// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: propstg.cxx
// Contents: Class that directly implements IPropertyStorage
// Classes: CCoTaskAllocator
// CPropertyStorage
// Notes: For methods that state 'if successful returns S_OK,
// otherwise error code', the possible error codes include:
// History: 1-Mar-95 BillMo Created.
// 22-Feb-96 MikeHill Use VT_EMPTY instead of VT_ILLEGAL.
// 14-Mar-96 MikeHill Set _fUserDefinedProperties in open constructor.
// 09-May-96 MikeHill Don't return an error when someone calls
// IPropertyStorage::Revert on a direct-mode propset.
// 22-May-96 MikeHill Use the new _dwOSVersion.
// 06-Jun-96 MikeHill Validate inputs.
// 31-Jul-96 MikeHill - Treat prop names as OLECHARs, not WCHARs
// - Added CDocFilePropertyStorage
// - Modified for Mac support.
// 07-Feb-97 Danl - Removed CDocFilePropertyStorage.
// 10-Mar-98 MikeHill - Only stat for the grfMode on create/open
// if it wasn't provided by the caller.
// - Dbg outputs.
// 5/6/98 MikeHill
// - Use CoTaskMem rather than new/delete.
// - Removed calls for defunct UnicodeCallouts.
// - Added dbgouts.
// - Changed GetCPropertySetStream to GetFormatVersion (DBG only).
// 5/18/98 MikeHill
// - Fixed typos.
// 6/11/98 MikeHill
// - Allow the codepage to change during WriteMultiple.
// 8/18/98 MikeHill
// - If the given _grfMode is zero, then probe the stream
// to see if it's actually writeable.
// - InitializePropertyStream now determines the CREATEPROP_
// flags internally.
#include <pch.cxx>
#include <tstr.h>
#ifdef _MAC_NODOC
ASSERTDATA // File-specific data for FnAssert
#ifndef _MAC // No InfoLevel debug functionality on Mac.
#if DBG
extern "C" const IID IID_IStorageTest = { /* 40621cf8-a17f-11d1-b28d-00c04fb9386d */ 0x40621cf8, 0xa17f, 0x11d1, {0xb2, 0x8d, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x38, 0x6d} }; #endif // #if DBG
// The IMappedStream is implemented by all the IStream implementations,
// and provides a mapping for CPropertySetStream.
extern "C" const IID IID_IMappedStream = { /* 7d747d7f-a49e-11d1-b28e-00c04fb9386d */ 0x7d747d7f, 0xa49e, 0x11d1, {0xb2, 0x8e, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x38, 0x6d} };
// Member: CCoTaskAllocator::Allocate, Free.
// Synopsis: A PMemoryAllocator used by the Pr*
// property set routines. This is required
// so that those routines can work in any
// heap.
void * CCoTaskAllocator::Allocate(ULONG cbSize) { return( CoTaskMemAlloc(cbSize) ); }
void CCoTaskAllocator::Free(void *pv) { CoTaskMemFree( pv ); }
const OLECHAR g_oszPropertyContentsStreamName[] = OLESTR( "CONTENTS" );
// Member: CPropertyStorage::Initialize
// Synopsis: Initialize members to known values.
void CPropertyStorage::Initialize() { _fExplicitelyProbedForWriteAccess = FALSE; _fUserDefinedProperties = FALSE; _ulSig = PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIG; _cRefs = 1; _pstgPropSet = NULL; _pstmPropSet = NULL; _dwOSVersion = PROPSETHDR_OSVERSION_UNKNOWN; _np = NULL; _ms = NULL; _usCodePage = CP_WINUNICODE; _grfFlags = 0; _grfMode = 0;
#if DBG
_cLocks = 0; #endif
// Member: CPropertyStorage::InitializePropertyStream.
// Synopsis: Initialize the storage-type specific members.
// Arguments: [pguid] -- FMTID, in for create only.
// [pclsid] -- Class id, in for create only.
// [CreateOpenDelete] -- has one of the following
// Returns: HRESULT
// Requires:
// _pstmPropSet -- The IStream of the main property set stream.
// Modifies:
// _ms (IMappedStream *)
// (assumed NULL on entry) will be NULL or valid on exit
// _np (NTPROP) aka CPropertySetStream
// (assumed NULL on entry) will be NULL or valid on exit
// Notes:
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::InitializePropertyStream( const GUID *pguid, GUID const *pclsid, EInitializePropertyStream CreateOpenDelete ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD grfBehavior = 0; USHORT createprop = 0; // Flags parameter to PrCreatePropertySet
propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::InitializePropertyStream" ); AssertLocked();
// Set the CREATEPROP_ flags in createprop
if( CREATE_PROPSTREAM == CreateOpenDelete ) createprop = CREATEPROP_CREATE; else if( DELETE_PROPSTREAM == CreateOpenDelete ) createprop = CREATEPROP_DELETE; else { DfpAssert( OPEN_PROPSTREAM == CreateOpenDelete );
// If _grfMode is zero, it's either uninitialized or STGM_READ|STGM_SHARE_DENYNONE.
// We'll consider it unknown for now, and probe the stream later to see if it's
// writeable.
if( 0 == _grfMode ) createprop = CREATEPROP_UNKNOWN; else createprop = IsWriteable() ? CREATEPROP_WRITE : CREATEPROP_READ; }
if( IsNonSimple() ) createprop |= CREATEPROP_NONSIMPLE;
// In the create path, set the behavior flag that will be passed to
// PrCreatePropertySet. In the open path, this will be returned
// from that function instead.
// Get an appropriate IMappedStream
hr = CreateMappedStream(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// Create the CPropertySetStream
DfpAssert( NULL == _np );
Status = PrCreatePropertySet( (NTMAPPEDSTREAM)_ms, createprop, pguid, pclsid, (NTMEMORYALLOCATOR) &_cCoTaskAllocator, GetUserDefaultLCID(), &_dwOSVersion, &_usCodePage, &grfBehavior, &_np);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { propDbg((DEB_PROP_TRACE_CREATE, "CPropertyStorage(%08X)::InitializePropertyStream" " - PrCreatePropertySet Status=%08X\n", this, Status)); hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); goto Exit; }
// If this was a create, the input _grfFlags should match the Behavior
// Also if this was a create, the input _grfFlags should match the codepage
DfpAssert( (PROPSETFLAG_ANSI & _grfFlags) && CP_WINUNICODE != _usCodePage || !(PROPSETFLAG_ANSI & _grfFlags) && CP_WINUNICODE == _usCodePage || !(CREATEPROP_CREATE & createprop) );
// If this is an open, we need to update _grfFlags with the actual values,
// so that we can return them in a Stat.
if( CP_WINUNICODE != _usCodePage ) _grfFlags |= PROPSETFLAG_ANSI;
if( STG_E_FILENOTFOUND == hr ) propSuppressExitErrors();
return(hr); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::~CPropertyStorage
// Synopsis: Free up object resources.
// Notes: Cleans up even from partial construction.
CPropertyStorage::~CPropertyStorage() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::~CPropertyStorage" );
#if DBG
// We don't need to take the lock in a destructor, but
// we're about to call private methods that assert that
// the lock is held. So, just to avoid the asserts
// (and so we don't have to remove them), set the lock
// count.
_cLocks++; #endif
_ulSig = PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIGDEL; // prevent someone else deleting it
// Close the property set. This causes the latest mapped stream data to be
// written to the underlying stream. Errors are ignored, though, so
// clients should call Commit before calling the final release, in order
// to get an opportunity to recover from flush errors.
if (_np != NULL) { PrClosePropertySet(_np); }
// Free the mapped stream.
// Free the Stream and/or Storage with the serialized data.
// If it was opened in direct mode, then the data written
// during PrClosePropertySet will be implicitely commited.
// If it was opened in transacted mode, then data written
// in PrClosePropertySet will be reverted and lost (of course,
// to avoid this, the client would have called IPropertyStorage::Commit).
if( _pstgPropSet != NULL ) { // If we're not opened in transacted mode, call Commit.
// This was added to handle NFF (NTFS property sets), in which case
// we open a direct IStorage, but it actually gives us a transacted
// storage, for the purpose of robustness.
