Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. //--------------------------------------------------------------
  2. //
  3. // File: app.cxx
  4. //
  5. // Contents: Unit tests for features I have written.
  6. //
  7. //---------------------------------------------------------------
  8. #include <windows.h>
  9. #include <stdio.h>
  10. #include <sys/types.h>
  11. #include <sys/stat.h>
  12. #include <errno.h>
  13. #include <io.h>
  14. #include <malloc.h>
  15. #include <ole2.h>
  16. #include "..\idl\itest.h"
  17. #include <objerror.h>
  18. #include <dog.h>
  19. #include <winnt.h> // Security definitions
  20. #include <oleext.h> // IAccessControl
  21. #include <coguid.h>
  22. #include <..\hook\hook.h>
  23. #include <userenv.h>
  24. extern "C"
  25. {
  26. #define SECURITY_WIN32 // Used by sspi.h
  27. #include <sspi.h> // EnumerateSecurityPackages
  28. }
  29. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  30. #include <async.h>
  31. #include <capi.h> // Crypto API
  32. #include <negossp.h>
  33. #include <rpcssl.h>
  34. #endif
  35. #pragma warning(4:4355) // Disable the warning "'this' : used in base member initializer list
  36. /***************************************************************************/
  37. /* Macros. */
  38. #define ASSERT( result, message ) \
  39. if ((result) != 0) \
  40. { \
  41. printf( "%s: 0x%x\n", (message), result ); \
  42. goto cleanup; \
  43. }
  44. #define ASSERT_GLE( success, pass, message ) \
  45. if (!(success)) \
  46. { \
  47. DWORD last_error_code = GetLastError(); \
  48. if ((pass) != last_error_code) \
  49. { \
  50. printf( "%s: 0x%x\n", (message), last_error_code ); \
  51. goto cleanup; \
  52. } \
  53. }
  54. #define ASSERT_EXPR( expr, message ) \
  55. if (!(expr)) \
  56. { \
  57. printf( "%s\n", (message) ); \
  58. goto cleanup; \
  59. }
  60. #define ASSERT_THREAD() \
  61. if (get_apt_type() == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED && \
  62. (my_id.process != GetCurrentProcessId() || \
  63. my_id.thread != GetCurrentThreadId())) \
  64. return RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD;
  65. #define MAKE_WIN32( status ) \
  67. #define MCoCopyProxy (*GCoCopyProxy)
  68. #define MCoGetCallContext (*GCoGetCallContext)
  69. #define MCoImpersonateClient (*GCoImpersonateClient)
  70. #define MCoInitializeSecurity (*GCoInitializeSecurity)
  71. #define MCoQueryAuthenticationServices (*GCoQueryAuthenticationServices)
  72. #define MCoQueryClientBlanket (*GCoQueryClientBlanket)
  73. #define MCoQueryProxyBlanket (*GCoQueryProxyBlanket)
  74. #define MCoRevertToSelf (*GCoRevertToSelf)
  75. #define MCoSetProxyBlanket (*GCoSetProxyBlanket)
  76. #define MCoSwitchCallContext (*GCoSwitchCallContext)
  77. /***************************************************************************/
  78. /* Definitions. */
  79. #define MAX_CALLS 1000
  80. #define MAX_THREADS 10
  81. #define NUM_MARSHAL_LOOP 10
  82. #define REGISTRY_ENTRY_LEN 256
  83. #define STATUS_DELAY 2000
  84. IServerSecurity *DEFAULT_CONTEXT = (IServerSecurity *) 0xffffffff;
  85. const int MAX_NAME = 80;
  86. const int NUM_CLASS_IDS = 10;
  87. const int NUM_INTERFACE_IDS = 7;
  88. const char REG_ASYNC_IID[] = "{70000001-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}";
  89. const char REG_SYNC_IID[] = "{70000000-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}";
  90. const char REG_INTERFACE_CLASS[] = "{60000300-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}";
  91. const char REG_PROXY_NAME[] = "ITest proxy";
  92. const char REG_PROXY_DLL[] = "app.exe";
  93. const char REG_APPID_NAME[] = "Application";
  94. const char REG_APP_EXE[] = "app.exe";
  95. const char REG_LOGGED_ON[] = "Interactive User";
  96. const char REG_HOOK_NAME[] = "DLL Channel Hook";
  97. const char REG_WHICH_NAME[] = "IWhichHook";
  98. const char REG_HOOK_DLL[] = "hook.dll";
  99. const char REG_CLASS_ID[] = "CLSID\\{60000000-AB0F-101A-B4AE-08002B30612C}";
  100. const char REG_CLASS_EXE[] = "CLSID\\{60000000-AB0F-101A-B4AE-08002B30612C}\\LocalServer32";
  102. {
  103. "ITest",
  104. "ITestNoneImp",
  105. "ITestConnectImp",
  106. "ITestEncryptImp",
  107. "ITestNoneId",
  108. "ITestConnectId",
  109. "ITestEncryptId"
  110. };
  111. const char *REG_APP_NAME[NUM_CLASS_IDS] =
  112. {
  113. "Apartment Application with automatic security set to none",
  114. "Apartment Application with automatic security set to connect",
  115. "Apartment Application with automatic security set to integrity",
  116. "Apartment Application with basic security",
  117. "Apartment Application with legacy security",
  118. "FreeThreaded Application with automatic security set to none",
  119. "FreeThreaded Application with automatic security set to connect",
  120. "FreeThreaded Application with automatic security set to integrity",
  121. "FreeThreaded Application with basic security",
  122. "FreeThreaded Application with legacy security",
  123. };
  124. const char *REG_APP_OPTIONS[NUM_CLASS_IDS] =
  125. {
  126. " Apartment -auto 1",
  127. " Apartment -auto 2",
  128. " Apartment -auto 5",
  129. " Apartment -basic",
  130. " Apartment -legacy",
  131. " Multi -auto 1",
  132. " Multi -auto 2",
  133. " Multi -auto 5",
  134. " Multi -basic",
  135. " Multi -legacy",
  136. };
  137. typedef enum
  138. {
  139. basic_as,
  140. embedded_as,
  141. race_as
  142. } async_secure;
  143. typedef enum
  144. {
  145. dirty_s,
  146. late_dispatch_s
  147. } state_en;
  148. typedef enum what_next_en
  149. {
  150. basic_async_wn,
  151. callback_wn,
  152. catch_wn,
  153. crippled_wn,
  154. impersonate_wn,
  155. interrupt_wn,
  156. interrupt_marshal_wn,
  157. pound_wn,
  158. quit_wn,
  159. race_async_wn,
  160. reinitialize_wn,
  161. rest_and_die_wn,
  162. revert_wn,
  163. setup_wn,
  164. wait_wn
  165. } what_next_en;
  166. typedef enum
  167. {
  168. access_wt,
  169. access_control_wt,
  170. anti_delegation_wt,
  171. appid_wt,
  172. async_wt,
  173. cancel_wt,
  174. cert_wt,
  175. cloak_wt,
  176. cloak_act_wt,
  177. crash_wt,
  178. create_dir_wt,
  179. crypt_wt,
  180. cstress_wt,
  181. delegate_wt,
  182. hook_wt,
  183. leak_wt,
  184. load_client_wt,
  185. load_server_wt,
  186. lots_wt,
  187. mmarshal_wt,
  188. name_wt,
  189. none_wt,
  190. null_wt,
  191. one_wt,
  192. perf_wt,
  193. perfaccess_wt,
  194. perfapi_wt,
  195. perfremote_wt,
  196. perfrpc_wt,
  197. perfsec_wt,
  198. pipe_wt,
  199. post_wt,
  200. pound_wt,
  201. regload_wt,
  202. regpeek_wt,
  203. regsave_wt,
  204. reject_wt,
  205. remote_client_wt,
  206. remote_server_wt,
  207. ring_wt,
  208. rpc_wt,
  209. rundown_wt,
  210. secpkg_wt,
  211. securerefs_wt,
  212. secure_release_wt,
  213. security_wt,
  214. send_wt,
  215. server_wt,
  216. snego_wt,
  217. sid_wt,
  218. simple_rundown_wt,
  219. ssl_wt,
  220. thread_wt,
  221. three_wt,
  222. two_wt,
  223. uninit_wt,
  224. unknown_wt,
  225. ver_wt
  226. } what_test_en;
  227. typedef enum
  228. {
  229. apt_auto_none,
  230. apt_auto_connect,
  231. apt_auto_integrity,
  232. apt_basic,
  233. apt_legacy,
  234. free_auto_none,
  235. free_auto_connect,
  236. free_auto_integrity,
  237. free_basic,
  238. free_legacy
  239. } class_id_types;
  240. typedef enum
  241. {
  242. auto_sm,
  243. basic_sm,
  244. legacy_sm
  245. } security_model;
  246. typedef enum
  247. {
  248. nothing_btw = 0x00,
  249. callback_on_release_btw = 0x01,
  250. release_secure_btw = 0x02,
  251. release_unsecure_btw = 0x04,
  252. release_too_much_btw = 0x08,
  253. } by_the_way;
  254. typedef enum
  255. {
  256. any_wc,
  257. opposite_wc
  258. } what_class;
  259. typedef enum
  260. {
  261. same_process_wd,
  262. same_machine_wd,
  263. different_machine_wd,
  264. third_machine_wd
  265. } what_dest;
  266. typedef enum
  267. {
  268. creator_ws
  269. } what_string;
  270. typedef struct
  271. {
  272. IStream *stream;
  273. HANDLE ready;
  274. DWORD thread_mode;
  275. } new_apt_params;
  276. typedef struct
  277. {
  278. LONG object_count;
  279. what_next_en what_next;
  280. BOOL exit_dirty;
  281. DWORD sequence;
  282. ITest *server;
  283. } SAptData;
  284. typedef struct
  285. {
  286. BOOL authid;
  287. BOOL token;
  288. DWORD capabilities;
  289. WCHAR *principals[3];
  290. } SCloakBlanket;
  291. typedef struct
  292. {
  293. unsigned char **buffer;
  294. long *buf_size;
  295. RPC_STATUS status;
  296. ULONG thread;
  297. } SGetInterface;
  298. typedef HRESULT (*INIT_FN)( void *, ULONG );
  299. typedef void (*SIMPLE_FN)( void * );
  300. typedef HRESULT (*CoInitializeSecurityFn)(
  302. DWORD cbAuthSvc,
  304. WCHAR *pPrincName,
  305. DWORD dwAuthnLevel,
  306. DWORD dwImpLevel,
  308. DWORD dwCapabilities,
  309. void *pReserved );
  310. typedef HRESULT (*CoQueryAuthenticationServicesFn)( DWORD *pcbAuthSvc,
  312. typedef HRESULT (*CoGetCallContextFn)( REFIID riid, void **ppInterface );
  313. typedef HRESULT (*CoSwitchCallContextFn)( IUnknown *pNewObject, IUnknown **ppOldObject );
  314. typedef HRESULT (*CoQueryProxyBlanketFn)(
  315. IUnknown *pProxy,
  316. DWORD *pwAuthnSvc,
  317. DWORD *pAuthzSvc,
  318. OLECHAR **pServerPrincName,
  319. DWORD *pAuthnLevel,
  320. DWORD *pImpLevel,
  322. DWORD *pCapabilites );
  323. typedef HRESULT (*CoSetProxyBlanketFn)(
  324. IUnknown *pProxy,
  325. DWORD dwAuthnSvc,
  326. DWORD dwAuthzSvc,
  327. OLECHAR *pServerPrincName,
  328. DWORD dwAuthnLevel,
  329. DWORD dwImpLevel,
  331. DWORD dwCapabilities );
  332. typedef HRESULT (*CoCopyProxyFn)(
  333. IUnknown *pProxy,
  334. IUnknown **ppCopy );
  335. typedef HRESULT (*CoQueryClientBlanketFn)(
  336. DWORD *pAuthnSvc,
  337. DWORD *pAuthzSvc,
  338. OLECHAR **pServerPrincName,
  339. DWORD *pAuthnLevel,
  340. DWORD *pImpLevel,
  341. RPC_AUTHZ_HANDLE *pPrivs,
  342. DWORD *pCapabilities );
  343. typedef HRESULT (*CoImpersonateClientFn)();
  344. typedef HRESULT (*CoRevertToSelfFn)();
  345. const IID IID_IAccessControl = {0xEEDD23E0,0x8410,0x11CE,{0xA1,0xC3,0x08,0x00,0x2B,0x2B,0x8D,0x8F}};
  346. UUID APPID_App = {0x60000300,0x76d7,0x11cf,{0x9a,0xf1,0x00,0x20,0xaf,0x6e,0x72,0xf4}};
  347. const CLSID CLSID_Hook1 = {0x60000400, 0x76d7, 0x11cf, {0x9a, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x20, 0xaf, 0x6e, 0x72, 0xf4}};
  348. const CLSID CLSID_Hook2 = {0x60000401, 0x76d7, 0x11cf, {0x9a, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x20, 0xaf, 0x6e, 0x72, 0xf4}};
  349. const CLSID CLSID_WhichHook = {0x60000402, 0x76d7, 0x11cf, {0x9a, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x20, 0xaf, 0x6e, 0x72, 0xf4}};
  350. const IID IID_IWhichHook = {0x60000403, 0x76d7, 0x11cf, {0x9a, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x20, 0xaf, 0x6e, 0x72, 0xf4}};
  351. typedef struct
  352. {
  353. WORD version;
  354. WORD pad;
  355. GUID classid;
  356. } SPermissionHeader;
  357. typedef struct
  358. {
  359. ACTRL_ACCESSW access;
  360. ACTRL_PROPERTY_ENTRYW property;
  363. } SAccess;
  364. typedef struct SThreadList
  365. {
  366. struct SThreadList *next;
  367. HANDLE thread;
  368. } SThreadList;
  369. /***************************************************************************/
  370. /* Classes */
  371. class CAsync;
  372. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------
  373. //
  374. // Class: CTestCF
  375. //
  376. // Synopsis: Class Factory for CTest
  377. //
  378. // Methods: IUnknown - QueryInterface, AddRef, Release
  379. // IClassFactory - CreateInstance
  380. //
  381. //--------------------------------------------------------------------
  382. class FAR CTestCF: public IClassFactory
  383. {
  384. public:
  385. // Constructor/Destructor
  386. CTestCF();
  387. ~CTestCF();
  388. // IUnknown
  389. STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) (REFIID iid, void FAR * FAR * ppv);
  390. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
  391. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
  392. // IClassFactory
  393. STDMETHODIMP CreateInstance(
  394. IUnknown FAR* pUnkOuter,
  395. REFIID iidInterface,
  396. void FAR* FAR* ppv);
  397. STDMETHODIMP LockServer(BOOL fLock);
  398. private:
  399. ULONG ref_count;
  400. };
  401. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------
  402. //
  403. // Class: CAccessControl
  404. //
  405. // Synopsis: AccessControl test class
  406. //
  407. //--------------------------------------------------------------------
  408. class CAccessControl : public IAccessControl
  409. {
  410. public:
  411. CAccessControl();
  412. ~CAccessControl();
  413. // IUnknown
  414. STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) (REFIID iid, void FAR * FAR * ppv);
  415. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
  416. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
  417. // IAccessControl
  418. STDMETHOD( GrantAccessRights ) ( PACTRL_ACCESSW );
  419. STDMETHOD( SetAccessRights ) ( PACTRL_ACCESSW );
  421. STDMETHOD( RevokeAccessRights )( LPWSTR, ULONG cCount, TRUSTEE_W pTrustee[ ] );
  424. HRESULT deny_me();
  425. private:
  426. ULONG ref_count;
  427. BOOL allow;
  428. };
  429. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------
  430. //
  431. // Class: CAdvise
  432. //
  433. // Synopsis: Asynchronous test class
  434. //
  435. //--------------------------------------------------------------------
  436. class CAdvise : public IAdviseSink
  437. {
  438. public:
  439. CAdvise();
  440. ~CAdvise();
  441. // IUnknown
  442. STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) (REFIID iid, void FAR * FAR * ppv);
  443. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
  444. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
  445. // IAdviseSink
  446. STDMETHODIMP_(void) OnDataChange( FORMATETC *, STGMEDIUM * );
  447. STDMETHODIMP_(void) OnViewChange( DWORD, LONG );
  448. STDMETHODIMP_(void) OnRename ( IMoniker * );
  449. STDMETHODIMP_(void) OnSave ( void );
  450. STDMETHODIMP_(void) OnClose ( void );
  451. HRESULT deny_me();
  452. private:
  453. ULONG ref_count;
  454. };
  455. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  456. //+----------------------------------------------------------------
  457. //
  458. // Class: CAsyncInner
  459. //
  460. // Purpose: Inner unknown for CAsync
  461. //
  462. //-----------------------------------------------------------------
  463. class CAsyncInner : public IUnknown
  464. {
  465. public:
  466. CAsyncInner( CAsync *parent );
  467. STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj);
  468. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
  469. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
  470. private:
  471. CAsync *parent;
  472. ULONG ref_count;
  473. };
  474. //+----------------------------------------------------------------
  475. //
  476. // Class: CAsync
  477. //
  478. // Purpose: Call object for IAsync.
  479. //
  480. //-----------------------------------------------------------------
  481. class CAsync : public AsyncIAsync
  482. {
  483. public:
  484. CAsync( IUnknown *control );
  485. ~CAsync();
  486. STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj);
  487. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
  488. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
  489. STDMETHOD (Begin_preimpersonate) ( BOOL fOn );
  490. STDMETHOD (Finish_preimpersonate)( void );
  491. STDMETHOD (Begin_secure) ( SAptId id, DWORD test, STRING princ_name );
  492. STDMETHOD (Finish_secure) ( void );
  493. CAsyncInner inner_unk;
  494. private:
  495. IUnknown *control;
  496. HRESULT saved_result;
  497. };
  498. #endif
  499. //+----------------------------------------------------------------
  500. //
  501. // Class: CHook
  502. //
  503. // Purpose: Test channel hooks
  504. //
  505. //-----------------------------------------------------------------
  506. class CHook : public IChannelHook
  507. {
  508. public:
  509. CHook( REFGUID, DWORD seq );
  510. STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj);
  511. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
  512. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
  513. STDMETHOD_(void,ClientGetSize) ( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG *DataSize );
  514. STDMETHOD_(void,ClientFillBuffer)( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG *DataSize, void *DataBuffer );
  515. STDMETHOD_(void,ClientNotify) ( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG DataSize, void *DataBuffer,
  516. DWORD DataRep, HRESULT );
  517. STDMETHOD_(void,ServerNotify) ( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG DataSize, void *DataBuffer,
  518. DWORD DataRep );
  519. STDMETHOD_(void,ServerGetSize) ( REFGUID, REFIID, HRESULT, ULONG *DataSize );
  520. STDMETHOD_(void,ServerFillBuffer)( REFGUID, REFIID, ULONG *DataSize, void *DataBuffer, HRESULT );
  522. void check_buf( DWORD size, unsigned char *buf );
  523. void fill_buf ( DWORD count, unsigned char *buf );
  524. DWORD get_size ( DWORD count );
  525. private:
  526. ULONG ref_count;
  527. GUID extent;
  528. DWORD sequence;
  529. DWORD client_get;
  530. DWORD client_fill;
  531. DWORD client_notify;
  532. DWORD server_get;
  533. DWORD server_fill;
  534. DWORD server_notify;
  535. HRESULT result;
  536. };
  537. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------
  538. //
  539. // Class: CPipe
  540. //
  541. // Synopsis: Test pipes
  542. //
  543. //--------------------------------------------------------------------
  544. class CPipe : public ILongPipe
  545. {
  546. public:
  547. STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj);
  548. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
  549. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
  550. STDMETHOD (Alloc) ( ULONG bsize, LONG **pbuf, ULONG *bcount );
  551. STDMETHOD (Push) ( LONG *buf, ULONG ecount );
  552. STDMETHOD (Pull) ( LONG *buf, ULONG esize, ULONG *ecount );
  553. CPipe();
  554. HRESULT setup( DWORD len );
  555. HRESULT check();
  556. private:
  557. ULONG ref_count;
  558. ULONG len;
  559. ULONG curr;
  560. HRESULT result;
  561. BOOL in;
  562. };
  563. //+-------------------------------------------------------------------
  564. //
  565. // Class: CTest
  566. //
  567. // Synopsis: Test class
  568. //
  569. //--------------------------------------------------------------------
  570. class CTest : public ITest, public IMessageFilter
  571. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  572. , public ICallFactory
  573. #endif
  574. {
  575. public:
  576. CTest();
  577. ~CTest();
  578. // IUnknown
  579. STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) (REFIID iid, void FAR * FAR * ppv);
  580. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) ( void );
  581. STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ( void );
  582. // ITest
  583. STDMETHOD (align) ( unsigned char x[17] );
  584. STDMETHOD (by_the_way) ( DWORD );
  585. STDMETHOD (call_canceled) ( long, long, ITest * );
  586. STDMETHOD (call_dead) ( void );
  587. STDMETHOD (call_me_back) ( ITest *obj );
  588. STDMETHOD (call_next) ( void );
  589. STDMETHOD (callback) ( void );
  590. STDMETHOD (cancel) ( void );
  591. STDMETHOD (cancel_now) ( void );
  592. STDMETHOD (cancel_pending_call) ( DWORD * );
  593. STDMETHOD (cancel_stress) ( ITest *obj );
  594. STDMETHOD (catch_at_top) ( BOOL, ITest *, STRING );
  595. STDMETHOD (check) ( SAptId );
  596. STDMETHOD (check_hook) ( DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD,
  598. STDMETHOD (count) ( void );
  599. STDMETHOD (crash_out) ( transmit_crash * );
  600. STDMETHOD (decrypt) ( DWORD, BYTE *, WCHAR *, DWORD, BYTE *,
  601. WCHAR * );
  602. STDMETHOD (delegate) ( ITest *, SAptId, STRING );
  603. STDMETHOD (do_next) ( DWORD );
  604. STDMETHOD (exit) ( void );
  605. STDMETHOD (forget) ( void );
  606. STDMETHOD (get_advise) ( IAdviseSink ** );
  607. STDMETHOD (get_data) ( DWORD, unsigned char *, DWORD,
  608. unsigned char ** );
  609. STDMETHOD (get_id) ( SAptId * );
  610. STDMETHOD (get_next) ( ITest **, SAptId * );
  611. STDMETHOD (get_next_slowly) ( ITest **, SAptId * );
  612. STDMETHOD (get_obj_from_new_apt) ( ITest **, SAptId * );
  613. STDMETHOD (get_obj_from_this_apt) ( ITest **, SAptId * );
  614. STDMETHOD (get_string) ( DWORD, WCHAR ** );
  615. STDMETHOD (interface_in) ( ITest * );
  616. STDMETHOD (interrupt) ( ITest *, SAptId, BOOL );
  617. STDMETHOD (interrupt_marshal) ( ITest *, ITest * );
  619. STDMETHOD (make_acl) ( HACKSID * );
  620. STDMETHOD (neighbor_access) ( ITest * );
  621. STDMETHOD (null) ( void );
  622. STDMETHOD (out) ( ITest ** );
  623. STDMETHOD (perf_access) ( DWORD *, DWORD *, DWORD *, DWORD *,
  624. DWORD *, DWORD *, DWORD * );
  625. STDMETHOD (pipe_in) ( DWORD num, DWORD block, ILongPipe *p );
  626. STDMETHOD (pipe_inout) ( DWORD num, DWORD block,
  627. ILongPipe *pi, ILongPipe *po );
  628. STDMETHOD (pipe_out) ( DWORD num, DWORD block, ILongPipe *po );
  629. STDMETHOD (pointer) ( DWORD * );
  630. STDMETHOD (pound) ( void );
  631. STDMETHOD (recurse) ( ITest *, ULONG );
  632. STDMETHOD (recurse_delegate) ( ITest *, ULONG, STRING );
  633. STDMETHOD (recurse_disconnect) ( ITest *, ULONG );
  634. STDMETHOD (recurse_excp) ( ITest *, ULONG );
  635. STDMETHOD (recurse_fatal) ( ITest *, ULONG, ULONG, BOOL );
  636. STDMETHOD (recurse_fatal_helper) ( ITest *, ULONG, ULONG, BOOL );
  637. STDMETHOD (recurse_interrupt) ( ITest *, ULONG );
  638. STDMETHOD (recurse_secure) ( ITest *, ULONG, ULONG, STRING );
  639. STDMETHOD (register_hook) ( GUID, DWORD );
  640. STDMETHOD (register_message_filter)( BOOL );
  641. STDMETHOD (register_rpc) ( WCHAR *, WCHAR ** );
  642. STDMETHOD (reinitialize) ( DWORD authn_svc );
  643. STDMETHOD (reject_next) ( void );
  644. STDMETHOD (remember) ( ITest *, SAptId );
  645. STDMETHOD (rest_and_die) ( void );
  646. STDMETHOD (retry_next) ( void );
  647. STDMETHOD (ring) ( DWORD );
  650. STDMETHOD (security_performance) ( DWORD *, DWORD *, DWORD *, DWORD * );
  651. STDMETHOD (set_state) ( DWORD, DWORD );
  652. STDMETHOD (setup_access) ( void );
  653. STDMETHOD (sick) ( ULONG );
  654. STDMETHOD (sleep) ( ULONG );
  655. STDMETHOD (swap_key) ( DWORD clen, BYTE *cblob, DWORD *slen,
  656. BYTE **sblob );
  657. STDMETHOD (test) ( ULONG );
  658. STDMETHOD (what) ( DWORD * );
  659. // IMessageFilter
  661. STDMETHOD_(DWORD,MessagePending) ( HTASK, DWORD, DWORD );
  662. STDMETHOD_(DWORD,RetryRejectedCall) ( HTASK, DWORD, DWORD );
  663. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  664. // ICallFactory
  665. STDMETHOD (CreateCall) ( REFIID r1, IUnknown *pCtrl,
  666. REFIID r2, IUnknown **ppv );
  667. // IAsync methods
  668. STDMETHOD (preimpersonate) ( BOOL fOn );
  669. STDMETHOD (secure) ( SAptId id, DWORD test,
  670. STRING princ_name );
  671. #endif
  672. // Other
  673. void assert_unknown();
  674. private:
  675. ULONG ref_count;
  676. SAptId my_id;
  677. SAptId next_id;
  678. ITest *next;
  679. IAccessControl *dacl;
  680. BOOL fcancel_next;
  681. BOOL freject_next;
  682. BOOL fretry_next;
  683. BOOL flate_dispatch;
  684. DWORD state;
  685. };
  686. /***************************************************************************/
  687. /* Prototypes. */
  688. DWORD _stdcall apartment_base ( void * );
  689. void check_for_request ( void );
  690. HRESULT check_token ( WCHAR *, IServerSecurity *, DWORD );
  691. HRESULT create_instance ( REFCLSID, DWORD, ITest **, SAptId * );
  692. void crippled ( void );
  693. void decrement_object_count ( void );
  694. BOOL dirty_thread ( void );
  695. void do_access ( void );
  696. void do_access_control ( void );
  697. void do_anti_delegation ( void );
  698. void do_appid ( void );
  699. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  700. void do_async ( void );
  701. #endif
  702. void do_cancel ( void );
  703. BOOL do_cancel_helper ( ITest *, SAptId, ITest *, SAptId );
  704. void do_cert ( void );
  705. void do_cloak ( void );
  706. BOOL do_cloak_call ( ITest *, HANDLE, HANDLE, HANDLE,
  707. WCHAR *principals[3], DWORD imp );
  708. void do_cloak_act ( void );
  709. void do_crash ( void );
  710. BOOL do_crash_helper ( ITest *, SAptId, ITest *, SAptId );
  711. void do_create_dir ( void );
  712. void do_crypt ( void );
  713. void do_cstress ( void );
  714. void do_delegate ( void );
  715. void do_hook ( void );
  716. void do_hook_delete ( void );
  717. BOOL do_hook_helper ( BOOL, ITest *, SAptId, ITest * );
  718. HRESULT do_hook_register ( CLSID );
  719. void do_leak ( void );
  720. void do_load_client ( void );
  721. void do_load_server ( void );
  722. void do_mmarshal ( void );
  723. void do_null ( void );
  724. void do_one ( void );
  725. void do_perf ( void );
  726. void do_perfaccess ( void );
  727. void do_perfapi ( void );
  728. void do_perfremote ( void );
  729. void do_perfrpc ( void );
  730. void do_perfsec ( void );
  731. void do_pipe ( void );
  732. void do_post ( void );
  733. void do_pound ( void );
  734. void do_regload ( void );
  735. void do_regpeek ( void );
  736. void do_regsave ( void );
  737. void do_reject ( void );
  738. void do_remote_client ( void );
  739. void do_remote_server ( void );
  740. void do_ring ( void );
  741. void do_rpc ( void );
  742. void do_rundown ( void );
  743. BOOL do_rundown1 ( ITest **, SAptId *, DWORD );
  744. BOOL do_rundown2 ( ITest **, SAptId *, DWORD );
  745. void do_secpkg ( void );
  746. void do_securerefs ( void );
  747. BOOL do_securerefs_helper ( ITest ** );
  748. void do_security ( void );
  749. BOOL do_security_auto ( void );
  750. BOOL do_security_call ( ITest *, SAptId, DWORD, DWORD,
  751. DWORD, DWORD, WCHAR * );
  752. BOOL do_security_copy ( ITest *, SAptId );
  753. BOOL do_security_default ( ITest *, SAptId );
  754. BOOL do_security_delegate ( ITest *, SAptId, ITest *, SAptId );
  755. BOOL do_security_handle ( ITest *, SAptId );
  756. BOOL do_security_lazy_call ( ITest *, SAptId, DWORD, DWORD,
  757. DWORD, DWORD, WCHAR * );
  758. BOOL do_security_nested ( ITest *, SAptId );
  759. void do_send ( void );
  760. void do_sid ( void );
  761. void do_simple_rundown ( void );
  762. void do_thread ( void );
  763. void do_ssl ( void );
  764. void do_three ( void );
  765. void do_two ( void );
  766. void do_uninit ( void );
  767. DWORD _stdcall do_uninit_helper ( void *param );
  768. void do_unknown ( void );
  769. BOOL do_unknown_call ( IUnknown *, DWORD, DWORD, REFIID );
  770. BOOL do_unknown_helper ( IUnknown *server );
  771. void do_ver ( void );
  772. void *Fixup ( char * );
  773. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoCopyProxy ( IUnknown *, IUnknown ** );
  774. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoGetCallContext ( REFIID, void ** );
  775. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoImpersonateClient ();
  777. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoQueryAuthenticationServices ( DWORD *, SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE ** );
  780. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoRevertToSelf ();
  782. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoSwitchCallContext ( IUnknown *, IUnknown ** );
  783. SAptData *get_apt_data ( void );
  784. DWORD get_apt_type ( void );
  785. UUID get_class ( DWORD );
  786. DWORD get_sequence ( void );
  787. HRESULT get_token_name ( WCHAR **name, BOOL );
  788. void hello ( char * );
  789. void increment_object_count ( void );
  790. HRESULT initialize ( void *, ULONG );
  791. HRESULT initialize_security ( void );
  792. void interrupt ( void );
  793. HRESULT new_apartment ( ITest **, SAptId *, HANDLE *, DWORD );
  794. BOOL parse ( int argc, char *argv[] );
  795. void pound ( void );
  796. BOOL registry_setup ( char * );
  797. void reinitialize ( void );
  798. void server_loop ( void );
  799. HRESULT setup_access ( HKEY );
  800. BOOL ssl_setup ( void );
  801. DWORD _stdcall status_helper ( void * );
  802. HRESULT switch_thread ( SIMPLE_FN, void * );
  803. void switch_test ( void );
  804. void thread_get_interface_buffer( handle_t binding, long *buf_size,
  805. unsigned char **buffer, SAptId *id,
  806. error_status_t *status );
  807. DWORD _stdcall thread_helper ( void * );
  808. void wait_apartment ( void );
  809. void wait_for_message ( void );
  810. void wake_up_and_smell_the_roses( void );
  811. void what_next ( what_next_en );
  812. /***************************************************************************/
  813. // Large globals
  814. const IID ClassIds[NUM_CLASS_IDS] =
  815. {
  816. {0x60000000, 0xAB0F, 0x101A, {0xB4, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x61, 0x2C}},
  817. {0x60000001, 0xAB0F, 0x101A, {0xB4, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x61, 0x2C}},
  818. {0x60000002, 0xAB0F, 0x101A, {0xB4, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x61, 0x2C}},
  819. {0x60000003, 0xAB0F, 0x101A, {0xB4, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x61, 0x2C}},
  820. {0x60000004, 0xAB0F, 0x101A, {0xB4, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x61, 0x2C}},
  821. {0x60000005, 0xAB0F, 0x101A, {0xB4, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x61, 0x2C}},
  822. {0x60000006, 0xAB0F, 0x101A, {0xB4, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x61, 0x2C}},
  823. {0x60000007, 0xAB0F, 0x101A, {0xB4, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x61, 0x2C}},
  824. {0x60000008, 0xAB0F, 0x101A, {0xB4, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x61, 0x2C}},
  825. {0x60000009, 0xAB0F, 0x101A, {0xB4, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x30, 0x61, 0x2C}},
  826. };
  827. const WCHAR CERT_DCOM[] = L"DCOM Test";
  828. const BYTE CertPassword[] = "This little piggy went to market.";
  829. const BYTE Cert20[] =
  830. {
  831. 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00,
  832. 0x00, 0x00, 0x1d, 0x6c, 0x6a, 0x99, 0xa4, 0x9f, 0xa3, 0x4f,
  833. 0x01, 0xbb, 0x98, 0x5d, 0x1e, 0x9e, 0xf5, 0xfb, 0x44, 0x0c,
  834. 0x43, 0x99, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  835. 0x0c, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0x00,
  836. 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  837. 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
  838. 0x00, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00,
  839. 0x35, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00,
  840. 0x66, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x37, 0x00,
  841. 0x64, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x39, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00,
  842. 0x33, 0x00, 0x34, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00,
  843. 0x30, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00,
  844. 0x35, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x5f, 0x00, 0x37, 0x00,
  845. 0x37, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x34, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00,
  846. 0x30, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x35, 0x00,
  847. 0x33, 0x00, 0x35, 0x00, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00,
  848. 0x64, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00,
  849. 0x63, 0x00, 0x37, 0x00, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00,
  850. 0x63, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00, 0x33, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00,
  851. 0x35, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00,
  852. 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4d, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00,
  853. 0x63, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x73, 0x00, 0x6f, 0x00,
  854. 0x66, 0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x52, 0x00, 0x53, 0x00,
  855. 0x41, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x53, 0x00, 0x43, 0x00, 0x68, 0x00,
  856. 0x61, 0x00, 0x6e, 0x00, 0x6e, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x00,
  857. 0x20, 0x00, 0x43, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x79, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00,
  858. 0x74, 0x00, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x67, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00,
  859. 0x70, 0x00, 0x68, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00,
  860. 0x50, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x76, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00,
  861. 0x64, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  862. 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  863. 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x43, 0xde, 0x4a, 0x22, 0xce,
  864. 0xaa, 0x14, 0xa1, 0xa9, 0x82, 0x5b, 0xd1, 0x55, 0x38, 0xb7,
  865. 0x0a, 0xc4, 0x50, 0x91, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
  866. 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x79, 0x6d, 0x05, 0x21,
  867. 0x93, 0x0d, 0x33, 0x9b, 0xa0, 0xf7, 0x85, 0xfe, 0xc0, 0x6e,
  868. 0x3e, 0x28, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  869. 0xe7, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x82, 0x03, 0xe3, 0x30, 0x82,
  870. 0x03, 0x8d, 0xa0, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x08, 0x71,
  871. 0xd9, 0xd4, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0x17, 0x5e, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06,
  872. 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04,
  873. 0x05, 0x00, 0x30, 0x78, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03,
  874. 0x55, 0x04, 0x06, 0x13, 0x02, 0x55, 0x53, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30,
  875. 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x08, 0x13, 0x02, 0x57, 0x41,
  876. 0x31, 0x10, 0x30, 0x0e, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x07, 0x13,
  877. 0x07, 0x52, 0x65, 0x64, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x31, 0x12,
  878. 0x30, 0x10, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x13, 0x09, 0x4d,
  879. 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x66, 0x74, 0x31, 0x13,
  880. 0x30, 0x11, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x13, 0x0a, 0x57,
  881. 0x69, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x73, 0x20, 0x4e, 0x54, 0x31,
  882. 0x21, 0x30, 0x1f, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03, 0x13, 0x18,
  883. 0x4d, 0x53, 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x53, 0x72, 0x76,
  884. 0x20, 0x54, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x47, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x75,
  885. 0x70, 0x20, 0x43, 0x41, 0x30, 0x1e, 0x17, 0x0d, 0x39, 0x39,
  886. 0x30, 0x32, 0x30, 0x35, 0x32, 0x33, 0x35, 0x38, 0x33, 0x31,
  887. 0x5a, 0x17, 0x0d, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x30, 0x35, 0x32,
  888. 0x33, 0x35, 0x38, 0x33, 0x31, 0x5a, 0x30, 0x81, 0x8b, 0x31,
  889. 0x21, 0x30, 0x1f, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7,
  890. 0x0d, 0x01, 0x09, 0x01, 0x16, 0x12, 0x64, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d,
  891. 0x40, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x66, 0x74,
  892. 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03,
  893. 0x55, 0x04, 0x06, 0x13, 0x02, 0x55, 0x53, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30,
  894. 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x08, 0x13, 0x02, 0x57, 0x41,
  895. 0x31, 0x11, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x07, 0x13,
  896. 0x08, 0x52, 0x65, 0x64, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6e, 0x31,
  897. 0x0c, 0x30, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x13, 0x03,
  898. 0x43, 0x4f, 0x4d, 0x31, 0x14, 0x30, 0x12, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55,
  899. 0x04, 0x0b, 0x13, 0x0b, 0x44, 0x69, 0x73, 0x74, 0x72, 0x69,
  900. 0x62, 0x75, 0x74, 0x65, 0x64, 0x31, 0x15, 0x30, 0x13, 0x06,
  901. 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03, 0x13, 0x0c, 0x44, 0x43, 0x4f, 0x4d,
  902. 0x20, 0x54, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x32, 0x31, 0x30, 0x5c,
  903. 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d,
  904. 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x03, 0x4b, 0x00, 0x30, 0x48,
  905. 0x02, 0x41, 0x00, 0x96, 0x98, 0x20, 0xe0, 0x18, 0x54, 0x04,
  906. 0x49, 0x72, 0x1d, 0xb7, 0x1f, 0x6b, 0x1c, 0x1a, 0x3f, 0x2a,
  907. 0x88, 0x8c, 0xbe, 0xdd, 0x06, 0x53, 0x6a, 0x99, 0xab, 0x16,
  908. 0x44, 0x96, 0x90, 0x65, 0xc1, 0x93, 0x04, 0xfe, 0x82, 0x0a,
  909. 0x5d, 0x10, 0x2d, 0xef, 0x50, 0xa4, 0xf9, 0xe9, 0xea, 0x5d,
  910. 0x1e, 0x15, 0xb0, 0xb2, 0x0c, 0x57, 0x9e, 0xf8, 0x53, 0xcd,
  911. 0xed, 0x14, 0x72, 0x79, 0x4d, 0x20, 0xcb, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01,
  912. 0x00, 0x01, 0xa3, 0x82, 0x01, 0xe5, 0x30, 0x82, 0x01, 0xe1,
  913. 0x30, 0x0b, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x0f, 0x04, 0x04, 0x03,
  914. 0x02, 0x00, 0xb8, 0x30, 0x13, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x25,
  915. 0x04, 0x0c, 0x30, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x08, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05,
  916. 0x05, 0x07, 0x03, 0x02, 0x30, 0x81, 0xb1, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55,
  917. 0x1d, 0x23, 0x04, 0x81, 0xa9, 0x30, 0x81, 0xa6, 0x80, 0x14,
  918. 0x2a, 0x58, 0x20, 0x26, 0x5b, 0x9f, 0xcf, 0xb1, 0xe3, 0x28,
  919. 0xf4, 0x2a, 0xea, 0x4d, 0xf8, 0xca, 0x19, 0xcb, 0xf3, 0xc4,
  920. 0xa1, 0x7c, 0xa4, 0x7a, 0x30, 0x78, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09,
  921. 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x06, 0x13, 0x02, 0x55, 0x53, 0x31,
  922. 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x08, 0x13, 0x02,
  923. 0x57, 0x41, 0x31, 0x10, 0x30, 0x0e, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04,
  924. 0x07, 0x13, 0x07, 0x52, 0x65, 0x64, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x64,
  925. 0x31, 0x12, 0x30, 0x10, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x13,
  926. 0x09, 0x4d, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x66, 0x74,
  927. 0x31, 0x13, 0x30, 0x11, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x13,
  928. 0x0a, 0x57, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x73, 0x20, 0x4e,
  929. 0x54, 0x31, 0x21, 0x30, 0x1f, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03,
  930. 0x13, 0x18, 0x4d, 0x53, 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x53,
  931. 0x72, 0x76, 0x20, 0x54, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x47, 0x72,
  932. 0x6f, 0x75, 0x70, 0x20, 0x43, 0x41, 0x82, 0x10, 0x11, 0x13,
  933. 0x61, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x86, 0x11, 0xd2, 0x5e, 0xf8,
  934. 0xdd, 0xa0, 0x99, 0xb4, 0x30, 0x81, 0x99, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55,
  935. 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x04, 0x81, 0x91, 0x30, 0x81, 0x8e, 0x30, 0x44,
  936. 0xa0, 0x42, 0xa0, 0x40, 0x86, 0x3e, 0x68, 0x74, 0x74, 0x70,
  937. 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x43, 0x45, 0x52, 0x54, 0x53, 0x52, 0x56,
  938. 0x2f, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x53, 0x72, 0x76, 0x2f, 0x43,
  939. 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x45, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x2f,
  940. 0x4d, 0x53, 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x53, 0x72, 0x76,
  941. 0x20, 0x54, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x47, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x75,
  942. 0x70, 0x20, 0x43, 0x41, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x30, 0x46,
  943. 0xa0, 0x44, 0xa0, 0x42, 0x86, 0x40, 0x66, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x65,
  944. 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x43, 0x45, 0x52, 0x54, 0x53,
  945. 0x52, 0x56, 0x5c, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x53, 0x72, 0x76,
  946. 0x5c, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x45, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x6c,
  947. 0x6c, 0x5c, 0x4d, 0x53, 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x53,
  948. 0x72, 0x76, 0x20, 0x54, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x47, 0x72,
  949. 0x6f, 0x75, 0x70, 0x20, 0x43, 0x41, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6c,
  950. 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x13, 0x04, 0x02, 0x30,
  951. 0x00, 0x30, 0x62, 0x06, 0x08, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05,
  952. 0x07, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x56, 0x30, 0x54, 0x30, 0x52, 0x06,
  953. 0x08, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07, 0x30, 0x02, 0x86,
  954. 0x46, 0x68, 0x74, 0x74, 0x70, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x43, 0x45,
  955. 0x52, 0x54, 0x53, 0x52, 0x56, 0x2f, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74,
  956. 0x53, 0x72, 0x76, 0x2f, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x45, 0x6e,
  957. 0x72, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x2f, 0x43, 0x45, 0x52, 0x54, 0x53,
  958. 0x52, 0x56, 0x5f, 0x4d, 0x53, 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74,
  959. 0x53, 0x72, 0x76, 0x20, 0x54, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x47,
  960. 0x72, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x70, 0x20, 0x43, 0x41, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x72,
  961. 0x74, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7,
  962. 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00, 0x03, 0x41, 0x00, 0x35,
  963. 0x16, 0x55, 0x9b, 0xd8, 0x74, 0x6d, 0x12, 0xc0, 0xf9, 0x3e,
  964. 0xec, 0xab, 0xa1, 0xcc, 0x84, 0xb5, 0x08, 0x02, 0x69, 0xd0,
  965. 0x3f, 0xf5, 0x8d, 0x6e, 0x5c, 0xb4, 0x22, 0xfd, 0x3f, 0xec,
  966. 0x72, 0xb7, 0xae, 0xc8, 0xea, 0xbf, 0x1f, 0x9b, 0x61, 0x48,
  967. 0xff, 0x4e, 0x71, 0x76, 0x46, 0x8c, 0x9e, 0x47, 0x13, 0x88,
  968. 0x40, 0x6a, 0xfc, 0x4d, 0x37, 0xac, 0x02, 0x9f, 0x57, 0x70,
  969. 0x3d, 0xae, 0xa2,
  970. };
  971. const BYTE Cert20_Private[] =
  972. {
  973. 0x07, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x52, 0x53,
  974. 0x41, 0x32, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
  975. 0xcb, 0x20, 0x4d, 0x79, 0x72, 0x14, 0xed, 0xcd, 0x53, 0xf8,
  976. 0x9e, 0x57, 0x0c, 0xb2, 0xb0, 0x15, 0x1e, 0x5d, 0xea, 0xe9,
  977. 0xf9, 0xa4, 0x50, 0xef, 0x2d, 0x10, 0x5d, 0x0a, 0x82, 0xfe,
  978. 0x04, 0x93, 0xc1, 0x65, 0x90, 0x96, 0x44, 0x16, 0xab, 0x99,
  979. 0x6a, 0x53, 0x06, 0xdd, 0xbe, 0x8c, 0x88, 0x2a, 0x3f, 0x1a,
  980. 0x1c, 0x6b, 0x1f, 0xb7, 0x1d, 0x72, 0x49, 0x04, 0x54, 0x18,
  981. 0xe0, 0x20, 0x98, 0x96, 0x1f, 0xa2, 0x9c, 0x9c, 0xad, 0x28,
  982. 0x9b, 0x2a, 0xdd, 0xd8, 0xe1, 0x8f, 0xd7, 0x65, 0x1d, 0xd9,
  983. 0x62, 0x2f, 0xa5, 0xd4, 0x0d, 0xcb, 0x6f, 0x13, 0x5c, 0x32,
  984. 0x1b, 0x49, 0x8e, 0x13, 0xe7, 0xc7, 0xd5, 0x23, 0x30, 0x45,
  985. 0xdb, 0x86, 0x9a, 0x65, 0x61, 0xa0, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x4d, 0x2f,
  986. 0x22, 0x53, 0xee, 0xf2, 0x41, 0x11, 0xa1, 0x0f, 0xcc, 0x4d,
  987. 0x0b, 0x3f, 0x1f, 0x94, 0xed, 0xc1, 0xda, 0xc0, 0xb5, 0x9c,
  988. 0x38, 0x0f, 0xd6, 0xf9, 0xf3, 0x25, 0x87, 0x40, 0x87, 0x37,
  989. 0xf4, 0x28, 0x34, 0x62, 0x06, 0x6b, 0xfb, 0xa4, 0x99, 0x53,
  990. 0x95, 0x81, 0x1d, 0x58, 0x6c, 0x84, 0x51, 0x6c, 0xb5, 0x76,
  991. 0xb9, 0x16, 0xf1, 0x7f, 0x3a, 0xab, 0x34, 0x5a, 0xdc, 0x6a,
  992. 0xa4, 0x91, 0x2f, 0x03, 0x4e, 0xa2, 0xc2, 0x8e, 0x05, 0x3e,
  993. 0xa6, 0x36, 0xb4, 0xf7, 0xed, 0xf4, 0x58, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0x52,
  994. 0x62, 0xa4, 0x49, 0xdd, 0x8f, 0x98, 0x84, 0xdf, 0xbf, 0x8c,
  995. 0x2d, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x87, 0xb5, 0xdb, 0x4b, 0xf4, 0xe2, 0x9a,
  996. 0x5a, 0xbf, 0xbc, 0xb5, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8a, 0x77, 0xae, 0x01,
  997. 0x9d, 0x53, 0xb6, 0x9f, 0x59, 0x9e, 0x12, 0x6f, 0x8c, 0x24,
  998. 0x97, 0x8f, 0x61, 0x9e, 0x43, 0x56, 0x4b, 0xd9, 0xfa, 0x20,
  999. 0x74, 0xb6, 0xdc, 0x9d, 0x30, 0x01, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xad, 0x9d,
  1000. 0x5f, 0x06, 0x64, 0xfb, 0x51, 0x4d, 0xcf, 0xe7, 0x43, 0x1d,
  1001. 0xd7, 0x6f, 0x99, 0x52, 0x8d, 0x0c, 0xd2, 0xf5, 0x17, 0x33,
  1002. 0x4b, 0x10, 0xa6, 0xf7, 0xda, 0x24, 0x3b, 0x1b, 0x42, 0xc0,
  1003. 0x6c, 0xb4, 0x90, 0x8f, 0x52, 0x5f, 0x99, 0x31, 0x41, 0xda,
  1004. };
  1005. const BYTE CertSrv2[] =
  1006. {
  1007. 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00,
  1008. 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xdc, 0x2b, 0x13, 0x28, 0x02, 0x40, 0x96,
  1009. 0x0d, 0xe4, 0x64, 0xfd, 0xd1, 0x7a, 0xa1, 0xf4, 0x03, 0x00,
  1010. 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  1011. 0x06, 0xa9, 0xef, 0xb5, 0x0c, 0xe1, 0xb4, 0x07, 0x64, 0xef,
  1012. 0x9d, 0x77, 0xa2, 0x73, 0x3c, 0x4e, 0xda, 0x55, 0xa5, 0xf9,
  1013. 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00,
  1014. 0x00, 0x00, 0x2a, 0x58, 0x20, 0x26, 0x5b, 0x9f, 0xcf, 0xb1,
  1015. 0xe3, 0x28, 0xf4, 0x2a, 0xea, 0x4d, 0xf8, 0xca, 0x19, 0xcb,
  1016. 0xf3, 0xc4, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  1017. 0x30, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x82, 0x02, 0x2c, 0x30, 0x82,
  1018. 0x01, 0xd6, 0xa0, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x10, 0x11,
  1019. 0x13, 0x61, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x86, 0x11, 0xd2, 0x5e,
  1020. 0xf8, 0xdd, 0xa0, 0x99, 0xb4, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a,
  1021. 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00,
  1022. 0x30, 0x78, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04,
  1023. 0x06, 0x13, 0x02, 0x55, 0x53, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06,
  1024. 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x08, 0x13, 0x02, 0x57, 0x41, 0x31, 0x10,
  1025. 0x30, 0x0e, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x07, 0x13, 0x07, 0x52,
  1026. 0x65, 0x64, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x31, 0x12, 0x30, 0x10,
  1027. 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x13, 0x09, 0x4d, 0x69, 0x63,
  1028. 0x72, 0x6f, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x66, 0x74, 0x31, 0x13, 0x30, 0x11,
  1029. 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x13, 0x0a, 0x57, 0x69, 0x6e,
  1030. 0x64, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x73, 0x20, 0x4e, 0x54, 0x31, 0x21, 0x30,
  1031. 0x1f, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03, 0x13, 0x18, 0x4d, 0x53,
  1032. 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x53, 0x72, 0x76, 0x20, 0x54,
  1033. 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x47, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x70, 0x20,
  1034. 0x43, 0x41, 0x30, 0x1e, 0x17, 0x0d, 0x39, 0x38, 0x31, 0x30,
  1035. 0x30, 0x38, 0x32, 0x31, 0x35, 0x31, 0x35, 0x31, 0x5a, 0x17,
  1036. 0x0d, 0x30, 0x33, 0x31, 0x30, 0x30, 0x38, 0x32, 0x31, 0x35,
  1037. 0x31, 0x35, 0x31, 0x5a, 0x30, 0x78, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09,
  1038. 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x06, 0x13, 0x02, 0x55, 0x53, 0x31,
  1039. 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x08, 0x13, 0x02,
  1040. 0x57, 0x41, 0x31, 0x10, 0x30, 0x0e, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04,
  1041. 0x07, 0x13, 0x07, 0x52, 0x65, 0x64, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x64,
  1042. 0x31, 0x12, 0x30, 0x10, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x13,
  1043. 0x09, 0x4d, 0x69, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x66, 0x74,
  1044. 0x31, 0x13, 0x30, 0x11, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x13,
  1045. 0x0a, 0x57, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x73, 0x20, 0x4e,
  1046. 0x54, 0x31, 0x21, 0x30, 0x1f, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03,
  1047. 0x13, 0x18, 0x4d, 0x53, 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x53,
  1048. 0x72, 0x76, 0x20, 0x54, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x47, 0x72,
  1049. 0x6f, 0x75, 0x70, 0x20, 0x43, 0x41, 0x30, 0x5c, 0x30, 0x0d,
  1050. 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01,
  1051. 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x03, 0x4b, 0x00, 0x30, 0x48, 0x02, 0x41,
  1052. 0x00, 0xb9, 0xb5, 0xd1, 0x63, 0xaf, 0x3f, 0xd4, 0x4c, 0x69,
  1053. 0x3a, 0xaa, 0xff, 0x1d, 0x8c, 0x0f, 0xbd, 0xa5, 0x44, 0x9a,
  1054. 0xd1, 0x23, 0x36, 0x9d, 0x19, 0xd8, 0x12, 0xa4, 0x37, 0xe8,
  1055. 0x9d, 0x33, 0x94, 0x39, 0x1e, 0x5d, 0xad, 0xe7, 0x21, 0x5e,
  1056. 0x09, 0x8e, 0x1b, 0x9a, 0xde, 0x8e, 0x74, 0xfe, 0x66, 0x47,
  1057. 0xe2, 0x8c, 0xa7, 0xc8, 0x83, 0xb6, 0x05, 0x92, 0xf9, 0x78,
  1058. 0x88, 0x86, 0x08, 0x56, 0x11, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01,
  1059. 0xa3, 0x3c, 0x30, 0x3a, 0x30, 0x0b, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d,
  1060. 0x0f, 0x04, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x30, 0x0c, 0x06,
  1061. 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x13, 0x04, 0x05, 0x30, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01,
  1062. 0xff, 0x30, 0x1d, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x0e, 0x04, 0x16,
  1063. 0x04, 0x14, 0x2a, 0x58, 0x20, 0x26, 0x5b, 0x9f, 0xcf, 0xb1,
  1064. 0xe3, 0x28, 0xf4, 0x2a, 0xea, 0x4d, 0xf8, 0xca, 0x19, 0xcb,
  1065. 0xf3, 0xc4, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86,
  1066. 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00, 0x03, 0x41, 0x00,
  1067. 0x52, 0xa4, 0xd0, 0x89, 0x5e, 0x93, 0x1b, 0x3c, 0xa2, 0x19,
  1068. 0x1d, 0xbc, 0x38, 0xae, 0xac, 0xc8, 0x5c, 0xc4, 0x56, 0x2d,
  1069. 0x42, 0x60, 0x76, 0xf6, 0xfa, 0xfa, 0x15, 0x5a, 0x6e, 0xfd,
  1070. 0x23, 0x67, 0xa0, 0xe1, 0xd9, 0xf8, 0x30, 0xd3, 0x92, 0x95,
  1071. 0x92, 0x96, 0xbc, 0x7c, 0x99, 0x42, 0xc4, 0xf6, 0x1e, 0xef,
  1072. 0xfa, 0x7b, 0xa2, 0x02, 0x57, 0x59, 0x30, 0x88, 0x98, 0xe9,
  1073. 0xe2, 0x2a, 0x51, 0x9c
  1074. };
  1075. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  1076. SCloakBlanket CloakBlanket[9] =
  1077. {
  1078. { TRUE, FALSE, EOAC_NONE, { L"redmond\\oleadmin", L"redmond\\oleadmin", L"redmond\\oleadmin" } },
  1081. { TRUE, FALSE, EOAC_STATIC_CLOAKING, { L"redmond\\oleadmin", L"redmond\\oleadmin", L"redmond\\oleadmin" } },
  1082. { FALSE, TRUE, EOAC_STATIC_CLOAKING, { L"redmond\\oleadmin", L"redmond\\oleadmin", L"redmond\\oleadmin" } },
  1084. { TRUE, FALSE, EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING, { L"redmond\\oleadmin", L"redmond\\oleadmin", L"redmond\\oleadmin" } },
  1085. { FALSE, TRUE, EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING, { L"redmond\\oleuser", L"redmond\\oleuser1", L"redmond\\oleuser2" } },
  1086. { FALSE, FALSE, EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING, { L"redmond\\oleuser", L"redmond\\oleuser1", L"redmond\\oleuser2" } },
  1087. };
  1088. #endif
  1089. /* Globals. */
  1090. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  1091. ISynchronize *Call = NULL;
  1092. #endif
  1093. WCHAR CallUser[MAX_NAME] = L"";
  1094. BOOL Change = FALSE;
  1095. CTestCF *ClassFactory;
  1096. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  1097. IAsyncManager *Complete;
  1098. HCRYPTPROV CryptProvider = 0;
  1099. #endif
  1100. WCHAR *Creator = NULL;
  1101. char Debugger[MAX_PATH+MAX_PATH] = "";
  1102. WCHAR *DomainUser = NULL;
  1103. HANDLE Done;
  1104. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  1105. HCRYPTKEY ExchangeKey = 0;
  1106. #endif
  1107. CoCopyProxyFn GCoCopyProxy = FixupCoCopyProxy;
  1108. CoGetCallContextFn GCoGetCallContext = FixupCoGetCallContext;
  1109. CoImpersonateClientFn GCoImpersonateClient = FixupCoImpersonateClient;
  1110. CoInitializeSecurityFn GCoInitializeSecurity = FixupCoInitializeSecurity;
  1111. CoQueryAuthenticationServicesFn GCoQueryAuthenticationServices = FixupCoQueryAuthenticationServices;
  1112. CoQueryClientBlanketFn GCoQueryClientBlanket = FixupCoQueryClientBlanket;
  1113. CoQueryProxyBlanketFn GCoQueryProxyBlanket = FixupCoQueryProxyBlanket;
  1114. CoRevertToSelfFn GCoRevertToSelf = FixupCoRevertToSelf;
  1115. CoSetProxyBlanketFn GCoSetProxyBlanket = FixupCoSetProxyBlanket;
  1116. CoSwitchCallContextFn GCoSwitchCallContext = FixupCoSwitchCallContext;
  1117. DWORD GlobalAuthnLevel = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
  1118. DWORD GlobalAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;
  1119. SAptId GlobalApt;
  1120. WCHAR *GlobalBinding;
  1121. BOOL GlobalBool;
  1122. long GlobalCalls = 0;
  1123. long GlobalClients = 0;
  1124. LONG GlobalFirst = TRUE;
  1125. DWORD *GlobalHex = NULL;
  1126. CHook *GlobalHook1 = NULL;
  1127. CHook *GlobalHook2 = NULL;
  1128. BOOL GlobalInterruptTest;
  1129. SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *GlobalSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
  1130. security_model GlobalSecurityModel = auto_sm;
  1131. ITest *GlobalTest = NULL;
  1132. ITest *GlobalTest2 = NULL;
  1133. ULONG GlobalThreadId = 0;
  1134. long GlobalTotal = 0;
  1135. BOOL GlobalWaiting = FALSE;
  1136. DWORD MainThread;
  1137. HANDLE ManualReset = NULL;
  1138. BOOL Multicall_Test;
  1139. WCHAR Name[MAX_NAME] = L"";
  1140. WCHAR Name2[MAX_NAME] = L"";
  1141. DWORD NestedCallCount = 0;
  1142. BOOL NT5 = FALSE;
  1143. DWORD NumClass = 1;
  1144. int NumElements = 7;
  1145. DWORD NumIterations = 20;
  1146. DWORD NumObjects = 2;
  1147. DWORD NumProcesses = 2;
  1148. DWORD NumRecursion = 2;
  1149. DWORD NumThreads = 2;
  1150. WCHAR *OleUserPassword = L"July1999";
  1151. WCHAR PackageList[MAX_NAME] = L"kerberos,NTLM";
  1152. BOOL Popup = FALSE;
  1153. WCHAR *Preimpersonate = NULL;
  1154. SAptData ProcessAptData;
  1155. unsigned char ProcessName[MAX_NAME];
  1156. SID *ProcessSid = NULL;
  1157. HANDLE RawEvent = NULL;
  1158. HRESULT RawResult;
  1159. DWORD Registration;
  1160. IServerSecurity *Security = NULL;
  1161. UUID ServerClsid[2];
  1162. WCHAR TestProtseq[MAX_NAME] = L"ncadg_ip_udp";
  1163. WCHAR ThisMachine[MAX_NAME] = L"";
  1164. SThreadList ThreadList = { &ThreadList, NULL };
  1166. DWORD TlsIndex;
  1167. WCHAR UserName[MAX_NAME] = L"";
  1168. BOOL Verbose = FALSE;
  1169. what_test_en WhatTest;
  1170. what_dest WhatDest = same_machine_wd;
  1171. BOOL Win95;
  1172. BOOL WriteCert = FALSE;
  1173. BOOL WriteClass = FALSE;
  1174. /***************************************************************************/
  1175. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAccessControl::AddRef( )
  1176. {
  1177. InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &ref_count );
  1178. return ref_count;
  1179. }
  1180. /***************************************************************************/
  1181. CAccessControl::CAccessControl()
  1182. {
  1183. ref_count = 1;
  1184. allow = TRUE;
  1185. }
  1186. /***************************************************************************/
  1187. CAccessControl::~CAccessControl()
  1188. {
  1189. }
  1190. /***************************************************************************/
  1191. HRESULT CAccessControl::deny_me()
  1192. {
  1193. allow = FALSE;
  1194. return S_OK;
  1195. }
  1196. /***************************************************************************/
  1197. STDMETHODIMP CAccessControl::GetAllAccessRights( LPWSTR lpProperty,
  1198. PACTRL_ACCESSW *ppAccessList,
  1199. PTRUSTEEW *ppOwner,
  1200. PTRUSTEEW *ppGroup )
  1201. {
  1202. return E_NOTIMPL;
  1203. }
  1204. /***************************************************************************/
  1205. STDMETHODIMP CAccessControl::GrantAccessRights( PACTRL_ACCESSW pAccessList )
  1206. {
  1207. return E_NOTIMPL;
  1208. }
  1209. /***************************************************************************/
  1210. STDMETHODIMP CAccessControl::IsAccessAllowed( TRUSTEE_W *Trustee,
  1211. LPWSTR lpProperty,
  1212. ACCESS_RIGHTS AccessRights,
  1213. BOOL *pfAccessAllowed )
  1214. {
  1215. WCHAR bufferw[80];
  1216. char buffera[80];
  1217. DWORD len = 80;
  1218. BOOL me;
  1219. BOOL system;
  1220. WCHAR *user;
  1221. // Initialize the access flag.
  1222. if (pfAccessAllowed != NULL)
  1223. *pfAccessAllowed = FALSE;
  1224. // Validate the fields of the trustee.
  1225. if (Trustee->pMultipleTrustee != NULL ||
  1226. Trustee->MultipleTrusteeOperation != NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE ||
  1227. Trustee->TrusteeForm != TRUSTEE_IS_NAME ||
  1228. Trustee->TrusteeType != TRUSTEE_IS_USER ||
  1229. Trustee->ptstrName == NULL ||
  1230. lpProperty != NULL ||
  1231. AccessRights != COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE)
  1232. return E_INVALIDARG;
  1233. // Lookup the process user.
  1234. if (!GetUserNameA( buffera, &len ))
  1235. return MAKE_WIN32( GetLastError() );
  1236. // Convert the name to unicode.
  1237. if (!MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, buffera, strlen(buffera)+1, bufferw,
  1238. 80 ))
  1239. return MAKE_WIN32( GetLastError() );
  1240. // Skip the domain name because I don't feel like looking it up.
  1241. user = wcsstr( Trustee->ptstrName, L"\\" );
  1242. user += 1;
  1243. // Always allow calls from local system.
  1244. system = wcscmp( L"SYSTEM", user ) == 0;
  1245. // system = wcscmp( L"NT AUTHORITY", user ) == 0;
  1246. // Compare the trustee to the process user.
