Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: dfentry.hxx
// Contents: DocFile DLL entry points not in ole2.h
// History: 22-Jun-92 DrewB Created
#ifndef __DFENTRY_HXX__
#define __DFENTRY_HXX__
#ifdef COORD
interface ITransaction; #endif
STDAPI DfUnMarshalInterface(IStream *pstStm, REFIID iid, BOOL fFirst, void **ppvObj);
#ifdef WIN32
STDAPI DfGetClass(HANDLE hFile, CLSID *pclsid); #endif
// Called by StgCreateStorage and StgCreateDocfile
STDAPI DfCreateDocfile(WCHAR const *pwcsName, #ifdef COORD
ITransaction *pTransaction, #else
void *pTransaction, #endif
DWORD grfMode, #if WIN32 == 300
LPSTGSECURITY reserved, #endif
ULONG ulSectorSize, DWORD grfAttrs, IStorage **ppstg); // Called by StgOpenStorage
STDAPI DfOpenDocfile(WCHAR const *pwcsName, #ifdef COORD
ITransaction *pTransaction, #else
void *pTransaction, #endif
IStorage *pstgPriority, DWORD grfMode, SNB snbExclude, #if WIN32 == 300
LPSTGSECURITY reserved, #endif
ULONG *pulSectorSize, DWORD grfAttrs, IStorage **ppstgOpen);
#endif // #ifndef __DFENTRY_HXX__