// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// File: Hndlrq.cpp
// Contents: Implements class for keeping track of handlers
// and the UI associated with them
// Classes: CHndlrQueue
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
// 17-Nov-97 susia Moved to onestop dll for settings.
#include "precomp.h"
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::CHndlrQueue(QUEUETYPE QueueType)
// PURPOSE: CHndlrQueue constructor
// COMMENTS: Implemented on main thread.
// History: 01-01-98 susia Created.
CHndlrQueue::CHndlrQueue(QUEUETYPE QueueType) { m_cRef = 1; m_pFirstHandler = NULL; m_wHandlerCount = 0; m_QueueType = QueueType; m_ConnectionList = NULL; m_ConnectionCount = 0; m_fItemsMissing = FALSE; }
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::Init() { return InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&m_CriticalSection, 0) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::AddRef()
// PURPOSE: AddRef
// History: 30-Mar-98 susia Created.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CHndlrQueue::AddRef() { TRACE("CHndlrQueue::AddRef()\r\n"); return ++m_cRef; }
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::Release()
// PURPOSE: Release
// History: 30-Mar-98 susia Created.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CHndlrQueue::Release() { TRACE("CHndlrQueue::Release()\r\n"); if (--m_cRef) return m_cRef; FreeAllHandlers(); delete this; return 0L; }
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::~CHndlrQueue()
// PURPOSE: CHndlrQueue destructor
// COMMENTS: Implemented on main thread.
// History: 01-01-98 susia Created.
CHndlrQueue::~CHndlrQueue() { Assert(NULL == m_pFirstHandler); // all items should be freed at this point.
DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::AddHandler(REFCLSID clsidHandler, WORD *wHandlerId)
// PURPOSE: Add a handler to the queue
// History: 01-01-98 susia Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::AddHandler(REFCLSID clsidHandler, WORD *wHandlerId) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; LPHANDLERINFO pnewHandlerInfo; LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; // first see if we already have this handler in the queue.
// find first handler that matches the request CLSID
pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo ) { if (clsidHandler == pCurHandlerInfo->clsidHandler) { return S_FALSE; } pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } //didn't find the handler in the queue, add it now.
pnewHandlerInfo = (LPHANDLERINFO) ALLOC(sizeof(*pnewHandlerInfo)); if (pnewHandlerInfo) { // initialize
ZeroMemory(pnewHandlerInfo, sizeof(*pnewHandlerInfo)); pnewHandlerInfo->HandlerState = HANDLERSTATE_CREATE; pnewHandlerInfo->wHandlerId = ++m_wHandlerCount; // add to end of list and set wHandlerId. End of list since in choice dialog want
// first writer wins so don't have to continue searches when setting item state.
if (NULL == m_pFirstHandler) { m_pFirstHandler = pnewHandlerInfo; } else { pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler) { pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler = pnewHandlerInfo; } *wHandlerId = pnewHandlerInfo->wHandlerId; hr = NOERROR; } return hr; }
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::RemoveHandler(WORD wHandlerId)
// PURPOSE: Release a handler from the queue
// History: 09-23-98 susia Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::RemoveHandler(WORD wHandlerId) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPHANDLERINFO pPrevHandlerInfo; LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; LPITEMLIST pNextItem = NULL; pCurHandlerInfo = pPrevHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo && (pCurHandlerInfo->wHandlerId != wHandlerId)) { pPrevHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo; pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } if (pCurHandlerInfo) { //Update the first node if necessary
if (pCurHandlerInfo == m_pFirstHandler) { m_pFirstHandler = m_pFirstHandler->pNextHandler; } //Fix up linked list
pPrevHandlerInfo->pNextHandler = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; //Free the handler items if there are any
pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { FREE(pCurItem->pItemCheckState); pNextItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; FREE(pCurItem); pCurItem = pNextItem; } //Release the handler
if (pCurHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler) { pCurHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler->Release(); } FREE(pCurHandlerInfo); } else { return E_UNEXPECTED; } return hr; }
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::FreeAllHandlers(void)
// PURPOSE: loops through all the Handlers and frees them
// History: 01-01-98 susia Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::FreeAllHandlers(void) { HANDLERINFO HandlerInfoStart; LPHANDLERINFO pPrevHandlerInfo = &HandlerInfoStart; LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; LPITEMLIST pNextItem = NULL; if (m_ConnectionList) { FREE(m_ConnectionList); m_ConnectionList = NULL; } pPrevHandlerInfo->pNextHandler = m_pFirstHandler; while (pPrevHandlerInfo->pNextHandler) { pCurHandlerInfo = pPrevHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { FREE(pCurItem->pItemCheckState); pNextItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; FREE(pCurItem); pCurItem = pNextItem; } pPrevHandlerInfo->pNextHandler = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; if (pCurHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler) { pCurHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler->Release(); } FREE(pCurHandlerInfo); } // update the pointer to the first handler item
m_pFirstHandler = HandlerInfoStart.pNextHandler; Assert(NULL == m_pFirstHandler); // should always have released everything.
return NOERROR; }
// Member: CHndlrQueue::GetHandlerInfo, public
// Synopsis: Gets Data associated with the HandlerID and ItemID
// Arguments: [wHandlerId] - Id Of Handler the Item belongs too
// Returns: Appropriate return codes
// Modifies:
// History: 17-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::GetHandlerInfo(REFCLSID clsidHandler, LPSYNCMGRHANDLERINFO pSyncMgrHandlerInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; // find first handler that matches the request CLSID
pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo ) { if (clsidHandler == pCurHandlerInfo->clsidHandler) { *pSyncMgrHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->SyncMgrHandlerInfo; hr = NOERROR; break; } pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } return hr; }
// FUNCTION:CHndlrQueue::GetSyncItemDataOnConnection(int iConnectionIndex,
// WORD wHandlerId,
// WORD wItemID,
// CLSID *pclsidHandler,
// SYNCMGRITEM* offlineItem,
// ITEMCHECKSTATE *pItemCheckState,
// BOOL fSchedSync,
// BOOL fClear)
// PURPOSE: Get the item data per connection
// COMMENTS: Ras implementation is based on names. Switch to GUIDs for Connection
// objects
// History: 01-01-98 susia Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::GetSyncItemDataOnConnection( int iConnectionIndex, WORD wHandlerId, WORD wItemID, CLSID *pclsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEM* offlineItem, ITEMCHECKSTATE *pItemCheckState, BOOL fSchedSync, BOOL fClear) { BOOL fFoundMatch = FALSE; LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo && !fFoundMatch) { // only valid if Hanlder is in the PrepareForSync state.