// We tell IsWriteable not to probe the stream if it's unsure
// about the _grfMode; return FALSE in that case.
if( IsWriteable(DO_NOT_PROBE) && !(STGM_TRANSACTED & _grfMode) ) _pstgPropSet->Commit( STGC_DEFAULT );
RELEASE_INTERFACE( _pstgPropSet ); }
if (_fInitCriticalSection) DeleteCriticalSection( &_CriticalSection ); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::QueryInterface, AddRef, Release
// Synopsis: IUnknown members
// Notes: IPropertyStorage supports IPropertyStorage and IUnknown
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) { HRESULT hr;
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateRef())) return(hr);
// Validate the inputs
VDATEREADPTRIN( &riid, IID ); VDATEPTROUT( ppvObject, void* );
// -----------------
// Perform the Query
// -----------------
*ppvObject = NULL;
if( IID_IPropertyStorage == riid || IID_IUnknown == riid ) { *ppvObject = static_cast<IPropertyStorage*>(this); CPropertyStorage::AddRef(); }
#if DBG
else if( IID_IStorageTest == riid ) { *ppvObject = static_cast<IStorageTest*>(this); CPropertyStorage::AddRef(); } #endif // #if DBG
else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; }
return(hr); }
ULONG CPropertyStorage::AddRef(void) { if (S_OK != ValidateRef()) return(0);
InterlockedIncrement(&_cRefs); return(_cRefs); }
ULONG CPropertyStorage::Release(void) { LONG lRet;
if (S_OK != ValidateRef()) return(0);
lRet = InterlockedDecrement(&_cRefs);
if (lRet == 0) { delete this; // this will do a flush if dirty
} else if (lRet <0) { lRet = 0; } return(lRet); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::CleanupOpenedObjects
// Synopsis: Cleans up the objects that have been opened
// during the ReadMultiple. Sets all entries to
// VT_ILLEGAL so that the later free doesn't try to
// treat the pointers as interface pointers.
// Arguments: [avar] -- The user's array of PROPVARIANTs
// [pip] -- The array of INDIRECTPROPERTY structures
// for non-simple properties.
// [cpspec] -- if 1 then no MAX_ULONG end of list marker.
// [iFailIndex] -- An index into [pip] which
// indicates the non-simple property
// which failed to open, and represents
// the index at which the avar's begin
// to be strings rather than IStream's et al.
// Notes:
VOID CPropertyStorage::CleanupOpenedObjects( PROPVARIANT avar[], INDIRECTPROPERTY *pip, ULONG cpspec, ULONG iFailIndex) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG iStgProp; ULONG iiScan;
propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::CleanupOpenedObjects" ); AssertLocked();
// Loop through the propvar array (avar) and release
// the streams/storages that have been opened, and free
// the strings for the indirects that have not yet been
// opened.
for (iiScan = 0; (iStgProp = pip[iiScan].Index) != MAX_ULONG; iiScan++) { PROPVARIANT *pPropVar = avar + iStgProp;
// Are we before the failure point( thus stream/storage
// properties have actually been opened)?
if (iiScan < iFailIndex) { switch (pPropVar->vt) { case VT_STREAM: case VT_STREAMED_OBJECT: pPropVar->pStream->Release(); break; case VT_STORAGE: case VT_STORED_OBJECT: pPropVar->pStorage->Release(); break; } } else { CoTaskMemFree( pPropVar->pStream ); }
// Rather than return VT_EMPTY, which looks like a valid
// property, return VT_ILLEGAL.
pPropVar->vt = VT_ILLEGAL; pPropVar->pStream = NULL; // mark pStorage and pStream as nul
// If cpspec is 1, then pip is not really an array, and
// we have to explicitely break out (there isn't an array
// terminator).
if (cpspec == 1) { break; } } // for (iiScan = 0; ...
// Member: CPropertyStorage::ReadMultiple
// Synopsis: Read properties from the property set.
// Arguments: [cpspec] -- Count of PROPSPECs in [rgpspec]
// [rgpspec] -- Array of PROPSPECs
// [rgpropvar] -- Array of PROPVARIANTs to be filled in
// with callee allocated data.
// Returns: S_FALSE if none found
// S_OK if >=1 found
// FAILED(hr) otherwise.
// Notes: SPEC: Returning the same IStream* for the same
// VT queried multiple times.
// PrQueryProperties has been specified to return
// useful data: the count of properties found (controls
// return code) and an array of indexes of non-simple
// PROPSPECs (useful for simply opening the storages and
// streams.) This extra returned data means we don't
// have to walk the [rgpropvar] in the success cases.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::ReadMultiple( ULONG cpspec, const PROPSPEC rgpspec[], PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[]) { NTSTATUS Status; HRESULT hr; INDIRECTPROPERTY * pip = NULL; //array for non-simple
INDIRECTPROPERTY ip = { 0, NULL }; ULONG cpropFound; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::ReadMultiple" );
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
// Validate inputs
if (0 == cpspec) { hr = S_FALSE; goto errRet; }
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateRGPROPSPEC( cpspec, rgpspec ))) goto errRet;
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateOutRGPROPVARIANT( cpspec, rgpropvar ))) goto errRet;
propTraceParameters(( "cpspec=%d, rgpspec=%08X, rgpropvar=%08X", cpspec, rgpspec, rgpropvar ));
// -------------------
// Read the Properties
// -------------------
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto errRet; }
if( !IsReadable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto errRet; }
// Call CPropertySetStream
Status = PrQueryProperties( _np, cpspec, rgpspec, NULL, // don't want PROPID's
cpspec == 1 ? (INDIRECTPROPERTY**)&ip : &pip, rgpropvar, &cpropFound);
// If that query worked, we have to post-process non-simple (aka "indirect")
// properties.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // Yes, it succeeded. Did it actually find anything?
if (cpropFound != 0) { // Yes, we got at least one property back.
// For the special-case of reading one property, point pip
// to ip (otherwise, the PrQueryProperties call allocated
// pip as appropriate).
if (cpspec == 1) { // Is there an indirect?
if (ip.Index != MAX_ULONG) { // Yes - point to it.
pip = &ip; } else { // No, no indirect.
pip = NULL; } }
// Do we have any indirects to deal with?
if (pip != NULL) {
// Yes, we have one or more of VT_STREAM, VT_STREAMED_OBJECT,
ULONG iiScan; ULONG iStgProp;
// Loop through the pip array returned from PrQueryProperties
for (iiScan = 0; hr == S_OK && (iStgProp = pip[iiScan].Index) != MAX_ULONG; iiScan++ ) { PROPVARIANT *pPropVar = rgpropvar + iStgProp; OLECHAR **pposzStreamOrStorageName = NULL;
// Make sure we're a non-simple property set and the
// stream/storage name isn't empty.
if (IsNonSimple() && pPropVar->pwszVal[0] != L'\0') { // Everything looks valid.
VOID *pStreamOrStorage = NULL;
// Open the stream or storage
switch (pPropVar->vt) { case VT_VERSIONED_STREAM:
pposzStreamOrStorageName = reinterpret_cast<OLECHAR**>( &(pPropVar->pVersionedStream->pStream) ); // Fall through
if( NULL == pposzStreamOrStorageName ) { pposzStreamOrStorageName = reinterpret_cast<OLECHAR**>( &(pPropVar->pStream) ); }
// Open the stream.
// Mask out the STGM_TRANSACTED bit because we don't
// support transactioning on streams (of course, you can
// always open the whole property set transacted).
hr = _pstgPropSet->OpenStream(*pposzStreamOrStorageName, NULL, GetChildOpenMode() & ~STGM_TRANSACTED, 0, (IStream**)&pStreamOrStorage); break;
if( NULL == pposzStreamOrStorageName ) { pposzStreamOrStorageName = reinterpret_cast<OLECHAR**>( &(pPropVar->pStorage) ); }
hr = _pstgPropSet->OpenStorage(*pposzStreamOrStorageName, NULL, GetChildOpenMode(), NULL, 0, (IStorage**)&pStreamOrStorage); break;
DfpAssert( !OLESTR("Invalid non-simple property type") ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR );
} // switch (pPropVar->vt)
// Did we open the stream/storage?
if (hr == S_OK) { // Yes, it's open.
// The pStream/pStorage entry currently points to a string
// (the name of the stream/storage). Delete that string buffer
// and put in the real stream/storage interface pointer.
CoTaskMemFree( *pposzStreamOrStorageName ); *pposzStreamOrStorageName = reinterpret_cast<OLECHAR*>( pStreamOrStorage );
} else if (hr != STG_E_FILENOTFOUND) { // The one that fails is passed in as
// iiScan and is still a string.
CleanupOpenedObjects(rgpropvar, pip, cpspec, iiScan); } } // if (IsNonSimple() && pPropVar->pwszVal[0] != L'\0')
else { hr = STG_E_FILENOTFOUND; }
// Special handling for the case where the stream/storage
// didn't exist.
if (hr == STG_E_FILENOTFOUND) { // If the stream/storage is not found, or this is
// a simple stream with VT_STORAGE etc, then treat
// like the property is not found.
if( VT_VERSIONED_STREAM == pPropVar->vt ) { pPropVar->pVersionedStream->pStream->Release(); CoTaskMemFree( pPropVar->pVersionedStream ); } else { CoTaskMemFree( pPropVar->pszVal ); }
PropVariantInit( pPropVar ); --cpropFound; hr = S_OK; }
// Special handling for the single property case. In this
// case pip isn't really an array, so there's no array
// terminator.
if (cpspec == 1) break;
} // for (iiScan = 0;
// If pip is really an array (not a pointer to ip), then
// free it now.
if (cpspec != 1 && pip != NULL) CoTaskMemFree( pip );
} // if (pip != NULL)
if (hr != S_OK) { // We succeeded in getting the basic property types but
// the non-simple stuff failed, so we zap out the whole lot
// and return a complete failure
FreePropVariantArray(cpspec, rgpropvar); } }
// Return a special success code if we didn't find anything.
if (hr == S_OK && cpropFound == 0) { hr = S_FALSE; } } // if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
else { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
if( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) == hr ) propSuppressExitErrors();
return(hr); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::_WriteMultiple, private
// Synopsis: Write the properties to the property set. Allows
// a NULL rgpropvar pointer for deletion case.