  1247. me = _wcsicmp( bufferw, user ) == 0;
  1248. if (system || (me && allow) || (!me && !allow))
  1249. {
  1250. if (pfAccessAllowed != NULL)
  1251. *pfAccessAllowed = TRUE;
  1252. return S_OK;
  1253. }
  1254. else
  1255. return E_ACCESSDENIED;
  1256. }
  1257. /***************************************************************************/
  1258. STDMETHODIMP CAccessControl::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
  1259. {
  1260. if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
  1261. IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IAccessControl))
  1262. {
  1263. *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) (IAccessControl *) this;
  1264. AddRef();
  1265. return S_OK;
  1266. }
  1267. else
  1268. {
  1269. *ppvObj = NULL;
  1270. return E_NOINTERFACE;
  1271. }
  1272. }
  1273. /***************************************************************************/
  1274. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAccessControl::Release( )
  1275. {
  1276. if (InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ref_count ) == 0)
  1277. {
  1278. decrement_object_count();
  1279. delete this;
  1280. return 0;
  1281. }
  1282. else
  1283. return ref_count;
  1284. }
  1285. /***************************************************************************/
  1286. STDMETHODIMP CAccessControl::RevokeAccessRights( LPWSTR lpProperty,
  1287. ULONG cTrustees,
  1288. TRUSTEEW *pTrustees )
  1289. {
  1290. return E_NOTIMPL;
  1291. }
  1292. /***************************************************************************/
  1293. STDMETHODIMP CAccessControl::SetOwner( PTRUSTEEW pOwner, PTRUSTEEW pGroup )
  1294. {
  1295. return E_NOTIMPL;
  1296. }
  1297. /***************************************************************************/
  1298. STDMETHODIMP CAccessControl::SetAccessRights( PACTRL_ACCESSW pAccessList )
  1299. {
  1300. return E_NOTIMPL;
  1301. }
  1302. /***************************************************************************/
  1303. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAdvise::AddRef( THIS )
  1304. {
  1305. InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &ref_count );
  1306. return ref_count;
  1307. }
  1308. /***************************************************************************/
  1309. CAdvise::CAdvise()
  1310. {
  1311. ref_count = 1;
  1312. increment_object_count();
  1313. }
  1314. /***************************************************************************/
  1315. CAdvise::~CAdvise()
  1316. {
  1317. }
  1318. /***************************************************************************/
  1319. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CAdvise::OnClose( void )
  1320. {
  1321. }
  1322. /***************************************************************************/
  1323. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CAdvise::OnDataChange( FORMATETC *format, STGMEDIUM *stg )
  1324. {
  1325. }
  1326. /***************************************************************************/
  1327. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CAdvise::OnRename( IMoniker *moniker )
  1328. {
  1329. }
  1330. /***************************************************************************/
  1331. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CAdvise::OnSave( void )
  1332. {
  1333. }
  1334. /***************************************************************************/
  1335. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CAdvise::OnViewChange( DWORD aspect, LONG index )
  1336. {
  1337. }
  1338. /***************************************************************************/
  1339. STDMETHODIMP CAdvise::QueryInterface( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
  1340. {
  1341. if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
  1342. IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IAdviseSink))
  1343. {
  1344. *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) (IAdviseSink *) this;
  1345. AddRef();
  1346. return S_OK;
  1347. }
  1348. else
  1349. {
  1350. *ppvObj = NULL;
  1351. return E_NOINTERFACE;
  1352. }
  1353. }
  1354. /***************************************************************************/
  1355. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAdvise::Release( THIS )
  1356. {
  1357. if (InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ref_count ) == 0)
  1358. {
  1359. decrement_object_count();
  1360. delete this;
  1361. return 0;
  1362. }
  1363. else
  1364. return ref_count;
  1365. }
  1366. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  1367. /***************************************************************************/
  1368. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAsyncInner::AddRef()
  1369. {
  1370. return InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &ref_count );
  1371. }
  1372. /***************************************************************************/
  1373. CAsyncInner::CAsyncInner( CAsync *pParent )
  1374. {
  1375. ref_count = 1;
  1376. parent = pParent;
  1377. }
  1378. /***************************************************************************/
  1379. STDMETHODIMP CAsyncInner::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
  1380. {
  1381. IUnknown *pUnk;
  1382. if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown))
  1383. pUnk = (IUnknown *) this;
  1384. else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_AsyncIAsync))
  1385. pUnk = (AsyncIAsync *) parent;
  1386. else
  1387. {
  1388. *ppvObj = NULL;
  1389. return E_NOINTERFACE;
  1390. }
  1391. pUnk->AddRef();
  1392. *ppvObj = pUnk;
  1393. return S_OK;
  1394. }
  1395. /***************************************************************************/
  1396. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAsyncInner::Release()
  1397. {
  1398. ULONG lRef = InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ref_count );
  1399. if (lRef == 0)
  1400. {
  1401. delete parent;
  1402. }
  1403. return lRef;
  1404. }
  1405. /***************************************************************************/
  1406. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAsync::AddRef()
  1407. {
  1408. return control->AddRef();
  1409. }
  1410. /***************************************************************************/
  1411. HRESULT CAsync::Begin_preimpersonate( BOOL fOn )
  1412. {
  1413. ISynchronize *sync = NULL;
  1414. HRESULT result;
  1415. BOOL success;
  1416. // Tell the main thread to start or stop impersonating.
  1417. if (fOn)
  1418. what_next( impersonate_wn );
  1419. else
  1420. what_next( revert_wn );
  1421. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  1422. // Get ISynchronize.
  1423. result = QueryInterface( IID_ISynchronize, (void **) &sync );
  1424. ASSERT( result, "Could not get ISynchronize" );
  1425. // Complete the call.
  1426. result = sync->Signal();
  1427. ASSERT( result, "Could not signal" );
  1428. cleanup:
  1429. if (sync != NULL)
  1430. sync->Release();
  1431. saved_result = result;
  1432. return result;
  1433. }
  1434. /***************************************************************************/
  1435. HRESULT CAsync::Begin_secure( SAptId id, DWORD test, STRING princ_name )
  1436. {
  1437. ISynchronize *sync = NULL;
  1438. HRESULT result;
  1439. WCHAR *preuser;
  1440. // Get ISynchronize.
  1441. result = QueryInterface( IID_ISynchronize, (void **) &sync );
  1442. ASSERT( result, "Could not get ISynchronize" );
  1443. // Verify the current thread token.
  1444. if (Preimpersonate)
  1445. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  1446. preuser = Preimpersonate;
  1447. else
  1448. preuser = DomainUser;
  1449. else
  1450. preuser = DomainUser;
  1451. result = check_token( preuser, NULL, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  1452. ASSERT( result, "Wrong token at start of Begin_secure" );
  1453. // Impersonate.
  1454. result = MCoImpersonateClient();
  1455. ASSERT( result, "Could not impersonate in Begin_secure" );
  1456. // Verify the current thread token.
  1457. result = check_token( princ_name, DEFAULT_CONTEXT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  1458. ASSERT( result, "Wrong impersonation token in Begin_secure" );
  1459. // Revert.
  1460. result = MCoRevertToSelf();
  1461. ASSERT( result, "Could not revert to self in Begin_secure" );
  1462. // Verify the current thread token.
  1463. result = check_token( preuser, NULL, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  1464. ASSERT( result, "Wrong token at start of Begin_secure" );
  1465. // For the embedded test, complete the call now.
  1466. wcsncpy( CallUser, princ_name, MAX_NAME );
  1467. if (test == embedded_as)
  1468. {
  1469. // Complete the call.
  1470. result = sync->Signal();
  1471. ASSERT( result, "Could not signal" );
  1472. // Verify the current thread token.
  1473. result = check_token( preuser, NULL, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  1474. ASSERT( result, "Wrong token at end of Begin_secure" );
  1475. // Impersonate.
  1476. result = MCoImpersonateClient();
  1477. ASSERT( result, "Could not impersonate in Begin_secure" );
  1478. // Verify the current thread token.
  1479. result = check_token( princ_name, DEFAULT_CONTEXT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  1480. ASSERT( result, "Wrong impersonation token in Begin_secure" );
  1481. // Revert.
  1482. result = MCoRevertToSelf();
  1483. ASSERT( result, "Could not revert to self in Begin_secure" );
  1484. // Verify the current thread token.
  1485. result = check_token( preuser, NULL, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  1486. ASSERT( result, "Wrong token at end of Begin_secure" );
  1487. }
  1488. // Otherwise instruct the main thread how to complete the call.
  1489. else
  1490. {
  1491. // Save IServerSecurity.
  1492. result = CoGetCallContext( IID_IServerSecurity, (void **) &Security );
  1493. ASSERT( result, "Could not get call context" );
  1494. // Save the call object.
  1495. Call = sync;
  1496. Call->AddRef();
  1497. // Wake up the main thread to complete the call.
  1498. if (test == basic_as)
  1499. what_next( basic_async_wn );
  1500. else
  1501. what_next( race_async_wn );
  1502. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  1503. }
  1504. cleanup:
  1505. if (sync != NULL)
  1506. sync->Release();
  1507. saved_result = result;
  1508. return result;
  1509. }
  1510. /***************************************************************************/
  1511. CAsync::CAsync( IUnknown *pControl ) :
  1512. inner_unk( this )
  1513. {
  1514. saved_result = S_OK;
  1515. if (pControl != NULL)
  1516. control = pControl;
  1517. else
  1518. control = &inner_unk;
  1519. }
  1520. /***************************************************************************/
  1521. CAsync::~CAsync( )
  1522. {
  1523. }
  1524. /***************************************************************************/
  1525. HRESULT CAsync::Finish_preimpersonate( void )
  1526. {
  1527. return saved_result;
  1528. }
  1529. /***************************************************************************/
  1530. HRESULT CAsync::Finish_secure( void )
  1531. {
  1532. WCHAR *preuser;
  1533. HRESULT result;
  1534. // Verify the current thread token.
  1535. if (Preimpersonate)
  1536. preuser = Preimpersonate;
  1537. else
  1538. preuser = DomainUser;
  1539. result = check_token( preuser, NULL, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  1540. ASSERT( result, "Wrong token at start of Finish_secure" );
  1541. // Impersonate.
  1542. result = MCoImpersonateClient();
  1543. ASSERT( result, "Could not impersonate in Finish_secure" );
  1544. // Verify the current thread token.
  1545. result = check_token( CallUser, DEFAULT_CONTEXT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  1546. ASSERT( result, "Wrong impersonation token in Finish_secure" );
  1547. // Revert.
  1548. result = MCoRevertToSelf();
  1549. ASSERT( result, "Could not revert to self in Finish_secure" );
  1550. // Verify the current thread token.
  1551. result = check_token( preuser, NULL, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  1552. ASSERT( result, "Wrong token at end of Finish_secure" );
  1553. cleanup:
  1554. if (FAILED(result))
  1555. return result;
  1556. else return saved_result;
  1557. }
  1558. /***************************************************************************/
  1559. STDMETHODIMP CAsync::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
  1560. {
  1561. return control->QueryInterface( riid, ppvObj );
  1562. }
  1563. /***************************************************************************/
  1564. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAsync::Release()
  1565. {
  1566. return control->Release();
  1567. }
  1568. #endif
  1569. /***************************************************************************/
  1570. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CHook::AddRef( THIS )
  1571. {
  1572. InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &ref_count );
  1573. return ref_count;
  1574. }
  1575. /***************************************************************************/
  1576. HRESULT CHook::check( DWORD cget, DWORD cnot, DWORD sget, DWORD snot )
  1577. {
  1578. if (result != S_OK)
  1579. return result;
  1580. if (cget != client_get || cnot != client_notify ||
  1581. sget != server_get || snot != server_notify)
  1582. return E_INVALIDARG;
  1583. return S_OK;
  1584. }
  1585. /***************************************************************************/
  1586. void CHook::check_buf( DWORD size, unsigned char *buf )
  1587. {
  1588. DWORD i;
  1589. if (sequence == 1)
  1590. {
  1591. if (size == 1)
  1592. {
  1593. if (*buf != 1)
  1594. goto error;
  1595. }
  1596. else if (size == 1000)
  1597. {
  1598. for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
  1599. if (buf[i] != 255)
  1600. goto error;
  1601. }
  1602. else if (size != 0)
  1603. goto error;
  1604. }
  1605. else if (sequence == 2)
  1606. {
  1607. for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
  1608. if (buf[i] != (unsigned char) i)
  1609. goto error;
  1610. }
  1611. else
  1612. {
  1613. if (size != 42)
  1614. goto error;
  1615. i = 0;
  1616. while (i < 42)
  1617. if (buf[i++] != '4' || buf[i++] != '2')
  1618. goto error;
  1619. }
  1620. return;
  1621. error:
  1622. printf( "Hook got bad data.\n" );
  1623. result = E_UNEXPECTED;
  1624. }
  1625. /***************************************************************************/
  1626. CHook::CHook( REFGUID ext, DWORD seq )
  1627. {
  1628. extent = ext;
  1629. sequence = seq;
  1630. ref_count = 1;
  1631. client_get = 0;
  1632. client_fill = 0;
  1633. client_notify = 0;
  1634. server_get = 0;
  1635. server_fill = 0;
  1636. server_notify = 0;
  1637. result = S_OK;
  1638. }
  1639. /***************************************************************************/
  1640. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CHook::ClientGetSize( REFGUID ext, REFIID riid,
  1641. ULONG *size )
  1642. {
  1643. //printf( "ClientGetSize: 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  1644. // Check the parameters.
  1645. if (extent != ext)
  1646. {
  1647. printf( "Hook received the wrong extent.\n" );
  1648. result = E_FAIL;
  1649. }
  1650. // Return the correct size for each sequence.
  1651. client_get += 1;
  1652. *size = get_size( client_get );
  1653. }
  1654. /***************************************************************************/
  1655. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CHook::ClientFillBuffer( REFGUID ext, REFIID riid,
  1656. ULONG *max, void *buffer )
  1657. {
  1658. DWORD size = get_size( client_get );
  1659. //printf( "ClientFillBuffer: 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  1660. // Check the parameters.
  1661. if (extent != ext)
  1662. {
  1663. printf( "Hook received the wrong extent.\n" );
  1664. result = E_FAIL;
  1665. }
  1666. else if (*max < size)
  1667. {
  1668. printf( "Hook lost space.\n" );
  1669. result = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
  1670. }
  1671. // Fill the buffer.
  1672. *max = size;
  1673. client_fill += 1;
  1674. fill_buf( client_get, (unsigned char *) buffer );
  1675. }
  1676. /***************************************************************************/
  1677. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CHook::ClientNotify( REFGUID ext, REFIID riid,
  1678. ULONG size, void *buffer,
  1679. DWORD data_rep, HRESULT result )
  1680. {
  1681. //printf( "ClientNotify: 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  1682. // Verify the parameters.
  1683. if (extent != ext)
  1684. {
  1685. printf( "Hook received the wrong extent.\n" );
  1686. result = E_FAIL;
  1687. }
  1688. // Verify the data.
  1689. client_notify += 1;
  1690. if (result == S_OK && buffer != NULL)
  1691. check_buf( size, (unsigned char *) buffer );
  1692. }
  1693. /***************************************************************************/
  1694. void CHook::fill_buf( DWORD count, unsigned char *buffer )
  1695. {
  1696. DWORD size = get_size( count );
  1697. DWORD i;
  1698. if (sequence == 1)
  1699. {
  1700. if (size == 1)
  1701. *buffer = 1;
  1702. else
  1703. for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
  1704. buffer[i] = 255;
  1705. }
  1706. else if (sequence == 2)
  1707. {
  1708. for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
  1709. buffer[i] = (UCHAR) i;
  1710. }
  1711. else
  1712. {
  1713. i = 0;
  1714. while (i < 42)
  1715. {
  1716. buffer[i++] = '4';
  1717. buffer[i++] = '2';
  1718. }
  1719. }
  1720. }
  1721. /***************************************************************************/
  1722. DWORD CHook::get_size( DWORD count )
  1723. {
  1724. DWORD size;
  1725. if (sequence == 1)
  1726. {
  1727. size = count % 3;
  1728. if (size == 2)
  1729. size = 1000;
  1730. return size;
  1731. }
  1732. else if (sequence == 2)
  1733. return count;
  1734. else
  1735. return 42;
  1736. }
  1737. /***************************************************************************/
  1738. STDMETHODIMP CHook::QueryInterface( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
  1739. {
  1740. if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
  1741. IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IChannelHook))
  1742. {
  1743. *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) this;
  1744. AddRef();
  1745. return S_OK;
  1746. }
  1747. else
  1748. {
  1749. *ppvObj = NULL;
  1750. return E_NOINTERFACE;
  1751. }
  1752. }
  1753. /***************************************************************************/
  1754. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CHook::Release( THIS )
  1755. {
  1756. if (InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ref_count ) == 0)
  1757. {
  1758. delete this;
  1759. return 0;
  1760. }
  1761. else
  1762. return ref_count;
  1763. }
  1764. /***************************************************************************/
  1765. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CHook::ServerNotify( REFGUID ext, REFIID riid,
  1766. ULONG size, void *buffer,
  1767. DWORD data_rep )
  1768. {
  1769. //printf( "ServerNotify: 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  1770. // Verify the parameters.
  1771. if (extent != ext)
  1772. {
  1773. printf( "Hook received the wrong extent.\n" );
  1774. result = E_FAIL;
  1775. }
  1776. // Verify the data.
  1777. server_notify += 1;
  1778. if (result == S_OK && buffer != NULL)
  1779. check_buf( size, (unsigned char *) buffer );
  1780. }
  1781. /***************************************************************************/
  1782. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CHook::ServerGetSize( REFGUID ext, REFIID riid, HRESULT hr,
  1783. ULONG *size )
  1784. {
  1785. //printf( "ServerGetSize: 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  1786. // Check the parameters.
  1787. if (extent != ext)
  1788. {
  1789. printf( "Hook received the wrong extent.\n" );
  1790. result = E_FAIL;
  1791. }
  1792. // Return the correct size for each sequence.
  1793. server_get += 1;
  1794. *size = get_size( server_get );
  1795. }
  1796. /***************************************************************************/
  1797. STDMETHODIMP_(void) CHook::ServerFillBuffer( REFGUID ext, REFIID riid,
  1798. ULONG *max, void *buffer, HRESULT hr )
  1799. {
  1800. //printf( "ServerFillBuffer: 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  1801. DWORD size = get_size( server_get );
  1802. // Check the parameters.
  1803. if (extent != ext)
  1804. {
  1805. printf( "Hook received the wrong extent.\n" );
  1806. result = E_FAIL;
  1807. }
  1808. else if (*max < size)
  1809. {
  1810. printf( "Hook lost space.\n" );
  1811. result = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
  1812. }
  1813. // Fill the buffer.
  1814. *max = size;
  1815. server_fill += 1;
  1816. fill_buf( server_get, (unsigned char *) buffer );
  1817. }
  1818. /***************************************************************************/
  1819. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPipe::AddRef( THIS )
  1820. {
  1821. InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &ref_count );
  1822. return ref_count;
  1823. }
  1824. /***************************************************************************/
  1825. STDMETHODIMP CPipe::Alloc( ULONG bsize, LONG **pbuf, ULONG *bcount )
  1826. {
  1827. *pbuf = (LONG *) CoTaskMemAlloc( bsize );
  1828. if (*pbuf == NULL)
  1829. {
  1830. *bcount = 0;
  1831. return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
  1832. }
  1833. else
  1834. {
  1835. *bcount = bsize;
  1836. return S_OK;
  1837. }
  1838. }
  1839. /***************************************************************************/
  1840. HRESULT CPipe::check()
  1841. {
  1842. if (curr != len)
  1843. return E_FAIL;
  1844. else
  1845. return result;
  1846. }
  1847. /***************************************************************************/
  1848. CPipe::CPipe()
  1849. {
  1850. ref_count = 1;
  1851. }
  1852. /***************************************************************************/
  1853. STDMETHODIMP CPipe::QueryInterface( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
  1854. {
  1855. if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ILongPipe))
  1856. {
  1857. *ppvObj = (ILongPipe *) this;
  1858. AddRef();
  1859. return S_OK;
  1860. }
  1861. else
  1862. {
  1863. *ppvObj = NULL;
  1864. return E_NOINTERFACE;
  1865. }
  1866. }
  1867. /***************************************************************************/
  1868. STDMETHODIMP CPipe::Pull( LONG *buf, ULONG esize, ULONG *ecount )
  1869. {
  1870. ULONG i;
  1871. // Stop when there is no more data.
  1872. if (esize+curr > len)
  1873. esize = len-curr;
  1874. *ecount = esize;
  1875. // Generate the data.
  1876. for (i = 0; i < esize; i++)
  1877. buf[i] = curr++;
  1878. return S_OK;
  1879. }
  1880. /***************************************************************************/
  1881. STDMETHODIMP CPipe::Push( LONG *buf, ULONG ecount )
  1882. {
  1883. ULONG i;
  1884. // Reset the count on the first receive.
  1885. if (in)
  1886. {
  1887. curr = 0;
  1888. in = FALSE;
  1889. }
  1890. // Return an error if there is too much data.
  1891. if (ecount+curr > len)
  1892. {
  1893. result = E_ABORT;
  1894. return result;
  1895. }
  1896. // Check the data.
  1897. for (i = 0; i < ecount; i++)
  1898. if (buf[i] != (LONG) curr++)
  1899. {
  1900. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  1901. return result;
  1902. }
  1903. return S_OK;
  1904. }
  1905. /***************************************************************************/
  1906. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPipe::Release( THIS )
  1907. {
  1908. if (InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ref_count ) == 0)
  1909. {
  1910. delete this;
  1911. return 0;
  1912. }
  1913. else
  1914. return ref_count;
  1915. }
  1916. /***************************************************************************/
  1917. HRESULT CPipe::setup( DWORD new_len )
  1918. {
  1919. len = new_len;
  1920. curr = 0;
  1921. result = S_OK;
  1922. in = TRUE;
  1923. return S_OK;
  1924. }
  1925. /***************************************************************************/
  1926. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTest::AddRef( THIS )
  1927. {
  1928. assert_unknown();
  1929. InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &ref_count );
  1930. return ref_count;
  1931. }
  1932. /***************************************************************************/
  1933. STDMETHODIMP CTest::align( unsigned char x[17] )
  1934. {
  1935. ASSERT_THREAD();
  1936. return S_OK;
  1937. }
  1938. /***************************************************************************/
  1939. STDMETHODIMP CTest::by_the_way( DWORD what )
  1940. {
  1941. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  1942. IServerSecurity *pSec = NULL;
  1943. ASSERT_THREAD();
  1944. state = what;
  1945. // Try to release IServerSecurity too many times.
  1946. if (what == release_too_much_btw)
  1947. {
  1948. // Get IServerSecurity.
  1949. result = CoGetCallContext( IID_IServerSecurity, (void **) &pSec );
  1950. ASSERT( result, "Could not get call context" );
  1951. // Release it twice.
  1952. pSec->Release();
  1953. pSec->Release();
  1954. }
  1955. cleanup:
  1956. return result;
  1957. }
  1958. /***************************************************************************/
  1959. void CTest::assert_unknown()
  1960. {
  1961. if (get_apt_type() == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED &&
  1962. (my_id.process != GetCurrentProcessId() ||
  1963. my_id.thread != GetCurrentThreadId()))
  1964. {
  1965. printf( "**************************************************************\n" );
  1966. printf( "**************************************************************\n" );
  1967. printf( "* Unknown called on wrong thread. *\n" );
  1968. printf( "**************************************************************\n" );
  1969. printf( "**************************************************************\n" );
  1970. }
  1971. }
  1972. /***************************************************************************/
  1973. STDMETHODIMP CTest::call_canceled( long recurse, long cancel,
  1974. ITest *callback )
  1975. {
  1976. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  1977. DWORD wakeup;
  1978. DWORD sleep;
  1979. DWORD reason;
  1980. MSG msg;
  1981. ASSERT_THREAD();
  1982. // If the recursion count isn't zero, call back.
  1983. if (recurse > 0)
  1984. {
  1985. result = callback->call_canceled( recurse-1, cancel, this );
  1986. if (recurse <= cancel)
  1987. {
  1988. if (result != RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED &&
  1989. result != MAKE_WIN32( RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED ))
  1990. if (result == S_OK)
  1991. return E_FAIL;
  1992. else
  1993. return result;
  1994. result = S_OK;
  1995. }
  1996. else if (result != S_OK)
  1997. return result;
  1998. }
  1999. // If the cancel count is greater then the recursion count, cancel the
  2000. // object that called me.
  2001. if (cancel > recurse)
  2002. {
  2003. // Give the other object a chance to finish canceling me before I cancel
  2004. // him.
  2005. printf( "Waiting 10 seconds before canceling.\n" );
  2006. Sleep(10000);
  2007. result = next->cancel();
  2008. // Give the cancel a chance to complete before returning.
  2009. printf( "Waiting 5 seconds for cancel to complete.\n" );
  2010. wakeup = GetCurrentTime() + 5000;
  2011. sleep = 5000;
  2012. do
  2013. {
  2014. reason = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 0, NULL, FALSE, sleep, QS_ALLINPUT );
  2015. sleep = wakeup - GetCurrentTime();
  2016. if (sleep > 5000)
  2017. sleep = 0;
  2018. if (reason != WAIT_TIMEOUT)
  2019. if (GetMessageA( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ))
  2020. {
  2021. TranslateMessage (&msg);
  2022. DispatchMessageA (&msg);
  2023. }
  2024. } while (sleep != 0);
  2025. }
  2026. return result;
  2027. }
  2028. /***************************************************************************/
  2029. STDMETHODIMP CTest::call_dead( void )
  2030. {
  2031. HRESULT result;
  2032. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2033. // Call the server, who is dead by now.
  2034. result = next->check( next_id );
  2035. next->Release();
  2036. next = NULL;
  2037. if (SUCCEEDED(result))
  2038. return E_FAIL;
  2039. else
  2040. return S_OK;
  2041. }
  2042. /***************************************************************************/
  2043. STDMETHODIMP CTest::call_me_back( ITest *test )
  2044. {
  2045. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2046. // Save the global object and tell the driver loop what to do next.
  2047. test->AddRef();
  2048. GlobalTest = test;
  2049. what_next( callback_wn );
  2050. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  2051. return S_OK;
  2052. }
  2053. /***************************************************************************/
  2054. STDMETHODIMP CTest::call_next( void )
  2055. {
  2056. HRESULT result;
  2057. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2058. // Call the neighbor.
  2059. return next->check( next_id );
  2060. }
  2061. /***************************************************************************/
  2062. STDMETHODIMP CTest::callback( void )
  2063. {
  2064. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2065. GlobalWaiting = FALSE;
  2066. return S_OK;
  2067. }
  2068. /***************************************************************************/
  2069. STDMETHODIMP CTest::cancel()
  2070. {
  2071. HRESULT result;
  2072. DWORD thread;
  2073. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2074. // Tell my neighbor to cancel the current call next time he receives a
  2075. // message on his message queue.
  2076. result = next->cancel_pending_call( &thread );
  2077. // Put a message on my neighbor's message queue.
  2078. if (result == S_OK)
  2079. {
  2080. if (!PostThreadMessageA( thread, WM_USER, 0, 0 ))
  2081. return E_FAIL;
  2082. }
  2083. return result;
  2084. }
  2085. /***************************************************************************/
  2086. STDMETHODIMP CTest::cancel_now()
  2087. {
  2088. HRESULT result;
  2089. return next->cancel();
  2090. }
  2091. /***************************************************************************/
  2092. STDMETHODIMP CTest::cancel_pending_call( DWORD *thread )
  2093. {
  2094. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2095. fcancel_next = TRUE;
  2096. *thread = GetCurrentThreadId();
  2097. return S_OK;
  2098. }
  2099. /***************************************************************************/
  2100. STDMETHODIMP CTest::cancel_stress( ITest *obj )
  2101. {
  2102. HRESULT result;
  2103. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2104. // If there is an object, ask it to cancel the call to it.
  2105. if (obj != NULL)
  2106. result = obj->cancel_now();
  2107. // Otherwise ask my neighbor to cancel the call to him.
  2108. else
  2109. // This only works locally.
  2110. result = next->cancel();
  2111. // Although the call should have been canceled, sometimes it completes
  2112. // before the cancel does.
  2113. if (result == S_OK || result == RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED ||
  2114. result == MAKE_WIN32( RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED ))
  2115. return S_OK;
  2116. else
  2117. return result;
  2118. }
  2119. /***************************************************************************/
  2120. STDMETHODIMP CTest::catch_at_top( BOOL catchme, ITest *callback, STRING binding )
  2121. {
  2122. // Save the callback object and the binding.
  2123. callback->AddRef();
  2124. GlobalTest = callback;
  2125. GlobalBinding = binding;
  2126. // If the catch flag is true, tell the top level message loop to catch
  2127. // exceptions.
  2128. what_next( catch_wn );
  2129. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  2130. return S_OK;
  2131. }
  2132. /***************************************************************************/
  2133. STDMETHODIMP CTest::check( SAptId id )
  2134. {
  2135. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2136. if (my_id.process == id.process && my_id.thread == id.thread &&
  2137. my_id.sequence == id.sequence)
  2138. return S_OK;
  2139. else
  2140. return E_FAIL;
  2141. }
  2142. /***************************************************************************/
  2143. STDMETHODIMP CTest::check_hook( DWORD cg1, DWORD cn1, DWORD sg1, DWORD sn1,
  2144. DWORD cg2, DWORD cn2, DWORD sg2, DWORD sn2,
  2145. BOOL dh1, BOOL dh2 )
  2146. {
  2147. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  2148. IWhichHook *which = NULL;
  2149. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2150. if (GlobalHook1 != NULL)
  2151. {
  2152. result = GlobalHook1->check( cg1, cn1, sg1, sn1 );
  2153. if (result == S_OK && GlobalHook2 != NULL)
  2154. result = GlobalHook2->check( cg2, cn2, sg2, sn2 );
  2155. }
  2156. if (result == S_OK)
  2157. {
  2158. result = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WhichHook, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
  2159. IID_IWhichHook, (void **) &which );
  2160. if (which != NULL)
  2161. {
  2162. result = which->Hooked( CLSID_Hook1 );
  2163. if ((result != S_OK && dh1) ||
  2164. (result == S_OK && !dh1))
  2165. result = E_FAIL;
  2166. else
  2167. {
  2168. result = which->Hooked( CLSID_Hook2 );
  2169. if ((result != S_OK && dh2) ||
  2170. (result == S_OK && !dh2))
  2171. result = E_FAIL;
  2172. else
  2173. result = S_OK;
  2174. }
  2175. }
  2176. }
  2177. return result;
  2178. }
  2179. /***************************************************************************/
  2180. STDMETHODIMP CTest::count()
  2181. {
  2182. InterlockedIncrement( &GlobalCalls );
  2183. return S_OK;
  2184. }
  2185. /***************************************************************************/
  2186. STDMETHODIMP CTest::crash_out( transmit_crash *x )
  2187. {
  2188. *x = 0;
  2189. return S_OK;
  2190. }
  2191. /***************************************************************************/
  2192. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  2193. HRESULT CTest::CreateCall( REFIID r1, IUnknown *pCtrl, REFIID r2,
  2194. IUnknown **ppv )
  2195. {
  2196. HRESULT result;
  2197. CAsync *async;
  2198. *ppv = NULL;
  2199. // Create a call object for the interface IAsync.
  2200. if (r1 == IID_AsyncIAsync)
  2201. {
  2202. async = new CAsync( pCtrl );
  2203. if (async == NULL)
  2204. return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
  2205. else
  2206. {
  2207. result = async->inner_unk.QueryInterface( r2, (void **) ppv );
  2208. async->inner_unk.Release();
  2209. return result;
  2210. }
  2211. }
  2212. // Don't support any other interfaces asynchronously.
  2213. return E_NOINTERFACE;
  2214. }
  2215. #endif
  2216. /***************************************************************************/
  2217. CTest::CTest()
  2218. {
  2219. ref_count = 1;
  2220. next = NULL;
  2221. dacl = NULL;
  2222. fcancel_next = FALSE;
  2223. freject_next = FALSE;
  2224. fretry_next = FALSE;
  2225. flate_dispatch = FALSE;
  2226. my_id.sequence = get_sequence();
  2227. my_id.thread = GetCurrentThreadId();
  2228. my_id.process = GetCurrentProcessId();
  2229. state = nothing_btw;
  2230. increment_object_count();
  2231. }
  2232. /***************************************************************************/
  2233. CTest::~CTest()
  2234. {
  2235. DWORD query_authn_level;
  2236. DWORD what;
  2237. HRESULT result;
  2238. // Check the caller of release.
  2239. if (state & callback_on_release_btw)
  2240. {
  2241. // Get the authentication information.
  2242. result = MCoQueryClientBlanket( NULL, NULL, NULL, &query_authn_level,
  2243. NULL, NULL, NULL );
  2244. if (SUCCEEDED(result))
  2245. if (query_authn_level == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE)
  2246. what = release_unsecure_btw;
  2247. else
  2248. what = release_secure_btw;
  2249. else
  2250. what = release_unsecure_btw;
  2251. // Tell somebody about the release;
  2252. if (next != NULL)
  2253. {
  2254. result = next->by_the_way( what );
  2255. if (result != S_OK)
  2256. printf( "Could not call by the way in release: 0x%x\n", result );
  2257. }
  2258. }
  2259. // Clean up resources.
  2260. if (dacl != NULL)
  2261. dacl->Release();
  2262. if (next != NULL)
  2263. if (!dirty_thread())
  2264. next->Release();
  2265. }
  2266. /***************************************************************************/
  2267. STDMETHODIMP CTest::decrypt( DWORD cryptlen, BYTE *crypt, WCHAR *orig,
  2268. DWORD keylen, BYTE *keyblob, WCHAR *password )
  2269. {
  2270. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  2271. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  2272. DWORD i;
  2273. DWORD j;
  2274. DWORD k;
  2275. DWORD len;
  2276. BOOL success = FALSE;
  2277. HCRYPTKEY session = 0;
  2278. BYTE *buffer;
  2279. HCRYPTHASH hash = 0;
  2280. DWORD blen;
  2281. // If there is a password, derive a session key.
  2282. if (password != NULL)
  2283. {
  2284. // Create a hash object.
  2285. success = CryptCreateHash( CryptProvider, CALG_MD5, NULL, 0, &hash );
  2286. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not create hash" );
  2287. success = FALSE;
  2288. // Hash the user name.
  2289. success = CryptHashData( hash, (UCHAR *) password,
  2290. wcslen(password)*sizeof(WCHAR), 0 );
  2291. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not hash user name" );
  2292. success = FALSE;
  2293. // Derive the session key from the password hash.
  2294. success = CryptDeriveKey( CryptProvider, CALG_RC4, hash, 0, &session );
  2295. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not derive key" );
  2296. success = FALSE;
  2297. }
  2298. // Otherwise import the session key.
  2299. else
  2300. {
  2301. success = CryptImportKey( CryptProvider, keyblob, keylen, NULL, 0, &session );
  2302. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not import server key" );
  2303. success = FALSE;
  2304. }
  2305. // Verify that the data is encrypted.
  2306. len = wcslen(orig)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
  2307. i = memcmp( crypt, orig, len );
  2308. ASSERT_EXPR( i != 0, "Data not encrypted" );
  2309. // Copy the data.
  2310. buffer = (BYTE *) _alloca(cryptlen);
  2311. memcpy( buffer, crypt, cryptlen );
  2312. blen = cryptlen;
  2313. // Decrypt the data.
  2314. success = CryptDecrypt( session, NULL, TRUE, 0, buffer, &blen);
  2315. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not decrypt the data" );
  2316. success = FALSE;
  2317. i = wcscmp( orig, (WCHAR *) buffer );
  2318. ASSERT_EXPR( i == 0 && blen == len, "Decrypted wrong data." );
  2319. // Delete the old session key.
  2320. success = CryptDestroyKey( session );
  2321. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not destroy session key" );
  2322. session = 0;
  2323. success = FALSE;
  2324. // If there is a password, derive a session key.
  2325. if (password != NULL)
  2326. {
  2327. // Create a hash object.
  2328. success = CryptCreateHash( CryptProvider, CALG_MD5, NULL, 0, &hash );
  2329. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not create hash" );
  2330. success = FALSE;
  2331. // Hash the user name.
  2332. success = CryptHashData( hash, (UCHAR *) password,
  2333. wcslen(password)*sizeof(WCHAR), 0 );
  2334. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not hash user name" );
  2335. success = FALSE;
  2336. // Derive the session key from the password hash.
  2337. success = CryptDeriveKey( CryptProvider, CALG_RC4, hash, 0, &session );
  2338. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not derive key" );
  2339. success = FALSE;
  2340. }
  2341. // Otherwise import the session key.
  2342. else
  2343. {
  2344. success = CryptImportKey( CryptProvider, keyblob, keylen, NULL, 0, &session );
  2345. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not import server key" );
  2346. success = FALSE;
  2347. }
  2348. // Decrypt the wrong data.
  2349. blen = cryptlen;
  2350. memset( buffer, 'x', blen );
  2351. success = CryptDecrypt( session, NULL, TRUE, 0, buffer, &blen);
  2352. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not decrypt the data" );
  2353. success = FALSE;
  2354. i = wcscmp( orig, (WCHAR *) buffer );
  2355. ASSERT_EXPR( i != 0, "Decrypted generated correct results from wrong input." );
  2356. // Delete the old session key.
  2357. success = CryptDestroyKey( session );
  2358. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not destroy session key" );
  2359. session = 0;
  2360. success = FALSE;
  2361. // Generate a session key.
  2362. success = CryptGenKey( CryptProvider, CALG_RC4, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &session );
  2363. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not generate session key" );
  2364. success = FALSE;
  2365. // Copy the data.
  2366. memcpy( buffer, crypt, cryptlen );
  2367. blen = cryptlen;
  2368. // Decrypt with the wrong key.
  2369. success = CryptDecrypt( session, NULL, TRUE, 0, buffer, &blen);
  2370. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not decrypt the data" );
  2371. success = FALSE;
  2372. i = wcscmp( orig, (WCHAR *) buffer );
  2373. ASSERT_EXPR( i != 0, "Decrypted generated correct results from wrong key." );
  2374. success = TRUE;
  2375. cleanup:
  2376. if (session != 0)
  2377. CryptDestroyKey( session );
  2378. if (!success && result == S_OK)
  2379. result = E_FAIL;
  2380. return result;
  2381. #else
  2382. return E_FAIL;
  2383. #endif
  2384. }
  2385. /***************************************************************************/
  2386. STDMETHODIMP CTest::delegate( ITest *obj, SAptId id, STRING caller )
  2387. {
  2388. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  2389. DWORD ignore;
  2390. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2391. // Impersonate.
  2392. if (!Win95)
  2393. {
  2394. result = MCoImpersonateClient();
  2395. ASSERT( result, "Could not impersonate" );
  2396. }
  2397. // Set the security for the next call.
  2398. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( obj, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  2401. EOAC_NONE );
  2402. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  2403. // Revert.
  2404. if (!Win95)
  2405. {
  2406. result = MCoRevertToSelf();
  2407. ASSERT( result, "Could not revert" );
  2408. }
  2409. // Call the final server.
  2410. result = obj->secure( id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  2412. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  2413. &ignore );
  2414. ASSERT( result, "Could not make delegate call" );
  2415. cleanup:
  2416. return result;
  2417. }
  2418. /***************************************************************************/
  2419. STDMETHODIMP CTest::do_next( DWORD next )
  2420. {
  2421. what_next( (enum what_next_en) next );
  2422. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  2423. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2424. return S_OK;
  2425. }
  2426. /***************************************************************************/
  2427. STDMETHODIMP CTest::exit( void )
  2428. {
  2429. what_next( quit_wn );
  2430. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  2431. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2432. return S_OK;
  2433. }
  2434. /***************************************************************************/
  2435. STDMETHODIMP CTest::forget( void )
  2436. {
  2437. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2438. if (next != NULL)
  2439. {
  2440. next->Release();
  2441. next = NULL;
  2442. }
  2443. return S_OK;
  2444. }
  2445. /***************************************************************************/
  2446. STDMETHODIMP CTest::get_advise( IAdviseSink **obj )
  2447. {
  2448. *obj = (IAdviseSink *) new CTest;
  2449. return S_OK;
  2450. /*
  2451. *obj = NULL;
  2452. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2453. *obj = new CAdvise;
  2454. if (*obj!= NULL)
  2455. return S_OK;
  2456. else
  2457. return E_FAIL;
  2458. */
  2459. }
  2460. /***************************************************************************/
  2461. STDMETHODIMP CTest::get_data( DWORD isize, unsigned char *idata, DWORD osize,
  2462. unsigned char **odata )
  2463. {
  2464. *odata = (unsigned char *) CoTaskMemAlloc( 1 );
  2465. return S_OK;
  2466. }
  2467. /***************************************************************************/
  2468. STDMETHODIMP CTest::get_id( SAptId *id )
  2469. {
  2470. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2471. *id = my_id;
  2472. return S_OK;
  2473. }
  2474. /***************************************************************************/
  2475. STDMETHODIMP CTest::get_next( ITest **obj, SAptId *id )
  2476. {
  2477. *obj = NULL;
  2478. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2479. *id = next_id;
  2480. *obj = next;
  2481. if (next != NULL)
  2482. next->AddRef();
  2483. return S_OK;
  2484. }
  2485. /***************************************************************************/
  2486. STDMETHODIMP CTest::get_next_slowly( ITest **obj, SAptId *id )
  2487. {
  2488. *obj = NULL;
  2489. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2490. *id = next_id;
  2491. *obj = next;
  2492. if (next != NULL)
  2493. next->AddRef();
  2494. // Start shutting down.
  2495. exit();
  2496. // Wait a while.
  2497. SetEvent( RawEvent );
  2498. Sleep( 5000 );
  2499. return S_OK;
  2500. }
  2501. /***************************************************************************/
  2502. STDMETHODIMP CTest::get_obj_from_new_apt( ITest **obj, SAptId *id )
  2503. {
  2504. *obj = NULL;
  2505. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2506. return new_apartment( obj, id, NULL, ThreadMode );
  2507. }
  2508. /***************************************************************************/
  2509. STDMETHODIMP CTest::get_obj_from_this_apt( ITest **obj, SAptId *id )
  2510. {
  2511. *obj = NULL;
  2512. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2513. *obj = new CTest;
  2514. if (*obj!= NULL)
  2515. return (*obj)->get_id( id );
  2516. else
  2517. return E_FAIL;
  2518. }
  2519. /***************************************************************************/
  2520. STDMETHODIMP CTest::get_string( DWORD what, WCHAR **str )
  2521. {
  2522. // Return the creator string.
  2523. if (what == creator_ws)
  2524. {
  2525. if (Creator == NULL)
  2526. *str = NULL;
  2527. else
  2528. {
  2529. *str = (WCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(Creator)+1) );
  2530. wcscpy( *str, Creator );
  2531. }
  2532. return S_OK;
  2533. }
  2534. // Unknown request.
  2535. else
  2536. return E_INVALIDARG;
  2537. }
  2538. /***************************************************************************/
  2539. STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) CTest::HandleInComingCall( DWORD type, HTASK task,
  2540. DWORD tick,
  2541. LPINTERFACEINFO info )
  2542. {
  2543. if (freject_next)
  2544. {
  2545. freject_next = FALSE;
  2547. }
  2548. // Accept everything.
  2549. else
  2551. }
  2552. /***************************************************************************/
  2553. STDMETHODIMP CTest::interface_in( ITest *test )
  2554. {
  2555. return S_OK;
  2556. }
  2557. /***************************************************************************/
  2558. STDMETHODIMP CTest::interrupt( ITest *param, SAptId id, BOOL go )
  2559. {
  2560. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2561. GlobalInterruptTest = go;
  2562. if (go)
  2563. {
  2564. GlobalTest = param;
  2565. GlobalApt = id;
  2566. GlobalTest->AddRef();
  2567. what_next( interrupt_wn );
  2568. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  2569. }
  2570. else
  2571. what_next( wait_wn );
  2572. return S_OK;
  2573. }
  2574. /***************************************************************************/
  2575. STDMETHODIMP CTest::interrupt_marshal( ITest *obj1, ITest *obj2 )
  2576. {
  2577. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2578. GlobalTest = obj1;
  2579. GlobalTest2 = obj2;
  2580. GlobalTest->AddRef();
  2581. GlobalTest2->AddRef();
  2582. what_next( interrupt_marshal_wn );
  2583. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  2584. return S_OK;
  2585. }
  2586. /***************************************************************************/
  2588. {
  2589. HRESULT result;
  2590. SAccess big;
  2591. IAccessControl *access = NULL;
  2592. // Create an IAccessControl
  2593. *list = NULL;
  2594. result = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DCOMAccessControl, NULL,
  2596. IID_IAccessControl, (void **) &access );
  2597. ASSERT( result, "Could not create DCOM access control." );
  2598. // Test set everyone.
  2599. big.access.cEntries = 1;
  2600. big.access.pPropertyAccessList = &big.property;
  2601. big.property.lpProperty = NULL;
  2602. big.property.pAccessEntryList = &big.list;
  2603. big.property.fListFlags = 0;
  2604. big.list.cEntries = 1;
  2605. big.list.pAccessList = &big.entry;
  2606. big.entry.fAccessFlags = ACTRL_ACCESS_ALLOWED;
  2607. big.entry.Access = COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE;
  2608. big.entry.ProvSpecificAccess = 0;
  2609. big.entry.Inheritance = NO_INHERITANCE;
  2610. big.entry.lpInheritProperty = NULL;
  2611. big.entry.Trustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
  2612. big.entry.Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
  2613. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
  2614. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP;
  2615. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = L"*";
  2616. result = access->SetAccessRights( &big.access );
  2617. ASSERT( result, "Could not set access" );
  2618. // Get the access list
  2619. result = access->GetAllAccessRights( NULL, list, NULL, NULL );
  2620. ASSERT( result, "Could not get rights" );
  2621. cleanup:
  2622. if (access != NULL)
  2623. access->Release();
  2624. return result;
  2625. }
  2626. /***************************************************************************/
  2627. STDMETHODIMP CTest::make_acl( HACKSID *allow )
  2628. {
  2629. BOOL success = FALSE;
  2630. BOOL call_success = FALSE;
  2631. PACL pACLNew = NULL;
  2632. DWORD cbACL = 1024;
  2633. PRIVILEGE_SET set;
  2634. DWORD granted_access;
  2635. BOOL access;
  2636. DWORD privilege_size;
  2637. HRESULT result = E_FAIL;
  2638. TOKEN_PRIVILEGES privilege;
  2639. SID *copy = NULL;
  2640. DWORD length;
  2641. // Copy the SID.
  2642. length = GetLengthSid( (SID *) allow );
  2643. copy = (SID *) malloc( length );
  2644. ASSERT_EXPR( copy != NULL, "Could not allocate memory." );
  2645. memcpy( copy, allow, length );
  2646. // Initialize a new security descriptor.
  2647. GlobalSecurityDescriptor = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) LocalAlloc(LPTR,
  2649. ASSERT_EXPR( GlobalSecurityDescriptor != NULL, "Could not allocate memory for the security descriptor." );
  2650. call_success = InitializeSecurityDescriptor(GlobalSecurityDescriptor,
  2652. ASSERT_EXPR( call_success, "InitializeSecurityDescriptor" );
  2653. // Initialize a new ACL.
  2654. pACLNew = (PACL) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbACL);
  2655. ASSERT_EXPR( pACLNew != NULL, "LocalAlloc" );
  2656. call_success = InitializeAcl(pACLNew, cbACL, ACL_REVISION2);
  2657. ASSERT_EXPR( call_success, "InitializeAcl" );
  2658. // Allow read but not write access to the file.
  2659. call_success = AddAccessAllowedAce( pACLNew, ACL_REVISION2, READ_CONTROL,
  2660. copy );
  2661. ASSERT_EXPR( call_success, "AddAccessAllowedAce failed." );
  2662. // Add a new ACL to the security descriptor.
  2663. call_success = SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(GlobalSecurityDescriptor,
  2664. TRUE, /* fDaclPresent flag */
  2665. pACLNew,
  2666. FALSE);
  2667. ASSERT_EXPR( call_success, "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed." );
  2668. // Set the group.
  2669. call_success = SetSecurityDescriptorGroup( GlobalSecurityDescriptor,
  2670. copy, FALSE );
  2671. ASSERT_EXPR( call_success, "SetSecurityDescriptorGroup failed." );
  2672. // Set the owner.
  2673. call_success = SetSecurityDescriptorOwner( GlobalSecurityDescriptor,
  2674. copy, FALSE );
  2675. ASSERT_EXPR( call_success, "SetSecurityDescriptorOwner failed." );
  2676. // Check the security descriptor.
  2677. call_success = IsValidSecurityDescriptor( GlobalSecurityDescriptor );
  2678. ASSERT_EXPR( call_success, "IsValidSecurityDescriptor failed." );
  2679. success = TRUE;
  2680. cleanup:
  2681. if (!success)
  2682. {
  2683. if(GlobalSecurityDescriptor != NULL)
  2684. LocalFree((HLOCAL) GlobalSecurityDescriptor);
  2685. if(pACLNew != NULL)
  2686. LocalFree((HLOCAL) pACLNew);
  2687. if (copy != NULL)
  2688. free( copy );
  2689. }
  2690. if (success)
  2691. return S_OK;
  2692. else if (result != S_OK)
  2693. return result;
  2694. else
  2695. return E_FAIL;
  2696. }
  2697. /***************************************************************************/
  2698. STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) CTest::MessagePending( HTASK callee, DWORD tick,
  2699. DWORD type )
  2700. {
  2701. if (fcancel_next)
  2702. {
  2703. fcancel_next = FALSE;
  2705. }
  2706. else
  2708. }
  2709. /***************************************************************************/
  2710. STDMETHODIMP CTest::QueryInterface( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
  2711. {
  2712. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  2713. DWORD query_authn_level;
  2714. BOOL success;
  2715. char value[REGISTRY_ENTRY_LEN];
  2716. LONG value_size = sizeof(value);
  2717. HANDLE token;
  2718. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2719. *ppvObj = NULL;
  2720. // Return the normal interfaces.
  2721. if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
  2722. IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ITest))
  2723. {
  2724. *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) (ITest *) this;
  2725. AddRef();
  2726. return S_OK;
  2727. }
  2728. // Return the message filter.
  2729. else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IMessageFilter))
  2730. {
  2731. *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) (IMessageFilter *) this;
  2732. AddRef();
  2733. return S_OK;
  2734. }
  2735. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  2736. // Return ICallFactory
  2737. else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ICallFactory))
  2738. {
  2739. *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) (ICallFactory *) this;
  2740. AddRef();
  2741. return S_OK;
  2742. }
  2743. // Return IAsync
  2744. else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IAsync))
  2745. {
  2746. *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) (IAsync *) this;
  2747. AddRef();
  2748. return S_OK;
  2749. }
  2750. #endif
  2751. // Check security and return ITest.
  2752. else if (IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestNoneImp ) ||
  2753. IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestConnectImp ) ||
  2754. IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestEncryptImp ) ||
  2755. IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestNoneId ) ||
  2756. IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestConnectId ) ||
  2757. IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestEncryptId ))
  2758. {
  2759. // Get the authentication information.
  2760. result = MCoQueryClientBlanket( NULL, NULL, NULL, &query_authn_level,
  2761. NULL, NULL, NULL );
  2762. // Impersonate.
  2763. if (SUCCEEDED(result))
  2764. {
  2765. result = MCoImpersonateClient();
  2766. if (query_authn_level != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE && FAILED(result))
  2767. return result;
  2768. }
  2769. // Look at the IID to determine the proper results.
  2770. if (IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestNoneImp ))
  2771. {
  2772. // If there is a token, should not be able to read the registry.
  2773. success = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &token );
  2774. if (success)
  2775. {
  2776. result = RegQueryValueA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, REG_CLASS_EXE, value, &value_size );
  2777. if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
  2778. goto exit;
  2779. }
  2780. *ppvObj = (ITest *) this;
  2781. AddRef();
  2782. result = S_OK;
  2783. goto exit;
  2784. }
  2785. if (IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestConnectImp ))
  2786. {
  2787. // The query and impersonate should have succeeded.
  2788. if (FAILED(result)) return result;
  2789. // Should be able to read the registry.
  2790. if (query_authn_level < RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT)
  2791. {
  2792. result = E_FAIL;
  2793. goto exit;
  2794. }
  2795. result = RegQueryValueA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, REG_CLASS_EXE, value, &value_size );
  2796. if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
  2797. goto exit;
  2798. *ppvObj = (ITest *) this;
  2799. AddRef();
  2800. result = S_OK;
  2801. goto exit;
  2802. }
  2803. if (IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestEncryptImp ))
  2804. {
  2805. // The query and impersonate should have succeeded.
  2806. if (FAILED(result)) return result;
  2807. // Should be able to read the registry.
  2808. if (query_authn_level < RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY)
  2809. {
  2810. result = E_FAIL;
  2811. goto exit;
  2812. }
  2813. result = RegQueryValueA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, REG_CLASS_EXE, value, &value_size );
  2814. if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
  2815. goto exit;
  2816. *ppvObj = (ITest *) this;
  2817. AddRef();
  2818. result = S_OK;
  2819. goto exit;
  2820. }
  2821. if (IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestNoneId ))
  2822. {
  2823. // If there is a token, should not be able to read the registry.
  2824. success = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &token );
  2825. if (success)
  2826. {
  2827. result = RegQueryValueA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, REG_CLASS_EXE, value, &value_size );
  2828. if (result != ERROR_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)
  2829. {
  2830. result = E_FAIL;
  2831. goto exit;
  2832. }
  2833. }
  2834. *ppvObj = (ITest *) this;
  2835. AddRef();
  2836. result = S_OK;
  2837. goto exit;
  2838. }
  2839. if (IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestConnectId ))
  2840. {
  2841. // The query and impersonate should have succeeded.
  2842. if (FAILED(result)) return result;
  2843. // Should not be able to read the registry.
  2844. if (query_authn_level < RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT)
  2845. {
  2846. result = E_FAIL;
  2847. goto exit;
  2848. }
  2849. result = RegQueryValueA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, REG_CLASS_EXE, value, &value_size );
  2850. if (result != ERROR_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)
  2851. {
  2852. result = E_FAIL;
  2853. goto exit;
  2854. }
  2855. *ppvObj = (ITest *) this;
  2856. AddRef();
  2857. result = S_OK;
  2858. goto exit;
  2859. }
  2860. if (IsEqualIID( riid, IID_ITestEncryptId ))
  2861. {
  2862. // The query and impersonate should have succeeded.
  2863. if (FAILED(result)) return result;
  2864. // Should be able to read the registry.
  2865. if (query_authn_level < RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY)
  2866. {
  2867. result = E_FAIL;
  2868. goto exit;
  2869. }
  2870. result = RegQueryValueA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, REG_CLASS_EXE, value, &value_size );
  2871. if (result != ERROR_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)
  2872. {
  2873. result = E_FAIL;
  2874. goto exit;
  2875. }
  2876. *ppvObj = (ITest *) this;
  2877. AddRef();
  2878. result = S_OK;
  2879. goto exit;
  2880. }
  2881. exit:
  2882. CoRevertToSelf();
  2883. return result;
  2884. }
  2885. return E_NOINTERFACE;
  2886. }
  2887. /***************************************************************************/
  2888. STDMETHODIMP CTest::neighbor_access( ITest *neighbor )
  2889. {
  2890. return neighbor->setup_access();
  2891. }
  2892. /***************************************************************************/
  2893. STDMETHODIMP CTest::null()
  2894. {
  2895. return S_OK;
  2896. }
  2897. /***************************************************************************/
  2898. STDMETHODIMP CTest::out( ITest **obj )
  2899. {
  2900. *obj = this;
  2901. return S_OK;
  2902. }
  2903. /***************************************************************************/
  2904. STDMETHODIMP CTest::perf_access( DWORD *grant, DWORD *revoke, DWORD *set,
  2905. DWORD *get, DWORD *generate, DWORD *check,
  2906. DWORD *cache )
  2907. {
  2908. SAccess big;
  2909. TRUSTEE_W someone;
  2910. BOOL allowed;
  2911. WCHAR *caller = NULL;
  2912. LARGE_INTEGER freq;
  2913. LARGE_INTEGER start;
  2914. LARGE_INTEGER end;
  2915. ACTRL_ACCESSW *list = NULL;
  2916. HRESULT result;
  2917. ASSERT_THREAD();
  2918. // Find out who the caller is.
  2919. result = MCoQueryClientBlanket( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
  2920. (void **) &caller, NULL );
  2921. ASSERT( result, "Could not query blanket" );
  2922. // Measure performance of an access check.
  2923. QueryPerformanceFrequency( &freq );
  2924. someone.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
  2925. someone.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
  2926. someone.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
  2927. someone.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_USER;
  2928. someone.ptstrName = caller;
  2929. allowed = FALSE;
  2930. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  2931. result = dacl->IsAccessAllowed( &someone, NULL, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, &allowed );
  2932. QueryPerformanceCounter( &end );
  2933. *check = 1000000 * (DWORD) ((end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart);
  2934. ASSERT( result, "IsAcessAllowed failed" );
  2935. if (!allowed)
  2936. {
  2937. result = E_FAIL;
  2938. ASSERT( result, "IsAccessAllowed denied me" );
  2939. }
  2940. // Measure performance of a cached access check.
  2941. allowed = FALSE;
  2942. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  2943. result = dacl->IsAccessAllowed( &someone, NULL, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, &allowed );
  2944. QueryPerformanceCounter( &end );
  2945. *cache = 1000000 * (DWORD) ((end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart);
  2946. ASSERT( result, "IsAcessAllowed failed" );
  2947. if (!allowed)
  2948. {
  2949. result = E_FAIL;
  2950. ASSERT( result, "IsAccessAllowed denied me" );
  2951. }
  2952. // Measure performance of grant.
  2953. big.access.cEntries = 1;
  2954. big.access.pPropertyAccessList = &big.property;
  2955. big.property.lpProperty = NULL;
  2956. big.property.pAccessEntryList = &big.list;
  2957. big.property.fListFlags = 0;
  2958. big.list.cEntries = 1;
  2959. big.list.pAccessList = &big.entry;
  2960. big.entry.fAccessFlags = ACTRL_ACCESS_ALLOWED;
  2961. big.entry.Access = COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE;
  2962. big.entry.ProvSpecificAccess = 0;
  2963. big.entry.Inheritance = NO_INHERITANCE;
  2964. big.entry.lpInheritProperty = NULL;
  2965. big.entry.Trustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
  2966. big.entry.Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
  2967. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
  2968. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP;
  2969. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = L"*";
  2970. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  2971. result = dacl->GrantAccessRights( &big.access );
  2972. QueryPerformanceCounter( &end );
  2973. *grant = 1000000 * (DWORD) ((end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart);
  2974. ASSERT( result, "Could not grant access" );
  2975. // Measure performance of generate access check.
  2976. allowed = FALSE;
  2977. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  2978. result = dacl->IsAccessAllowed( &someone, NULL, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, &allowed );
  2979. QueryPerformanceCounter( &end );
  2980. *generate = 1000000 * (DWORD) ((end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart);
  2981. ASSERT( result, "IsAcessAllowed failed" );
  2982. if (!allowed)
  2983. {
  2984. result = E_FAIL;
  2985. ASSERT( result, "IsAccessAllowed denied me" );
  2986. }
  2987. // Measure performance of revoke.
  2988. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  2989. result = dacl->RevokeAccessRights( NULL, 1, &someone );
  2990. QueryPerformanceCounter( &end );
  2991. *revoke = 1000000 * (DWORD) ((end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart);
  2992. ASSERT( result, "Could not revoke access" );
  2993. // Measure performance of set.
  2994. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  2995. result = dacl->SetAccessRights( &big.access );
  2996. QueryPerformanceCounter( &end );
  2997. *set = 1000000 * (DWORD) ((end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart);
  2998. ASSERT( result, "Could not set access" );
  2999. // Measure performance of get.
  3000. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  3001. result = dacl->GetAllAccessRights( NULL, &list, NULL, NULL );
  3002. QueryPerformanceCounter( &end );
  3003. *get = 1000000 * (DWORD) ((end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart);
  3004. ASSERT( result, "Could not get access" );
  3005. cleanup:
  3006. if (list != NULL)
  3007. CoTaskMemFree( list );
  3008. return result;
  3009. }
  3010. /***************************************************************************/
  3011. STDMETHODIMP CTest::pipe_in( DWORD num, DWORD block, ILongPipe *pi )
  3012. {
  3013. ULONG i;
  3014. HRESULT result;
  3015. LONG buf[1000];
  3016. ULONG j;
  3017. ULONG k;
  3018. // Read the data.
  3019. i = 0;
  3020. while (i < num)
  3021. {
  3022. // Read some data.
  3023. result = pi->Pull( buf, block, &j );
  3024. if (result != S_OK)
  3025. return result;
  3026. // Verify the length.
  3027. if (i+j > num)
  3028. return E_FAIL;
  3029. // Verify the data.
  3030. for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
  3031. if (buf[k] != (LONG) i++)
  3032. return E_FAIL;
  3033. }
  3034. // The next read should return zero elements.
  3035. result = pi->Pull( buf, block, &j );
  3036. if (result != S_OK)
  3037. return result;
  3038. if (j != 0)
  3039. return E_FAIL;
  3040. return S_OK;
  3041. }
  3042. /***************************************************************************/
  3043. STDMETHODIMP CTest::pipe_inout( DWORD num, DWORD block,
  3044. ILongPipe *pi, ILongPipe *po )
  3045. {
  3046. ULONG i;
  3047. HRESULT result;
  3048. LONG buf[1000];
  3049. ULONG j;
  3050. ULONG k;
  3051. // Read the data.
  3052. i = 0;
  3053. while (i < num)
  3054. {
  3055. // Read some data.
  3056. result = pi->Pull( buf, block, &j );
  3057. if (result != S_OK)
  3058. return result;
  3059. // Verify the length.
  3060. if (i+j > num)
  3061. return E_FAIL;
  3062. // Verify the data.
  3063. for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
  3064. if (buf[k] != (LONG) i++)
  3065. return E_FAIL;
  3066. }
  3067. // The next read should return zero elements.
  3068. result = pi->Pull( buf, block, &j );
  3069. if (result != S_OK)
  3070. return result;
  3071. if (j != 0)
  3072. return E_FAIL;
  3073. // Write the out data.
  3074. i = 0;
  3075. while (i < num)
  3076. {
  3077. // Compute the size to send.
  3078. if (i+block > num)
  3079. k = num - i;
  3080. else
  3081. k = block;
  3082. // Generate the next block.
  3083. for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
  3084. buf[j] = i++;
  3085. // Send it.
  3086. result = po->Push( buf, k );
  3087. if (result != S_OK)
  3088. return result;
  3089. }
  3090. // End the pipe.
  3091. result = po->Push( buf, 0 );
  3092. if (result != S_OK)
  3093. return result;
  3094. return S_OK;
  3095. }
  3096. /***************************************************************************/
  3097. STDMETHODIMP CTest::pipe_out( DWORD num, DWORD block, ILongPipe *po )
  3098. {
  3099. ULONG i;
  3100. HRESULT result;
  3101. LONG buf[1000];
  3102. ULONG j;
  3103. ULONG k;
  3104. // Write the out data.
  3105. i = 0;
  3106. while (i < num)
  3107. {
  3108. // Compute the size to send.
  3109. if (i+block > num)
  3110. k = num - i;
  3111. else
  3112. k = block;
  3113. // Generate the next block.
  3114. for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
  3115. buf[j] = i++;
  3116. // Send it.
  3117. result = po->Push( buf, k );
  3118. if (result != S_OK)
  3119. return result;
  3120. }
  3121. // End the pipe.
  3122. result = po->Push( buf, 0 );
  3123. if (result != S_OK)
  3124. return result;
  3125. return S_OK;
  3126. }
  3127. /***************************************************************************/
  3128. STDMETHODIMP CTest::pointer( DWORD *p )
  3129. {
  3130. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3131. return S_OK;
  3132. }
  3133. /***************************************************************************/
  3134. STDMETHODIMP CTest::pound( )
  3135. {
  3136. SAptId id;
  3137. HRESULT result;
  3138. SAptData *apt = get_apt_data();
  3139. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3140. // Create a server.
  3141. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &apt->server, &id );
  3142. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  3143. // Tell the server loop to pound.
  3144. what_next( pound_wn );
  3145. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  3146. cleanup:
  3147. return result;
  3148. }
  3149. /***************************************************************************/
  3150. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  3151. HRESULT CTest::preimpersonate( BOOL fOn )
  3152. {
  3153. // The async routine should be called instead of this one.
  3154. return E_FAIL;
  3155. }
  3156. #endif
  3157. /***************************************************************************/
  3158. STDMETHODIMP CTest::recurse( ITest *callback, ULONG depth )
  3159. {
  3160. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3161. if (depth == 0)
  3162. return S_OK;
  3163. else
  3164. return callback->recurse( this, depth-1 );
  3165. }
  3166. /***************************************************************************/
  3167. STDMETHODIMP CTest::recurse_delegate( ITest *callback, ULONG depth,
  3168. STRING caller )
  3169. {
  3170. HRESULT result;
  3171. DWORD authn_svc_out;
  3172. OLECHAR *princ_name_out = NULL;
  3173. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3174. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  3175. // Impersonate
  3176. if (!Win95)
  3177. {
  3178. result = MCoImpersonateClient();
  3179. ASSERT( result, "Could not impersonate" );
  3180. }
  3181. if (depth != 0)
  3182. {
  3183. // Get the principal name and authentication service.
  3184. result = MCoQueryProxyBlanket( callback, &authn_svc_out, NULL,
  3185. &princ_name_out, NULL,
  3186. NULL, NULL, NULL );
  3187. ASSERT( result, "Could not query blanket" );
  3188. // Pick up the token for the next call.
  3189. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( callback, authn_svc_out,
  3191. princ_name_out, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  3194. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  3195. }
  3196. // If not deep enough, continue to recurse.
  3197. if (depth != 0)
  3198. {
  3199. result = callback->recurse_delegate( this, depth-1, caller );
  3200. ASSERT( result, "Could not recurse" );
  3201. }
  3202. // Get the name from the thread token.
  3203. if (!Win95)
  3204. {
  3205. result = check_token( caller, DEFAULT_CONTEXT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE );
  3206. ASSERT( result, "Wrong impersonation name." );
  3207. }
  3208. // Revert.
