// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
// File: privstm.cpp
// Contents: Handles all reading/writing of the \1CompObj stream
// Functions: Implements:
// INTERNAL ReadCompObjStm
// INTERNAL WriteCompObjStm
// INTERNAL ClipfmtToStm
// INTERNAL StmToClipfmt
// STDAPI WriteFmtUserTypeStg
// STDAPI ReadFmtUserTypeStg
// STDAPI ReadFmtProgIdStg
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Feb-94 davepl Created
// Notes: The CompObj stream (in 16-bit OLE) contained fields for
// the ClassID, UserType, Clipboard format, and (in later
// versions only) ProgID. These were always written in ANSI
// format.
// The file format has been extended such that ANSI data is
// written to the stream in much the same way as before. The
// key difference is that in the event the internal UNICODE
// versions of this data cannot be losslessly converted to
// ANSI, the ANSI version is written as a NULL string, and
// the UNICODE version follows at the end of the stream. This
// way, 16-bit apps see as much of what they expect as possible,
// and 32-bit apps can write UNICODE transparently in a
// backwards-compatible way.
// The file format of the stream is:
// (A) WORD Byte Order
// WORD Format Version
// DWORD Original OS ver Always Windows 3.1
// DWORD -1
// CLSID Class ID
// ULONG Length of UserType
// <var> User Type string ANSI
// <var> Clipformat ANSI (when using string tag)
// ----------------------------
// (B) ULONG Length of Prog ID
// <var> Prog ID ANSI (not always present)
// ----------------------------
// (C) ULONG Magic Number Signified UNICODE data present
// ULONG Length of UserType
// ULONG User Type string UNICODE
// <var> Clipformat UNICODE (when tag is string)
// ULONG Length of Prog ID
// <var> Prog ID UNICODE
// Section (A) is always present. Section (B) is present when
// stream has been written by a later 16-bit app or by a
// 32-bit app. Section (C) is present when written by a
// 32-bit app.
// If a string is present in UNICODE, the ANSI version will be
// NULL (a zero for length and _no_ <var> data). When the
// UNICODE section is present, strings that were not needed
// because the ANSI conversion was successful are written
// as NULL (again, zero len and no <var> data).
// A NULL clipboard format is written as a 0 tag.
// In order to read any field, the entire string is read into
// an internal object, and the fields are extracted individually.
// In order to write an fields, the stream is read into the
// object (if possible), the fields updated, and then rewritten
// as an atomic object.
#include <le2int.h>
static const ULONG COMP_OBJ_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x71B239F4;
#define MAX_CFNAME 400 // Maximum size of a clipformat name
// (my choice, none documented)
enum TXTTYPE { TT_UNICODE = 0, TT_ANSI = 1 };
// This is the data object into which the stream is read prior to
// extracting fields.
struct CompObjHdr // The leading data in the CompObj stream
{ DWORD m_dwFirstDword; // First DWORD, byte order and format ver
DWORD m_dwOSVer; // Originating OS Ver (eg: Win31)
DWORD m_unused; // Always a -1L in the stream
CLSID m_clsClass; // Class ID of this object
class CompObjStmData : public CPrivAlloc { public:
CompObjHdr m_hdr; ULONG m_cchUserType; // Number of CHARACTERS in UserType
ULONG m_cchProgID; // Number of CHARACTERS in ProgID
DWORD m_dwFormatTag; // Clipformat type (none, string, clip, etc)
ULONG m_ulFormatID; // If tag is std clipformat, what type?
