:"END TIME: " perfval.txt') do set time=%%I echo ******************************************** echo * PERFVAL TEST RESULTS echo *%rate% echo *%result% echo * END TIME: %time% echo ******************************************** echo.
:PDHSTRESS echo. echo ============================================================= echo PDHSTRESS is a test designed to stresses the set of PDH API's echo by repeatedly calling the API's with valid parameters only. echo ============================================================= pdhstress.exe
echo ***************************** echo * PDHSTRESS TEST SUCCESSFUL * echo ***************************** echo.
:CTRTEST echo. echo =========================================================== echo CTRTEST is a test program designed to allow the Extensible echo Performance Counter developer to test their performance DLL echo in an isolated scenario. echo =========================================================== echo. ctrtest.exe echo *************************** echo * CTRTEST TEST SUCCESSFUL * echo *************************** echo.
echo. echo ==================================================================== echo Pdhtest is more like a regression test. PDHTEST calls the API's with echo different parameters to test for valid/invalid parameters, boundary echo condition's and exceptions. PDHTEST performs functional tests on the echo API's to ensure that they are working correctly. echo ==================================================================== echo. pdhtest.exe>pdhtest.txt
for /F "delims=,tokens=3-8" %%I in ('findstr "PASS RATE:" pdhtest.txt') do set rt=%%I for /F "delims=,tokens=3" %%L in ('findstr /C:"RESULT: " pdhtest.txt') do set resultpdh=%%L for /F "tokens=2-3" %%J in ('findstr /C:"TIME:" pdhtest.txt') do set tdata=%%J for /F "tokens=3" %%I in ('findstr /C:"TIME: " pdhtest.txt') do set t=%%I echo ******************************************** echo * PDHTEST TEST RESULTS echo *%rt% echo *%resultpdh% echo * TIME: %tdata% %t% echo ******************************************** echo.
:RUNET echo. echo ====================================== echo Runet is a test designed to trace APIs echo ====================================== echo. runet.cmd>runet.txt
for /F "tokens=4" %%I in ('findstr Pass runet.txt') do set pass=%%I for /F "tokens=4" %%I in ('findstr Fail runet.txt') do set fail=%%I for /F "tokens=4" %%I in ('findstr Abort runet.txt') do set abort=%%I echo %pass% %fail% %abort% echo *************************** echo * RUNET TEST RESULTS echo * Pass = %pass% echo * Fail = %fail% echo * Abort = %abort% echo ***************************
:PDHSQL echo. echo ========================================================================= echo Pdhsql is a test program designed to do sanity check and stress echo the APIs that log perfmon counters to SQL. APIs covered are: echo PdhCreateSQLTables, PdhVerifySQLDB,PdhEnumlogsetNames,PdhEnumObjectItems, echo PdhEnumObjects, PdhSetLogsetRunID,PdhGetLogSetGUID. echo ========================================================================= pdhsql.exe -S:pdh-black8b -U:sa -P: -vc:2 echo ************************** echo * PDHSQL TEST SUCCESSFUL * echo ************************** echo.
:DRT echo. echo ========================================================= echo DRT test is test containing three scripts. echo RUNTRACECALL.CMD script file tests event tracing. echo RUNDUMPCALL.CMD script file tests event tracing consumer. echo RUNUMTEST.CMD script file tests UM event tracing. echo ========================================================= call drt
:RUNET echo. echo ====================================== echo Runet is a test designed to trace APIs echo ====================================== echo. runet.cmd>runet.txt
echo. echo ___________________________________________ echo The result of RUNET test is above this line echo ___________________________________________ echo . echo ________________________________________ echo **************************************** echo The results of the rest of the test are: echo **************************************** echo ________________________________________ echo. echo ***************** echo * THE DRT TESTS * echo ***************** echo ================ echo RUNTRACECALL.CMD echo ================ if not exist st.txt ( sline=0 @echo ==================================== @echo Sorry all of the tests have Failed. ) else ( wc st.txt>linecount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (linecount.txt) do set sline=%%I )
if not exist ft.txt ( set fline=0 echo ================================================ echo Congratulation all of the tests are Successful. ) else ( wc ft.txt>linecount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (linecount.txt) do set fline=%%I ) echo =========================== echo %sline% Successful tests. echo %fline% Failed tests. echo =========================== echo.
echo =============== echo RUNDUMPCALL.CMD echo =============== if not exist STD.txt ( sline=0 echo ==================================== echo Sorry all of the tests have Failed. ) else ( wc STD.txt>lcount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (lcount.txt) do set sline=%%I )
if not exist FTD.txt ( set fline=0 echo ================================================ echo Congratulation all of the tests are Successful. ) else ( wc FTD.txt>lcount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (linecount.txt) do set fline=%%I ) echo =========================== echo %sline% Successful tests. echo %fline% Failed tests. echo =========================== echo.
echo =============== echo RUNDUMPTEST.CMD echo =============== if not exist RMST.txt( sline=0 @echo ==================================== @echo Sorry all of the tests have Failed. ) else ( wc RMST.txt>linecount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (linecount.txt) do set sline=%%I )
if not exist RMFT.txt ( set fline=0 @echo ================================================ @echo Congratulation all of the tests are Successful. ) else ( wc RMFT.txt>linecount.txt for /F "tokens=1" %%I in (linecount.txt) do set fline=%%I ) @echo =========================== @echo %sline% Successful tests. @echo %fline% Failed tests. @echo =========================== echo ******************************************** echo * PERFVAL TEST RESULTS echo *%rate% echo *%result% echo * END TIME: %time% echo ******************************************** echo. for /F "delims=,tokens=3-8" %%I in ('findstr "TIME: " pdhtest.txt') do set t=%%I for /F "delims=,tokens=3-8" %%I in ('findstr "PASS RATE:" pdhtest.txt') do set rt=%%I for /F "delims=,tokens=1-2" %%I in ('findstr RESULT: pdhtest.txt') do set resultpdh=%%I
echo ******************************************* echo * PDHTEST TEST RESULTS echo *%rt% echo *%resultpdh% echo *%t% echo ******************************************** echo.
echo _____________________________________________________ echo If the tests didn't crash then your pdhstress,ctrtest echo pdhsql were SUCCESSFUL echo _____________________________________________________ echo.
echo ____________________________________________________ echo If you have any questions about this script contact: echo Sabina Sutkovic alias:t-sabins or echo Jee Fung Pang alias: jeepang echo ____________________________________________________ goto :EOF