if (wHandlerId == pCurHandlerInfo->wHandlerId) // see if CLSID matches
{ // see if handler info has a matching item
pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { if (wItemID == pCurItem->wItemId) { fFoundMatch = TRUE; break; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } } if (!fFoundMatch) pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } if (fFoundMatch) { if (pclsidHandler) { *pclsidHandler = pCurHandlerInfo->clsidHandler; } if (offlineItem) { *offlineItem = pCurItem->offlineItem; } if (pItemCheckState) { if (fSchedSync) { Assert(0 == iConnectionIndex); //if only holding on connection's settings at a time
if (fClear) { pCurItem->pItemCheckState[iConnectionIndex].dwSchedule = SYNCMGRITEMSTATE_UNCHECKED; } } else //AutoSync
{ Assert((iConnectionIndex>=0) && (iConnectionIndex < m_ConnectionCount)) } *pItemCheckState = pCurItem->pItemCheckState[iConnectionIndex]; } } return fFoundMatch ? NOERROR : S_FALSE; }
// STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::GetItemIcon(WORD wHandlerId, WORD wItemID, HICON *phIcon)
// PURPOSE: Get the item icon
// History: 03-13-98 susia Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::GetItemIcon(WORD wHandlerId, WORD wItemID, HICON *phIcon) { BOOL fFoundMatch = FALSE; LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo && !fFoundMatch) { if (wHandlerId == pCurHandlerInfo->wHandlerId) // see if CLSID matches
{ // see if handler info has a matching item
pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { if (wItemID == pCurItem->wItemId) { fFoundMatch = TRUE; break; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } } if (!fFoundMatch) pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } if (fFoundMatch) { if (phIcon) { *phIcon = pCurItem->offlineItem.hIcon; } } return fFoundMatch ? NOERROR : S_FALSE; }
// STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::GetItemName(WORD wHandlerId, WORD wItemID, WCHAR *pwszName, UINT cchName);
// PURPOSE: Get the item Name
// History: 03-13-98 susia Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::GetItemName(WORD wHandlerId, WORD wItemID, WCHAR *pwszName, UINT cchName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fFoundMatch = FALSE; LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo && !fFoundMatch) { if (wHandlerId == pCurHandlerInfo->wHandlerId) // see if CLSID matches
{ // see if handler info has a matching item
pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { if (wItemID == pCurItem->wItemId) { fFoundMatch = TRUE; break; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } } if (!fFoundMatch) pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } if (fFoundMatch) { if (pwszName) { hr = StringCchCopy(pwszName, cchName, pCurItem->offlineItem.wszItemName); } else { hr = S_OK; } } else { hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; }
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::FindFirstHandlerInState(HANDLERSTATE hndlrState,WORD *wHandlerID)
// PURPOSE: finds first handler it comes across in the state
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::FindFirstHandlerInState(HANDLERSTATE hndlrState,WORD *wHandlerID) { return FindNextHandlerInState(0,hndlrState,wHandlerID); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::FindNextHandlerInState(WORD wLastHandlerID,
// HANDLERSTATE hndlrState,WORD *wHandlerID)
// PURPOSE: finds next handler after LasthandlerID in the queue that matches
// the requested state.
// COMMENTS: passing in 0 for the LasthandlerID is the same as calling
// FindFirstHandlerInState
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::FindNextHandlerInState(WORD wLastHandlerID,HANDLERSTATE hndlrState,WORD *wHandlerID) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandler; *wHandlerID = 0; pCurHandler = m_pFirstHandler; if (0 != wLastHandlerID) { // loop foward until find the last handlerID we checked or hit the end
while (pCurHandler) { if (wLastHandlerID == pCurHandler->wHandlerId) { break; } pCurHandler = pCurHandler->pNextHandler; } if (NULL == pCurHandler) return S_FALSE; pCurHandler = pCurHandler->pNextHandler; // increment to next handler.
} while (pCurHandler) { if (hndlrState == pCurHandler->HandlerState) { *wHandlerID = pCurHandler->wHandlerId; hr = S_OK; break; } pCurHandler = pCurHandler->pNextHandler; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::FindFirstItemOnConnection
// (TCHAR *pszConnectionName,
// CLSID *pclsidHandler,
// WORD *wHandlerId,
// WORD *wItemID)
// PURPOSE: find first ListView Item that can sync over the specified
// connection and return its clsid and ItemID
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::FindFirstItemOnConnection (TCHAR *pszConnectionName, CLSID *pclsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID* OfflineItemID, WORD *pwHandlerId, WORD *pwItemID) { DWORD dwCheckState; return FindNextItemOnConnection (pszConnectionName,0,0,pclsidHandler, OfflineItemID, pwHandlerId, pwItemID, TRUE, &dwCheckState); }
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::FindNextItemOnConnection
// (TCHAR *pszConnectionName,
// WORD wLastHandlerId,
// WORD wLastItemID,
// CLSID *pclsidHandler,
// WORD *pwHandlerId,
// WORD *pwItemID,
// BOOL fAllHandlers,
// DWORD *pdwCheckState)
// PURPOSE: starts on the next item after the specified Handler and ItemID
// setting the last HandlerID to 0 is the same as calling
// FindFirstItemOnConnection
// COMMENTS: For now, no Handler can specifiy that it can or cannot sync over a
// connection, so assume it can, and ignore the connection.