// Arguments: [cpspec] -- count of PROPSPECs and PROPVARIANTs in
// [rgpspec] and [rgpropvar]
// [rgpspec] -- pointer to array of PROPSPECs
// [rgpropvar] -- pointer to array of PROPVARIANTs with
// the values to write.
// [propidNameFirst] -- id below which not to assign
// ids for named properties.
// Returns: S_OK, -- all requested data was written.
// S_FALSE -- all simple properties written, but non-simple
// types (VT_STREAM etc) were ignored.
// Errors --
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Notes: PrSetProperties has been carefully specified to return
// useful information so that we can deal with the case
// where a non-simple type (VT_STREAM etc) is overwritten
// by a simple type.
// This routine assumes the object has been validated
// and is writeable.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::_WriteMultiple( ULONG cpspec, const PROPSPEC rgpspec[], const PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[], PROPID propidNameFirst) { HRESULT hr; NTSTATUS Status; CStackPropIdArray rgPROPID;
if (S_OK != (hr = rgPROPID.Init(cpspec))) return(hr);
propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::_WriteMultiple" ); AssertLocked();
Status = PrSetProperties(_np, // property set context
cpspec, // property count
propidNameFirst, // first propid for new named props
rgpspec, // array of property specifiers
&_usCodePage, // updated CodePage
rgPROPID, // buffer for array of propids
// the stream/storage names for indirect properties
1 == cpspec ? (INDIRECTPROPERTY**)&ip : &pip, rgpropvar);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // The code page may have been modified. Update grfFlags to
// reflect the current value.
if( CP_WINUNICODE == _usCodePage ) _grfFlags &= ~PROPSETFLAG_ANSI; else _grfFlags |= PROPSETFLAG_ANSI;
// For the special case where pip is really &ip, point it
// to that INDIRECTPROPERTY array
if (cpspec == 1) { if (ip.Index != MAX_ULONG) pip = &ip; else pip = NULL; }
// If we have indirect properties, write them out now.
if ( pip != NULL) { ULONG iiScan; // in this scope because we always use
ULONG iStgProp; // these variables in the free memory loop below.
if (IsSimple()) { //
// VT_STREAM was requested to be written and this
// is a "SIMPLE" property set.
// Two cases now:
// 1. Wrote a simple over a non-simple -- must delete the
// old non-simple.
// 2. Wrote a non-simple -- must actually copy data into it.
// Loop through the INDIRECTPROPERTY array.
for (iiScan = 0; hr == S_OK && (iStgProp = pip[iiScan].Index) != MAX_ULONG; iiScan++ ) {
OLECHAR oszStdPropName[ PROPGENPROPERTYNAME_SIZEOF ]; const OLECHAR *poszPropName; const PROPVARIANT *pPropVar = rgpropvar + iStgProp; IStream *pstmFrom = NULL;
poszPropName = static_cast<LPOLESTR>(pip[iiScan].poszName);
// If PrSetProperties didn't return us the indirect name,
// generate it now (does this ever happen?)
if( NULL == poszPropName ) { DfpAssert((LONG) iStgProp >= 0 && iStgProp < cpspec); PROPGENPROPERTYNAME_CB( oszStdPropName, PROPGENPROPERTYNAME_SIZEOF, rgPROPID[iStgProp] ); poszPropName = oszStdPropName; }
DfpAssert( NULL != poszPropName );
// Switch on the input property type.
switch (rgpropvar == NULL ? VT_ILLEGAL : pPropVar->vt) { case VT_VERSIONED_STREAM: case VT_STREAM: case VT_STREAMED_OBJECT: { // We're writing some kind of stream
IStream *pstm; int i=0;
if( VT_VERSIONED_STREAM == pPropVar->vt ) pstmFrom = pPropVar->pVersionedStream->pStream; else pstmFrom = pPropVar->pStream;
while (i<=1) { // Create the stream
hr = _pstgPropSet->CreateStream(poszPropName, GetChildCreateMode() & ~STGM_TRANSACTED, 0, 0, &pstm);
if (hr == S_OK) { // The create worked. If the property being
// written was non-NULL (NULL is OK), copy it
// to the new stream.
if( NULL != pstmFrom ) { ULARGE_INTEGER uli; memset(&uli, -1, sizeof(uli)); hr = pstmFrom->CopyTo(pstm, uli, NULL, NULL); }
// Release the stream we just created.
pstm->Release(); break; }
// We might be able to handle file-exists, but
// anything else is an error.
else if (hr != STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS) { break; }
// If this is the first pass and we got a file-exists,
// delete it and try the create again. (Why is this
// necessary, since the create above used STGM_CREATE?)
else if (i == 0) { _pstgPropSet->DestroyElement(poszPropName); }
i++; } // while (i<=1)
} // Stream-type cases
case VT_STORAGE: case VT_STORED_OBJECT: { // We're writing some kind of storage
IStorage *pstg; int i=0;
while (i<=1) { // Create the sub-storage
hr = _pstgPropSet->CreateStorage(poszPropName, GetChildCreateMode(), 0, 0, &pstg);
if (hr == S_OK) { // The create worked.
// If the input storage was non-NULL (though
// NULL is OK), copy the input to the new one.
if (pPropVar->pStorage != NULL) { hr = pPropVar->pStorage->CopyTo(0, NULL, NULL, pstg); }
// Release the newly-created storage
pstg->Release(); break; }
// We might be able to handle file-exists, but
// anything else is fatal.
else if (hr != STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS) { break; }
// If we got file-exists, try deleting it and
// trying the create again. (I don't understand
// why this is necessary, given that we used
// STGM_CREATE on the create above.)
else if (i == 0) { _pstgPropSet->DestroyElement(poszPropName); } i++; } } // Storage-type properties
// Any other VT_ type is simple and therefore
// was a non-simple overwritten by a simple.
hr = _pstgPropSet->DestroyElement( poszPropName ); break; }
// Special-case handling for a single write (since
// pip doesn't really point to an array).
if (cpspec == 1) break;
} // for (iiScan = 0; ...
} // if (IsSimple())
// In both the success and failure cases we do this cleanup.
for (iiScan = 0; pip[iiScan].Index != MAX_ULONG; iiScan++ ) { if (pip[iiScan].poszName != NULL) CoTaskMemFree( pip[iiScan].poszName );
if (cpspec == 1) break; }
// If pip is an allocated array, free it.
if (cpspec != 1 && pip != NULL) CoTaskMemFree( pip );
} // if ( pip != NULL)
else { //
// No VT_STREAM etc was requested to be written.
// and no simple property overwrote a non-simple one.
} } // if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
else { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); }
if( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) == hr ) propSuppressExitErrors();
return(hr); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::WriteMultiple
// Synopsis: Write properties.
// Arguments: [cpspec] -- count of PROPSPECs and PROPVARIANTs in
// [rgpspec] and [rgpropvar]
// [rgpspec] -- pointer to array of PROPSPECs
// [rgpropvar] -- pointer to array of PROPVARIANTs with
// the values to write.
// [propidNameFirst] -- id below which not to assign
// ids for named properties.
// Returns: S_OK, -- all requested data was written.
// S_FALSE -- all simple properties written, but non-simple
// types (VT_STREAM etc) were ignored.
// Errors --
// Notes: Checks that rgpropvar is not NULL, then calls
// _WriteMultiple.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::WriteMultiple( ULONG cpspec, const PROPSPEC rgpspec[], const PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[], PROPID propidNameFirst) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::WriteMultiple" );
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
// Validate the inputs
if (0 == cpspec) { hr = S_OK; goto errRet; }
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateRGPROPSPEC( cpspec, rgpspec ))) goto errRet;
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateInRGPROPVARIANT( cpspec, rgpropvar ))) goto errRet;
propTraceParameters(( "cpspec=%d, rgpspec=%08X, rgpropvar=%08X, propidNameFirst=%d", cpspec, rgpspec, rgpropvar, propidNameFirst ));
// Ensure we understand all the VarTypes in the input array.
hr = ValidateVTs( cpspec, rgpropvar ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet;
// --------------------
// Write the Properties
// --------------------
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto errRet; }
if( !IsWriteable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto errRet; }
// Try to write the properties
hr = _WriteMultiple(cpspec, rgpspec, rgpropvar, propidNameFirst);
// If we ran out of memory, try writing them one at a time.
