Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
main file for the wow64svc
ATM Shafiqul Khalid (askhalid) 3-March-2000
Revision History:
#include "Wow64svc.h"
BOOL SetWow64InitialRegistryLayout ();
SERVICE_STATUS Wow64ServiceStatus; SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE Wow64ServiceStatusHandle; BOOL ServiceDebug; HANDLE Wow64SvcHeapHandle;
SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY ServiceDispatchTable[] = { { WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, Wow64ServiceMain }, { NULL, NULL } };
LPTSTR NextParam ( LPTSTR lpStr ) /*++
Routine Description
Point to the next parameter in the commandline.
lpStr - pointer to the current command line
Return Value:
TRUE if the function succeed, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { WCHAR ch = L' ';
if (lpStr == NULL ) return NULL;
if ( *lpStr == 0 ) return lpStr;
while ( ( *lpStr != 0 ) && ( lpStr[0] != ch )) {
if ( ( lpStr [0] == L'\"') || ( lpStr [0] == L'\'') ) ch = lpStr [0];
lpStr++; }
if ( ch !=L' ' ) lpStr++;
while ( ( *lpStr != 0 ) && (lpStr[0] == L' ') ) lpStr++;
return lpStr; }
DWORD CopyParam ( LPTSTR lpDestParam, LPTSTR lpCommandParam ) /*++
Routine Description
Copy the current parameter to lpDestParam.
lpDestParam - that receive current parameter lpCommandParam - pointer to the current command line
Return Value:
TRUE if the function succeed, FALSE otherwise.
{ DWORD dwLen = 0; WCHAR ch = L' ';
*lpDestParam = 0; if ( ( lpCommandParam [0] == L'\"') || ( lpCommandParam [0] == L'\'') ) { ch = lpCommandParam [0]; lpCommandParam++; };
while ( ( lpCommandParam [0] ) != ch && ( lpCommandParam [0] !=0 ) ) { *lpDestParam++ = *lpCommandParam++; dwLen++;
if ( dwLen>255 ) return FALSE; }
if ( ch != L' ' && ch != lpCommandParam [0] ) return FALSE; else lpCommandParam++;
*lpDestParam = 0;
return TRUE;
int __cdecl main()
Routine Description:
Main entry point for the TIFF image viewer.
Return Value:
Return code, zero for success.
{ int rVal; HKEY hKey; DWORD Ret;
LPTSTR p; DWORD Action = 0; LPTSTR Username; LPTSTR Password;
PWCHAR lptCmdLine = GetCommandLine ();
SvcDebugPrint(("\nWow64svc module......%S", lptCmdLine)); lptCmdLine = NextParam ( lptCmdLine );
while ( ( lptCmdLine != NULL ) && ( lptCmdLine[0] != 0 ) ) {
if ( lptCmdLine[0] != L'-' && lptCmdLine[0] != L'/') { SvcDebugPrint ( ("\nSorry! incorrect parameter.....")); SvcDebugPrint ( ("\n Uses: wow64svc -[i/r/d]")); return FALSE; }
switch ( lptCmdLine[1] ) {
case L'i': case L'I': //
// Temporary heck ignore installing this service
// You can delete the registry key as well for the initial sync
InitializeWow64OnBoot (2); //
// write sync value Key.....