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::FindNextItemOnConnection (TCHAR *pszConnectionName, WORD wLastHandlerId, WORD wLastItemID, CLSID *pclsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID* OfflineItemID, WORD *pwHandlerId, WORD *pwItemID, BOOL fAllHandlers, DWORD *pdwCheckState) { BOOL fFoundMatch = FALSE; LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; if (!pCurHandlerInfo) { return S_FALSE; } if (0 != wLastHandlerId) { // loop until find the specified handler or hit end of list.
while(pCurHandlerInfo && wLastHandlerId != pCurHandlerInfo->wHandlerId) pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; if (NULL == pCurHandlerInfo) // reached end of list without finding the Handler
{ Assert(0); // user must have passed an invalid start HandlerID.
return S_FALSE; } } // loop until find item or end of item list
pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; if (0 != wLastItemID) { while (pCurItem && pCurItem->wItemId != wLastItemID) { pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } if (NULL == pCurItem) // reached end of item list without finding the specified item
{ Assert(0); // user must have passed an invalid start ItemID.
return S_FALSE; } // now we found the Handler and item. loop through remaining items for this handler and
// see if there is a match
pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } //Found the item on this handler
if (pCurItem) { fFoundMatch = TRUE; } //If we are to move beyond this handler, do so now, else we are done
if (!fFoundMatch && fAllHandlers) { pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; // increment to next handler if no match
} if ((FALSE == fFoundMatch) && fAllHandlers) { while (pCurHandlerInfo && !fFoundMatch) { // see if handler info has a matching item
pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; if (pCurItem) fFoundMatch = TRUE; if (!fFoundMatch) pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } } if (fFoundMatch) { *pclsidHandler = pCurHandlerInfo->clsidHandler; *OfflineItemID = pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID; *pwHandlerId = pCurHandlerInfo->wHandlerId; *pwItemID = pCurItem->wItemId; *pdwCheckState = pCurItem->pItemCheckState[0].dwSchedule; } return fFoundMatch ? NOERROR : S_FALSE; }
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::GetHandlerIDFromClsid
// (REFCLSID clsidHandlerIn,
// WORD *pwHandlerId)
// PURPOSE: get the HnadlerID from the CLSID
// COMMENTS: if the Handler is GUID_NULL enumerate all
// HISTORY: 03-09-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::GetHandlerIDFromClsid (REFCLSID clsidHandlerIn, WORD *pwHandlerId) { LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; Assert(pwHandlerId); if (clsidHandlerIn == GUID_NULL) { *pwHandlerId = 0; return S_OK; } while (pCurHandlerInfo && (clsidHandlerIn != pCurHandlerInfo->clsidHandler)) { pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } if (NULL == pCurHandlerInfo) // reached end of list without finding the Handler
{ *pwHandlerId = 0; Assert(0); // user must have passed an invalid start HandlerID.
return S_FALSE; } *pwHandlerId = pCurHandlerInfo->wHandlerId; return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::SetItemListViewID(CLSID clsidHandler,
// PURPOSE: assigns all items that match the handler clsid and
// ItemID this listView Value.
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::SetItemListViewID(CLSID clsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID OfflineItemID,INT iItem) { LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo ) { if (clsidHandler == pCurHandlerInfo->clsidHandler) { pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { if (OfflineItemID == pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID) { // This can be called at anytime after prepareforSync if a duplicate
// is added later to the choice or progress bar.
// found a match
pCurItem->iItem = iItem; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } } pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } return NOERROR; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: DWORD CHndlrQueue::GetCheck(WORD wParam, INT iItem)
// PURPOSE: Return the check state for the logon, logoff and
// prompt me first check boxes on the connection number iItem
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
DWORD CHndlrQueue::GetCheck(WORD wParam, INT iItem) { // if no connection list all items are unchecked
if (!m_ConnectionList) return 0; switch (wParam) { case IDC_AUTOLOGON: return m_ConnectionList[iItem].dwLogon; break; case IDC_AUTOLOGOFF: return m_ConnectionList[iItem].dwLogoff; break; case IDC_AUTOPROMPT_ME_FIRST: return m_ConnectionList[iItem].dwPromptMeFirst; break; case IDC_AUTOREADONLY: return m_ConnectionList->dwReadOnly; break; case IDC_AUTOHIDDEN: return m_ConnectionList->dwHidden; break; case IDC_AUTOCONNECT: return m_ConnectionList->dwMakeConnection; break; case IDC_IDLECHECKBOX: return m_ConnectionList[iItem].dwIdleEnabled; default: AssertSz(0,"Unkown SetConnectionCheckBox"); return 0; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: DWORD CHndlrQueue::SetConnectionCheck(WORD wParam, DWORD dwState,
// INT iConnectionItem)
// PURPOSE: Set the check state for the logon, logoff and
// prompt me first check boxes on the connection number iConnectionItem
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::SetConnectionCheck(WORD wParam, DWORD dwState, INT iConnectionItem) { // if no connection list then just return
if (!m_ConnectionList) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; switch (wParam) { case IDC_AUTOLOGON: m_ConnectionList[iConnectionItem].dwLogon = dwState; break; case IDC_AUTOLOGOFF: m_ConnectionList[iConnectionItem].dwLogoff = dwState; break; case IDC_AUTOPROMPT_ME_FIRST: m_ConnectionList[iConnectionItem].dwPromptMeFirst = dwState; break; case IDC_IDLECHECKBOX: m_ConnectionList[iConnectionItem].dwIdleEnabled = dwState; break; // these two sare for schedule
case IDC_AUTOHIDDEN: m_ConnectionList->dwHidden = dwState; break; case IDC_AUTOREADONLY: m_ConnectionList->dwReadOnly = dwState; break; case IDC_AUTOCONNECT: m_ConnectionList->dwMakeConnection = dwState; break; default: AssertSz(0,"Unkown SetConnectionCheckBox"); return E_UNEXPECTED; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::SetSyncCheckStateFromListViewItem(
// DWORD dwSyncType,
// INT iItem,
// BOOL fChecked,
// INT iConnectionItem)
// PURPOSE: finds item with this listview ID and sets it appropriately.