LPOLESTR m_pszOUserType; // Pointer to OLESTR UserType
LPOLESTR m_pszOProgID; // Pointer to OLESTR ProgID
LPSTR m_pszAUserType; // Pointer to ANSI UserType
LPSTR m_pszAProgID; // Pointer to ANSI ProgID
TXTTYPE ttClipString; // Format needed for the clipformat string
CompObjStmData(void) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CompObjStmData)); ttClipString = TT_ANSI; // By default, use ANSI Clipformat
~CompObjStmData(void) { PubMemFree(m_pszOUserType); PubMemFree(m_pszOProgID); PubMemFree(m_pszAUserType); PubMemFree(m_pszAProgID); }; };
// Prototypes for fns declared in this file
INTERNAL ReadCompObjStm (IStorage *, CompObjStmData *); INTERNAL WriteCompObjStm (IStorage *, CompObjStmData *); INTERNAL ClipfmtToStm (CStmBufWrite &, ULONG, ULONG, TXTTYPE); INTERNAL StmToClipfmt (CStmBufRead &, DWORD *, DWORD *, TXTTYPE); INTERNAL GetUNICODEUserType (CompObjStmData *, LPOLESTR *); INTERNAL GetUNICODEProgID (CompObjStmData *, LPOLESTR *); INTERNAL GetClipFormat (CompObjStmData *, DWORD *, DWORD *); INTERNAL PutUNICODEUserType (CompObjStmData *, LPOLESTR); INTERNAL PutUNICODEProgID (CompObjStmData *, LPOLESTR); INTERNAL PutClipFormat (CompObjStmData *, DWORD, DWORD); INTERNAL ANSIStrToStm (CStmBufWrite &, LPCSTR); INTERNAL ANSIStmToStr (CStmBufRead & StmRead, LPSTR * pstr, ULONG *);
STDAPI WriteFmtUserTypeStg (IStorage *, CLIPFORMAT, LPOLESTR); STDAPI ReadFmtUserTypeStg (IStorage *, CLIPFORMAT *, LPOLESTR *); STDAPI ReadFmtProgIdStg (IStorage *, LPOLESTR *);
// Function: ReadCompObjStm, PRIVATE INTERNAL
// Synopsis: Reads the \1CompObj stream into an internal data structure
// that will contain the best-case representation of that
// stream (ie: ANSI where possible, UNICODE where needed).
// Effects: Reads ANSI data where available. At end of standard ANSI
// data, looks for ANSI ProgID field. If found, looks for
// MagicNumber indicating UNICODE data is to follow. If this
// matches, UNICODE strings are pulled from the stream. They
// should only be found where the ANSI version was NULL
// (because it could not be converted from UNICODE).
// Capable of reading 3 stream formats seamlessly:
// - Original ANSI sans ProgID field
// - Extended OLE 2.01 version with ProgID
// - Extended OLE 2/32 version with ProgID and UNICODE extensions
// Arguments: [pstg] -- ptr to IStorage to read from
// [pcod] -- ptr to already-allocated CompObjData object
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// INVALIDARG on missing pcod
// Various I/O on stream missing, read errors, etc
// E_OUTOFMEMORY on any allocation failure
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
// Notes: Any memory allocated herein will be allocated on
// pointers in the pcod object, which will be freed by its
// destructor when it exits scope or is deleted explicitly.
INTERNAL ReadCompObjStm(IStorage * pstg, CompObjStmData * pcod) { VDATEHEAP();
HRESULT hr; // Result code
const ULONG RESERVED = 0; // For reserved parameters
ULONG ulSize = 0; // Holder for length of ProgID string
BOOL fExtStm = 1; // Could this be ext with UNICODE?
CStmBufRead StmRead;
// Validate the pstg interface
// Open the CompObj stream
if (FAILED(hr = StmRead.OpenStream(pstg, COMPOBJ_STREAM))) // L"\1CompObj"
{ goto errRtn; }
// Read the header from the CompObj stream:
// WORD Byte Order Indicator 02 bytes
// WORD Format version 02 bytes
// DWORD Originating OS version 04 bytes
// DWORD -1 04 bytes
// CLSID Class ID 16 bytes
// --------
// 28 bytes == sizeof(dwBuf)
Win4Assert(sizeof(CompObjHdr) == 28 && "Warning: possible packing error in CompObjHdr struct");
hr = StmRead.Read(&pcod->m_hdr, sizeof(CompObjHdr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto errRtn; }
// NB: There used to be a check against the OS version here,
// but since the version number has been forced to always
// be written as Win3.1, checking it would be redundant.