  3209. if (!Win95)
  3210. {
  3211. result = MCoRevertToSelf();
  3212. ASSERT( result, "Could not revert" );
  3213. result = check_token( DomainUser, NULL, -1 );
  3214. ASSERT( result, "Token not restored after revert" );
  3215. }
  3216. #endif
  3217. result = S_OK;
  3218. cleanup:
  3219. return result;
  3220. }
  3221. /***************************************************************************/
  3222. STDMETHODIMP CTest::recurse_disconnect( ITest *callback, ULONG depth )
  3223. {
  3224. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3225. HRESULT result;
  3226. if (depth == 0)
  3227. {
  3228. result = CoDisconnectObject( (ITest *) this, 0 );
  3229. return result;
  3230. }
  3231. else
  3232. {
  3233. result = callback->recurse_disconnect( this, depth-1 );
  3234. return result;
  3235. }
  3236. }
  3237. /***************************************************************************/
  3238. STDMETHODIMP CTest::recurse_excp( ITest *callback, ULONG depth )
  3239. {
  3240. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3241. if (depth == 0)
  3242. {
  3243. RaiseException( E_FAIL, 0, 0, NULL );
  3244. return E_FAIL;
  3245. }
  3246. else
  3247. return callback->recurse_excp( this, depth-1 );
  3248. }
  3249. /***************************************************************************/
  3250. STDMETHODIMP CTest::recurse_fatal( ITest *callback, ULONG catch_depth,
  3251. ULONG throw_depth, BOOL cancel )
  3252. {
  3253. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3254. if (catch_depth == 0)
  3255. {
  3256. __try
  3257. {
  3258. return recurse_fatal_helper( callback, catch_depth, throw_depth, cancel );
  3259. }
  3261. {
  3262. printf( "Exception on thread 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  3263. what_next( crippled_wn );
  3264. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  3265. return S_OK;
  3266. }
  3267. }
  3268. else
  3269. return recurse_fatal_helper( callback, catch_depth, throw_depth, cancel );
  3270. }
  3271. /***************************************************************************/
  3272. STDMETHODIMP CTest::recurse_fatal_helper( ITest *callback, ULONG catch_depth,
  3273. ULONG throw_depth, BOOL cancel )
  3274. {
  3275. volatile void **p = (volatile void **) 0xffffffff;
  3276. if (throw_depth == 0)
  3277. {
  3278. // If the cancel flag is set, tell the helper to tell the caller to cancel
  3279. // the call to this object.
  3280. if (cancel)
  3281. next->cancel();
  3282. // Die a horrible death.
  3283. return (HRESULT) *p;
  3284. }
  3285. else
  3286. return callback->recurse_fatal( this, catch_depth-1, throw_depth-1, cancel );
  3287. }
  3288. /***************************************************************************/
  3289. STDMETHODIMP CTest::recurse_interrupt( ITest *callback, ULONG depth )
  3290. {
  3291. MSG msg;
  3292. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3293. if (PeekMessageA( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ))
  3294. {
  3295. TranslateMessage (&msg);
  3296. DispatchMessageA (&msg);
  3297. }
  3298. if (depth == 0)
  3299. return S_OK;
  3300. else
  3301. return callback->recurse( this, depth-1 );
  3302. }
  3303. /***************************************************************************/
  3304. STDMETHODIMP CTest::recurse_secure( ITest *callback, ULONG depth,
  3305. ULONG imp_depth, STRING caller )
  3306. {
  3307. HRESULT result;
  3308. WCHAR *orig_name = NULL;
  3309. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3310. if (depth != 0)
  3311. {
  3312. // Set the authentication level to connect.
  3313. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( callback, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  3316. EOAC_NONE );
  3317. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  3318. }
  3319. // Determine the original token.
  3320. if (!Win95)
  3321. {
  3322. result = get_token_name( &orig_name, FALSE );
  3323. ASSERT( result, "Could not lookup original token name" );
  3324. }
  3325. // Impersonate if necessary.
  3326. if (Win95)
  3327. imp_depth += 1;
  3328. else if (imp_depth == 0)
  3329. {
  3330. result = MCoImpersonateClient();
  3331. ASSERT( result, "Could not impersonate" );
  3332. // Verify the impersonation.
  3333. result = check_token( caller, DEFAULT_CONTEXT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  3334. ASSERT( result, "Wrong impersonation name." );
  3335. }
  3336. // If not deep enough, continue to recurse.
  3337. if (depth != 0)
  3338. {
  3339. result = callback->recurse_secure( this, depth-1, imp_depth-1,
  3340. DomainUser );
  3341. ASSERT( result, "Could not recurse" );
  3342. }
  3343. if (!Win95)
  3344. {
  3345. // Verify the impersonation.
  3346. if (imp_depth == 0)
  3347. result = check_token( caller, DEFAULT_CONTEXT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  3348. else
  3349. result = check_token( orig_name, NULL, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  3350. ASSERT( result, "Wrong impersonation name." );
  3351. // Revert.
  3352. if (imp_depth == 0)
  3353. {
  3354. result = MCoRevertToSelf();
  3355. ASSERT( result, "Could not revert" );
  3356. // Verify the original token.
  3357. result = check_token( orig_name, NULL, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  3358. ASSERT( result, "Token not restored after revert" );
  3359. }
  3360. }
  3361. result = S_OK;
  3362. cleanup:
  3363. CoTaskMemFree( orig_name );
  3364. return result;
  3365. }
  3366. /***************************************************************************/
  3367. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTest::Release( THIS )
  3368. {
  3369. DWORD status;
  3370. assert_unknown();
  3371. if (InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ref_count ) == 0)
  3372. {
  3373. decrement_object_count();
  3374. if (flate_dispatch)
  3375. {
  3376. status = WaitForSingleObject( RawEvent, INFINITE );
  3377. if (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
  3378. printf( "WaitForSingleObject failed.\n" );
  3379. }
  3380. delete this;
  3381. return 0;
  3382. }
  3383. else
  3384. return ref_count;
  3385. }
  3386. /***************************************************************************/
  3387. STDMETHODIMP CTest::register_hook( GUID ext, DWORD seq )
  3388. {
  3389. CHook *hook;
  3390. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3391. // Create a new hook.
  3392. hook = new CHook( ext, seq );
  3393. if (hook == NULL)
  3394. return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
  3395. if (GlobalHook1 == NULL)
  3396. GlobalHook1 = hook;
  3397. else
  3398. GlobalHook2 = hook;
  3399. // Register it.
  3400. return CoRegisterChannelHook( ext, hook );
  3401. }
  3402. /***************************************************************************/
  3403. STDMETHODIMP CTest::register_message_filter( BOOL reg )
  3404. {
  3405. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3406. if (reg)
  3407. return CoRegisterMessageFilter( this, NULL );
  3408. else
  3409. return CoRegisterMessageFilter( NULL, NULL );
  3410. }
  3411. /***************************************************************************/
  3412. STDMETHODIMP CTest::register_rpc( WCHAR *protseq, WCHAR **binding )
  3413. {
  3414. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3415. RPC_STATUS status;
  3416. RPC_BINDING_VECTOR *bindings;
  3417. WCHAR *string;
  3418. DWORD i;
  3419. WCHAR *binding_protseq;
  3420. BOOL found;
  3421. *binding = NULL;
  3422. status = RpcServerUseProtseq( protseq, 20, NULL );
  3423. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  3424. return MAKE_WIN32( status );
  3425. status = RpcServerRegisterIf(xIDog_v0_1_s_ifspec,
  3426. NULL, // MgrTypeUuid
  3427. NULL); // MgrEpv; null means use default
  3428. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  3429. return MAKE_WIN32( status );
  3430. status = RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo( L"none", RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, 0, 0 );
  3431. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  3432. return MAKE_WIN32( status );
  3433. status = RpcServerListen( 1, 1235, TRUE );
  3434. if (status != RPC_S_OK && status != RPC_S_ALREADY_LISTENING)
  3435. return MAKE_WIN32( status );
  3436. // Inquire the string bindings.
  3437. status = RpcServerInqBindings( &bindings );
  3438. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  3439. return MAKE_WIN32( status );
  3440. if (bindings->Count == 0)
  3441. {
  3442. RpcBindingVectorFree( &bindings );
  3443. return E_FAIL;
  3444. }
  3445. // Look for ncalrpc.
  3446. for (i = 0; i < bindings->Count; i++)
  3447. {
  3448. // Convert the binding handle to a string binding, copy it, and free it.
  3449. status = RpcBindingToStringBinding( bindings->BindingH[i], &string );
  3450. if (status == RPC_S_OK)
  3451. {
  3452. // Look up the protseq.
  3453. status = RpcStringBindingParse( string, NULL, &binding_protseq,
  3454. NULL, NULL, NULL );
  3455. if (status == RPC_S_OK)
  3456. {
  3457. found = wcscmp( binding_protseq, protseq ) == 0;
  3458. RpcStringFree( &binding_protseq );
  3459. if (found)
  3460. {
  3461. *binding = (WCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( (wcslen(string)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
  3462. if (*binding != NULL)
  3463. wcscpy( *binding, string );
  3464. else
  3465. status = RPC_S_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
  3466. RpcStringFree( &string );
  3467. break;
  3468. }
  3469. }
  3470. RpcStringFree( &string );
  3471. }
  3472. }
  3473. if (*binding == NULL)
  3474. status = E_FAIL;
  3475. // Free the binding vector.
  3476. RpcBindingVectorFree( &bindings );
  3477. return status;
  3478. }
  3479. /***************************************************************************/
  3480. STDMETHODIMP CTest::reject_next()
  3481. {
  3482. freject_next = TRUE;
  3483. return S_OK;
  3484. }
  3485. /***************************************************************************/
  3486. STDMETHODIMP CTest::reinitialize( DWORD authn_svc )
  3487. {
  3488. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3489. if (authn_svc == RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT)
  3490. GlobalSecurityModel = legacy_sm;
  3491. else
  3492. {
  3493. GlobalSecurityModel = basic_sm;
  3494. GlobalAuthnSvc = authn_svc;
  3495. }
  3496. what_next( reinitialize_wn );
  3497. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  3498. return S_OK;
  3499. }
  3500. /***************************************************************************/
  3501. STDMETHODIMP CTest::remember( ITest *neighbor, SAptId id )
  3502. {
  3503. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3504. // Save this interface pointer.
  3505. if (next != NULL)
  3506. next->Release();
  3507. next_id = id;
  3508. next = neighbor;
  3509. next->AddRef();
  3510. return S_OK;
  3511. }
  3512. /***************************************************************************/
  3513. STDMETHODIMP CTest::rest_and_die()
  3514. {
  3515. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3516. what_next( rest_and_die_wn );
  3517. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  3518. return S_OK;
  3519. }
  3520. /***************************************************************************/
  3521. STDMETHODIMP CTest::retry_next()
  3522. {
  3523. fretry_next = TRUE;
  3524. return S_OK;
  3525. }
  3526. /***************************************************************************/
  3527. STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) CTest::RetryRejectedCall( HTASK callee, DWORD tick,
  3528. DWORD reject )
  3529. {
  3530. if (fretry_next)
  3531. {
  3532. fretry_next = FALSE;
  3533. return 0;
  3534. }
  3535. // Never retry.
  3536. else
  3537. return 0xffffffff;
  3538. }
  3539. /***************************************************************************/
  3540. STDMETHODIMP CTest::ring( DWORD length )
  3541. {
  3542. DWORD i = 0;
  3543. ITest *ring;
  3544. ITest *ring_next;
  3545. SAptId ring_id;
  3546. HRESULT result;
  3547. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3548. // Call all the neighbors in the ring.
  3549. ring = next;
  3550. ring_id = next_id;
  3551. next->AddRef();
  3552. while (ring != this)
  3553. {
  3554. result = ring->check( ring_id );
  3555. if (FAILED(result))
  3556. {
  3557. ring->Release();
  3558. return result;
  3559. }
  3560. result = ring->get_next( &ring_next, &ring_id );
  3561. if (FAILED(result))
  3562. {
  3563. ring->Release();
  3564. return result;
  3565. }
  3566. ring->Release();
  3567. ring = ring_next;
  3568. i++;
  3569. }
  3570. // Check to make sure the ring is correct.
  3571. ring->Release();
  3572. if (i+1 != length || ring_id.process != my_id.process ||
  3573. ring_id.thread != my_id.thread || ring_id.sequence != my_id.sequence)
  3574. return E_FAIL;
  3575. else
  3576. return S_OK;
  3577. }
  3578. /***************************************************************************/
  3579. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  3580. HRESULT CTest::secure( SAptId id, DWORD test, STRING princ_name )
  3581. {
  3582. // The async routine should be called instead of this one.
  3583. return E_FAIL;
  3584. }
  3585. #endif
  3586. /***************************************************************************/
  3587. STDMETHODIMP CTest::secure( SAptId id, DWORD authn_level, DWORD imp_level,
  3588. DWORD authn_svc, DWORD authz_svc,
  3589. STRING princ_name, STRING caller,
  3590. DWORD *authn_level_out )
  3591. {
  3592. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  3593. DWORD query_authn_level;
  3594. DWORD query_imp_level;
  3595. DWORD query_authn_svc;
  3596. DWORD query_authz_svc;
  3597. STRING query_princ_name = NULL;
  3598. WCHAR *query_priv;
  3599. *authn_level_out = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
  3600. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3601. if (id.process != 0 && id.thread != 0 && id.sequence != 0)
  3602. if (my_id.process != id.process || my_id.thread != id.thread ||
  3603. my_id.sequence != id.sequence)
  3604. return E_FAIL;
  3605. // Query for the authentication information.
  3606. result = MCoQueryClientBlanket( &query_authn_svc, &query_authz_svc,
  3607. &query_princ_name, &query_authn_level,
  3608. &query_imp_level, (void **) &query_priv, NULL );
  3609. *authn_level_out = query_authn_level;
  3610. // Sometimes query blanket fails for unsecure calls.
  3611. if (result != S_OK)
  3612. {
  3613. ASSERT_EXPR( authn_level == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE, "Query blanket failed." );
  3614. }
  3615. // For unsecure calls, all the other fields should be clear.
  3616. else if (query_authn_level == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE)
  3617. {
  3618. if (query_authn_level < authn_level)
  3619. {
  3620. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  3621. goto cleanup;
  3622. }
  3623. // The impersonation level can't be determined on the server.
  3624. // if (query_imp_level != RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE)
  3625. if (query_imp_level != RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_ANONYMOUS)
  3626. {
  3627. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  3628. goto cleanup;
  3629. }
  3630. if (query_authn_svc != RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE &&
  3631. query_authn_svc != RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT)
  3632. {
  3633. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  3634. goto cleanup;
  3635. }
  3636. if (query_authz_svc != RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE)
  3637. {
  3638. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  3639. goto cleanup;
  3640. }
  3641. if (princ_name != NULL && query_princ_name != NULL &&
  3642. _wcsicmp(princ_name, query_princ_name) != 0)
  3643. {
  3644. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  3645. goto cleanup;
  3646. }
  3647. }
  3648. // For secure calls, verify all the authentication info.
  3649. else
  3650. {
  3651. ASSERT( result, "Could not query client blanket" );
  3652. if (query_authn_level < authn_level)
  3653. {
  3654. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  3655. goto cleanup;
  3656. }
  3657. // The impersonation level can't be determined on the server.
  3658. //if (query_imp_level != imp_level)
  3659. if (query_imp_level != RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_ANONYMOUS)
  3660. {
  3661. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  3662. goto cleanup;
  3663. }
  3664. // Sometimes ncalrpc doesn't set the authentication service.
  3665. if (authn_svc != RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE &&
  3666. query_authn_svc != authn_svc &&
  3667. authn_svc != -1)
  3668. {
  3669. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  3670. goto cleanup;
  3671. }
  3672. if (query_authz_svc != authz_svc)
  3673. if (query_authz_svc != RPC_C_AUTHZ_NAME ||
  3674. authz_svc != RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE)
  3675. {
  3676. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  3677. goto cleanup;
  3678. }
  3679. if (princ_name != NULL && query_princ_name != NULL &&
  3680. _wcsicmp(princ_name, query_princ_name) != 0)
  3681. {
  3682. result = E_INVALIDARG;
  3683. goto cleanup;
  3684. }
  3685. }
  3686. // Check the thread's token.
  3687. if (!Win95)
  3688. {
  3689. result = check_token( DomainUser, NULL, -1 );
  3690. ASSERT( result, "Wrong token before impersonating" );
  3691. // Impersonate.
  3692. result = MCoImpersonateClient();
  3693. // For unsecure calls and calls using SSL the impersonate should fail.
  3694. if (authn_level == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE
  3695. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  3696. || authn_svc == RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_SCHANNEL
  3697. #endif
  3698. )
  3699. {
  3700. // Some unsecure impersonations succeed without setting the thread token.
  3701. /*
  3702. if (result == S_OK)
  3703. {
  3704. result = E_FAIL;
  3705. goto cleanup;
  3706. }
  3707. */
  3708. result = S_OK;
  3709. }
  3710. // For secure calls, compare the new thread token sid to the passed
  3711. // in sid.
  3712. else
  3713. {
  3714. ASSERT( result, "Could not impersonate" );
  3715. // Check the thread's token.
  3716. result = check_token( caller, DEFAULT_CONTEXT, imp_level );
  3717. ASSERT( result, "Wrong token after impersonating" );
  3718. }
  3719. // Revert.
  3720. result = MCoRevertToSelf();
  3721. ASSERT( result, "Could not revert" );
  3722. // Check the thread's token.
  3723. result = check_token( DomainUser, NULL, -1 );
  3724. ASSERT( result, "Wrong token after reverting" );
  3725. }
  3726. cleanup:
  3727. CoTaskMemFree( query_princ_name );
  3728. return result;
  3729. }
  3730. /***************************************************************************/
  3731. STDMETHODIMP CTest::security_performance( DWORD *get_call, DWORD *query_client,
  3732. DWORD *impersonate, DWORD *revert )
  3733. {
  3734. LARGE_INTEGER start;
  3735. LARGE_INTEGER qget_call;
  3736. LARGE_INTEGER qquery_client;
  3737. LARGE_INTEGER qimpersonate;
  3738. LARGE_INTEGER qrevert;
  3739. LARGE_INTEGER freq;
  3740. IServerSecurity *server_sec = NULL;
  3741. HRESULT result;
  3742. DWORD authn_svc;
  3743. DWORD authz_svc;
  3744. DWORD authn_level;
  3745. DWORD imp_level;
  3746. DWORD capabilities;
  3747. WCHAR *principal = NULL;
  3748. void *privs;
  3749. // Import the security APIs.
  3750. GCoGetCallContext = (CoGetCallContextFn) Fixup( "CoGetCallContext" );
  3751. GCoImpersonateClient = (CoImpersonateClientFn) Fixup( "CoImpersonateClient" );
  3752. GCoQueryClientBlanket = (CoQueryClientBlanketFn) Fixup( "CoQueryClientBlanket" );
  3753. GCoRevertToSelf = (CoRevertToSelfFn) Fixup( "CoRevertToSelf" );
  3754. if (GCoGetCallContext == NULL ||
  3755. GCoImpersonateClient == NULL ||
  3756. GCoQueryClientBlanket == NULL ||
  3757. GCoRevertToSelf == NULL)
  3758. return E_NOTIMPL;
  3759. // Measure the performance of get call context.
  3760. QueryPerformanceFrequency( &freq );
  3761. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  3762. result = MCoGetCallContext( IID_IServerSecurity, (void **) &server_sec );
  3763. QueryPerformanceCounter( &qget_call );
  3764. qget_call.QuadPart = 1000000 * (qget_call.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  3765. ASSERT( result, "Could not get call context" );
  3766. server_sec->Release();
  3767. // Measure the performance of query client.
  3768. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  3769. result = MCoQueryClientBlanket( &authn_svc, &authz_svc, &principal,
  3770. &authn_level, &imp_level, &privs, &capabilities );
  3771. QueryPerformanceCounter( &qquery_client );
  3772. qquery_client.QuadPart = 1000000 * (qquery_client.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  3773. ASSERT( result, "Could not query client blanket" );
  3774. CoTaskMemFree( principal );
  3775. // Measure the performance of impersonate.
  3776. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  3777. result = MCoImpersonateClient();
  3778. QueryPerformanceCounter( &qimpersonate );
  3779. qimpersonate.QuadPart = 1000000 * (qimpersonate.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  3780. if (Win95)
  3781. result = S_OK;
  3782. ASSERT( result, "Could not impersonate" );
  3783. // Measure the performance of revert.
  3784. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  3785. result = MCoRevertToSelf();
  3786. QueryPerformanceCounter( &qrevert );
  3787. qrevert.QuadPart = 1000000 * (qrevert.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  3788. if (Win95)
  3789. result = S_OK;
  3790. ASSERT( result, "Could not revert" );
  3791. // Return the results.
  3792. *get_call = qget_call.u.LowPart;
  3793. *query_client = qquery_client.u.LowPart;
  3794. *impersonate = qimpersonate.u.LowPart;
  3795. *revert = qrevert.u.LowPart;
  3796. cleanup:
  3797. return result;
  3798. }
  3799. /***************************************************************************/
  3800. STDMETHODIMP CTest::set_state( DWORD state, DWORD priority )
  3801. {
  3802. BOOL success;
  3803. SAptData *apt = get_apt_data();
  3804. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3805. // Save dirty flag per apartment.
  3806. if (state & dirty_s)
  3807. apt->exit_dirty = TRUE;
  3808. // Save the late dispatch flag per object.
  3809. if (state & late_dispatch_s)
  3810. flate_dispatch = TRUE;
  3811. // Set the priority.
  3812. success = SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), priority );
  3813. if (success)
  3814. return S_OK;
  3815. else
  3816. return E_FAIL;
  3817. }
  3818. /***************************************************************************/
  3819. STDMETHODIMP CTest::setup_access()
  3820. {
  3821. SAccess big;
  3822. TRUSTEE_W someone;
  3823. BOOL allowed;
  3824. WCHAR *caller = NULL;
  3825. HRESULT result;
  3826. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3827. // Create an IAccessControl
  3828. result = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DCOMAccessControl, NULL,
  3830. IID_IAccessControl, (void **) &dacl );
  3831. ASSERT( result, "Could not create DCOM access control." );
  3832. // Give everyone access.
  3833. big.access.cEntries = 1;
  3834. big.access.pPropertyAccessList = &big.property;
  3835. big.property.lpProperty = NULL;
  3836. big.property.pAccessEntryList = &big.list;
  3837. big.property.fListFlags = 0;
  3838. big.list.cEntries = 1;
  3839. big.list.pAccessList = &big.entry;
  3840. big.entry.fAccessFlags = ACTRL_ACCESS_ALLOWED;
  3841. big.entry.Access = COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE;
  3842. big.entry.ProvSpecificAccess = 0;
  3843. big.entry.Inheritance = NO_INHERITANCE;
  3844. big.entry.lpInheritProperty = NULL;
  3845. big.entry.Trustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
  3846. big.entry.Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
  3847. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
  3848. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP;
  3849. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = L"*";
  3850. result = dacl->SetAccessRights( &big.access );
  3851. ASSERT( result, "Could not set access" );
  3852. // Find out who the caller is.
  3853. result = MCoQueryClientBlanket( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
  3854. (void **) &caller, NULL );
  3855. ASSERT( result, "Could not query blanket" );
  3856. // Make it generate the ACL.
  3857. someone.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
  3858. someone.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
  3859. someone.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
  3860. someone.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_USER;
  3861. someone.ptstrName = caller;
  3862. allowed = FALSE;
  3863. result = dacl->IsAccessAllowed( &someone, NULL, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, &allowed );
  3864. ASSERT( result, "IsAcessAllowed failed" );
  3865. if (!allowed)
  3866. {
  3867. result = E_FAIL;
  3868. ASSERT( result, "IsAccessAllowed denied me" );
  3869. }
  3870. cleanup:
  3871. return result;
  3872. }
  3873. /***************************************************************************/
  3874. STDMETHODIMP CTest::sick( ULONG val )
  3875. {
  3876. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3877. __try
  3878. {
  3879. RaiseException( val, 0, 0, NULL );
  3880. }
  3882. {
  3883. }
  3884. return S_OK;
  3885. }
  3886. /***************************************************************************/
  3887. STDMETHODIMP CTest::sleep( ULONG time )
  3888. {
  3889. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3890. NestedCallCount += 1;
  3891. printf( "Sleeping on thread %d for the %d time concurrently.\n",
  3892. GetCurrentThreadId(), NestedCallCount );
  3893. // For multithreaded mode, verify that this is not the main thread.
  3894. if (get_apt_type() == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  3895. {
  3896. if (GetCurrentThreadId() == MainThread)
  3897. {
  3898. printf( "Sleep called on the main thread in multi threaded mode.\n" );
  3899. NestedCallCount -= 1;
  3900. return FALSE;
  3901. }
  3902. }
  3903. // For single threaded mode, verify that this is the only call on the
  3904. // main thread.
  3905. else
  3906. {
  3907. if (GetCurrentThreadId() != MainThread)
  3908. {
  3909. printf( "Sleep called on the wrong thread in single threaded mode.\n" );
  3910. NestedCallCount -= 1;
  3911. return FALSE;
  3912. }
  3913. else if (NestedCallCount != 1)
  3914. {
  3915. printf( "Sleep nested call count is %d instead of not 1 in single threaded mode.\n",
  3916. NestedCallCount );
  3917. NestedCallCount -= 1;
  3918. return FALSE;
  3919. }
  3920. }
  3921. Sleep( time );
  3922. NestedCallCount -= 1;
  3923. return S_OK;
  3924. }
  3925. /***************************************************************************/
  3926. STDMETHODIMP CTest::swap_key( DWORD clen, BYTE *cblob, DWORD *slen,
  3927. BYTE **sblob )
  3928. {
  3929. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  3930. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  3931. BOOL success = FALSE;
  3932. // Get the default full provider.
  3933. *sblob = NULL;
  3934. *slen = 0;
  3935. success = CryptAcquireContext( &CryptProvider, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0 );
  3936. ASSERT_GLE( success, NTE_BAD_KEYSET, "Could not acqure full context." );
  3937. // If there is no container, create one.
  3938. if (!success)
  3939. {
  3940. success = CryptAcquireContext( &CryptProvider, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL,
  3942. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not acqure full context." );
  3943. }
  3944. success = FALSE;
  3945. // Get the exchange public key.
  3946. success = CryptGetUserKey( CryptProvider, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, &ExchangeKey );
  3947. ASSERT_GLE( success, NTE_NO_KEY, "Could not open exchange key" );
  3948. // Generate the exchange key if there wasn't one.
  3949. if (!success)
  3950. {
  3951. success = CryptGenKey( CryptProvider, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE,
  3952. &ExchangeKey );
  3953. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not create exchange key" );
  3954. }
  3955. success = FALSE;
  3956. // Compute the size of the public key.
  3957. *slen = 0;
  3958. success = CryptExportKey( ExchangeKey, NULL, PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, NULL, slen );
  3959. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not size public key" );
  3960. // Allocate memory to hold the public key.
  3961. *sblob = (BYTE *) CoTaskMemAlloc( *slen );
  3962. ASSERT_EXPR( *sblob != NULL, "Could not allocate memory." );
  3963. // Export a public blob.
  3964. success = CryptExportKey( ExchangeKey, NULL, PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, *sblob, slen );
  3965. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not export public key" );
  3966. success = TRUE;
  3967. cleanup:
  3968. if (!success && result == S_OK)
  3969. result = E_FAIL;
  3970. return result;
  3971. #else
  3972. return E_FAIL;
  3973. #endif
  3974. }
  3975. /***************************************************************************/
  3976. STDMETHODIMP CTest::test( ULONG gronk )
  3977. {
  3978. IStream *stream = (IStream *) gronk;
  3979. ITest *server = NULL;
  3980. HRESULT result;
  3981. // Unmarshal from the stream.
  3982. result = CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream( stream, IID_ITest, (void **) &server );
  3983. if (result != S_OK)
  3984. return result;
  3985. // Release the server.
  3986. server->Release();
  3987. return S_OK;
  3988. }
  3989. /***************************************************************************/
  3990. STDMETHODIMP CTest::what( DWORD *what )
  3991. {
  3992. ASSERT_THREAD();
  3993. *what = state;
  3994. return S_OK;
  3995. }
  3996. /***************************************************************************/
  3998. {
  3999. InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &ref_count );
  4000. return ref_count;
  4001. }
  4002. /***************************************************************************/
  4003. CTestCF::CTestCF()
  4004. {
  4005. ref_count = 1;
  4006. }
  4007. /***************************************************************************/
  4008. CTestCF::~CTestCF()
  4009. {
  4010. }
  4011. /***************************************************************************/
  4012. STDMETHODIMP CTestCF::CreateInstance(
  4013. IUnknown FAR* pUnkOuter,
  4014. REFIID iidInterface,
  4015. void FAR* FAR* ppv)
  4016. {
  4017. HRESULT result;
  4018. *ppv = NULL;
  4019. if (pUnkOuter != NULL)
  4020. {
  4021. printf( "Create instance failed, attempted agregation.\n" );
  4022. return E_FAIL;
  4023. }
  4024. // Impersonate the caller and save the creator's name.
  4025. result = CoImpersonateClient();
  4026. if (SUCCEEDED(result))
  4027. {
  4028. get_token_name( &Creator, TRUE );
  4029. CoRevertToSelf();
  4030. }
  4031. if (IsEqualIID( iidInterface, IID_ITest ) ||
  4032. IsEqualIID( iidInterface, IID_IUnknown ))
  4033. {
  4034. CTest *Test = new FAR CTest();
  4035. if (Test == NULL)
  4036. {
  4037. printf( "Create interface failed, no memory.\n" );
  4038. return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
  4039. }
  4040. *ppv = Test;
  4041. printf( "Created instance.\n" );
  4042. return S_OK;
  4043. }
  4044. if (IsEqualIID( iidInterface, IID_IAdviseSink ))
  4045. {
  4046. CAdvise *Test = new FAR CAdvise();
  4047. if (Test == NULL)
  4048. {
  4049. printf( "Create interface failed, no memory.\n" );
  4050. return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
  4051. }
  4052. *ppv = Test;
  4053. printf( "Created instance.\n" );
  4054. return S_OK;
  4055. }
  4056. printf( "Create interface failed, wrong interface.\n" );
  4057. return E_NOINTERFACE;
  4058. }
  4059. /***************************************************************************/
  4060. STDMETHODIMP CTestCF::LockServer(BOOL fLock)
  4061. {
  4062. return E_FAIL;
  4063. }
  4064. /***************************************************************************/
  4065. STDMETHODIMP CTestCF::QueryInterface( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
  4066. {
  4067. if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
  4068. IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IClassFactory))
  4069. {
  4070. *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) this;
  4071. AddRef();
  4072. return S_OK;
  4073. }
  4074. *ppvObj = NULL;
  4075. return E_NOINTERFACE;
  4076. }
  4077. /***************************************************************************/
  4078. STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTestCF::Release( THIS )
  4079. {
  4080. if (InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ref_count ) == 0)
  4081. {
  4082. delete this;
  4083. return 0;
  4084. }
  4085. else
  4086. return ref_count;
  4087. }
  4088. /***************************************************************************/
  4089. DWORD _stdcall apartment_base( void *param )
  4090. {
  4091. new_apt_params *nap = (new_apt_params *) param;
  4092. CTestCF *factory;
  4093. ULONG size;
  4094. HRESULT result;
  4095. HANDLE memory;
  4096. BOOL success;
  4097. SAptData tls_data;
  4098. // In the single threaded mode, stick a pointer to the object count
  4099. // in TLS.
  4100. if (nap->thread_mode == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  4101. {
  4102. tls_data.object_count = 0;
  4103. tls_data.what_next = setup_wn;
  4104. tls_data.exit_dirty = FALSE;
  4105. tls_data.sequence = 0;
  4106. tls_data.server = NULL;
  4107. TlsSetValue( TlsIndex, &tls_data );
  4108. }
  4109. // Initialize OLE.
  4110. if (nap->thread_mode == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  4111. printf( "Initializing thread 0x%x in apartment threaded mode.\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  4112. else
  4113. printf( "Initializing thread 0x%x in multithreaded mode.\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  4114. result = initialize(NULL,nap->thread_mode);
  4115. if (SUCCEEDED(result))
  4116. {
  4117. // Create a class factory.
  4118. factory = new CTestCF;
  4119. if (factory != NULL)
  4120. {
  4121. // Find out how much memory to allocate.
  4122. result = CoGetMarshalSizeMax( &size, IID_IClassFactory, factory, 0, NULL,
  4124. if (SUCCEEDED(result))
  4125. {
  4126. // Allocate memory.
  4127. memory = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, size );
  4128. if (memory != NULL)
  4129. {
  4130. // Create a stream.
  4131. result = CreateStreamOnHGlobal( memory, TRUE, &nap->stream );
  4132. if (FAILED(result))
  4133. {
  4134. nap->stream = NULL;
  4135. GlobalFree( memory );
  4136. }
  4137. // Marshal the class factory.
  4138. else
  4139. {
  4140. result = CoMarshalInterface( nap->stream, IID_IClassFactory,
  4141. factory, 0, NULL, MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL );
  4142. // Seek back to the start of the stream.
  4143. if (SUCCEEDED(result))
  4144. {
  4145. LARGE_INTEGER pos;
  4146. LISet32(pos, 0);
  4147. result = nap->stream->Seek( pos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL );
  4148. }
  4149. if (FAILED(result))
  4150. {
  4151. nap->stream->Release();
  4152. nap->stream = NULL;
  4153. }
  4154. }
  4155. }
  4156. }
  4157. }
  4158. }
  4159. // Pass it back to the creator.
  4160. success = nap->stream != NULL;
  4161. SetEvent( nap->ready );
  4162. // Loop till it is time to go away.
  4163. if (success)
  4164. server_loop();
  4165. if (!dirty_thread())
  4166. {
  4167. printf( "Uninitializing thread 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  4168. CoUninitialize();
  4169. }
  4170. else
  4171. printf( "Did not uninitialize thread 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  4172. TlsSetValue( TlsIndex, NULL );
  4173. return 0;
  4174. }
  4175. /***************************************************************************/
  4176. void callback()
  4177. {
  4178. HRESULT result;
  4179. // Call the client back.
  4180. Sleep(1);
  4181. result = GlobalTest->callback();
  4182. if (result != S_OK)
  4183. printf( "Could not callback client: 0x%x\n", result );
  4184. // Release the client.
  4185. GlobalTest->Release();
  4186. GlobalTest = NULL;
  4187. }
  4188. /***************************************************************************/
  4189. void check_for_request()
  4190. {
  4191. MSG msg;
  4192. if (get_apt_type() == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  4193. {
  4194. if (PeekMessageA( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ))
  4195. {
  4196. TranslateMessage (&msg);
  4197. DispatchMessageA (&msg);
  4198. }
  4199. }
  4200. }
  4201. /***************************************************************************/
  4202. HRESULT check_token( WCHAR *name, IServerSecurity *context, DWORD imp_level )
  4203. {
  4204. TOKEN_USER *token_info = NULL;
  4205. DWORD info_size = 1024;
  4206. HANDLE token = NULL;
  4207. HRESULT result = E_FAIL;
  4208. DWORD lNameLen = 1000;
  4209. DWORD lDomainLen = 1000;
  4210. DWORD lIgnore;
  4211. WCHAR token_name[1000];
  4212. WCHAR domain[1000];
  4213. WCHAR full_name[1000];
  4214. SID_NAME_USE sIgnore;
  4215. BOOL success;
  4216. DWORD imp_level_out;
  4217. success = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &token );
  4218. if (context != NULL)
  4219. {
  4220. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not open thread token while impersonating" );
  4221. }
  4222. else
  4223. {
  4224. ASSERT_GLE( success, ERROR_NO_TOKEN, "Could not OpenThreadToken" );
  4225. if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_TOKEN)
  4226. return S_OK;
  4227. }
  4228. // Get memory for the token information.
  4229. token_info = (TOKEN_USER *) malloc( info_size );
  4230. ASSERT_EXPR( token_info != NULL, "Could not allocate memory." );
  4231. // Get the token sid.
  4232. success = GetTokenInformation( token, TokenUser, token_info, info_size, &info_size );
  4233. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not GetTokenInformation" );
  4234. // Temporarily revert.
  4235. if (context == DEFAULT_CONTEXT)
  4236. CoRevertToSelf();
  4237. else if (context != NULL)
  4238. context->RevertToSelf();
  4239. // Get the user name.
  4240. success = LookupAccountSid( NULL, token_info->User.Sid, token_name,
  4241. &lNameLen, domain, &lDomainLen, &sIgnore );
  4242. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not LookupAccountSid" );
  4243. // Reimpersonate.
  4244. if (context != NULL)
  4245. {
  4246. if (context == DEFAULT_CONTEXT)
  4247. result = CoImpersonateClient();
  4248. else
  4249. result = context->ImpersonateClient();
  4250. ASSERT( result, "Could not reimpersonate" );
  4251. result = E_FAIL;
  4252. }
  4253. // Stick the domain and user names together.
  4254. wcscpy( full_name, domain );
  4255. wcscat( full_name, L"\\" );
  4256. wcscat( full_name, token_name );
  4257. // Check the user name in the thread token.
  4258. if (context != NULL)
  4259. {
  4260. if (_wcsicmp( full_name, name ) != 0)
  4261. {
  4262. printf( "Token contains <%ws> instead of <%ws>.\n", full_name, name );
  4263. // See if the domain is supposed to be ntdev.
  4264. if (_wcsicmp( domain, L"redmond" ) == 0)
  4265. {
  4266. wcscpy( full_name, L"ntdev\\" );
  4267. wcscat( full_name, token_name );
  4268. ASSERT_EXPR( _wcsicmp( full_name, name ) == 0, "Wrong name in token." );
  4269. printf( "***** \010 NTDEV to REDMOND hack \010*****\n" );
  4270. }
  4271. else
  4272. ASSERT_EXPR( FALSE, "Wrong name in token." );
  4273. }
  4274. else
  4275. printf( "Check_token well impersonating <%ws>\n", full_name );
  4276. }
  4277. else
  4278. ASSERT_EXPR( _wcsicmp( full_name, name ) == 0, "Wrong name in token." );
  4279. // Get the token impersonation level.
  4280. success = GetTokenInformation( token, TokenImpersonationLevel, &imp_level_out,
  4281. sizeof(imp_level_out), &info_size );
  4282. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not GetTokenInformation for impersonation level" );
  4283. // Convert from SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL to RPC_C_IMP and
  4284. // check the impersonation level.
  4285. ASSERT_EXPR( imp_level == -1 || imp_level_out+1 == imp_level, "Bad impersonation level." );
  4286. result = S_OK;
  4287. cleanup:
  4288. if (token_info != NULL)
  4289. free(token_info);
  4290. if (token != NULL)
  4291. CloseHandle( token );
  4292. return result;
  4293. }
  4294. /***************************************************************************/
  4295. HRESULT create_instance( REFCLSID class_id, DWORD dest, ITest **instance,
  4296. SAptId *id )
  4297. {
  4298. COSERVERINFO server_machine;
  4299. MULTI_QI server_instance;
  4300. char machinea[MAX_NAME];
  4301. HRESULT result;
  4302. // If the server is this process, create a new thread.
  4303. *instance = NULL;
  4304. if (dest == same_process_wd)
  4305. result = new_apartment( instance, id, NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED );
  4306. // If the server is this machine, just call CoCreateInstance.
  4307. else if (dest == same_machine_wd ||
  4308. (dest == third_machine_wd && Name2[0] == 0))
  4309. result = CoCreateInstance( class_id, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  4310. IID_ITest, (void **) instance );
  4311. // Otherwise call CoCreateInstanceEx.
  4312. else
  4313. {
  4314. if (dest == third_machine_wd)
  4315. server_machine.pwszName = Name2;
  4316. else
  4317. server_machine.pwszName = Name;
  4318. server_machine.dwReserved1 = 0;
  4319. server_machine.pAuthInfo = 0;
  4320. server_machine.dwReserved2 = 0;
  4321. server_instance.pIID = &IID_ITest;
  4322. server_instance.pItf = NULL;
  4323. server_instance.hr = S_OK;
  4324. result = CoCreateInstanceEx( class_id, NULL, CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER,
  4325. &server_machine, 1, &server_instance );
  4326. *instance = (ITest *) server_instance.pItf;
  4327. }
  4328. // Get the server's id.
  4329. if (SUCCEEDED(result) && *instance != NULL && id != NULL)
  4330. result = (*instance)->get_id( id );
  4331. return result;
  4332. }
  4333. /***************************************************************************/
  4334. void crippled()
  4335. {
  4336. HRESULT result;
  4337. SAptData *mine = get_apt_data();
  4338. SAptId id;
  4339. RPC_BINDING_HANDLE handle = NULL;
  4340. RPC_STATUS status;
  4341. CTest local;
  4342. // Tell the apartment to quit.
  4343. mine->what_next = quit_wn;
  4344. // Try to make a call out.
  4345. id.process = 0;
  4346. id.thread = 0;
  4347. id.sequence = 0;
  4348. result = GlobalTest->check( id );
  4349. #if 0
  4350. if (result != RPC_E_CRIPPLED)
  4351. {
  4352. printf( "Expected RPC_E_CRIPPLED making call: 0x%x\n", result );
  4353. result = E_FAIL;
  4354. goto cleanup;
  4355. }
  4356. #endif
  4357. // Try to reinitialize.
  4358. CoUninitialize();
  4359. result = initialize(NULL,get_apt_type());
  4360. if (result != CO_E_INIT_RPC_CHANNEL)
  4361. {
  4362. printf( "Expected CO_E_INIT_RPC_CHANNEL reinitializing: 0x%x\n", result );
  4363. result = E_FAIL;
  4364. goto cleanup;
  4365. }
  4366. // Success.
  4367. result = S_OK;
  4368. cleanup:
  4369. // Make the server loop quit.
  4370. mine->what_next = quit_wn;
  4371. mine->object_count = 0;
  4372. // Create a binding handle.
  4373. status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding( GlobalBinding, &handle );
  4374. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  4375. {
  4376. printf( "Could not make binding handle form string binding: 0x%x\n" );
  4377. return;
  4378. }
  4379. // Make a raw RPC call to report the results.
  4380. set_status( handle, result, (unsigned long *) &status );
  4381. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  4382. {
  4383. printf( "Could not make RPC call: 0x%x\n", status );
  4384. return;
  4385. }
  4386. local.set_state( dirty_s, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
  4387. }
  4388. /***************************************************************************/
  4389. void decrement_object_count()
  4390. {
  4391. SAptData *apt = get_apt_data();
  4392. DWORD count = InterlockedDecrement( &apt->object_count );
  4393. if (get_apt_type() == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  4394. {
  4395. if (count == 0)
  4396. wake_up_and_smell_the_roses();
  4397. }
  4398. }
  4399. /***************************************************************************/
  4400. BOOL dirty_thread()
  4401. {
  4402. SAptData *apt = get_apt_data();
  4403. return apt->exit_dirty;
  4404. }
  4405. /***************************************************************************/
  4406. void do_access()
  4407. {
  4408. BOOL success = FALSE;
  4409. ITest *server = NULL;
  4410. SAptId id_server;
  4411. CTest local;
  4412. CAccessControl access;
  4413. HRESULT result;
  4414. DWORD i;
  4415. // Initialize OLE.
  4416. hello( "access" );
  4417. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  4418. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  4419. // Initialize security incorrectly
  4420. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( &access, -1, NULL,
  4423. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  4424. ASSERT_EXPR( result != 0, "Could initialize security incorrectly" );
  4425. // Initialize security
  4426. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( &access, -1, NULL,
  4430. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  4431. // Create a possibly remote object.
  4432. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  4433. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  4434. // Tell the remote object to call the local object.
  4435. result = server->recurse( &local, 1 );
  4436. ASSERT( result, "Could not callback" );
  4437. // Reinitialize.
  4438. server->Release();
  4439. server = NULL;
  4440. CoUninitialize();
  4441. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  4442. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  4443. // Change IAccessControl to deny access.
  4444. result = access.deny_me();
  4445. ASSERT( result, "Could not modify access" );
  4446. // Initialize security
  4447. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) &access, -1, NULL,
  4451. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  4452. // Create a possibly remote object.
  4453. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  4454. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  4455. // Tell the remote object to call the local object.
  4456. result = server->recurse( &local, 1 );
  4457. ASSERT_EXPR( Win95 || result != S_OK, "Callback should have been denied." );
  4458. // Finally, its all over.
  4459. success = TRUE;
  4460. cleanup:
  4461. if (server != NULL)
  4462. server->Release();
  4463. CoUninitialize();
  4464. if (success)
  4465. printf( "\n\nAccess Test Passed.\n" );
  4466. else
  4467. printf( "\n\nAccess Test Failed.\n" );
  4468. }
  4469. /***************************************************************************/
  4470. void do_access_control()
  4471. {
  4472. BOOL success = FALSE;
  4473. ITest *server = NULL;
  4474. SAptId id_server;
  4475. HRESULT result;
  4476. DWORD i;
  4477. char buffer[80];
  4478. DWORD len = 80;
  4479. IAccessControl *access = NULL;
  4480. TRUSTEE_W someone;
  4481. IPersistStream *persist = NULL;
  4482. ULARGE_INTEGER size;
  4483. HANDLE memory;
  4484. IStream *stream = NULL;
  4485. SPermissionHeader header;
  4486. HKEY key = NULL;
  4487. DWORD ignore;
  4488. SAccess big;
  4489. BOOL allowed;
  4490. SID everyone = {1, 1, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5}, 0x12};
  4491. ACTRL_ACCESSW *list = NULL;
  4492. // Initialize OLE.
  4493. hello( "access control" );
  4494. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  4495. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  4496. // Get the user name.
  4497. ignore = sizeof(buffer);
  4498. success = GetUserNameA( buffer, &ignore );
  4499. ASSERT_EXPR( success, "Could not get user name." );
  4500. printf( "You are <%s>\n", buffer );
  4501. success = FALSE;
  4502. // Create an IAccessControl.
  4503. result = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DCOMAccessControl, NULL,
  4505. IID_IAccessControl, (void **) &access );
  4506. ASSERT( result, "Could not create DCOM access control." );
  4507. // Query for IPersistStream
  4508. result = access->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistStream, (void **) &persist );
  4509. ASSERT( result, "Could not get IPersistStream" );
  4510. // Test set with nothing.
  4511. big.access.cEntries = 1;
  4512. big.access.pPropertyAccessList = &big.property;
  4513. big.property.lpProperty = NULL;
  4514. big.property.pAccessEntryList = &big.list;
  4515. big.property.fListFlags = 0;
  4516. big.list.cEntries = 1;
  4517. big.list.pAccessList = &big.entry;
  4518. big.entry.fAccessFlags = ACTRL_ACCESS_ALLOWED;
  4519. big.entry.Access = COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE;
  4520. big.entry.ProvSpecificAccess = 0;
  4521. big.entry.Inheritance = NO_INHERITANCE;
  4522. big.entry.lpInheritProperty = NULL;
  4523. big.entry.Trustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
  4524. big.entry.Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
  4525. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
  4526. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP;
  4527. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = L"*";
  4528. big.list.cEntries = 0;
  4529. result = access->SetAccessRights( &big.access );
  4530. ASSERT( result, "Could not set access" );
  4531. big.list.cEntries = 1;
  4532. // Test Grant
  4533. result = access->GrantAccessRights( &big.access );
  4534. ASSERT( result, "Could not grant access" );
  4535. // Test grant of a sid.
  4536. if (!Win95)
  4537. {
  4538. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID;
  4539. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_USER;
  4540. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = (WCHAR *) &everyone;
  4541. result = access->GrantAccessRights( &big.access );
  4542. ASSERT( result, "Could not grant access" );
  4543. }
  4544. // Test Deny
  4545. big.entry.fAccessFlags = ACTRL_ACCESS_DENIED;
  4546. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
  4547. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_USER;
  4548. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = L"redmond\\shannonc";
  4549. result = access->GrantAccessRights( &big.access );
  4550. ASSERT( result, "Could not deny access" );
  4551. // Test bad Grant
  4552. big.entry.fAccessFlags = ACTRL_ACCESS_ALLOWED;
  4553. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = L"foo\\bar";
  4554. result = access->GrantAccessRights( &big.access );
  4555. ASSERT_EXPR( Win95 || result != S_OK, "Bad grant succeeded." );
  4556. /*
  4557. // Test Grant interactive
  4558. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP;
  4559. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = L"nt authority\\interactive";
  4560. result = access->GrantAccessRights( &big.access );
  4561. ASSERT( result, "Could not grant access to interactive" );
  4562. */
  4563. // Test Grant system
  4564. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_USER;
  4565. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = L"nt authority\\system";
  4566. result = access->GrantAccessRights( &big.access );
  4567. ASSERT( result, "Could not grant access to system" );
  4568. // Test bad IsAccessPermitted.
  4569. someone.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
  4570. someone.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
  4571. someone.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
  4572. someone.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_USER;
  4573. someone.ptstrName = L"redmond\\alexmit";
  4574. allowed = TRUE;
  4575. result = access->IsAccessAllowed( &someone, NULL, COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, &allowed );
  4576. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK && allowed != TRUE,
  4577. "Bad IsAccessPermitted succeeded." );
  4578. // Get the access rights.
  4579. result = access->GetAllAccessRights( NULL, &list, NULL, NULL );
  4580. ASSERT( result, "Could not get rights" );
  4581. ASSERT_EXPR( list != NULL &&
  4582. list->cEntries == 1 &&
  4583. list->pPropertyAccessList != NULL &&
  4584. list->pPropertyAccessList->pAccessEntryList != NULL &&
  4585. (list->pPropertyAccessList->pAccessEntryList->cEntries == 4 ||
  4586. list->pPropertyAccessList->pAccessEntryList->cEntries == 4) &&
  4587. list->pPropertyAccessList->pAccessEntryList->pAccessList != NULL,
  4588. "Bad access list" );
  4589. CoTaskMemFree( list );
  4590. list = NULL;
  4591. // Create a possibly remote object.
  4592. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  4593. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  4594. // Ask it for an access list.
  4595. result = server->list_out( &list );
  4596. ASSERT( result, "Could get access list from server" );
  4597. server->Release();
  4598. server = NULL;
  4599. // Test Set.
  4600. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
  4601. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP;
  4602. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = L"*";
  4603. result = access->SetAccessRights( &big.access );
  4604. ASSERT( result, "Could not set access" );
  4605. // Find out how big the ACL is.
  4606. result = persist->GetSizeMax( &size );
  4607. ASSERT( result, "Could not get size" );
  4608. size.QuadPart += sizeof(SPermissionHeader);
  4609. // Create a stream on memory. Don't free the memory. Releasing the
  4610. // stream frees it.
  4611. memory = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, size.LowPart );
  4612. ASSERT_EXPR( memory != NULL, "Could not get memory." );
  4613. result = CreateStreamOnHGlobal( memory, TRUE, &stream );
  4614. ASSERT( result, "Could not create stream" );
  4615. // Write the header.
  4616. header.version = 2;
  4617. header.classid = CLSID_DCOMAccessControl;
  4618. result = stream->Write( &header, sizeof(header), NULL );
  4619. ASSERT( result, "Could not write header to stream" );
  4620. // Write the ACL to memory.
  4621. result = persist->Save( stream, TRUE );
  4622. ASSERT( result, "Could not save" );
  4623. // Open the app id key.
  4624. result = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
  4625. "AppID\\{60000300-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}",
  4626. NULL,
  4627. NULL,
  4630. NULL,
  4631. &key,
  4632. &ignore );
  4633. ASSERT( result, "Could not create app id key" );
  4634. // Write the ACL to the registry.
  4635. result = RegSetValueExA(
  4636. key,
  4637. "AccessPermission",
  4638. NULL,
  4639. REG_BINARY,
  4640. (UCHAR *) memory,
  4641. size.LowPart );
  4642. ASSERT( result, "Could not set access permissions" );
  4643. // Activate a legacy server locally.
  4644. result = CoCreateInstance( ClassIds[apt_legacy], NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  4645. IID_ITest, (void **) &server );
  4646. // Delete the access permission value.
  4647. result = RegDeleteValueA( key, "AccessPermission" );
  4648. ASSERT( result, "Could not delete access permission value" );
  4649. // Finally, its all over.
  4650. success = TRUE;
  4651. cleanup:
  4652. if (server != NULL)
  4653. server->Release();
  4654. if (access != NULL)
  4655. access->Release();
  4656. if (persist != NULL)
  4657. persist->Release();
  4658. if (stream != NULL)
  4659. stream->Release();
  4660. if (key != NULL)
  4661. RegCloseKey( key );
  4662. if (list != NULL)
  4663. CoTaskMemFree( list );
  4664. CoUninitialize();
  4665. if (success)
  4666. printf( "\n\nAccess Control Test Passed.\n" );
  4667. else
  4668. printf( "\n\nAccess Control Test Failed.\n" );
  4669. }
  4670. /***************************************************************************/
  4671. void do_anti_delegation()
  4672. {
  4673. BOOL success = FALSE;
  4674. ITest *server = NULL;
  4675. ITest *server2 = NULL;
  4676. ITest *server3 = NULL;
  4677. ITest *server4 = NULL;
  4678. ITest *server5 = NULL;
  4679. ITest *local = NULL;
  4680. SAptId id_server;
  4681. SAptId id_server2;
  4682. SAptId id_server3;
  4683. SAptId id_server4;
  4684. SAptId id_server5;
  4685. SAptId id_null = { 0, 0, 0 };
  4686. HRESULT result;
  4687. IStream *stream = NULL;
  4688. HANDLE process = NULL;
  4689. HANDLE process2 = NULL;
  4690. HANDLE oleuser = NULL;
  4691. HANDLE oleadmin = NULL;
  4692. DWORD ignore;
  4693. DWORD cls = Change ? opposite_wc : any_wc;
  4694. DWORD authn_level_out;
  4695. DWORD imp_level_out;
  4696. DWORD authn_svc_out;
  4697. DWORD authz_svc_out;
  4698. OLECHAR *princ_name_out = NULL;
  4699. // Initialize OLE.
  4700. hello( "anti_delegation" );
  4701. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  4702. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  4703. result = initialize_security();
  4704. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  4705. // Create a client.
  4706. result = create_instance( get_class(cls), WhatDest, &server, NULL );
  4707. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  4708. // Create a client.
  4709. result = create_instance( get_class(cls), WhatDest, &server2, NULL );
  4710. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  4711. // Create a client.
  4712. result = create_instance( get_class(cls), WhatDest, &server3, NULL );
  4713. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  4714. // Create a client.
  4715. result = create_instance( get_class(cls), WhatDest, &server4, NULL );
  4716. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  4717. // Create a client.
  4718. result = create_instance( get_class(cls), WhatDest, &server5, NULL );
  4719. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  4720. // Create a test object.
  4721. local = new CTest;
  4722. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not create object" );
  4723. // Get the process token
  4724. success = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_DUPLICATE, &process );
  4725. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not open process token" );
  4726. success = FALSE;
  4727. success = DuplicateToken( process, SecurityImpersonation, &process2 );
  4728. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not duplicate process token" );
  4729. success = FALSE;
  4730. // Logon oleuser
  4731. success = LogonUser( L"oleuser", L"redmond", OleUserPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH,
  4732. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &oleuser );
  4733. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on oleuser" );
  4734. success = FALSE;
  4735. // Logon oleadmin
  4736. success = LogonUser( L"oleadmin", L"redmond", OleUserPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH,
  4737. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &oleadmin );
  4738. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on oleadmin" );
  4739. success = FALSE;
  4740. // Make a call.
  4741. result = server->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4743. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4744. &ignore );
  4745. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore oleuser token" );
  4746. // Set the oleuser token.
  4747. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleuser );
  4748. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser" );
  4749. success = FALSE;
  4750. // Make a call.
  4751. result = server2->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4753. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4754. &ignore );
  4755. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore oleuser token" );
  4756. // Make a call.
  4757. result = server2->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4759. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4760. &ignore );
  4761. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore oleuser token" );
  4762. // Set the security.
  4763. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server3, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  4766. EOAC_NONE );
  4767. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  4768. // Make a call.
  4769. result = server3->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4771. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4772. &ignore );
  4773. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore oleuser token" );
  4774. // Set the process token.
  4775. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  4776. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not remove thread token" );
  4777. success = FALSE;
  4778. // Set blanket
  4779. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server4, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  4782. EOAC_NONE );
  4783. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  4784. // Make a call.
  4785. result = server4->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4787. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4788. &ignore );
  4789. ASSERT( result, "Did not use process token" );
  4790. // Set blanket
  4791. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server5, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  4794. EOAC_NONE );
  4795. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  4796. // Set the oleuser token.
  4797. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleuser );
  4798. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser" );
  4799. success = FALSE;
  4800. // Make a call.
  4801. result = server5->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4803. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4804. &ignore );
  4805. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore oleuser token: 0x%x\n" );
  4806. // Make a recursive call
  4807. result = server->recurse_secure( local, 6, 3, DomainUser );
  4808. ASSERT( result, "Could not make recursive call with impersonation." );
  4809. // Make a call.
  4810. result = server->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4812. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4813. &ignore );
  4814. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore oleuser token" );
  4815. // Set the security.
  4816. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  4819. EOAC_NONE );
  4820. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  4821. // Make a call.
  4822. result = server->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4824. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4825. &ignore );
  4826. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore oleuser token" );
  4827. // Set the process token.
  4828. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, process2 );
  4829. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate process" );
  4830. success = FALSE;
  4831. // Make a call.
  4832. result = server->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4834. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4835. &ignore );
  4836. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore process token" );
  4837. // Set the security.
  4838. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  4841. EOAC_NONE );
  4842. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  4843. // Make a call.
  4844. result = server->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4846. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4847. &ignore );
  4848. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore process token" );
  4849. // Set the oleadmin token.
  4850. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleadmin );
  4851. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleadmin" );
  4852. success = FALSE;
  4853. // Make a call.
  4854. result = server->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4856. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4857. &ignore );
  4858. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore oleadmin token" );
  4859. // Set the security.
  4860. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  4863. EOAC_NONE );
  4864. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  4865. // Make a call.
  4866. result = server->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  4868. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  4869. &ignore );
  4870. ASSERT( result, "Did not ignore oleadmin token" );
  4871. // Make a recursive call
  4872. result = server->recurse_secure( local, 6, 3, DomainUser );
  4873. ASSERT( result, "Could not make recursive call with impersonation." );
  4874. // Finally, its all over.
  4875. success = TRUE;
  4876. cleanup:
  4877. if (server != NULL)
  4878. server->Release();
  4879. if (server2 != NULL)
  4880. server2->Release();
  4881. if (server3 != NULL)
  4882. server3->Release();
  4883. if (server4 != NULL)
  4884. server4->Release();
  4885. if (server5 != NULL)
  4886. server5->Release();
  4887. if (stream != NULL)
  4888. stream->Release();
  4889. if (local != NULL)
  4890. local->Release();
  4891. if (process != NULL)
  4892. CloseHandle( process );
  4893. if (process2 != NULL)
  4894. CloseHandle( process2 );
  4895. if (oleadmin != NULL)
  4896. CloseHandle( oleadmin );
  4897. if (oleuser != NULL)
  4898. CloseHandle( oleuser );
  4899. if (success)
  4900. printf( "\n\nAnti Delegation Test Passed.\n" );
  4901. else
  4902. printf( "\n\nAnti Delegation Failed.\n" );
  4903. }
  4904. /***************************************************************************/
  4905. void do_appid()
  4906. {
  4907. BOOL success = FALSE;
  4908. HRESULT result;
  4909. UUID uuid;
  4910. HKEY key = NULL;
  4912. ITest *server = NULL;
  4913. SAptId id;
  4914. DWORD ignore;
  4915. IAccessControl *access = NULL;
  4916. IPersistStream *persist = NULL;
  4917. ULARGE_INTEGER size;
  4918. HANDLE memory = NULL;
  4919. IStream *stream = NULL;
  4920. SPermissionHeader header;
  4921. void *data = NULL;
  4922. SAccess big;
  4923. // Initialize OLE.
  4924. hello( "appid" );
  4925. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  4926. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  4927. // Create an IAccessControl.
  4928. result = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DCOMAccessControl, NULL,
  4930. IID_IAccessControl, (void **) &access );
  4931. ASSERT( result, "Could not create DCOM access control." );
  4932. // Query for IPersistStream
  4933. result = access->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistStream, (void **) &persist );
  4934. ASSERT( result, "Could not get IPersistStream" );
  4935. // Give everyone access.
  4936. big.access.cEntries = 1;
  4937. big.access.pPropertyAccessList = &big.property;
  4938. big.property.lpProperty = NULL;
  4939. big.property.pAccessEntryList = &big.list;
  4940. big.property.fListFlags = 0;
  4941. big.list.cEntries = 1;
  4942. big.list.pAccessList = &big.entry;
  4943. big.entry.fAccessFlags = ACTRL_ACCESS_ALLOWED;
  4944. big.entry.Access = COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE;
  4945. big.entry.ProvSpecificAccess = 0;
  4946. big.entry.Inheritance = NO_INHERITANCE;
  4947. big.entry.lpInheritProperty = NULL;
  4948. big.entry.Trustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
  4949. big.entry.Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
  4950. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;
  4951. big.entry.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP;
  4952. big.entry.Trustee.ptstrName = L"*";
  4953. big.list.cEntries = 1;
  4954. result = access->SetAccessRights( &big.access );
  4955. ASSERT( result, "Could not set access" );
  4956. // Find out how big the ACL is.
  4957. result = persist->GetSizeMax( &size );
  4958. ASSERT( result, "Could not get size" );
  4959. size.QuadPart += sizeof(SPermissionHeader);
  4960. // Create a stream on memory.
  4961. memory = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, size.LowPart );
  4962. ASSERT_EXPR( memory != NULL, "Could not get memory." );
  4963. result = CreateStreamOnHGlobal( memory, FALSE, &stream );
  4964. ASSERT( result, "Could not create stream" );
  4965. // Write the header.
  4966. header.version = 2;
  4967. header.classid = CLSID_DCOMAccessControl;
  4968. result = stream->Write( &header, sizeof(header), NULL );
  4969. ASSERT( result, "Could not write header to stream" );
  4970. // Write the ACL to memory.
  4971. result = persist->Save( stream, TRUE );
  4972. ASSERT( result, "Could not save" );
  4973. // Free these classes.
  4974. access->Release();
  4975. persist->Release();
  4976. stream->Release();
  4977. access = NULL;
  4978. persist = NULL;
  4979. stream = NULL;
  4980. // Get the address of the access control data.
  4981. data = GlobalLock( memory );
  4982. ASSERT_EXPR( data != NULL, "Could not lock HGLOBAL.\n" );
  4983. // Create a UUID.
  4984. result = UuidCreate( &uuid );
  4985. ASSERT( result, "Could not create UUID" );
  4986. // Initialize security with a bad app id.
  4987. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( &uuid, -1, NULL,
  4990. EOAC_APPID, NULL );
  4991. ASSERT( result, "CoInitializeSecurity failed with bad appid" );
  4992. // Uninitialize.
  4993. CoUninitialize();
  4994. // Reinitialize.
  4995. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  4996. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  4997. // Open the app id key.
  4998. result = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
  4999. "AppID\\{60000300-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}",
  5000. NULL,
  5001. NULL,
  5004. NULL,
  5005. &key,
  5006. &ignore );
  5007. ASSERT( result, "Could not create app id key" );
  5008. // Delete the access permission.
  5009. RegDeleteValueA( key, "AccessPermission" );
  5010. // Delete the authentication level.
  5011. RegDeleteValueA( key, "AuthenticationLevel" );
  5012. // Initialize security.
  5013. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( &APPID_App, -1, NULL,
  5016. EOAC_APPID, NULL );
  5017. ASSERT( result, "Could not CoInitializeSecurity with app id" );
  5018. // Reinitialize.
  5019. CoUninitialize();
  5020. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5021. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5022. // Write the authentication level.
  5023. authn = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT;
  5024. result = RegSetValueExA(
  5025. key,
  5026. "AuthenticationLevel",
  5027. NULL,
  5028. REG_DWORD,
  5029. (UCHAR *) &authn,
  5030. sizeof(authn) );
  5031. ASSERT( result, "Could not set authentication level" );
  5032. // Initialize security.
  5033. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( &APPID_App, -1, NULL,
  5036. EOAC_APPID, NULL );
  5037. ASSERT( result, "Could not CoInitializeSecurity with app id" );
  5038. // Reinitialize.
  5039. CoUninitialize();
  5040. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5041. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5042. // Write the access permissions.
  5043. result = RegSetValueExA(
  5044. key,
  5045. "AccessPermission",
  5046. NULL,
  5047. REG_BINARY,
  5048. (UCHAR *) data,
  5049. size.LowPart );
  5050. ASSERT( result, "Could not set access permissions" );
  5051. // Initialize security.
  5052. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( &APPID_App, -1, NULL,
  5055. EOAC_APPID, NULL );
  5056. ASSERT( result, "Could not CoInitializeSecurity with app id" );
  5057. // Reinitialize.