// (?? I'm really not sure that this will help, but billmo probably
// put it in here to handle some boundary case where we do an alloc
// porpotional to the number of input properties.)
for (ULONG i=0; hr == S_OK && i < cpspec; i++) { hr = _WriteMultiple(1, rgpspec+i, rgpropvar+i, propidNameFirst); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; } } if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet;
// If buffering is not desired, flush the property storage
// to the underlying Stream.
if( _grfFlags & PROPSETFLAG_UNBUFFERED ) { NTSTATUS Status = PrFlushPropertySet(_np); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); goto errRet; } }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
if( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) == hr ) propSuppressExitErrors();
return(hr); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::DeleteMultiple
// Synopsis: Delete properties.
// Arguments: [cpspec] -- count of PROPSPECs and PROPVARIANTs in
// [rgpspec] and [rgpropvar]
// [rgpspec] -- pointer to array of PROPSPECs
// Returns: S_OK, -- all requested data was deleted.
// S_FALSE -- all simple properties written, but non-simple
// types (VT_STREAM etc) were ignored.
// Errors --
// Notes: Checks that rgpropvar is not NULL, then calls
// _WriteMultiple.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::DeleteMultiple( ULONG cpspec, const PROPSPEC rgpspec[]) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::DeleteMultiple" );
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
// Validate the inputs
if (0 == cpspec) { hr = S_OK; goto errRet; }
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateRGPROPSPEC( cpspec, rgpspec ))) goto errRet;
propTraceParameters(( "cpspec=%d, rgpspec=%08X", cpspec, rgpspec ));
// ---------------------
// Delete the Properties
// ---------------------
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto errRet; }
if( !IsWriteable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto errRet; }
// The way you delete properties is by calling write
// with no values.
hr = _WriteMultiple(cpspec, rgpspec, NULL, 2);
// If that fails due to low mem, try again, one property at
// a time.
for (ULONG i=0; hr == S_OK && i < cpspec; i++) { hr = _WriteMultiple(1, rgpspec+i, NULL, 2); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; } } if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet;
// If buffering is not desired, flush the property storage
// to the underlying Stream.
if( _grfFlags & PROPSETFLAG_UNBUFFERED ) { NTSTATUS Status = PrFlushPropertySet(_np); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); goto errRet; } }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return hr; }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::ReadPropertyNames
// Synopsis: Attempt to read names for all identified properties.
// Arguments: [cpropid] -- Count of PROPIDs in [rgpropid]
// [rgpropid] -- Pointer to array of [cpropid] PROPIDs
// [rglpstrName] -- Pointer to array of [cpropid] LPOLESTRs
// Returns: S_OK -- success, one or more names returned
// S_FALSE -- success, no names returned
// STG_E_INVALIDHEADER -- no propid->name mapping property
// other errors -- STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY etc
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::ReadPropertyNames( ULONG cpropid, const PROPID rgpropid[], LPOLESTR rglpwstrName[]) { HRESULT hr; NTSTATUS Status; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::ReadPropertyNames" );
// --------
// Validate
// --------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
// Validate the inputs
if (0 == cpropid) { // Nothing failed, but we didn't find anything either.
hr = S_FALSE; goto errRet; }
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateRGPROPID( cpropid, rgpropid ))) goto errRet;
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateOutRGLPOLESTR( cpropid, rglpwstrName ))) goto errRet;
propTraceParameters(( "cpropid=%d, rgpropid=%08X, rglpwstrName=%08X", cpropid, rgpropid, rglpwstrName ));
// --------------
// Read the Names
// --------------
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto errRet; }
if( !IsReadable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto errRet; }
// Query the property names out of the proeprty set.
Status = PrQueryPropertyNames(_np, cpropid, rgpropid, rglpwstrName); if (Status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND) hr = STG_E_INVALIDHEADER; else if (Status == STATUS_BUFFER_ALL_ZEROS) hr = S_FALSE; // None of the properties were found
else if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status);
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return hr; }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::_WritePropertyNames
// Synopsis: Internal function used by WritePropertyNames and
// DeletePropertyNames.
// Arguments: [cpropid] -- Count of PROPIDs in [rgpropid]
// [rgpropid] -- Pointer to array of [cpropid] PROPIDs
// [rglpstrName] -- Pointer to array of [cpropid] LPOLESTRs
// Returns: S_OK if successful, otherwise error code.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::_WritePropertyNames( ULONG cpropid, const PROPID rgpropid[], const LPOLESTR rglpwstrName[]) { NTSTATUS Status; AssertLocked();
Status = PrSetPropertyNames(_np, cpropid, rgpropid, (OLECHAR const * const *) rglpwstrName); return NT_SUCCESS(Status) ? S_OK : DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::WritePropertyNames
// Synopsis: Attempt to write names for all identified properties.
// Arguments: [cpropid] -- Count of PROPIDs in [rgpropid]
// [rgpropid] -- Pointer to array of [cpropid] PROPIDs
// [rglpstrName] -- Pointer to array of [cpropid] LPOLESTRs
// Returns: S_OK -- success, otherwise error code.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::WritePropertyNames( ULONG cpropid, const PROPID rgpropid[], const LPOLESTR rglpwstrName[]) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::WritePropertyNames" );
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
// Validate inputs
if (0 == cpropid) { hr = S_OK; goto errRet; }
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateRGPROPID( cpropid, rgpropid ))) goto errRet;
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateInRGLPOLESTR( cpropid, rglpwstrName ))) goto errRet;
propTraceParameters(( "cpropid=%d, rgpropid=%08X, rglpwstrName=%08X", cpropid, rgpropid, rglpwstrName ));
// ---------------
// Write the Names
// ---------------
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto errRet; }
if( !IsWriteable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto errRet; }
hr = _WritePropertyNames(cpropid, rgpropid, rglpwstrName);
for (ULONG i=0; hr == S_OK && i < cpropid; i++) { hr = _WritePropertyNames(1, rgpropid+i, rglpwstrName+i); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; } } if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet;
// If buffering is not desired, flush the property storage
// to the underlying Stream.
if( _grfFlags & PROPSETFLAG_UNBUFFERED ) { NTSTATUS Status = PrFlushPropertySet(_np); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); } }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return hr; }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::DeletePropertyNames
// Synopsis: Attempt to delete names for all identified properties.
// Arguments: [cpropid] -- Count of PROPIDs in [rgpropid]
// [rgpropid] -- Pointer to array of [cpropid] PROPIDs
// Returns: S_OK -- success, otherwise error.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::DeletePropertyNames( ULONG cpropid, const PROPID rgpropid[]) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::DeletePropertyNames" );
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
// Validate the inputs
if( 0 == cpropid ) { hr = S_OK; goto errRet; }
if (S_OK != (hr = ValidateRGPROPID( cpropid, rgpropid ))) goto errRet;
propTraceParameters(( "cpropid=%d, rgpropid=%08X)", cpropid, rgpropid ));
// ----------------
// Delete the Names
// ----------------
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto errRet; }
if( !IsWriteable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto errRet; }
// Delete names by "writing" a NULL name.
hr = _WritePropertyNames(cpropid, rgpropid, NULL); if (hr == STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY) { hr = S_OK;
for (ULONG i=0; hr == S_OK && i < cpropid; i++) { hr = _WritePropertyNames(1, rgpropid+i, NULL); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; } } if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet;
// If buffering is not desired, flush the property storage
// to the underlying Stream.
if( _grfFlags & PROPSETFLAG_UNBUFFERED ) { NTSTATUS Status = PrFlushPropertySet(_np); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); } }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return hr; }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::Commit
// Synopsis: Flush and/or commit the property set
// Arguments: [grfCommittFlags] -- Commit flags.
// Returns: S_OK -- success, otherwise error.
// Notes: For both simple and non-simple, this flushes the
// memory image to disk subsystem. In addition,
// for non-simple transacted-mode property sets, this
// performs a commit on the property set.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Commit(DWORD grfCommitFlags) { HRESULT hr; NTSTATUS Status; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::Commit" );
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
// Validate the inputs
if (S_OK != (hr = VerifyCommitFlags(grfCommitFlags))) goto errRet;
propTraceParameters(( "grfCommitFlags=%08X", grfCommitFlags ));
// --------------------------
// Commit the PropertyStorage
// --------------------------
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto errRet; }
if( !IsWriteable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto errRet; }
Status = PrFlushPropertySet(_np); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); }
if (IsNonSimple()) { if (hr == S_OK) hr = _pstgPropSet->Commit(grfCommitFlags); }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return(hr); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::Revert
// Synopsis: For non-simple property sets, revert it.
// Returns: S_OK if successful. STG_E_UNIMPLEMENTEDFUNCTION for
// simple property sets.
// Notes: For non-simple property sets, call the underlying
// storage's Revert and re-open the 'contents' stream.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Revert() { HRESULT hr; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::Revert" );
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
// We can only do something if we're in a transacted storage
// (i.e. we're non-simple and transacted).
if (IsNonSimple()) { // Try to revert our storage.
hr = _pstgPropSet->Revert(); if (hr == S_OK) { // That worked. Actually, if we weren't opened transacted mode
// in the first place (_pstgPropSet isn't transacted), then that
// call was just ignored. But we'll go ahead as if it worked.