// Win4Assert(pcod->m_hdr.m_dwOSVer == 0x00000a03);
#if DBG==1
if (pcod->m_hdr.m_dwOSVer != 0x00000a03) { LEDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "ReadCompObjStm found unexpected OSVer %lx", pcod->m_hdr.m_dwOSVer)); } #endif
// Get the User type string from the stream (ANSI FORMAT!)
if (FAILED(hr = ANSIStmToStr(StmRead, &pcod->m_pszAUserType, &pcod->m_cchUserType))) { goto errRtn; }
// Get the clipboard format data from the stream
if (FAILED(hr = StmToClipfmt(StmRead, // Stream to read from
&pcod->m_dwFormatTag, // DWORD clip format
&pcod->m_ulFormatID, // DWORD clip type
TT_ANSI))) // Use ANSI
{ goto errRtn; }
// We have to special-case the ProgID field, because it may not
// be present in objects written by early (pre-2.01) versions
// of OLE. We only continue when ProgID can be found, but
// its absence is not an error, so return what we have so far.
hr = StmRead.Read(&ulSize, sizeof(ULONG));
if (FAILED(hr)) { // We were unable to read the size field; make sure ulSize is 0
ulSize = 0; }
// The ProgID can be no longer than 39 chars plus a NULL. Other
// numbers likely indicate garbage.
if (ulSize > 40 || 0 == ulSize) { #if DBG==1
if (ulSize > 40) { LEDebugOut((DEB_WARN,"ReadCompObjStm: ulSize > 40 for ProgID\n")); } #endif
fExtStm = 0; // No ProgID implies no UNICODE to follow
// If it looks like we have a hope of findind the ProgID and maybe
// even UNICODE, try to fetch the ProdID
if (fExtStm) { // Allocate memory for string on our ProgID pointer
pcod->m_pszAProgID = (char *) PubMemAlloc(ulSize); if (NULL == pcod->m_pszAProgID) { hr = ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto errRtn; } if (FAILED(hr = StmRead.Read(pcod->m_pszAProgID, ulSize))) { // OK, we give up on ProgID and the UNICODE, but that's
// _not_ reason to fail, since ProgID could just be missing
pcod->m_cchProgID = 0; PubMemFree(pcod->m_pszAProgID); pcod->m_pszAProgID = NULL; fExtStm = 0; } else { // We managed to get ProgID from the stream, so set the
// length in pcod and go looking for the UNICODE...
pcod->m_cchProgID = ulSize; } }
// See if we can find the Magic number
DWORD dwMagic = 0; if (fExtStm) { if (FAILED(StmRead.Read(&dwMagic, sizeof(dwMagic)))) { fExtStm = 0; } }
if (fExtStm && dwMagic != COMP_OBJ_MAGIC_NUMBER) { fExtStm = 0; }
// If fExtStm is still TRUE, we go ahead and read the UNICODE
if (fExtStm) { // Get the UNICODE version of the user type
if (FAILED(hr = ReadStringStream(StmRead, &pcod->m_pszOUserType))) { goto errRtn; }
// Get the clipboard format (UNICODE)
DWORD dwFormatTag; ULONG ulFormatID; if (FAILED(hr = StmToClipfmt(StmRead, // Stream to read from
&dwFormatTag, // DWORD clip format
&ulFormatID, // DWORD clip type
{ goto errRtn; }
// If we found some form of clipboard format, that implies the ANSI
// was missing, so set up all of the fields based on this data.
if (dwFormatTag) { pcod->m_dwFormatTag = dwFormatTag; pcod->m_ulFormatID = ulFormatID; }
// Get the UNICODE version of the ProgID. If there was any UNICODE at
// all, we know for sure there is a UNICODE ProgID, so no special casing
// as was needed for the ANSI version
if (FAILED(hr = ReadStringStream(StmRead, &pcod->m_pszOProgID))) { goto errRtn; } if (pcod->m_pszOProgID) { pcod->m_cchProgID = _xstrlen(pcod->m_pszOProgID) + 1; } }
// We successfully read the CompObj stream
return(hr); }
// Function: StmToClipfmt, PRIVATE INTERNAL
// Synopsis: Reads the clipboard format from the given stream. Caller
// specifies whether or not the string format description,
// if present, should be expected in ANSI or UNICODE format.
// Effects: If the clipboard format is a length followed by a
// string, then the string is read and registered as a
// clipboard format (and the new format number is returned).
// Arguments: [lpstream] -- pointer to the stream
// [lpdwCf] -- where to put the clipboard format
// [lpdTag] -- format type (string, clip, etc)
// [ttType] -- text type TT_ANSI or TT_UNICODE
// Returns: hr
// Algorithm: the format of the stream must be one of the following:
// 0 No clipboard format
// -1 DWORD predefined windows clipboard format in
// the second dword.
