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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: sinklist.hxx
// Contents: Linked list class
// Classes: CSinkList
// CConnectionPoint
// Functions:
// History: 24-Dec-95 SusiA Created
#ifndef __SINKLIST_HXX__
#define __SINKLIST_HXX__
class CSafeSem;
#include <iconn.h>
// Class: CSinkList
// Purpose: Generic linked list class for use by async docfiles
// Interface:
// History: 24-Dec-95 SusiA Created
// Notes:
class CSinkList { public: inline CSinkList(); inline CSinkList *GetNext(void); inline void SetNext(CSinkList *psl);
inline DWORD GetCookie(void); inline void SetCookie(DWORD dwCookie); inline IProgressNotify *GetProgressNotify(void); inline void SetProgressNotify(IProgressNotify *ppn); private: IProgressNotify *_ppn; DWORD _dwCookie; CSinkList *_pslNext; };
inline CSinkList::CSinkList() { _ppn = NULL; _dwCookie = 0; _pslNext = NULL; }
inline CSinkList * CSinkList::GetNext(void) { return _pslNext; }
inline void CSinkList::SetNext(CSinkList *psl) { _pslNext = psl; }
inline DWORD CSinkList::GetCookie(void) { return _dwCookie; }
inline void CSinkList::SetCookie(DWORD dwCookie) { _dwCookie = dwCookie; }
inline IProgressNotify *CSinkList::GetProgressNotify(void) { return _ppn; }
inline void CSinkList::SetProgressNotify(IProgressNotify *ppn) { _ppn = ppn; }
// Class: CConnectionPoint
// Purpose:
// Interface:
// History: 28-Dec-95 SusiA Created
// Notes:
class CConnectionPoint: public IDocfileAsyncConnectionPoint { public: CConnectionPoint(); ~CConnectionPoint();
inline CSinkList *GetHead(void); void TakeCS(void); void ReleaseCS(void);
//From IUnknown
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(void); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(void);
#ifdef ASYNC
SCODE Notify(SCODE scFailure, IFillLockBytes *piflb, BOOL fDefaultLockBytes); #endif
//From IDocfileAsyncConnectionPoint
STDMETHOD(AddConnection)(IProgressNotify *pUnkSink, DWORD *pdwCookie); STDMETHOD(RemoveConnection)(DWORD dwCookie); STDMETHOD(NotifySinks)(ULONG ulProgressCurrent, ULONG ulProgressMaximum, BOOL fAccurate, SCODE sc); STDMETHOD(GetParent)(IDocfileAsyncConnectionPoint **ppParent);
SCODE Clone (CConnectionPoint *pcp); inline DWORD GetCookie(void); inline void SetParent(IDocfileAsyncConnectionPoint *pParentCP); SCODE Init();
private: DWORD _dwCookie; LONG _cReferences; CSinkList *_pSinkHead; IDocfileAsyncConnectionPoint *_pParentCP; BOOL _fCSInitialized; CRITICAL_SECTION _csSinkList; };
inline CSinkList * CConnectionPoint::GetHead(void) { return _pSinkHead; }
inline DWORD CConnectionPoint::GetCookie(void) { return _dwCookie; }
inline void CConnectionPoint::SetParent( IDocfileAsyncConnectionPoint *pParentCP) { _pParentCP = pParentCP; if (_pParentCP != NULL) _pParentCP->AddRef(); }
#endif // #ifndef __SINKLIST_HXX__