// This should be changed (bug 569182); otherwise you can get some
// unpredictable behavior when the mapped stream tries to
// flush itself belof in PrClosePropertySet. If that fails,
// then the content of your property set is different after this
// Revert call completes.
// Close the propert set. The mapped stream will attempt
// to flush itself, but it will just get a reverted error, which
// we ignore.
PrClosePropertySet(_np); _np = NULL;
// Release the contents stream (the main property set stream)
_pstmPropSet->Release(); _pstmPropSet = NULL;
// Release _ms
// If one of these fails then this object becomes invalid (zombie)
// Mask out the STGM_TRANSACTED bit because we don't support it.
hr = _pstgPropSet->OpenStream(g_oszPropertyContentsStreamName, NULL, GetChildOpenMode() & ~STGM_TRANSACTED, 0, &_pstmPropSet); if (hr == S_OK) { // Initialize the property set. If this property set is the 2nd section
// of the DocumentSummaryInformation property set (used by Office),
// then we must specify the FMTID.
hr = InitializePropertyStream( _fUserDefinedProperties ? &FMTID_UserDefinedProperties : NULL, NULL, // pguid
// If it didn't work, go into the zombie state.
if (hr != S_OK) { _ulSig = PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIGZOMBIE; } }
else { // Docfile returns S_OK when you try to revert a direct-mode
// object.
hr = S_OK; }
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return(hr); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::Enum
// Synopsis: Create an enumerator over the property set.
// Arguments: [ppenum] -- where to return the IEnumSTATPROPSTG *
// Returns: S_OK or error.
// Notes: The constructor of CEnumSTATPROPSTG creates a
// CStatArray which reads the entire property set and
// which can be shared when IEnumSTATPROPSTG::Clone is
// used.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Enum(IEnumSTATPROPSTG ** ppenum) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fLocked = FALSE; IStatArray *psa = NULL; IEnumSTATPROPSTG *penum = NULL;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::Enum" );
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) return(hr);
// Validate the inputs
VDATEPTROUT( ppenum, IEnumSTATPROPSTG* ); *ppenum = NULL;
propTraceParameters(( "ppenum=%p", ppenum ));
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto Exit; }
if( !IsReadable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto Exit; }
// ----------------------
// Create the Enumeration
// ----------------------
// Create an array for the STATPROPSTG structures.
// This allows the data to be shared between multiple
// instances of the same enumeration.
psa = (IStatArray*) new CStatArray( _np, &hr ); if( NULL == psa ) hr = STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY; if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// Create the enumerator.
penum = new CEnumSTATPROPSTG( psa ); if( NULL == penum ) { hr = STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY; goto Exit; }
*ppenum = penum; penum = NULL;
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return(hr); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::SetTimes
// Synopsis: Set the given times on the underlying storage
// Arguments: [pctime] -- creation time
// [patime[ -- access time
// [pmtime] -- modify time
// Returns: S_OK or error.
// Notes:
// (non-simple only) Only the times supported by the
// underlying docfile implementation are
// supported.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::SetTimes( FILETIME const * pctime, FILETIME const * patime, FILETIME const * pmtime) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::SetTimes" );
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
// Validate the inputs
VDATEPTRIN_LABEL( pctime, FILETIME, errRet, hr ); VDATEPTRIN_LABEL( patime, FILETIME, errRet, hr ); VDATEPTRIN_LABEL( pmtime, FILETIME, errRet, hr );
propTraceParameters(( "pctime=%08x:%08x, patime=%08x:%08x, pmtime=%08x:%08x", pctime->dwHighDateTime, pctime->dwLowDateTime, patime->dwHighDateTime, patime->dwLowDateTime, pmtime->dwHighDateTime, pmtime->dwLowDateTime ));
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto errRet; }
if( !IsWriteable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto errRet; }
// -------------
// Set the Times
// -------------
if (IsNonSimple()) { hr = _pstgPropSet->SetElementTimes( NULL, pctime, patime, pmtime); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return(hr); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::SetClass
// Synopsis: Sets the class of the property set.
// Arguments: [clsid] -- class id to set.
// Returns: S_OK or error.
// Notes: If non-simple, the underlying storage has SetClass
// called. Both simple and non-simple will have
// clsid set into the property set stream.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::SetClass(REFCLSID clsid) { HRESULT hr; NTSTATUS Status; BOOL fLocked = FALSE; DBGBUF(buf);
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::SetClass" );
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
// Validate the inputs
propTraceParameters(( "clsid=%s", DbgFmtId(clsid, buf) ));
// -------------
// Set the CLSID
// -------------
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto errRet; }
if( !IsWriteable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto errRet; }
// Set it in the property set header
Status = PrSetPropertySetClassId(_np, &clsid); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // And if this is an IStorage, set it there as well.
if (IsNonSimple()) { hr = _pstgPropSet->SetClass(clsid); } } else { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); } if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet;
// If buffering is not desired, flush the property storage
// to the underlying Stream.
if( _grfFlags & PROPSETFLAG_UNBUFFERED ) { Status = PrFlushPropertySet(_np); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); } }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return(hr); }
// Member: CPropertyStorage::Stat
// Synopsis: Get STATPROPSETSTG about the property set.
// Arguments: [p] -- STATPROPSETSTG *
// Returns: S_OK if successful, error otherwise. On failure,
// *p is all zeros.
// Notes: See spec. Gets times from underlying storage or stream
// using IStorage or IStream ::Stat.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Stat(STATPROPSETSTG * pstatpropsetstg) { HRESULT hr; NTSTATUS Status; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propXTrace( "CPropertyStorage::Stat" )
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) goto errRet;
// Validate inputs
VDATEPTROUT_LABEL(pstatpropsetstg, STATPROPSETSTG, errRet, hr);
propTraceParameters(( "STATPROPSETSTG *p = %08X", pstatpropsetstg ));
// ------------
// Get the Stat
// ------------
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto errRet; fLocked = TRUE;
if( IsReverted() ) { hr = STG_E_REVERTED; goto errRet; }
if( !IsReadable() ) { hr = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; goto errRet; }
ZeroMemory(pstatpropsetstg, sizeof(*pstatpropsetstg));
// Get what info we can from the property set itself
// (mtime, ansi flag, clsid, fmtid)
Status = PrQueryPropertySet(_np, pstatpropsetstg); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // Get the rest of the info for the STATPROPSETSTG, which
// comes from the underlying stream/storage.
STATSTG statstg;
hr = S_OK;
if( NULL != _pstgPropSet || NULL != _pstmPropSet ) { if (IsNonSimple()) { hr = _pstgPropSet->Stat(&statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME); } else { hr = _pstmPropSet->Stat(&statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME); }
if (hr == S_OK) { pstatpropsetstg->mtime = statstg.mtime; pstatpropsetstg->ctime = statstg.ctime; pstatpropsetstg->atime = statstg.atime; pstatpropsetstg->grfFlags = _grfFlags; pstatpropsetstg->dwOSVersion = _dwOSVersion; } } } else { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { ZeroMemory(pstatpropsetstg, sizeof(*pstatpropsetstg)); }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return(hr); }
// Member: CStatArray::CStatArray
CStatArray::CStatArray(NTPROP np, HRESULT *phr) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG ulKeyZero; ULONG cpropAllocated;
_cpropActual = 0; _cRefs = 1; _psps = NULL;
do { // when *pkey == 0, *pcprop == MAXULONG, aprs == NULL and asps == NULL on input,
// *pcprop will be the total count of properties in the enumeration set. OLE needs to
// allocate memory and enumerate out of the cached PROPID+propname list.
ulKeyZero = 0; _cpropActual = MAX_ULONG;
CoTaskMemFree( _psps ); _psps = NULL;
Status = PrEnumerateProperties( np, ENUMPROP_NONAMES, &ulKeyZero, &_cpropActual, NULL, // aprs
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break;
cpropAllocated = _cpropActual + 1;
_psps = reinterpret_cast<STATPROPSTG*> ( CoTaskMemAlloc( sizeof(STATPROPSTG) * cpropAllocated ) ); if (_psps == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; }
ulKeyZero = 0; Status = PrEnumerateProperties( np, 0, &ulKeyZero, &cpropAllocated, NULL, // aprs
} while (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && cpropAllocated != _cpropActual);
*phr = NT_SUCCESS(Status) ? S_OK : DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); }
// Member: CStatArray::~CStatArray
// Synopsis: Deallocated the object's data.
CStatArray::~CStatArray() { if( NULL != _psps ) { STATPROPSTG *psps = _psps;
while( _cpropActual ) { CoTaskMemFree( psps->lpwstrName ); _cpropActual--; psps++; }
CoTaskMemFree( _psps ); } }
// Member: CStatArray:: QueryInterface/AddRef/Release
STDMETHODIMP CStatArray::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) { return E_NOINTERFACE; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CStatArray::AddRef(void) { LONG lRet;
lRet = InterlockedIncrement(&_cRefs); return(lRet); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CStatArray::Release(void) { LONG lRet;
lRet = InterlockedDecrement(&_cRefs);
if (lRet == 0) { delete this; } else if (lRet <0) { lRet = 0; } return(lRet); }
// Member: CStatArray::NextAt
// Synopsis: Read from the internal STATPROPSTG array.