// -2 DWORD predefined mac clipboard format in the
// second dword. This may be obsolete or
// irrelevant for us. REVIEW32
// num STRING clipboard format name string (prefaced
// by length of string).
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
INTERNAL StmToClipfmt (CStmBufRead & StmRead, DWORD * lpdTag, DWORD * lpdwCf, TXTTYPE ttText) { VDATEHEAP();
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwValue;
Win4Assert (lpdwCf); // These ptrs are always required
Win4Assert (lpdTag);
// Read the format type tag from the stream
if (FAILED(hr = StmRead.Read(&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)))) { return hr; }
*lpdTag = dwValue;
// If the tag is zero, there is no clipboard format info
if (dwValue == 0) { *lpdwCf = 0; // NULL cf value
// If it is -1, then it is a standard Windows clipboard format
else if (dwValue == -1L) { // Then this is a NON-NULL predefined windows clipformat.
// The clipformat values follows
if (FAILED(hr = StmRead.Read(&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)))) { return hr; } *lpdwCf = dwValue; }
// If it is -2, it is a MAC format
else if (dwValue == -2L) { // Then this is a NON-NULL MAC clipboard format.
// The clipformat value follows. For MAC the CLIPFORMAT
// is 4 bytes
if (FAILED(hr = StmRead.Read(&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)))) { return hr; } *lpdwCf = dwValue; return ResultFromScode(OLE_S_MAC_CLIPFORMAT); }
// Anything but a 0, -1, or -2 indicates a string is to follow, and the
// DWORD we already read is the length of the that string
else { // Allocate enough memory for whatever type of string it is
// we expect to find, and read the string
if (dwValue > MAX_CFNAME) { return ResultFromScode(DV_E_CLIPFORMAT); }
if (TT_ANSI == ttText) // READ ANSI
{ char szCf[MAX_CFNAME+1] = {0};
if (FAILED(hr = StmRead.Read(szCf, dwValue))) { return hr; }
// Try to register the clipboard format and return the result
// (Note: must explicitly call ANSI version)
if (((*lpdwCf = (DWORD) SSRegisterClipboardFormatA(szCf))) == 0) { return ResultFromScode(DV_E_CLIPFORMAT); } } else // READ UNICODE
{ OLECHAR wszCf[MAX_CFNAME+1] = {0};
Win4Assert(dwValue < MAX_CFNAME); if (FAILED(hr=StmRead.Read(wszCf, dwValue * sizeof(OLECHAR)))) { return hr; }
// Try to register the clipboard format and return the result
if (((*lpdwCf = (DWORD) RegisterClipboardFormat(wszCf))) == 0) { return ResultFromScode(DV_E_CLIPFORMAT); } } } return NOERROR; }
// Synopsis: Given a CompObjStmData object, returns the User Type
// in UNICODE format, converting the ANSI rep as required.
// Effects: Allocates memory on the caller's ptr to hold the string
// Arguments: [pcod] -- The CompObjStmData object
// [pstr] -- Pointer to allocate resultant string on
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY on allocation failure
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
INTERNAL GetUNICODEUserType ( CompObjStmData * pcod, LPOLESTR * pstr ) { VDATEHEAP(); HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
// Validate and NULL the OUT parameter, or return if none given
if (pstr) { VDATEPTROUT(pstr, LPOLESTR); *pstr = NULL; } else { return(NOERROR); }
// Either get the UNICODE string, or convert the ANSI version and
// get it as UNICODE.
if (pcod->m_cchUserType) { hr = UtGetUNICODEData( pcod->m_cchUserType, pcod->m_pszAUserType, pcod->m_pszOUserType, pstr ); }
return hr; }
// Synopsis: Given a CompObjStmData object, returns the ProgID string
// in UNICODE format, converting the ANSI rep as required.
// Effects: Allocates memory on the caller's ptr to hold the string
// Arguments: [pcod] -- The CompObjStmData object
// [pstr] -- Pointer to allocate resultant string on
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY on allocation failure
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
// Validate and NULL the OUT parameter, or return if none given
if (pstr) { VDATEPTROUT(pstr, LPOLESTR); *pstr = NULL; } else { return(NOERROR); }
// Either get the UNICODE string, or convert the ANSI version and
// get it as UNICODE.
if (pcod->m_cchProgID) { hr = UtGetUNICODEData( pcod->m_cchProgID, pcod->m_pszAProgID, pcod->m_pszOProgID, pstr ); }
return hr; }
// Function: GetClipFormat, PRIVATE INTERNAL
// Synopsis: Given a CompObjStmData object, extracts the clipboard format
// type (none, standard, string).