  5058. CoUninitialize();
  5059. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5060. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5061. // Delete the authentication level.
  5062. RegDeleteValueA( key, "AuthenticationLevel" );
  5063. // Initialize security.
  5064. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( &APPID_App, -1, NULL,
  5067. EOAC_APPID, NULL );
  5068. ASSERT( result, "Could not CoInitializeSecurity with app id" );
  5069. // Reinitialize.
  5070. CoUninitialize();
  5071. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5072. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5073. // Restore the access permission.
  5074. result = setup_access( key );
  5075. ASSERT( result, "Could not restore access permission" );
  5076. // Set the authentication level to encrypt.
  5078. result = RegSetValueExA(
  5079. key,
  5080. "AuthenticationLevel",
  5081. NULL,
  5082. REG_DWORD,
  5083. (UCHAR *) &authn,
  5084. sizeof(authn) );
  5085. ASSERT( result, "Could not set authentication level" );
  5086. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( &APPID_App, -1, NULL,
  5089. EOAC_APPID, NULL );
  5090. ASSERT( result, "Could not CoInitializeSecurity with app id" );
  5091. // Create a server.
  5092. result = create_instance( ClassIds[apt_auto_none], WhatDest, &server, &id );
  5093. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  5094. // Query the security blanket.
  5095. result = MCoQueryProxyBlanket( server, NULL, NULL, NULL, &authn,
  5096. NULL, NULL, NULL );
  5097. ASSERT( result, "Could not query blanket" );
  5098. // Verify the authentication level.
  5099. ASSERT_EXPR( authn == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY, "Wrong authentication level." );
  5100. // Release the server.
  5101. server->Release();
  5102. server = NULL;
  5103. // Reinitialize.
  5104. CoUninitialize();
  5105. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5106. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5107. // Set the authentication level to none.
  5108. authn = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
  5109. result = RegSetValueExA(
  5110. key,
  5111. "AuthenticationLevel",
  5112. NULL,
  5113. REG_DWORD,
  5114. (UCHAR *) &authn,
  5115. sizeof(authn) );
  5116. ASSERT( result, "Could not set authentication level" );
  5117. // Initialize security with our app id.
  5118. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( &APPID_App, -1, NULL,
  5121. EOAC_APPID, NULL );
  5122. ASSERT( result, "Could not CoInitializeSecurity with app id" );
  5123. // Create a server.
  5124. result = create_instance( ClassIds[apt_auto_none], WhatDest, &server, &id );
  5125. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  5126. // Query the security blanket.
  5127. result = MCoQueryProxyBlanket( server, NULL, NULL, NULL, &authn,
  5128. NULL, NULL, NULL );
  5129. ASSERT_EXPR( result == S_OK || result == 0x800706d2, "Could not query blanket" );
  5130. if (result == 0x800706d2)
  5131. authn = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
  5132. // Verify the authentication level.
  5133. ASSERT_EXPR( authn == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE, "Wrong authentication level." );
  5134. // Finally, its all over.
  5135. success = TRUE;
  5136. cleanup:
  5137. if (access != NULL)
  5138. access->Release();
  5139. if (persist != NULL)
  5140. persist->Release();
  5141. if (stream != NULL)
  5142. stream->Release();
  5143. if (data != NULL)
  5144. GlobalUnlock( memory );
  5145. if (memory != NULL)
  5146. GlobalFree( memory );
  5147. if (server != NULL)
  5148. server->Release();
  5149. CoUninitialize();
  5150. if (key != NULL)
  5151. {
  5152. RegDeleteValueA( key, "AuthenticationLevel" );
  5153. RegCloseKey( key );
  5154. }
  5155. if (success)
  5156. printf( "\n\nAppid Test Passed.\n" );
  5157. else
  5158. printf( "\n\nAppid Test Failed.\n" );
  5159. }
  5160. /***************************************************************************/
  5161. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  5162. void do_async()
  5163. {
  5164. BOOL success = FALSE;
  5165. ITest *server = NULL;
  5166. IAsync *async = NULL;
  5167. SAptId id;
  5168. HRESULT result;
  5169. HANDLE oleuser1 = NULL;
  5170. // Initialize OLE.
  5171. hello( "async" );
  5172. ASSERT( E_FAIL, "This test is out of date" );
  5173. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5174. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5175. // Create a possibly remote object.
  5176. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id );
  5177. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  5178. // Get the async interface.
  5179. result = server->QueryInterface( IID_IAsync, (void **) &async );
  5180. ASSERT( result, "Could not get async interface" );
  5181. // Enable cloaking.
  5182. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( async, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  5186. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  5187. // Get a token for redmond\oleuser1.
  5188. success = LogonUser( L"oleuser1", L"redmond", OleUserPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH,
  5189. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &oleuser1 );
  5190. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on oleuser1" );
  5191. success = FALSE;
  5192. // Test basic async impersonation.
  5193. result = async->secure( id, basic_as, DomainUser );
  5194. ASSERT( result, "Could not make basic secure async call" );
  5195. // Impersonate oleuser1.
  5196. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleuser1 );
  5197. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser1" );
  5198. success = FALSE;
  5199. // Test basic async impersonation while cloaking.
  5200. result = async->secure( id, basic_as, L"redmond\\oleuser1" );
  5201. ASSERT( result, "Could not make basic secure async call while cloaking" );
  5202. // Remove the thread token.
  5203. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  5204. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not remove thread token" );
  5205. success = FALSE;
  5206. // Test embedding async impersonation.
  5207. result = async->secure( id, embedded_as, DomainUser );
  5208. ASSERT( result, "Could not make embedding secure async call" );
  5209. // Impersonate oleuser1.
  5210. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleuser1 );
  5211. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser1" );
  5212. success = FALSE;
  5213. // Test embedded async impersonation while cloaking.
  5214. result = async->secure( id, embedded_as, L"redmond\\oleuser1" );
  5215. ASSERT( result, "Could not make embedded secure async call while cloaking" );
  5216. // Remove the thread token.
  5217. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  5218. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not remove thread token" );
  5219. success = FALSE;
  5220. // Tell the server to preimpersonate.
  5221. result = async->preimpersonate( TRUE );
  5222. ASSERT( result, "Could not preimpersonate" );
  5223. // Test embedded async impersonation with preimpersonation.
  5224. result = async->secure( id, embedded_as, DomainUser );
  5225. ASSERT( result, "Could not make embedded secure async call with preimpersonation" );
  5226. // Impersonate oleuser1.
  5227. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleuser1 );
  5228. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser1" );
  5229. success = FALSE;
  5230. // Test embedded async impersonation while cloaking with preimpersonation.
  5231. result = async->secure( id, embedded_as, L"redmond\\oleuser1" );
  5232. ASSERT( result, "Could not make embedded secure async call while cloaking with preimpersonation" );
  5233. // Remove the thread token.
  5234. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  5235. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not remove thread token" );
  5236. success = FALSE;
  5237. // Tell the server to stop preimpersonating.
  5238. result = async->preimpersonate( FALSE );
  5239. ASSERT( result, "Could not stop preimpersonating" );
  5240. // Test race async impersonation.
  5241. result = async->secure( id, race_as, DomainUser );
  5242. ASSERT( result, "Could not make race secure async call" );
  5243. // Impersonate oleuser1.
  5244. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleuser1 );
  5245. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser1" );
  5246. success = FALSE;
  5247. // Test race async impersonation while cloaking
  5248. result = async->secure( id, race_as, L"redmond\\oleuser1" );
  5249. ASSERT( result, "Could not make race secure async call while cloaking" );
  5250. // Remove the thread token.
  5251. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  5252. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not remove thread token" );
  5253. success = FALSE;
  5254. // Finally, its all over.
  5255. success = TRUE;
  5256. cleanup:
  5257. if (server != NULL)
  5258. server->Release();
  5259. if (async != NULL)
  5260. async->Release();
  5261. if (oleuser1 != NULL)
  5262. CloseHandle( oleuser1 );
  5263. CoUninitialize();
  5264. if (success)
  5265. printf( "\n\nAsync Test Passed.\n" );
  5266. else
  5267. printf( "\n\nAsync Test Failed.\n" );
  5268. }
  5269. #endif
  5270. /***************************************************************************/
  5271. void do_cancel()
  5272. {
  5273. BOOL success = FALSE;
  5274. ITest *obj1 = NULL;
  5275. ITest *obj2 = NULL;
  5276. SAptId id1;
  5277. SAptId id2;
  5278. HRESULT result;
  5279. // Initialize OLE.
  5280. hello( "cancel" );
  5281. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5282. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5283. // Create a client.
  5284. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  5285. IID_ITest, (void **) &obj1 );
  5286. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  5287. result = obj1->get_id( &id1 );
  5288. ASSERT( result, "Could not get client id" );
  5289. // Create a client.
  5290. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  5291. IID_ITest, (void **) &obj2 );
  5292. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  5293. result = obj2->get_id( &id2 );
  5294. ASSERT( result, "Could not get client id" );
  5295. // Run test between two remote objects.
  5296. success = do_cancel_helper( obj1, id1, obj2, id2 );
  5297. obj1 = NULL;
  5298. obj2 = NULL;
  5299. if (!success)
  5300. goto cleanup;
  5301. success = FALSE;
  5302. // Create a client.
  5303. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  5304. IID_ITest, (void **) &obj1 );
  5305. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  5306. result = obj1->get_id( &id1 );
  5307. ASSERT( result, "Could not get client id" );
  5308. // Create in process server.
  5309. result = obj1->get_obj_from_new_apt( &obj2, &id2 );
  5310. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  5311. // Run test between two local objects.
  5312. success = do_cancel_helper( obj1, id1, obj2, id2 );
  5313. obj1 = NULL;
  5314. obj2 = NULL;
  5315. if (!success)
  5316. goto cleanup;
  5317. // Finally, its all over.
  5318. success = TRUE;
  5319. cleanup:
  5320. if (obj1 != NULL)
  5321. obj1->Release();
  5322. if (obj2 != NULL)
  5323. obj2->Release();
  5324. CoUninitialize();
  5325. if (success)
  5326. printf( "\n\nCancel Test Passed.\n" );
  5327. else
  5328. printf( "\n\nCancel Test Failed.\n" );
  5329. }
  5330. /***************************************************************************/
  5331. BOOL do_cancel_helper( ITest *obj1, SAptId id1, ITest *obj2, SAptId id2 )
  5332. {
  5333. BOOL success = FALSE;
  5334. HRESULT result;
  5335. ITest *helper1 = NULL;
  5336. ITest *helper2 = NULL;
  5337. SAptId hid1;
  5338. SAptId hid2;
  5339. // Create first helper.
  5340. result = obj1->get_obj_from_new_apt( &helper1, &hid1 );
  5341. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  5342. // Create second helper.
  5343. result = obj2->get_obj_from_new_apt( &helper2, &hid2 );
  5344. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  5345. // Register first message filter.
  5346. result = obj1->register_message_filter( TRUE );
  5347. ASSERT( result, "Could not register message filter." );
  5348. // Register second message filter.
  5349. result = obj2->register_message_filter( TRUE );
  5350. ASSERT( result, "Could not register message filter." );
  5351. // Tell everybody who their neighbor is.
  5352. result = obj1->remember( helper2, hid2 );
  5353. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  5354. result = helper2->remember( obj2, id2 );
  5355. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  5356. result = obj2->remember( helper1, hid1 );
  5357. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  5358. result = helper1->remember( obj1, id1 );
  5359. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  5360. // Cancel one call.
  5361. result = obj1->call_canceled( 1, 1, obj2 );
  5362. ASSERT( result, "Cancel test failed" );
  5363. // Cancel after recursing.
  5364. result = obj1->call_canceled( 5, 1, obj2 );
  5365. ASSERT( result, "Cancel after recusing failed" );
  5366. // Make a recursive call and cancel several times.
  5367. result = obj1->call_canceled( 5, 3, obj2 );
  5368. ASSERT( result, "Multiple cancel test failed" );
  5369. // Tell everybody to forget their neighbor.
  5370. result = obj1->forget();
  5371. ASSERT( result, "Could not forget neighbor" );
  5372. result = obj2->forget();
  5373. ASSERT( result, "Could not forget neighbor" );
  5374. result = helper1->forget();
  5375. ASSERT( result, "Could not forget neighbor" );
  5376. result = helper2->forget();
  5377. ASSERT( result, "Could not forget neighbor" );
  5378. // Release first message filter.
  5379. result = obj1->register_message_filter( FALSE );
  5380. ASSERT( result, "Could not deregister message filter." );
  5381. // Release second message filter.
  5382. result = obj2->register_message_filter( FALSE );
  5383. ASSERT( result, "Could not deregister message filter." );
  5384. success = TRUE;
  5385. cleanup:
  5386. if (helper1 != NULL)
  5387. helper1->Release();
  5388. if (helper2 != NULL)
  5389. helper2->Release();
  5390. if (obj2 != NULL)
  5391. obj2->Release();
  5392. if (obj1 != NULL)
  5393. obj1->Release();
  5394. return success;
  5395. }
  5396. /***************************************************************************/
  5397. void do_cert()
  5398. {
  5399. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  5400. BOOL success = FALSE;
  5401. HRESULT result;
  5402. HCRYPTPROV prov = 0;
  5403. DWORD len;
  5404. HCERTSTORE cert_store = NULL;
  5405. HCERTSTORE root_store = NULL;
  5406. PCCERT_CONTEXT prev_cert = NULL;
  5407. PCCERT_CONTEXT cert = NULL;
  5408. PCCERT_CONTEXT parent = NULL;
  5409. PCCERT_CONTEXT last = NULL;
  5410. CERT_NAME_BLOB *subject;
  5411. CERT_NAME_BLOB *issuer;
  5412. WCHAR *name = NULL;
  5413. DWORD ignore;
  5414. UCHAR *buffer = NULL;
  5415. BOOL top;
  5416. WCHAR *principal = NULL;
  5417. DWORD i;
  5418. DWORD j;
  5419. HCRYPTPROV cert_prov = NULL;
  5420. HCRYPTKEY cert_key = NULL;
  5421. DWORD size;
  5422. UCHAR *key_buffer = NULL;
  5423. CERT_KEY_CONTEXT key_context;
  5424. // Only run on NT 5.
  5425. if (!NT5)
  5426. {
  5427. printf( "Cert test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  5428. return;
  5429. }
  5430. // Initialize OLE.
  5431. hello( "cert" );
  5432. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5433. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5434. result = initialize_security();
  5435. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  5436. // Get the default full provider.
  5437. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0 );
  5438. ASSERT_GLE( success, NTE_BAD_KEYSET, "Could not acqure full context." );
  5439. // If there is no container, create one.
  5440. if (!success)
  5441. {
  5442. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET );
  5443. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not acqure full context." );
  5444. }
  5445. success = FALSE;
  5446. /*
  5447. // Call CertOpenSystemStore to open the store.
  5448. cert_store = CertOpenSystemStore(prov, UserName );
  5449. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting System Store Handle" );
  5450. */
  5451. /*
  5457. */
  5458. // Open the store with the new API.
  5459. cert_store = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM, 0, NULL,
  5462. UserName );
  5463. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting System Store Handle" );
  5464. // Call CertOpenSystemStore to open the root store.
  5465. root_store = CertOpenSystemStore(prov, L"root" );
  5466. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting root Store Handle" );
  5467. prov = 0;
  5468. // Loop over all certificates in the store.
  5469. do
  5470. {
  5471. // Ask for another certificate.
  5472. cert = CertEnumCertificatesInStore( cert_store, prev_cert );
  5473. prev_cert = NULL;
  5474. // If there was one, print the name.
  5475. if (cert != NULL)
  5476. {
  5477. // Print the standard principal name for the certificate.
  5478. result = RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( cert, 0, &principal );
  5479. if (result != 0)
  5480. printf( "Could not generate standard principal name: 0x%x\n", result );
  5481. else
  5482. printf( "Standard: <%ws>\n", principal );
  5483. // Free the string.
  5484. result = RpcStringFree( &principal );
  5485. ASSERT( result, "Could not free principal" );
  5486. // Print the fullsic principal name for the certificate.
  5487. result = RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( cert, RPC_C_FULL_CERT_CHAIN, &principal );
  5488. if (result != 0)
  5489. printf( "Could not generate fullsic principal name: 0x%x\n", result );
  5490. else
  5491. printf( "Fullsic: <%ws>\n", principal );
  5492. // Free the string.
  5493. result = RpcStringFree( &principal );
  5494. ASSERT( result, "Could not free principal" );
  5495. // Print the issuer chain.
  5496. subject = &cert->pCertInfo->Subject;
  5497. issuer = &cert->pCertInfo->Issuer;
  5498. parent = NULL;
  5499. last = NULL;
  5500. top = FALSE;
  5501. prev_cert = cert;
  5502. while (!top)
  5503. {
  5504. // Get the name length.
  5505. len = 0;
  5506. len = CertNameToStr( (PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING | X509_ASN_ENCODING), subject,
  5507. CERT_X500_NAME_STR, NULL, len );
  5508. ASSERT_EXPR( len > 0, "Couldn't get cert name." );
  5509. // Allocate memory for the issuer string.
  5510. name = (WCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( len*sizeof(WCHAR) );
  5511. ASSERT_EXPR( name != NULL, "Could not allocate string." );
  5512. // Get the name.
  5513. len = CertNameToStr( (PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING | X509_ASN_ENCODING), subject,
  5514. CERT_X500_NAME_STR, name, len );
  5515. ASSERT_EXPR( len > 0, "Couldn't get cert name." );
  5516. // Print the name.
  5517. printf( "%ws\n", name );
  5518. CoTaskMemFree( name );
  5519. name = NULL;
  5520. // Get the size of the serialized certificate.
  5521. len = 0;
  5522. CertSerializeCertificateStoreElement( prev_cert, 0, NULL, &len );
  5523. ASSERT_GLE( len != 0, S_OK, "Could not get length of serialized certificate" );
  5524. // Allocate memory.
  5525. buffer = (UCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( len );
  5526. ASSERT_EXPR( buffer != NULL, "Could not allocate memory." );
  5527. // Serialize it.
  5528. success = CertSerializeCertificateStoreElement( prev_cert, 0, buffer,
  5529. &len );
  5530. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not serialize certificate" );
  5531. success = FALSE;
  5532. if (Verbose)
  5533. {
  5534. // Print the whole certificate.
  5535. printf( "{\n" );
  5536. for (i = 0; i < len; i += 10)
  5537. {
  5538. for (j = i; j < i+10 && j < len; j++)
  5539. printf( "0x%02x, ", buffer[j] );
  5540. printf( "\n" );
  5541. }
  5542. printf( "};\n" );
  5543. // Get a provider for this certificate.
  5544. success = CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey( prev_cert, 0, NULL,
  5545. &cert_prov, NULL, NULL );
  5546. if (!success)
  5547. printf( "Could not acquire certificate private key: 0x%x\n",
  5548. GetLastError() );
  5549. else
  5550. {
  5551. // Get a key from the provider.
  5552. success = CryptGetUserKey( cert_prov, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, &cert_key );
  5553. if (!success)
  5554. printf( "Could not get user key: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  5555. else
  5556. {
  5557. // Determine the size of the key blob.
  5558. size = 0;
  5559. success = CryptExportKey( cert_key, NULL, PRIVATEKEYBLOB, 0, NULL,
  5560. &size );
  5561. // Allocate memory to hold the blob.
  5562. key_buffer = (UCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( size );
  5563. ASSERT_EXPR( key_buffer != NULL, "Could not allocate key buffer." );
  5564. // Get a key blob from the key.
  5565. success = CryptExportKey( cert_key, NULL, PRIVATEKEYBLOB, 0,
  5566. key_buffer, &size );
  5567. if (!success)
  5568. printf( "Could not export certificate key: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  5569. else
  5570. {
  5571. // Print the key blob.
  5572. printf( "CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey {\n" );
  5573. for (i = 0; i < size; i += 10)
  5574. {
  5575. for (j = i; j < i+10 && j < len; j++)
  5576. printf( "0x%02x, ", key_buffer[j] );
  5577. printf( "\n" );
  5578. }
  5579. printf( "};\n" );
  5580. success = FALSE;
  5581. }
  5582. CoTaskMemFree( key_buffer );
  5583. key_buffer = NULL;
  5584. CryptDestroyKey( cert_key );
  5585. cert_key = NULL;
  5586. }
  5587. // Release the certificate provider.
  5588. CryptReleaseContext( cert_prov, 0 );
  5589. cert_prov = NULL;
  5590. }
  5591. // Get the private key from the context property.
  5592. size = sizeof(key_context);
  5593. key_context.cbSize = sizeof(key_context);
  5594. success = CertGetCertificateContextProperty( cert,
  5596. &key_context,
  5597. &size );
  5598. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not get certificate context property" );
  5599. printf( "Context Property\n" );
  5600. printf( "cbSize: 0x%x\n", key_context.cbSize );
  5601. printf( "hCryptProv: 0x%x\n", key_context.hCryptProv );
  5602. printf( "dwKeySpec: 0x%x\n", key_context.dwKeySpec );
  5603. }
  5604. // Free the memory.
  5605. CoTaskMemFree( buffer );
  5606. buffer = NULL;
  5607. // Determine if this is the top of the chain.
  5608. top = CertCompareCertificateName( X509_ASN_ENCODING, subject, issuer );
  5609. // Search for the next issuer.
  5610. if (!top)
  5611. {
  5612. prev_cert = parent;
  5613. ignore = 0;
  5614. parent = CertGetIssuerCertificateFromStore( cert_store, cert,
  5615. prev_cert, &ignore );
  5616. // ASSERT_GLE( parent != NULL, S_OK, "Could not find cert for issuer" );
  5617. // If we couldn't find the parent that way, try another.
  5618. if (parent == NULL)
  5619. {
  5620. printf( "Could not find parent with CertGetIssuerCertificateFromStore: 0x%x\n",
  5621. GetLastError() );
  5622. // Search for the issuer name.
  5623. prev_cert = NULL;
  5624. last = parent;
  5625. parent = CertFindCertificateInStore( root_store,
  5626. X509_ASN_ENCODING,
  5627. 0,
  5629. issuer,
  5630. prev_cert );
  5631. if (parent == NULL)
  5632. {
  5633. printf( "Could not find parent with CertFindCertificateInStore: 0x%x\n",
  5634. GetLastError() );
  5635. break;
  5636. }
  5637. // ASSERT_GLE( parent != NULL, S_OK, "Could not find cert for issuer" );
  5638. // Free the previous level.
  5639. if (last != NULL)
  5640. CertFreeCertificateContext(last);
  5641. last = NULL;
  5642. }
  5643. // Update the loop variables.
  5644. issuer = &parent->pCertInfo->Issuer;
  5645. subject = &parent->pCertInfo->Subject;
  5646. prev_cert = parent;
  5647. }
  5648. }
  5649. prev_cert = NULL;
  5650. printf( "\n" );
  5651. // Free the top level authority cert.
  5652. if (parent != NULL)
  5653. CertFreeCertificateContext(parent);
  5654. parent = NULL;
  5655. // Go on to the next certificate.
  5656. prev_cert = cert;
  5657. cert = NULL;
  5658. }
  5659. }
  5660. while (prev_cert != NULL);
  5661. /*
  5662. // Write the test certificate to the store.
  5663. success = CertAddSerializedElementToStore( cert_store,
  5664. Cert9,
  5665. sizeof(Cert9),
  5667. 0,
  5669. NULL,
  5670. (const void **) &cert );
  5671. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not add serialized certificate to store" );
  5672. success = FALSE;
  5673. // Write the test certificate issuer to the cert store.
  5674. success = CertAddSerializedElementToStore( cert_store,
  5675. CertSrv,
  5676. sizeof(CertSrv),
  5678. 0,
  5680. NULL,
  5681. NULL );
  5682. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not add serialized certificate to store" );
  5683. success = FALSE;
  5684. // Print the standard principal name for the certificate.
  5685. result = RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( cert, 0, &principal );
  5686. if (result != 0)
  5687. printf( "Could not generate standard principal name: 0x%x\n", result );
  5688. else
  5689. printf( "Standard: <%ws>\n", principal );
  5690. // Free the string.
  5691. result = RpcStringFree( &principal );
  5692. ASSERT( result, "Could not free principal" );
  5693. // Print the fullsic principal name for the certificate.
  5694. result = RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( cert, RPC_C_FULL_CERT_CHAIN, &principal );
  5695. if (result != 0)
  5696. printf( "Could not generate fullsic principal name: 0x%x\n", result );
  5697. else
  5698. printf( "Fullsic: <%ws>\n", principal );
  5699. // Free the string.
  5700. result = RpcStringFree( &principal );
  5701. ASSERT( result, "Could not free principal" );
  5702. */
  5703. // Finally, its all over.
  5704. success = TRUE;
  5705. cleanup:
  5706. if (buffer != NULL)
  5707. CoTaskMemFree( buffer );
  5708. if (cert != NULL)
  5709. CertFreeCertificateContext(cert);
  5710. if (parent != NULL)
  5711. CertFreeCertificateContext(parent);
  5712. if (prev_cert != NULL)
  5713. CertFreeCertificateContext(prev_cert);
  5714. if (last != NULL)
  5715. CertFreeCertificateContext(last);
  5716. if (cert_store != NULL)
  5717. CertCloseStore( cert_store, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG );
  5718. if (root_store != NULL)
  5719. CertCloseStore( root_store, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG );
  5720. if (prov != 0 )
  5721. CryptReleaseContext( prov, 0 );
  5722. CoUninitialize();
  5723. if (success)
  5724. printf( "\n\nCert Test Passed.\n" );
  5725. else
  5726. printf( "\n\nCert Test Failed.\n" );
  5727. #else
  5728. printf( "Cert test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  5729. #endif
  5730. }
  5731. /***************************************************************************/
  5732. void do_cloak()
  5733. {
  5734. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  5735. BOOL success = FALSE;
  5736. ITest *server = NULL;
  5737. ITest *local = NULL;
  5738. SAptId lid;
  5739. HRESULT result;
  5740. HANDLE oleadmin = NULL;
  5741. HANDLE oleuser = NULL;
  5742. HANDLE oleuser1 = NULL;
  5743. HANDLE oleuser2 = NULL;
  5744. DWORD ignore;
  5745. DWORD cls = Change ? opposite_wc : any_wc;
  5746. WCHAR *principals[3];
  5747. DWORD i;
  5748. DWORD j;
  5750. void *pauthid;
  5751. DWORD cap;
  5752. // Only run on NT 5.
  5753. if (!NT5)
  5754. {
  5755. printf( "Cloak test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  5756. return;
  5757. }
  5758. // Put the user's name in the empty spots in CloakBlanket.
  5759. for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
  5760. for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
  5761. if (CloakBlanket[i].principals[j] == NULL)
  5762. CloakBlanket[i].principals[j] = DomainUser;
  5763. // Initialize OLE.
  5764. hello( "cloak" );
  5765. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5766. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5767. // Initialize the auth info.
  5768. authid.User = L"oleadmin";
  5769. authid.UserLength = wcslen(authid.User);
  5770. authid.Domain = L"redmond";
  5771. authid.DomainLength = wcslen(authid.Domain);
  5772. authid.Password = OleUserPassword;
  5773. authid.PasswordLength = wcslen(authid.Password);
  5775. // Logon oleadmin
  5776. success = LogonUser( L"oleadmin", L"redmond", OleUserPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH,
  5777. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &oleadmin );
  5778. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on oleadmin" );
  5779. success = FALSE;
  5780. // Logon oleuser
  5781. success = LogonUser( L"oleuser", L"redmond", OleUserPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH,
  5782. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &oleuser );
  5783. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on oleuser" );
  5784. success = FALSE;
  5785. // Logon oleuser1
  5786. success = LogonUser( L"oleuser1", L"redmond", OleUserPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH,
  5787. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &oleuser1 );
  5788. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on oleuser1" );
  5789. success = FALSE;
  5790. // Logon oleuser2
  5791. success = LogonUser( L"oleuser2", L"redmond", OleUserPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH,
  5792. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &oleuser2 );
  5793. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on oleuser2" );
  5794. success = FALSE;
  5795. // Initialize security with dynamic cloaking.
  5796. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
  5800. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize dynamic cloaking" );
  5801. // Create another apartment.
  5802. result = new_apartment( &local, &lid, NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED );
  5803. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local server" );
  5804. // Test cloaking.
  5805. principals[0] = L"redmond\\oleuser";
  5806. principals[1] = L"redmond\\oleuser1";
  5807. principals[2] = L"redmond\\oleuser2";
  5808. success = do_cloak_call( local, oleuser, oleuser1, oleuser2, principals,
  5810. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  5811. success = FALSE;
  5812. local->Release();
  5813. local = NULL;
  5814. // Create another apartment.
  5815. result = new_apartment( &local, &lid, NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED );
  5816. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local server" );
  5817. // Test cloaking.
  5818. principals[0] = L"redmond\\oleuser";
  5819. principals[1] = L"redmond\\oleuser1";
  5820. principals[2] = L"redmond\\oleuser2";
  5821. success = do_cloak_call( local, oleuser, oleuser1, oleuser2, principals,
  5823. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  5824. success = FALSE;
  5825. local->Release();
  5826. local = NULL;
  5827. // Create a server.
  5828. result = create_instance( get_class(cls), WhatDest, &server, NULL );
  5829. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  5830. // Test cloaking.
  5831. principals[0] = L"redmond\\oleuser";
  5832. principals[1] = L"redmond\\oleuser1";
  5833. principals[2] = L"redmond\\oleuser2";
  5834. success = do_cloak_call( server, oleuser, oleuser1, oleuser2, principals,
  5836. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  5837. success = FALSE;
  5838. // Reinitialize security with static cloaking.
  5839. server->Release();
  5840. server = NULL;
  5841. wait_apartment();
  5842. CoUninitialize();
  5843. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5844. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5845. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
  5849. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize static cloaking" );
  5850. // Create a server.
  5851. result = create_instance( get_class(cls), WhatDest, &server, NULL );
  5852. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  5853. // Test cloaking.
  5854. principals[0] = L"redmond\\oleuser";
  5855. principals[1] = L"redmond\\oleuser";
  5856. principals[2] = L"redmond\\oleuser";
  5857. success = do_cloak_call( server, oleuser, oleuser1, oleuser2, principals,
  5859. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  5860. success = FALSE;
  5861. // Reinitialize security with no cloaking.
  5862. server->Release();
  5863. server = NULL;
  5864. wait_apartment();
  5865. CoUninitialize();
  5866. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  5867. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  5868. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
  5871. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  5872. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize static cloaking" );
  5873. // Create a server.
  5874. result = create_instance( get_class(cls), WhatDest, &server, NULL );
  5875. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  5876. // Test cloaking.
  5877. principals[0] = DomainUser;
  5878. principals[1] = DomainUser;
  5879. principals[2] = DomainUser;
  5880. success = do_cloak_call( server, oleuser, oleuser1, oleuser2, principals,
  5882. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  5883. success = FALSE;
  5884. // Release the server.
  5885. server->Release();
  5886. server = NULL;
  5887. // Loop over set blanket options.
  5888. for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
  5889. {
  5890. // Skip tests using auth id on the local machine.
  5891. if (WhatDest != different_machine_wd && CloakBlanket[i].authid)
  5892. continue;
  5893. // Create a server.
  5894. result = create_instance( get_class(cls), WhatDest, &server, NULL );
  5895. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  5896. // Compute the auth id.
  5897. if (CloakBlanket[i].authid)
  5898. {
  5899. pauthid = &authid;
  5900. cap = EOAC_NONE;
  5901. }
  5902. else
  5903. {
  5904. pauthid = NULL;
  5905. cap = CloakBlanket[i].capabilities;
  5906. }
  5907. // Set the thread token.
  5908. if (CloakBlanket[i].token)
  5909. {
  5910. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleadmin );
  5911. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleadmin" );
  5912. success = FALSE;
  5913. }
  5914. // Set blanket.
  5915. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  5917. RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, pauthid, cap );
  5918. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  5919. // Remove the thread token.
  5920. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  5921. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not remove thread token" );
  5922. // Test cloaking.
  5923. success = do_cloak_call( server, oleuser, oleuser1,
  5924. oleuser2, CloakBlanket[i].principals,
  5926. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  5927. success = FALSE;
  5928. // Release the server.
  5929. server->Release();
  5930. server = NULL;
  5931. }
  5932. // Finally, its all over.
  5933. success = TRUE;
  5934. cleanup:
  5935. if (local != NULL)
  5936. local->Release();
  5937. if (server != NULL)
  5938. server->Release();
  5939. if (oleadmin != NULL)
  5940. CloseHandle( oleadmin );
  5941. if (oleuser != NULL)
  5942. CloseHandle( oleuser );
  5943. if (oleuser1 != NULL)
  5944. CloseHandle( oleuser1 );
  5945. if (oleuser2 != NULL)
  5946. CloseHandle( oleuser2 );
  5947. if (success)
  5948. printf( "\n\nCloak Test Passed.\n" );
  5949. else
  5950. printf( "\n\nCloak Failed.\n" );
  5951. #else
  5952. printf( "Cloak test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  5953. #endif
  5954. }
  5955. /***************************************************************************/
  5956. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  5957. BOOL do_cloak_call( ITest *server, HANDLE tc, HANDLE td, HANDLE te,
  5958. WCHAR *principals[3], DWORD imp )
  5959. {
  5960. HRESULT result;
  5961. BOOL success = FALSE;
  5962. SAptId id_null = { 0, 0, 0 };
  5963. DWORD ignore;
  5964. // Set the oleuser token.
  5965. SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  5966. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( tc );
  5967. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser" );
  5968. success = FALSE;
  5969. // Make a call.
  5970. result = server->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  5971. imp, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,
  5972. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, principals[0],
  5973. &ignore );
  5974. ASSERT( result, "Could not make secure call with oleuser thread token" );
  5975. // Set the oleuser1 token.
  5976. SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  5977. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( td );
  5978. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser1" );
  5979. success = FALSE;
  5980. // Make a call.
  5981. result = server->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  5982. imp, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,
  5983. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, principals[1],
  5984. &ignore );
  5985. ASSERT( result, "Could not make secure call with oleuser1 thread token" );
  5986. // Set the oleuser2 token.
  5987. SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  5988. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( te );
  5989. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser2" );
  5990. success = FALSE;
  5991. // Make a call.
  5992. result = server->secure( id_null, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  5993. imp, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,
  5994. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, principals[2],
  5995. &ignore );
  5996. ASSERT( result, "Could not make secure call with oleuser2 thread token" );
  5997. success = TRUE;
  5998. cleanup:
  5999. SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  6000. return success;
  6001. }
  6002. #endif
  6003. /***************************************************************************/
  6004. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  6005. void do_cloak_act()
  6006. {
  6007. BOOL success = FALSE;
  6008. ITest *server = NULL;
  6009. ITest *server1 = NULL;
  6010. IUnknown *unknown = NULL;
  6011. SAptId id_server;
  6012. SAptId id_server1;
  6013. HRESULT result;
  6014. HANDLE oleuser1 = NULL;
  6015. HANDLE oleuser2 = NULL;
  6016. WCHAR *creator = NULL;
  6017. // Initialize OLE.
  6018. hello( "cloak_act" );
  6019. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  6020. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  6021. // Initialize security with dynamic cloaking.
  6022. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL,
  6026. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security with dynamic cloaking" );
  6027. // Get the token for oleuser1.
  6028. success = LogonUser( L"oleuser1", L"redmond", OleUserPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH,
  6029. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &oleuser1 );
  6030. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on oleuser1" );
  6031. success = FALSE;
  6032. // Get the token for oleuser2.
  6033. success = LogonUser( L"oleuser2", L"redmond", OleUserPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH,
  6034. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &oleuser2 );
  6035. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on oleuser2" );
  6036. success = FALSE;
  6037. // Set the token for oleuser1.
  6038. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleuser1 );
  6039. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser1" );
  6040. success = FALSE;
  6041. // Create a server.
  6042. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  6043. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server while impersonating oleuser1" );
  6044. // Ask who started the server.
  6045. result = server->get_string( creator_ws, &creator );
  6046. ASSERT( result, "Could not get creator name for server" );
  6047. ASSERT_EXPR( creator != NULL, "No creator name for server" );
  6048. if (_wcsicmp( creator, L"redmond\\oleuser1" ) != 0 )
  6049. {
  6050. printf( "Server not created by oleuser1: <%ws>\n", creator );
  6051. goto cleanup;
  6052. }
  6053. CoTaskMemFree( creator );
  6054. creator = NULL;
  6055. // Set the token for oleuser2.
  6056. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleuser2 );
  6057. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleuser2" );
  6058. success = FALSE;
  6059. // Create a server.
  6060. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server1, &id_server1 );
  6061. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server while impersonating oleuser2" );
  6062. // Ask who started the server.
  6063. result = server1->get_string( creator_ws, &creator );
  6064. ASSERT( result, "Could not get creator name for server1" );
  6065. ASSERT_EXPR( creator != NULL, "No creator name for server1" );
  6066. if (_wcsicmp( creator, L"redmond\\oleuser2" ) != 0 )
  6067. {
  6068. printf( "Server1 not created by oleuser2: <%ws>\n", creator );
  6069. goto cleanup;
  6070. }
  6071. // Finally, its all over.
  6072. success = TRUE;
  6073. cleanup:
  6074. if (server != NULL)
  6075. server->Release();
  6076. if (server1 != NULL)
  6077. server1->Release();
  6078. if (oleuser1 != NULL)
  6079. CloseHandle( oleuser1 );
  6080. if (oleuser2 != NULL)
  6081. CloseHandle( oleuser2 );
  6082. if (creator != NULL)
  6083. CoTaskMemFree( creator );
  6084. if (success)
  6085. printf( "\n\nCloak_Act Test Passed.\n" );
  6086. else
  6087. printf( "\n\nCloak_Act Test Failed.\n" );
  6088. }
  6089. #endif
  6090. /***************************************************************************/
  6091. void do_crash()
  6092. {
  6093. HRESULT result;
  6094. int i;
  6095. BOOL success = FALSE;
  6096. HANDLE helper[MAX_THREADS];
  6097. DWORD thread_id;
  6098. DWORD status;
  6099. ITest *test = NULL;
  6100. ITest *another = NULL;
  6101. ITest *local = NULL;
  6102. SAptId local_id;
  6103. SAptId test_id;
  6104. SAptId another_id;
  6105. unsigned char c[17];
  6106. WCHAR *binding = NULL;
  6107. /*
  6108. printf( "This test doesn't run. It tests functionallity that is not checked in.\n" );
  6109. return;
  6110. */
  6111. // Initialize OLE.
  6112. hello( "crash" );
  6113. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  6114. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  6115. /*
  6116. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  6117. ASSERT( result, "Recalling Initialize failed" );
  6118. result = initialize(NULL,xxx);
  6119. if (result == S_OK)
  6120. {
  6121. printf( "Recalling Initialize with wrong thread mode succeeded: %x\n", result );
  6122. goto cleanup;
  6123. }
  6124. CoUninitialize();
  6125. CoUninitialize();
  6126. */
  6127. // Create a local object.
  6128. local = new CTest;
  6129. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not create local instance of test server." );
  6130. // Get a test object.
  6131. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &test, &test_id );
  6132. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  6133. // Get another test object.
  6134. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &another, &another_id );
  6135. ASSERT( result, "Could not create another instance of test server" );
  6136. result = another->get_id( &another_id );
  6137. ASSERT( result, "get_id failed calling second test server" );
  6138. // Let the server throw and exception and catch it before returning.
  6139. result = test->sick( 95 );
  6140. ASSERT( result, "Internal server fault was not dealt with correctly." );
  6141. // Throw a non fatal exception on the first call.
  6142. result = test->recurse_excp( local, 0 );
  6143. if (result != RPC_E_SERVERFAULT)
  6144. {
  6145. printf( "Error with top level exception.\n" );
  6146. goto cleanup;
  6147. }
  6148. // Throw a non fatal exception after recursing.
  6149. result = test->recurse_excp( local, 4 );
  6150. if (result != RPC_E_SERVERFAULT)
  6151. {
  6152. printf( "Error with nested exception.\n" );
  6153. goto cleanup;
  6154. }
  6155. // Test alignment of the buffer.
  6156. result = test->align( c );
  6157. ASSERT( result, "Alignment call failed" );
  6158. // Test failure marshalling parameters.
  6159. result = test->pointer( (DWORD *) -1 );
  6160. if (result != STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
  6161. {
  6162. printf( "Marshalling in parameter failure call failed: 0x%x\n", result );
  6163. goto cleanup;
  6164. }
  6165. // Test a recursive call.
  6166. result = test->recurse( local, 10 );
  6167. ASSERT( result, "Recursive call failed" );
  6168. // Test multiple threads.
  6169. Multicall_Test = TRUE;
  6170. for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++)
  6171. {
  6172. helper[i] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, thread_helper, test, 0, &thread_id );
  6173. if (helper[i] == NULL)
  6174. {
  6175. printf( "Could not create helper thread number %d.\n", i );
  6176. goto cleanup;
  6177. }
  6178. }
  6179. result = test->sleep(4000);
  6180. ASSERT( result, "Multiple call failed on main thread" );
  6181. status = WaitForMultipleObjects( MAX_THREADS, helper, TRUE, INFINITE );
  6182. if (status == WAIT_FAILED)
  6183. {
  6184. printf( "Could not wait for helper threads to die: 0x%x\n", status );
  6185. goto cleanup;
  6186. }
  6187. if (!Multicall_Test)
  6188. {
  6189. printf( "Multiple call failed on helper thread.\n" );
  6190. goto cleanup;
  6191. }
  6192. // See if methods can correctly call GetMessage.
  6193. another->interrupt( test, another_id, TRUE );
  6194. result = test->recurse_interrupt( local, 10 );
  6195. ASSERT( result, "Recursive call with interrupts failed" );
  6196. another->interrupt( test, another_id, FALSE );
  6197. // Kill the server on the first call.
  6198. printf( "One of the servers may get a popup now. Hit Ok.\n" );
  6199. result = test->recurse_fatal( local, 0xffffffff, 0, FALSE );
  6200. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Server still alive after top level exception." );
  6201. test->Release();
  6202. test = NULL;
  6203. // Kill the server after nesting.
  6204. printf( "One of the servers may get a popup now. Hit Ok.\n" );
  6205. result = another->recurse_fatal( local, 0xffffffff, 4, FALSE );
  6206. if (result == S_OK)
  6207. {
  6208. printf( "Server still alive after nested exception.\n" );
  6209. goto cleanup;
  6210. }
  6211. another->Release();
  6212. another = NULL;
  6213. /*
  6214. // Get a test object.
  6215. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  6216. IID_ITest, (void **) &test );
  6217. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  6218. // Register this process to receive raw RPC.
  6219. result = local->register_rpc( TestProtseq, &binding );
  6220. ASSERT( result, "Could not register rpc" );
  6221. // Tell the server to catch the exception at the message loop.
  6222. result = test->catch_at_top( TRUE, local, binding );
  6223. ASSERT( result, "Could not tell server to catch exception at top" );
  6224. // Kill the server on the first call.
  6225. result = test->recurse_fatal( local, 0xffffffff, 0, FALSE );
  6226. if (result == S_OK)
  6227. {
  6228. printf( "Server still alive after exception caught at top.\n" );
  6229. goto cleanup;
  6230. }
  6231. test->Release();
  6232. test = NULL;
  6233. // Check the raw result.
  6234. status = WaitForSingleObject( RawEvent, INFINITE );
  6235. if (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
  6236. {
  6237. printf( "Could not wait on RawEvent: 0x%x\n", status );
  6238. goto cleanup;
  6239. }
  6240. ASSERT( RawResult, "Problem after exception" );
  6241. // Get a test object.
  6242. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  6243. IID_ITest, (void **) &test );
  6244. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  6245. // Tell the server to catch the exception at the message loop.
  6246. result = test->catch_at_top( TRUE, local, binding );
  6247. ASSERT( result, "Could not tell server to catch exception at top" );
  6248. // Kill the server after nesting.
  6249. result = test->recurse_fatal( local, 0xffffffff, 6, FALSE );
  6250. if (result == S_OK)
  6251. {
  6252. printf( "Server still alive after exception caught at top.\n" );
  6253. goto cleanup;
  6254. }
  6255. test->Release();
  6256. test = NULL;
  6257. // Check the raw result.
  6258. status = WaitForSingleObject( RawEvent, INFINITE );
  6259. if (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
  6260. {
  6261. printf( "Could not wait on RawEvent: 0x%x\n", status );
  6262. goto cleanup;
  6263. }
  6264. ASSERT( RawResult, "Problem after exception" );
  6265. // Get a test object.
  6266. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  6267. IID_ITest, (void **) &test );
  6268. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  6269. // Tell the server not to catch the exception at the message loop.
  6270. result = test->catch_at_top( FALSE, local, binding );
  6271. ASSERT( result, "Could not tell server not to catch exception at top" );
  6272. // Tell the server to catch the exception after nesting, nest some more
  6273. // and then kill it.
  6274. result = test->recurse_fatal( local, 2, 8, FALSE );
  6275. ASSERT( result, "Could not gracefully catch exception" );
  6276. test->Release();
  6277. test = NULL;
  6278. // Check the raw result.
  6279. status = WaitForSingleObject( RawEvent, INFINITE );
  6280. if (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
  6281. {
  6282. printf( "Could not wait on RawEvent: 0x%x\n", status );
  6283. goto cleanup;
  6284. }
  6285. ASSERT( RawResult, "Problem after exception" );
  6286. // Get a test object.
  6287. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  6288. IID_ITest, (void **) &test );
  6289. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  6290. // Tell the server not to catch the exception at the message loop.
  6291. result = test->catch_at_top( FALSE, local, binding );
  6292. ASSERT( result, "Could not tell server not to catch exception at top" );
  6293. // Get the object ids.
  6294. result = local->get_id( &local_id );
  6295. ASSERT( result, "Could not get local id" );
  6296. result = test->get_id( &test_id );
  6297. ASSERT( result, "Could not get test id" );
  6298. // Cancel the call to kill the server.
  6299. success = do_crash_helper( local, local_id, test, test_id);
  6300. local = NULL;
  6301. test = NULL;
  6302. if (!success)
  6303. goto cleanup;
  6304. success = FALSE;
  6305. */
  6306. // Finally, its all over.
  6307. success = TRUE;
  6308. cleanup:
  6309. if (test != NULL)
  6310. test->Release();
  6311. if (another != NULL)
  6312. another->Release();
  6313. if (local != NULL)
  6314. local->Release();
  6315. if (binding != NULL)
  6316. CoTaskMemFree( binding );
  6317. CoUninitialize();
  6318. if (success)
  6319. printf( "\n\nCrash Test Passed.\n" );
  6320. else
  6321. printf( "\n\nCrash Test Failed.\n" );
  6322. }
  6323. /***************************************************************************/
  6324. BOOL do_crash_helper( ITest *obj1, SAptId id1, ITest *obj2, SAptId id2 )
  6325. {
  6326. BOOL success = FALSE;
  6327. HRESULT result;
  6328. ITest *helper1 = NULL;
  6329. SAptId hid1;
  6330. RPC_STATUS status;
  6331. // Create first helper.
  6332. result = obj1->get_obj_from_new_apt( &helper1, &hid1 );
  6333. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  6334. // Register first message filter.
  6335. result = obj1->register_message_filter( TRUE );
  6336. ASSERT( result, "Could not register message filter." );
  6337. // Tell everybody who their neighbor is.
  6338. result = obj2->remember( helper1, hid1 );
  6339. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  6340. result = helper1->remember( obj1, id1 );
  6341. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  6342. // Tell the server to catch the exception after nesting, nest some more
  6343. // and then kill it, with cancel.
  6344. result = obj2->recurse_fatal( obj1, 2, 8, TRUE );
  6345. if (result == S_OK)
  6346. ASSERT( result, "Could not gracefully catch exception" );
  6347. obj2->Release();
  6348. obj2 = NULL;
  6349. // Check the raw result.
  6350. status = WaitForSingleObject( RawEvent, INFINITE );
  6351. if (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
  6352. {
  6353. printf( "Could not wait on RawEvent: 0x%x\n", status );
  6354. goto cleanup;
  6355. }
  6356. ASSERT( RawResult, "Problem after exception" );
  6357. // Tell everybody to forget their neighbor.
  6358. result = helper1->forget();
  6359. ASSERT( result, "Could not forget neighbor" );
  6360. // Release first message filter.
  6361. result = obj1->register_message_filter( FALSE );
  6362. ASSERT( result, "Could not deregister message filter." );
  6363. success = TRUE;
  6364. cleanup:
  6365. if (helper1 != NULL)
  6366. helper1->Release();
  6367. if (obj2 != NULL)
  6368. obj2->Release();
  6369. if (obj1 != NULL)
  6370. obj1->Release();
  6371. return success;
  6372. }
  6373. /***************************************************************************/
  6374. void do_create_dir()
  6375. {
  6376. HRESULT result;
  6377. DWORD i;
  6378. BOOL success = FALSE;
  6379. WCHAR *dir = NULL;
  6380. WCHAR *end;
  6381. // Initialize
  6382. hello( "create_dir" );
  6383. // Allocate memory for the directory name, leaving space for the extension.
  6384. i = wcslen( Name );
  6385. dir = (WCHAR *) malloc( (i+5) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
  6386. ASSERT_EXPR( dir != NULL, "Could not allocate memory.\n" );
  6387. // Copy in name and find the end.
  6388. wcscpy( dir, Name );
  6389. end = dir + i;
  6390. *end = '.';
  6391. end += 1;
  6392. // Create the directories.
  6393. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  6394. {
  6395. // Write the suffix to the string.
  6396. ASSERT_EXPR( i < 1000, "Didn't leave enough space in the buffer for more then 3 digits." );
  6397. wsprintf( end, L"%03d", i );
  6398. // Create the directory.
  6399. success = CreateDirectory( dir, NULL );
  6400. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not create directory." );
  6401. }
  6402. // Finally, its all over.
  6403. success = TRUE;
  6404. cleanup:
  6405. if (dir != NULL)
  6406. free( dir );
  6407. if (success)
  6408. printf( "\n\nCreate_Dir Test Passed.\n" );
  6409. else
  6410. printf( "\n\nCreate_Dir Test Failed.\n" );
  6411. }
  6412. /***************************************************************************/
  6413. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  6414. void do_crypt()
  6415. {
  6416. HRESULT result;
  6417. DWORD i;
  6418. DWORD j;
  6419. DWORD k;
  6420. DWORD len;
  6421. BOOL success = FALSE;
  6422. HCRYPTPROV prov = 0;
  6423. UCHAR *prov_name;
  6424. UCHAR *container;
  6425. DWORD version;
  6426. DWORD flags;
  6427. HCRYPTKEY exchange = 0;
  6428. HCRYPTKEY sign = 0;
  6429. BYTE simpleb[256];
  6430. BYTE publicb[1000];
  6431. BYTE privateb[5000];
  6432. BLOBHEADER *header;
  6433. RSAPUBKEY *pubkey;
  6434. BYTE *modulus;
  6435. DWORD publen;
  6436. DWORD privlen;
  6437. DWORD simplelen;
  6438. ITest *server = NULL;
  6439. SAptId id;
  6440. HCRYPTKEY server_key = 0;
  6441. BYTE *server_blob = NULL;
  6442. HCRYPTKEY session = 0;
  6443. BYTE *buffer;
  6444. HCRYPTHASH hash = 0;
  6445. // Initialize OLE.
  6446. hello( "crypt" );
  6447. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  6448. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  6449. // Get the default full provider.
  6450. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0 );
  6451. ASSERT_GLE( success, NTE_BAD_KEYSET, "Could not acqure full context." );
  6452. // If there is no container, create one.
  6453. if (!success)
  6454. {
  6455. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET );
  6456. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not acqure full context." );
  6457. }
  6458. success = FALSE;
  6459. // Get the provider name.
  6460. i = 0;
  6461. CryptGetProvParam( prov, PP_NAME, NULL, &i, 0 );
  6462. prov_name = (UCHAR *) _alloca( i );
  6463. success = CryptGetProvParam( prov, PP_NAME, prov_name, &i, 0 );
  6464. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not get provider name." );
  6465. success = FALSE;
  6466. // Get the provider version.
  6467. i = sizeof(version);
  6468. success = CryptGetProvParam( prov, PP_VERSION, (UCHAR *) &version, &i, 0 );
  6469. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not get provider version." );
  6470. success = FALSE;
  6471. // Get the container name.
  6472. i = 0;
  6473. CryptGetProvParam( prov, PP_CONTAINER, NULL, &i, 0 );
  6474. container = (UCHAR *) _alloca( i );
  6475. success = CryptGetProvParam( prov, PP_CONTAINER, container, &i, 0 );
  6476. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not get container name." );
  6477. success = FALSE;
  6478. // Print stuff about the provider.
  6479. if (Verbose)
  6480. {
  6481. printf( "Provider handle: 0x%x\n", prov );
  6482. printf( "Provider name: %s\n", prov_name );
  6483. printf( "Provider version: 0x%x\n", version );
  6484. printf( "Container name: %s\n\n", container );
  6485. }
  6486. // Get the maximum container name size.
  6487. i = 0;
  6488. CryptGetProvParam( prov, PP_ENUMCONTAINERS, NULL, &i, CRYPT_FIRST );
  6489. container = (UCHAR *) _alloca( i );
  6490. // Print all containers.
  6491. success = TRUE;
  6492. flags = CRYPT_FIRST;
  6493. while (success)
  6494. {
  6495. // Get the container name.
  6496. j = i;
  6497. success = CryptGetProvParam( prov, PP_ENUMCONTAINERS, container, &j, flags );
  6498. ASSERT_GLE( success, ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS, "Could not enumerate containers." );
  6499. flags = 0;
  6500. if (Verbose)
  6501. printf( "%s\n", container );
  6502. }
  6503. success = FALSE;
  6504. if (Verbose)
  6505. printf( "\n" );
  6506. // Get the exchange public key.
  6507. success = CryptGetUserKey( prov, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, &exchange );
  6508. ASSERT_GLE( success, NTE_NO_KEY, "Could not open exchange key" );
  6509. // Generate the exchange key if there wasn't one.
  6510. if (!success)
  6511. {
  6512. success = CryptGenKey( prov, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &exchange );
  6513. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not create exchange key" );
  6514. }
  6515. success = FALSE;
  6516. // Get the signature public key.
  6517. success = CryptGetUserKey( prov, AT_SIGNATURE, &sign );
  6518. ASSERT_GLE( success, NTE_NO_KEY, "Could not open signature key" );
  6519. // Generate the signature key if there wasn't one.
  6520. if (!success)
  6521. {
  6522. success = CryptGenKey( prov, AT_SIGNATURE, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &sign );
  6523. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not create signature key" );
  6524. }
  6525. success = FALSE;
  6526. // Export a public blob.
  6527. publen = sizeof(publicb);
  6528. success = CryptExportKey( exchange, NULL, PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, publicb, &publen );
  6529. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not export public key" );
  6530. // Export a private blob.
  6531. privlen = sizeof(privateb);
  6532. success = CryptExportKey( exchange, NULL, PRIVATEKEYBLOB, 0, privateb, &privlen );
  6533. if (!success)
  6534. printf( "Private export failed with 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  6535. success = FALSE;
  6536. // Print the public key.
  6537. if (Verbose)
  6538. {
  6539. header = (BLOBHEADER *) publicb;
  6540. pubkey = (RSAPUBKEY *) (header + 1);
  6541. modulus = (BYTE *) (pubkey + 1);
  6542. printf( "\nType: 0x%x Version: 0x%x Reserver: 0x%x KeyAlg: 0x%x\n",
  6543. header->bType, header->bVersion, header->reserved, header->aiKeyAlg );
  6544. printf( "Magic: 0x%x Bitlen: 0x%x Pubexp: 0x%x\n", pubkey->magic,
  6545. pubkey->bitlen, pubkey->pubexp );
  6546. for (i = 0; i < pubkey->bitlen/8; i++)
  6547. if (i%16 == 15)
  6548. printf( "%02x\n", *(modulus++) );
  6549. else
  6550. printf( "%02x ", *(modulus++) );
  6551. ASSERT_EXPR( (DWORD)(modulus-publicb) == publen, "Wrong length for public key." );
  6552. }
  6553. // Print the private key
  6554. if (Verbose)
  6555. {
  6556. header = (BLOBHEADER *) privateb;
  6557. pubkey = (RSAPUBKEY *) (header + 1);
  6558. modulus = (BYTE *) (pubkey + 1);
  6559. printf( "\nType: 0x%x Version: 0x%x Reserver: 0x%x KeyAlg: 0x%x\n",
  6560. header->bType, header->bVersion, header->reserved, header->aiKeyAlg );
  6561. printf( "Magic: 0x%x Bitlen: 0x%x Pubexp: 0x%x\n", pubkey->magic,
  6562. pubkey->bitlen, pubkey->pubexp );
  6563. printf( "\nModulus\n" );
  6564. for (i = 0; i < pubkey->bitlen/8; i++)
  6565. if (i%16 == 15)
  6566. printf( "%02x\n", *(modulus++) );
  6567. else
  6568. printf( "%02x ", *(modulus++) );
  6569. printf( "\nPrime1\n" );
  6570. for (i = 0; i < pubkey->bitlen/16; i++)
  6571. if (i%16 == 15)
  6572. printf( "%02x\n", *(modulus++) );
  6573. else
  6574. printf( "%02x ", *(modulus++) );
  6575. printf( "\nPrime2\n" );
  6576. for (i = 0; i < pubkey->bitlen/16; i++)
  6577. if (i%16 == 15)
  6578. printf( "%02x\n", *(modulus++) );
  6579. else
  6580. printf( "%02x ", *(modulus++) );
  6581. printf( "\nExponent1\n" );
  6582. for (i = 0; i < pubkey->bitlen/16; i++)
  6583. if (i%16 == 15)
  6584. printf( "%02x\n", *(modulus++) );
  6585. else
  6586. printf( "%02x ", *(modulus++) );
  6587. printf( "\nExponent2\n" );
  6588. for (i = 0; i < pubkey->bitlen/16; i++)
  6589. if (i%16 == 15)
  6590. printf( "%02x\n", *(modulus++) );
  6591. else
  6592. printf( "%02x ", *(modulus++) );
  6593. printf( "\nCoefficient\n" );
  6594. for (i = 0; i < pubkey->bitlen/16; i++)
  6595. if (i%16 == 15)
  6596. printf( "%02x\n", *(modulus++) );
  6597. else
  6598. printf( "%02x ", *(modulus++) );
  6599. printf( "\nPrivate Exponent\n" );
  6600. for (i = 0; i < pubkey->bitlen/8; i++)
  6601. if (i%16 == 15)
  6602. printf( "%02x\n", *(modulus++) );
  6603. else
  6604. printf( "%02x ", *(modulus++) );
  6605. ASSERT_EXPR( (DWORD)(modulus-privateb) == privlen, "Wrong length for private key." );
  6606. }
  6607. // Get a test object.
  6608. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id );
  6609. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  6610. // Get its public key blob.
  6611. result = server->swap_key( publen, publicb, &i, &server_blob );
  6612. ASSERT( result, "Could not get server key blob" );
  6613. // Import the server's public key.
  6614. success = CryptImportKey( prov, server_blob, i, NULL, 0, &server_key );
  6615. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not import server key" );
  6616. success = FALSE;
  6617. // Make a session key.
  6618. success = CryptGenKey( prov, CALG_RC4, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &session );
  6619. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not generate session key" );
  6620. success = FALSE;
  6621. // Export a simple blob.
  6622. simplelen = sizeof(simpleb);
  6623. success = CryptExportKey( session, server_key, SIMPLEBLOB, 0, simpleb, &simplelen );
  6624. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not export session key" );
  6625. success = FALSE;
  6626. // Allocate a buffer.
  6627. len = wcslen(Name2)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
  6628. k = len;
  6629. j = len + 32;
  6630. buffer = (BYTE *) _alloca( j );
  6631. wcscpy( (WCHAR *) buffer, Name2 );
  6632. // Encrypt some text.
  6633. success = CryptEncrypt( session, NULL, TRUE, 0, buffer, &len, j );
  6634. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not encrypt data" );
  6635. success = FALSE;
  6636. // Print the text.
  6637. if (Verbose)
  6638. {
  6639. printf( "\nDecrypted: " );
  6640. for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
  6641. printf( "%02x ", ((BYTE *) Name2)[i] );
  6642. printf( "\nEncrypted: " );
  6643. for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
  6644. printf( "%02x ", buffer[i] );
  6645. printf( "\n" );
  6646. }
  6647. // Let the server decrypt it.
  6648. result = server->decrypt( len, buffer, Name2, simplelen, simpleb, NULL );
  6649. ASSERT( result, "Could not decrypt buffer" );
  6650. // Delete the old session key.
  6651. success = CryptDestroyKey( session );
  6652. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not destroy session key" );
  6653. session = 0;
  6654. success = FALSE;
  6655. // Create a hash object.
  6656. success = CryptCreateHash( prov, CALG_MD5, NULL, 0, &hash );
  6657. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not create hash" );
  6658. success = FALSE;
  6659. // Hash the user name.
  6660. success = CryptHashData( hash, (UCHAR *) UserName,
  6661. wcslen(UserName)*sizeof(WCHAR), 0 );
  6662. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not hash user name" );
  6663. success = FALSE;
  6664. // Derive a session key.
  6665. success = CryptDeriveKey( prov, CALG_RC4, hash, 0, &session );
  6666. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not derive key" );
  6667. success = FALSE;
  6668. // Encrypt some text.
  6669. wcscpy( (WCHAR *) buffer, Name2 );
  6670. success = CryptEncrypt( session, NULL, TRUE, 0, buffer, &len, j );
  6671. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not encrypt data" );
  6672. success = FALSE;
  6673. // Print the text.
  6674. if (Verbose)
  6675. {
  6676. printf( "\nDecrypted: " );
  6677. for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
  6678. printf( "%02x ", ((BYTE *) Name2)[i] );
  6679. printf( "\nEncrypted: " );
  6680. for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
  6681. printf( "%02x ", buffer[i] );
  6682. printf( "\n" );
  6683. }
  6684. // Let the server decrypt it.
  6685. result = server->decrypt( len, buffer, Name2, 0, NULL, UserName );
  6686. ASSERT( result, "Could not decrypt buffer" );
  6687. // Finally, its all over.
  6688. success = TRUE;
  6689. cleanup:
  6690. if (exchange != 0)
  6691. CryptDestroyKey( exchange );
  6692. if (sign != 0)
  6693. CryptDestroyKey( sign );
  6694. if (session != 0)
  6695. CryptDestroyKey( session );
  6696. if (hash != 0)
  6697. CryptDestroyHash( hash );
  6698. if (prov != 0 )
  6699. CryptReleaseContext( prov, 0 );
  6700. if (server != NULL)
  6701. server->Release();
  6702. if (server_blob != NULL)
  6703. CoTaskMemFree( server_blob );
  6704. CoUninitialize();
  6705. if (success)
  6706. printf( "\n\nCrypt Test Passed.\n" );
  6707. else
  6708. printf( "\n\nCrypt Test Failed.\n" );
  6709. }
  6710. #endif
  6711. /***************************************************************************/
  6712. void do_cstress()
  6713. {
  6714. BOOL success = FALSE;
  6715. ITest *obj1 = NULL;
  6716. ITest *obj2 = NULL;
  6717. ITest *helper = NULL;
  6718. SAptId id1;
  6719. SAptId id2;
  6720. SAptId hid;
  6721. DWORD i;
  6722. HRESULT result;
  6723. // Initialize OLE.
  6724. hello( "cstress" );
  6725. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  6726. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  6727. // Create a client.
  6728. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  6729. IID_ITest, (void **) &obj1 );
  6730. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  6731. result = obj1->get_id( &id1 );
  6732. ASSERT( result, "Could not get client id" );
  6733. // Create helper.
  6734. result = obj1->get_obj_from_new_apt( &helper, &hid );
  6735. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  6736. // Create a client.
  6737. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  6738. IID_ITest, (void **) &obj2 );
  6739. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  6740. result = obj2->get_id( &hid );
  6741. ASSERT( result, "Could not get client id" );
  6742. // Register the message filter.
  6743. result = obj1->register_message_filter( TRUE );
  6744. ASSERT( result, "Could not register message filter." );
  6745. // Tell everyone to remember their neighbor.
  6746. result = obj1->remember( helper, hid );
  6747. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  6748. result = obj2->remember( helper, hid );
  6749. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  6750. result = helper->remember( obj1, id1 );
  6751. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  6752. // Loop and cancel a lot of calls.
  6753. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  6754. {
  6755. // Cancel remote call.
  6756. result = obj1->cancel_stress( obj2 );
  6757. ASSERT( result, "Remote cancel failed" );
  6758. // Cancel local call.
  6759. result = obj1->cancel_stress( NULL );
  6760. ASSERT( result, "Local cancel failed" );
  6761. }
  6762. // Tell everybody to forget their neighbor.
  6763. result = obj1->forget();
  6764. ASSERT( result, "Could not forget neighbor" );
  6765. result = obj2->forget();
  6766. ASSERT( result, "Could not forget neighbor" );
  6767. result = helper->forget();
  6768. ASSERT( result, "Could not forget neighbor" );
  6769. // Release the message filter.