hKey = OpenNode (L"\\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce"); if (hKey != NULL) { Ret = RegSetValueEx( hKey, L"WOW64_SYNC", 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)L"wow64.exe -y", sizeof (L"wow64.exe -y") ); RegCloseKey (hKey); }
return 0;
case L'r': case L'R':Action = 2; break;
case L'd': case L'D': Action = 3; break;
case L's': case L'S': StartWow64Service (); return 0; break;
case L'x': case L'X': StopWow64Service (); return 0; break;
case L'q': case L'Q': QueryWow64Service (); return 0; break;
case L'y': case L'Y': //
// Initial Sync registry
Wow64SyncCLSID (); return 0; default: SvcDebugPrint ( ("\nSorry! incorrect parameter.....pass2")); SvcDebugPrint ( ("\n Uses: wow64svc -[i/r/d]")); return FALSE; }
lptCmdLine = NextParam ( lptCmdLine ); }
switch( Action ) { case 1: rVal = InstallService( NULL, NULL ); if (rVal == 0) { //LogMessage( MSG_INSTALL_SUCCESS );
} else { //LogMessage( MSG_INSTALL_FAIL, GetLastErrorText( rVal ) );
} return rVal;
case 2: rVal = RemoveService(); if (rVal == 0) { //LogMessage( MSG_REMOVE_SUCCESS );
} else { //LogMessage( MSG_REMOVE_FAIL, GetLastErrorText( rVal ) );
} return rVal;
case 3: ServiceDebug = TRUE; //ConsoleDebugOutput = TRUE;
return ServiceStart(); }
SvcDebugPrint ( ("\nAttempt to run as a survice ......."));
if (!InitReflector ()) SvcDebugPrint ( ("\nSorry! couldn't initialize reflector thread, exiting"));
if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher( ServiceDispatchTable)) {
rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "StartServiceCtrlDispatcher error =%d", rVal )); return rVal; } return 0; }
DWORD InstallService( LPTSTR Username, LPTSTR Password )
Routine Description:
Service installation function. This function just calls the service controller to install the Wow64 service. It is required that the Wow64 service run in the context of a user so that the service can access MAPI, files on disk, the network, etc.
Username - User name where the service runs. Password - Password for the user name.
Return Value:
Return code. Return zero for success, all other values indicate errors.
{ DWORD rVal = 0; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr; SC_HANDLE hService;
// do the registration for the reflector thread in the registry.
PopulateReflectorTable ();
SvcDebugPrint ( ("\nInstalling service........")); hSvcMgr = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hSvcMgr) { rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "\ncould not open service manager: error code = %u", rVal )); return rVal; }
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, WOW64_IMAGE_NAME, NULL, NULL, NULL, Username, Password ); if (!hService) { rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "\ncould not create Wow64 service: error code = %u", rVal )); return rVal; }
CloseServiceHandle( hService ); CloseServiceHandle( hSvcMgr );
SvcDebugPrint ( ("\nInstalled services with ret code: %d", rVal)); return rVal; }
DWORD RemoveService( void )
Routine Description:
Service removal function. This function just calls the service controller to remove the Wow64 service.
Return Value:
Return code. Return zero for success, all other values indicate errors.
{ DWORD rVal = 0; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr; SC_HANDLE hService;
hSvcMgr = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hSvcMgr) { rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "could not open service manager: error code = %u", rVal )); return rVal; }
hService = OpenService( hSvcMgr, WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hService) { rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "could not open the Wow64 service: error code = %u", rVal )); return rVal; }
if (ControlService( hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &Wow64ServiceStatus )) { //
// wait for 1 second
Sleep( 1000 );
while( QueryServiceStatus( hService, &Wow64ServiceStatus ) ) { if ( Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ) { Sleep( 1000 ); } else { break; } }
if (Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED) { rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(("could not stop the Wow64 service: error code = %u", rVal )); return rVal; } }
if (!DeleteService( hService )) { rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "could not delete the Wow64 service: error code = %u", rVal )); return rVal; }
CloseServiceHandle( hService ); CloseServiceHandle( hSvcMgr );
return rVal; }
VOID Wow64ServiceMain( DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv )
Routine Description:
This is the service main that is called by the service controller.
argc - argument count argv - argument array
Return Value:
{ DWORD Rval;
// Setup initial registry link and layout for wow64 after boot.
SetWow64InitialRegistryLayout ();
Wow64ServiceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; Wow64ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE; Wow64ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; Wow64ServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; Wow64ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
Wow64ServiceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, Wow64ServiceCtrlHandler );
if (!Wow64ServiceStatusHandle) { SvcDebugPrint(( "RegisterServiceCtrlHandler failed %d", GetLastError() )); return; }
Rval = ServiceStart(); if (Rval) { //
// the service failed to start correctly
ReportServiceStatus( SERVICE_RUNNING, 0, 0); return;
ReportServiceStatus( SERVICE_RUNNING, 0, 0); return; }
VOID Wow64ServiceCtrlHandler( DWORD Opcode )
Routine Description:
This is the Wow64 service control dispatch function.