// Effects: If string type, memory is allocated on the caller's ptr
// Arguments: [pcod] -- The CompObjStmData object to extract from
// [pdwFormatID] -- Tag type OUT parameter
// [pdwFormatTag] -- Tag OUT parameter
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY on allocation failures
// OLE_S_MAC_CLIPFORMAT as a warning that a MAC fmt is returned
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
INTERNAL GetClipFormat ( CompObjStmData * pcod, DWORD * pdwFormatID, DWORD * pdwFormatTag ) { VDATEHEAP(); *pdwFormatTag = (DWORD) pcod->m_dwFormatTag; *pdwFormatID = pcod->m_ulFormatID;
return NOERROR; }
// Synopsis: Given a UNICODE string, stores it in the CompObjDataStm
// object in ANSI if possible. If the UNICODE -> ANSI
// conversion is not possible, it is stored in the object
// in UNICODE.
// Notes: Input string is duplicated, so it adds no references
// to the string passed in.
// Arguments: [pcod] -- The CompObjDataStm object
// [szUser] -- The UNICODE UserType string
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY on allocation failure
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
INTERNAL PutUNICODEUserType(CompObjStmData * pcod, LPOLESTR szUser) { VDATEHEAP();
// If no string supplied, clear UserType fields, otherwise
// if it can be converted to ANSI, store it an ANSI. Last
// resort, store it as UNICODE.
if (NULL == szUser) { pcod->m_cchUserType = 0;
PubMemFree(pcod->m_pszAUserType); PubMemFree(pcod->m_pszOUserType); pcod->m_pszAUserType = NULL; pcod->m_pszOUserType = NULL; } else { if (FAILED(hr = UtPutUNICODEData( _xstrlen(szUser)+1, szUser, &pcod->m_pszAUserType, &pcod->m_pszOUserType, &pcod->m_cchUserType ))) { return(hr); }
} return(NOERROR); }
// Synopsis: Given a UNICODE string, stores it in the CompObjDataStm
// object in ANSI if possible. If the UNICODE -> ANSI
// conversion is not possible, it is stored in the object
// in UNICODE.
// Notes: Input string is duplicated, so it adds no references
// to the string passed in.
// Arguments: [pcod] -- The CompObjDataStm object
// [szProg] -- The UNICODE ProgID string
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY on allocation failure
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
// If no string supplied, clear ProgID fields, otherwise
// if it can be converted to ANSI, store it an ANSI. Last
// resort, store it as UNICODE.
if (NULL == szProg) { pcod->m_cchProgID = 0; PubMemFree(pcod->m_pszAProgID); PubMemFree(pcod->m_pszOProgID); pcod->m_pszAProgID = NULL; pcod->m_pszOProgID = NULL; } else { if (FAILED(hr = UtPutUNICODEData( _xstrlen(szProg)+1, szProg, &pcod->m_pszAProgID, &pcod->m_pszOProgID, &pcod->m_cchProgID ))) { return(hr); }
} return(NOERROR); }
// Function: PutClipFormat
// Synopsis: Stores the clipformat in the internal data structure
// Effects: Input string is duplicated as required, so no references are
// kept by this function.
// Arguments: [pcod] -- The CompObjStmData object
// [dwFormatTag] -- Format tag (string, clipboard, none)
// [ulFormatID] -- If format tag is clipboard, what format
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
INTERNAL PutClipFormat ( CompObjStmData * pcod, DWORD dwFormatTag, ULONG ulFormatID ) { VDATEHEAP(); pcod->m_dwFormatTag = (ULONG) dwFormatTag; pcod->m_ulFormatID = ulFormatID;
return NOERROR; }
// Function: WriteCompObjStm, PRIVATE INTERNAL
// Synopsis: Writes CompObjStmData object to the CompObj stream in
// the IStorage provided.
// First the ANSI fields are written (including the ProgID),
// followed by a MagicNumber, followed by whatever OLESTR
// versions were required because ANSI fields could not be
// converted.
// Destroys any existing CompObj stream!