// Effects: The cursor is passed in, and this function acts
// as a IEnumXX::Next would behave if the current cursor
// was [ipropNext].
// Arguments: [ipropNext] -- index of cursor to use
// [pspsDest] -- if NULL, emulate read's effect on cursor.
// if non-NULL, return data with cursor effect.
// [pceltFetched] -- buffer for count fetched
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise
// Notes:
NTSTATUS CStatArray::NextAt(ULONG ipropNext, STATPROPSTG *pspsDest, ULONG *pceltFetched) { ULONG ipropLastPlus1;
// Copy the requested number of elements from the cache
// (including strings, the allocation of which may fail.)
ipropLastPlus1 = ipropNext + *pceltFetched; if (ipropLastPlus1 > _cpropActual) { ipropLastPlus1 = _cpropActual; }
*pceltFetched = ipropLastPlus1 - ipropNext;
if (pspsDest != NULL) return CopySTATPROPSTG(*pceltFetched, pspsDest, _psps + ipropNext); else return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// Synopsis: Constructor which is used by IEnumSTATPROPSTG::Clone.
// Arguments: [other] -- the CEnumSTATPROPSTG to copy
// [phr] -- the error code.
// Notes: Since the CStatArray actually contains the object this
// just adds to the ref count.
_psa = other._psa; _psa->AddRef();
_ipropNext = other._ipropNext;
// Synopsis: Deallocated storage.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Notes:
CEnumSTATPROPSTG::~CEnumSTATPROPSTG() { _ulSig = ENUMSTATPROPSTG_SIGDEL; // prevent another thread doing it - kinda
// Member: CEnumSTATPROPSTG::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Respond to IEnumSTATPROPSTG and IUnknown.
// Returns: S_OK or E_NOINTERFACE
HRESULT CEnumSTATPROPSTG::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) { HRESULT hr;
*ppvObject = NULL;
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) return(hr);
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IEnumSTATPROPSTG)) { *ppvObject = (IEnumSTATPROPSTG *)this; AddRef(); } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppvObject = (IUnknown *)this; AddRef(); } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } return(hr); }
// Member: CEnumSTATPROPSTG::AddRef
// Synopsis: Add 1 to ref count.
ULONG CEnumSTATPROPSTG::AddRef(void) { long cRefs;
if (S_OK != Validate()) return(0);
cRefs = InterlockedIncrement(&_cRefs); return(cRefs); }
// Member: CEnumSTATPROPSTG::Release
// Synopsis: Subtract 1 from ref count and delete if 0.
ULONG CEnumSTATPROPSTG::Release(void) { LONG lRet;
if (S_OK != Validate()) return(0);
lRet = InterlockedDecrement(&_cRefs);
if (lRet == 0) { delete this; } else if (lRet <0) { lRet = 0; } return(lRet); }
// Function: CopySTATPROPSTG
// Synopsis: Copy out the range of elements from [pspsSrc] to
// [pspsDest].
// Arguments: [celt] -- count of elements to copy
// [pspsDest] -- where to copy to, always filled with
// zeros before anything else (helps cleanup
// case.)
// [pspsSrc] -- where to copy from
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS if ok, otherwise
// may be pointers that need deallocating. Use
// CleanupSTATPROPSTG to do that.
NTSTATUS CopySTATPROPSTG(ULONG celt, STATPROPSTG * pspsDest, const STATPROPSTG * pspsSrc) { memset(pspsDest, 0, sizeof(*pspsDest) * celt);
while (celt) { *pspsDest = *pspsSrc;
if (pspsSrc->lpwstrName != NULL) { ULONG cbName = sizeof(OLECHAR)*( 1 + ocslen(pspsSrc->lpwstrName) ); pspsDest->lpwstrName = reinterpret_cast<OLECHAR*> ( CoTaskMemAlloc( cbName )); if (pspsDest->lpwstrName != NULL) { StringCbCopy( pspsDest->lpwstrName, cbName, pspsSrc->lpwstrName ); } else { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } }
celt--; pspsDest++; pspsSrc++; }
// Member: CEnumSTATPROPSTG::Next
// Synopsis: Get the next [celt] STATPROPSTGs from the enumerator.
// Arguments: [celt] -- count requested.
// [rgelt] -- where to return them
// [pceltFetched] -- buffer for returned-count.
// if pceltFetched==NULL && celt != 1 -> STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER
// if pceltFetched!=NULL && celt == 0 -> S_OK
// Returns: S_OK if successful, otherwise error.
HRESULT CEnumSTATPROPSTG::Next( ULONG celt, STATPROPSTG * rgelt, ULONG * pceltFetched) { HRESULT hr; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG celtFetched = celt;
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) return(hr);
// Validate the inputs
if (NULL == pceltFetched) { if (celt != 1) return(STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER); } else { VDATEPTROUT( pceltFetched, ULONG ); *pceltFetched = 0; }
if( 0 == celt ) return( S_OK );
if( !IsValidPtrOut(rgelt, celt * sizeof(rgelt[0])) ) return( E_INVALIDARG );
// -----------------------
// Perform the enumeration
// -----------------------
if (celt == 0) return(hr);
Status = _psa->NextAt(_ipropNext, rgelt, &celtFetched);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { _ipropNext += celtFetched;
if (pceltFetched != NULL) *pceltFetched = celtFetched;
hr = celtFetched == celt ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } else { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); }
// Member: CEnumSTATPROPSTG::Skip
// Synopsis: Skip the next [celt] elements in the enumeration.
// Arguments: [celt] -- number of elts to skip
// Returns: S_OK if skipped [celt] elements
// S_FALSE if skipped < [celt] elements
// Notes:
HRESULT CEnumSTATPROPSTG::Skip(ULONG celt) { HRESULT hr; ULONG celtFetched = celt;
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) return(hr);
_psa->NextAt(_ipropNext, NULL, &celtFetched);
_ipropNext += celtFetched;
return celtFetched == celt ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// Member: CEnumSTATPROPSTG::Reset
// Synopsis: Set cursor to beginnging of enumeration.
// Returns: S_OK otherwise STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE.
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) return(hr);
_ipropNext = 0;
return(S_OK); }
// Member: CEnumSTATPROPSTG::Clone
// Synopsis: Creates an IEnumSTATPROPSTG with same cursor
// as this.
// Arguments: S_OK or error.
// ----------
// Validation
// ----------
// Validate 'this'
if (S_OK != (hr = Validate())) return(hr);
// Validate the input
VDATEPTROUT( ppenum, IEnumSTATPROPSTG* ); *ppenum = NULL;
// --------------------
// Clone the enumerator
// --------------------
*ppenum = new CEnumSTATPROPSTG( *this );
if( NULL == *ppenum ) hr = STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY;
return(hr); }
// Function: Lock & Unlock
// Synopsis: This methods take and release the CPropertyStorage's
// critical section.
// Inputs: none
// Returns: Nothing
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Lock(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
#ifndef _MAC
if( _fInitCriticalSection ) { EnterCriticalSection( &_CriticalSection );
#if DBG
_cLocks++; #endif
} else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return hr;
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Unlock() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
#if DBG
--_cLocks; DfpAssert( 0 <= _cLocks ); #endif
#ifndef _MAC
if( _fInitCriticalSection ) LeaveCriticalSection( &_CriticalSection ); else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; #endif
return hr; }
// Function: CPropertyStorage::ProbeStreamToDetermineIfWriteable
// Synopsis: Probes the IStream which holds the property set to see if it
// can be written. Ordinarily we know whether or not a stream
// is writeable either because we were given the grfMode or
// because we Stat-ed it out of the stream. But this code
// was added for the case where IStream::Stat returns zero
// for the grfMode but it's actually writeable (this happens
// with CreateStreamOnHGlobal). So a grfMode of zero is a hint
// that the IStream may not support that value in the Stat.
// This method should be called lazily the first time a modify
// operation is called on the property set, because it will
// cause an update to the last-modify time of the stream.
// Inputs: none
// Returns: TRUE if the stream is writeable. Also sets
// _fExplicitelyProbedForWriteAccess so that we don't call this
// twice.
