// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: storage.cxx
// Contents: Contains generic storage APIs
// History: 05-Oct-92 DrewB Created
#include <exphead.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <dfentry.hxx>
#include <storagep.h>
#include <logfile.hxx>
#include <df32.hxx>
#ifdef COORD
#include <oledb.h>
#endif //COORD
#include <trace.hxx>
#include <ole2sp.h>
// Function: StgOpenStorage, public
// Synopsis: Instantiates a root storage from a file
// by binding to the appropriate implementation
// and starting things up
// Arguments: [pwcsName] - Name
// [pstgPriority] - Priority mode reopen IStorage
// [grfMode] - Permissions
// [snbExclude] - Exclusions for priority reopen
// [reserved]
// [ppstgOpen] - Docfile return
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [ppstgOpen]
// History: 05-Oct-92 DrewB Created
STDAPI StgOpenStorage(OLECHAR const *pwcsName, IStorage *pstgPriority, DWORD grfMode, SNB snbExclude, LPSTGSECURITY reserved, IStorage **ppstgOpen) { return DfOpenDocfile(pwcsName, NULL, pstgPriority, grfMode, snbExclude, reserved, NULL, 0, ppstgOpen); }
// Function: CheckSignature, private
// Synopsis: Checks the given memory against known signatures
// Arguments: [pb] - Pointer to memory to check
// Returns: S_OK - Current signature
// S_FALSE - Beta 2 signature, but still successful
// Appropriate status code
// History: 23-Jul-93 DrewB Created from header.cxx code
//Identifier for first bytes of Beta 1 Docfiles
const BYTE SIGSTG_B1[] = {0xd0, 0xcf, 0x11, 0xe0, 0x0e, 0x11, 0xfc, 0x0d}; const USHORT CBSIGSTG_B1 = sizeof(SIGSTG_B1);
//Identifier for first bytes of Beta 2 Docfiles
const BYTE SIGSTG_B2[] = {0x0e, 0x11, 0xfc, 0x0d, 0xd0, 0xcf, 0x11, 0xe0}; const BYTE CBSIGSTG_B2 = sizeof(SIGSTG_B2);
SCODE CheckSignature(BYTE *pb) { SCODE sc;
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CheckSignature(%p)\n", pb));
// Check for ship Docfile signature first
if (memcmp(pb, SIGSTG, CBSIGSTG) == 0) sc = S_OK;
// Check for Beta 2 Docfile signature
else if (memcmp(pb, SIGSTG_B2, CBSIGSTG_B2) == 0) sc = S_FALSE;
// Check for Beta 1 Docfile signature
else if (memcmp(pb, SIGSTG_B1, CBSIGSTG_B1) == 0) sc = STG_E_OLDFORMAT; else sc = STG_E_INVALIDHEADER;
olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CheckSignature => %lX\n", sc)); return sc; }
// Function: StgIsStorageFileHandle, private
// Synopsis: Determines whether a handle is open on a storage file.
// Spun off from StgIsStorageFile. Internaly we use this
// Arguments: [hf] - Open File Handle (caller must seek it to 0)
// Returns: S_OK, S_FALSE or error codes
// History: 07-May-98 MikeHill Created
// 05-June-98 BChapman Return Errors not just S_FALSE.
// Add optional Overlapped pointer.
STDAPI StgIsStorageFileHandle( HANDLE hf, LPOVERLAPPED povlp ) { DWORD cbRead; BYTE stgHeader[sizeof(SStorageFile)]; SCODE sc; LONG status; OVERLAPPED ovlp;
FillMemory( stgHeader, sizeof(SStorageFile), 0xDE );
if (povlp == NULL) { ovlp.Offset = 0; ovlp.OffsetHigh = 0; ovlp.hEvent = NULL; }
if( !ReadFile( hf, stgHeader, sizeof( stgHeader ), &cbRead, (povlp == NULL) ? &ovlp : povlp ) ) { if( NULL != povlp ) { status = GetLastError(); if( ERROR_IO_PENDING == status) { status = ERROR_SUCCESS; if( !GetOverlappedResult( hf, povlp, &cbRead, TRUE ) ) status = GetLastError(); } if(ERROR_SUCCESS != status && ERROR_HANDLE_EOF != status) olChk( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( status ) ); } else olErr( EH_Err, S_FALSE ); }
// Don't worry about short reads. If the read is short then
// the signature checks will fail.
sc = CheckSignature( ((SStorageFile*)stgHeader)->abSig ); if(S_OK == sc) goto EH_Err; // Done, return "Yes"
// It didn't error. sc != S_OK then it
// Must be S_FALSE.