// Arguments: [pstg] -- The IStorage to write the stream to
// [pcod] -- The CompObjStmData object to write out
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY on allocation failure
// Various I/O on stream failures
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
INTERNAL WriteCompObjStm(IStorage * pstg, CompObjStmData * pcod) { VDATEHEAP();
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; const ULONG RESERVED = 0; const ULONG ulMagic = COMP_OBJ_MAGIC_NUMBER; CStmBufWrite StmWrite;
// The CompObjStmData parameter must be supplied
if (NULL == pcod) { return ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG); }
// Open the CompObj stm for writing (and overwrite it if
// if already exists, which is why we _don't_ specify the
if (FAILED(hr = StmWrite.CreateStream(pstg, COMPOBJ_STREAM))) { goto errRtn; }
// Set up the header
pcod->m_hdr.m_dwFirstDword = gdwFirstDword;
// The OSVer _must_ be Win 3.10 (0a03), since the old DLL will bail if
// it finds anything else.
pcod->m_hdr.m_dwOSVer = 0x00000a03; // gdwOrgOSVersion;
pcod->m_hdr.m_unused = (DWORD) -1;
if (ReadClassStg(pstg, &pcod->m_hdr.m_clsClass) != NOERROR) { pcod->m_hdr.m_clsClass = CLSID_NULL; }
// Write the CompObj stream header
Win4Assert(sizeof(CompObjHdr) == 28 && "Warning: possible packing error in CompObjHdr struct");
if (FAILED(hr = StmWrite.Write(pcod, sizeof(CompObjHdr)))) { goto errRtn; }
// Write the ANSI UserType
if (FAILED(hr = ANSIStrToStm(StmWrite, pcod->m_pszAUserType))) { goto errRtn; }
if (TT_ANSI == pcod->ttClipString) { if (FAILED(hr = ClipfmtToStm(StmWrite, // the stream
pcod->m_dwFormatTag, // format tag
pcod->m_ulFormatID, // format ID
{ goto errRtn; } } else { const ULONG ulDummy = 0; if (FAILED(hr = StmWrite.Write(&ulDummy, sizeof(ULONG)))) { goto errRtn; } }
// Write the ANSI ProgID
if (FAILED(hr = ANSIStrToStm(StmWrite, pcod->m_pszAProgID))) { goto errRtn; }
// Write the Magic Number
if (FAILED(hr = StmWrite.Write(&ulMagic, sizeof(ULONG)))) { goto errRtn; }
// Write the OLESTR version of UserType
if (FAILED(hr = WriteStringStream(StmWrite, pcod->m_pszOUserType))) { goto errRtn; }
// If we have to write a UNICODE clipformat string, do it now. If
// ANSI was sufficient, just write a 0 to the stream here.
if (TT_UNICODE == pcod->ttClipString) { if (FAILED(hr = ClipfmtToStm(StmWrite, // the stream
pcod->m_dwFormatTag, // format tag
pcod->m_ulFormatID, // format ID
{ goto errRtn; } } else { const ULONG ulDummy = 0; if (FAILED(hr = StmWrite.Write(&ulDummy, sizeof(ULONG)))) { goto errRtn; } }
// Write the OLESTR version of ProgID
if (FAILED(hr = WriteStringStream(StmWrite, pcod->m_pszOProgID))) { goto errRtn; }
hr = StmWrite.Flush();
// That's it.. clean up and exit
return hr; }
// Function: ClipFtmToStm, PRIVATE INTERNAL
// Synopsis: Writes out the clipboard format information at the
// current point in the stream. A flag is available
// to specify whether or not the string format desc
// (if present) is in ANSI or UNICODE format.
// Arguments: [pstm] -- the stream to write to
// [dwFormatTag] -- format tag (string, clipfmt, etc)
// [ulFormatID] -- if clipfmt, which one
// [szClipFormat] -- if string format, the string itself
// [ttText] -- text type: TT_ANSI or TT_UNICODE
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY on allocation failure
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
INTERNAL ClipfmtToStm ( CStmBufWrite & StmWrite, DWORD dwFormatTag, ULONG ulFormatID, TXTTYPE ttText )
const ULONG ulDummy = 0; switch((DWORD)dwFormatTag) {
// If the tag is 0, there is no clipboard format info.