BOOL CPropertyStorage::ProbeStreamToDetermineIfWriteable() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fWriteable = FALSE; BYTE FirstByte; LARGE_INTEGER liZero = {0}; ULONG cbRead = 0;
propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::ProbeStreamToDetermineIfWriteable" ); AssertLocked(); DfpAssert( !_fExplicitelyProbedForWriteAccess );
// This routine is only called once
_fExplicitelyProbedForWriteAccess = TRUE;
// Read then write a byte
hr = _pstmPropSet->Seek( liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
hr = _pstmPropSet->Read( &FirstByte, 1, &cbRead ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) && 1 != cbRead ) hr = STG_E_INVALIDHEADER; if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
hr = _pstmPropSet->Seek( liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
hr = _pstmPropSet->Write( &FirstByte, 1, NULL ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// If the write worked, then this stream is really STGM_READWRITE
fWriteable = TRUE; _grfMode |= STGM_READWRITE;
propDbg((DEB_ITRACE, "Property Set %p %s writeable (hr=%08x)\n", this, fWriteable?"is":"isn't", hr ));
return( fWriteable );
// Member: InitializeOnCreateOrOpen
// Synopsis: This routine is called during the creation or opening
// of a Property Storage, and initializes everything
// it can without being concerned about whether this
// is a simple or non-simple property set.
// Inputs: [DWORD] grfFlags (in)
// From the PROPSETFLAG_* enumeration.
// [DWORD] grfMode (in)
// From the STGM_* enumeration.
// [REFFMTID] rfmtid (in)
// The ID of the property set.
// [BOOL] fCreate (in)
// Distinguishes Create from Open.
// Returns: [HRESULT]
// Effects: _grfFlags, _grfMode, _fUserDefinedProperties,
// and g_ReservedMemory.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::InitializeOnCreateOrOpen( DWORD grfFlags, DWORD grfMode, REFFMTID rfmtid, BOOL fCreate ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::InitializeOnCreateOrOpen" ); AssertLocked();
// If the caller didn't give us a grfMode, stat for it.
if( 0 == grfMode ) { STATSTG statstg; DfpAssert( NULL != _pstgPropSet || NULL != _pstmPropSet );
if( NULL != _pstgPropSet ) hr = _pstgPropSet->Stat( &statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME ); else hr = _pstmPropSet->Stat( &statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME );
if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; grfMode = statstg.grfMode; }
// Validate that grfFlags is within the enumeration.
hr = CheckFlagsOnCreateOrOpen( fCreate, grfMode ); if (hr != S_OK) { goto Exit; }
// Store the grfFlags & grfMode.
_grfFlags = grfFlags;
_grfMode = grfMode;
// Is this the special-case second-section property set?
_fUserDefinedProperties = ( rfmtid == FMTID_UserDefinedProperties ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// If creating an Ansi property set, default the code page.
if (fCreate && (_grfFlags & PROPSETFLAG_ANSI) ) { _usCodePage = static_cast<USHORT>(GetACP()); }
// Initialize the global reserved memory (to prevent problems
// in low-memory conditions).
if (S_OK != (hr = g_ReservedMemory.Init())) goto Exit;
// ----
// Exit
// ----
return( hr );
} // CPropertyStorage::InitializeOnCreateOrOpen()
// Member: CPropertyStorage::Create( IStream * ...
// Synopsis: This method creates an IPropertyStorage on a
// given *Stream*. It is therefore a simple property
// set. The given Stream is addref-ed.
// Arguments: [IStream*] pstm
// The Stream which will hold the serialized property set.
// [REFFMTID] rfmtid
// The ID of the property set.
// [const CLSID*]
// The COM object which can interpret the property set.
// [DWORD] grfFlags
// From the PROPSETFLAG_* enumeration.
// [DWORD] grfMode
// From the STGM_* enumeration. If 0, we use Stat.
// The return code.
// Returns: None.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Create( IStream *pstm, REFFMTID rfmtid, const CLSID *pclsid, DWORD grfFlags, DWORD grfMode ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fCreated = FALSE; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::Create(IStream*)" ); propTraceParameters(( "pstm=%p, rfmtid=%s, grfFlags=%s, grfMode=%s, fDelete=%s", pstm, static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(rfmtid)), static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(*pclsid)), static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(SGrfFlags(grfFlags))), static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(SGrfMode(grfMode))) ));
// Save and addref the Stream.
_pstmPropSet = pstm; _pstmPropSet->AddRef();
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; fLocked = TRUE;
// Initialize this object
DfpAssert( !(PROPSETFLAG_NONSIMPLE & grfFlags )); hr = InitializeOnCreateOrOpen( grfFlags, grfMode, rfmtid, TRUE ); // => Create
if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
DfpAssert( !IsNonSimple() );
// Initialize the Stream (this causes a CPropertySetStream to be created
// and stored in '_np').
hr = InitializePropertyStream( &rfmtid, pclsid, CREATE_PROPSTREAM ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// If buffering is not desired, flush the initial property storage
// to the underlying Stream.
if( _grfFlags & PROPSETFLAG_UNBUFFERED ) { NTSTATUS Status = PrFlushPropertySet(_np); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); } }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
// On error, remove our reference to the Stream.
if( FAILED(hr) ) { _pstmPropSet->Release(); _pstmPropSet = NULL;
propDbg((DEB_PROP_TRACE_CREATE, "CPropertyStorage(%08X)::Create(IStream*)" " hr=%08X\n", this, hr)); }
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return( hr );
} // CPropertyStorage::Create( IStream *, ...
// Member: CPropertyStorage::Create( IStorage *, ...
// Synopsis: This method creates an IPropertyStorage on a
// given *Storage*. It is therefore a non-simple property
// set. The Storage is addref-ed.
// Arguments: [IStorage*] pstm
// The Storage which will hold the serialized property set.
// [REFFMTID] rfmtid
// The ID of the property set.
// [const CLSID*]
// The COM object which can interpret the property set.
// [DWORD] grfFlags
// From the PROPSETFLAG_* enumeration.
// The return code.
// Returns: None.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Create( IStorage *pstg, REFFMTID rfmtid, const CLSID *pclsid, DWORD grfFlags, DWORD grfMode ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fCreated = FALSE; BOOL fLocked = FALSE; STATSTG statstg = { NULL };
propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::Create(IStorage*)" ); propTraceParameters(( "pstg=%p, rfmtid=%s, grfFlags=%s, grfMode=%s, fDelete=%s", pstg, static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(rfmtid)), static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(*pclsid)), static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(SGrfFlags(grfFlags))), static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(SGrfMode(grfMode))) ));
// Save the given Storage.
_pstgPropSet = pstg; _pstgPropSet->AddRef();
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; fLocked = TRUE;
// Initialize this object.
DfpAssert( grfFlags & PROPSETFLAG_NONSIMPLE ); hr = InitializeOnCreateOrOpen( grfFlags, grfMode, rfmtid, TRUE ); // => Create
if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
DfpAssert( IsNonSimple() );
// Create the "CONTENTS" stream. Mask out the STGM_TRANSACTED
// bit because we don't support it.
hr = _pstgPropSet->CreateStream(g_oszPropertyContentsStreamName, GetChildCreateMode() & ~STGM_TRANSACTED, 0, 0, &_pstmPropSet); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; fCreated = TRUE;
// Initialize the CONTENTS Stream.
hr = InitializePropertyStream( &rfmtid, pclsid, CREATE_PROPSTREAM ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// In the transacted case, ensure that the contents
// stream is actually published right away.
// The logic is this ... if you have a storage and create a transacted
// child storage, that child storage is complete and intact to the parent.
// If you then revert the child, or make no changes to it, the parent still
// has a valid (albeit empty) storage. Now, say you do the same thing, but
// the transacted child is a property set. As it stands at this point in this
// method, the parent can only see an empty storage. For it to see a valid
// (empty) property set child, it must see the Contents stream, along with its default
// data (header, codepage, etc.). In order to make this happen, we must
// commit (not just flush) this storage that holds a property set.
// There's one more complication. Even if this is a direct mode property
// set, the _pstgPropSet may be transacted nonetheless, for the purpose of
// robustness (this happens in NFF). So, we need to commit not if
// _grfMode is transacted, but if _pstgPropSet says that it's transacted.
hr = _pstgPropSet->Stat( &statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
if( STGM_TRANSACTED & statstg.grfMode ) { hr = Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// If buffering is not desired, flush the property storage
// to the underlying Stream.
else if( _grfFlags & PROPSETFLAG_UNBUFFERED ) { NTSTATUS Status = PrFlushPropertySet(_np); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(Status); } }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
// On error, remove our reference to the Storage.
if( FAILED(hr) ) { _pstgPropSet->Release(); _pstgPropSet = NULL;
// Also, delete the "CONTENTS" stream.
if( fCreated ) pstg->DestroyElement( g_oszPropertyContentsStreamName );
propDbg((DEB_PROP_TRACE_CREATE, "CPropertyStorage(%08X)::Create(IStorage*)" " hr=%08X\n", this, hr)); }
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return( hr );
} // CPropertyStorage::Create( IStorage *, ...
// Member: CPropertyStorage::Open( IStream * ...
// Synopsis: This method opens an IPropertyStorage on a
// given *Stream*. It is therefore a simple property
// set. The Stream is addref-ed.
// Arguments: [IStream*] pstm
// The Stream which will hold the serialized property set.
// [REFFMTID] rfmtid
// The ID of the property set.