  6770. result = obj1->register_message_filter( FALSE );
  6771. ASSERT( result, "Could not register message filter." );
  6772. // Create in process server.
  6773. result = obj1->get_obj_from_new_apt( &helper, &hid );
  6774. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  6775. // Finally, its all over.
  6776. success = TRUE;
  6777. cleanup:
  6778. if (helper != NULL)
  6779. helper->Release();
  6780. if (obj1 != NULL)
  6781. obj1->Release();
  6782. if (obj2 != NULL)
  6783. obj2->Release();
  6784. CoUninitialize();
  6785. if (success)
  6786. printf( "\n\nCancel Stress Test Passed.\n" );
  6787. else
  6788. printf( "\n\nCancel Stress Test Failed.\n" );
  6789. }
  6790. /***************************************************************************/
  6791. void do_delegate()
  6792. {
  6793. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  6794. BOOL success = FALSE;
  6795. ITest *obj1 = NULL;
  6796. ITest *obj2 = NULL;
  6797. ITest *helper = NULL;
  6798. ITest *local = NULL;
  6799. SAptId id1;
  6800. SAptId id2;
  6801. SAptId hid;
  6802. int i;
  6803. HRESULT result;
  6804. DWORD authn_svc_out;
  6805. OLECHAR *princ_name_out = NULL;
  6806. // Only run on NT 5.
  6807. if (!NT5)
  6808. {
  6809. printf( "Delegate test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  6810. return;
  6811. }
  6812. // Initialize OLE.
  6813. hello( "delegate" );
  6814. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  6815. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  6816. ASSERT_EXPR( DomainUser != NULL, "Don't know the domain name.\n" );
  6817. ASSERT_EXPR( GlobalSecurityModel != auto_sm ||
  6818. GlobalAuthnLevel != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  6819. "Delegate test must be run with security enabled.\n" );
  6820. // Make a local object.
  6821. local = new CTest;
  6822. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not create local object." );
  6823. // Create another apartment.
  6824. result = new_apartment( &helper, &hid, NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED );
  6825. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local server" );
  6826. // Turn on cloaking.
  6827. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( helper, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  6828. DomainUser, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  6831. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  6832. // Make a recursive secure call.
  6833. result = helper->recurse_delegate( local, 4, DomainUser );
  6834. ASSERT( result, "Could not make a recursive delegate call" );
  6835. // Create a remote server.
  6836. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &obj1, &id1 );
  6837. ASSERT( result, "Could not create a server" );
  6838. // Get the principal name and authentication service.
  6839. result = MCoQueryProxyBlanket( obj1, &authn_svc_out, NULL,
  6840. &princ_name_out, NULL,
  6841. NULL, NULL, NULL );
  6842. ASSERT( result, "Could not query blanket" );
  6843. // Turn on cloaking.
  6844. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( obj1, authn_svc_out, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  6845. princ_name_out, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  6848. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  6849. // Make a recursive secure call.
  6850. result = obj1->recurse_delegate( local, 4, DomainUser );
  6851. ASSERT( result, "Could not make a recursive delegate call" );
  6852. // Remove the token that was added during the recursive call.
  6853. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( obj1, authn_svc_out, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  6854. princ_name_out, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  6857. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  6858. // Make a secure call
  6859. result = obj1->recurse_delegate( NULL, 0, DomainUser );
  6860. ASSERT( result, "Could not make a delegate call" );
  6861. // Create a remote server.
  6862. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), third_machine_wd, &obj2, &id2 );
  6863. ASSERT( result, "Could not create a server" );
  6864. // Make a three machine delegation call.
  6865. result = obj1->recurse_delegate( obj2, 5, DomainUser );
  6866. ASSERT( result, "Could not make a delegate call" );
  6867. // Release the servers.
  6868. helper->Release();
  6869. obj1->Release();
  6870. obj2->Release();
  6871. local->Release();
  6872. helper = NULL;
  6873. obj1 = NULL;
  6874. obj2 = NULL;
  6875. local = NULL;
  6876. // Uninitialize.
  6877. CoUninitialize();
  6878. // Reinitialize.
  6879. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  6880. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  6881. // Initialize security with cloaking.
  6882. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
  6886. // Create a remote server.
  6887. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &obj1, &id1 );
  6888. ASSERT( result, "Could not create a server" );
  6889. // Make a local object.
  6890. local = new CTest;
  6891. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not create local object." );
  6892. // Make a recursive secure call.
  6893. result = obj1->recurse_delegate( local, 4, DomainUser );
  6894. ASSERT( result, "Could not make a recursive delegate call" );
  6895. // Finally, its all over.
  6896. success = TRUE;
  6897. cleanup:
  6898. if (helper != NULL)
  6899. helper->Release();
  6900. if (obj1 != NULL)
  6901. obj1->Release();
  6902. if (obj2 != NULL)
  6903. obj2->Release();
  6904. if (local != NULL)
  6905. local->Release();
  6906. CoUninitialize();
  6907. if (success)
  6908. printf( "\n\nDelegate Test Passed.\n" );
  6909. else
  6910. printf( "\n\nDelegate Test Failed.\n" );
  6911. #else
  6912. printf( "Delegate test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  6913. #endif
  6914. }
  6915. /***************************************************************************/
  6916. void do_hook()
  6917. {
  6918. BOOL success = FALSE;
  6919. ITest *server = NULL;
  6920. SAptId id;
  6921. ITest *dead = NULL;
  6922. ITest *local = NULL;
  6923. HRESULT result;
  6924. IWhichHook *which = NULL;
  6925. // Delete all hook registry entries.
  6926. do_hook_delete();
  6927. // Initialize OLE.
  6928. hello( "hook" );
  6929. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  6930. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  6931. if (!Change)
  6932. {
  6933. // Register the first hook.
  6934. result = do_hook_register( CLSID_Hook1 );
  6935. ASSERT( result, "Could not register hook 1" );
  6936. Sleep(10);
  6937. // Get the status object.
  6938. result = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WhichHook, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
  6939. IID_IWhichHook, (void **) &which );
  6940. ASSERT( result, "Could not get status object" );
  6941. // Create a server.
  6942. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id );
  6943. ASSERT( result, "Could not create a server" );
  6944. // Verify that only one hook got called.
  6945. result = server->check_hook( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, FALSE );
  6946. ASSERT( result, "Check hook failed" );
  6947. // Verify the local hooks.
  6948. result = which->Hooked( CLSID_Hook1 );
  6949. ASSERT( result, "Hook 1 didn't get called locally" );
  6950. result = which->Hooked( CLSID_Hook2 );
  6951. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Hook 2 got called locally" );
  6952. // Release the server.
  6953. server->Release();
  6954. server = NULL;
  6955. // Register the second hook.
  6956. result = do_hook_register( CLSID_Hook2 );
  6957. ASSERT( result, "Could not register hook 2" );
  6958. Sleep(10);
  6959. // Create a server.
  6960. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id );
  6961. ASSERT( result, "Could not create a server" );
  6962. // Verify that both hooks got called.
  6963. result = server->check_hook( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE );
  6964. ASSERT( result, "Check hook failed" );
  6965. // Verify the local hooks.
  6966. result = which->Hooked( CLSID_Hook1 );
  6967. ASSERT( result, "Hook 1 didn't get called locally" );
  6968. result = which->Hooked( CLSID_Hook2 );
  6969. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Hook 2 got called locally" );
  6970. // Release the server.
  6971. server->Release();
  6972. server = NULL;
  6973. which->Release();
  6974. which = NULL;
  6975. }
  6976. // Create a remote server.
  6977. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &dead, &id );
  6978. ASSERT( result, "Could not create a server" );
  6979. // Tell it to die.
  6980. result = dead->exit();
  6981. ASSERT( result, "Could not tell server to die" );
  6982. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  6983. {
  6984. // Create a local server.
  6985. result = new_apartment( &local, &id, NULL, ThreadMode );
  6986. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local server" );
  6987. // Test hooks in process.
  6988. success = do_hook_helper( TRUE, local, id, dead );
  6989. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  6990. success = FALSE;
  6991. // Release the local server.
  6992. local->Release();
  6993. local = NULL;
  6994. dead->Release();
  6995. dead = NULL;
  6996. // Uninitialize.
  6997. CoUninitialize();
  6998. // Reinitialize.
  6999. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7000. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7001. // Create a remote server.
  7002. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &dead, &id );
  7003. ASSERT( result, "Could not create a server" );
  7004. // Tell it to die.
  7005. result = dead->exit();
  7006. ASSERT( result, "Could not tell server to die" );
  7007. }
  7008. // Create a remote server.
  7009. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id );
  7010. ASSERT( result, "Could not create a server" );
  7011. // Test remote hooks.
  7012. success = do_hook_helper( FALSE, server, id, dead );
  7013. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  7014. success = FALSE;
  7015. // Finally, its all over.
  7016. success = TRUE;
  7017. cleanup:
  7018. if (local != NULL)
  7019. local->Release();
  7020. if (server != NULL)
  7021. server->Release();
  7022. if (dead != NULL)
  7023. dead->Release();
  7024. if (which != NULL)
  7025. which->Release();
  7026. CoUninitialize();
  7027. // Delete all hook registry entries.
  7028. do_hook_delete();
  7029. if (success)
  7030. printf( "\n\nHook Test Passed.\n" );
  7031. else
  7032. printf( "\n\nHook Test Failed.\n" );
  7033. }
  7034. /***************************************************************************/
  7035. void do_hook_delete()
  7036. {
  7037. HKEY hook;
  7038. HRESULT result;
  7039. // Open the channel hook key.
  7040. result = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
  7041. L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\OLE\\ChannelHook",
  7042. 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hook );
  7043. if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS)
  7044. {
  7045. // Delete the hook 1 value.
  7046. RegDeleteValue( hook, L"{60000400-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}" );
  7047. // Delete the hook 2 value.
  7048. RegDeleteValue( hook, L"{60000401-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}" );
  7049. // Close the channel hook key.
  7050. RegCloseKey( hook );
  7051. }
  7052. }
  7053. /***************************************************************************/
  7054. BOOL do_hook_helper( BOOL local, ITest *test, SAptId id, ITest *dead )
  7055. {
  7056. CHook *hook1 = NULL;
  7057. CHook *hook2 = NULL;
  7058. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7059. UUID extent1;
  7060. UUID extent2;
  7061. UUID extent3;
  7062. HRESULT result;
  7063. DWORD i;
  7064. unsigned char *data = NULL;
  7065. unsigned char c;
  7066. // Call the server.
  7067. result = test->check( id );
  7068. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server" );
  7069. // Register a hook.
  7070. result = UuidCreate( &extent1 );
  7071. ASSERT_EXPR( result == RPC_S_OK || result == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY,
  7072. "Could not create uuid." );
  7073. hook1 = new CHook( extent1, 1 );
  7074. ASSERT_EXPR( hook1 != NULL, "Could not create new hook." );
  7075. result = CoRegisterChannelHook( extent1, hook1 );
  7076. ASSERT( result, "Could not register first hook" );
  7077. // Call the server.
  7078. result = test->check( id );
  7079. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server" );
  7080. // Register the hook in the server
  7081. if (!local)
  7082. {
  7083. result = test->register_hook( extent1, 1 );
  7084. ASSERT( result, "Could not register server hook" );
  7085. }
  7086. // Call the server.
  7087. result = test->check( id );
  7088. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server" );
  7089. // Register another hook in the server.
  7090. result = UuidCreate( &extent3 );
  7091. ASSERT_EXPR( result == RPC_S_OK || result == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY,
  7092. "Could not create uuid." );
  7093. result = test->register_hook( extent3, 3 );
  7094. ASSERT( result, "Could not register server hook" );
  7095. // Call the server.
  7096. result = test->check( id );
  7097. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server" );
  7098. // Register another hook in the client.
  7099. result = UuidCreate( &extent2 );
  7100. ASSERT_EXPR( result == RPC_S_OK || result == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY,
  7101. "Could not create uuid." );
  7102. hook2 = new CHook( extent2, 2 );
  7103. ASSERT_EXPR( hook2 != NULL, "Could not create new hook." );
  7104. result = CoRegisterChannelHook( extent2, hook2 );
  7105. ASSERT( result, "Could not register first hook" );
  7106. // Call the server several times.
  7107. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7108. {
  7109. result = test->check( id );
  7110. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server" );
  7111. }
  7112. // Verify the server's hook state.
  7113. if (local)
  7114. result = test->check_hook( 2+NumIterations, 2+NumIterations,
  7115. 2+NumIterations, 2+NumIterations,
  7116. 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, FALSE );
  7117. else
  7118. result = test->check_hook( 0, 0, 4+NumIterations, 4+NumIterations,
  7119. 0, 0, 2+NumIterations, 2+NumIterations,
  7120. TRUE, TRUE );
  7121. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server hook" );
  7122. // Verify the local hook state.
  7123. if (local)
  7124. {
  7125. result = hook1->check( 5+NumIterations, 5+NumIterations,
  7126. 5+NumIterations, 5+NumIterations );
  7127. ASSERT( result, "Bad state for hook 1" );
  7128. result = hook2->check( 1+NumIterations, 1+NumIterations,
  7129. 1+NumIterations, 1+NumIterations );
  7130. ASSERT( result, "Bad state for hook 2" );
  7131. }
  7132. else
  7133. {
  7134. result = hook1->check( 6+NumIterations, 6+NumIterations, 0, 0 );
  7135. ASSERT( result, "Bad state for hook 1" );
  7136. result = hook2->check( 1+NumIterations, 1+NumIterations, 0, 0 );
  7137. ASSERT( result, "Bad state for hook 2" );
  7138. }
  7139. // Make a call that fails in get buffer.
  7140. data = &c;
  7141. result = test->get_data( 0x7fffffff, data, 0, &data );
  7142. data = NULL;
  7143. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Bad call succeeded." );
  7144. // Make a call that fails in send receive.
  7145. result = dead->check( id );
  7146. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Bad call succeeded." );
  7147. // Make a call that faults.
  7148. result = test->recurse_excp( NULL, 0 );
  7149. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Bad call succeeded." );
  7150. // Make a call that fails in the server get buffer.
  7151. result = test->get_data( 0, NULL, 0x7fffffff, &data );
  7152. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Bad call succeeded." );
  7153. // Make a call that faults in the stub processing out parameters.
  7154. result = test->crash_out( &i );
  7155. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Bad call succeeded." );
  7156. // Make a successful call.
  7157. result = test->check( id );
  7158. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server" );
  7159. // The test succeeded.
  7160. success = TRUE;
  7161. cleanup:
  7162. if (hook1 != NULL)
  7163. hook1->Release();
  7164. if (hook2 != NULL)
  7165. hook2->Release();
  7166. if (data != NULL)
  7167. CoTaskMemFree( data );
  7168. return success;
  7169. }
  7170. /***************************************************************************/
  7171. HRESULT do_hook_register( CLSID clsid )
  7172. {
  7173. HRESULT result;
  7174. HKEY hook;
  7175. DWORD ignore;
  7176. // Open the channel hook key.
  7177. result = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
  7178. L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\OLE\\ChannelHook",
  7180. KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hook, &ignore );
  7181. if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS)
  7182. {
  7183. // Register the channel hook.
  7184. if (clsid == CLSID_Hook1)
  7185. result = RegSetValueExA(
  7186. hook,
  7187. "{60000400-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}",
  7188. 0,
  7189. REG_SZ,
  7190. NULL,
  7191. 0 );
  7192. else
  7193. result = RegSetValueExA(
  7194. hook,
  7195. "{60000401-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}",
  7196. 0,
  7197. REG_SZ,
  7198. NULL,
  7199. 0 );
  7200. ASSERT( result, "RegSetValue failed" );
  7201. // Close the channel hook key.
  7202. RegCloseKey( hook );
  7203. }
  7204. cleanup:
  7205. return result;
  7206. }
  7207. /***************************************************************************/
  7208. void do_leak()
  7209. {
  7210. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7211. ITest *server = NULL;
  7212. SAptId id;
  7213. HRESULT result;
  7214. DWORD i;
  7215. // Initialize OLE.
  7216. hello( "hook" );
  7217. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7218. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7219. // Loop
  7220. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7221. {
  7222. // Create a remote server.
  7223. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id );
  7224. ASSERT( result, "Could not create a server" );
  7225. // Release the server.
  7226. server->Release();
  7227. server = NULL;
  7228. }
  7229. // Finally, its all over.
  7230. success = TRUE;
  7231. cleanup:
  7232. if (server != NULL)
  7233. server->Release();
  7234. CoUninitialize();
  7235. if (success)
  7236. printf( "\n\nLeak Test Passed.\n" );
  7237. else
  7238. printf( "\n\nLeak Test Failed.\n" );
  7239. }
  7240. /***************************************************************************/
  7241. void do_load_client()
  7242. {
  7243. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7244. ITest *server = NULL;
  7245. HRESULT result;
  7246. RPC_BINDING_HANDLE handle = NULL;
  7247. RPC_STATUS status;
  7248. WCHAR binding[MAX_NAME];
  7249. void *buffer = NULL;
  7250. SAptId id;
  7251. SAptId id2;
  7252. HANDLE memory = NULL;
  7253. IStream *stream = NULL;
  7254. LARGE_INTEGER pos;
  7255. DWORD time_null;
  7256. long buf_size;
  7257. DWORD i;
  7258. // Initialize OLE.
  7259. hello( "Load_Client" );
  7260. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7261. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7262. // Build binding handle for the server.
  7263. wsprintf( binding, L"%ws:%ws", TestProtseq, Name );
  7264. status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding( binding, &handle );
  7265. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  7266. {
  7267. printf( "Could not make binding handle from string binding: 0x%x\n", status );
  7268. goto cleanup;
  7269. }
  7270. // Make a call to the server.
  7271. nullcall( handle );
  7272. if (!Change)
  7273. {
  7274. // Get a marshalled interface from the server over raw RPC.
  7275. get_interface_buffer( handle, &buf_size, (unsigned char **) &buffer, &id,
  7276. (error_status_t *) &status );
  7277. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  7278. {
  7279. printf( "Could not get buffer containing interface: 0x%x\n", status );
  7280. goto cleanup;
  7281. }
  7282. // Allocate memory.
  7283. memory = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, buf_size );
  7284. ASSERT_EXPR( memory != NULL, "Could not GlobalAlloc." );
  7285. // Create a stream.
  7286. result = CreateStreamOnHGlobal( memory, TRUE, &stream );
  7287. ASSERT( result, "Could not create stream" );
  7288. // Write the data.
  7289. result = stream->Write( buffer, buf_size, NULL );
  7290. ASSERT( result, "Could not write to stream" );
  7291. // Seek back to the start of the stream.
  7292. pos.QuadPart = 0;
  7293. result = stream->Seek( pos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL );
  7294. ASSERT( result, "Could not seek stream to start" );
  7295. // Unmarshal Interface.
  7296. result = CoUnmarshalInterface( stream, IID_ITest, (void **) &server );
  7297. ASSERT( result, "Could not unmarshal interface" );
  7298. // Call once to make sure everything is set up.
  7299. result = server->null();
  7300. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  7301. // Make a lot of null calls.
  7302. time_null = GetTickCount();
  7303. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7304. {
  7305. result = server->count();
  7306. ASSERT( result, "Could not make count call" );
  7307. }
  7308. time_null = GetTickCount() - time_null;
  7309. // Notify the server that we are done.
  7310. release_interface( handle, (error_status_t *) &status );
  7311. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  7312. {
  7313. printf( "Could not release interface: 0x%x\n", status );
  7314. goto cleanup;
  7315. }
  7316. }
  7317. // Print the results.
  7318. printf( "%d uS / DCOM Null Call\n", time_null*1000/NumIterations );
  7319. // Finally, its all over.
  7320. success = TRUE;
  7321. cleanup:
  7322. if (server != NULL)
  7323. server->Release();
  7324. if (handle != NULL)
  7325. RpcBindingFree( &handle );
  7326. if (buffer != NULL)
  7327. midl_user_free( buffer );
  7328. if (stream != NULL)
  7329. stream->Release();
  7330. CoUninitialize();
  7331. if (success)
  7332. printf( "\n\nLoad_Client Test Passed.\n" );
  7333. else
  7334. printf( "\n\nLoad_Client Test Failed.\n" );
  7335. }
  7336. /***************************************************************************/
  7337. void do_load_server()
  7338. {
  7339. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7340. SAptId id;
  7341. HRESULT result;
  7342. RPC_STATUS status;
  7343. RPC_BINDING_VECTOR *bindings = NULL;
  7344. HANDLE thread = NULL;
  7345. DWORD thread_id;
  7346. // Initialize OLE.
  7347. hello( "Load_Server" );
  7348. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7349. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7350. // Start the status thread.
  7351. thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, status_helper, NULL, 0, &thread_id );
  7352. ASSERT_EXPR( thread != 0, "Could not create thread." );
  7353. // Set up thread switching.
  7354. GlobalThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
  7355. // Create a local server
  7356. GlobalTest = new CTest;
  7357. ASSERT( !GlobalTest, "Could not create local server" );
  7358. // Register a protseq.
  7359. status = RpcServerUseProtseq( TestProtseq, RPC_C_PROTSEQ_MAX_REQS_DEFAULT,
  7360. NULL );
  7361. ASSERT( status, "Could not register protseq" );
  7362. // Register the dog interface.
  7363. status = RpcServerRegisterIf(xIDog_v0_1_s_ifspec,
  7364. NULL, // MgrTypeUuid
  7365. NULL); // MgrEpv; null means use default
  7366. ASSERT( status, "Could not register RPC interface" );
  7367. // Inquire the endpoints.
  7368. status = RpcServerInqBindings(&bindings);
  7369. ASSERT( status, "Could not inquire bindings" );
  7370. // Register them in the endpoint mapper.
  7371. status = RpcEpRegister( xIDog_v0_1_s_ifspec, bindings, NULL, NULL );
  7372. ASSERT( status, "Could not register with endpoint mapper" );
  7373. // Start RPC listening.
  7374. status = RpcServerListen( 1, RPC_C_LISTEN_MAX_CALLS_DEFAULT, TRUE );
  7375. ASSERT( status, "Could not start RPC listening" );
  7376. // Wait until the objects are released.
  7377. server_loop();
  7378. // Finally, its all over.
  7379. success = TRUE;
  7380. cleanup:
  7381. if (thread != NULL)
  7382. CloseHandle( thread );
  7383. CoUninitialize();
  7384. if (success)
  7385. printf( "\n\nLoad_Server Test Passed.\n" );
  7386. else
  7387. printf( "\n\nLoad_Server Test Failed.\n" );
  7388. }
  7389. /***************************************************************************/
  7390. void do_lots()
  7391. {
  7392. do_cancel();
  7393. do_crash();
  7394. do_null();
  7395. do_ring();
  7396. do_rundown();
  7397. }
  7398. /***************************************************************************/
  7399. void do_mmarshal()
  7400. {
  7401. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7402. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  7403. ITest *client2 = NULL;
  7404. ITest *test = NULL;
  7405. ITest *callee = NULL;
  7406. HRESULT result;
  7407. // Initialize OLE.
  7408. hello( "mmarshal" );
  7409. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7410. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7411. // Create a client.
  7412. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  7413. IID_ITest, (void **) &client1 );
  7414. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  7415. // Create a client.
  7416. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  7417. IID_ITest, (void **) &client2 );
  7418. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  7419. // Create a client.
  7420. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  7421. IID_ITest, (void **) &test );
  7422. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  7423. // Create a client.
  7424. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  7425. IID_ITest, (void **) &callee );
  7426. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  7427. // Tell the first client to start calling the test object.
  7428. result = client1->interrupt_marshal( test, callee);
  7429. ASSERT( result, "Could not start client" );
  7430. // Tell the first client to start calling the test object.
  7431. result = client2->interrupt_marshal( test, callee);
  7432. ASSERT( result, "Could not start client" );
  7433. // Finally, its all over.
  7434. success = TRUE;
  7435. cleanup:
  7436. if (client1 != NULL)
  7437. client1->Release();
  7438. if (client2 != NULL)
  7439. client2->Release();
  7440. if (test != NULL)
  7441. test->Release();
  7442. if (callee != NULL)
  7443. callee->Release();
  7444. CoUninitialize();
  7445. if (success)
  7446. printf( "\n\nMultiple marshal Test passed if all server processes exit.\n" );
  7447. else
  7448. printf( "\n\nMultiple marshal Test Failed.\n" );
  7449. }
  7450. /***************************************************************************/
  7451. void do_name()
  7452. {
  7453. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7454. SID *sid = (SID *) GlobalHex;
  7455. WCHAR *name = NULL;
  7456. DWORD name_len = 80;
  7457. WCHAR *domain = NULL;
  7458. DWORD domain_len = 80;
  7459. SID_NAME_USE sid_use;
  7460. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  7461. // Say hello.
  7462. printf( "Looking up name.\n" );
  7463. // Lookup the sid.
  7464. name = (WCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( name_len );
  7465. domain = (WCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( domain_len );
  7466. ASSERT_EXPR( name != NULL && domain != NULL, "Could not allocate memory." );
  7467. success = LookupAccountSid( NULL, sid, name, &name_len,
  7468. domain, &domain_len, &sid_use );
  7469. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not LookupAccountSid" );
  7470. success = FALSE;
  7471. printf( "%ws\\%ws\n", domain, name );
  7472. printf( " SID_NAME_USE: 0x%x\n", sid_use );
  7473. success = TRUE;
  7474. cleanup:
  7475. if (name != NULL)
  7476. CoTaskMemFree( name );
  7477. if (domain != NULL)
  7478. CoTaskMemFree( domain );
  7479. if (success)
  7480. printf( "\n\nName succeeded.\n" );
  7481. else
  7482. printf( "\n\nName failed.\n" );
  7483. }
  7484. /***************************************************************************/
  7485. void do_null()
  7486. {
  7487. HRESULT result;
  7488. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7489. ITest *test = NULL;
  7490. SAptId id;
  7491. // Initialize OLE.
  7492. hello( "null" );
  7493. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7494. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7495. // Get a test object on another apartment.
  7496. result = new_apartment( &test, &id, NULL, ThreadMode );
  7497. ASSERT( result, "Could not create apartment instance of test server" );
  7498. // Call the test object.
  7499. result = test->check( id );
  7500. ASSERT( result, "Could not call check in another apartment" );
  7501. // Finally, its all over.
  7502. success = TRUE;
  7503. cleanup:
  7504. if (test != NULL)
  7505. test->Release();
  7506. wait_apartment();
  7507. CoUninitialize();
  7508. if (success)
  7509. printf( "\n\nNull Test Passed.\n" );
  7510. else
  7511. printf( "\n\nNull Test Failed.\n" );
  7512. }
  7513. /***************************************************************************/
  7514. void do_one()
  7515. {
  7516. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7517. HRESULT result;
  7518. HANDLE user = NULL;
  7519. HANDLE iuser = NULL;
  7520. PROFILEINFO pi;
  7521. WCHAR whole_name[256];
  7522. // Print a message.
  7523. hello( "one" );
  7524. // Logon the user
  7525. success = LogonUser( Name, Name2, L"", LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE,
  7526. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &user );
  7527. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on user" );
  7528. success = FALSE;
  7529. // Convert it into an impersonation token.
  7530. success = DuplicateTokenEx( user,
  7532. NULL, SecurityImpersonation, TokenImpersonation,
  7533. &iuser );
  7534. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not duplicate token" );
  7535. // Call LoadUserProfile.
  7536. wcsncpy( whole_name, Name2, 256 );
  7537. wcsncat( whole_name, L"\\", 256 );
  7538. wcsncat( whole_name, Name, 256 );
  7539. pi.dwSize = sizeof(pi);
  7540. pi.dwFlags = PI_NOUI;
  7541. pi.lpUserName = whole_name;
  7542. pi.lpProfilePath = NULL;
  7543. pi.lpDefaultPath = NULL;
  7544. pi.lpServerName = NULL;
  7545. pi.lpPolicyPath = NULL;
  7546. pi.hProfile = NULL;
  7547. success = LoadUserProfile( iuser, &pi );
  7548. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not load user profile" );
  7549. // Finally, its all over.
  7550. success = TRUE;
  7551. cleanup:
  7552. if (user != NULL)
  7553. CloseHandle( user );
  7554. if (iuser != NULL)
  7555. CloseHandle( iuser );
  7556. if (success)
  7557. printf( "\n\nOne Test Passed.\n" );
  7558. else
  7559. printf( "\n\nOne Test Failed.\n" );
  7560. }
  7561. /***************************************************************************/
  7562. void do_perf()
  7563. {
  7564. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7565. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  7566. ITest *client2 = NULL;
  7567. ITest *tmp = NULL;
  7568. CTest *local = NULL;
  7569. SAptId id;
  7570. HRESULT result;
  7571. DWORD time_remote = -1;
  7572. DWORD time_local = -1;
  7573. DWORD time_in = -1;
  7574. DWORD time_out = -1;
  7575. DWORD time_lin = -1;
  7576. DWORD time_lout = -1;
  7577. DWORD i;
  7578. // Initialize OLE.
  7579. hello( "perf" );
  7580. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7581. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7582. // Create a client.
  7583. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  7584. IID_ITest, (void **) &client1 );
  7585. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  7586. /**/
  7587. // Call once to make sure everything is set up.
  7588. result = client1->null();
  7589. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  7590. // Call a lot of times.
  7591. time_remote = GetTickCount();
  7592. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7593. {
  7594. result = client1->null();
  7595. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  7596. }
  7597. time_remote = GetTickCount() - time_remote;
  7598. /**/
  7599. // Create a local client
  7600. result = new_apartment( &client2, &id, NULL, ThreadMode );
  7601. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local client" );
  7602. /**/
  7603. // Call once to make sure everything is set up.
  7604. result = client2->null();
  7605. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  7606. // Call a lot of times.
  7607. time_local = GetTickCount();
  7608. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7609. {
  7610. result = client2->null();
  7611. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  7612. }
  7613. time_local = GetTickCount() - time_local;
  7614. /**/
  7615. // Create a local object.
  7616. local = new CTest;
  7617. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not create local object" );
  7618. /**/
  7619. // Pass it to the server once.
  7620. result = client1->interface_in( local );
  7621. ASSERT( result, "Could not pass in interface" );
  7622. // Pass it to the server a lot of times.
  7623. time_in = GetTickCount();
  7624. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7625. {
  7626. result = client1->interface_in( local );
  7627. ASSERT( result, "Could not pass in interface" );
  7628. }
  7629. time_in = GetTickCount() - time_in;
  7630. // Create another remote object.
  7631. result = client1->get_obj_from_this_apt( &tmp, &id );
  7632. ASSERT( result, "Could not get new object." );
  7633. // Have the server remember it.
  7634. result = client1->remember( tmp, id );
  7635. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  7636. tmp->Release();
  7637. tmp = NULL;
  7638. // Get and release the remote object a lot of times.
  7639. time_out = GetTickCount();
  7640. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7641. {
  7642. result = client1->get_next( &tmp, &id );
  7643. ASSERT( result, "Could not pass out interface" );
  7644. tmp->Release();
  7645. tmp = NULL;
  7646. }
  7647. time_out = GetTickCount() - time_out;
  7648. client1->forget();
  7649. /**/
  7650. // Pass the object from this thread to another thread once.
  7651. result = client2->interface_in( local );
  7652. ASSERT( result, "Could not pass in interface" );
  7653. // Pass the object from this thread to another thread.
  7654. time_lin = GetTickCount();
  7655. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7656. {
  7657. result = client2->interface_in( local );
  7658. ASSERT( result, "Could not pass in interface" );
  7659. }
  7660. time_lin = GetTickCount() - time_lin;
  7661. /**/
  7662. // Create another remote object.
  7663. result = client2->get_obj_from_this_apt( &tmp, &id );
  7664. ASSERT( result, "Could not get new object." );
  7665. // Have the server remember it.
  7666. result = client2->remember( tmp, id );
  7667. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  7668. tmp->Release();
  7669. tmp = NULL;
  7670. // Get and release the remote object a lot of times.
  7671. time_lout = GetTickCount();
  7672. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7673. {
  7674. result = client2->get_next( &tmp, &id );
  7675. ASSERT( result, "Could not pass out interface" );
  7676. tmp->Release();
  7677. tmp = NULL;
  7678. }
  7679. time_lout = GetTickCount() - time_lout;
  7680. client2->forget();
  7681. /**/
  7682. // Print the results.
  7683. printf( "%d uS / Local Call\n", time_local*1000/NumIterations );
  7684. printf( "%d uS / Remote Call\n", time_remote*1000/NumIterations );
  7685. printf( "%d uS / Interface In Call\n", time_in*1000/NumIterations );
  7686. printf( "%d uS / Interface Out Call\n", time_out*1000/NumIterations );
  7687. printf( "%d uS / Local Interface In Call\n", time_lin*1000/NumIterations );
  7688. printf( "%d uS / Local Interface Out Call\n", time_lout*1000/NumIterations );
  7689. // Finally, its all over.
  7690. success = TRUE;
  7691. cleanup:
  7692. if (tmp != NULL)
  7693. tmp->Release();
  7694. if (client1 != NULL)
  7695. client1->Release();
  7696. if (client2 != NULL)
  7697. client2->Release();
  7698. if (local != NULL)
  7699. local->Release();
  7700. CoUninitialize();
  7701. if (success)
  7702. printf( "\n\nPerf Test Passed.\n" );
  7703. else
  7704. printf( "\n\nPerf Test Failed.\n" );
  7705. }
  7706. /***************************************************************************/
  7707. void do_perfaccess()
  7708. {
  7709. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7710. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  7711. ITest *client2 = NULL;
  7712. SAptId id;
  7713. HRESULT result;
  7714. DWORD grant;
  7715. DWORD revoke;
  7716. DWORD set;
  7717. DWORD get;
  7718. DWORD generate;
  7719. DWORD check;
  7720. DWORD cache;
  7721. // Initialize OLE.
  7722. hello( "perfaccess" );
  7723. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7724. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7725. // Create a client.
  7726. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &client1, &id );
  7727. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  7728. // Create another client.
  7729. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &client2, &id );
  7730. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  7731. // Call once to make sure everything is set up.
  7732. result = client1->null();
  7733. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  7734. // Make the helper call to setup the ACL.
  7735. result = client2->neighbor_access( client1 );
  7736. ASSERT( result, "Could not setup access" );
  7737. // Get the performance data.
  7738. result = client1->perf_access( &grant, &revoke, &set, &get, &generate,
  7739. &check, &cache );
  7740. ASSERT( result, "Could not get performance" );
  7741. // Print the results.
  7742. printf( "%d uS - GrantAccessRights\n", grant );
  7743. printf( "%d uS - RevokeAccessRights\n", revoke );
  7744. printf( "%d uS - SetAccessRights\n", set );
  7745. printf( "%d uS - GetAllAccessRights\n", get );
  7746. printf( "%d uS - IsAccessAllowed - Generate ACL\n", generate );
  7747. printf( "%d uS - IsAccessAllowed - Check ACL\n", check );
  7748. printf( "%d uS - IsAccessAllowed - Cached\n", cache );
  7749. // Finally, its all over.
  7750. success = TRUE;
  7751. cleanup:
  7752. if (client1 != NULL)
  7753. client1->Release();
  7754. if (client2 != NULL)
  7755. client2->Release();
  7756. CoUninitialize();
  7757. if (success)
  7758. printf( "\n\nPerfAccess Test Passed.\n" );
  7759. else
  7760. printf( "\n\nPerfAccess Test Failed.\n" );
  7761. }
  7762. /***************************************************************************/
  7763. void do_perfapi()
  7764. {
  7765. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7766. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  7767. SAptId id1;
  7768. HRESULT result;
  7769. DWORD i;
  7770. LARGE_INTEGER freq;
  7771. LARGE_INTEGER start;
  7772. LARGE_INTEGER nothing;
  7773. LARGE_INTEGER init_sec_none;
  7774. LARGE_INTEGER open;
  7775. LARGE_INTEGER get_sid;
  7776. LARGE_INTEGER set_auth;
  7777. LARGE_INTEGER reg_auth;
  7778. HANDLE hToken = NULL;
  7779. BYTE aMemory[1024];
  7780. TOKEN_USER *pTokenUser = (TOKEN_USER *) &aMemory;
  7781. DWORD lNameLen = 1000;
  7782. DWORD lDomainLen = 1000;
  7783. DWORD lIgnore;
  7784. DWORD lSidLen;
  7785. WCHAR name[1000];
  7786. WCHAR domain[1000];
  7787. LARGE_INTEGER lookup;
  7788. DWORD xlookup;
  7789. SID_NAME_USE sIgnore;
  7790. WCHAR *binding = NULL;
  7791. RPC_BINDING_HANDLE handle = NULL;
  7792. // Initialize OLE.
  7793. hello( "perfapi" );
  7794. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7795. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7796. // Measure the performance of nothing.
  7797. QueryPerformanceFrequency( &freq );
  7798. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  7799. QueryPerformanceCounter( &nothing );
  7800. nothing.QuadPart = 1000000 * (nothing.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  7801. // Open the process's token.
  7802. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  7803. success = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken );
  7804. QueryPerformanceCounter( &open );
  7805. open.QuadPart = 1000000 * (open.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  7806. ASSERT_EXPR( success, "Could not open process token." );
  7807. // Lookup SID of process token.
  7808. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  7809. success = GetTokenInformation( hToken, TokenUser, pTokenUser, sizeof(aMemory),
  7810. &lIgnore );
  7811. QueryPerformanceCounter( &get_sid );
  7812. get_sid.QuadPart = 1000000 * (get_sid.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  7813. ASSERT_EXPR( success, "Could not get token information." );
  7814. success = FALSE;
  7815. // Lookup the name from the sid.
  7816. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  7817. success = LookupAccountSid( NULL, pTokenUser->User.Sid, name, &lNameLen,
  7818. domain, &lDomainLen, &sIgnore );
  7819. QueryPerformanceCounter( &lookup );
  7820. lookup.QuadPart = 1000000 * (lookup.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  7821. ASSERT_EXPR( success, "Could not lookup account sid." );
  7822. success = FALSE;
  7823. // Lookup the name from the sid a lot of times.
  7824. xlookup = GetTickCount();
  7825. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7826. {
  7827. lNameLen = 1000;
  7828. lDomainLen = 1000;
  7829. success = LookupAccountSid( NULL, pTokenUser->User.Sid, name, &lNameLen,
  7830. domain, &lDomainLen, &sIgnore );
  7831. ASSERT_EXPR( success, "Could not lookup account sid." );
  7832. success = FALSE;
  7833. }
  7834. xlookup = (GetTickCount() - xlookup)*1000/NumIterations;
  7835. // Import the security APIs.
  7836. GCoInitializeSecurity = (CoInitializeSecurityFn) Fixup( "CoInitializeSecurity" );
  7837. if (GCoInitializeSecurity == NULL)
  7838. goto cleanup;
  7839. // Measure the performance of initialize.
  7840. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  7841. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  7843. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  7844. QueryPerformanceCounter( &init_sec_none );
  7845. init_sec_none.QuadPart = 1000000 * (init_sec_none.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  7846. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  7847. // Create a possibly remote object.
  7848. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &client1, &id1 );
  7849. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  7850. // Ask the server to register rpc.
  7851. result = client1->register_rpc( TestProtseq, &binding );
  7852. ASSERT( result, "Could not register rpc interface" );
  7853. // Create a binding handle.
  7854. result = RpcBindingFromStringBinding( binding, &handle );
  7855. ASSERT( result, "Could not make string binding" );
  7856. // Measure setting auth info on a binding handle.
  7857. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  7858. result = RpcBindingSetAuthInfo( handle, L"none", RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY,
  7859. RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, NULL, 0 );
  7860. QueryPerformanceCounter( &set_auth );
  7861. set_auth.QuadPart = 1000000 * (set_auth.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  7862. ASSERT( result, "Could not set auth info" );
  7863. // Measure registering an authentication service.
  7864. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  7865. result = RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo( L"none", RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, 0, 0 );
  7866. QueryPerformanceCounter( &reg_auth );
  7867. reg_auth.QuadPart = 1000000 * (reg_auth.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  7868. ASSERT( result, "Could not register auth info" );
  7869. // Ask the server to make an ACL.
  7870. result = client1->make_acl( (HACKSID *) pTokenUser->User.Sid );
  7871. ASSERT( result, "Could not make ACL" );
  7872. // Measure access control.
  7873. result = acl_call( handle );
  7874. ASSERT( result, "Could not measure AccessCheck" );
  7875. // Print the timings.
  7876. printf( "nothing took %d uS\n", nothing.u.LowPart );
  7877. printf( "OpenProcessToken took %d uS\n", open.u.LowPart );
  7878. printf( "GetTokenInformation took %d uS\n", get_sid.u.LowPart );
  7879. printf( "LookupAccountSid took %d uS\n", lookup.u.LowPart );
  7880. printf( "LookupAccountSid multiple took %d uS\n", xlookup );
  7881. printf( "CoInitializeSecurity at none took %d uS\n", init_sec_none.u.LowPart );
  7882. printf( "RpcBindingSetAuthInfo took %d uS\n", set_auth.u.LowPart );
  7883. printf( "RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo took %d uS\n", reg_auth.u.LowPart );
  7884. // Finally, its all over.
  7885. success = TRUE;
  7886. cleanup:
  7887. if (client1 != NULL)
  7888. client1->Release();
  7889. if (binding != NULL)
  7890. CoTaskMemFree( binding );
  7891. if (handle != NULL)
  7892. RpcBindingFree( &handle );
  7893. CoUninitialize();
  7894. if (success)
  7895. printf( "\n\nPerfApi Test Passed.\n" );
  7896. else
  7897. printf( "\n\nPerfApi Test Failed.\n" );
  7898. }
  7899. /***************************************************************************/
  7900. void do_perfremote()
  7901. {
  7902. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7903. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  7904. SAptId id;
  7905. HRESULT result;
  7906. DWORD time_remote;
  7907. DWORD i;
  7908. // Initialize OLE.
  7909. hello( "Perf Remote" );
  7910. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7911. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7912. // Create a client.
  7913. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  7914. IID_ITest, (void **) &client1 );
  7915. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  7916. // Call once to make sure everything is set up.
  7917. result = client1->null();
  7918. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  7919. // Call a lot of times.
  7920. time_remote = GetTickCount();
  7921. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7922. {
  7923. result = client1->null();
  7924. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  7925. }
  7926. time_remote = GetTickCount() - time_remote;
  7927. // Print the results.
  7928. printf( "%d uS / Remote Call\n", time_remote*1000/NumIterations );
  7929. // Finally, its all over.
  7930. success = TRUE;
  7931. cleanup:
  7932. if (client1 != NULL)
  7933. client1->Release();
  7934. CoUninitialize();
  7935. if (success)
  7936. printf( "\n\nPerf Test Passed.\n" );
  7937. else
  7938. printf( "\n\nPerf Test Failed.\n" );
  7939. }
  7940. /***************************************************************************/
  7941. void do_perfrpc()
  7942. {
  7943. BOOL success = FALSE;
  7944. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  7945. SAptId id;
  7946. HRESULT result;
  7947. DWORD i;
  7948. WCHAR *binding = NULL;
  7949. RPC_BINDING_HANDLE handle = NULL;
  7951. RPC_BINDING_HANDLE object = NULL;
  7952. RPC_STATUS status;
  7953. DWORD time_remote;
  7954. DWORD time_integrity;
  7955. DWORD time_copy;
  7956. DWORD time_copy_secure;
  7957. DWORD time_object;
  7958. UUID object_id;
  7959. // Initialize OLE.
  7960. hello( "Perf RPC" );
  7961. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  7962. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  7963. // Create a client.
  7964. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &client1, &id );
  7965. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  7966. // Ask the server to register rpc.
  7967. result = client1->register_rpc( TestProtseq, &binding );
  7968. ASSERT( result, "Could not register rpc interface" );
  7969. // Create a binding handle.
  7970. status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding( binding, &handle );
  7971. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  7972. {
  7973. printf( "Could not make binding handle form string binding: 0x%x\n", status );
  7974. goto cleanup;
  7975. }
  7976. // Get a binding handle for the object id test.
  7977. status = RpcBindingCopy( handle, &object );
  7978. ASSERT( status, "Could not copy binding" );
  7979. // Copy the binding handle once.
  7980. status = RpcBindingCopy( handle, &copy );
  7981. ASSERT( status, "Could not copy binding" );
  7982. RpcBindingFree( &copy );
  7983. copy = NULL;
  7984. // Time copying the binding handle.
  7985. time_copy = GetTickCount();
  7986. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7987. {
  7988. status = RpcBindingCopy( handle, &copy );
  7989. ASSERT( status, "Could not copy binding" );
  7990. RpcBindingFree( &copy );
  7991. copy = NULL;
  7992. }
  7993. time_copy = GetTickCount() - time_copy;
  7994. // Make a raw rpc call to make sure everything is set up.
  7995. nullcall( handle );
  7996. // Call a lot of times.
  7997. time_remote = GetTickCount();
  7998. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  7999. {
  8000. nullcall( handle );
  8001. }
  8002. time_remote = GetTickCount() - time_remote;
  8003. // Set the object id.
  8004. result = RpcBindingSetObject( object, &object_id );
  8005. ASSERT( result, "Could not set object id" );
  8006. // Make a raw rpc call to make sure everything is set up.
  8007. nullcall( object );
  8008. // Call a lot of times.
  8009. time_object = GetTickCount();
  8010. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8011. {
  8012. nullcall( object );
  8013. }
  8014. time_object = GetTickCount() - time_object;
  8015. // Add security.
  8016. status = RpcBindingSetAuthInfo( handle, L"none", RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY,
  8017. RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, NULL, 0 );
  8018. ASSERT( status, "Could not set auth info" );
  8019. // Copy the binding handle once.
  8020. status = RpcBindingCopy( handle, &copy );
  8021. ASSERT( status, "Could not copy binding" );
  8022. RpcBindingFree( &copy );
  8023. copy = NULL;
  8024. // Time copying the binding handle.
  8025. time_copy_secure = GetTickCount();
  8026. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8027. {
  8028. status = RpcBindingCopy( handle, &copy );
  8029. ASSERT( status, "Could not copy binding" );
  8030. RpcBindingFree( &copy );
  8031. copy = NULL;
  8032. }
  8033. time_copy_secure = GetTickCount() - time_copy_secure;
  8034. // Make a raw rpc call to make sure everything is set up.
  8035. nullcall( handle );
  8036. // Call a lot of times.
  8037. time_integrity = GetTickCount();
  8038. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8039. {
  8040. nullcall( handle );
  8041. }
  8042. time_integrity = GetTickCount() - time_integrity;
  8043. // Print the results.
  8044. printf( "%d uS / Raw RPC Remote Call\n", time_remote*1000/NumIterations );
  8045. printf( "%d uS / Raw Integrity RPC Remote Call\n", time_integrity*1000/NumIterations );
  8046. printf( "%d uS / Raw RPC with OID Remote Call\n", time_object*1000/NumIterations );
  8047. printf( "%d uS / handle copy\n", time_copy*1000/NumIterations );
  8048. printf( "%d uS / secure handle copy\n", time_copy_secure*1000/NumIterations );
  8049. // Finally, its all over.
  8050. success = TRUE;
  8051. cleanup:
  8052. if (client1 != NULL)
  8053. client1->Release();
  8054. if (binding != NULL)
  8055. CoTaskMemFree( binding );
  8056. if (copy != NULL)
  8057. RpcBindingFree( &copy );
  8058. if (object != NULL)
  8059. RpcBindingFree( &object );
  8060. if (handle != NULL)
  8061. RpcBindingFree( &handle );
  8062. CoUninitialize();
  8063. if (success)
  8064. printf( "\n\nPerf Test Passed.\n" );
  8065. else
  8066. printf( "\n\nPerf Test Failed.\n" );
  8067. }
  8068. /***************************************************************************/
  8069. void do_perfsec()
  8070. {
  8071. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8072. ITest *server = NULL;
  8073. ITest *copy = NULL;
  8074. SAptId id;
  8075. HRESULT result;
  8076. WCHAR *binding = NULL;
  8077. //DWORD time_null;
  8078. DWORD time_impersonate;
  8079. DWORD time_acl;
  8080. DWORD time_audit;
  8081. DWORD i;
  8082. DWORD j;
  8083. RPC_BINDING_HANDLE handle = NULL;
  8084. RPC_STATUS status;
  8085. TOKEN_USER *token_info = NULL;
  8086. DWORD info_size = 1024;
  8087. HANDLE token = NULL;
  8088. PSID pSID = NULL;
  8089. DWORD level[4];
  8090. DWORD time_rpc[4];
  8091. DWORD time_null[4];
  8092. DWORD time_ifin[4];
  8093. DWORD time_ifout[4];
  8094. CTest local;
  8095. ITest *server2 = NULL;
  8096. LARGE_INTEGER start;
  8097. LARGE_INTEGER nothing;
  8098. LARGE_INTEGER init_sec_none;
  8099. LARGE_INTEGER init_sec_con;
  8100. LARGE_INTEGER reg_sec;
  8101. LARGE_INTEGER query_proxy;
  8102. LARGE_INTEGER set_proxy;
  8103. LARGE_INTEGER copy_proxy;
  8104. LARGE_INTEGER freq;
  8105. DWORD get_call;
  8106. DWORD query_client;
  8107. DWORD impersonate;
  8108. DWORD revert;
  8109. DWORD get_call2;
  8110. DWORD query_client2;
  8111. DWORD impersonate2;
  8112. DWORD revert2;
  8113. DWORD authn_svc;
  8114. DWORD authz_svc;
  8115. DWORD authn_level;
  8116. DWORD imp_level;
  8117. DWORD capabilities;
  8118. WCHAR *principal = NULL;
  8120. // Initialize OLE.
  8121. hello( "perfsec" );
  8122. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  8123. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  8124. // Import the security APIs.
  8125. GCoCopyProxy = (CoCopyProxyFn) Fixup( "CoCopyProxy" );
  8126. GCoInitializeSecurity = (CoInitializeSecurityFn) Fixup( "CoInitializeSecurity" );
  8127. GCoQueryProxyBlanket = (CoQueryProxyBlanketFn) Fixup( "CoQueryProxyBlanket" );
  8128. GCoSetProxyBlanket = (CoSetProxyBlanketFn) Fixup( "CoSetProxyBlanket" );
  8129. if (GCoCopyProxy == NULL ||
  8130. GCoInitializeSecurity == NULL ||
  8131. GCoQueryProxyBlanket == NULL ||
  8132. GCoSetProxyBlanket == NULL)
  8133. goto cleanup;
  8134. // Measure the performance of nothing.
  8135. QueryPerformanceFrequency( &freq );
  8136. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  8137. QueryPerformanceCounter( &nothing );
  8138. nothing.QuadPart = 1000000 * (nothing.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  8139. // Measure the performance of initialize.
  8140. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  8141. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  8143. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  8144. QueryPerformanceCounter( &init_sec_none );
  8145. init_sec_none.QuadPart = 1000000 * (init_sec_none.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  8146. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  8147. // Reinitialize.
  8148. CoUninitialize();
  8149. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  8150. ASSERT( result, "Reinitialize failed" );
  8151. // Measure the performance of initialize.
  8152. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  8153. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  8155. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  8156. QueryPerformanceCounter( &init_sec_con );
  8157. init_sec_con.QuadPart = 1000000 * (init_sec_con.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  8158. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security at connect" );
  8159. // Reinitialize.
  8160. CoUninitialize();
  8161. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  8162. ASSERT( result, "Reinitialize failed" );
  8163. // Measure the performance of register.
  8164. svc_list.dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;
  8165. svc_list.dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
  8166. svc_list.pPrincipalName = NULL;
  8167. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  8168. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, 1, &svc_list, NULL,
  8171. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  8172. QueryPerformanceCounter( &reg_sec );
  8173. reg_sec.QuadPart = 1000000 * (reg_sec.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  8174. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security with authentication services" );
  8175. // Create a client.
  8176. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id );
  8177. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  8178. // Measure the performance of set proxy.
  8179. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  8180. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  8183. QueryPerformanceCounter( &set_proxy );
  8184. set_proxy.QuadPart = 1000000 * (set_proxy.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  8185. ASSERT( result, "Could not set proxy" );
  8186. // Measure the performance of query proxy
  8187. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  8188. result = MCoQueryProxyBlanket( server, &authn_svc, &authz_svc, &principal,
  8189. &authn_level, &imp_level, NULL, &capabilities );
  8190. QueryPerformanceCounter( &query_proxy );
  8191. query_proxy.QuadPart = 1000000 * (query_proxy.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  8192. ASSERT( result, "Could not query_proxy" );
  8193. // Measure the performance of copy proxy.
  8194. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  8195. result = MCoCopyProxy( server, (IUnknown **) &copy );
  8196. QueryPerformanceCounter( &copy_proxy );
  8197. copy_proxy.QuadPart = 1000000 * (copy_proxy.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  8198. ASSERT( result, "Could not copy proxy" );
  8199. // Make a call to measure the performance of the server side APIs.
  8200. result = server->security_performance( &get_call, &query_client, &impersonate,
  8201. &revert );
  8202. ASSERT( result, "Could not get server API performance" );
  8203. // Make a call to measure the performance of the server side APIs.
  8204. result = server->security_performance( &get_call2, &query_client2, &impersonate2,
  8205. &revert2 );
  8206. ASSERT( result, "Could not get server API performance" );
  8207. // Ask the server to register rpc.
  8208. result = server->register_rpc( TestProtseq, &binding );
  8209. ASSERT( result, "Could not register rpc interface" );
  8210. // Create a binding handle.
  8211. status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding( binding, &handle );
  8212. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  8213. {
  8214. printf( "Could not make binding handle from string binding: 0x%x\n", status );
  8215. goto cleanup;
  8216. }
  8217. // Create another remote object.
  8218. result = server->get_obj_from_this_apt( &server2, &id );
  8219. ASSERT( result, "Could not get new object." );
  8220. // Have the server remember it.
  8221. result = server->remember( server2, id );
  8222. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember object" );
  8223. server2->Release();
  8224. server2 = NULL;
  8225. // Try several security levels.
  8226. level[0] = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
  8227. level[1] = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT;
  8229. level[3] = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY;
  8230. for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
  8231. {
  8232. // Set security on the RPC binding handle.
  8233. result = RpcBindingSetAuthInfo( handle, NULL, level[j], RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,
  8235. ASSERT( result, "Could not set rpc auth info" );
  8236. // Set security on the proxy.
  8237. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  8239. NULL, EOAC_NONE );
  8240. ASSERT( result, "Could not set DCOM auth info" );
  8241. // Make a raw rpc call to make sure everything is set up.
  8242. nullcall( handle );
  8243. // Make some raw rpc calls.
  8244. time_rpc[j] = GetTickCount();
  8245. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8246. {
  8247. nullcall( handle );
  8248. }
  8249. time_rpc[j] = GetTickCount() - time_rpc[j];
  8250. // Make a null dcom call to make sure everything is set up.
  8251. result = server->null();
  8252. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  8253. // Put up a popup about the test starting.
  8254. if (Popup)
  8255. MessageBox( NULL, L"Now would be a good time to start ICECAP.",
  8257. // Make some null calls.
  8258. time_null[j] = GetTickCount();
  8259. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8260. {
  8261. result = server->null();
  8262. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  8263. }
  8264. time_null[j] = GetTickCount() - time_null[j];
  8265. // Put up a popup about the test stopping.
  8266. if (Popup)
  8267. MessageBox( NULL, L"Now would be a good time to stop ICECAP.",
  8268. L"Not Me", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONSTOP );
  8269. // Pass an interface in to set everything up.
  8270. result = server->interface_in( &local );
  8271. ASSERT( result, "Could not make interface_in call" );
  8272. // Make some interface in calls.
  8273. time_ifin[j] = GetTickCount();
  8274. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8275. {
  8276. result = server->interface_in( &local );
  8277. ASSERT( result, "Could not make interface_in call" );
  8278. }
  8279. time_ifin[j] = GetTickCount() - time_ifin[j];
  8280. // Pass an interface out to set everything up.
  8281. result = server->get_next( &server2, &id );
  8282. ASSERT( result, "Could not make interface out call" );
  8283. server2->Release();
  8284. server2 = NULL;
  8285. // Make some interface_out calls.
  8286. time_ifout[j] = GetTickCount();
  8287. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8288. {
  8289. result = server->get_next( &server2, &id );
  8290. ASSERT( result, "Could not make interface out call" );
  8291. server2->Release();
  8292. server2 = NULL;
  8293. }
  8294. time_ifout[j] = GetTickCount() - time_ifout[j];
  8295. }
  8296. // Release the second remote object.
  8297. result = server->forget();
  8298. ASSERT( result, "Could not forget" );
  8299. // Print the DCOM call results.
  8300. for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
  8301. {
  8302. printf( "% 8d uS / Raw RPC Remote Call at level %d\n",
  8303. time_rpc[j]*1000/NumIterations, level[j] );
  8304. printf( "% 8d uS / Null Remote Call at level %d\n",
  8305. time_null[j]*1000/NumIterations, level[j] );
  8306. printf( "% 8d uS / Interface in Remote Call at level %d\n",
  8307. time_ifin[j]*1000/NumIterations, level[j] );
  8308. printf( "% 8d uS / Interface out Remote Call at level %d\n",
  8309. time_ifout[j]*1000/NumIterations, level[j] );
  8310. }
  8311. // Print the API call results.
  8312. printf( "Results in microseconds\n" );
  8313. printf( "nothing took %d\n", nothing.u.LowPart );
  8314. printf( "CoInitializeSecurity at none took %d\n", init_sec_none.u.LowPart );
  8315. printf( "CoInitializeSecurity at connect took %d\n", init_sec_con.u.LowPart );
  8316. printf( "CoInitializeSecurity with service took %d\n", reg_sec.u.LowPart );
  8317. printf( "CoQueryProxyBlanket took %d\n", query_proxy.u.LowPart );
  8318. printf( "CoSetProxyBlanket took %d\n", set_proxy.u.LowPart );
  8319. printf( "CoCopyProxy took %d\n", copy_proxy.u.LowPart );
  8320. printf( "CoGetCallContext took %d\n", get_call );
  8321. printf( "CoQueryClientBlanket took %d\n", query_client );
  8322. printf( "CoImpersonateClient took %d\n", impersonate );
  8323. printf( "CoRevertToSelf took %d\n", revert );
  8324. printf( "CoGetCallContext took %d\n", get_call2 );
  8325. printf( "CoQueryClientBlanket took %d\n", query_client2 );
  8326. printf( "CoImpersonateClient took %d\n", impersonate2 );
  8327. printf( "CoRevertToSelf took %d\n", revert2 );
  8328. /*
  8329. // Open the process's token.
  8330. OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &token );
  8331. result = GetLastError();
  8332. ASSERT( result, "Could not OpenProcessToken" );
  8333. // Lookup SID of process token.
  8334. token_info = (TOKEN_USER *) malloc( info_size );
  8335. GetTokenInformation( token, TokenUser, token_info, info_size, &info_size );
  8336. result = GetLastError();
  8337. ASSERT( result, "Could not GetTokenInformation" );
  8338. pSID = token_info->User.Sid;
  8339. // Make a raw rpc call to make sure everything is set up.
  8340. nullcall( handle );
  8341. // Call a lot of times.
  8342. time_null = GetTickCount();
  8343. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8344. {
  8345. nullcall( handle );
  8346. }
  8347. time_null = GetTickCount() - time_null;
  8348. // Call a lot of times.
  8349. time_impersonate = GetTickCount();
  8350. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8351. {
  8352. result = impersonate_call( handle );
  8353. ASSERT( result, "Could not make impersonate call" );
  8354. }
  8355. time_impersonate = GetTickCount() - time_impersonate;
  8356. // Call a lot of times.
  8357. time_acl = GetTickCount();
  8358. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8359. {
  8360. result = acl_call( handle );
  8361. ASSERT( result, "Could not make acl call" );
  8362. }
  8363. time_acl = GetTickCount() - time_acl;
  8364. // Call a lot of times.
  8365. time_audit = GetTickCount();
  8366. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8367. {
  8368. result = audit_call( handle );
  8369. ASSERT( result, "Could not make audit call" );
  8370. }
  8371. time_audit = GetTickCount() - time_audit;
  8372. // Print the results.
  8373. printf( "%d uS / Raw RPC Remote Call\n", time_null*1000/NumIterations );
  8374. printf( "%d uS / Raw Impersonate RPC Remote Call\n", time_impersonate*1000/NumIterations );
  8375. printf( "%d uS / Raw ACL RPC Remote Call\n", time_acl*1000/NumIterations );
  8376. printf( "%d uS / Raw audit RPC Remote Call\n", time_audit*1000/NumIterations );
  8377. */
  8378. // Finally, its all over.
  8379. success = TRUE;
  8380. cleanup:
  8381. if (principal != NULL)
  8382. CoTaskMemFree( principal );
  8383. if (copy != NULL)
  8384. copy->Release();
  8385. if (server != NULL)
  8386. server->Release();
  8387. if (server2 != NULL)
  8388. server2->Release();
  8389. if (binding != NULL)
  8390. CoTaskMemFree( binding );
  8391. if (handle != NULL)
  8392. RpcBindingFree( &handle );
  8393. if (token_info != NULL)
  8394. free( token_info );
  8395. if (token != NULL)
  8396. CloseHandle( token );
  8397. CoUninitialize();
  8398. if (success)
  8399. printf( "\n\nSec Test Passed.\n" );
  8400. else
  8401. printf( "\n\nSec Test Failed.\n" );
  8402. }
  8403. /***************************************************************************/
  8404. void do_pipe()
  8405. {
  8406. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8407. ITest *server;
  8408. SAptId id;
  8409. HRESULT result;
  8410. CPipe pipe;
  8411. // Initialize OLE.
  8412. hello( "pipe" );
  8413. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  8414. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  8415. // Create a local client
  8416. result = new_apartment( &server, &id, NULL, ThreadMode );
  8417. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local client" );
  8418. // Tell the pipe how much data to pass.
  8419. result = pipe.setup( NumElements );
  8420. ASSERT( result, "Could not setup pipe" );
  8421. /*
  8422. // Make a pipe in call.
  8423. result = server->pipe_in( NumElements, 1, &pipe );
  8424. ASSERT( result, "Could not make pipe in call" );
  8425. // Verify the pipe.
  8426. result = pipe.check();
  8427. ASSERT( result, "Pipe is unhappy after in call" );
  8428. // Tell the pipe how much data to pass.
  8429. result = pipe.setup( NumElements );
  8430. ASSERT( result, "Could not setup pipe" );
  8431. // Make a pipe out call.
  8432. result = server->pipe_out( NumElements, 1, &pipe );
  8433. ASSERT( result, "Could not make pipe out call" );
  8434. // Verify the pipe.
  8435. result = pipe.check();
  8436. ASSERT( result, "Pipe is unhappy after out call" );
  8437. // Tell the pipe how much data to pass.
  8438. result = pipe.setup( NumElements );
  8439. ASSERT( result, "Could not setup pipe" );
  8440. // Make a pipe in out call.
  8441. result = server->pipe_inout( NumElements, 1, &pipe, &pipe );
  8442. ASSERT( result, "Could not make pipe in/out call" );
  8443. // Verify the pipe.
  8444. result = pipe.check();
  8445. ASSERT( result, "Pipe is unhappy after in/out call" );
  8446. */
  8447. // Finally, its all over.
  8448. success = TRUE;
  8449. cleanup:
  8450. if (server != NULL)
  8451. server->Release();
  8452. wait_apartment();
  8453. CoUninitialize();
  8454. if (success)
  8455. printf( "\n\nPipe Test Passed.\n" );
  8456. else
  8457. printf( "\n\nPipe Test Failed.\n" );
  8458. }
  8459. /***************************************************************************/
  8460. void do_post()
  8461. {
  8462. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8463. // Say hello.
  8464. printf( "Posting a message to window 0x%x\n", NumIterations );
  8465. success = PostMessageA( (HWND) NumIterations, WM_USER, 0, 0 );
  8466. if (success)
  8467. printf( "\n\nPostMessageA succeeded.\n" );
  8468. else
  8469. printf( "\n\nPostMessageA failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  8470. }
  8471. /***************************************************************************/
  8472. void do_pound()
  8473. {
  8474. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8475. HRESULT result;
  8476. int i;
  8477. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  8478. ITest *client2 = NULL;
  8479. SAptId id1;
  8480. SAptId id2;
  8481. // Initialize OLE.
  8482. hello( "pound" );
  8483. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  8484. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  8485. // Create a global event.
  8486. ManualReset = CreateEventA( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
  8487. ASSERT_EXPR( ManualReset != NULL, "Could not create manual reset event." );
  8488. // Create the first client.
  8489. result = new_apartment( &client2, &id2, NULL, ThreadMode );
  8490. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local server" );
  8491. // Tell the client to make a server.
  8492. result = client2->pound();
  8493. ASSERT( result, "Client would not pound server" );
  8494. // Create servers until something fails.
  8495. for (i = 0; TRUE; i++)
  8496. {
  8497. // Create a client.