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::SetSyncCheckStateFromListViewItem(SYNCTYPE SyncType, INT iItem, BOOL fChecked, INT iConnectionItem) { LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; DWORD dwState; pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; dwState = fChecked ? SYNCMGRITEMSTATE_CHECKED : SYNCMGRITEMSTATE_UNCHECKED; while (pCurHandlerInfo ) { pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { if (iItem == pCurItem->iItem) { switch(SyncType) { case SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC: pCurItem->pItemCheckState[iConnectionItem].dwAutoSync = dwState; break; case SYNCTYPE_IDLE: pCurItem->pItemCheckState[iConnectionItem].dwIdle = dwState; break; case SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED: pCurItem->pItemCheckState[iConnectionItem].dwSchedule = dwState; break; default: AssertSz(0,"Unknown Setting type"); break; } return NOERROR; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } Assert(0); // review - better assert but warn us when try to set a listView item that isn't assigned.
return S_FALSE; // item wasn't found
} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::ListViewItemHasProperties(INT iItem)
// PURPOSE: determines if there are properties associated with this item.
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::ListViewItemHasProperties(INT iItem) { LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo ) { pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { if (iItem == pCurItem->iItem) { Assert(HANDLERSTATE_PREPAREFORSYNC == pCurHandlerInfo->HandlerState); return pCurItem->offlineItem.dwFlags & SYNCMGRITEM_HASPROPERTIES ? NOERROR : S_FALSE; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } // Assert(-1 == iItem); // if don't find item, should be because user clicked in list box where there was none
return S_FALSE; // item wasn't found
} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::ShowProperties(HWND hwndParent,INT iItem)
// PURPOSE: find the first item in the queueu with the assigned iItem and
// call there show properties method.
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::ShowProperties(HWND hwndParent,INT iItem) { LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; AssertSz(0,"ShowProperties Called from Setttings"); pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo ) { pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { if (iItem == pCurItem->iItem) { Assert(HANDLERSTATE_PREPAREFORSYNC == pCurHandlerInfo->HandlerState); // UI shouldn't call this unless item actually has a properties flag
Assert(SYNCMGRITEM_HASPROPERTIES & pCurItem->offlineItem.dwFlags); // make sure properties flag isn't set.
if ( (SYNCMGRITEM_HASPROPERTIES & pCurItem->offlineItem.dwFlags)) { return pCurHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler-> ShowProperties(hwndParent, (pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID)); } return S_FALSE; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } Assert(0); // review - better assert but wanr us when try to set a listView item that isn't assigned.
return S_FALSE; // item wasn't found
} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::CreateServer(WORD wHandlerId, const CLSID *pCLSIDServer)
// PURPOSE: Create the Handler server
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::CreateServer(WORD wHandlerId, const CLSID *pCLSIDServer) { HRESULT hr = NO_ERROR; // review for Lookup failures
LPHANDLERINFO pHandlerInfo = NULL; LPUNKNOWN pUnk; hr = LookupHandlerFromId(wHandlerId,&pHandlerInfo); if (hr == NOERROR) { if (HANDLERSTATE_CREATE != pHandlerInfo->HandlerState) { Assert(HANDLERSTATE_CREATE == pHandlerInfo->HandlerState); return E_UNEXPECTED; } pHandlerInfo->HandlerState = HANDLERSTATE_INCREATE; pHandlerInfo->clsidHandler = *pCLSIDServer; hr = CoCreateInstance(pHandlerInfo->clsidHandler, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pUnk); if (NOERROR == hr) { hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_ISyncMgrSynchronize, (void **) &pHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler); pUnk->Release(); } if (NOERROR == hr) { pHandlerInfo->HandlerState = HANDLERSTATE_INITIALIZE; } else { pHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler = NULL; pHandlerInfo->HandlerState = HANDLERSTATE_DEAD; } } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::Initialize(WORD wHandlerId,DWORD dwReserved,DWORD dwSyncFlags,
// DWORD cbCookie,const BYTE *lpCookie)
// PURPOSE: Initialize the handler
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::Initialize(WORD wHandlerId,DWORD dwReserved,DWORD dwSyncFlags, DWORD cbCookie,const BYTE *lpCookie) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; // review for Lookup failures
LPHANDLERINFO pHandlerInfo = NULL; if (NOERROR == LookupHandlerFromId(wHandlerId,&pHandlerInfo)) { if (HANDLERSTATE_INITIALIZE != pHandlerInfo->HandlerState) { Assert(HANDLERSTATE_INITIALIZE == pHandlerInfo->HandlerState); return E_UNEXPECTED; } pHandlerInfo->HandlerState = HANDLERSTATE_ININITIALIZE; Assert(pHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler); if (NULL != pHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler) { hr = pHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler->Initialize(dwReserved,dwSyncFlags,cbCookie,lpCookie); } if (NOERROR == hr) { pHandlerInfo->HandlerState = HANDLERSTATE_ADDHANDLERTEMS; pHandlerInfo->dwSyncFlags = dwSyncFlags; } else { // on an error, go ahead and release the proxy if server doesn't want to handle
