// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: propdbg.hxx
// Contents: Declarations for tracing property code
// History:
// 28-Aug-96 MikeHill Added a Mac version of propinlineDebugOut
// 03-Mar-98 MikeHill Added CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace
// for debug tracing.
// 6/11/98 MikeHill
// - Allow errors to be suppressed from dbg output.
// - Ensure against stack corruption.
#ifndef _MAC
DECLARE_DEBUG(prop) #endif
#include <stdio.h> // vsprintf
// Custom debug flags for the 'prop' info level
// 'prop' macros for tracing external and internal routines, and tracing parameters.
#if DBG == 1
#define propXTrace(x) CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace propTrace( this, &hr, "prop", DEB_TRACE, x);
#define propITrace(x) CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace propTrace( this, &hr, "prop", DEB_ITRACE, x);
#define propXTraceStatic(x) CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace propTrace( NULL, &hr, "prop", DEB_TRACE, x);
#define propITraceStatic(x) CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace propTrace( NULL, &hr, "prop", DEB_ITRACE, x);
#define propTraceParameters(x) propTrace.Parameters x
#define propSuppressExitErrors() propTrace.SuppressExitErrors()
#define propXTrace(x) {}
#define propITrace(x) {}
#define propXTraceStatic(x) {}
#define propITraceStatic(x) {}
#define propTraceParameters(x) {}
#define propSuppressExitErrors() {}
#if DBG
class CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace { public:
CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace( const void *pThis, const HRESULT *phr, const char *pszInfoLevelString, ULONG ulTraceMask, const char *pszFunction ); void Parameters( const char *pszParameterFormatString = NULL, ... ); ~CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace(); void DbgPrintf( ULONG ulTraceMask, const char *pszFormat, ... ) const; void SuppressExitErrors();
const char * _pszFunction; const char * _pszInfoLevelString; char _szStringizedParameterList[ 2 * MAX_PATH ]; ULONG _ulTraceMask; const void * _pThis; const HRESULT *_phr;
BOOL _fSuppressExitErrors:1;
}; // class CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace
inline CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace::CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace( const void *pThis, const HRESULT *phr, const char *pszInfoLevelString, ULONG ulTraceMask, const char *pszFunction ) { _pszInfoLevelString = pszInfoLevelString; _pThis = pThis; _phr = phr; _pszFunction = pszFunction; _szStringizedParameterList[0] = '\0'; _ulTraceMask = ulTraceMask; _fSuppressExitErrors = FALSE;
DbgPrintf( _ulTraceMask, "Entering (%08x)%s\n", _pThis, _pszFunction ); }
inline void CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace::Parameters( const char *pszParameterFormatString, ... ) { va_list Arguments; va_start( Arguments, pszParameterFormatString );
if( NULL != pszParameterFormatString ) { int cb = sizeof(_szStringizedParameterList); cb = StringCbVPrintfA( _szStringizedParameterList, cb, pszParameterFormatString, Arguments ); if( -1 == cb ) _szStringizedParameterList[ sizeof(_szStringizedParameterList)-1 ] = '\0'; }
DbgPrintf( _ulTraceMask, " Parameters(%08X)%s(%s)\n", _pThis, _pszFunction, _szStringizedParameterList );
inline void CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace::DbgPrintf( ULONG ulTraceMask, const char *pszFormat, ... ) const { if( propInfoLevel & ulTraceMask ) { va_list Arguments; va_start( Arguments, pszFormat ); vdprintf( ulTraceMask, _pszInfoLevelString, pszFormat, Arguments ); } }
inline void CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace::SuppressExitErrors() { _fSuppressExitErrors = TRUE; }
inline CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace::~CDebugFunctionAndParameterTrace() { if( SUCCEEDED(*_phr) ) { DbgPrintf( _ulTraceMask, "Exiting (%08x)%s, returning %08x\n", _pThis, _pszFunction, *_phr ); } else { if( STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER == *_phr || STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER == *_phr ) { DbgPrintf( _fSuppressExitErrors ? DEB_TRACE : DEB_ERROR, "Exiting (%08x)%s, returning %08x\n", _pThis, _pszFunction, *_phr ); } else if( _fSuppressExitErrors || STG_E_REVERTED == *_phr ) { DbgPrintf( DEB_IWARN, "Exiting (%08x)%s, returning %08x (%s)\n", _pThis, _pszFunction, *_phr, _szStringizedParameterList ); } else { DbgPrintf( DEB_ERROR, "Exiting (%08x)%s, returning %08x (%s)\n", _pThis, _pszFunction, *_phr, _szStringizedParameterList ); } } }
#endif // #if DBG
inline DWORD DbgFlag( HRESULT hr, DWORD dbgflag ) { #if DBG==1
return( FAILED(hr) ? DEB_ERROR : dbgflag ); #else
return 0; #endif
#ifdef _MAC
inline void propInlineDebugOut(DWORD dwDebugLevel, CHAR *szFormat, ...) { #if 0
if( DEB_PROP_MAP >= dwDebugLevel ) { CHAR szBuffer[ 256 ]; va_list Arguments; va_start( Arguments, szFormat );
*szBuffer = '\p'; // This is a zero-terminated string.
if( -1 == _vsnprintf( szBuffer+1, sizeof(szBuffer)-1, szFormat, Arguments )) { // Terminate the buffer, since the string was too long.
szBuffer[ sizeof(szBuffer)-1 ] = '\0'; }
DebugStr( (unsigned char*) szBuffer ); } #endif
#endif // #ifdef _MAC
#if DBG
# define propDbg(x) propInlineDebugOut x
# define CB_DBGBUF 400
# define DBGBUF(buf) CHAR buf[ CB_DBGBUF ]
CHAR *DbgFmtId(REFFMTID rfmtid, CHAR *pszBuf); CHAR *DbgMode(DWORD grfMode, CHAR *pszBuf); CHAR *DbgFlags(DWORD grfMode, CHAR *pszBuf);
# define propDbg(x) {}
# define DBGBUF(buf)
# define DbgFmtId(rfmtid, pszBuf)
# define DbgMode(grfMode, pszBuf)
# define DbgFlags(grfMode, pszBuf)