// [DWORD] grfFlags
// From the PROPSETFLAG_ enumeration. Only the
// _UNBUFFERED flag is relevant _ANSI and
// _NONSIMPLE are inferred from the property set.
// [BOOL] fDelete
// If TRUE, the property set is actually to be deleted,
// rather than opened (this is used for the special-case
// "UserDefined" property set).
// The return code.
// Returns: None.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Open( IStream *pstm, REFFMTID rfmtid, DWORD grfFlags, DWORD grfMode, BOOL fDelete ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::Open(IStream*)" ); propTraceParameters(( "pstm=%p, rfmtid=%s, grfFlags=%s, grfMode=%s, fDelete=%s", pstm, static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(rfmtid)), static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(SGrfFlags(grfFlags))), static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(SGrfMode(grfMode))), fDelete ? "True":"False" ));
// Keep a copy of the Stream.
_pstmPropSet = pstm; _pstmPropSet->AddRef();
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; fLocked = TRUE;
// Initialize this object.
hr = InitializeOnCreateOrOpen( grfFlags, grfMode, rfmtid, FALSE ); // => Open
if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// Only simple sections may be deleted (really, only the
// second section of the DocumentSummaryInformation property
// set may be deleted in this way).
DfpAssert( !fDelete || !IsNonSimple() );
// Initialize the property set Stream.
if (hr == S_OK) { // sets up _usCodePage
hr = InitializePropertyStream( &rfmtid, NULL, fDelete ? DELETE_PROPSTREAM : OPEN_PROPSTREAM );
} if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// ----
// Exit
// ----
// On error, remove our reference to the Stream.
if( FAILED(hr) ) { _pstmPropSet->Release(); _pstmPropSet = NULL;
propDbg((DEB_PROP_TRACE_CREATE, "CPropertyStorage(%08X)::Open(IStream*)" " hr=%08X\n", this, hr)); }
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return( hr );
} // CPropertyStorage::Open( IStream *, ...
// Member: CPropertyStorage::Open( IStorage * ...
// Synopsis: This method opens an IPropertyStorage on a
// given *Storage*. It is therefore a non-simple property
// set. The Storage is addref-ed.
// Arguments: [IStorage*] pstg
// The Storage which will hold the serialized property set.
// [REFFMTID] rfmtid
// The ID of the property set.
// [DWORD] grfFlags
// From the PROPSETFLAG_ enumeration. Only the
// _UNBUFFERED flag is relevant _ANSI and
// _NONSIMPLE are inferred from the property set.
// The return code.
// Returns: None.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::Open( IStorage *pstg, REFFMTID rfmtid, DWORD grfFlags, DWORD grfMode ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CPropSetName psn(rfmtid); USHORT createprop = 0L; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::Open(IStorage*)" ); propTraceParameters(( "pstg=%p, rfmtid=%s, grfFlags=%s, grfMode=%s", pstg, static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(rfmtid)), static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(SGrfFlags(grfFlags))), static_cast<const char*>(CStringize(SGrfMode(grfMode))) ));
// Keep a copy of the Storage
_pstgPropSet = pstg; _pstgPropSet->AddRef();
hr = Lock(); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; fLocked = TRUE;
// Initialize this object.
hr = InitializeOnCreateOrOpen( grfFlags, grfMode, rfmtid, FALSE ); // => Open
if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// Open the CONTENTS stream. Mask out the STGM_TRANSACTED bit
// because it causes an error on Mac OLE2.
hr = _pstgPropSet->OpenStream( g_oszPropertyContentsStreamName, 0, GetChildOpenMode() & ~STGM_TRANSACTED, 0, &_pstmPropSet ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// Load the property set Stream.
if (hr == S_OK) { // sets up _usCodePage
hr = InitializePropertyStream( &rfmtid, NULL, OPEN_PROPSTREAM );
} if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
// ----
// Exit
// ----
// On error, remove our reference to the Storage.
if( FAILED(hr) ) { _pstgPropSet->Release(); _pstgPropSet = NULL;
if( NULL != _pstmPropSet ) { _pstmPropSet->Release(); _pstmPropSet = NULL; }
propDbg((DEB_PROP_TRACE_CREATE, "CPropertyStorage(%08X)::Open(IStorage*)" " hr=%08X\n", this, hr)); }
if( fLocked ) Unlock();
return( hr );
} // CPropertyStorage::Open( IStorage *, ...
// Member: CPropertyStorage::CreateMappedStream
// Synopsis: Create a IMappedStream object on an IStream.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
// Notes: This method calls QI through the PropSet Stream to see if
// a mapped stream exists. If it doesn't then this
// method creates a IMappedStream which maps
// an IStream.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::CreateMappedStream() { HRESULT hr;
DfpAssert( NULL != _pstmPropSet ); DfpAssert( NULL == _ms ); AssertLocked(); propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::CreateMappedStream" );
// QI the property set's IStream, if asked to do so, for an IMappedstream.
if( MAPPED_STREAM_QI == _fMSOpts ) { hr = _pstmPropSet->QueryInterface(IID_IMappedStream,(void**)&_ms); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // We got a mapped stream, so we're done.
propDbg(( DEB_INFO, "Using QI-ed IMappedStream\n" )); goto Exit; } }
// Either we couldn't get a mapped stream from the IStream, or
// we were told not to ask for one. In either case, we'll
// create our own.
hr = S_OK;
_ms = (IMappedStream *) new CSSMappedStream( _pstmPropSet ); if( NULL == _ms ) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; else propDbg(( DEB_INFO, "Using CSSMappedStream\n" ));
Exit: return( hr ); }
VOID CPropertyStorage::DeleteMappedStream() { AssertLocked();
if (NULL != _ms) { _ms->Release(); } _ms = NULL; }
#if DBG
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::UseNTFS4Streams( BOOL fUseNTFS4Streams ) { IStorageTest *pPropStgTest = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if( NULL != _pstmPropSet ) hr = _pstmPropSet->QueryInterface( IID_IStorageTest, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pPropStgTest) ); else if( NULL != _pstgPropSet ) hr = _pstgPropSet->QueryInterface( IID_IStorageTest, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pPropStgTest) ); else hr = STG_E_NOMOREFILES; if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
hr = pPropStgTest->UseNTFS4Streams( fUseNTFS4Streams ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
if( NULL != pPropStgTest ) pPropStgTest->Release();
return( hr );
} // CPropertyStorage::UseNTFS4Streams()
#endif // #if DBG
// CPropertyStorage::GetFormatVersion (IStorageTest) **DBG**
// Get the property set's wFormatVersion field.
#if DBG
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::GetFormatVersion(WORD *pw) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; CPropertySetStream *pPropertySetStream = (CPropertySetStream*) _np;
status = pPropertySetStream->Lock( TRUE ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) goto Exit;
pPropertySetStream->ReOpen( &status ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) goto Exit;
*pw = pPropertySetStream->GetFormatVersion(); status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) hr = DfpNtStatusToHResult(status);
pPropertySetStream->Unlock(); return( hr ); } #endif // #if DBG
// CPropertyStorage::SimulateLowMemory (IStorageTest) **DBG**
// Forcable turn on the low-memory support in the IMappedStream implementation.
#if DBG
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::SimulateLowMemory( BOOL fSimulate ) { IStorageTest *pPropStgTest = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if( NULL != _pstmPropSet ) hr = _pstmPropSet->QueryInterface( IID_IStorageTest, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pPropStgTest) ); else if( NULL != _pstgPropSet ) hr = _pstgPropSet->QueryInterface( IID_IStorageTest, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pPropStgTest) ); else hr = STG_E_NOMOREFILES; if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
hr = pPropStgTest->SimulateLowMemory( fSimulate ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
if( NULL != pPropStgTest ) pPropStgTest->Release();
return( hr ); } #endif // #if DBG
#if DBG
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::GetLockCount() { return( E_NOTIMPL ); } #endif // #if DBG
// CPropertyStorage::IsDirty (IStorageTest) **DBG**
// Determine if the IMappedStream is dirty.
#if DBG
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::IsDirty() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IStorageTest *ptest = NULL;
if( NULL == _ms ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
hr = _ms->QueryInterface( IID_IStorageTest, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&ptest) ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
hr = ptest->IsDirty();
RELEASE_INTERFACE(ptest); return( hr );
} #endif // #if DBG
// CPropertyStorage::ValidateVTs
// Validate the VTs in an array of PropVariants. If we see a type we don't
// understand, return error_not_supported.
HRESULT CPropertyStorage::ValidateVTs( ULONG cprops, const PROPVARIANT rgpropvar[] ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; propITrace( "CPropertyStorage::ValidateVTs" ); propTraceParameters(( "cprops=%d, rgpropvar=%p", cprops, rgpropvar ));
for( ULONG i = 0; i < cprops; i++ ) { if( !IsSupportedVarType( rgpropvar[i].vt ) ) { propDbg(( DEB_IWARN, "Unsupported VarType in ValidateVTs: 0x%x\n", rgpropvar[i].vt )); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); propSuppressExitErrors(); goto Exit; } }
return( hr ); }