  8498. result = new_apartment( &client1, &id1, NULL, ThreadMode );
  8499. if (FAILED(result))
  8500. {
  8501. printf( "Failed creating client number %d.\n", i );
  8502. break;
  8503. }
  8504. // Tell it too remember to last client.
  8505. result = client1->remember( client2, id2 );
  8506. if (FAILED(result))
  8507. {
  8508. printf( "Failed reminding client number %d.\n", i );
  8509. break;
  8510. }
  8511. // Tell is to make a server.
  8512. result = client1->pound();
  8513. if (FAILED(result))
  8514. {
  8515. printf( "Failed reminding client number %d.\n", i );
  8516. break;
  8517. }
  8518. // Save this client for the next iteration.
  8519. client2 = client1;
  8520. id2 = id1;
  8521. client1 = NULL;
  8522. }
  8523. // Tell the clients to start making calls.
  8524. SetEvent( ManualReset );
  8525. // Wait
  8526. printf( "Waiting 10 seconds.\n" );
  8527. Sleep( 10000 );
  8528. // Finally, its all over.
  8529. success = TRUE;
  8530. cleanup:
  8531. if (client1 != NULL)
  8532. client1->Release();
  8533. if (client2 != NULL)
  8534. client2->Release();
  8535. CoUninitialize();
  8536. if (success)
  8537. printf( "\n\nPound Test Passed.\n" );
  8538. else
  8539. printf( "\n\nPound Test Failed.\n" );
  8540. }
  8541. //---------------------------------------------------------------
  8542. typedef struct
  8543. {
  8545. LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES luid2;
  8547. DWORD EnableBackupPrivilege()
  8548. {
  8549. HANDLE process = NULL;
  8550. HANDLE process2 = NULL;
  8552. LUID backup;
  8553. LUID restore;
  8554. BOOL success;
  8555. DWORD result = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  8556. // Do nothing on Win9x.
  8557. if (Win95)
  8558. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  8559. // Get the process token
  8560. success = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(),
  8562. &process );
  8563. if (!success)
  8564. {
  8565. result = GetLastError();
  8566. goto cleanup;
  8567. }
  8568. // Convert it into an impersonation token.
  8569. success = DuplicateTokenEx( process,
  8571. NULL, SecurityImpersonation, TokenImpersonation,
  8572. &process2 );
  8573. if (!success)
  8574. {
  8575. result = GetLastError();
  8576. goto cleanup;
  8577. }
  8578. // Get LUID for backup privilege.
  8579. success = LookupPrivilegeValue(
  8580. NULL, // lookup privilege on local system
  8582. &backup );
  8583. if (!success)
  8584. {
  8585. result = GetLastError();
  8586. goto cleanup;
  8587. }
  8588. // Get LUID for restore privilege.
  8589. success = LookupPrivilegeValue(
  8590. NULL, // lookup privilege on local system
  8592. &restore );
  8593. if (!success)
  8594. {
  8595. result = GetLastError();
  8596. goto cleanup;
  8597. }
  8598. // Fill in the token privilege structure.
  8599. tp.tp.PrivilegeCount = 2;
  8600. tp.tp.Privileges[0].Luid = backup;
  8601. tp.tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
  8602. tp.tp.Privileges[1].Luid = restore;
  8603. tp.tp.Privileges[1].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
  8604. // Enable the privilege or disable all privileges.
  8605. success = AdjustTokenPrivileges( process2, FALSE, &tp.tp, 0, NULL, NULL );
  8606. if (!success)
  8607. {
  8608. result = GetLastError();
  8609. goto cleanup;
  8610. }
  8611. // Save the token on the thread.
  8612. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, process2 );
  8613. if (!success)
  8614. {
  8615. result = GetLastError();
  8616. goto cleanup;
  8617. }
  8618. // Close the token handles.
  8619. cleanup:
  8620. if (process != NULL)
  8621. CloseHandle( process );
  8622. if (process2 != NULL)
  8623. CloseHandle( process2 );
  8624. return result;
  8625. }
  8626. /***************************************************************************/
  8627. void do_regload()
  8628. {
  8629. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8630. HRESULT result;
  8631. // Initialize.
  8632. hello( "regload" );
  8633. // Enable backup privilege.
  8634. result = EnableBackupPrivilege();
  8635. ASSERT( result, "Could not enable backup privilege" );
  8636. // Load the registry.
  8637. result = RegLoadKey( HKEY_USERS, L"test_user", Name );
  8638. ASSERT( result, "Could not load key" );
  8639. // Finally, its all over.
  8640. success = TRUE;
  8641. cleanup:
  8642. if (success)
  8643. printf( "\n\nRegload Test Passed.\n" );
  8644. else
  8645. printf( "\n\nRegload Test Failed.\n" );
  8646. }
  8647. /***************************************************************************/
  8648. void do_regpeek()
  8649. {
  8650. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8651. HRESULT result;
  8652. HKEY key = NULL;
  8653. DWORD i;
  8654. DWORD value;
  8655. DWORD value_size;
  8656. // Initialize.
  8657. hello( "regpeek" );
  8658. // Open the key.
  8659. result = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_USERS, L"test_user\\test_key", 0, NULL,
  8661. &key, NULL );
  8662. ASSERT( result, "Could not open key" );
  8663. // Read and write the key for a while.
  8664. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8665. {
  8666. // Read the value.
  8667. value = 0;
  8668. value_size = sizeof(value);
  8669. result = RegQueryValueEx( key, L"test", 0, NULL, (UCHAR *) &value,
  8670. &value_size );
  8671. if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
  8672. printf( "Could not read value: 0x%x\n", result );
  8673. else
  8674. printf( "Read value 0x%x.\n", value );
  8675. // Write the value plus 1.
  8676. value += 1;
  8677. result = RegSetValueEx( key, L"test", 0, REG_DWORD, (UCHAR *) &value,
  8678. sizeof(value) );
  8679. ASSERT( result, "Could not save value" );
  8680. }
  8681. // Finally, its all over.
  8682. success = TRUE;
  8683. cleanup:
  8684. if (key != NULL)
  8685. RegCloseKey( key );
  8686. if (success)
  8687. printf( "\n\nRegpeek Test Passed.\n" );
  8688. else
  8689. printf( "\n\nRegpeek Test Failed.\n" );
  8690. }
  8691. /***************************************************************************/
  8692. void do_regsave()
  8693. {
  8694. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8695. HRESULT result;
  8696. HKEY key = NULL;
  8697. // Initialize.
  8698. hello( "regsave" );
  8699. // Enable restore privilege.
  8700. result = EnableBackupPrivilege();
  8701. ASSERT( result, "Could not enable restore privilege" );
  8702. // Open the key.
  8703. result = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_USERS, L"test_user", 0, KEY_READ, &key );
  8704. ASSERT( result, "Could not open key" );
  8705. // Save the key.
  8706. result = RegSaveKey( key, Name, NULL );
  8707. ASSERT( result, "Could not load key" );
  8708. // Finally, its all over.
  8709. success = TRUE;
  8710. cleanup:
  8711. if (key != NULL)
  8712. RegCloseKey( key );
  8713. if (success)
  8714. printf( "\n\nRegsave Test Passed.\n" );
  8715. else
  8716. printf( "\n\nRegsave Test Failed.\n" );
  8717. }
  8718. /***************************************************************************/
  8719. void do_reject()
  8720. {
  8721. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8722. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  8723. ITest *client2 = NULL;
  8724. SAptId id1;
  8725. SAptId id2;
  8726. IAdviseSink *advise1 = NULL;
  8727. IAdviseSink *advise2 = NULL;
  8728. HRESULT result;
  8729. CTest *local = NULL;
  8730. // Initialize OLE.
  8731. hello( "reject" );
  8732. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  8733. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  8734. // Create a local object.
  8735. local = new CTest;
  8736. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not create local instance of test server." );
  8737. // Create a server
  8738. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  8739. IID_ITest, (void **) &client1 );
  8740. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  8741. result = client1->get_id( &id1 );
  8742. ASSERT( result, "Could not get id of server" );
  8743. // Register the local message filter.
  8744. result = local->register_message_filter( TRUE );
  8745. ASSERT( result, "Could not register message filter." );
  8746. // Register the remote message filter.
  8747. result = client1->register_message_filter( TRUE );
  8748. ASSERT( result, "Could not register message filter." );
  8749. // Make the server reject the next call.
  8750. result = client1->reject_next();
  8751. ASSERT( result, "Could not reject next call" );
  8752. // Make us retry the next rejected call.
  8753. result = local->retry_next();
  8754. ASSERT( result, "Could not retry next call" );
  8755. // Call check.
  8756. result = client1->check( id1 );
  8757. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server" );
  8758. // Create a local server.
  8759. result = local->get_obj_from_new_apt( &client2, &id2 );
  8760. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  8761. // Register the remote message filter.
  8762. result = client2->register_message_filter( TRUE );
  8763. ASSERT( result, "Could not register message filter." );
  8764. // Make the server reject the next call.
  8765. result = client2->reject_next();
  8766. ASSERT( result, "Could not reject next call" );
  8767. // Make us retry the next rejected call.
  8768. result = local->retry_next();
  8769. ASSERT( result, "Could not retry next call" );
  8770. // Call check.
  8771. result = client2->check( id2 );
  8772. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server" );
  8773. // Release the message filters.
  8774. result = local->register_message_filter( FALSE );
  8775. ASSERT( result, "Could not deregister message filter." );
  8776. result = client1->register_message_filter( FALSE );
  8777. ASSERT( result, "Could not deregister message filter." );
  8778. result = client2->register_message_filter( FALSE );
  8779. ASSERT( result, "Could not deregister message filter." );
  8780. // Create an advise object on another process
  8781. result = client1->get_advise( &advise1 );
  8782. ASSERT( result, "Could not get advise: 0x%x" );
  8783. // Make an async call.
  8784. advise1->OnSave();
  8785. // Create an advise object on another thread
  8786. result = client2->get_advise( &advise2 );
  8787. ASSERT( result, "Could not get advise: 0x%x" );
  8788. // Make an async call.
  8789. advise2->OnSave();
  8790. // Finally, its all over.
  8791. success = TRUE;
  8792. cleanup:
  8793. if (advise2 != NULL)
  8794. advise2->Release();
  8795. if (advise1 != NULL)
  8796. advise1->Release();
  8797. if (client2 != NULL)
  8798. client2->Release();
  8799. if (client1 != NULL)
  8800. client1->Release();
  8801. if (local != NULL)
  8802. local->Release();
  8803. wait_apartment();
  8804. CoUninitialize();
  8805. if (success)
  8806. printf( "\n\nReject Test Passed.\n" );
  8807. else
  8808. printf( "\n\nReject Test Failed.\n" );
  8809. }
  8810. /***************************************************************************/
  8811. void do_remote_client()
  8812. {
  8813. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8814. ITest *server = NULL;
  8815. ITest *server2 = NULL;
  8816. HRESULT result;
  8817. RPC_BINDING_HANDLE handle = NULL;
  8818. RPC_STATUS status;
  8819. WCHAR binding[MAX_NAME];
  8820. void *buffer = NULL;
  8821. SAptId id;
  8822. SAptId id2;
  8823. HANDLE memory = NULL;
  8824. IStream *stream = NULL;
  8825. LARGE_INTEGER pos;
  8826. DWORD time_rpc;
  8827. DWORD time_null;
  8828. DWORD time_marshal;
  8829. long buf_size;
  8830. DWORD i;
  8831. // Initialize OLE.
  8832. hello( "RemoteClient" );
  8833. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  8834. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  8835. // Build binding handle for the server.
  8836. wsprintf( binding, L"%ws:%ws", TestProtseq, Name );
  8837. status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding( binding, &handle );
  8838. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  8839. {
  8840. printf( "Could not make binding handle from string binding: 0x%x\n", status );
  8841. goto cleanup;
  8842. }
  8843. // Get a marshalled interface from the server over raw RPC.
  8844. get_interface_buffer( handle, &buf_size, (unsigned char **) &buffer, &id,
  8845. (error_status_t *) &status );
  8846. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  8847. {
  8848. printf( "Could not get buffer containing interface: 0x%x\n", status );
  8849. goto cleanup;
  8850. }
  8851. // Allocate memory.
  8852. memory = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, buf_size );
  8853. ASSERT_EXPR( memory != NULL, "Could not GlobalAlloc." );
  8854. // Create a stream.
  8855. result = CreateStreamOnHGlobal( memory, TRUE, &stream );
  8856. ASSERT( result, "Could not create stream" );
  8857. // Write the data.
  8858. result = stream->Write( buffer, buf_size, NULL );
  8859. ASSERT( result, "Could not write to stream" );
  8860. // Seek back to the start of the stream.
  8861. pos.QuadPart = 0;
  8862. result = stream->Seek( pos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL );
  8863. ASSERT( result, "Could not seek stream to start" );
  8864. // Unmarshal Interface.
  8865. result = CoUnmarshalInterface( stream, IID_ITest, (void **) &server );
  8866. ASSERT( result, "Could not unmarshal interface" );
  8867. // Call once to make sure everything is set up.
  8868. result = server->null();
  8869. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  8870. // Make a lot of null calls.
  8871. time_null = GetTickCount();
  8872. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8873. {
  8874. result = server->null();
  8875. ASSERT( result, "Could not make null call" );
  8876. }
  8877. time_null = GetTickCount() - time_null;
  8878. // Make a lot of marshalling calls.
  8879. time_marshal = GetTickCount();
  8880. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8881. {
  8882. result = server->get_obj_from_this_apt( &server2, &id2);
  8883. ASSERT( result, "Could not make marshal call" );
  8884. server2->Release();
  8885. server2 = NULL;
  8886. }
  8887. time_marshal = GetTickCount() - time_marshal;
  8888. // Make a lot of RPC calls
  8889. nullcall( handle );
  8890. time_rpc = GetTickCount();
  8891. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  8892. {
  8893. nullcall( handle );
  8894. }
  8895. time_rpc = GetTickCount() - time_rpc;
  8896. // Print the results.
  8897. printf( "%d uS / RPC Null Call\n", time_rpc*1000/NumIterations );
  8898. printf( "%d uS / DCOM Null Call\n", time_null*1000/NumIterations );
  8899. printf( "%d uS / DCOM Marshal Call\n", time_marshal*1000/NumIterations );
  8900. // Finally, its all over.
  8901. success = TRUE;
  8902. cleanup:
  8903. if (server2 != NULL)
  8904. server2->Release();
  8905. if (server != NULL)
  8906. server->Release();
  8907. if (handle != NULL)
  8908. RpcBindingFree( &handle );
  8909. if (buffer != NULL)
  8910. midl_user_free( buffer );
  8911. if (stream != NULL)
  8912. stream->Release();
  8913. CoUninitialize();
  8914. if (success)
  8915. printf( "\n\nRemoteClient Test Passed.\n" );
  8916. else
  8917. printf( "\n\nRemoteClient Test Failed.\n" );
  8918. }
  8919. /***************************************************************************/
  8920. void do_remote_server()
  8921. {
  8922. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8923. SAptId id;
  8924. HRESULT result;
  8925. RPC_STATUS status;
  8926. RPC_BINDING_VECTOR *bindings = NULL;
  8927. // Initialize OLE.
  8928. hello( "RemoteServer" );
  8929. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  8930. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  8931. // Set up thread switching.
  8932. GlobalThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
  8933. // Create a local server
  8934. GlobalTest = new CTest;
  8935. ASSERT( !GlobalTest, "Could not create local server" );
  8936. // Register a protseq.
  8937. status = RpcServerUseProtseq( TestProtseq, RPC_C_PROTSEQ_MAX_REQS_DEFAULT,
  8938. NULL );
  8939. ASSERT( status, "Could not register protseq" );
  8940. // Register the dog interface.
  8941. status = RpcServerRegisterIf(xIDog_v0_1_s_ifspec,
  8942. NULL, // MgrTypeUuid
  8943. NULL); // MgrEpv; null means use default
  8944. ASSERT( status, "Could not register RPC interface" );
  8945. // Inquire the endpoints.
  8946. status = RpcServerInqBindings(&bindings);
  8947. ASSERT( status, "Could not inquire bindings" );
  8948. // Register them in the endpoint mapper.
  8949. status = RpcEpRegister( xIDog_v0_1_s_ifspec, bindings, NULL, NULL );
  8950. ASSERT( status, "Could not register with endpoint mapper" );
  8951. // Start RPC listening.
  8952. status = RpcServerListen( 1, RPC_C_LISTEN_MAX_CALLS_DEFAULT, TRUE );
  8953. ASSERT( status, "Could not start RPC listening" );
  8954. // Wait until the objects are released.
  8955. server_loop();
  8956. // Finally, its all over.
  8957. success = TRUE;
  8958. cleanup:
  8959. CoUninitialize();
  8960. if (success)
  8961. printf( "\n\nRemoteServer Test Passed.\n" );
  8962. else
  8963. printf( "\n\nRemoteServer Test Failed.\n" );
  8964. }
  8965. /***************************************************************************/
  8966. void do_ring()
  8967. {
  8968. BOOL success = FALSE;
  8969. ITest **array = NULL;
  8970. SAptId *id_array = NULL;
  8971. HRESULT result;
  8972. DWORD i;
  8973. DWORD j;
  8974. DWORD k;
  8975. DWORD l;
  8976. DWORD num_machines;
  8977. char machinea[MAX_NAME];
  8978. WCHAR this_machine[MAX_NAME];
  8979. DWORD ignore;
  8980. DWORD pos;
  8981. DWORD length;
  8982. char c;
  8983. // Pause.
  8984. /*
  8985. printf( "Type a character: " );
  8986. c = getchar();
  8987. printf( "Why did you type <%c>?\n", c );
  8988. */
  8989. // Initialize OLE.
  8990. hello( "ring" );
  8991. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  8992. ASSERT( result, "Recalling Initialize failed" );
  8993. result = initialize_security();
  8994. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  8995. // Lookup this machine's name.
  8996. ignore = sizeof(machinea);
  8997. success = GetComputerNameA( machinea, &ignore );
  8998. ASSERT_EXPR( success, "Could not get computer name." );
  8999. success = FALSE;
  9000. // Convert the name to unicode.
  9001. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, machinea, strlen(machinea)+1, this_machine,
  9002. MAX_NAME );
  9003. // If the server is this machine, set the number of machines to 1.
  9004. if (wcscmp(this_machine, Name) == 0)
  9005. num_machines = 1;
  9006. else
  9007. num_machines = 2;
  9008. // Allocate memory to hold all the server pointers.
  9009. length = NumProcesses * NumThreads * NumObjects * num_machines;
  9010. array = (ITest **) malloc( sizeof(ITest *) * length );
  9011. ASSERT_EXPR( array != NULL, "Could not allocate array." );
  9012. for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
  9013. array[i] = NULL;
  9014. // Allocate memory to hold all the server ids.
  9015. id_array = (SAptId *) malloc( sizeof(SAptId) * length );
  9016. ASSERT_EXPR( id_array != NULL, "Could not allocate id array." );
  9017. // Loop over all the machines.
  9018. pos = 0;
  9019. for (l = 0; l < num_machines; l++)
  9020. {
  9021. // Loop over all the processes.
  9022. for (i = 0; i < NumProcesses; i++)
  9023. {
  9024. // Create another server.
  9025. if (l == 0)
  9026. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  9027. IID_ITest, (void **) &array[pos] );
  9028. else
  9029. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &array[pos], &id_array[pos] );
  9030. ASSERT( result, "Could not create new server process" );
  9031. result = array[pos]->get_id( &id_array[pos] );
  9032. ASSERT( result, "Could not get id for new process" );
  9033. pos += 1;
  9034. for (j = 0; j < NumThreads; j++)
  9035. {
  9036. if (j != 0)
  9037. {
  9038. result = array[pos-1]->get_obj_from_new_apt( &array[pos],
  9039. &id_array[pos] );
  9040. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  9041. pos += 1;
  9042. }
  9043. for (k = 1; k < NumObjects; k++)
  9044. {
  9045. result = array[pos-1]->get_obj_from_this_apt( &array[pos],
  9046. &id_array[pos] );
  9047. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in thread server" );
  9048. pos += 1;
  9049. }
  9050. }
  9051. }
  9052. }
  9053. // Hook up the ring.
  9054. for (i = 0; i < length-1; i++)
  9055. {
  9056. result = array[i]->remember( array[i+1], id_array[i+1] );
  9057. ASSERT( result, "Could not connect ring" );
  9058. }
  9059. result = array[length-1]->remember( array[0], id_array[0] );
  9060. ASSERT( result, "Could not connect ring" );
  9061. // Call around the ring.
  9062. for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
  9063. {
  9064. result = array[0]->ring( length );
  9065. ASSERT( result, "Could not call around the ring" );
  9066. }
  9067. // Finally, its all over.
  9068. success = TRUE;
  9069. cleanup:
  9070. // Release all the servers. Start from the end so the main threads do
  9071. // not go away till all the secondary threads are done.
  9072. if (array != NULL)
  9073. for (i = length-1; i < 0xffffffff; i--)
  9074. if (array[i] != NULL)
  9075. {
  9076. result = array[i]->forget();
  9077. if (result != S_OK)
  9078. printf( "Could not forget server %x: 0x%x\n", i, result );
  9079. array[i]->Release();
  9080. }
  9081. // Release the memory holding the interface pointers.
  9082. if (array != NULL)
  9083. free(array);
  9084. // Release the memory for ids.
  9085. if (id_array != NULL)
  9086. free( id_array );
  9087. CoUninitialize();
  9088. // Pause.
  9089. /*
  9090. printf( "Type a character: " );
  9091. c = getchar();
  9092. printf( "Why did you type <%c>?\n", c );
  9093. */
  9094. if (success)
  9095. printf( "\n\nRing Test Passed.\n" );
  9096. else
  9097. printf( "\n\nRing Test Failed.\n" );
  9098. }
  9099. /***************************************************************************/
  9100. void do_rpc()
  9101. {
  9102. BOOL success = FALSE;
  9103. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  9104. CTest *local = NULL;
  9105. SAptId id1;
  9106. SAptId id2;
  9107. HRESULT result;
  9108. WCHAR *binding = NULL;
  9109. RPC_BINDING_HANDLE handle = NULL;
  9110. RPC_STATUS status;
  9111. // Initialize OLE.
  9112. hello( "rpc" );
  9113. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  9114. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  9115. // Create a free threaded server.
  9116. result = CoCreateInstance( ClassIds[free_auto_none], NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  9117. IID_ITest, (void **) &client1 );
  9118. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9119. result = client1->get_id( &id1 );
  9120. ASSERT( result, "Could not get id of server" );
  9121. // Ask the server to register rpc.
  9122. result = client1->register_rpc( TestProtseq, &binding );
  9123. ASSERT( result, "Could not register rpc interface" );
  9124. printf( "String binding: %ws\n", binding );
  9125. // Create a binding handle.
  9126. status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding( binding, &handle );
  9127. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  9128. {
  9129. printf( "Could not make binding handle from string binding: 0x%x\n", status );
  9130. goto cleanup;
  9131. }
  9132. // Make a raw rpc call.
  9133. result = check_client( handle, (unsigned long *) &status );
  9134. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  9135. {
  9136. printf( "Could not make RPC call: 0x%x\n", status );
  9137. goto cleanup;
  9138. }
  9139. ASSERT( result, "Server could not check client's id" );
  9140. // Create a local object.
  9141. local = new CTest;
  9142. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not create local object." );
  9143. result = local->get_id( &id2 );
  9144. ASSERT( result, "Could not get local id" );
  9145. // Pass an interface through a raw rpc call.
  9146. result = test( handle, local, id2, (unsigned long *) &status );
  9147. ASSERT( status, "Com fault testing interface with raw rpc" );
  9148. ASSERT( result, "Could not pass interface through raw rpc" );
  9149. // Finally, its all over.
  9150. success = TRUE;
  9151. cleanup:
  9152. if (local != NULL)
  9153. local->Release();
  9154. if (client1 != NULL)
  9155. client1->Release();
  9156. if (binding != NULL)
  9157. CoTaskMemFree( binding );
  9158. if (handle != NULL)
  9159. RpcBindingFree( &handle );
  9160. CoUninitialize();
  9161. if (success)
  9162. printf( "\n\nRpc Test Passed.\n" );
  9163. else
  9164. printf( "\n\nRpc Test Failed.\n" );
  9165. }
  9166. /***************************************************************************/
  9167. /*
  9168. This routine tests various cases of the client or server going away.
  9169. All permutations of the following variables are tested.
  9170. Clean exit (release and uninit) vs Dirty exit
  9171. 1 COM thread/process vs 2 COM threads/process
  9172. Client dies vs Server dies
  9173. In process death vs Out of process death
  9174. */
  9175. void do_rundown()
  9176. {
  9177. BOOL success = FALSE;
  9178. ITest *client = NULL;
  9179. ITest *client2 = NULL;
  9180. SAptId client_id;
  9181. SAptId client_id2;
  9182. HRESULT result;
  9183. // Initialize OLE.
  9184. hello( "rundown" );
  9185. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  9186. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  9187. // Create a client.
  9188. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  9189. IID_ITest, (void **) &client );
  9190. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9191. result = client->get_id( &client_id );
  9192. ASSERT( result, "Could not get client id" );
  9193. // Run clean tests with one thread per process.
  9194. success = do_rundown1( &client, &client_id, 0 );
  9195. if (!success)
  9196. goto cleanup;
  9197. // Run clean tests with two threads per process.
  9198. success = do_rundown2( &client, &client_id, 0 );
  9199. if (!success)
  9200. goto cleanup;
  9201. // Run dirty tests with one thread per process.
  9202. success = do_rundown1( &client, &client_id, dirty_s );
  9203. if (!success)
  9204. goto cleanup;
  9205. // Run dirty tests with two threads per process.
  9206. success = do_rundown2( &client, &client_id, dirty_s );
  9207. if (!success)
  9208. goto cleanup;
  9209. success = FALSE;
  9210. // Create helper.
  9211. result = client->get_obj_from_new_apt( &client2, &client_id2 );
  9212. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  9213. // Start the test.
  9214. result = client->recurse_disconnect( client2, NumRecursion );
  9215. ASSERT( result, "Could not disconnect in a call" );
  9216. client2->Release();
  9217. client2 = NULL;
  9218. client->Release();
  9219. client = NULL;
  9220. // Create a client.
  9221. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  9222. IID_ITest, (void **) &client );
  9223. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9224. result = client->get_id( &client_id );
  9225. ASSERT( result, "Could not get client id" );
  9226. // Tell the client to reinitialize.
  9227. result = client->reinitialize( RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT );
  9228. ASSERT( result, "Could not reinitialize client" );
  9229. // Give the reinitialize a chance to complete before continuing.
  9230. printf( "Waiting 5 seconds for reinitialize to complete.\n" );
  9231. Sleep(5000);
  9232. // Create another object on the same client.
  9233. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  9234. IID_ITest, (void **) &client2 );
  9235. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9236. // Check the client.
  9237. result = client2->get_id( &client_id );
  9238. ASSERT( result, "Could not get_id from client" );
  9239. // Finally, its all over.
  9240. success = TRUE;
  9241. cleanup:
  9242. if (client2 != NULL)
  9243. client2->Release();
  9244. if (client != NULL)
  9245. client->Release();
  9246. CoUninitialize();
  9247. if (success)
  9248. printf( "\n\nRundown Test Passed.\n" );
  9249. else
  9250. printf( "\n\nRundown Test Failed.\n" );
  9251. }
  9252. /***************************************************************************/
  9253. /*
  9254. This is a helper routine for do_rundown. It always executes with one
  9255. thread per process of each type (thus a process might have one client and
  9256. one server thread). It takes a parameter to indicate whether to execute
  9257. clean or dirty deaths. It executes all permuations of the remaining
  9258. variables, listed below. Note that the order of execution is important
  9259. to reduce the number of process creations. Note that the routine takes
  9260. a client process on entry and returns a different client process on
  9261. exit.
  9262. Client death vs Server death
  9263. In process vs Out of process
  9264. */
  9265. BOOL do_rundown1( ITest **client, SAptId *client_id, DWORD dirty )
  9266. {
  9267. BOOL success = FALSE;
  9268. ITest *server = NULL;
  9269. HRESULT result;
  9270. SAptId server_id;
  9271. /**/
  9272. // Create in process server.
  9273. result = (*client)->get_obj_from_new_apt( &server, &server_id );
  9274. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  9275. // Ping.
  9276. result = (*client)->remember( server, server_id );
  9277. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server" );
  9278. result = (*client)->call_next();
  9279. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server" );
  9280. // Kill server.
  9281. result = server->set_state( dirty, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
  9282. ASSERT( result, "Could not set_state on server" );
  9283. result = server->exit();
  9284. server->Release();
  9285. server = NULL;
  9286. ASSERT( result, "Could not exit server" );
  9287. // Query client.
  9288. result = (*client)->call_dead();
  9289. ASSERT( result, "Wrong error calling dead server" );
  9290. /**/
  9291. // Switch the client to server so the process doesn't go away when we kill
  9292. // the client. Then create an in process client.
  9293. server = *client;
  9294. server_id = *client_id;
  9295. *client = NULL;
  9296. /**/
  9297. result = server->get_obj_from_new_apt( client, client_id );
  9298. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process client" );
  9299. // Ping.
  9300. result = (*client)->remember( server, server_id );
  9301. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server" );
  9302. result = (*client)->call_next();
  9303. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server" );
  9304. // Kill client.
  9305. result = (*client)->set_state( dirty, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
  9306. ASSERT( result, "Could not set_state on client" );
  9307. (*client)->Release();
  9308. *client = NULL;
  9309. // Query server.
  9310. result = server->check( server_id );
  9311. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server" );
  9312. // Create out of process client.
  9313. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  9314. IID_ITest, (void **) client );
  9315. ASSERT( result, "Could not create out of process client" );
  9316. result = (*client)->get_id( client_id );
  9317. ASSERT( result, "Could not get client id" );
  9318. // Ping.
  9319. result = (*client)->remember( server, server_id );
  9320. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server" );
  9321. result = (*client)->call_next();
  9322. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server" );
  9323. // Kill client.
  9324. result = (*client)->set_state( dirty, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
  9325. ASSERT( result, "Could not set_state on client" );
  9326. (*client)->Release();
  9327. *client = NULL;
  9328. // Query server.
  9329. result = server->check( server_id );
  9330. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server" );
  9331. /**/
  9332. // Create out of process client.
  9333. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  9334. IID_ITest, (void **) client );
  9335. ASSERT( result, "Could not create out of process client" );
  9336. result = (*client)->get_id( client_id );
  9337. ASSERT( result, "Could not get client id" );
  9338. // Ping.
  9339. result = (*client)->remember( server, server_id );
  9340. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server" );
  9341. result = (*client)->call_next();
  9342. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server" );
  9343. // Kill server.
  9344. result = server->set_state( dirty, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
  9345. ASSERT( result, "Could not set_state on server" );
  9346. result = server->exit();
  9347. server->Release();
  9348. server = NULL;
  9349. if ((dirty & dirty_s) == 0)
  9350. ASSERT( result, "Could not exit server" );
  9351. // Query client.
  9352. result = (*client)->call_dead();
  9353. ASSERT( result, "Wrong error calling dead server" );
  9354. success = TRUE;
  9355. cleanup:
  9356. if (server != NULL)
  9357. server->Release();
  9358. return success;
  9359. }
  9360. /***************************************************************************/
  9361. /*
  9362. This is a helper routine for do_rundown. It always executes with two
  9363. threads per process of each type (thus a process might have two client and
  9364. two server threads). It takes a parameter to indicate whether to execute
  9365. clean or dirty deaths. It executes all permuations of the remaining
  9366. variables, listed below. Note that the order of execution is important
  9367. to reduce the number of process creations. Note that the routine takes
  9368. a client process on entry and returns a different client process on
  9369. exit.
  9370. Client death vs Server death
  9371. In process vs Out of process
  9372. */
  9373. BOOL do_rundown2( ITest **client1, SAptId *client1_id, DWORD dirty )
  9374. {
  9375. BOOL success = FALSE;
  9376. ITest *server1 = NULL;
  9377. ITest *server2 = NULL;
  9378. ITest *client2 = NULL;
  9379. SAptId client2_id;
  9380. SAptId server1_id;
  9381. SAptId server2_id;
  9382. HRESULT result;
  9383. // Create in process client.
  9384. result = (*client1)->get_obj_from_new_apt( &client2, &client2_id );
  9385. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process client2" );
  9386. // Create in process server.
  9387. result = (*client1)->get_obj_from_new_apt( &server1, &server1_id );
  9388. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server1" );
  9389. // Create in process server.
  9390. result = (*client1)->get_obj_from_new_apt( &server2, &server2_id );
  9391. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server2" );
  9392. // Ping 1.
  9393. result = (*client1)->remember( server1, server1_id );
  9394. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server1" );
  9395. result = (*client1)->call_next();
  9396. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server1" );
  9397. // Ping 2.
  9398. result = client2->remember( server2, server2_id );
  9399. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server2" );
  9400. result = client2->call_next();
  9401. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server2" );
  9402. // Kill server1.
  9403. result = server1->set_state( dirty, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
  9404. ASSERT( result, "Could not set_state on server1" );
  9405. result = server1->exit();
  9406. server1->Release();
  9407. server1 = NULL;
  9408. ASSERT( result, "Could not exit server1" );
  9409. // Query client1.
  9410. result = (*client1)->call_dead();
  9411. ASSERT( result, "Wrong error calling dead server1" );
  9412. // Query client2.
  9413. result = client2->call_next();
  9414. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server2" );
  9415. // Query server2.
  9416. result = server2->check( server2_id );
  9417. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server2" );
  9418. // Switch the client1 to server1 so the process doesn't go away when we kill
  9419. // the client1. Then create an in process client1.
  9420. server1 = *client1;
  9421. server1_id = *client1_id;
  9422. *client1 = NULL;
  9423. result = server1->get_obj_from_new_apt( client1, client1_id );
  9424. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process client1" );
  9425. // Ping 1.
  9426. result = (*client1)->remember( server1, server1_id );
  9427. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server1" );
  9428. result = (*client1)->call_next();
  9429. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server1" );
  9430. // Ping 2.
  9431. result = client2->call_next();
  9432. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server2" );
  9433. // Kill client1.
  9434. result = (*client1)->set_state( dirty, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
  9435. ASSERT( result, "Could not set_state on client1" );
  9436. (*client1)->Release();
  9437. *client1 = NULL;
  9438. // Query server1.
  9439. result = server1->check( server1_id );
  9440. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server1" );
  9441. // Query server2.
  9442. result = server2->check( server2_id );
  9443. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server2" );
  9444. // Query client2.
  9445. result = client2->call_next();
  9446. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server2" );
  9447. client2->Release();
  9448. client2 = NULL;
  9449. // Create out of process client1.
  9450. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  9451. IID_ITest, (void **) client1 );
  9452. ASSERT( result, "Could not create out of process client1" );
  9453. result = (*client1)->get_id( client1_id );
  9454. ASSERT( result, "Could not get client1 id" );
  9455. // Create in process client 2.
  9456. result = (*client1)->get_obj_from_new_apt( &client2, &client2_id );
  9457. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process client2" );
  9458. // Ping 1.
  9459. result = (*client1)->remember( server1, server1_id );
  9460. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server1" );
  9461. result = (*client1)->call_next();
  9462. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server1" );
  9463. // Ping 2.
  9464. result = client2->remember( server2, server2_id );
  9465. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server2" );
  9466. result = client2->call_next();
  9467. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server2" );
  9468. // Kill client2 so process does not exit.
  9469. result = client2->set_state( dirty, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
  9470. ASSERT( result, "Could not set_state on client2" );
  9471. client2->Release();
  9472. client2 = NULL;
  9473. // Query server1.
  9474. result = server1->check( server1_id );
  9475. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server1" );
  9476. // Query server2.
  9477. result = server2->check( server2_id );
  9478. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server2" );
  9479. // Query client1.
  9480. result = (*client1)->call_next();
  9481. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server1" );
  9482. // Create in process client 2.
  9483. result = (*client1)->get_obj_from_new_apt( &client2, &client2_id );
  9484. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process client2" );
  9485. // Ping 1.
  9486. result = (*client1)->call_next();
  9487. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server1" );
  9488. // Ping 2.
  9489. result = client2->remember( server2, server2_id );
  9490. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server2" );
  9491. result = client2->call_next();
  9492. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server2" );
  9493. // Kill server2 so the server process does not go away.
  9494. result = server2->set_state( dirty, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
  9495. ASSERT( result, "Could not set_state on server2" );
  9496. result = server2->exit();
  9497. server2->Release();
  9498. server2 = NULL;
  9499. if ((dirty & dirty_s) == 0)
  9500. ASSERT( result, "Could not exit server2" );
  9501. // Query client1.
  9502. result = (*client1)->call_next();
  9503. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server1" );
  9504. // Query client2.
  9505. result = client2->call_dead();
  9506. ASSERT( result, "Wrong error calling dead server2" );
  9507. // Query server1.
  9508. result = server1->check( server1_id );
  9509. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server1" );
  9510. success = TRUE;
  9511. cleanup:
  9512. if (server1 != NULL)
  9513. server1->Release();
  9514. if (server2 != NULL)
  9515. server2->Release();
  9516. if (client2 != NULL)
  9517. client2->Release();
  9518. return success;
  9519. }
  9520. /***************************************************************************/
  9521. void do_secpkg()
  9522. {
  9523. BOOL success = FALSE;
  9524. SecPkgInfo *pAllPkg;
  9525. SecPkgInfo *pNext;
  9526. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  9527. DWORD i;
  9528. DWORD lMaxLen;
  9529. char datagram;
  9530. char connection;
  9531. char client;
  9532. char name;
  9533. // Say hello.
  9534. hello( "secpkg" );
  9535. // Get the list of security packages.
  9536. result = EnumerateSecurityPackages( &lMaxLen, &pAllPkg );
  9537. ASSERT( result, "Could not get list of security packages" );
  9538. // Print them.
  9539. pNext = pAllPkg;
  9540. for (i = 0; i < lMaxLen; i++)
  9541. {
  9542. // Determine the package's capabilities.
  9543. if (pNext->fCapabilities & SECPKG_FLAG_DATAGRAM)
  9544. datagram = 'd';
  9545. else
  9546. datagram = ' ';
  9547. if (pNext->fCapabilities & SECPKG_FLAG_CONNECTION)
  9548. connection = 'c';
  9549. else
  9550. connection = ' ';
  9551. if (pNext->fCapabilities & SECPKG_FLAG_CLIENT_ONLY)
  9552. client = 'C';
  9553. else
  9554. client = ' ';
  9555. if (pNext->fCapabilities & SECPKG_FLAG_ACCEPT_WIN32_NAME)
  9556. name = 'N';
  9557. else
  9558. name = ' ';
  9559. // Print the package info.
  9560. printf( "Id: 0x%04x Ver: 0x%04x Cap: 0x%08x<%c%c%c%c> Name: %ws\n",
  9561. pNext->wRPCID, pNext->wVersion, pNext->fCapabilities,
  9562. datagram, connection, client, name, pNext->Name );
  9563. if (Verbose)
  9564. printf( "Comment: %ws\n\n", pNext->Comment );
  9565. pNext++;
  9566. }
  9567. // Print a legend for capabilities.
  9568. printf( "Datagram: d\n" );
  9569. printf( "Connection: c\n" );
  9570. printf( "Client: C\n" );
  9571. printf( "Win32 name: N\n" );
  9572. success = TRUE;
  9573. cleanup:
  9574. if (success)
  9575. printf( "\n\nSecPkg succeeded.\n" );
  9576. else
  9577. printf( "\n\nSecPkg failed.\n" );
  9578. }
  9579. /***************************************************************************/
  9580. void do_securerefs()
  9581. {
  9582. BOOL success = FALSE;
  9583. ITest *server = NULL;
  9584. ITest *server2 = NULL;
  9585. ITest *local = NULL;
  9586. SAptId id_server;
  9587. SAptId id_server2;
  9588. SAptId id_local;
  9589. HRESULT result;
  9591. hello( "securerefs" );
  9592. // Try CoInitializeSecurity before CoInit.
  9593. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  9595. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  9596. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Initialized security before OLE" );
  9597. // Initialize OLE.
  9598. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  9599. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  9600. // Set security to automatic none.
  9601. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  9603. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  9604. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security to none" );
  9605. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  9606. {
  9607. // Create a local server
  9608. result = new_apartment( &local, &id_local, NULL, ThreadMode );
  9609. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local instance of test server" );
  9610. // Call the local server.
  9611. result = local->check( id_local );
  9612. ASSERT( result, "Could not call local server" )
  9613. // Release the local server.
  9614. local->Release();
  9615. local = NULL;
  9616. }
  9617. // Create a server possibly on a remote machine.
  9618. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  9619. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9620. ASSERT_EXPR( server != NULL, "Create instance returned NULL." );
  9621. // Call the server.
  9622. result = server->check( id_server );
  9623. ASSERT( result, "Could not call local server" )
  9624. // Release the server.
  9625. server->Release();
  9626. server = NULL;
  9627. // Uninitialize.
  9628. CoUninitialize();
  9629. // Reinitialize.
  9630. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  9631. ASSERT( result, "Reinitialize failed" );
  9632. // Initialize security with secure refs but bad authn level.
  9633. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  9636. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "CoInitializeSecurity succeeded with bad parameters" );
  9637. // Initialize security with secure refs.
  9638. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  9641. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize secure refs" );
  9642. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  9643. {
  9644. // Create a local server
  9645. result = new_apartment( &local, &id_local, NULL, ThreadMode );
  9646. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local instance of test server" );
  9647. // Call the local server.
  9648. result = local->check( id_local );
  9649. ASSERT( result, "Could not call local server" )
  9650. // Release the local server.
  9651. local->Release();
  9652. local = NULL;
  9653. }
  9654. // Create a server possibly on a remote machine.
  9655. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  9656. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9657. ASSERT_EXPR( server != NULL, "Create instance returned NULL." );
  9658. // Call the server.
  9659. result = server->check( id_server );
  9660. ASSERT( result, "Could not call local server" )
  9661. // Release the server.
  9662. server->Release();
  9663. server = NULL;
  9664. // Create a server possibly on a remote machine.
  9665. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  9666. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9667. ASSERT_EXPR( server != NULL, "Create instance returned NULL." );
  9668. // Create a server on this machine.
  9669. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  9670. IID_ITest, (void **) &server2 );
  9671. ASSERT( result, "Could not create out of process server2" );
  9672. result = server2->get_id( &id_server2 );
  9673. ASSERT( result, "Could not get server2 id" );
  9674. // Have the second server remember the first.
  9675. result = server2->remember( server, id_server );
  9676. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server" );
  9677. result = server2->call_next();
  9678. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server" );
  9679. // Release some extra public references.
  9680. success = do_securerefs_helper( &server );
  9681. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  9682. success = FALSE;
  9683. // The server should be gone, have the second server try to call.
  9684. result = server2->call_next();
  9685. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Call to dead server succeeded" );
  9686. // Have the second server forget the first.
  9687. result = server2->forget();
  9688. ASSERT( result, "Could not forget server" );
  9689. // Create a possible machine remote server.
  9690. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  9691. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9692. ASSERT_EXPR( server != NULL, "Create instance returned NULL." );
  9693. // Tell the second server to remember it.
  9694. result = server2->remember( server, id_server );
  9695. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server" );
  9696. result = server2->call_next();
  9697. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server" );
  9698. // Release all local references.
  9699. server->Release();
  9700. server = NULL;
  9701. // Have the second server call it.
  9702. result = server2->call_next();
  9703. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server" );
  9704. // Finally, its all over.
  9705. success = TRUE;
  9706. cleanup:
  9707. if (server2 != NULL)
  9708. server2->Release();
  9709. if (server != NULL)
  9710. server->Release();
  9711. if (local != NULL)
  9712. local->Release();
  9713. CoUninitialize();
  9714. if (success)
  9715. printf( "\n\nSecureRefs Test Passed.\n" );
  9716. else
  9717. printf( "\n\nSecureRefs Test Failed.\n" );
  9718. }
  9719. /***************************************************************************/
  9720. BOOL do_securerefs_helper( ITest **server )
  9721. {
  9722. ULONG size;
  9723. HRESULT result;
  9724. HANDLE memory = NULL;
  9725. BOOL success;
  9726. IStream *stream = NULL;
  9727. LARGE_INTEGER pos;
  9728. // Find out how much memory to allocate.
  9729. result = CoGetMarshalSizeMax( &size, IID_ITest, *server, 0, NULL,
  9731. ASSERT( result, "Could not get marshal size" );
  9732. // Allocate memory.
  9733. memory = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, size );
  9734. ASSERT_EXPR( memory != NULL, "Could not get memory." );
  9735. // Create a stream.
  9736. result = CreateStreamOnHGlobal( memory, TRUE, &stream );
  9737. ASSERT( result, "Could not create stream" );
  9738. // Marshal the proxy.
  9739. result = CoMarshalInterface( stream, IID_ITest, *server, 0, NULL,
  9741. ASSERT( result, "Could not marshal interface" );
  9742. // Release the proxy.
  9743. (*server)->Release();
  9744. *server = NULL;
  9745. // Seek back to the start of the stream.
  9746. pos.QuadPart = 0;
  9747. result = stream->Seek( pos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL );
  9748. ASSERT( result, "Could not seek to start" );
  9749. // Unmarshal another copy.
  9750. result = CoUnmarshalInterface( stream, IID_ITest, (void **) server );
  9751. ASSERT( result, "Could not unmarshal from stream" );
  9752. // Release the proxy.
  9753. (*server)->Release();
  9754. *server = NULL;
  9755. // Seek back to the start of the stream.
  9756. pos.QuadPart = 0;
  9757. result = stream->Seek( pos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL );
  9758. ASSERT( result, "Could not seek to start" );
  9759. // Unmarshal another copy.
  9760. result = CoUnmarshalInterface( stream, IID_ITest, (void **) server );
  9761. ASSERT( result, "Could not unmarshal from stream" );
  9762. // Release the proxy.
  9763. (*server)->Release();
  9764. *server = NULL;
  9765. success = TRUE;
  9766. cleanup:
  9767. // The stream releases the memory.
  9768. if (stream != NULL)
  9769. stream->Release();
  9770. return success;
  9771. }
  9772. /***************************************************************************/
  9773. void do_secure_release()
  9774. {
  9775. BOOL success = FALSE;
  9776. HRESULT result;
  9777. int i;
  9778. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  9779. ITest *client2 = NULL;
  9780. SAptId id1;
  9781. SAptId id2;
  9782. DWORD class_index;
  9783. CTest *local = NULL;
  9784. SAptId idl;
  9785. IUnknown *unknown = NULL;
  9786. DWORD what;
  9787. DWORD authn_level_out;
  9788. DWORD imp_level_out;
  9789. DWORD authn_svc_out;
  9790. DWORD authz_svc_out;
  9791. OLECHAR *princ_name_out = NULL;
  9792. BOOL machine_local;
  9793. // Say hello.
  9794. hello( "secure_release" );
  9795. ASSERT_EXPR( GlobalSecurityModel != auto_sm ||
  9796. GlobalAuthnLevel != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  9797. "Secure_Release test must be run with security enabled.\n" );
  9798. // Figure out if the server is on the same machine.
  9799. machine_local = wcscmp(ThisMachine, Name) == 0;
  9800. // Initialize OLE.
  9801. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  9802. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  9803. result = initialize_security();
  9804. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  9805. // Determine the server class id.
  9806. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  9807. class_index = free_auto_none;
  9808. else
  9809. class_index = apt_auto_none;
  9810. // Create a server.
  9811. result = create_instance( ClassIds[class_index], WhatDest, &client1, &id1 );
  9812. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9813. ASSERT_EXPR( client1 != NULL, "Create instance returned NULL." );
  9814. // Create a local object.
  9815. local = new CTest;
  9816. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not allocate local object." );
  9817. result = local->get_id( &idl );
  9818. ASSERT( result, "Could not get id of local object" );
  9819. // Make the server remember the local object.
  9820. result = client1->remember( local, idl );
  9821. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember local object" );
  9822. // Tell the server to call back on release.
  9823. result = client1->by_the_way( callback_on_release_btw );
  9824. ASSERT( result, "Could not talk to server" );
  9825. // Get IUnknown.
  9826. result = client1->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void **) &unknown );
  9827. ASSERT( result, "Could not query interface IUnknown" );
  9828. // Turn off security.
  9829. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( unknown, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  9832. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  9833. // Release ITest.
  9834. client1->Release();
  9835. client1 = NULL;
  9836. // Release IUnknown.
  9837. unknown->Release();
  9838. unknown = NULL;
  9839. // Ask the local object how secure the release call was.
  9840. result = local->what( &what );
  9841. ASSERT( result, "Server won't answer my question" );
  9842. if (machine_local)
  9843. {
  9844. ASSERT_EXPR( what == release_secure_btw, "Release wasn't secure.\n" );
  9845. }
  9846. else
  9847. {
  9848. ASSERT_EXPR( what == release_unsecure_btw, "Release wasn't unsecure.\n" );
  9849. }
  9850. // Uninitialize.
  9851. local->Release();
  9852. local = NULL;
  9853. CoUninitialize();
  9854. // Initialize OLE.
  9855. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  9856. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  9857. // Secure to unsecure with secure refs.
  9858. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, GlobalAuthnLevel,
  9861. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  9862. // Create a server.
  9863. result = create_instance( ClassIds[class_index], WhatDest, &client1, &id1 );
  9864. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9865. ASSERT_EXPR( client1 != NULL, "Create instance returned NULL." );
  9866. // Create a local object.
  9867. local = new CTest;
  9868. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not allocate local object." );
  9869. result = local->get_id( &idl );
  9870. ASSERT( result, "Could not get id of local object" );
  9871. // Make the server remember the local object.
  9872. result = client1->remember( local, idl );
  9873. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember local object" );
  9874. // Tell the server to call back on release.
  9875. result = client1->by_the_way( callback_on_release_btw );
  9876. ASSERT( result, "Could not talk to server" );
  9877. // Get IUnknown.
  9878. result = client1->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void **) &unknown );
  9879. ASSERT( result, "Could not query interface IUnknown" );
  9880. // Turn off security.
  9881. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( unknown, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  9884. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  9885. // Release ITest.
  9886. client1->Release();
  9887. client1 = NULL;
  9888. // Release IUnknown.
  9889. unknown->Release();
  9890. unknown = NULL;
  9891. // Ask the local object how secure the release call was.
  9892. result = local->what( &what );
  9893. ASSERT( result, "Server won't answer my question" );
  9894. ASSERT_EXPR( what == release_secure_btw, "Release wasn't secure.\n" );
  9895. // Uninitialize.
  9896. local->Release();
  9897. local = NULL;
  9898. CoUninitialize();
  9899. // Initialize OLE.
  9900. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  9901. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  9902. // Unsecure to secure without secure refs.
  9903. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  9905. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  9906. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  9907. // Determine the server class id.
  9908. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  9909. class_index = free_auto_connect;
  9910. else
  9911. class_index = apt_auto_connect;
  9912. // Create a server.
  9913. result = create_instance( ClassIds[class_index], WhatDest, &client1, &id1 );
  9914. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  9915. ASSERT_EXPR( client1 != NULL, "Create instance returned NULL." );
  9916. // Create a local object.
  9917. local = new CTest;
  9918. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not allocate local object." );
  9919. result = local->get_id( &idl );
  9920. ASSERT( result, "Could not get id of local object" );
  9921. // Make the server remember the local object.
  9922. result = client1->remember( local, idl );
  9923. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember local object" );
  9924. // Tell the server to call back on release.
  9925. result = client1->by_the_way( callback_on_release_btw );
  9926. ASSERT( result, "Could not talk to server" );
  9927. // Get IUnknown.
  9928. result = client1->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void **) &unknown );
  9929. ASSERT( result, "Could not query interface IUnknown" );
  9930. // Turn off security.
  9931. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( unknown, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  9934. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  9935. // Release ITest.
  9936. client1->Release();
  9937. client1 = NULL;
  9938. // Release IUnknown.
  9939. unknown->Release();
  9940. unknown = NULL;
  9941. // Ask the local object how secure the release call was.
  9942. result = local->what( &what );
  9943. ASSERT( result, "Server won't answer my question" );
  9944. if (machine_local)
  9945. {
  9946. ASSERT_EXPR( what == release_secure_btw, "Release wasn't secure.\n" );
  9947. }
  9948. else
  9949. {
  9950. ASSERT_EXPR( what == nothing_btw, "Unsecure release made it.\n" );
  9951. }
  9952. // Uninitialize.
  9953. local->Release();
  9954. local = NULL;
  9955. CoUninitialize();
  9956. // Initialize OLE.
  9957. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  9958. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  9959. // Unsecure to secure with secure refs.
  9960. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  9963. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Could initialize security with bad params.\n" );
  9964. // Finally, its all over.
  9965. success = TRUE;
  9966. cleanup:
  9967. if (unknown != NULL)
  9968. unknown->Release();
  9969. if (client1 != NULL)
  9970. client1->Release();
  9971. if (client2 != NULL)
  9972. client2->Release();
  9973. if (local != NULL)
  9974. local->Release();
  9975. CoUninitialize();
  9976. if (success)
  9977. printf( "\n\nSecure_Release Test Passed.\n" );
  9978. else
  9979. printf( "\n\nSecure_Release Test Failed.\n" );
  9980. }
  9981. /***************************************************************************/
  9982. void do_security()
  9983. {
  9984. BOOL success = FALSE;
  9985. ITest *server = NULL;
  9986. ITest *local = NULL;
  9987. ITest *server2 = NULL;
  9988. ITest *local2 = NULL;
  9989. SAptId id_server;
  9990. SAptId id_local;
  9991. SAptId id_server2;
  9992. SAptId id_local2;
  9993. HRESULT result;
  9994. // Initialize OLE.
  9995. hello( "security" );
  9996. ASSERT_EXPR( GlobalSecurityModel == auto_sm &&
  9997. GlobalAuthnLevel == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  9998. "Security test must be run with no security.\n" );
  9999. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  10000. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  10001. if (!Change)
  10002. {
  10003. // Test automatic security.
  10004. success = do_security_auto();
  10005. if (!success)
  10006. goto cleanup;
  10007. success = FALSE;
  10008. // Uninitialize.
  10009. CoUninitialize();
  10010. // Reinitialize.
  10011. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  10012. ASSERT( result, "Reinitialize failed" );
  10013. }
  10014. // Set security to automatic none.
  10015. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10017. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  10018. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security to none" );
  10019. // Create a local server
  10020. result = new_apartment( &local, &id_local, NULL, ThreadMode );
  10021. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local instance of test server" );
  10022. // Create a client possibly on a remote machine.
  10023. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  10024. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  10025. ASSERT_EXPR( server != NULL, "Create instance returned NULL." );
  10026. // Test proxy copy for a local object.
  10027. if (ThreadMode != COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  10028. {
  10029. success = do_security_copy( local, id_local );
  10030. if (!success)
  10031. goto cleanup;
  10032. success = FALSE;
  10033. }
  10034. // Test proxy copy for a remote object.
  10035. success = do_security_copy( server, id_server );
  10036. if (!success)
  10037. goto cleanup;
  10038. success = FALSE;
  10039. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  10040. // Test default parameters for a local object.
  10041. if (ThreadMode != COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  10042. {
  10043. success = do_security_default( local, id_local );
  10044. if (!success)
  10045. goto cleanup;
  10046. success = FALSE;
  10047. }
  10048. // Test default parameters for a remote object.
  10049. success = do_security_default( server, id_server );
  10050. if (!success)
  10051. goto cleanup;
  10052. success = FALSE;
  10053. #endif
  10054. // Test delegation for local objects
  10055. if (ThreadMode != COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  10056. {
  10057. // Create a local server
  10058. result = new_apartment( &local2, &id_local2, NULL, ThreadMode );
  10059. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local instance of test server" );
  10060. success = do_security_delegate( local, id_local, local2, id_local2 );
  10061. if (!success)
  10062. goto cleanup;
  10063. success = FALSE;
  10064. }
  10065. // Create a client possibly on a remote machine.
  10066. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server2, &id_server2 );
  10067. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  10068. ASSERT_EXPR( server2 != NULL, "Create instance returned NULL." );
  10069. // Test delegation
  10070. success = do_security_delegate( server, id_server, server2, id_server2 );
  10071. if (!success)
  10072. goto cleanup;
  10073. success = FALSE;
  10074. // Try some calls.
  10075. if (ThreadMode != COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  10076. {
  10077. success = do_security_handle( local, id_local );
  10078. if (!success)
  10079. goto cleanup;
  10080. success = FALSE;
  10081. }
  10082. // Try some calls.
  10083. success = do_security_handle( server, id_server );
  10084. if (!success)
  10085. goto cleanup;
  10086. success = FALSE;
  10087. // Test nested impersonation for a local object.
  10088. if (ThreadMode != COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  10089. {
  10090. success = do_security_nested( local, id_local );
  10091. if (!success)
  10092. goto cleanup;
  10093. success = FALSE;
  10094. }
  10095. // Test nested impersonation for a remote object.
  10096. success = do_security_nested( server, id_server );
  10097. if (!success)
  10098. goto cleanup;
  10099. success = FALSE;
  10100. // Finally, its all over.
  10101. success = TRUE;
  10102. cleanup:
  10103. if (server2 != NULL)
  10104. server2->Release();
  10105. if (local2 != NULL)
  10106. local2->Release();
  10107. if (server != NULL)
  10108. server->Release();
  10109. if (local != NULL)
  10110. local->Release();
  10111. wait_apartment();
  10112. CoUninitialize();
  10113. if (success)
  10114. printf( "\n\nSecurity Test Passed.\n" );
  10115. else
  10116. printf( "\n\nSecurity Test Failed.\n" );
  10117. }
  10118. /***************************************************************************/
  10119. BOOL do_security_auto( )
  10120. {
  10121. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10122. DWORD i;
  10123. DWORD j;
  10124. DWORD k;
  10125. HRESULT result;
  10127. ITest *server = NULL;
  10128. SAptId id_server;
  10129. DWORD authn_level;
  10130. DWORD authn_level_out;
  10131. // Figure out the class id offset based on the threading model.
  10132. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  10133. k = 5;
  10134. else
  10135. k = 0;
  10136. // Try all types of security initialization.
  10137. for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  10138. {
  10139. // Initialize security.
  10140. switch (i)
  10141. {
  10142. case 0:
  10143. authn_level = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
  10144. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
  10147. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  10148. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security to none" );
  10149. break;
  10150. case 1:
  10151. authn_level = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT;
  10152. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
  10155. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  10156. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security to connect" );
  10157. break;
  10158. case 2:
  10159. authn_level = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY;
  10160. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
  10163. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  10164. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security to integrity" );
  10165. break;
  10166. case 3:
  10167. authn_level = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
  10168. svc_list.dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;
  10169. svc_list.dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
  10170. svc_list.pPrincipalName = NULL;
  10171. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, 1, &svc_list, NULL,
  10174. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  10175. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security with authentication services" );
  10176. break;
  10177. case 4:
  10178. // Try legacy security by doing nothing.
  10179. authn_level = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE;
  10180. break;
  10181. }
  10182. // Try all types of servers.
  10183. for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
  10184. {
  10185. // Create a server.
  10186. result = create_instance( ClassIds[j+k], WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  10187. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  10188. ASSERT_EXPR( server != NULL, "Create instance returned NULL." );
  10189. // Call it once.
  10190. success = do_security_lazy_call( server, id_server, authn_level,
  10192. -1, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10193. DomainUser );
  10194. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10195. success = FALSE;
  10196. if (j == 1 || j == 2)
  10197. {
  10198. // Set the security too low.
  10199. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10202. EOAC_NONE );
  10203. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket with authentication level none" );
  10204. // Make a bad call. Allow the security provider to up the level.
  10205. result = server->secure( id_server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10208. NULL, DomainUser, &authn_level_out );
  10209. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK ||
  10210. (j == 1 && authn_level_out >= RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT) ||
  10211. (j == 2 && authn_level_out >= RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY),
  10212. "Bad call succeeded." );
  10213. }
  10214. // Release it.
  10215. server->Release();
  10216. server = NULL;
  10217. }
  10218. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  10219. {
  10220. // Create a local server.
  10221. result = new_apartment( &server, &id_server, NULL, ThreadMode );
  10222. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local instance of test server" );
  10223. // Make a local call.
  10224. success = do_security_lazy_call( server, id_server, authn_level,
  10227. DomainUser );
  10228. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10229. success = FALSE;
  10230. // Release it.
  10231. server->Release();
  10232. server = NULL;
  10233. // Wait for the helper thread to die.
  10234. wait_apartment();
  10235. }
  10236. // Uninitialize OLE.
  10237. CoUninitialize();
  10238. // Reinitialize OLE.
  10239. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  10240. ASSERT( result, "Reinitialize failed" );
  10241. }
  10242. success = TRUE;
  10243. cleanup:
  10244. if (server != NULL)
  10245. server->Release();
  10246. return success;
  10247. }
  10248. /***************************************************************************/
  10249. BOOL do_security_call( ITest *server, SAptId id, DWORD authn_level,
  10250. DWORD imp_level, DWORD authn_svc, DWORD authz_svc,
  10251. WCHAR *name )
  10252. {
  10253. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10254. HRESULT result;
  10255. DWORD authn_level_out;
  10256. DWORD imp_level_out;
  10257. DWORD authn_svc_out;
  10258. DWORD authz_svc_out;
  10259. OLECHAR *princ_name_out = NULL;
  10260. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, authn_svc, authz_svc, NULL,
  10261. authn_level, imp_level, NULL, EOAC_NONE );
  10262. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10263. // Verify the authentication information.
  10264. result = MCoQueryProxyBlanket( server, &authn_svc_out, &authz_svc_out,
  10265. &princ_name_out, &authn_level_out,
  10266. &imp_level_out, NULL, NULL );
  10267. if (result == S_OK)
  10268. {
  10269. // ASSERT_EXPR( princ_name_out == NULL, "Got a principle name." );
  10270. ASSERT_EXPR( authn_level <= authn_level_out, "Wrong authentication level." );
  10271. ASSERT_EXPR( imp_level == imp_level_out || authn_level == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10272. "Wrong impersonation level." );
  10273. ASSERT_EXPR( authn_svc == RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE || authn_svc == authn_svc_out, "Wrong authentication service." );
  10274. ASSERT_EXPR( authz_svc == authz_svc_out, "Wrong authorization service." );
  10275. }
  10276. // Make a call.
  10277. result = server->secure( id, authn_level, imp_level, authn_svc, authz_svc,
  10278. NULL, name, &authn_level_out );
  10279. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10280. success = TRUE;
  10281. cleanup:
  10282. CoTaskMemFree( princ_name_out );
  10283. return success;
  10284. }
  10285. /***************************************************************************/
  10286. BOOL do_security_copy( ITest *server, SAptId id )
  10287. {
  10288. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10289. ITest *copy1 = NULL;
  10290. ITest *copy2 = NULL;
  10291. ITest *copy3 = NULL;
  10292. HRESULT result;
  10293. // Make a copy.
  10294. result = MCoCopyProxy( server, (IUnknown **) &copy1 );
  10295. ASSERT( result, "Could not copy proxy" );
  10296. // Verify that it calls at none.
  10297. success = do_security_lazy_call( copy1, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10299. -1, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10300. DomainUser );
  10301. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10302. success = FALSE;
  10303. // Verify that the original calls at none.
  10304. success = do_security_lazy_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10306. -1, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10307. DomainUser );
  10308. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10309. success = FALSE;
  10310. // Call on the original at connect.
  10311. success = do_security_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10314. DomainUser );
  10315. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10316. success = FALSE;
  10317. // Verify that the copy still calls at none.
  10318. success = do_security_lazy_call( copy1, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10320. -1, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10321. DomainUser );
  10322. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10323. success = FALSE;
  10324. // Call on the copy at encrypt.
  10325. success = do_security_call( copy1, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY,
  10328. DomainUser );
  10329. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10330. success = FALSE;
  10331. // Verify that the original still calls at connect.
  10332. success = do_security_lazy_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10335. DomainUser );
  10336. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10337. success = FALSE;
  10338. // Free the copy.
  10339. copy1->Release();
  10340. copy1 = NULL;
  10341. // Make a copy.
  10342. result = MCoCopyProxy( server, (IUnknown **) &copy1 );
  10343. ASSERT( result, "Could not copy proxy" );
  10344. // Verify that the copy calls at none.
  10345. success = do_security_lazy_call( copy1, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10347. -1, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10348. DomainUser );
  10349. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10350. success = FALSE;
  10351. // Copy the copy.
  10352. result = MCoCopyProxy( copy1, (IUnknown **) &copy2 );
  10353. ASSERT( result, "Could not copy a copy of a proxy" );
  10354. // Verify the second copy calls at none.
  10355. success = do_security_lazy_call( copy2, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10357. -1, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10358. DomainUser );
  10359. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10360. success = FALSE;
  10361. // Change the first copy to integrity.
  10362. success = do_security_call( copy1, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY,
  10365. DomainUser );
  10366. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10367. success = FALSE;
  10368. // Change the second copy to encrypt.