Opcode - requested control code
Return Value:
{ switch(Opcode) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: ReportServiceStatus( SERVICE_PAUSED, 0, 0 ); break;
case SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE: ReportServiceStatus( SERVICE_RUNNING, 0, 0 ); break;
case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: if (ServiceStop () == 0) ReportServiceStatus( SERVICE_STOPPED, 0, 0 ); return;
case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: // fall through to send current status
default: SvcDebugPrint(( "Unrecognized opcode %ld", Opcode )); break; }
ReportServiceStatus( 0, 0, 0 );
return; }
DWORD ReportServiceStatus( DWORD CurrentState, DWORD Win32ExitCode, DWORD WaitHint )
Routine Description:
This function updates the service control manager's status information for the Wow64 service.
CurrentState - Indicates the current state of the service Win32ExitCode - Specifies a Win32 error code that the service uses to report an error that occurs when it is starting or stopping. WaitHint - Specifies an estimate of the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the service expects a pending start, stop, or continue operation to take before the service makes its next call to the SetServiceStatus function with either an incremented dwCheckPoint value or a change in dwCurrentState.
Return Value:
Return code. Return zero for success, all other values indicate errors.
{ static DWORD CheckPoint = 1; BOOL rVal;
Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = CurrentState;
if (CurrentState == SERVICE_START_PENDING) { Wow64ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; } else { Wow64ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP; }
if (CurrentState) { Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = CurrentState; } Wow64ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = Win32ExitCode; Wow64ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = WaitHint;
if ((Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING) || (Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED ) ) { Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; } else { Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = CheckPoint++; } */
// Report the status of the service to the service control manager.
rVal = SetServiceStatus( Wow64ServiceStatusHandle, &Wow64ServiceStatus ); if (!rVal) { SvcDebugPrint(( "SetServiceStatus() failed: ec=%d", GetLastError() )); }
return rVal; }
DWORD StartWow64Service () /*++
Routine Description:
This function Start wow64 service.
Return Value:
Return code. Return zero for success, all other values indicate errors.
{ DWORD rVal=0; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr; SC_HANDLE hService;
SvcDebugPrint ( ("\ntrying to start service......"));
hSvcMgr = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hSvcMgr) { rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "\ncould not open service manager: error code = %u", rVal )); return rVal; }
hService = OpenService( hSvcMgr, WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if ( !hService ) {
rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "\ncould not open service:%s error code = %u", WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, rVal )); return rVal; }
if (! StartService( hService, 0, NULL) ) {
rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "\ncould not start service:%s error code = %u", WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, rVal )); return rVal; }
SvcDebugPrint(( "\nservice:%s started successfully error code = %u", WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, rVal )); return 0;
DWORD StopWow64Service () /*++
Routine Description:
This function Stop wow64 service.
Return Value:
Return code. Return zero for success, all other values indicate errors.
--*/ { DWORD rVal=0; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr; SC_HANDLE hService;
SvcDebugPrint ( ("\ntrying to start service......")); hSvcMgr = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hSvcMgr) { rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "\ncould not open service manager: error code = %u", rVal )); return rVal; }
hService = OpenService( hSvcMgr, WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if ( !hService ) {
rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "\ncould not open service:%S error code = %u", WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, rVal )); return rVal; }
if (!ControlService( hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE, &Wow64ServiceStatus )) {
rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "\nSorry! couldn't stop the service:%S error code = %u", WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, rVal )); return rVal; }
SvcDebugPrint(( "\nservice:%S stopped successfully error code = %u", WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, rVal )); return 0;
DWORD QueryWow64Service () /*++
Routine Description:
This function log the current status of wow64 service.
Return Value:
Return code. Return zero for success, all other values indicate errors.
--*/ { DWORD rVal=0; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr; SC_HANDLE hService;
SvcDebugPrint ( ("\ntrying to start service......")); hSvcMgr = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hSvcMgr) { rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "\ncould not open service manager: error code = %u", rVal )); return rVal; }
hService = OpenService( hSvcMgr, WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if ( !hService ) {
rVal = GetLastError(); SvcDebugPrint(( "\ncould not open service:%S error code = %u", WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, rVal )); return rVal; } QueryServiceStatus( hService, &Wow64ServiceStatus ); { SvcDebugPrint ( ("\nStatus: %d, [pending %d] [running %d]",Wow64ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState, SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, SERVICE_RUNNING)); }
SvcDebugPrint(( "\nservice:%S started successfully error code = %u", WOW64_SERVICE_NAME, rVal )); return 0;