olAssert(S_FALSE == sc);
EH_Err: if( (STG_E_OLDFORMAT == sc) || (STG_E_INVALIDHEADER == sc) ) sc = S_FALSE;
return sc; }
// Function: StgIsStorageFile, public
// Synopsis: Determines whether the named file is a storage or not
// Arguments: [pwcsName] - Filename
// Returns: S_OK, S_FALSE or error codes
// History: 05-Oct-92 DrewB Created
STDAPI StgIsStorageFile(OLECHAR const *pwcsName) { HANDLE hf; SCODE sc;
olLog(("--------::In StgIsStorageFile(" OLEFMT ")\n", pwcsName));
if (FAILED(sc = ValidateNameA(pwcsName, _MAX_PATH))) #else
if (FAILED(sc = ValidateNameW(pwcsName, _MAX_PATH))) #endif
return ResultFromScode(sc);
#if !defined(UNICODE)
// Chicago - call ANSI CreateFile
char szName[_MAX_PATH + 1];
if (!WideCharToMultiByte( AreFileApisANSI() ? CP_ACP : CP_OEMCP, 0, pwcsName, -1, szName, _MAX_PATH + 1, NULL, NULL)) return ResultFromScode(STG_E_INVALIDNAME);
if (hf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return ResultFromScode(STG_SCODE(GetLastError()));
sc = StgIsStorageFileHandle( hf, NULL ); CloseHandle (hf);
} CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH
olLog(("--------::Out StgIsStorageFile(). ret == %lx\n", sc));
return(ResultFromScode(sc)); }
// Function: StgIsStorageILockBytes, public
// Synopsis: Determines whether the ILockBytes is a storage or not
// Arguments: [plkbyt] - The ILockBytes
// Returns: S_OK, S_FALSE or error codes
// History: 05-Oct-92 DrewB Created
STDAPI StgIsStorageILockBytes(ILockBytes *plkbyt) { OLETRACEIN((API_StgIsStorageILockBytes, PARAMFMT("plkbyt= %p"), plkbyt));
HRESULT hr; SCODE sc; SStorageFile stgfile; ULONG cbRead; ULARGE_INTEGER ulOffset;
TRY { if (FAILED(sc = ValidateInterface(plkbyt, IID_ILockBytes))) { hr = ResultFromScode(sc); goto errRtn; } ULISet32(ulOffset, 0); hr = plkbyt->ReadAt(ulOffset, &stgfile, sizeof(stgfile), &cbRead); if (FAILED(GetScode(hr))) { goto errRtn; } } CATCH(CException, e) { hr = ResultFromScode(e.GetErrorCode()); goto errRtn; } END_CATCH
if (cbRead == sizeof(stgfile)) { if ((memcmp((void *)stgfile.abSig, SIGSTG, CBSIGSTG) == 0) || (memcmp((void *)stgfile.abSig, SIGSTG_B2, CBSIGSTG_B2) == 0)) { hr = ResultFromScode(S_OK); goto errRtn; } }
hr = ResultFromScode(S_FALSE);
errRtn: OLETRACEOUT((API_StgIsStorageILockBytes, hr));
return hr; }
// Function: StgSetTimes
// Synopsis: Sets file time stamps
// Arguments: [lpszName] - Name
// [pctime] - create time
// [patime] - access time
// [pmtime] - modify time
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 05-Oct-92 AlexT Created
STDAPI StgSetTimes(OLECHAR const *lpszName, FILETIME const *pctime, FILETIME const *patime, FILETIME const *pmtime) { SCODE sc; HANDLE hFile;
sc = ValidateNameA(lpszName, _MAX_PATH); #else
sc = ValidateNameW(lpszName, _MAX_PATH); #endif
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { #if !defined(UNICODE) && defined(OLEWIDECHAR)
//Chicago - call ANSI CreateFile
char szName[_MAX_PATH];
if (!WideCharToMultiByte( AreFileApisANSI() ? CP_ACP : CP_OEMCP, 0, lpszName, -1, szName, _MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL)) return ResultFromScode(STG_E_INVALIDNAME); hFile = CreateFileA(szName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); #else
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) sc = LAST_STG_SCODE; else { if (!SetFileTime(hFile, (FILETIME *)pctime, (FILETIME *)patime, (FILETIME *)pmtime)) sc = LAST_STG_SCODE; CloseHandle(hFile); } } } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH return ResultFromScode(sc); }
#if DBG==1
extern "C" unsigned long filestInfoLevel; // File I/O layer of Docfile
extern "C" unsigned long nffInfoLevel; // NTFS Flat File
extern ULONG GetInfoLevel(CHAR *pszKey, ULONG *pulValue, CHAR *pszdefval);
void StgDebugInit() { GetInfoLevel("filest", &filestInfoLevel, "0x0003"); GetInfoLevel( "nff", &nffInfoLevel, "0x0003"); }
#endif // DBG==1
// Function: DllRegisterServer, public
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// History: 15-jan-98 BChpaman Created
STDAPI Storage32DllRegisterServer(void) { HRESULT hrAccum=S_OK;
return hrAccum; }