pHandlerInfo->HandlerState = HANDLERSTATE_DEAD; } } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::AddHandlerItemsToQueue(WORD wHandlerId)
// PURPOSE: Enumerate the handler items and add them to the queue
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::AddHandlerItemsToQueue(WORD wHandlerId) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; // review for Lookup failures
LPHANDLERINFO pHandlerInfo = NULL; LPSYNCMGRENUMITEMS pEnumOffline = NULL; if (NOERROR == LookupHandlerFromId(wHandlerId,&pHandlerInfo)) { if (HANDLERSTATE_ADDHANDLERTEMS != pHandlerInfo->HandlerState) { Assert(HANDLERSTATE_ADDHANDLERTEMS == pHandlerInfo->HandlerState); return E_UNEXPECTED; } pHandlerInfo->HandlerState = HANDLERSTATE_INADDHANDLERITEMS; Assert(pHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler); if (pHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler) { hr = pHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler->EnumSyncMgrItems(&pEnumOffline); if ( ((S_OK == hr) || (S_SYNCMGR_MISSINGITEMS == hr)) && pEnumOffline) { SYNCMGRITEMNT5B2 offItem; // temporarily use NT5B2 structure since its bigger
ULONG pceltFetched; // add the handler info
SYNCMGRHANDLERINFO *pSyncMgrHandlerInfo = NULL; // update missing items info
if (S_SYNCMGR_MISSINGITEMS == hr) m_fItemsMissing = TRUE; hr = pHandlerInfo->pSyncMgrHandler->GetHandlerInfo(&pSyncMgrHandlerInfo); if (NOERROR == hr && pSyncMgrHandlerInfo) { if (IsValidSyncMgrHandlerInfo(pSyncMgrHandlerInfo)) { SetHandlerInfo(wHandlerId,pSyncMgrHandlerInfo); } CoTaskMemFree(pSyncMgrHandlerInfo); } // Get this handlers registration flags
BOOL fReg; fReg = RegGetHandlerRegistrationInfo(pHandlerInfo->clsidHandler, &(pHandlerInfo->dwRegistrationFlags)); // rely on RegGetHandler to set flags to zero on error
// so assert that it does
Assert(fReg || (0 == pHandlerInfo->dwRegistrationFlags)); hr = NOERROR; // okay to add items even if Gethandler info fails
Assert(sizeof(SYNCMGRITEMNT5B2) > sizeof(SYNCMGRITEM)); // sit in loop getting data of objects to fill list box.
// should really set up list in memory for OneStop to fill in or
// main thread could pass in a callback interface.
while(NOERROR == pEnumOffline->Next(1,(SYNCMGRITEM *) &offItem,&pceltFetched)) { // don't add the item if temporary.
if (!(offItem.dwFlags & SYNCMGRITEM_TEMPORARY)) { AddItemToHandler(wHandlerId,(SYNCMGRITEM *) &offItem); } } pEnumOffline->Release(); } } if (NOERROR == hr) { pHandlerInfo->HandlerState = HANDLERSTATE_PREPAREFORSYNC; } else { pHandlerInfo->HandlerState = HANDLERSTATE_DEAD; } } return hr; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CHndlrQueue::SetHandlerInfo, public
// Synopsis: Adds item to the specified handler.
// Called in context of the handlers thread.
// Arguments: [pHandlerId] - Id of handler.
// [pSyncMgrHandlerInfo] - Points to SyncMgrHandlerInfo to be filled in.
// Returns: Appropriate Error code
// Modifies:
// History: 28-Jul-98 rogerg Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::SetHandlerInfo(WORD wHandlerId,LPSYNCMGRHANDLERINFO pSyncMgrHandlerInfo) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; LPHANDLERINFO pHandlerInfo = NULL; if (!pSyncMgrHandlerInfo) { return E_INVALIDARG; Assert(pSyncMgrHandlerInfo); } if (NOERROR == LookupHandlerFromId(wHandlerId,&pHandlerInfo)) { if (HANDLERSTATE_INADDHANDLERITEMS != pHandlerInfo->HandlerState) { Assert(HANDLERSTATE_INADDHANDLERITEMS == pHandlerInfo->HandlerState); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { // Review - After clients update turn
// this check back on
if (0 /* pSyncMgrHandlerInfo->cbSize != sizeof(SYNCMGRHANDLERINFO) */) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { pHandlerInfo->SyncMgrHandlerInfo = *pSyncMgrHandlerInfo; } } } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::AddItemToHandler(WORD wHandlerId,SYNCMGRITEM *pOffineItem)
// PURPOSE: Add the handler's items
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::AddItemToHandler(WORD wHandlerId,SYNCMGRITEM *pOffineItem) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; // review for Lookup failures
LPHANDLERINFO pHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pNewItem = NULL; if (!IsValidSyncMgrItem(pOffineItem)) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } if (NOERROR == LookupHandlerFromId(wHandlerId,&pHandlerInfo)) { if (HANDLERSTATE_INADDHANDLERITEMS != pHandlerInfo->HandlerState) { Assert(HANDLERSTATE_INADDHANDLERITEMS == pHandlerInfo->HandlerState); return E_UNEXPECTED; } // Allocate the item.
pNewItem = (LPITEMLIST) ALLOC(sizeof(*pNewItem)); if (NULL == pNewItem) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } ZeroMemory(pNewItem, sizeof(*pNewItem)); pNewItem->wItemId = ++pHandlerInfo->wItemCount; pNewItem->pHandlerInfo = pHandlerInfo; pNewItem->iItem = -1; pNewItem->offlineItem = *pOffineItem; // stick the item on the end of the list
if (NULL == pHandlerInfo->pFirstItem) { pHandlerInfo->pFirstItem = pNewItem; Assert(1 == pHandlerInfo->wItemCount); } else { LPITEMLIST pCurItem; pCurItem = pHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem->pnextItem) pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; pCurItem->pnextItem = pNewItem; Assert ((pCurItem->wItemId + 1) == pNewItem->wItemId); } hr = NOERROR; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::LookupHandlerFromId(WORD wHandlerId,
// LPHANDLERINFO *pHandlerInfo)
// PURPOSE: finds associated hander data from the handler ID
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::LookupHandlerFromId(WORD wHandlerId,LPHANDLERINFO *pHandlerInfo) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; // review error code.