  10369. success = do_security_call( copy2, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY,
  10372. DomainUser );
  10373. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10374. success = FALSE;
  10375. // Verify that the original is still connect.
  10376. success = do_security_lazy_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10379. DomainUser );
  10380. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10381. success = FALSE;
  10382. // Querying a copy should return the original.
  10383. result = copy1->QueryInterface( IID_ITest, (void **) &copy3 );
  10384. ASSERT( result, "Could not QueryInterface" );
  10385. ASSERT_EXPR( server == copy3, "QueryInterface did not return the original." );
  10386. copy3->Release();
  10387. copy3 = NULL;
  10388. // Free the original.
  10389. server->Release();
  10390. server = NULL;
  10391. // Free the second copy.
  10392. copy2->Release();
  10393. copy2 = NULL;
  10394. // Make another copy.
  10395. result = MCoCopyProxy( copy1, (IUnknown **) &copy2 );
  10396. ASSERT( result, "Could not copy a copy of a proxy" );
  10397. // Verify that it calls at none.
  10398. success = do_security_lazy_call( copy2, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10400. -1, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10401. DomainUser );
  10402. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10403. success = FALSE;
  10404. // Query for the original.
  10405. result = copy1->QueryInterface( IID_ITest, (void **) &server );
  10406. ASSERT( result, "Could not QueryInterface" );
  10407. // Verify that it calls at connect.
  10408. success = do_security_lazy_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10411. DomainUser );
  10412. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10413. success = FALSE;
  10414. // Verify that the first copy is still at integrity
  10415. success = do_security_lazy_call( copy1, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY,
  10418. DomainUser );
  10419. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  10420. success = FALSE;
  10421. success = TRUE;
  10422. cleanup:
  10423. if (copy1 != NULL)
  10424. copy1->Release();
  10425. if (copy2 != NULL)
  10426. copy2->Release();
  10427. if (copy3 != NULL)
  10428. copy3->Release();
  10429. return success;
  10430. }
  10431. /***************************************************************************/
  10432. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  10433. BOOL do_security_default( ITest *server, SAptId id )
  10434. {
  10435. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10436. DWORD ignore;
  10437. HRESULT result;
  10438. DWORD authn_svc_out;
  10439. // Set everything default.
  10440. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT,
  10444. EOAC_DEFAULT );
  10445. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10446. // Make a call.
  10447. result = server->secure( id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10449. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser, &ignore );
  10450. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10451. // Default the authentication level.
  10452. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE,
  10456. EOAC_NONE );
  10457. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10458. // Make a call.
  10459. result = server->secure( id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10461. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser, &ignore );
  10462. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10463. // Default the authentication service.
  10464. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT,
  10468. EOAC_NONE );
  10469. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10470. // Query the authentication service used.
  10471. result = MCoQueryProxyBlanket( server, &authn_svc_out, NULL, NULL, NULL,
  10472. NULL, NULL, NULL );
  10473. ASSERT( result, "Could not queyr blanket" );
  10474. // Make a call.
  10475. result = server->secure( id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10476. RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY, authn_svc_out,
  10477. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser, &ignore );
  10478. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10479. // Default the authorization service.
  10480. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,
  10484. EOAC_NONE );
  10485. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10486. // Make a call.
  10487. result = server->secure( id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10489. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser, &ignore );
  10490. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10491. // Default the impersonation level.
  10492. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,
  10496. EOAC_NONE );
  10497. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10498. // Make a call.
  10499. result = server->secure( id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10501. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser, &ignore );
  10502. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10503. // Default the authid.
  10504. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,
  10508. EOAC_NONE );
  10509. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10510. // Make a call.
  10511. result = server->secure( id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10513. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser, &ignore );
  10514. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10515. // Default the principal name.
  10516. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,
  10520. EOAC_NONE );
  10521. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10522. // Make a call.
  10523. result = server->secure( id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10525. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser, &ignore );
  10526. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10527. // Default the capabilities.
  10528. result = server->secure( id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10530. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser, &ignore );
  10531. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10532. // Default the principal name.
  10533. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,
  10537. EOAC_NONE );
  10538. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10539. // Default everything but a bad authentication level.
  10540. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT,
  10542. 55,
  10544. EOAC_DEFAULT );
  10545. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Set blanket accepted a bad authentication level" );
  10546. // Finally, its all over.
  10547. success = TRUE;
  10548. cleanup:
  10549. return success;
  10550. }
  10551. #endif
  10552. /***************************************************************************/
  10553. BOOL do_security_delegate( ITest *server, SAptId id, ITest *server2,
  10554. SAptId id2 )
  10555. {
  10556. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10557. HRESULT result;
  10558. // Make a call.
  10559. result = server->delegate( server2, id2, DomainUser );
  10560. ASSERT( result, "Delegate call failed" );
  10561. success = TRUE;
  10562. cleanup:
  10563. return success;
  10564. }
  10565. /***************************************************************************/
  10566. BOOL do_security_handle( ITest *server, SAptId id )
  10567. {
  10568. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10569. HRESULT result;
  10570. // Make a call with no security.
  10571. success = do_security_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10573. RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, DomainUser );
  10574. if (!success)
  10575. return FALSE;
  10576. // Make a call with connect security.
  10577. success = do_security_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10579. RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, DomainUser );
  10580. if (!success)
  10581. return FALSE;
  10582. // Make a call with integrity security.
  10583. success = do_security_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY,
  10585. RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, DomainUser );
  10586. if (!success)
  10587. return FALSE;
  10588. // Make a call with encrypt security.
  10589. success = do_security_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY,
  10591. RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, DomainUser );
  10592. if (!success)
  10593. return FALSE;
  10594. // Make a call with no security.
  10595. // BUGBUG - Win95 doesn't support identify yet.
  10596. if (!Win95)
  10597. success = do_security_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10599. RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, DomainUser );
  10600. if (!success)
  10601. return FALSE;
  10602. // Make a call with connect security.
  10603. // BUGBUG - Win95 doesn't support identify yet.
  10604. if (!Win95)
  10605. success = do_security_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10607. RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, DomainUser );
  10608. if (!success)
  10609. return FALSE;
  10610. // Make a call with integrity security.
  10611. // BUGBUG - Win95 doesn't support identify yet.
  10612. if (!Win95)
  10613. success = do_security_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY,
  10615. RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, DomainUser );
  10616. if (!success)
  10617. return FALSE;
  10618. // Make a call with encrypt security.
  10619. // BUGBUG - Win95 doesn't support identify yet.
  10620. if (!Win95)
  10621. success = do_security_call( server, id, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY,
  10623. RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, DomainUser );
  10624. if (!success)
  10625. return FALSE;
  10626. /*
  10627. // Try to release IServerSecurity too many times.
  10628. result = server->by_the_way( release_too_much_btw );
  10629. if (result != RPC_E_SERVERFAULT)
  10630. {
  10631. printf( "Too many releases of IServerSecurity did not fail: 0x%x\n", result );
  10632. return FALSE;
  10633. }
  10634. */
  10635. // Finally, its all over.
  10636. return TRUE;
  10637. }
  10638. /***************************************************************************/
  10639. BOOL do_security_lazy_call( ITest *server, SAptId id, DWORD authn_level,
  10640. DWORD imp_level, DWORD authn_svc, DWORD authz_svc,
  10641. WCHAR *name )
  10642. {
  10643. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10644. HRESULT result;
  10645. DWORD authn_level_out;
  10646. DWORD imp_level_out;
  10647. DWORD authn_svc_out;
  10648. DWORD authz_svc_out;
  10649. OLECHAR *princ_name_out = NULL;
  10650. // Verify the authentication information.
  10651. result = MCoQueryProxyBlanket( server, &authn_svc_out, &authz_svc_out,
  10652. &princ_name_out, &authn_level_out,
  10653. &imp_level_out, NULL, NULL );
  10654. if (result == S_OK)
  10655. {
  10656. // ASSERT_EXPR( princ_name_out == NULL, "Got a principle name." );
  10657. ASSERT_EXPR( authn_level <= authn_level_out, "Wrong authentication level." );
  10658. ASSERT_EXPR( imp_level == imp_level_out || authn_level == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  10659. "Wrong impersonation level." );
  10660. ASSERT_EXPR( authn_svc == -1 || authn_svc == authn_svc_out, "Wrong authentication service." );
  10661. ASSERT_EXPR( authz_svc == authz_svc_out, "Wrong authorization service." );
  10662. }
  10663. // Make a call.
  10664. result = server->secure( id, authn_level, imp_level, authn_svc, authz_svc,
  10665. NULL, name, &authn_level_out );
  10666. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10667. success = TRUE;
  10668. cleanup:
  10669. CoTaskMemFree( princ_name_out );
  10670. return success;
  10671. }
  10672. /***************************************************************************/
  10673. BOOL do_security_nested( ITest *server, SAptId id )
  10674. {
  10675. HRESULT result;
  10676. ITest *test;
  10677. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10678. IServerSecurity *security = NULL;
  10679. PSID me = NULL;
  10680. // Create a test object.
  10681. test = new CTest;
  10682. ASSERT_EXPR( test != NULL, "Could not create object" );
  10683. // Make a recursive call. The proxy is set to encrypt from the previous test.
  10684. result = server->recurse_secure( test, 3, 1, DomainUser );
  10685. ASSERT( result, "Could not make recursive call with impersonation." );
  10686. // Try to get call context.
  10687. result = MCoGetCallContext( IID_IServerSecurity, (void **) &security );
  10688. ASSERT_EXPR( result != S_OK, "Get call context succeeded outside a call." );
  10689. // Check the thread's token.
  10690. if (!Win95)
  10691. {
  10692. result = check_token( DomainUser, NULL, -1 );
  10693. ASSERT( result, "Wrong token after call." );
  10694. }
  10695. success = TRUE;
  10696. cleanup:
  10697. if (security != NULL)
  10698. security->Release();
  10699. if (test != NULL)
  10700. test->Release();
  10701. return success;
  10702. }
  10703. /***************************************************************************/
  10704. void do_send()
  10705. {
  10706. LRESULT result;
  10707. // Say hello.
  10708. printf( "Sending a message to window 0x%x\n", NumIterations );
  10709. result = SendMessageA( (HWND) NumIterations, WM_USER, 0, 0 );
  10710. if (result == 0)
  10711. printf( "\n\nSendMessageA succeeded.\n" );
  10712. else
  10713. printf( "\n\nSendMessageA failed: 0x%x\n", result );
  10714. }
  10715. /***************************************************************************/
  10716. void do_server( )
  10717. {
  10718. HRESULT result;
  10719. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10721. // Initialize OLE.
  10722. hello( "server" );
  10723. printf( "Initializing thread 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  10724. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  10725. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  10726. result = initialize_security();
  10727. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  10728. // Create our class factory
  10729. ClassFactory = new CTestCF();
  10730. ASSERT_EXPR( ClassFactory != NULL, "Could not create class factory." );
  10731. // Register our class with OLE
  10732. result = CoRegisterClassObject(get_class(any_wc), ClassFactory, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  10733. REGCLS_SINGLEUSE, &Registration);
  10734. ASSERT( result, "CoRegisterClassObject failed" );
  10735. // CoRegister bumps reference count so we don't have to!
  10736. ClassFactory->Release();
  10737. // Do whatever we have to do till it is time to pay our taxes and die.
  10738. server_loop();
  10739. // Deregister out class - should release object as well
  10740. if (!dirty_thread())
  10741. {
  10742. result = CoRevokeClassObject(Registration);
  10743. ASSERT( result, "CoRevokeClassObject failed" );
  10744. }
  10745. success = TRUE;
  10746. cleanup:
  10747. if (!dirty_thread())
  10748. {
  10749. printf( "Uninitializing thread 0x%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId() );
  10750. CoUninitialize();
  10751. }
  10752. else
  10753. printf( "\n\nI didn't clean up\n" );
  10754. if (success)
  10755. printf( "\n\nServer Passed.\n" );
  10756. else
  10757. printf( "\n\nServer Failed.\n" );
  10758. }
  10759. /***************************************************************************/
  10760. void do_sid()
  10761. {
  10762. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10763. BOOL call_success;
  10764. SID *pSID = NULL;
  10765. DWORD cbSID = 1024;
  10766. WCHAR *lpszDomain = NULL;
  10767. DWORD cchDomainName = 80;
  10768. SID_NAME_USE sid_use;
  10769. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  10770. DWORD i;
  10771. // Say hello.
  10772. printf( "Looking up sid for %ws.\n", Name );
  10773. // Lookup the name.
  10774. pSID = (SID *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbSID*2);
  10775. lpszDomain = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cchDomainName*2);
  10776. ASSERT_EXPR( pSID != NULL && lpszDomain != NULL, "LocalAlloc" );
  10777. call_success = LookupAccountName(NULL,
  10778. Name,
  10779. pSID,
  10780. &cbSID,
  10781. lpszDomain,
  10782. &cchDomainName,
  10783. &sid_use);
  10784. result = GetLastError();
  10785. if (!call_success)
  10786. ASSERT( result, "Could not LookupAccountName" );
  10787. ASSERT_EXPR( IsValidSid(pSID), "Got a bad SID." );
  10788. printf( "SID\n" );
  10789. printf( " Revision: 0x%02x\n", pSID->Revision );
  10790. printf( " SubAuthorityCount: 0x%x\n", pSID->SubAuthorityCount );
  10791. printf( " IdentifierAuthority: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
  10792. pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value[0],
  10793. pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value[1],
  10794. pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value[2],
  10795. pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value[3],
  10796. pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value[4],
  10797. pSID->IdentifierAuthority.Value[5] );
  10798. for (i = 0; i < pSID->SubAuthorityCount; i++)
  10799. printf( " SubAuthority[%d]: 0x%08x\n", i,
  10800. pSID->SubAuthority[i] );
  10801. printf( " Domain: %ws\n", lpszDomain );
  10802. printf( " SID_NAME_USE: 0x%x\n", sid_use );
  10803. success = TRUE;
  10804. cleanup:
  10805. if (lpszDomain != NULL)
  10806. LocalFree((HLOCAL) lpszDomain);
  10807. if (pSID != NULL)
  10808. LocalFree(pSID);
  10809. if (success)
  10810. printf( "\n\nSid succeeded.\n" );
  10811. else
  10812. printf( "\n\nSid failed.\n" );
  10813. }
  10814. /***************************************************************************/
  10815. void do_simple_rundown()
  10816. {
  10817. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10818. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  10819. CTest *local = NULL;
  10820. SAptId id1;
  10821. SAptId local_id;
  10822. HRESULT result;
  10823. // Initialize OLE.
  10824. hello( "simple rundown" );
  10825. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  10826. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  10827. // Create a server
  10828. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  10829. IID_ITest, (void **) &client1 );
  10830. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  10831. result = client1->get_id( &id1 );
  10832. ASSERT( result, "Could not get id" );
  10833. // Create a local object.
  10834. local = new CTest;
  10835. ASSERT_EXPR( local != NULL, "Could not create a local object." );
  10836. result = local->get_id( &local_id );
  10837. ASSERT( result, "Could not get id" );
  10838. // Tell it to remember this object.
  10839. result = client1->remember( local, local_id );
  10840. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember local object" );
  10841. local->Release();
  10842. local = NULL;
  10843. // Tell the other apartment to die.
  10844. result = client1->set_state( dirty_s, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
  10845. ASSERT( result, "Could not set exit dirty" );
  10846. result = client1->exit();
  10847. // Wait araound till no one references the local object.
  10848. printf( "Wait for object to rundown. This could take 12 minutes.\n" );
  10849. server_loop();
  10850. // Finally, its all over.
  10851. success = TRUE;
  10852. cleanup:
  10853. if (client1 != NULL)
  10854. client1->Release();
  10855. if (local != NULL)
  10856. local->Release();
  10857. CoUninitialize();
  10858. if (success)
  10859. printf( "\n\nSimple Rundown Test Passed.\n" );
  10860. else
  10861. printf( "\n\nSimple Rundown Test Failed.\n" );
  10862. }
  10863. /***************************************************************************/
  10864. void do_snego()
  10865. {
  10866. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  10867. BOOL success = FALSE;
  10868. ITest *server = NULL;
  10869. SAptId id_server;
  10870. HRESULT result;
  10871. DWORD ignore;
  10873. DWORD authn_svc;
  10874. DWORD authz_svc;
  10875. DWORD authn_level;
  10876. DWORD imp_level;
  10877. DWORD capabilities;
  10878. WCHAR *principal = NULL;
  10879. SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW *auth_id_out = NULL;
  10880. // Only run on NT 5.
  10881. if (!NT5)
  10882. {
  10883. printf( "Snego test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  10884. return;
  10885. }
  10886. // Initialize OLE.
  10887. hello( "snego" );
  10888. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  10889. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  10890. result = initialize_security();
  10891. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security" );
  10892. // Create a client.
  10893. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  10894. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  10895. // Get the security blanket.
  10896. result = MCoQueryProxyBlanket( server, &authn_svc, &authz_svc, &principal,
  10897. &authn_level, &imp_level,
  10898. (void **) &auth_id_out, &capabilities );
  10899. ASSERT( result, "Could not query blanket" );
  10900. if (Change)
  10901. {
  10902. // Make a secure call with default security.
  10903. result = server->secure( id_server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10905. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  10906. &ignore );
  10907. if (result != S_OK)
  10908. printf( "Default secure call failed: 0x%x\n", result );
  10909. result = S_OK;
  10910. // Set the blanket to NTLMSSP
  10911. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10914. EOAC_NONE );
  10915. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10916. // Make a secure call.
  10917. result = server->secure( id_server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10919. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  10920. &ignore );
  10921. if (result != S_OK)
  10922. printf( "Secure call with ntlmsssp failed: 0x%x\n", result );
  10923. result = S_OK;
  10924. // Make a secure call with redmond principal name.
  10925. result = server->secure( id_server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10927. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, L"redmond\\alexarm",
  10928. &ignore );
  10929. if (result != S_OK)
  10930. printf( "Secure call with ntlmsssp and redmond\\alexarm failed: 0x%x\n", result );
  10931. result = S_OK;
  10932. // Set the blanket to kerberos
  10933. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NAME,
  10934. DomainUser, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10936. EOAC_NONE );
  10937. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10938. // Make a secure call.
  10939. result = server->secure( id_server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10941. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  10942. &ignore );
  10943. if (result != S_OK)
  10944. printf( "Secure call with kerberos failed: 0x%x\n", result );
  10945. result = S_OK;
  10946. }
  10947. // Fill in the authentication identity.
  10948. auth_id.User = NULL;
  10949. auth_id.UserLength = 0;
  10950. auth_id.Domain = NULL;
  10951. auth_id.DomainLength = 0;
  10952. auth_id.Password = NULL;
  10953. auth_id.PasswordLength = 0;
  10954. auth_id.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE;
  10955. auth_id.Version = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_VERSION;
  10956. auth_id.Length = sizeof(auth_id);
  10957. auth_id.PackageList = PackageList;
  10958. auth_id.PackageListLength = sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(PackageList)+1);
  10959. // Tell snego what authentication services to try.
  10960. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10962. RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, &auth_id,
  10963. EOAC_NONE );
  10964. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10965. // Make a secure call.
  10966. result = server->secure( id_server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10968. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  10969. &ignore );
  10970. ASSERT( result, "Secure call with authn svc list failed" );
  10971. // Tell snego what authentication services to try.
  10972. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10973. DomainUser, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10974. RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, &auth_id,
  10975. EOAC_NONE );
  10976. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10977. // Make a secure call.
  10978. result = server->secure( id_server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10980. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  10981. &ignore );
  10982. ASSERT( result, "Secure call with authn svc list failed" );
  10983. // Set authentication service to snego.
  10984. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  10985. principal, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10987. EOAC_NONE );
  10988. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  10989. // Make a call.
  10990. result = server->secure( id_server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  10992. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, DomainUser,
  10993. &ignore );
  10994. ASSERT( result, "Secure call failed" );
  10995. // Finally, its all over.
  10996. success = TRUE;
  10997. cleanup:
  10998. if (principal != NULL)
  10999. CoTaskMemFree( principal );
  11000. if (server != NULL)
  11001. server->Release();
  11002. CoUninitialize();
  11003. if (success)
  11004. printf( "\n\nSnego Test Passed.\n" );
  11005. else
  11006. printf( "\n\nSnego Test Failed.\n" );
  11007. #else
  11008. printf( "Snego test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  11009. #endif
  11010. }
  11011. /***************************************************************************/
  11012. void do_ssl()
  11013. {
  11014. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  11015. BOOL success = FALSE;
  11016. ITest *server = NULL;
  11017. ITest *server2 = NULL;
  11018. ITest *server3 = NULL;
  11019. SAptId id_server;
  11020. SAptId id_server2;
  11021. SAptId id_server3;
  11022. HRESULT result;
  11023. HCRYPTPROV prov = 0;
  11024. DWORD len;
  11025. HCERTSTORE cert_store = NULL;
  11026. HCERTSTORE root_store = NULL;
  11027. HCERTSTORE trust_store = NULL;
  11028. PCCERT_CONTEXT prev_cert = NULL;
  11029. PCCERT_CONTEXT cert = NULL;
  11030. PCCERT_CONTEXT parent = NULL;
  11031. PCCERT_CONTEXT last = NULL;
  11032. CERT_NAME_BLOB *subject;
  11033. CERT_NAME_BLOB *issuer;
  11034. WCHAR *name = NULL;
  11035. DWORD ignore;
  11036. UCHAR *buffer = NULL;
  11038. SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_LIST auth_list;
  11039. SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_INFO auth_info[3];
  11042. BOOL top;
  11043. WCHAR *principal = NULL;
  11044. COSERVERINFO server_machine;
  11045. MULTI_QI server_instance;
  11046. // Only run on NT 5.
  11047. if (!NT5)
  11048. {
  11049. printf( "SSL test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  11050. return;
  11051. }
  11052. // Say hello.
  11053. hello( "ssl" );
  11054. // Get the default full provider.
  11055. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0 );
  11056. ASSERT_GLE( success, NTE_BAD_KEYSET, "Could not acqure full context." );
  11057. // If there is no container, create one.
  11058. if (!success)
  11059. {
  11060. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET );
  11061. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not acqure full context." );
  11062. }
  11063. success = FALSE;
  11064. // Call CertOpenSystemStore to open the store.
  11065. cert_store = CertOpenSystemStore(prov, L"my" );
  11066. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting System Store Handle" );
  11067. // Call CertOpenSystemStore to open the root store.
  11068. root_store = CertOpenSystemStore(prov, L"root" );
  11069. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting root Store Handle" );
  11070. prov = 0;
  11071. // Call CertOpenSystemStore to open the trust store.
  11072. trust_store = CertOpenSystemStore(prov, L"trust" );
  11073. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting trust Store Handle" );
  11074. // Look to see if the certificate is already installed.
  11075. cert = CertFindCertificateInStore( cert_store,
  11077. 0,
  11079. CERT_DCOM,
  11080. NULL );
  11081. ASSERT_GLE( cert != NULL, S_OK, "Could not find certificate in store" );
  11082. // Print the fullsic principal name for the certificate.
  11083. result = RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( cert, RPC_C_FULL_CERT_CHAIN, &principal );
  11084. if (result != 0)
  11085. printf( "Could not generate fullsic principal name: 0x%x\n", result );
  11086. else
  11087. printf( "Fullsic: <%ws>\n", principal );
  11088. // Free the string.
  11089. result = RpcStringFree( &principal );
  11090. ASSERT( result, "Could not free principal" );
  11091. // Print the standard principal name for the certificate.
  11092. result = RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( cert, 0, &principal );
  11093. if (result != 0)
  11094. printf( "Could not generate standard principal name: 0x%x\n", result );
  11095. else
  11096. printf( "Standard: <%ws>\n", principal );
  11097. // Initialize OLE.
  11098. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  11099. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  11100. // Initialize security with the default certificate.
  11101. svc_list[0].dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_SCHANNEL;
  11102. svc_list[0].dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
  11103. svc_list[0].pPrincipalName = NULL;
  11104. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, 1, svc_list, NULL, GlobalAuthnLevel,
  11106. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  11107. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security with default SSL server cert" );
  11108. // Reinitialize.
  11109. CoUninitialize();
  11110. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  11111. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  11112. // Specify the server certificate.
  11113. svc_list[0].dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_SCHANNEL;
  11114. svc_list[0].dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
  11115. svc_list[0].pPrincipalName = (WCHAR *) cert;
  11116. svc_list[1].dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;
  11117. svc_list[1].dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
  11118. svc_list[1].pPrincipalName = NULL;
  11119. svc_list[2].dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS;
  11120. svc_list[2].dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
  11121. svc_list[2].pPrincipalName = DomainUser;
  11122. // Specify all the authentication info.
  11123. auth_list.cAuthInfo = 3;
  11124. auth_list.aAuthInfo = auth_info;
  11125. auth_info[0].dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_SCHANNEL;
  11126. auth_info[0].dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
  11127. auth_info[0].pAuthInfo = (void *) cert;
  11128. auth_info[1].dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;
  11129. auth_info[1].dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
  11130. auth_info[1].pAuthInfo = &ntlm;
  11131. auth_info[2].dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS;
  11132. auth_info[2].dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
  11133. auth_info[2].pAuthInfo = &kerb;
  11134. ntlm.User = L"oleuser";
  11135. ntlm.UserLength = wcslen(ntlm.User);
  11136. ntlm.Domain = L"redmond";
  11137. ntlm.DomainLength = wcslen(ntlm.Domain);
  11138. ntlm.Password = OleUserPassword;
  11139. ntlm.PasswordLength = wcslen(ntlm.Password);
  11141. kerb.User = L"oleuser2";
  11142. kerb.UserLength = wcslen(kerb.User);
  11143. kerb.Domain = L"ntdev";
  11144. kerb.DomainLength = wcslen(kerb.Domain);
  11145. kerb.Password = OleUserPassword;
  11146. kerb.PasswordLength = wcslen(kerb.Password);
  11148. // Initialize security with the extra authentication info.
  11149. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, 3, svc_list, NULL,
  11151. RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, &auth_list,
  11152. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  11153. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security with auth info" );
  11154. // Create a server.
  11155. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  11156. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  11157. // Create a server.
  11158. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server2, &id_server2 );
  11159. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  11160. // Create a server.
  11161. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server3, &id_server3 );
  11162. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  11163. // Tell the first server to reinitialize with just NTLM.
  11164. result = server->reinitialize( RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT );
  11165. ASSERT( result, "Could not reinitialize" );
  11166. // Wait for the reinitialize to complete.
  11167. printf( "Waiting 3 seconds for server to reinitialize.\n" );
  11168. Sleep( 3000 );
  11169. // Release the old proxy.
  11170. server->Release();
  11171. server = NULL;
  11172. // Get a new proxy.
  11173. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id_server );
  11174. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server using NTLM" );
  11175. // Tell the second server to reinitialize with just Kerberos.
  11176. result = server2->reinitialize( RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS );
  11177. ASSERT( result, "Could not reinitialize" );
  11178. // Wait for the reinitialize to complete.
  11179. printf( "Waiting 3 seconds for server to reinitialize.\n" );
  11180. Sleep( 3000 );
  11181. // Release the old proxy.
  11182. server2->Release();
  11183. server2 = NULL;
  11184. // Get a new proxy.
  11185. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server2, &id_server2 );
  11186. if (result != S_OK)
  11187. printf( "Could not create instance of test server using Kerberos, oh well: 0x%x\n", result );
  11188. // Tell the third server to reinitialize with just SSL.
  11189. result = server3->reinitialize( RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_SCHANNEL );
  11190. ASSERT( result, "Could not reinitialize" );
  11191. // Wait for the reinitialize to complete.
  11192. printf( "Waiting 3 seconds for server to reinitialize.\n" );
  11193. Sleep( 3000 );
  11194. // Release the old proxy.
  11195. server3->Release();
  11196. server3 = NULL;
  11197. // Get a new proxy.
  11198. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server3, &id_server3 );
  11199. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server using SSL" );
  11200. // Make a secure call that should default to NTLM.
  11201. result = server->secure( id_server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY,
  11203. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, L"redmond\\oleuser",
  11204. &ignore );
  11205. ASSERT( result, "Secure call with ntlmsssp failed" );
  11206. // Make a secure call that should default to Kerberos.
  11207. result = server2->secure( id_server2, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  11209. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, L"Redmond\\oleuser2",
  11210. &ignore );
  11211. if (result != S_OK)
  11212. printf( "Secure call with Kerberos failed: 0x%x\n", result );
  11213. result = S_OK;
  11214. // Make a secure call that should default to SSL.
  11215. result = server3->secure( id_server3, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY,
  11218. principal, &ignore );
  11219. ASSERT( result, "Secure call with SSL failed" );
  11220. // Set the blanket to SSL
  11221. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server3, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_SCHANNEL,
  11222. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  11223. principal, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  11225. EOAC_NONE );
  11226. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  11227. // Make a secure call.
  11228. result = server3->secure( id_server3, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  11231. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, principal,
  11232. &ignore );
  11233. ASSERT( result, "Secure call with SSL failed" );
  11234. // Tell the proxy to use SSL with no principal
  11235. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server3, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_SCHANNEL,
  11236. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  11239. EOAC_NONE );
  11240. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  11241. // Make a secure call.
  11242. result = server3->secure( id_server3, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  11245. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, principal,
  11246. &ignore );
  11247. ASSERT( result, "Secure call with SSL and no principal name failed" );
  11248. // Tell the proxy to use SSL with a client certificate.
  11249. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server3, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_SCHANNEL,
  11250. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  11251. principal, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  11252. RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, (void *) cert,
  11253. EOAC_NONE );
  11254. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket with client cert" );
  11255. // Make a secure call.
  11256. result = server3->secure( id_server3, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  11259. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, principal,
  11260. &ignore );
  11261. ASSERT( result, "Secure call with SSL and no principal name failed" );
  11262. // Finally, its all over.
  11263. success = TRUE;
  11264. cleanup:
  11265. if (principal != NULL)
  11266. RpcStringFree( &principal );
  11267. if (buffer != NULL)
  11268. CoTaskMemFree( buffer );
  11269. if (cert != NULL)
  11270. CertFreeCertificateContext(cert);
  11271. if (parent != NULL)
  11272. CertFreeCertificateContext(parent);
  11273. if (prev_cert != NULL)
  11274. CertFreeCertificateContext(prev_cert);
  11275. if (last != NULL)
  11276. CertFreeCertificateContext(last);
  11277. if (cert_store != NULL)
  11278. CertCloseStore( cert_store, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG );
  11279. if (root_store != NULL)
  11280. CertCloseStore( root_store, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG );
  11281. if (trust_store != NULL)
  11282. CertCloseStore( trust_store, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG );
  11283. if (prov != 0 )
  11284. CryptReleaseContext( prov, 0 );
  11285. if (server != NULL)
  11286. server->Release();
  11287. if (server2 != NULL)
  11288. server2->Release();
  11289. if (server3 != NULL)
  11290. server3->Release();
  11291. CoUninitialize();
  11292. if (success)
  11293. printf( "\n\nSSL Test Passed.\n" );
  11294. else
  11295. printf( "\n\nSSL Test Failed.\n" );
  11296. #else
  11297. printf( "SSL test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  11298. #endif
  11299. }
  11300. /***************************************************************************/
  11301. void do_thread()
  11302. {
  11303. BOOL success = FALSE;
  11304. ITest *client1 = NULL;
  11305. ITest *client2 = NULL;
  11306. ITest *client3 = NULL;
  11307. ITest *client4 = NULL;
  11308. SAptId id1;
  11309. SAptId id2;
  11310. SAptId id4;
  11311. HRESULT result;
  11312. GUID guid;
  11313. // Initialize OLE.
  11314. hello( "thread" );
  11315. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  11316. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  11317. // Create a client on this thread.
  11318. client3 = new CTest;
  11319. ASSERT_EXPR( client3 != NULL, "Could not create a local object." );
  11320. // Create a client on another thread in this process
  11321. result = client3->get_obj_from_new_apt( &client4, &id4 );
  11322. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process client" );
  11323. // Create a server
  11324. result = CoCreateInstance( get_class(any_wc), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  11325. IID_ITest, (void **) &client1 );
  11326. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance of test server" );
  11327. result = client1->get_id( &id1 );
  11328. ASSERT( result, "Could not get id of server" );
  11329. // Create an object in another apartment in the server.
  11330. result = client1->get_obj_from_new_apt( &client2, &id2 );
  11331. ASSERT( result, "Could not get in process server" );
  11332. // Check each object.
  11333. result = client1->check( id1 );
  11334. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server 1" );
  11335. result = client2->check( id2 );
  11336. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server 2" );
  11337. // Pass a server to the other thread in this process.
  11338. result = client4->remember( client1, id1 );
  11339. ASSERT( result, "Client could not remember server" );
  11340. // Release the second object.
  11341. client2->Release();
  11342. client2 = NULL;
  11343. // Check the first object.
  11344. result = client1->check( id1 );
  11345. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server 1" );
  11346. // Check the first object from another thread.
  11347. result = client4->call_next();
  11348. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server 1 from thread 2" );
  11349. // Release the first object from this thread.
  11350. client1->Release();
  11351. client1 = NULL;
  11352. // Check the first object from another thread.
  11353. result = client4->call_next();
  11354. ASSERT( result, "Could not check server 1 from thread 2" );
  11355. // Finally, its all over.
  11356. success = TRUE;
  11357. cleanup:
  11358. if (client2 != NULL)
  11359. client2->Release();
  11360. if (client1 != NULL)
  11361. client1->Release();
  11362. if (client3 != NULL)
  11363. client3->Release();
  11364. if (client4 != NULL)
  11365. client4->Release();
  11366. wait_apartment();
  11367. CoUninitialize();
  11368. if (success)
  11369. printf( "\n\nThread Test Passed.\n" );
  11370. else
  11371. printf( "\n\nThread Test Failed.\n" );
  11372. }
  11373. /***************************************************************************/
  11374. void do_three()
  11375. {
  11376. /*
  11377. BOOL success = FALSE;
  11378. ITest *server = NULL;
  11379. ITest *server2 = NULL;
  11380. ITest *server3 = NULL;
  11381. SAptId id_server;
  11382. SAptId id_server2;
  11383. SAptId id_server3;
  11384. HRESULT result;
  11385. HCRYPTPROV prov = 0;
  11386. DWORD len;
  11387. HCERTSTORE cert_store = NULL;
  11388. HCERTSTORE root_store = NULL;
  11389. HCERTSTORE trust_store = NULL;
  11390. PCCERT_CONTEXT prev_cert = NULL;
  11391. PCCERT_CONTEXT cert = NULL;
  11392. PCCERT_CONTEXT parent = NULL;
  11393. PCCERT_CONTEXT last = NULL;
  11394. CERT_NAME_BLOB *subject;
  11395. CERT_NAME_BLOB *issuer;
  11396. WCHAR *name = NULL;
  11397. DWORD ignore;
  11398. UCHAR *buffer = NULL;
  11400. SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_LIST auth_list;
  11401. SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_INFO auth_info[3];
  11404. BOOL top;
  11405. WCHAR *principal = NULL;
  11406. COSERVERINFO server_machine;
  11407. MULTI_QI server_instance;
  11408. CERT_CHAIN_PARA chain_para;
  11409. const CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT *chain = NULL;
  11410. CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA policy;
  11412. // Only run on NT 5.
  11413. if (!NT5)
  11414. {
  11415. printf( "SSL test can only run on NT 5.\n" );
  11416. return;
  11417. }
  11418. // Say hello.
  11419. hello( "three" );
  11420. // Get the default full provider.
  11421. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0 );
  11422. ASSERT_GLE( success, NTE_BAD_KEYSET, "Could not acqure full context." );
  11423. // If there is no container, create one.
  11424. if (!success)
  11425. {
  11426. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET );
  11427. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not acqure full context." );
  11428. }
  11429. success = FALSE;
  11430. // Call CertOpenSystemStore to open the store.
  11431. cert_store = CertOpenSystemStore(prov, UserName );
  11432. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting System Store Handle" );
  11433. // Call CertOpenSystemStore to open the root store.
  11434. root_store = CertOpenSystemStore(prov, L"root" );
  11435. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting root Store Handle" );
  11436. prov = 0;
  11437. // Call CertOpenSystemStore to open the trust store.
  11438. trust_store = CertOpenSystemStore(prov, L"trust" );
  11439. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting trust Store Handle" );
  11440. prov = 0;
  11441. // Look to see if the certificate is already installed.
  11442. cert = CertFindCertificateInStore( cert_store,
  11444. 0,
  11446. CERT_DCOM,
  11447. NULL );
  11448. if (cert == NULL)
  11449. printf( "Could not find certificate in store: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  11450. // Write the test certificate to the store.
  11451. if (cert == NULL)
  11452. {
  11453. success = CertAddSerializedElementToStore( cert_store,
  11454. Cert20,
  11455. sizeof(Cert20),
  11457. 0,
  11459. NULL,
  11460. (const void **) &cert );
  11461. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not add serialized certificate to store" );
  11462. success = FALSE;
  11463. // Write the test certificate issuer to the cert store.
  11464. success = CertAddSerializedElementToStore( root_store,
  11465. CertSrv2,
  11466. sizeof(CertSrv2),
  11468. 0,
  11470. NULL,
  11471. NULL );
  11472. if (!success)
  11473. printf( "Could not write CA certificate: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  11474. // ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not add serialized certificate to store" );
  11475. success = FALSE;
  11476. }
  11477. // Get the certificate chain.
  11478. chain_para.RequestedUsage.Usage.cUsageIdentifier = 0;
  11479. chain_para.RequestedUsage.Usage.rgpszUsageIdentifier = NULL;
  11480. chain_para.RequestedUsage.dwType = USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_AND;
  11481. chain_para.cbSize = sizeof(chain_para);
  11482. success = CertGetCertificateChain( NULL, cert, NULL, NULL, &chain_para,
  11484. &chain );
  11485. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not get certificate chain" );
  11486. success = FALSE;
  11487. // Verify that the certificate is valid.
  11488. policy.cbSize = sizeof(policy);
  11489. policy.dwFlags = 0;
  11490. policy.pvExtraPolicyPara = NULL;
  11491. status.cbSize = sizeof(status);
  11492. status.pvExtraPolicyStatus = NULL;
  11493. success = CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy( CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_SSL,
  11494. chain, &policy, &status );
  11495. ASSERT_EXPR( success, "Could not verify certificate chain" );
  11496. success = FALSE;
  11497. // Print the fullsic principal name for the certificate.
  11498. result = RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( cert, RPC_C_FULL_CERT_CHAIN, &principal );
  11499. if (result != 0)
  11500. printf( "Could not generate fullsic principal name: 0x%x\n", result );
  11501. else
  11502. printf( "Fullsic: <%ws>\n", principal );
  11503. // Free the string.
  11504. result = RpcStringFree( &principal );
  11505. ASSERT( result, "Could not free principal" );
  11506. // Print the standard principal name for the certificate.
  11507. result = RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( cert, 0, &principal );
  11508. if (result != 0)
  11509. printf( "Could not generate standard principal name: 0x%x\n", result );
  11510. else
  11511. printf( "Standard: <%ws>\n", principal );
  11512. // Initialize OLE.
  11513. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  11514. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  11515. // Finally, its all over.
  11516. success = TRUE;
  11517. cleanup:
  11518. if (chain != NULL)
  11519. CertFreeCertificateChain( chain );
  11520. if (principal != NULL)
  11521. RpcStringFree( &principal );
  11522. if (buffer != NULL)
  11523. CoTaskMemFree( buffer );
  11524. if (cert != NULL)
  11525. CertFreeCertificateContext(cert);
  11526. if (parent != NULL)
  11527. CertFreeCertificateContext(parent);
  11528. if (prev_cert != NULL)
  11529. CertFreeCertificateContext(prev_cert);
  11530. if (last != NULL)
  11531. CertFreeCertificateContext(last);
  11532. if (cert_store != NULL)
  11533. CertCloseStore( cert_store, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG );
  11534. if (root_store != NULL)
  11535. CertCloseStore( root_store, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG );
  11536. if (trust_store != NULL)
  11537. CertCloseStore( trust_store, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG );
  11538. if (prov != 0 )
  11539. CryptReleaseContext( prov, 0 );
  11540. if (server != NULL)
  11541. server->Release();
  11542. if (server2 != NULL)
  11543. server2->Release();
  11544. if (server3 != NULL)
  11545. server3->Release();
  11546. CoUninitialize();
  11547. if (success)
  11548. printf( "\n\nThree Test Passed.\n" );
  11549. else
  11550. printf( "\n\nThree Test Failed.\n" );
  11551. */
  11552. }
  11553. /***************************************************************************/
  11554. void sid_to_str( SID *sid, WCHAR *str )
  11555. {
  11556. wsprintf( str, L"S-1-5-%d-%d-%d-%d-%d", sid->SubAuthority[0],
  11557. sid->SubAuthority[1], sid->SubAuthority[2], sid->SubAuthority[3],
  11558. sid->SubAuthority[4] );
  11559. }
  11560. void do_two()
  11561. {
  11562. BOOL success = FALSE;
  11563. HRESULT result;
  11564. HANDLE user = NULL;
  11565. HANDLE iuser = NULL;
  11566. HKEY profile_key = NULL;
  11567. WCHAR sid[256];
  11568. SID_NAME_USE use;
  11569. DWORD size = 256;
  11570. WCHAR domain[256];
  11571. DWORD domain_size = 256;
  11572. WCHAR sid_str[256];
  11573. // Initialize.
  11574. hello( "two" );
  11575. // Logon the user
  11576. success = LogonUser( Name, Name2, L"", LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE,
  11577. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &user );
  11578. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on user" );
  11579. success = FALSE;
  11580. // Convert it into an impersonation token.
  11581. success = DuplicateTokenEx( user,
  11583. NULL, SecurityImpersonation, TokenImpersonation,
  11584. &iuser );
  11585. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not duplicate token" );
  11586. // Lookup the user's sid.
  11587. success = LookupAccountName( NULL, Name, sid, &size, domain, &domain_size, &use );
  11588. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "LookupAccountName failed" );
  11589. // Convert user SID to a string.
  11590. sid_to_str( (SID *) sid, sid_str );
  11591. // Open the registry key.
  11592. result = RegOpenKeyEx(
  11593. HKEY_USERS,
  11594. sid_str,
  11595. 0,
  11596. KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE,
  11597. &profile_key );
  11598. ASSERT( result, "Could not open user hive key" );
  11599. // Call UnloadUserProfile.
  11600. success = UnloadUserProfile( iuser, profile_key );
  11601. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not unload user profile" );
  11602. // Finally, its all over.
  11603. success = TRUE;
  11604. cleanup:
  11605. if (user != NULL)
  11606. CloseHandle( user );
  11607. if (iuser != NULL)
  11608. CloseHandle( iuser );
  11609. if (success)
  11610. printf( "\n\nTwo Test Passed.\n" );
  11611. else
  11612. printf( "\n\nTwo Test Failed.\n" );
  11613. }
  11614. /***************************************************************************/
  11615. void do_uninit()
  11616. {
  11617. BOOL success = FALSE;
  11618. ITest *server = NULL;
  11619. ITest *server2 = NULL;
  11620. SAptId id;
  11621. SAptId id2;
  11622. HRESULT result;
  11623. DWORD i;
  11624. HANDLE thread[MAX_THREADS];
  11625. DWORD thread_id;
  11626. // This test always runs in multithreaded mode. It tests a multithread
  11627. // only problem and uses freethreaded blocking.
  11628. ThreadMode = COINIT_MULTITHREADED;
  11629. // Initialize OLE.
  11630. hello( "uninit" );
  11631. result = initialize( NULL, ThreadMode );
  11632. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  11633. // Create a possibly remote object.
  11634. result = create_instance( ClassIds[free_auto_none], WhatDest, &server, &id );
  11635. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  11636. // Get another object.
  11637. result = server->get_obj_from_this_apt( &server2, &id2 );
  11638. ASSERT( result, "Could not get another object" );
  11639. // Tell the server to remember its neighbor
  11640. result = server->remember( server2, id2 );
  11641. ASSERT( result, "Could not remember server" );
  11642. server2->Release();
  11643. server2 = NULL;
  11644. // Tell it to wait for a call during shutdown and lower its priority.
  11645. result = server->set_state( late_dispatch_s, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST );
  11646. ASSERT( result, "Could not set server state" );
  11647. // Don't create too many threads.
  11648. if (NumThreads > MAX_THREADS)
  11649. NumThreads = MAX_THREADS;
  11650. // Create some helper threads.
  11651. GlobalBool = TRUE;
  11652. for (i = 0; i < NumThreads; i++)
  11653. {
  11654. thread[i] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, do_uninit_helper, server, 0, &thread_id );
  11655. if (thread[i] == NULL)
  11656. {
  11657. printf( "Could not create helper thread number %d.\n", i );
  11658. goto cleanup;
  11659. }
  11660. }
  11661. // Call the server. Marshal an interface. Start shutting down.
  11662. // Wait before returning.
  11663. result = server->get_next_slowly( &server2, &id2 );
  11664. ASSERT( result, "Could not call server during shutdown" );
  11665. // Let the helpers run a while.
  11666. printf( "Waiting 5 seconds for server to die.\n" );
  11667. Sleep( 5000 );
  11668. // Tell all the helpers to die.
  11669. GlobalBool = FALSE;
  11670. result = WaitForMultipleObjects( NumThreads, thread, TRUE, INFINITE );
  11671. ASSERT_EXPR( result != WAIT_FAILED, "Could not wait for helper threads to die.\n" );
  11672. // Finally, its all over.
  11673. success = TRUE;
  11674. cleanup:
  11675. if (server2 != NULL)
  11676. server2->Release();
  11677. if (server != NULL)
  11678. server->Release();
  11679. CoUninitialize();
  11680. if (success)
  11681. printf( "\n\nUninit Test Passed.\n" );
  11682. else
  11683. printf( "\n\nUninit Test Failed.\n" );
  11684. }
  11685. /***************************************************************************/
  11686. DWORD _stdcall do_uninit_helper( void *param )
  11687. {
  11688. ITest *server = (ITest *) param;
  11689. ITest *server2;
  11690. SAptId id;
  11691. // Call the server till the process terminates.
  11692. while (GlobalBool)
  11693. server->get_next( &server2, &id );
  11694. return 0;
  11695. }
  11696. /***************************************************************************/
  11697. void do_unknown()
  11698. {
  11699. BOOL success = FALSE;
  11700. ITest *server = NULL;
  11701. IUnknown *unknown = NULL;
  11702. SAptId id;
  11703. HRESULT result;
  11704. // Initialize OLE.
  11705. hello( "unknown" );
  11706. result = initialize( NULL, ThreadMode );
  11707. ASSERT( result, "Initialize failed" );
  11708. // Set security to connect with secure references.
  11709. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  11712. ASSERT( result, "Could not initialize security to connect" );
  11713. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  11714. {
  11715. // Create a local server
  11716. result = new_apartment( &server, &id, NULL, ThreadMode );
  11717. ASSERT( result, "Could not create local instance of test server" );
  11718. result = server->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void **) &unknown );
  11719. ASSERT( result, "Could not get IUnknown" );
  11720. // Test IUnknown
  11721. success = do_unknown_helper( unknown );
  11722. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  11723. success = FALSE;
  11724. // Release the local server.
  11725. unknown->Release();
  11726. unknown = NULL;
  11727. server->Release();
  11728. server = NULL;
  11729. }
  11730. // Create a possibly remote object.
  11731. result = create_instance( get_class(any_wc), WhatDest, &server, &id );
  11732. ASSERT( result, "Could not create server" );
  11733. result = server->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void **) &unknown );
  11734. ASSERT( result, "Could not get IUnknown" );
  11735. // Test IUnknown
  11736. success = do_unknown_helper( unknown );
  11737. if (!success) goto cleanup;
  11738. success = FALSE;
  11739. // Finally, its all over.
  11740. success = TRUE;
  11741. cleanup:
  11742. if (unknown != NULL)
  11743. unknown->Release();
  11744. if (server != NULL)
  11745. server->Release();
  11746. CoUninitialize();
  11747. if (success)
  11748. printf( "\n\nUnknown Test Passed.\n" );
  11749. else
  11750. printf( "\n\nUnknown Test Failed.\n" );
  11751. }
  11752. /***************************************************************************/
  11753. BOOL do_unknown_call( IUnknown *server, DWORD authn, DWORD imp, REFIID iid )
  11754. {
  11755. BOOL success = FALSE;
  11756. HRESULT result;
  11757. DWORD authn_level_out;
  11758. DWORD imp_level_out;
  11759. DWORD authn_svc_out;
  11760. DWORD authz_svc_out;
  11761. OLECHAR *princ_name_out = NULL;
  11762. ITest *test = NULL;
  11763. result = MCoSetProxyBlanket( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,
  11764. NULL, authn, imp, NULL, EOAC_NONE );
  11765. ASSERT( result, "Could not set blanket" );
  11766. // Verify the authentication information.
  11767. result = MCoQueryProxyBlanket( server, &authn_svc_out, &authz_svc_out,
  11768. &princ_name_out, &authn_level_out,
  11769. &imp_level_out, NULL, NULL );
  11770. if (result == S_OK)
  11771. {
  11772. // ASSERT_EXPR( princ_name_out == NULL, "Got a principle name." );
  11773. ASSERT_EXPR( authn <= authn_level_out, "Wrong authentication level." );
  11774. ASSERT_EXPR( imp == imp_level_out || authn == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  11775. "Wrong impersonation level." );
  11776. ASSERT_EXPR( RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT == authn_svc_out, "Wrong authentication service." );
  11777. ASSERT_EXPR( RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE == authz_svc_out, "Wrong authorization service." );
  11778. }
  11779. // Query for the interface.
  11780. result = server->QueryInterface( iid, (void **) &test );
  11781. ASSERT( result, "Could not query interface" );
  11782. success = TRUE;
  11783. cleanup:
  11784. CoTaskMemFree( princ_name_out );
  11785. if (test != NULL)
  11786. test->Release();
  11787. return success;
  11788. }
  11789. /***************************************************************************/
  11790. BOOL do_unknown_helper( IUnknown *server )
  11791. {
  11792. BOOL success;
  11793. // Make an unsecure impersonate query.
  11794. success = do_unknown_call( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  11796. if (!success) return FALSE;
  11797. // Make a connect level impersonate query.
  11798. success = do_unknown_call( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  11799. RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, IID_ITestConnectImp );
  11800. if (!success) return FALSE;
  11801. // Make an encrypt level impersonate query.
  11802. success = do_unknown_call( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY,
  11803. RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, IID_ITestEncryptImp );
  11804. if (!success) return FALSE;
  11805. // Make an unsecure identify query.
  11806. success = do_unknown_call( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE,
  11808. if (!success) return FALSE;
  11809. // Make a connect level identify query.
  11810. success = do_unknown_call( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT,
  11811. RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY, IID_ITestConnectId );
  11812. if (!success) return FALSE;
  11813. // Make an encrypt level identify query.
  11814. success = do_unknown_call( server, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY,
  11815. RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY, IID_ITestEncryptId );
  11816. if (!success) return FALSE;
  11817. return TRUE;
  11818. }
  11819. /***************************************************************************/
  11820. void do_ver()
  11821. {
  11822. BOOL success = FALSE;
  11823. HRESULT result;
  11824. DWORD size;
  11825. void *buf;
  11826. DWORD dwDummy;
  11827. VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *info;
  11828. UINT len;
  11829. // Find out how much version information there is for the file.
  11830. printf( "File: <%ws>\n", Name );
  11831. size = GetFileVersionInfoSize(Name, &dwDummy);
  11832. if (size == 0)
  11833. {
  11834. result = GetLastError();
  11835. ASSERT( result, "File has no version information" );
  11836. }
  11837. // Allocate memory for the version information.
  11838. buf = _alloca(size);
  11839. // Get the version information.
  11840. success = GetFileVersionInfo(Name, 0L, size, buf);
  11841. ASSERT_EXPR( success, "Could not get file version information." );
  11842. success = FALSE;
  11843. // Lookup something.
  11844. success = VerQueryValue(buf, L"\\", (void **) &info, &len);
  11845. ASSERT_EXPR( success, "Could not query file version information." );
  11846. success = FALSE;
  11847. // Print the version information
  11848. printf( "File version: 0x%x:0x%x\n", info->dwFileVersionMS, info->dwFileVersionLS );
  11849. if (Verbose)
  11850. {
  11851. printf( "Signature: 0x%x\n", info->dwSignature );
  11852. printf( "StrucVersion: 0x%x\n", info->dwStrucVersion );
  11853. printf( "ProductVersion: 0x%x:0x%x\n", info->dwProductVersionMS, info->dwProductVersionLS );
  11854. printf( "FileFlagsMask: 0x%x\n", info->dwFileFlagsMask );
  11855. printf( "FileFlags: 0x%x\n", info->dwFileFlags );
  11856. printf( "FileOS: 0x%x\n", info->dwFileOS );
  11857. printf( "FileType: 0x%x:0x%x\n", info->dwFileType, info->dwFileSubtype );
  11858. printf( "FileDate: 0x%x:0x%x\n", info->dwFileDateMS, info->dwFileDateLS );
  11859. }
  11860. // Finally, its all over.
  11861. success = TRUE;
  11862. cleanup:
  11863. if (success)
  11864. printf( "\n\nVer Test Passed.\n" );
  11865. else
  11866. printf( "\n\nVer Test Failed.\n" );
  11867. }
  11868. /***************************************************************************/
  11869. void *Fixup( char *name )
  11870. {
  11871. HINSTANCE ole;
  11872. void *fn;
  11873. // Load ole32.dll
  11874. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  11875. if (ole == NULL)
  11876. {
  11877. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  11878. return NULL;
  11879. }
  11880. // Get the function
  11881. fn = GetProcAddress( ole, name );
  11882. FreeLibrary( ole );
  11883. if (fn == NULL)
  11884. {
  11885. printf( "Could not find %s in ole32.dll.\n", name );
  11886. return NULL;
  11887. }
  11888. // Call function
  11889. return fn;
  11890. }
  11891. /***************************************************************************/
  11892. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoCopyProxy(
  11893. IUnknown *pProxy,
  11894. IUnknown **ppCopy )
  11895. {
  11896. HINSTANCE ole;
  11897. HRESULT result;
  11898. // Load ole32.dll
  11899. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  11900. if (ole == NULL)
  11901. {
  11902. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  11903. return E_NOTIMPL;
  11904. }
  11905. // Get the function
  11906. GCoCopyProxy = (CoCopyProxyFn) GetProcAddress( ole, "CoCopyProxy" );
  11907. FreeLibrary( ole );
  11908. if (GCoCopyProxy == NULL)
  11909. {
  11910. printf( "Could not find security in ole32.dll.\n" );
  11911. return E_NOTIMPL;
  11912. }
  11913. // Call function
  11914. return GCoCopyProxy( pProxy, ppCopy );
  11915. }
  11916. /***************************************************************************/
  11917. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoGetCallContext( REFIID riid, void **ppInterface )
  11918. {
  11919. HINSTANCE ole;
  11920. HRESULT result;
  11921. // Load ole32.dll
  11922. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  11923. if (ole == NULL)
  11924. {
  11925. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  11926. return E_NOTIMPL;
  11927. }
  11928. // Get the function
  11929. GCoGetCallContext = (CoGetCallContextFn)
  11930. GetProcAddress( ole, "CoGetCallContext" );
  11931. FreeLibrary( ole );
  11932. if (GCoGetCallContext == NULL)
  11933. {
  11934. printf( "Could not find security in ole32.dll.\n" );
  11935. return E_NOTIMPL;
  11936. }
  11937. // Call function
  11938. return GCoGetCallContext( riid, ppInterface );
  11939. }
  11940. /***************************************************************************/
  11941. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoImpersonateClient()
  11942. {
  11943. HINSTANCE ole;
  11944. HRESULT result;
  11945. // Load ole32.dll
  11946. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  11947. if (ole == NULL)
  11948. {
  11949. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  11950. return E_NOTIMPL;
  11951. }
  11952. // Get the function
  11953. GCoImpersonateClient = (CoImpersonateClientFn)
  11954. GetProcAddress( ole, "CoImpersonateClient" );
  11955. FreeLibrary( ole );
  11956. if (GCoImpersonateClient == NULL)
  11957. {
  11958. printf( "Could not find security in ole32.dll.\n" );
  11959. return E_NOTIMPL;
  11960. }
  11961. // Call function
  11962. return GCoImpersonateClient();
  11963. }
  11964. /***************************************************************************/
  11965. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoInitializeSecurity(
  11967. DWORD cAuthSvc,
  11969. WCHAR *pPrincName,
  11970. DWORD dwAuthnLevel,
  11971. DWORD dwImpLevel,
  11973. DWORD dwCapabilities,
  11974. void *pReserved )
  11975. {
  11976. HINSTANCE ole;
  11977. HRESULT result;
  11978. // Load ole32.dll
  11979. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  11980. if (ole == NULL)
  11981. {
  11982. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  11983. return E_NOTIMPL;
  11984. }
  11985. // Get the function
  11986. GCoInitializeSecurity = (CoInitializeSecurityFn)
  11987. GetProcAddress( ole, "CoInitializeSecurity" );
  11988. FreeLibrary( ole );
  11989. if (GCoInitializeSecurity == NULL)
  11990. {
  11991. printf( "Could not find security in ole32.dll.\n" );
  11992. return E_NOTIMPL;
  11993. }
  11994. // Call function
  11995. return GCoInitializeSecurity( pSecDesc, cAuthSvc, asAuthSvc, pPrincName,
  11996. dwAuthnLevel, dwImpLevel, pAuthInfo,
  11997. dwCapabilities, pReserved );
  11998. }
  11999. /***************************************************************************/
  12000. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoQueryAuthenticationServices( DWORD *pcbAuthSvc,
  12002. {
  12003. HINSTANCE ole;
  12004. HRESULT result;
  12005. // Load ole32.dll
  12006. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  12007. if (ole == NULL)
  12008. {
  12009. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  12010. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12011. }
  12012. // Get the function
  12013. GCoQueryAuthenticationServices = (CoQueryAuthenticationServicesFn)
  12014. GetProcAddress( ole, "CoQueryAuthenticationServices" );
  12015. FreeLibrary( ole );
  12016. if (GCoQueryAuthenticationServices == NULL)
  12017. {
  12018. printf( "Could not find security in ole32.dll.\n" );
  12019. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12020. }
  12021. // Call function
  12022. return GCoQueryAuthenticationServices( pcbAuthSvc, asAuthSvc );
  12023. }
  12024. /***************************************************************************/
  12025. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoQueryClientBlanket(
  12026. DWORD *pAuthnSvc,
  12027. DWORD *pAuthzSvc,
  12028. OLECHAR **pServerPrincName,
  12029. DWORD *pAuthnLevel,
  12030. DWORD *pImpLevel,
  12031. RPC_AUTHZ_HANDLE *pPrivs,
  12032. DWORD *pCapabilities )
  12033. {
  12034. HINSTANCE ole;
  12035. HRESULT result;
  12036. // Load ole32.dll
  12037. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  12038. if (ole == NULL)
  12039. {
  12040. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  12041. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12042. }
  12043. // Get the function
  12044. GCoQueryClientBlanket = (CoQueryClientBlanketFn)
  12045. GetProcAddress( ole, "CoQueryClientBlanket" );
  12046. FreeLibrary( ole );
  12047. if (GCoQueryClientBlanket == NULL)
  12048. {
  12049. printf( "Could not find security in ole32.dll.\n" );
  12050. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12051. }
  12052. // Call function
  12053. return GCoQueryClientBlanket( pAuthnSvc, pAuthzSvc, pServerPrincName,
  12054. pAuthnLevel, pImpLevel, pPrivs, pCapabilities );
  12055. }
  12056. /***************************************************************************/
  12057. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoQueryProxyBlanket(
  12058. IUnknown *pProxy,
  12059. DWORD *pAuthnSvc,
  12060. DWORD *pAuthzSvc,
  12061. OLECHAR **pServerPrincName,
  12062. DWORD *pAuthnLevel,
  12063. DWORD *pImpLevel,
  12065. DWORD *pCapabilities )
  12066. {
  12067. HINSTANCE ole;
  12068. HRESULT result;
  12069. // Load ole32.dll
  12070. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  12071. if (ole == NULL)
  12072. {
  12073. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  12074. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12075. }
  12076. // Get the function
  12077. GCoQueryProxyBlanket = (CoQueryProxyBlanketFn)
  12078. GetProcAddress( ole, "CoQueryProxyBlanket" );
  12079. FreeLibrary( ole );
  12080. if (GCoQueryProxyBlanket == NULL)
  12081. {
  12082. printf( "Could not find security in ole32.dll.\n" );
  12083. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12084. }
  12085. // Call function
  12086. return GCoQueryProxyBlanket( pProxy, pAuthnSvc, pAuthzSvc, pServerPrincName,
  12087. pAuthnLevel, pImpLevel, pAuthInfo, pCapabilities );
  12088. }
  12089. /***************************************************************************/
  12090. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoRevertToSelf()
  12091. {
  12092. HINSTANCE ole;
  12093. HRESULT result;
  12094. // Load ole32.dll
  12095. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  12096. if (ole == NULL)
  12097. {
  12098. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  12099. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12100. }
  12101. // Get the function
  12102. GCoRevertToSelf = (CoRevertToSelfFn) GetProcAddress( ole, "CoRevertToSelf" );
  12103. FreeLibrary( ole );
  12104. if (GCoRevertToSelf == NULL)
  12105. {
  12106. printf( "Could not find security in ole32.dll.\n" );
  12107. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12108. }
  12109. // Call function
  12110. return GCoRevertToSelf();
  12111. }
  12112. /***************************************************************************/
  12113. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoSetProxyBlanket(
  12114. IUnknown *pProxy,
  12115. DWORD dwAuthnSvc,
  12116. DWORD dwAuthzSvc,
  12117. OLECHAR *pServerPrincName,
  12118. DWORD dwAuthnLevel,
  12119. DWORD dwImpLevel,
  12121. DWORD dwCapabilities )
  12122. {
  12123. HINSTANCE ole;
  12124. HRESULT result;
  12125. // Load ole32.dll
  12126. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  12127. if (ole == NULL)
  12128. {
  12129. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  12130. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12131. }
  12132. // Get the function
  12133. GCoSetProxyBlanket = (CoSetProxyBlanketFn)
  12134. GetProcAddress( ole, "CoSetProxyBlanket" );
  12135. FreeLibrary( ole );
  12136. if (GCoSetProxyBlanket == NULL)
  12137. {
  12138. printf( "Could not find security in ole32.dll.\n" );
  12139. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12140. }
  12141. // Call function
  12142. return GCoSetProxyBlanket( pProxy, dwAuthnSvc, dwAuthzSvc, pServerPrincName,
  12143. dwAuthnLevel, dwImpLevel, pAuthInfo, dwCapabilities );
  12144. }
  12145. /***************************************************************************/
  12146. EXTERN_C HRESULT PASCAL FixupCoSwitchCallContext( IUnknown *pNewObject, IUnknown **ppOldObject )
  12147. {
  12148. HINSTANCE ole;
  12149. HRESULT result;
  12150. // Load ole32.dll
  12151. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  12152. if (ole == NULL)
  12153. {
  12154. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get security function.\n" );
  12155. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12156. }
  12157. // Get the function
  12158. GCoSwitchCallContext = (CoSwitchCallContextFn)
  12159. GetProcAddress( ole, "CoSwitchCallContext" );
  12160. FreeLibrary( ole );
  12161. if (GCoSwitchCallContext == NULL)
  12162. {
  12163. printf( "Could not find security in ole32.dll.\n" );
  12164. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12165. }
  12166. // Call function
  12167. return GCoSwitchCallContext( pNewObject, ppOldObject );
  12168. }
  12169. /***************************************************************************/
  12170. SAptData *get_apt_data()
  12171. {
  12172. SAptData *tls = (SAptData *) TlsGetValue( TlsIndex );
  12173. if (tls == NULL)
  12174. return &ProcessAptData;
  12175. else
  12176. return tls;
  12177. }
  12178. /***************************************************************************/
  12179. DWORD get_apt_type()
  12180. {
  12181. if (TlsGetValue( TlsIndex ) != NULL)
  12183. else
  12185. }
  12186. /***************************************************************************/
  12187. UUID get_class( DWORD type )
  12188. {
  12189. DWORD i;
  12190. // Increment the class id count. Ignore race conditions.
  12191. i = NumClass;
  12192. NumClass += 1;
  12193. // Pick a class.
  12194. if (type == opposite_wc)
  12195. return ServerClsid[1];
  12196. else if (Change)
  12197. return ServerClsid[i&1];
  12198. else
  12199. return ServerClsid[0];
  12200. }
  12201. /***************************************************************************/
  12202. DWORD get_sequence()
  12203. {
  12204. SAptData *apt = get_apt_data();
  12205. return apt->sequence++;
  12206. }
  12207. /***************************************************************************/
  12208. HRESULT get_token_name( WCHAR **name, BOOL revert )
  12209. {
  12210. TOKEN_USER *token_info = NULL;
  12211. DWORD info_size = 1024;
  12212. HANDLE token = NULL;
  12213. HRESULT result = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
  12214. DWORD lNameLen = 1000;
  12215. DWORD lDomainLen = 1000;
  12216. DWORD lIgnore;
  12217. WCHAR token_name[1000];
  12218. WCHAR domain[1000];
  12219. SID_NAME_USE sIgnore;
  12220. BOOL success;
  12221. // Open the thread token.