case 0:
if (FAILED(hr = StmWrite.Write(&ulDummy, sizeof(ULONG)))) { return(hr); }
// In the -1 and -2 cases (yes, I wish there were constants too) all we
// need to write is the format ID
case -1: case -2:
// Write the format tag to the stream
if (FAILED(hr = StmWrite.Write(&dwFormatTag, sizeof(dwFormatTag)))) { return hr; } return(StmWrite.Write(&ulFormatID, sizeof(ulFormatID)));
// In all other cases, we need to write the string raw with termination
// (ie: the format tag we've already written was the length).
if (TT_ANSI == ttText) { char szClipName[MAX_CFNAME+1] = {0}; int cbLen = SSGetClipboardFormatNameA(ulFormatID, szClipName, MAX_CFNAME); if (cbLen == 0) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } cbLen++; // Account for NULL terminator
szClipName[cbLen] = '\0'; // Write the format tag to the stream
if (FAILED(hr = StmWrite.Write(&cbLen, sizeof(cbLen)))) { return hr; }
return (StmWrite.Write(szClipName, cbLen));
} else { OLECHAR wszClipName[MAX_CFNAME+1] = {0}; int ccLen = GetClipboardFormatName(ulFormatID, wszClipName, MAX_CFNAME); if (ccLen == 0) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } ccLen++; // Account for NULL terminator
wszClipName[ccLen] = OLESTR('\0');
// Write the format tag to the stream
if (FAILED(hr = StmWrite.Write(&ccLen, sizeof(ccLen)))) { return hr; }
return (StmWrite.Write(wszClipName, ccLen*sizeof(OLECHAR))); }
} // end switch()
// Synopsis: Writes an ANSI string out to a stream, preceded by a ULONG
// indicating its length (INCLUDING TERMINATOR). If the
// string is 0-length, or a NULL ptr is passed in, just
// the length (0) is written, and no blank string is stored
// in the stream.
// Arguments: [pstm] -- the stream to write to
// [str] -- the string to write
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY on allocation failure
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
INTERNAL ANSIStrToStm(CStmBufWrite & StmWrite, LPCSTR str) { VDATEHEAP();
HRESULT hr; ULONG ulDummy = 0; ULONG ulLen;
// If the pointer is NULL or if it is valid but points to
// a 0-length string, _just_ write the 0-length, but no
// string.
if (NULL == str || (ulLen = (ULONG) strlen(str) + 1) == 1) { return(StmWrite.Write(&ulDummy, sizeof(ulDummy))); }
if (FAILED(hr = StmWrite.Write(&ulLen, sizeof(ulLen)))) { return(hr); }
return StmWrite.Write(str, ulLen);
// Synopsis: Reads a string from a stream, which is preceded by a ULONG
// giving its length. If the string OUT parameter is NULL,
// the string is read but not returned. If the parameter is
// a valid pointer, memory is allocated on it to hold the str.
// Arguments: [pstm] -- the stream to write to
// [pstr] -- the caller's string pointer
// Returns: NOERROR on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY on allocation failure
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 08-Mar-94 davepl Created
INTERNAL ANSIStmToStr(CStmBufRead & StmRead, LPSTR * pstr, ULONG * pulLen) { VDATEHEAP(); LPSTR szTmp = NULL; ULONG ulTmp; HRESULT hr;
if (pstr) { VDATEPTROUT(pstr, LPSTR); *pstr = NULL; }
if (pulLen) { VDATEPTROUT(pulLen, ULONG *); *pulLen = 0; }
// Find out how many bytes are to follow as a string
if (FAILED(hr = StmRead.Read(&ulTmp, sizeof(ulTmp)))) { return(hr); }
// If none, we can just return now
if (0 == ulTmp) { return(NOERROR); }
if (pulLen) { *pulLen = ulTmp; }
// Allocate a buffer to read the string into
szTmp = (LPSTR) PubMemAlloc(ulTmp); if (NULL == szTmp) { return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
if (FAILED(hr = StmRead.Read(szTmp, ulTmp))) { PubMemFree(szTmp); return(hr); }
// If the caller wanted the string, assign it over, otherwise
// just free it now.