LPHANDLERINFO pCurItem; *pHandlerInfo = NULL; pCurItem = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurItem) { if (wHandlerId == pCurItem->wHandlerId ) { *pHandlerInfo = pCurItem; hr = NOERROR; break; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pNextHandler; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::InitAutoSyncSettings(HWND hwndRasCombo)
// PURPOSE: Initialize the autosync settings per the connections
// listed in this RasCombo
// COMMENTS: Ras based (connection name as identifier) When connection object
// based, we will use the connection GUID to identify the connection
// settings
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::InitSyncSettings(SYNCTYPE syncType,HWND hwndRasCombo) { SCODE sc = S_OK; int i; // This function gets possibly gets called twice
// once for AuotSync and once for Idle if already have
// a connection list then use existing
if (NULL == m_ConnectionList) { m_ConnectionCount = ComboBox_GetCount(hwndRasCombo); if (m_ConnectionCount > 0) { smMem(m_ConnectionList = (LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS) ALLOC(m_ConnectionCount * sizeof(CONNECTIONSETTINGS))); } } // if now have a connection list set the appropriate settings
if (m_ConnectionList) { COMBOBOXEXITEM comboItem; for (i=0; i<m_ConnectionCount; i++) { comboItem.mask = CBEIF_TEXT; comboItem.cchTextMax = RAS_MaxEntryName + 1; comboItem.pszText = m_ConnectionList[i].pszConnectionName; comboItem.iItem = i; // Review what happens on failure
SendMessage(hwndRasCombo, CBEM_GETITEM, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) &comboItem); switch (syncType) { case SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC: RegGetAutoSyncSettings(&(m_ConnectionList[i])); break; case SYNCTYPE_IDLE: RegGetIdleSyncSettings(&(m_ConnectionList[i])); break; default: AssertSz(0,"Unknown SyncType"); break; } } } EH_Err: return sc; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::InitSchedSyncSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS pConnectionSettings)
// PURPOSE: Initialize the scheduled Sync settings per the connections
// listed in this RasCombo
// COMMENTS: Ras based (connection name as identifier) When connection object
// based, we will use the connection GUID to identify the connection
// settings
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::InitSchedSyncSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS pConnectionSettings) { m_ConnectionList = pConnectionSettings; return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::ReadSchedSyncSettingsPerConnection(WORD wHandlerID,
// TCHAR * pszSchedName)
// PURPOSE: Read the scheduled Sync settings from the registry.
// If there is no entry in the registry, the default is the
// check state of the current offline item
// COMMENTS: Ras based (connection name as identifier) When connection object
// based, we will use the connection GUID to identify the connection
// settings
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::ReadSchedSyncSettingsOnConnection(WORD wHandlerID,TCHAR * pszSchedName) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; // review for Lookup failures
LPHANDLERINFO pHandlerInfo = NULL; Assert(m_ConnectionList != NULL); if (!m_ConnectionList) return E_UNEXPECTED; //Set the Check set of this item per connection
if (NOERROR == LookupHandlerFromId(wHandlerID,&pHandlerInfo)) { LPITEMLIST pCurItem = pHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { //Scheduled sync only works on one connection
Assert(NULL == pCurItem->pItemCheckState ); pCurItem->pItemCheckState = (ITEMCHECKSTATE*) ALLOC(sizeof(*(pCurItem->pItemCheckState))); if (!pCurItem->pItemCheckState) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // by default no items in the schedule are checked.
pCurItem->pItemCheckState[0].dwSchedule = FALSE; // possible for schedule name to be null when schedule first created.
if (pszSchedName) { RegGetSyncItemSettings(SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED, pHandlerInfo->clsidHandler, pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID, m_ConnectionList->pszConnectionName, &(pCurItem->pItemCheckState[0].dwSchedule), pCurItem->offlineItem.dwItemState, pszSchedName); } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::InsertItem(LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandler,
// PURPOSE: App is programatically adding an item to the schedule
// with a default check state
// HISTORY: 11-25-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::InsertItem(LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandler, LPSYNC_HANDLER_ITEM_INFO pHandlerItemInfo) { LPITEMLIST pCurItem = pCurHandler->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { if (pHandlerItemInfo->itemID == pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID) { pCurItem->pItemCheckState[0].dwSchedule = pHandlerItemInfo->dwCheckState; pCurItem->offlineItem.hIcon = pHandlerItemInfo->hIcon; return StringCchCopy(pCurItem->offlineItem.wszItemName, ARRAYSIZE(pCurItem->offlineItem.wszItemName), pHandlerItemInfo->wszItemName); } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } if (!pCurItem) { //Item was not found on the handler, add it now
// Allocate the item.
LPITEMLIST pNewItem = (LPITEMLIST) ALLOC(sizeof(*pNewItem)); if (NULL == pNewItem) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } ZeroMemory(pNewItem,sizeof(*pNewItem)); pNewItem->wItemId = ++pCurHandler->wItemCount; pNewItem->pHandlerInfo = pCurHandler; pNewItem->iItem = -1; SYNCMGRITEM *pOfflineItem = (LPSYNCMGRITEM) ALLOC(sizeof(*pOfflineItem)); if (NULL == pOfflineItem) { FREE(pNewItem); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } ZeroMemory(pOfflineItem, sizeof(*pOfflineItem)); pNewItem->offlineItem = *pOfflineItem; pNewItem->offlineItem.hIcon = pHandlerItemInfo->hIcon; pNewItem->offlineItem.ItemID = pHandlerItemInfo->itemID; HRESULT hrCopy = StringCchCopy(pNewItem->offlineItem.wszItemName, ARRAYSIZE(pNewItem->offlineItem.wszItemName), pHandlerItemInfo->wszItemName); if (FAILED(hrCopy)) { FREE(pNewItem); FREE(pOfflineItem); return hrCopy; } //Scheduled sync only works on one connection
Assert(NULL == pNewItem->pItemCheckState ); pNewItem->pItemCheckState = (ITEMCHECKSTATE*) ALLOC(sizeof(*(pNewItem->pItemCheckState))); if (!pNewItem->pItemCheckState) { FREE(pNewItem); FREE(pOfflineItem); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } pNewItem->pItemCheckState[0].dwSchedule = pHandlerItemInfo->dwCheckState; // stick the item on the end of the list
if (NULL == pCurHandler->pFirstItem) { pCurHandler->pFirstItem = pNewItem; Assert(1 == pCurHandler->wItemCount); } else { pCurItem = pCurHandler->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem->pnextItem) pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; pCurItem->pnextItem = pNewItem; Assert ((pCurItem->wItemId + 1) == pNewItem->wItemId); } } return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::AddHandlerItem(LPSYNC_HANDLER_ITEM_INFO pHandlerItemInfo)
// PURPOSE: App is programatically adding an item to the schedule
// with this default check state
// HISTORY: 03-05-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::AddHandlerItem(LPSYNC_HANDLER_ITEM_INFO pHandlerItemInfo) { LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; SCODE sc = S_OK; pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo ) { if (pHandlerItemInfo->handlerID == pCurHandlerInfo->clsidHandler) { return InsertItem(pCurHandlerInfo, pHandlerItemInfo); } pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } //if the handler is not loaded, just cache the new item.
return SYNCMGR_E_HANDLER_NOT_LOADED; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::SetItemCheck(REFCLSID pclsidHandler,
// SYNCMGRITEMID *pOfflineItemID, DWORD dwCheckState)
// PURPOSE: App is programatically setting the check state of an item
// HISTORY: 03-05-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::SetItemCheck(REFCLSID pclsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID *pOfflineItemID, DWORD dwCheckState) { LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo ) { if (pclsidHandler == pCurHandlerInfo->clsidHandler) { pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { if (*pOfflineItemID == pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID) { pCurItem->pItemCheckState[0].dwSchedule = dwCheckState; return S_OK; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } return SYNCMGR_E_ITEM_UNREGISTERED; } pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } //if the handler is not loaded, just cache the new item
return SYNCMGR_E_HANDLER_NOT_LOADED; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: HndlrQueue::GetItemCheck(REFCLSID pclsidHandler,
// SYNCMGRITEMID *pOfflineItemID, DWORD *pdwCheckState)
// PURPOSE: App is programatically setting the check state of an item
// HISTORY: 03-05-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::GetItemCheck(REFCLSID pclsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID *pOfflineItemID, DWORD *pdwCheckState) { LPHANDLERINFO pCurHandlerInfo = NULL; LPITEMLIST pCurItem = NULL; pCurHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pCurHandlerInfo ) { if (pclsidHandler == pCurHandlerInfo->clsidHandler) { pCurItem = pCurHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { if (*pOfflineItemID == pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID) { *pdwCheckState = pCurItem->pItemCheckState[0].dwSchedule; return S_OK; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } return SYNCMGR_E_ITEM_UNREGISTERED; } pCurHandlerInfo = pCurHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } //if the handler is not loaded, just cache the new item
return SYNCMGR_E_HANDLER_NOT_LOADED; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::ReadSyncSettingsPerConnection(SYNCTYPE syncType,
// WORD wHandlerID)
// PURPOSE: Read the autosync settings from the registry.
// If there is no entry in the registry, the default is the
// check state of the current offline item
// COMMENTS: Ras based (connection name as identifier) When connection object
// based, we will use the connection GUID to identify the connection
// settings
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::ReadSyncSettingsPerConnection(SYNCTYPE syncType, WORD wHandlerID) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; // review for Lookup failures
LPHANDLERINFO pHandlerInfo = NULL; int i; if (0 == m_ConnectionCount) return S_FALSE; Assert(m_ConnectionList != NULL); Assert(m_ConnectionCount != 0); //Set the Check set of this item per connection
if (NOERROR == LookupHandlerFromId(wHandlerID,&pHandlerInfo)) { LPITEMLIST pCurItem = pHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { // if don't alreayd have a checkStateAllocate one.
if (!pCurItem->pItemCheckState) { pCurItem->pItemCheckState = (ITEMCHECKSTATE*) ALLOC(m_ConnectionCount * sizeof(ITEMCHECKSTATE)); } if (!pCurItem->pItemCheckState) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } for (i=0; i<m_ConnectionCount; i++) { DWORD dwDefaultCheck; // if handler hasn't registered for the
// event then set its check state fo uncheck
// we do this in each case. to start off with
// assume the handler is registered
// If change this logic need to also change logic in exe hndlrq.
dwDefaultCheck = pCurItem->offlineItem.dwItemState; switch (syncType) { case SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC: if (0 == (pHandlerInfo->dwRegistrationFlags & (SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_CONNECT | SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_PENDINGDISCONNECT))) { dwDefaultCheck = SYNCMGRITEMSTATE_UNCHECKED; } RegGetSyncItemSettings(SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC, pHandlerInfo->clsidHandler, pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID, m_ConnectionList[i].pszConnectionName, &(pCurItem->pItemCheckState[i].dwAutoSync), dwDefaultCheck, NULL); break; case SYNCTYPE_IDLE: if (0 == (pHandlerInfo->dwRegistrationFlags & (SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_IDLE) )) { dwDefaultCheck = SYNCMGRITEMSTATE_UNCHECKED; } RegGetSyncItemSettings(SYNCTYPE_IDLE, pHandlerInfo->clsidHandler, pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID, m_ConnectionList[i].pszConnectionName, &(pCurItem->pItemCheckState[i].dwIdle), dwDefaultCheck, NULL); break; default: AssertSz(0,"Unknown SyncType"); break; } } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::ReadAdvancedIdleSettings
// PURPOSE: Reads in the advanced Idle Settings.