if (pstr) { *pstr = szTmp; } else { PubMemFree(szTmp); }
// Function: ReadFmtUserTypeStg
// Synopsis: Read ClipFormat, UserType from CompObj stream
// Arguments: [pstg] -- storage containing CompObj stream
// [pcf] -- place holder for clip format, may be NULL
// [ppszUserType] -- place holder for User Type, may be NULL
// Returns: If NOERROR, *pcf is clip format and *ppszUserType is User Type
// If ERROR, *pcf is 0 and *ppszUserType is NULL
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: ??-???-?? ? Ported
// 15-Jul-94 AlexT Make sure *pcf & *pszUserType are clear
// on error
// Notes:
STDAPI ReadFmtUserTypeStg ( IStorage * pstg, CLIPFORMAT * pcf, LPOLESTR * ppszUserType ) { OLETRACEOUTEX((API_ReadFmtUserTypeStg, PARAMFMT("pstg= %p, pcf= %p, ppszUserType= %p"), pstg, pcf, ppszUserType));
HRESULT hr; CompObjStmData cod;
do { // Read the CompObj stream
hr = ReadCompObjStm(pstg, &cod); if (FAILED(hr)) { // clean up and return
break; }
// Extract the clipboard format
if (NULL != pcf) { ULONG ulFormatID = 0; DWORD dwFormatTag = 0;
if (FAILED(hr = GetClipFormat(&cod, &ulFormatID, &dwFormatTag)) && GetScode(hr) != OLE_S_MAC_CLIPFORMAT) { // clean up and return
break; }
*pcf = (CLIPFORMAT) ulFormatID; }
// Extract the User Type
if (NULL != ppszUserType) { if (FAILED(hr = GetUNICODEUserType(&cod, ppszUserType))) { // clean up and return
break; } }
hr = S_OK; } while (FALSE);
if (FAILED(hr)) { // Make sure the out parameters are zeroed out in the failure case
if (NULL != pcf) { *pcf = 0; }
if (NULL != ppszUserType) { *ppszUserType = NULL; } }
OLETRACEOUT((API_ReadFmtUserTypeStg, hr));
return(hr); }
STDAPI ReadFmtProgIdStg ( IStorage * pstg, LPOLESTR * pszProgID ) { VDATEHEAP();
HRESULT hr; CompObjStmData cod;
// Read the CompObj stream
if (FAILED(hr = ReadCompObjStm(pstg, &cod))) { return(hr);
// Extract the User Type
if (pszProgID) { if (FAILED(hr = GetUNICODEProgID(&cod, pszProgID))) { return(hr); } } return(NOERROR); }
STDAPI WriteFmtUserTypeStg ( LPSTORAGE pstg, CLIPFORMAT cf, LPOLESTR szUserType) { OLETRACEIN((API_WriteFmtUserTypeStg, PARAMFMT("pstg= %p, cf= %x, szUserType= %ws"), pstg, cf, szUserType));
VDATEHEAP(); HRESULT hr; CompObjStmData cod; CLSID clsid; LPOLESTR szProgID = NULL;
VDATEIFACE_LABEL(pstg, errRtn, hr);
// Read the CompObj stream. If it's not there, we don't care,
// we'll build a new one. Some errors, such as E_OUTOFMEMORY, cannot
// be overlooked, so we must return them.
if (FAILED(hr = ReadCompObjStm(pstg, &cod))) { if (hr == ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY)) { goto errRtn; } }
// Set the User Type in the Object.
if (szUserType) { if (FAILED(hr = PutUNICODEUserType(&cod, szUserType))) { goto errRtn; } }
// Set the ProgID field
if (ReadClassStg(pstg, &clsid) != NOERROR) { clsid = CLSID_NULL; }
if (SUCCEEDED(ProgIDFromCLSID (clsid, &szProgID))) { PutUNICODEProgID(&cod, szProgID); }
if (szProgID) { PubMemFree(szProgID); }
// Set the clipboard format. 0xC000 is a magical constant which
// bounds the standard clipboard format type IDs
if (cf < 0xC000) { if (0 == cf) { PutClipFormat(&cod, 0, 0); // NULL format
} else { PutClipFormat(&cod, (DWORD)-1, cf); // Standard format
} } else { PutClipFormat(&cod, MAX_CFNAME, cf); // Custom format
// Now we have all the info in the CompObjData object.
// Now we can write it out to the stream as a big atomic object.
if (FAILED(hr = WriteCompObjStm(pstg, &cod))) { if (hr == ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY)) { goto errRtn; } }
errRtn: OLETRACEOUT((API_WriteFmtUserTypeStg, hr));
return hr; }