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::ReadAdvancedIdleSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS pConnectionSettings) { // connection settings for global idle are really overloaded.
// advanced idle settings are in each connection so just copy it from
// whatever the first connection is.
if ( (m_ConnectionCount < 1) || (NULL == m_ConnectionList)) return S_FALSE; *pConnectionSettings = m_ConnectionList[0]; return NOERROR; } STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::WriteAdvancedIdleSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS pConnectionSettings) { int iIndex; // connection settings for global idle are really overloaded.
// advanced idle settings are in each connection so copy the members into each
// loaded connection in the list
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_ConnectionCount; iIndex++) { m_ConnectionList[iIndex].ulIdleWaitMinutes = pConnectionSettings->ulIdleWaitMinutes; m_ConnectionList[iIndex].ulIdleRetryMinutes = pConnectionSettings->ulIdleRetryMinutes; m_ConnectionList[iIndex].dwRepeatSynchronization = pConnectionSettings->dwRepeatSynchronization; m_ConnectionList[iIndex].dwRunOnBatteries = pConnectionSettings->dwRunOnBatteries; m_ConnectionList[iIndex].ulIdleWaitMinutes = pConnectionSettings->ulIdleWaitMinutes; } return NOERROR; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::CommitAutoSyncChanges(Ras *pRas)
// PURPOSE: Write the autosync settings to the registry. This is done when
// the user selects OK or APPLY from the settings dialog.
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::CommitSyncChanges(SYNCTYPE syncType,CRasUI *pRas) { LPHANDLERINFO pHandlerInfo; int i; if (!m_ConnectionList) // if no connection list, nothing to do
{ Assert(m_ConnectionList); return NOERROR; } switch (syncType) { case SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC: RegSetAutoSyncSettings(m_ConnectionList, m_ConnectionCount, pRas, !m_fItemsMissing /* fCleanReg */, TRUE /* fSetMachineState */, TRUE /* fPerUser */); break; case SYNCTYPE_IDLE: RegSetIdleSyncSettings(m_ConnectionList, m_ConnectionCount, pRas, !m_fItemsMissing /* fCleanReg */, TRUE /* fPerUser */); break; default: AssertSz(0,"Unknown SyncType"); break; } for (i=0; i<m_ConnectionCount; i++) { pHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; while (pHandlerInfo) { LPITEMLIST pCurItem = pHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; BOOL fAnyItemsChecked = FALSE; while (pCurItem) { switch (syncType) { case SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC: fAnyItemsChecked |= pCurItem->pItemCheckState[i].dwAutoSync; RegSetSyncItemSettings(syncType, pHandlerInfo->clsidHandler, pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID, m_ConnectionList[i].pszConnectionName, pCurItem->pItemCheckState[i].dwAutoSync, NULL); break; case SYNCTYPE_IDLE: fAnyItemsChecked |= pCurItem->pItemCheckState[i].dwIdle; RegSetSyncItemSettings(syncType, pHandlerInfo->clsidHandler, pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID, m_ConnectionList[i].pszConnectionName, pCurItem->pItemCheckState[i].dwIdle, NULL); break; } pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } // write out the NoItems checked value on the handler for this connection
RegSetSyncHandlerSettings(syncType, m_ConnectionList[i].pszConnectionName, pHandlerInfo->clsidHandler, fAnyItemsChecked ? 1 : 0); pHandlerInfo = pHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CHndlrQueue::CommitSchedSyncChanges(TCHAR * pszSchedName,
// TCHAR * pszFriendlyName,
// TCHAR * pszConnectionName,
// DWORD dwConnType,
// BOOL fCleanReg)
// PURPOSE: Write the scheduled sync settings to the registry. This is done when
// the user selects OK or FINISH from the settings dialog.
// HISTORY: 01-01-98 SusiA Created.
STDMETHODIMP CHndlrQueue::CommitSchedSyncChanges(TCHAR * pszSchedName, TCHAR * pszFriendlyName, TCHAR * pszConnectionName, DWORD dwConnType, BOOL fCleanReg) { HRESULT hr; LPHANDLERINFO pHandlerInfo; pHandlerInfo = m_pFirstHandler; if (!m_ConnectionList) // Review - What should we do here?
{ hr = E_FAIL; } else { if (fCleanReg && !m_fItemsMissing) { RegRemoveScheduledTask(pszSchedName); // Remove any previous settings
} hr = StringCchCopy(m_ConnectionList->pszConnectionName, ARRAYSIZE(m_ConnectionList->pszConnectionName), pszConnectionName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_ConnectionList->dwConnType = dwConnType; //set the SID on this schedule
if (!RegSetSIDForSchedule(pszSchedName) || !RegSetSchedFriendlyName(pszSchedName,pszFriendlyName)) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { RegSetSchedSyncSettings(m_ConnectionList, pszSchedName); while (pHandlerInfo) { LPITEMLIST pCurItem = pHandlerInfo->pFirstItem; while (pCurItem) { RegSetSyncItemSettings(SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED, pHandlerInfo->clsidHandler, pCurItem->offlineItem.ItemID, m_ConnectionList->pszConnectionName, pCurItem->pItemCheckState[0].dwSchedule, pszSchedName); pCurItem = pCurItem->pnextItem; } pHandlerInfo = pHandlerInfo->pNextHandler; } hr = S_OK; } } } return hr; }