  12222. *name = NULL;
  12223. success = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE,
  12224. TRUE, &token );
  12225. ASSERT_GLE( success, ERROR_NO_TOKEN, "Could not OpenThreadToken" );
  12226. if (!success && GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_TOKEN)
  12227. return S_OK;
  12228. success = FALSE;
  12229. // Remove the thread token.
  12230. if (revert)
  12231. {
  12232. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  12233. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not remove thread token" );
  12234. success = FALSE;
  12235. }
  12236. // Get memory for the token information.
  12237. token_info = (TOKEN_USER *) malloc( info_size );
  12238. ASSERT_EXPR( token_info != NULL, "Could not allocate memory." );
  12239. // Get the token sid.
  12240. success = GetTokenInformation( token, TokenUser, token_info, info_size, &info_size );
  12241. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not GetTokenInformation" );
  12242. success = FALSE;
  12243. // Get the user name.
  12244. success = LookupAccountSid( NULL, token_info->User.Sid, token_name,
  12245. &lNameLen, domain, &lDomainLen, &sIgnore );
  12246. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not LookupAccountSid" );
  12247. success = FALSE;
  12248. // Allocate the name.
  12249. *name = (WCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( sizeof(WCHAR) * (lNameLen+lDomainLen+2) );
  12250. ASSERT_EXPR( *name != NULL, "Could not allocate memory" );
  12251. // Stick the domain and user names together.
  12252. wcscpy( *name, domain );
  12253. wcscat( *name, L"\\" );
  12254. wcscat( *name, token_name );
  12255. // Restore the thread token.
  12256. if (revert)
  12257. {
  12258. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, token );
  12259. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not replace thread token" );
  12260. success = FALSE;
  12261. }
  12262. result = S_OK;
  12263. cleanup:
  12264. if (token_info != NULL)
  12265. free(token_info);
  12266. if (token != NULL)
  12267. CloseHandle( token );
  12268. return result;
  12269. }
  12270. /***************************************************************************/
  12271. void hello( char *test )
  12272. {
  12273. // Say hello.
  12274. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  12275. printf( "Running %s test in apartment threaded mode.\n", test );
  12276. else
  12277. printf( "Running %s test in multithreaded mode.\n", test );
  12278. }
  12279. /***************************************************************************/
  12280. void impersonate()
  12281. {
  12282. BOOL success;
  12283. HANDLE oleadmin = NULL;
  12284. // Log on.
  12285. success = LogonUser( L"oleadmin", L"redmond", OleUserPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH,
  12286. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &oleadmin );
  12287. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not log on oleadmin" );
  12288. success = FALSE;
  12289. // Set the token on the thread.
  12290. success = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( oleadmin );
  12291. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not impersonate oleadmin" );
  12292. success = FALSE;
  12293. // Close the handle.
  12294. Preimpersonate = L"redmond\\oleadmin";
  12295. cleanup:
  12296. if (oleadmin != NULL)
  12297. CloseHandle( oleadmin );
  12298. }
  12299. /***************************************************************************/
  12300. void increment_object_count()
  12301. {
  12302. SAptData *apt = get_apt_data();
  12303. apt->what_next = wait_wn;
  12304. InterlockedIncrement( &apt->object_count );
  12305. }
  12306. /***************************************************************************/
  12307. HRESULT initialize( void *reserved, ULONG flags )
  12308. {
  12309. HINSTANCE ole;
  12310. INIT_FN init_ex;
  12311. HRESULT result;
  12312. // For the apartment model, just use CoInitialize.
  12313. if (flags == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  12314. return CoInitialize( NULL );
  12315. // For free threading, try to find the CoInitializeEx API.
  12316. ole = LoadLibraryA( "ole32.dll" );
  12317. if (ole == NULL)
  12318. {
  12319. printf( "Could not load ole32.dll to get CoInitializeEx.\n" );
  12320. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12321. }
  12322. // Get CoInitializeEx.
  12323. init_ex = (INIT_FN) GetProcAddress( ole, "CoInitializeEx" );
  12324. if (init_ex == NULL)
  12325. {
  12326. FreeLibrary( ole );
  12327. printf( "Could not find CoInitializeEx in ole32.dll.\n" );
  12328. return E_NOTIMPL;
  12329. }
  12330. // Call CoInitializeEx.
  12331. result = init_ex( reserved, flags );
  12332. FreeLibrary( ole );
  12333. return result;
  12334. }
  12335. /***************************************************************************/
  12336. HRESULT initialize_security()
  12337. {
  12338. HRESULT result;
  12340. // Initialize security.
  12341. if (GlobalSecurityModel == basic_sm)
  12342. {
  12343. printf( "Basic security model.\n" );
  12344. svc_list.dwAuthnSvc = GlobalAuthnSvc;
  12345. svc_list.dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
  12346. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  12347. if (GlobalAuthnSvc == RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS)
  12348. svc_list.pPrincipalName = DomainUser;
  12349. else
  12350. #endif
  12351. svc_list.pPrincipalName = NULL;
  12352. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, 1, &svc_list, NULL, GlobalAuthnLevel,
  12354. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  12355. }
  12356. else if (GlobalSecurityModel == auto_sm)
  12357. {
  12358. printf( "Automatic security model.\n" );
  12359. result = MCoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, GlobalAuthnLevel,
  12361. EOAC_NONE, NULL );
  12362. }
  12363. else
  12364. {
  12365. printf( "Legacy security model.\n" );
  12366. result = S_OK;
  12367. }
  12368. return result;
  12369. }
  12370. /***************************************************************************/
  12371. void interrupt()
  12372. {
  12373. while (GlobalInterruptTest)
  12374. {
  12375. GlobalTest->check( GlobalApt );
  12376. check_for_request();
  12377. }
  12378. GlobalTest->Release();
  12379. }
  12380. /***************************************************************************/
  12381. void interrupt_marshal()
  12382. {
  12383. int i;
  12384. for (i = 0; i < NUM_MARSHAL_LOOP; i++ )
  12385. {
  12386. GlobalTest->recurse( GlobalTest2, 1 );
  12387. check_for_request();
  12388. }
  12389. GlobalTest->Release();
  12390. GlobalTest2->Release();
  12391. what_next( wait_wn );
  12392. }
  12393. /***************************************************************************
  12394. Function: main
  12395. Synopsis: Executes the BasicBnd test
  12396. Effects: None
  12397. Returns: Exits with exit code 0 if success, 1 otherwise
  12398. ***************************************************************************/
  12399. int _cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
  12400. {
  12401. HRESULT result;
  12402. SAptData tls_data;
  12403. BOOL success = TRUE;
  12404. DWORD ignore;
  12405. TOKEN_USER *token_info = NULL;
  12406. DWORD info_size = 1024;
  12407. HANDLE token = NULL;
  12408. char machinea[MAX_NAME];
  12409. DWORD i;
  12410. DWORD lNameLen = 1000;
  12411. DWORD lDomainLen = 1000;
  12412. SID_NAME_USE sIgnore;
  12413. WCHAR token_name[1000];
  12414. WCHAR domain[1000];
  12415. // Get the default full provider.
  12416. // BUGBUG - Remove this when SSL works.
  12417. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  12418. HCRYPTPROV prov = 0;
  12419. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL,
  12421. if (!success)
  12422. printf( "Could not acquire crypt context: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  12423. #endif
  12424. // Initialize Globals.
  12425. MainThread = GetCurrentThreadId();
  12426. Win95 = GetVersion() & 0x80000000;
  12427. NT5 = GetVersion() & 0xffff >= 5;
  12428. // Get the computer name.
  12429. ignore = sizeof(machinea);
  12430. success = GetComputerNameA( machinea, &ignore );
  12431. if (!success)
  12432. {
  12433. printf( "Could not get computer name.\n" );
  12434. return 0;
  12435. }
  12436. // Convert the name to unicode.
  12437. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, machinea, strlen(machinea)+1, Name,
  12438. MAX_NAME );
  12439. wcscpy( ThisMachine, Name );
  12440. // Get the user name.
  12441. ignore = sizeof(ProcessName);
  12442. success = GetUserNameA( (char *) ProcessName, &ignore );
  12443. if (!success)
  12444. {
  12445. printf( "Could not get user name.\n" );
  12446. strcpy( (char *) ProcessName, "The root of all evil!" );
  12447. }
  12448. // Create an event for termination notification.
  12449. Done = CreateEventA( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
  12450. if (Done == NULL)
  12451. {
  12452. printf( "Could not create event.\n" );
  12453. return 0;
  12454. }
  12455. // Get an event for signalling raw RPCs.
  12456. RawEvent = CreateEventA( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
  12457. if (RawEvent == NULL)
  12458. {
  12459. printf( "Could not create event.\n" );
  12460. return 0;
  12461. }
  12462. // Allocate a TLS index.
  12463. TlsIndex = TlsAlloc();
  12464. if (TlsIndex == 0xffffffff)
  12465. {
  12466. printf( "Could not allocate TLS index.\n" );
  12467. return 0;
  12468. }
  12469. // Open the process's token.
  12470. OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &token );
  12471. result = GetLastError();
  12472. if (result == 0)
  12473. {
  12474. // Lookup SID of process token.
  12475. token_info = (TOKEN_USER *) malloc( info_size );
  12476. if (token_info != NULL)
  12477. {
  12478. GetTokenInformation( token, TokenUser, token_info, info_size, &info_size );
  12479. result = GetLastError();
  12480. if (result == 0)
  12481. ProcessSid = (SID *) token_info->User.Sid;
  12482. }
  12483. CloseHandle( token );
  12484. }
  12485. // Get the domain name for the process sid.
  12486. if (ProcessSid != NULL)
  12487. {
  12488. success = LookupAccountSid( NULL, ProcessSid, token_name,
  12489. &lNameLen, domain, &lDomainLen, &sIgnore );
  12490. if (success)
  12491. {
  12492. DomainUser = (WCHAR *) malloc( (wcslen(token_name) + wcslen(domain) + 2) *
  12493. sizeof(WCHAR));
  12494. if (DomainUser != NULL)
  12495. {
  12496. wcscpy( DomainUser, domain );
  12497. wcscat( DomainUser, L"\\" );
  12498. wcscat( DomainUser, token_name );
  12499. }
  12500. }
  12501. }
  12502. // Parse the parameters.
  12503. if (!parse( argc, argv ))
  12504. return 0;
  12505. // Make sure the registry is set.
  12506. if (!registry_setup( argv[0] ))
  12507. return 0;
  12508. // Setup ssl if necessary.
  12509. if (!ssl_setup())
  12510. return 0;
  12511. // Always initiailize the apartment global data for the multithreaded mode.
  12512. ProcessAptData.object_count = 0;
  12513. ProcessAptData.what_next = setup_wn;
  12514. ProcessAptData.exit_dirty = FALSE;
  12515. ProcessAptData.sequence = 0;
  12516. ProcessAptData.server = NULL;
  12517. // In the single threaded mode, stick a pointer to the object count
  12518. // in TLS.
  12519. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)
  12520. {
  12521. tls_data.object_count = 0;
  12522. tls_data.what_next = setup_wn;
  12523. tls_data.exit_dirty = FALSE;
  12524. tls_data.sequence = 0;
  12525. tls_data.server = NULL;
  12526. TlsSetValue( TlsIndex, &tls_data );
  12527. }
  12528. // Switch to the correct test.
  12529. switch_test();
  12530. // Cleanup.
  12531. TlsFree( TlsIndex );
  12532. CloseHandle( Done );
  12533. return 1;
  12534. }
  12535. /*************************************************************************/
  12536. void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_API midl_user_allocate( size_t count )
  12537. {
  12538. return malloc(count);
  12539. }
  12540. /*************************************************************************/
  12541. void __RPC_USER midl_user_free( void __RPC_FAR * p )
  12542. {
  12543. free( p );
  12544. }
  12545. /*************************************************************************/
  12546. HRESULT new_apartment( ITest ** test, SAptId *id, HANDLE *thread_out,
  12547. DWORD thread_mode )
  12548. {
  12549. new_apt_params params;
  12550. HANDLE thread;
  12551. DWORD thread_id;
  12552. DWORD status;
  12553. HRESULT result = E_FAIL;
  12554. IClassFactory *factory;
  12555. SThreadList *list;
  12556. // Don't accept thread_out anymore.
  12557. ASSERT_EXPR( thread_out == NULL, "Invalid argument to new-apartment." );
  12558. // Create an event.
  12559. params.stream = NULL;
  12560. params.ready = CreateEventA( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
  12561. params.thread_mode = thread_mode;
  12562. ASSERT_EXPR( params.ready != NULL, "Could not allocate memory." );
  12563. // Start a new thread/apartment.
  12564. thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, apartment_base, &params, 0, &thread_id );
  12565. ASSERT_EXPR( thread != NULL, "Could not create thread." );
  12566. // Wait till it has marshalled a class factory.
  12567. status = WaitForSingleObject( params.ready, INFINITE );
  12568. ASSERT_EXPR( status == WAIT_OBJECT_0 && params.stream != NULL,
  12569. "Helper did not return stream." );
  12570. // Unmarshal the class factory.
  12571. result = CoUnmarshalInterface( params.stream, IID_IClassFactory,
  12572. (void **) &factory );
  12573. params.stream->Release();
  12574. ASSERT( result, "Could not unmarshal interface" );
  12575. // Create a test object.
  12576. result = factory->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_ITest, (void **) test );
  12577. factory->Release();
  12578. ASSERT( result, "Could not create instance" );
  12579. if (id != NULL)
  12580. (*test)->get_id( id );
  12581. // Create a new thread record.
  12582. list = new SThreadList;
  12583. ASSERT_EXPR( list != NULL, "Could not allocate memory." );
  12584. // Add the thread to the list.
  12585. list->thread = thread;
  12586. thread = NULL;
  12587. list->next = ThreadList.next;
  12588. ThreadList.next = list;
  12589. result = S_OK;
  12590. cleanup:
  12591. if (thread != NULL)
  12592. CloseHandle( thread );
  12593. if (params.ready != NULL)
  12594. CloseHandle( params.ready );
  12595. return result;
  12596. }
  12597. /*************************************************************************/
  12598. /* Parse the arguments. */
  12599. BOOL parse( int argc, char *argv[] )
  12600. {
  12601. int i;
  12602. int j;
  12603. int len;
  12604. char buffer[80];
  12605. BOOL got_name = FALSE;
  12606. WhatTest = lots_wt;
  12608. // Parse each item, skip the command name
  12609. for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
  12610. {
  12611. if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Apartment" ) == 0)
  12613. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-auto" ) == 0)
  12614. {
  12615. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12616. {
  12617. printf( "You must include an authentication level after the -auto option.\n" );
  12618. return FALSE;
  12619. }
  12620. sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &GlobalAuthnLevel );
  12621. GlobalSecurityModel = auto_sm;
  12622. }
  12623. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-b" ) == 0)
  12624. DebugBreak();
  12625. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-basic" ) == 0)
  12626. GlobalSecurityModel = basic_sm;
  12627. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-c" ) == 0)
  12628. Change = TRUE;
  12629. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Access" ) == 0)
  12630. WhatTest = access_wt;
  12631. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Access_Control" ) == 0)
  12632. WhatTest = access_control_wt;
  12633. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Anti_delegation" ) == 0)
  12634. WhatTest = anti_delegation_wt;
  12635. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Appid" ) == 0)
  12636. WhatTest = appid_wt;
  12637. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Async" ) == 0)
  12638. WhatTest = async_wt;
  12639. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Cancel" ) == 0)
  12640. WhatTest = cancel_wt;
  12641. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Cert" ) == 0)
  12642. WhatTest = cert_wt;
  12643. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Cloak" ) == 0)
  12644. WhatTest = cloak_wt;
  12645. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Cloak_Act" ) == 0)
  12646. WhatTest = cloak_act_wt;
  12647. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Crash" ) == 0)
  12648. WhatTest = crash_wt;
  12649. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Create_Dir" ) == 0)
  12650. WhatTest = create_dir_wt;
  12651. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Crypt" ) == 0)
  12652. WhatTest = crypt_wt;
  12653. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Cstress" ) == 0)
  12654. WhatTest = cstress_wt;
  12655. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-d" ) == 0)
  12656. {
  12657. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12658. {
  12659. printf( "You must include a debugger after the -d option.\n" );
  12660. return FALSE;
  12661. }
  12662. WriteClass = TRUE;
  12663. if (_stricmp( argv[i], "none" ) == 0)
  12664. strcpy( Debugger, "" );
  12665. else
  12666. strcpy( Debugger, argv[i] );
  12667. if (WhatTest == lots_wt)
  12668. WhatTest = none_wt;
  12669. }
  12670. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Delegate" ) == 0)
  12671. WhatTest = delegate_wt;
  12672. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-e" ) == 0)
  12673. {
  12674. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12675. {
  12676. printf( "You must include an element count after the -e option.\n" );
  12677. return FALSE;
  12678. }
  12679. sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &NumElements );
  12680. }
  12681. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-Embedding" ) == 0)
  12682. WhatTest = server_wt;
  12683. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-hex" ) == 0)
  12684. {
  12685. // Count the number of dwords.
  12686. j = i+1;
  12687. while (argv[j] != NULL && argv[j][0] != '-')
  12688. j += 1;
  12689. // Allocate the hex block.
  12690. GlobalHex = (DWORD *) malloc( (j - i - 1) * sizeof(DWORD) );
  12691. if (GlobalHex == NULL)
  12692. {
  12693. printf( "Could not allocate memory for -hex.\n" );
  12694. return FALSE;
  12695. }
  12696. // Read the dwords.
  12697. j = 0;
  12698. while (argv[i+1] != NULL && argv[i+1][0] != '-' )
  12699. sscanf( argv[++i], "%x", &GlobalHex[j++] );
  12700. }
  12701. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-i" ) == 0)
  12702. {
  12703. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12704. {
  12705. printf( "You must include an iteration count after the -i option.\n" );
  12706. return FALSE;
  12707. }
  12708. sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &NumIterations );
  12709. }
  12710. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Hook" ) == 0)
  12711. WhatTest = hook_wt;
  12712. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Leak" ) == 0)
  12713. WhatTest = leak_wt;
  12714. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-legacy" ) == 0)
  12715. GlobalSecurityModel = legacy_sm;
  12716. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "load_client" ) == 0)
  12717. WhatTest = load_client_wt;
  12718. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Load_Server" ) == 0)
  12719. WhatTest = load_server_wt;
  12720. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Mmarshal" ) == 0)
  12721. WhatTest = mmarshal_wt;
  12722. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Multi" ) == 0)
  12723. ThreadMode = COINIT_MULTITHREADED;
  12724. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-n" ) == 0)
  12725. {
  12726. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12727. {
  12728. printf( "You must include a name after the -n option.\n" );
  12729. return FALSE;
  12730. }
  12731. if (!got_name)
  12732. {
  12733. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, argv[i], strlen(argv[i])+1, Name,
  12734. sizeof(Name) );
  12735. Name[strlen(argv[i])] = 0;
  12736. got_name = TRUE;
  12737. }
  12738. else
  12739. {
  12740. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, argv[i], strlen(argv[i])+1, Name2,
  12741. sizeof(Name2) );
  12742. Name2[strlen(argv[i])] = 0;
  12743. }
  12744. WhatDest = different_machine_wd;
  12745. }
  12746. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Name" ) == 0)
  12747. WhatTest = name_wt;
  12748. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Null" ) == 0)
  12749. WhatTest = null_wt;
  12750. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "One" ) == 0)
  12751. WhatTest = one_wt;
  12752. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Perf" ) == 0)
  12753. WhatTest = perf_wt;
  12754. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "PerfAccess" ) == 0)
  12755. WhatTest = perfaccess_wt;
  12756. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "PerfApi" ) == 0)
  12757. WhatTest = perfapi_wt;
  12758. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "PerfRemote" ) == 0)
  12759. WhatTest = perfremote_wt;
  12760. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "PerfRpc" ) == 0)
  12761. WhatTest = perfrpc_wt;
  12762. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "PerfSec" ) == 0)
  12763. WhatTest = perfsec_wt;
  12764. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Pipe" ) == 0)
  12765. WhatTest = pipe_wt;
  12766. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Post" ) == 0)
  12767. WhatTest = post_wt;
  12768. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-o" ) == 0)
  12769. {
  12770. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12771. {
  12772. printf( "You must include an object count after the -o option.\n" );
  12773. return FALSE;
  12774. }
  12775. sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &NumObjects );
  12776. }
  12777. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-o" ) == 0)
  12778. {
  12779. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12780. {
  12781. printf( "You must include an object count after the -o option.\n" );
  12782. return FALSE;
  12783. }
  12784. sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &NumObjects );
  12785. }
  12786. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-p" ) == 0)
  12787. {
  12788. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12789. {
  12790. printf( "You must include a process count after the -p option.\n" );
  12791. return FALSE;
  12792. }
  12793. sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &NumProcesses );
  12794. }
  12795. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-pl" ) == 0)
  12796. WhatDest = same_process_wd;
  12797. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-popup" ) == 0)
  12798. Popup = TRUE;
  12799. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Pound" ) == 0)
  12800. WhatTest = pound_wt;
  12801. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-r" ) == 0)
  12802. {
  12803. WriteClass = TRUE;
  12804. if (WhatTest == lots_wt)
  12805. WhatTest = none_wt;
  12806. }
  12807. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-recurse" ) == 0)
  12808. {
  12809. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12810. {
  12811. printf( "You must include a recursion count after the -recurse option.\n" );
  12812. return FALSE;
  12813. }
  12814. sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &NumRecursion );
  12815. }
  12816. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Regload" ) == 0)
  12817. WhatTest = regload_wt;
  12818. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Regpeek" ) == 0)
  12819. WhatTest = regpeek_wt;
  12820. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Regsave" ) == 0)
  12821. WhatTest = regsave_wt;
  12822. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Reject" ) == 0)
  12823. WhatTest = reject_wt;
  12824. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Remote_client" ) == 0)
  12825. WhatTest = remote_client_wt;
  12826. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Remote_server" ) == 0)
  12827. WhatTest = remote_server_wt;
  12828. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Ring" ) == 0)
  12829. WhatTest = ring_wt;
  12830. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Rpc" ) == 0)
  12831. WhatTest = rpc_wt;
  12832. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Rundown" ) == 0)
  12833. WhatTest = rundown_wt;
  12834. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-s" ) == 0)
  12835. {
  12836. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12837. {
  12838. printf( "You must include a protocol sequence after the -s option.\n" );
  12839. return FALSE;
  12840. }
  12841. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, argv[i], strlen(argv[i])+1, TestProtseq,
  12842. sizeof(TestProtseq) );
  12843. TestProtseq[strlen(argv[i])] = 0;
  12844. }
  12845. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "SecPkg" ) == 0)
  12846. WhatTest = secpkg_wt;
  12847. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-SecPkg" ) == 0)
  12848. {
  12849. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12850. {
  12851. printf( "You must include a comma separated security package list\n" );
  12852. printf( "with no spaces after the -SecPkg option.\n" );
  12853. return FALSE;
  12854. }
  12855. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, argv[i], strlen(argv[i])+1, PackageList,
  12856. sizeof(PackageList) );
  12857. TestProtseq[strlen(argv[i])] = 0;
  12858. }
  12859. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Security" ) == 0)
  12860. WhatTest = security_wt;
  12861. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "SecureRefs" ) == 0)
  12862. WhatTest = securerefs_wt;
  12863. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Secure_Release" ) == 0)
  12864. WhatTest = secure_release_wt;
  12865. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Send" ) == 0)
  12866. WhatTest = send_wt;
  12867. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Snego" ) == 0)
  12868. WhatTest = snego_wt;
  12869. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-ssl" ) == 0)
  12870. {
  12871. WriteCert = TRUE;
  12872. if (WhatTest == lots_wt)
  12873. WhatTest = none_wt;
  12874. }
  12875. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-t" ) == 0)
  12876. {
  12877. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12878. {
  12879. printf( "You must include a thread count after the -t option.\n" );
  12880. return FALSE;
  12881. }
  12882. sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &NumThreads );
  12883. }
  12884. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "sid" ) == 0)
  12885. WhatTest = sid_wt;
  12886. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Simple_rundown" ) == 0)
  12887. WhatTest = simple_rundown_wt;
  12888. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "ssl" ) == 0)
  12889. WhatTest = ssl_wt;
  12890. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Thread" ) == 0)
  12891. WhatTest = thread_wt;
  12892. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Three" ) == 0)
  12893. WhatTest = three_wt;
  12894. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Two" ) == 0)
  12895. WhatTest = two_wt;
  12896. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-u" ) == 0)
  12897. {
  12898. if (argv[++i] == NULL)
  12899. {
  12900. printf( "You must include a name after the -u option.\n" );
  12901. return FALSE;
  12902. }
  12903. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, argv[i], strlen(argv[i])+1, UserName,
  12904. sizeof(UserName) );
  12905. UserName[strlen(argv[i])] = 0;
  12906. }
  12907. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Uninit" ) == 0)
  12908. WhatTest = uninit_wt;
  12909. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Unknown" ) == 0)
  12910. WhatTest = unknown_wt;
  12911. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "-v" ) == 0)
  12912. Verbose = TRUE;
  12913. else if (_stricmp( argv[i], "Ver" ) == 0)
  12914. WhatTest = ver_wt;
  12915. else
  12916. {
  12917. printf( "You don't know what you are doing!\n" );
  12918. printf( "This program tests the channel.\n" );
  12919. printf( "\n" );
  12920. printf( "Access Test IAccessControl with CIS.\n" );
  12921. printf( "Access_Control Test DCOMAccessControl.\n" );
  12922. printf( "Anti_Delegation Make sure no tokens are passed on calls.\n" );
  12923. printf( "Appid Test EOAC_APPID with CIS.\n" );
  12924. printf( "Apartment Apartment threading mode.\n" );
  12925. printf( "Async Test async.\n" );
  12926. printf( "Cancel Cancel test.\n" );
  12927. printf( "Cert Enumerate certificate store -u.\n" );
  12928. printf( "Cloak Cloak test.\n" );
  12929. printf( "Cloak_Act Cloak activation test.\n" );
  12930. printf( "Crash Crash test.\n" );
  12931. printf( "Create_dir Create -i copies of directory -n.\n" );
  12932. printf( "Crypt Cryptography test.\n" );
  12933. printf( "Cstress Cancel stress test.\n" );
  12934. printf( "Delegate Delegation test.\n" );
  12935. printf( "Hook Channel hook test.\n" );
  12936. printf( "Leak Look for memory leaks (doesn't fail if there are any).\n" );
  12937. printf( "Load_Client Remote load performance - client.\n" );
  12938. printf( "Load_Server Remote load performance - server.\n" );
  12939. printf( "Mmarshal Multiple marshal test.\n" );
  12940. printf( "Multi Multithreaded mode.\n" );
  12941. printf( "Name Lookup the name for the sid speficied by -hex.\n" );
  12942. printf( "Null Apartment null call test.\n" );
  12943. printf( "One Used for testing new tests.\n" );
  12944. printf( "Perf Performance test.\n" );
  12945. printf( "PerfAccess IAccessContorl Performance test.\n" );
  12946. printf( "PerfApi API Performance test.\n" );
  12947. printf( "PerfRemote Remote call performance test.\n" );
  12948. printf( "PerfRpc Raw RPC performance test.\n" );
  12949. printf( "PerfSec Security performance test.\n" );
  12950. printf( "Pipe Pipe test.\n" );
  12951. printf( "Post Post a message to window specified by -i.\n" );
  12952. printf( "Pound Create as many servers as possible.\n" );
  12953. printf( "Regload Load a registry key from a file (-n).\n" );
  12954. printf( "Regpeek Read and write a registry key.\n" );
  12955. printf( "Regsave Save a registry key to a file (-n).\n" );
  12956. printf( "Reject Reject test.\n" );
  12957. printf( "Remote_Client Remote performance - client.\n" );
  12958. printf( "Remote_Server Remote performance - server.\n" );
  12959. printf( "Ring Run ring test.\n" );
  12960. printf( "Rpc Test both RPC and OLE calls.\n" );
  12961. printf( "Rundown Rundown test.\n" );
  12962. printf( "SecPkg List security packages.\n" );
  12963. printf( "SecureRefs Secure Addref/Release Test.\n" );
  12964. printf( "Secure_Release Secure Addref/Release Test version 2.\n" );
  12965. printf( "Security Security test.\n" );
  12966. printf( "Send Send a message to window specified by -i.\n" );
  12967. printf( "Sid Lookup the sid for the name specified by -n\n" );
  12968. printf( "Simple_Rundown Wait for object exporter to timeout.\n" );
  12969. printf( "Snego Test Snego.\n" );
  12970. printf( "SSL Test SSL.\n" );
  12971. printf( "Thread Calling on multiple threads.\n" );
  12972. printf( "Three Used for reproducing bugs.\n" );
  12973. printf( "Two Used for reproducing bugs.\n" );
  12974. printf( "Uninit Calls during uninitialization.\n" );
  12975. printf( "Unknown IUnknown security.\n" );
  12976. printf( "Ver Print file version info.\n" );
  12977. printf( "\n" );
  12978. printf( "-auto n Use automatic security set to level n.\n" );
  12979. printf( "-b Stop in debugger before going on.\n" );
  12980. printf( "-basic Use basic security.\n" );
  12981. printf( "-c Change the test.\n" );
  12982. printf( "-d debugger Debugger to run app under of none.\n" );
  12983. printf( "-e n Number of elements.\n" );
  12984. printf( "-Embedding Server side.\n" );
  12985. printf( "-hex xxxxxxxx ... Input hex numbers till the next -\n" );
  12986. printf( "-legacy Use legacy security.\n" );
  12987. printf( "-i n Number of iterations.\n" );
  12988. printf( "-n name String name.\n" );
  12989. printf( "-o n Number of objects.\n" );
  12990. printf( "-p n Number of processes.\n" );
  12991. printf( "-pl Create the server process local.\n" );
  12992. printf( "-popup Display popups for sync during test.\n" );
  12993. printf( "-r Force setup to be rerun.\n" );
  12994. printf( "-recurse n Number of recursions.\n" );
  12995. printf( "-s protseq Change default protocol sequence.\n" );
  12996. printf( "-SecPkg pkg1,pkg2 Security package list.\n" );
  12997. printf( "-ssl Setup certificates for SSL test.\n" );
  12998. printf( "-t n Number of threads.\n" );
  12999. printf( "-u username Name of user.\n" );
  13000. printf( "\n" );
  13001. printf( "The test currently only runs in the single threaded mode\n" );
  13002. printf( "and requires the apartment model.\n" );
  13003. printf( "If no test is specified the cancel, crash, null,\n" );
  13004. printf( "ring, and rundown tests will be run. The options have the\n" );
  13005. printf( "following default values.\n" );
  13006. printf( " authn level - %d\n", GlobalAuthnLevel );
  13007. printf( " iterations - %d\n", NumIterations );
  13008. printf( " name - %ws\n", Name );
  13009. printf( " objects - 2\n" );
  13010. printf( " processes - 2\n" );
  13011. printf( " recurse - 2\n" );
  13012. printf( " protseq - %ws\n", TestProtseq );
  13013. printf( " security package list - %ws\n", PackageList );
  13014. printf( " security model - %d\n", GlobalSecurityModel );
  13015. printf( " threads - 2\n" );
  13016. return FALSE;
  13017. }
  13018. }
  13019. // Figure out the class id based on the thread model and security model.
  13020. if (GlobalSecurityModel == auto_sm)
  13021. if (GlobalAuthnLevel == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT)
  13022. i = 1;
  13023. else if (GlobalAuthnLevel == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY)
  13024. i = 2;
  13025. else
  13026. i = 0;
  13027. else if (GlobalSecurityModel == basic_sm)
  13028. i = 3;
  13029. else
  13030. i = 4;
  13031. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  13032. {
  13033. ServerClsid[0] = ClassIds[free_auto_none+i];
  13034. ServerClsid[1] = ClassIds[apt_auto_none+i];
  13035. }
  13036. else
  13037. {
  13038. ServerClsid[0] = ClassIds[apt_auto_none+i];
  13039. ServerClsid[1] = ClassIds[free_auto_none+i];
  13040. }
  13041. return TRUE;
  13042. }
  13043. /***************************************************************************/
  13044. void pound()
  13045. {
  13046. HRESULT result;
  13047. SAptData *apt = get_apt_data();
  13048. SAptId id;
  13049. // Wait for the signal.
  13050. result = WaitForSingleObject( ManualReset, INFINITE );
  13051. if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
  13052. {
  13053. printf( "Wait failed: 0x%x\n", result );
  13054. return;
  13055. }
  13056. // Call the server until at least one call succeeds.
  13057. do
  13058. {
  13059. result = apt->server->get_id( &id );
  13060. }
  13061. while (result != S_OK);
  13062. // Tell the server loop to return to normal.
  13063. what_next( wait_wn );
  13064. }
  13065. /***************************************************************************/
  13066. BOOL registry_setup( char *argv0 )
  13067. {
  13068. char value[REGISTRY_ENTRY_LEN];
  13069. LONG value_size;
  13070. LONG result;
  13071. char directory[MAX_PATH];
  13072. char *appname;
  13073. int i;
  13074. int j;
  13075. char *class_id;
  13076. HKEY key = NULL;
  13077. DWORD ignore;
  13078. // Find out if the registry is setup.
  13079. value_size = sizeof(value);
  13080. result = RegQueryValueA(
  13082. REG_CLASS_EXE,
  13083. value,
  13084. &value_size );
  13085. // If the registry is not setup or needs to be rewritten, write it.
  13086. if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS || WriteClass)
  13087. {
  13088. // Write the IAsync interface name.
  13089. strcpy( value, "Interface\\{70000000-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}" );
  13090. result = RegSetValueA(
  13092. value,
  13093. REG_SZ,
  13094. "IAsync",
  13095. strlen("IAsync") );
  13096. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface name: 0x%x" );
  13097. // Write the IAsync interface to proxy class id translation.
  13098. strcpy( value, "Interface\\{70000000-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}\\ProxyStubClsid32" );
  13099. result = RegSetValueA(
  13101. value,
  13102. REG_SZ,
  13104. strlen(REG_INTERFACE_CLASS) );
  13105. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface class: 0x%x" );
  13106. // Write the IAsync interface asynchronous IID.
  13107. strcpy( value, "Interface\\{70000000-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}\\AsynchronousInterface" );
  13108. result = RegSetValueA(
  13110. value,
  13111. REG_SZ,
  13112. REG_ASYNC_IID,
  13113. strlen(REG_ASYNC_IID) );
  13114. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface class: 0x%x" );
  13115. // Write the IAsync asyncronous interface name.
  13116. strcpy( value, "Interface\\{70000001-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}" );
  13117. result = RegSetValueA(
  13119. value,
  13120. REG_SZ,
  13121. "IAsync",
  13122. strlen("IAsync") );
  13123. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface name: 0x%x" );
  13124. // Write the IAsync asynchronous interface to proxy class id translation.
  13125. strcpy( value, "Interface\\{70000001-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}\\ProxyStubClsid32" );
  13126. result = RegSetValueA(
  13128. value,
  13129. REG_SZ,
  13131. strlen(REG_INTERFACE_CLASS) );
  13132. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface class: 0x%x" );
  13133. // Write the IAsync asynchronous interface synchronous IID.
  13134. strcpy( value, "Interface\\{70000001-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}\\AsynchronousInterface" );
  13135. result = RegSetValueA(
  13137. value,
  13138. REG_SZ,
  13139. REG_SYNC_IID,
  13140. strlen(REG_SYNC_IID) );
  13141. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface class: 0x%x" );
  13142. // Register the hook 1 class.
  13143. result = RegSetValueA(
  13145. "CLSID\\{60000400-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}",
  13146. REG_SZ,
  13147. REG_HOOK_NAME, strlen(REG_HOOK_NAME) );
  13148. ASSERT( result, "RegSetValue failed" );
  13149. // Register the hook 2 class.
  13150. result = RegSetValueA(
  13152. "CLSID\\{60000401-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}",
  13153. REG_SZ,
  13154. REG_HOOK_NAME, strlen(REG_HOOK_NAME) );
  13155. ASSERT( result, "RegSetValue failed" );
  13156. // Register the which class.
  13157. result = RegSetValueA(
  13159. "CLSID\\{60000402-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}",
  13160. REG_SZ,
  13161. REG_WHICH_NAME, strlen(REG_WHICH_NAME) );
  13162. ASSERT( result, "RegSetValue failed" );
  13163. // Write all the interface ids.
  13164. for (i = 0; i < NUM_INTERFACE_IDS; i++)
  13165. {
  13166. // Write the interface name.
  13167. strcpy( value, "Interface\\{60000300-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}" );
  13168. value[18] += (char) i;
  13169. result = RegSetValueA(
  13171. value,
  13172. REG_SZ,
  13174. strlen(REG_INTERFACE_NAME[i]) );
  13175. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface name: 0x%x" );
  13176. // Write the interface to proxy class id translation.
  13177. strcpy( value, "Interface\\{60000300-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}\\ProxyStubClsid32" );
  13178. value[18] += (char) i;
  13179. result = RegSetValueA(
  13181. value,
  13182. REG_SZ,
  13184. strlen(REG_INTERFACE_CLASS) );
  13185. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface class: 0x%x" );
  13186. }
  13187. // Write the proxy name.
  13188. result = RegSetValueA(
  13190. "CLSID\\{60000300-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}",
  13191. REG_SZ,
  13192. REG_PROXY_NAME,
  13193. strlen(REG_PROXY_NAME) );
  13194. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface name: 0x%x" );
  13195. // Compute the path to the application.
  13196. result = GetFullPathNameA( argv0, sizeof(directory), directory, &appname );
  13197. ASSERT_EXPR( result != 0, "Could not GetFullPathName." );
  13198. result = appname - directory;
  13199. if (result + strlen(REG_PROXY_DLL) > MAX_PATH ||
  13200. result + strlen(REG_APP_EXE) + strlen(Debugger) > MAX_PATH)
  13201. {
  13202. printf( "Buffer too small.\n" );
  13203. goto cleanup;
  13204. }
  13205. // Write the proxy dll path.
  13206. strcpy( appname, REG_PROXY_DLL );
  13207. result = RegSetValueA(
  13209. "CLSID\\{60000300-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}\\InprocServer32",
  13210. REG_SZ,
  13211. directory,
  13212. strlen(directory) );
  13213. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface name: 0x%x" );
  13214. // Register the hook 1 dll.
  13215. strcpy( appname, REG_HOOK_DLL );
  13216. result = RegSetValueA(
  13218. "CLSID\\{60000400-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}\\InprocServer32",
  13219. REG_SZ,
  13220. directory, strlen(directory) );
  13221. ASSERT( result, "Could not set hook 1 inproc server" );
  13222. // Register the hook 2 dll.
  13223. result = RegSetValueA(
  13225. "CLSID\\{60000401-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}\\InprocServer32",
  13226. REG_SZ,
  13227. directory, strlen(directory) );
  13228. ASSERT( result, "Could not set hook 2 inproc server" );
  13229. // Register the which dll.
  13230. result = RegSetValueA(
  13232. "CLSID\\{60000402-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}\\InprocServer32",
  13233. REG_SZ,
  13234. directory, strlen(directory) );
  13235. ASSERT( result, "Could not set which hook inproc server" );
  13236. // Open the which dll inproc server key.
  13237. result = RegOpenKeyExA(
  13239. "CLSID\\{60000402-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}\\InprocServer32",
  13240. 0,
  13241. KEY_SET_VALUE,
  13242. &key );
  13243. ASSERT( result, "Could not open which dll inproc server key" );
  13244. // Register the which dll threading model.
  13245. result = RegSetValueExA(
  13246. key,
  13247. "ThreadingModel",
  13248. NULL,
  13249. REG_SZ,
  13250. (unsigned const char *) "Apartment",
  13251. strlen("Apartment") );
  13252. ASSERT( result, "Could not set which hook inproc server" );
  13253. // Close the which dll inproc server key.
  13254. RegCloseKey( key );
  13255. key = NULL;
  13256. // Open the registry key for the app id.
  13257. result = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
  13258. "AppID\\{60000300-76d7-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4}",
  13259. NULL,
  13260. NULL,
  13262. KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE,
  13263. NULL,
  13264. &key,
  13265. &ignore );
  13266. ASSERT( result, "Could not create app id key: 0x%x" );
  13267. // Write the app id.
  13268. result = RegSetValueExA(
  13269. key,
  13270. NULL,
  13271. NULL,
  13272. REG_SZ,
  13273. (UCHAR *) REG_APPID_NAME,
  13274. strlen(REG_APPID_NAME) );
  13275. ASSERT( result, "Could not set app id name: 0x%x" );
  13276. // Make a simple security descriptor allowing everyone access.
  13277. result = setup_access( key );
  13278. ASSERT( result, "Could not set up access permission" );
  13279. // Write the value to run as logged on user.
  13280. result = RegSetValueExA(
  13281. key,
  13282. "RunAs",
  13283. NULL,
  13284. REG_SZ,
  13285. (unsigned char *) REG_LOGGED_ON,
  13286. strlen(REG_LOGGED_ON) );
  13287. ASSERT( result, "Could not set RunAs value: 0x%x" );
  13288. RegCloseKey( key );
  13289. key = NULL;
  13290. // Open the registry key for the module name.
  13291. result = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
  13292. "AppID\\app.exe",
  13293. NULL,
  13294. NULL,
  13296. KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE,
  13297. NULL,
  13298. &key,
  13299. &ignore );
  13300. ASSERT( result, "Could not create module name key: 0x%x" );
  13301. // Write the app id under the module name.
  13302. result = RegSetValueExA(
  13303. key,
  13304. "AppID",
  13305. NULL,
  13306. REG_SZ,
  13307. (unsigned char *) REG_INTERFACE_CLASS,
  13308. strlen(REG_INTERFACE_CLASS) );
  13309. ASSERT( result, "Could not set appid value: 0x%x" );
  13310. RegCloseKey( key );
  13311. key = NULL;
  13312. // Compute the base application execution command.
  13313. strcpy( appname, REG_APP_EXE );
  13314. i = strlen( Debugger );
  13315. if (i != 0)
  13316. Debugger[i++] = ' ';
  13317. strcpy( &Debugger[i], directory );
  13318. i = strlen( Debugger );
  13319. // Allocate strings for the class id name keys.
  13320. class_id = (char *) _alloca( strlen(REG_CLASS_ID) + 1 );
  13321. if (class_id == NULL)
  13322. {
  13323. printf( "Could not _alloca string space.\n" );
  13324. return FALSE;
  13325. }
  13326. strcpy( class_id, REG_CLASS_ID );
  13327. // Write all the class ids.
  13328. for (j = 0; j < NUM_CLASS_IDS; j++)
  13329. {
  13330. // Adjust the id in the class strings.
  13331. class_id[14] = '0'+j;
  13332. // Open the registry key for the app id.
  13333. result = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
  13334. class_id,
  13335. NULL,
  13336. NULL,
  13338. KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE,
  13339. NULL,
  13340. &key,
  13341. &ignore );
  13342. ASSERT( result, "Could not create class id key: 0x%x" );
  13343. // Write the application class name for the apartment class.
  13344. result = RegSetValueExA(
  13345. key,
  13346. NULL,
  13347. NULL,
  13348. REG_SZ,
  13349. (UCHAR *) REG_APP_NAME[j],
  13350. strlen(REG_APP_NAME[j]) );
  13351. ASSERT( result, "Could not set interface name: 0x%x" );
  13352. // Write the application path.
  13353. strcpy( &Debugger[i], REG_APP_OPTIONS[j] );
  13354. result = RegSetValueA(
  13355. key,
  13356. "LocalServer32",
  13357. REG_SZ,
  13358. Debugger,
  13359. strlen(Debugger) );
  13360. ASSERT( result, "Could not set app exe: 0x%x" );
  13361. // Write the application id value.
  13362. result = RegSetValueExA(
  13363. key,
  13364. "AppID",
  13365. NULL,
  13366. REG_SZ,
  13367. (unsigned char *) REG_INTERFACE_CLASS,
  13368. strlen(REG_INTERFACE_CLASS) );
  13369. ASSERT( result, "Could not set appid value: 0x%x" );
  13370. RegCloseKey( key );
  13371. key = NULL;
  13372. }
  13373. printf( "Setup successful.\n" );
  13374. }
  13375. return TRUE;
  13376. cleanup:
  13377. if (key != NULL)
  13378. RegCloseKey( key );
  13379. printf( "Setup failed.\n" );
  13380. return FALSE;
  13381. }
  13382. /***************************************************************************/
  13383. void reinitialize()
  13384. {
  13385. HRESULT result;
  13386. SAptData *mine;
  13388. // Get the apartment specific data.
  13389. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  13390. mine = &ProcessAptData;
  13391. else
  13392. mine = (SAptData *) TlsGetValue( TlsIndex );
  13393. mine->what_next = quit_wn;
  13394. // Revoke the class factory.
  13395. ClassFactory->AddRef();
  13396. result = CoRevokeClassObject(Registration);
  13397. if (!SUCCEEDED(result))
  13398. {
  13399. printf( "CoRevokeClassObject failed: %x\n", result );
  13400. return;
  13401. }
  13402. // Reinitialize.
  13403. CoUninitialize();
  13404. result = initialize(NULL,ThreadMode);
  13405. if (!SUCCEEDED(result))
  13406. {
  13407. printf( "Could not reinitialize server: 0x%x\n", result );
  13408. return;
  13409. }
  13410. // Initialize security.
  13411. result = initialize_security();
  13412. if (!SUCCEEDED(result))
  13413. {
  13414. printf( "initialize_security failed: %x\n", result );
  13415. return;
  13416. }
  13417. // Register our class with OLE
  13418. result = CoRegisterClassObject(get_class(any_wc), ClassFactory, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,
  13419. REGCLS_SINGLEUSE, &Registration);
  13420. if (!SUCCEEDED(result))
  13421. {
  13422. printf( "CoRegisterClassObject failed: %x\n", result );
  13423. return;
  13424. }
  13425. // Make the server loop think we've started over.
  13426. mine->what_next = setup_wn;
  13427. mine->object_count = 0;
  13428. }
  13429. /***************************************************************************/
  13430. void server_loop( )
  13431. {
  13432. BOOL success = FALSE;
  13433. register SAptData *mine = get_apt_data();
  13434. HRESULT result;
  13435. // Do whatever we have to do till it is time to pay our taxes and die.
  13436. while ((mine->what_next == setup_wn || mine->object_count > 0) &&
  13437. mine->what_next != quit_wn)
  13438. switch (mine->what_next)
  13439. {
  13440. // Wait till a quit arrives.
  13441. case setup_wn:
  13442. case wait_wn:
  13443. wait_for_message();
  13444. break;
  13445. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  13446. case basic_async_wn:
  13447. // Wait for the begin to complete.
  13448. printf( "Waiting 2 seconds for async begin to complete.\n" );
  13449. Sleep( 2000);
  13450. // Impersonate.
  13451. result = Security->ImpersonateClient();
  13452. ASSERT( result, "Could not async impersonate" );
  13453. // Verify the token.
  13454. result = check_token( CallUser, Security, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE );
  13455. ASSERT( result, "Wrong async user" );
  13456. // Revert if not preimpersonating.
  13457. if (Preimpersonate == NULL)
  13458. {
  13459. result = Security->RevertToSelf();
  13460. ASSERT( result, "Could not async revert" );
  13461. }
  13462. // Complete the call.
  13463. result = Call->Signal();
  13464. ASSERT( result, "Could not complete async call" );
  13465. Call->Release();
  13466. Security->Release();
  13467. Call = NULL;
  13468. Security = NULL;
  13469. mine->what_next = wait_wn;
  13470. break;
  13471. #endif
  13472. case callback_wn:
  13473. callback();
  13474. mine->what_next = wait_wn;
  13475. break;
  13476. case catch_wn:
  13477. __try
  13478. {
  13479. mine->what_next = wait_wn;
  13480. server_loop();
  13481. }
  13483. {
  13484. printf( "Caught exception at top of thread 0x%x\n",
  13485. GetCurrentThreadId() );
  13486. mine->what_next = crippled_wn;
  13487. }
  13488. break;
  13489. case crippled_wn:
  13490. crippled();
  13491. break;
  13492. case impersonate_wn:
  13493. impersonate();
  13494. mine->what_next = wait_wn;
  13495. break;
  13496. case interrupt_wn:
  13497. interrupt();
  13498. break;
  13499. case interrupt_marshal_wn:
  13500. interrupt_marshal();
  13501. break;
  13502. case pound_wn:
  13503. pound();
  13504. break;
  13505. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  13506. case race_async_wn:
  13507. // Complete the call.
  13508. result = Call->Signal();
  13509. ASSERT( result, "Could not complete async call" );
  13510. Call->Release();
  13511. Security->Release();
  13512. Call = NULL;
  13513. Security = NULL;
  13514. mine->what_next = wait_wn;
  13515. break;
  13516. #endif
  13517. case reinitialize_wn:
  13518. reinitialize();
  13519. break;
  13520. case rest_and_die_wn:
  13521. Sleep(5000);
  13522. mine->what_next = quit_wn;
  13523. break;
  13524. case revert_wn:
  13525. SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  13526. Preimpersonate = NULL;
  13527. mine->what_next = wait_wn;
  13528. break;
  13529. }
  13530. success = TRUE;
  13531. cleanup:
  13532. if (!success)
  13533. Sleep( 0xfffffffe );
  13534. }
  13535. /***************************************************************************/
  13536. HRESULT setup_access( HKEY key )
  13537. {
  13538. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  13540. DWORD i;
  13541. if (ProcessSid != NULL)
  13542. {
  13543. i = GetLengthSid( ProcessSid );
  13544. sec = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) +
  13545. i*2 );
  13546. ASSERT_EXPR( sec != NULL, "Could not allocate memory." );
  13547. sec->Revision = SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION;
  13548. sec->Sbz1 = 0;
  13549. sec->Control = SE_SELF_RELATIVE;
  13550. sec->Owner = (SID *) sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR);
  13551. sec->Group = (SID *) (sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) + i);
  13552. sec->Sacl = NULL;
  13553. sec->Dacl = NULL;
  13554. memcpy( sec+1, ProcessSid, i );
  13555. memcpy( ((char *) (sec+1)) + i, ProcessSid, i );
  13556. // Write the launch permissions.
  13557. result = RegSetValueExA(
  13558. key,
  13559. "LaunchPermission",
  13560. NULL,
  13561. REG_BINARY,
  13562. (UCHAR *) sec,
  13563. sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) + 2*i );
  13564. ASSERT( result, "Could not set launch permissions" );
  13565. // Write the access permissions.
  13566. result = RegSetValueExA(
  13567. key,
  13568. "AccessPermission",
  13569. NULL,
  13570. REG_BINARY,
  13571. (UCHAR *) sec,
  13572. sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) + 2*i );
  13573. ASSERT( result, "Could not set access permissions" );
  13574. }
  13575. cleanup:
  13576. if (sec != NULL)
  13577. CoTaskMemFree( sec );
  13578. return result;
  13579. }
  13580. /***************************************************************************/
  13581. BOOL ssl_setup()
  13582. {
  13583. BOOL success = TRUE;
  13584. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  13585. HRESULT result;
  13586. HCRYPTPROV prov = 0;
  13587. DWORD len;
  13588. HCERTSTORE cert_store = NULL;
  13589. HCERTSTORE root_store = NULL;
  13590. PCCERT_CONTEXT cert = NULL;
  13591. WCHAR *principal = NULL;
  13592. CERT_CHAIN_PARA chain_para;
  13593. const CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT *chain = NULL;
  13594. CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA policy;
  13596. HCRYPTKEY key = NULL;
  13597. CERT_KEY_CONTEXT key_context;
  13598. HCRYPTHASH hash = NULL;
  13599. HCRYPTKEY session = NULL;
  13600. // Only run on NT 5.
  13601. success = FALSE;
  13602. if (!WriteCert) return TRUE;
  13603. ASSERT_EXPR( NT5, "SSL can only be setup on NT 5" );
  13604. // Get the default full provider.
  13605. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0 );
  13606. ASSERT_GLE( success, NTE_BAD_KEYSET, "Could not acqure full context." );
  13607. // If there is no container, create one.
  13608. if (!success)
  13609. {
  13610. success = CryptAcquireContext( &prov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET );
  13611. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not acqure full context." );
  13612. }
  13613. success = FALSE;
  13614. // Call CertOpenSystemStore to open the store.
  13615. cert_store = CertOpenSystemStore(prov, UserName );
  13616. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting System Store Handle" );
  13617. // Call CertOpenSystemStore to open the root store.
  13618. root_store = CertOpenSystemStore(prov, L"root" );
  13619. ASSERT_GLE( cert_store != NULL, S_OK, "Error Getting root Store Handle" );
  13620. // Write the test certificate to the store.
  13621. success = CertAddSerializedElementToStore( cert_store,
  13622. Cert20,
  13623. sizeof(Cert20),
  13625. 0,
  13627. NULL,
  13628. (const void **) &cert );
  13629. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not add serialized certificate to store" );
  13630. success = FALSE;
  13631. // Write the test certificate issuer to the cert store.
  13632. success = CertAddSerializedElementToStore( root_store,
  13633. CertSrv2,
  13634. sizeof(CertSrv2),
  13636. 0,
  13638. NULL,
  13639. NULL );
  13640. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not add serialized certificate to store" );
  13641. success = FALSE;
  13642. // Get the certificate chain.
  13643. chain_para.RequestedUsage.Usage.cUsageIdentifier = 0;
  13644. chain_para.RequestedUsage.Usage.rgpszUsageIdentifier = NULL;
  13645. chain_para.RequestedUsage.dwType = USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_AND;
  13646. chain_para.cbSize = sizeof(chain_para);
  13647. success = CertGetCertificateChain( NULL, cert, NULL, NULL, &chain_para,
  13649. &chain );
  13650. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not get certificate chain" );
  13651. success = FALSE;
  13652. // Verify that the certificate is valid.
  13653. policy.cbSize = sizeof(policy);
  13654. policy.dwFlags = 0;
  13655. policy.pvExtraPolicyPara = NULL;
  13656. status.cbSize = sizeof(status);
  13657. status.pvExtraPolicyStatus = NULL;
  13658. success = CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy( CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_SSL,
  13659. chain, &policy, &status );
  13660. ASSERT_EXPR( success, "Could not verify certificate chain" );
  13661. ASSERT_EXPR( status.dwError == 0 || status.dwError == CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE,
  13662. "Certificate chain is bad" );
  13663. success = FALSE;
  13664. // Print the fullsic principal name for the certificate.
  13665. result = RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( cert, RPC_C_FULL_CERT_CHAIN, &principal );
  13666. if (result != 0)
  13667. printf( "Could not generate fullsic principal name: 0x%x\n", result );
  13668. else
  13669. printf( "Fullsic: <%ws>\n", principal );
  13670. // Free the string.
  13671. result = RpcStringFree( &principal );
  13672. ASSERT( result, "Could not free principal" );
  13673. // Print the standard principal name for the certificate.
  13674. result = RpcCertGeneratePrincipalName( cert, 0, &principal );
  13675. if (result != 0)
  13676. printf( "Could not generate standard principal name: 0x%x\n", result );
  13677. else
  13678. printf( "Standard: <%ws>\n", principal );
  13679. /*
  13680. // Create a hash.
  13681. success = CryptCreateHash( prov, CALG_MD2, NULL, 0, &hash );
  13682. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not create hash" );
  13683. success = FALSE;
  13684. // Feed it the password.
  13685. success = CryptHashData( hash, CertPassword, sizeof(CertPassword), 0 );
  13686. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not hash password" );
  13687. success = FALSE;
  13688. // Derive a session key from the hash.
  13689. success = CryptDeriveKey( prov, CALG_RC2, hash, 0, &session );
  13690. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not derive a session key" );
  13691. success = FALSE;
  13692. */
  13693. // Import the private key.
  13694. success = CryptImportKey( prov, Cert20_Private, sizeof(Cert20_Private),
  13695. session, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &key );
  13696. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not import private key" );
  13697. success = FALSE;
  13698. // Set this key on the certificate.
  13699. key_context.cbSize = sizeof(key_context);
  13700. key_context.hCryptProv = prov;
  13701. key_context.dwKeySpec = key;
  13702. success = CertSetCertificateContextProperty( cert, CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID,
  13704. &key_context );
  13705. ASSERT_GLE( success, S_OK, "Could not set certificate key context" );
  13706. success = FALSE;
  13707. // Finally, its all over.
  13708. success = TRUE;
  13709. cleanup:
  13710. if (hash != NULL)
  13711. CryptDestroyHash( hash );
  13712. if (session != NULL)
  13713. CryptDestroyKey( session );
  13714. if (key != NULL)
  13715. CryptDestroyKey( key );
  13716. if (chain != NULL)
  13717. CertFreeCertificateChain( chain );
  13718. if (principal != NULL)
  13719. RpcStringFree( &principal );
  13720. if (cert != NULL)
  13721. CertFreeCertificateContext(cert);
  13722. if (cert_store != NULL)
  13723. CertCloseStore( cert_store, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG );
  13724. if (root_store != NULL)
  13725. CertCloseStore( root_store, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG );
  13726. if (prov != 0 )
  13727. CryptReleaseContext( prov, 0 );
  13728. if (success)
  13729. printf( "Successfully setup SSL.\n" );
  13730. else
  13731. printf( "Failed to setup SSL.\n" );
  13732. #endif
  13733. return success;
  13734. }
  13735. /***************************************************************************/
  13736. void switch_test()
  13737. {
  13738. switch (WhatTest)
  13739. {
  13740. case access_wt:
  13741. do_access();
  13742. break;
  13743. case access_control_wt:
  13744. do_access_control();
  13745. break;
  13746. case anti_delegation_wt:
  13747. do_anti_delegation();
  13748. break;
  13749. case appid_wt:
  13750. do_appid();
  13751. break;
  13752. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  13753. case async_wt:
  13754. do_async();
  13755. break;
  13756. #endif
  13757. case cancel_wt:
  13758. do_cancel();
  13759. break;
  13760. case cert_wt:
  13761. do_cert();
  13762. break;
  13763. case cloak_wt:
  13764. do_cloak();
  13765. break;
  13766. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  13767. case cloak_act_wt:
  13768. do_cloak_act();
  13769. break;
  13770. #endif
  13771. case crash_wt:
  13772. do_crash();
  13773. break;
  13774. case create_dir_wt:
  13775. do_create_dir();
  13776. break;
  13777. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  13778. case crypt_wt:
  13779. do_crypt();
  13780. break;
  13781. #endif
  13782. case cstress_wt:
  13783. do_cstress();
  13784. break;
  13785. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 )
  13786. case delegate_wt:
  13787. do_delegate();
  13788. break;
  13789. #endif
  13790. case hook_wt:
  13791. do_hook();
  13792. break;
  13793. case leak_wt:
  13794. do_leak();
  13795. break;
  13796. case load_client_wt:
  13797. do_load_client();
  13798. break;
  13799. case load_server_wt:
  13800. do_load_server();
  13801. break;
  13802. case lots_wt:
  13803. do_lots();
  13804. break;
  13805. case mmarshal_wt:
  13806. do_mmarshal();
  13807. break;
  13808. case name_wt:
  13809. do_name();
  13810. break;
  13811. case none_wt:
  13812. break;
  13813. case null_wt:
  13814. do_null();
  13815. break;
  13816. case one_wt:
  13817. do_one();
  13818. break;
  13819. case perf_wt:
  13820. do_perf();
  13821. break;
  13822. case perfaccess_wt:
  13823. do_perfaccess();
  13824. break;
  13825. case perfapi_wt:
  13826. do_perfapi();
  13827. break;
  13828. case perfremote_wt:
  13829. do_perfremote();
  13830. break;
  13831. case perfrpc_wt:
  13832. do_perfrpc();
  13833. break;
  13834. case perfsec_wt:
  13835. do_perfsec();
  13836. break;
  13837. case pipe_wt:
  13838. do_pipe();
  13839. break;
  13840. case post_wt:
  13841. do_post();
  13842. break;
  13843. case pound_wt:
  13844. do_pound();
  13845. break;
  13846. case regload_wt:
  13847. do_regload();
  13848. break;
  13849. case regpeek_wt:
  13850. do_regpeek();
  13851. break;
  13852. case regsave_wt:
  13853. do_regsave();
  13854. break;
  13855. case reject_wt:
  13856. do_reject();
  13857. break;
  13858. case remote_client_wt:
  13859. do_remote_client();
  13860. break;
  13861. case remote_server_wt:
  13862. do_remote_server();
  13863. break;
  13864. case ring_wt:
  13865. do_ring();
  13866. break;
  13867. case rpc_wt:
  13868. do_rpc();
  13869. break;
  13870. case rundown_wt:
  13871. do_rundown();
  13872. break;
  13873. case secpkg_wt:
  13874. do_secpkg();
  13875. break;
  13876. case securerefs_wt:
  13877. do_securerefs();
  13878. break;
  13879. case secure_release_wt:
  13880. do_securerefs();
  13881. break;
  13882. case security_wt:
  13883. do_security();
  13884. break;
  13885. case send_wt:
  13886. do_send();
  13887. break;
  13888. case server_wt:
  13889. do_server();
  13890. break;
  13891. case sid_wt:
  13892. do_sid();
  13893. break;
  13894. case simple_rundown_wt:
  13895. do_simple_rundown();
  13896. break;
  13897. case snego_wt:
  13898. do_snego();
  13899. break;
  13900. case ssl_wt:
  13901. do_ssl();
  13902. break;
  13903. case thread_wt:
  13904. do_thread();
  13905. break;
  13906. case three_wt:
  13907. do_three();
  13908. break;
  13909. case two_wt:
  13910. do_two();
  13911. break;
  13912. case uninit_wt:
  13913. do_uninit();
  13914. break;
  13915. case unknown_wt:
  13916. do_unknown();
  13917. break;
  13918. case ver_wt:
  13919. do_ver();
  13920. break;
  13921. default:
  13922. printf( "I don't know what to do - %d\n", WhatTest );
  13923. break;
  13924. }
  13925. }
  13926. /***************************************************************************/
  13927. DWORD _stdcall thread_helper( void *param )
  13928. {
  13929. ITest *test = (ITest *) param;
  13930. HRESULT result;
  13931. // Call the server.
  13932. result = test->sleep( 2000 );
  13933. // Check the result for multithreaded mode.
  13934. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  13935. {
  13936. if (result != S_OK)
  13937. {
  13938. printf( "Could not make multiple calls in multithreaded mode: 0x%x\n",
  13939. result );
  13940. Multicall_Test = FALSE;
  13941. }
  13942. }
  13943. // Check the result for single threaded mode.
  13944. else
  13945. {
  13946. if (SUCCEEDED(result))
  13947. {
  13948. Multicall_Test = FALSE;
  13949. printf( "Call succeeded on wrong thread in single threaded mode: 0x%x.\n",
  13950. result );
  13951. }
  13952. #if NEVER
  13953. else if (DebugCoGetRpcFault() != RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREAD)
  13954. {
  13955. printf( "Multithread failure code was 0x%x not 0x%x\n",
  13956. DebugCoGetRpcFault(), RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREAD );
  13957. Multicall_Test = FALSE;
  13958. }
  13959. #endif
  13960. }
  13961. #define DO_DA 42
  13962. return DO_DA;
  13963. }
  13964. /***************************************************************************/
  13965. DWORD _stdcall status_helper( void *param )
  13966. {
  13967. long num_calls;
  13968. long num_clients;
  13969. long total_clients;
  13970. DWORD last_time;
  13971. DWORD this_time;
  13972. DWORD rate;
  13973. // Wake up periodically and print statistics.
  13974. last_time = GetTickCount();
  13975. while (TRUE)
  13976. {
  13977. Sleep( STATUS_DELAY );
  13978. num_calls = InterlockedExchange( &GlobalCalls, 0 );
  13979. num_clients = GlobalClients;
  13980. total_clients = GlobalTotal;
  13981. this_time = GetTickCount();
  13982. if (num_calls != 0)
  13983. rate = (this_time - last_time)*1000/num_calls;
  13984. else
  13985. rate = 99999999;
  13986. printf( "Time: %d Calls: %d Clients: %d Total Clients: %d uSec/Call: %d\n",
  13987. this_time - last_time, num_calls, num_clients, total_clients,
  13988. rate );
  13989. last_time = this_time;
  13990. }
  13991. return 0;
  13992. }
  13993. /***************************************************************************/
  13994. HRESULT switch_thread( SIMPLE_FN fn, void *param )
  13995. {
  13996. MSG msg;
  13997. if (ThreadMode == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  13998. {
  13999. fn( param );
  14000. return S_OK;
  14001. }
  14002. else
  14003. {
  14004. if (PostThreadMessage( GlobalThreadId, WM_USER+1, (unsigned int) fn,
  14005. (long) param ))
  14006. {
  14007. GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 );
  14008. return S_OK;
  14009. }
  14010. else
  14011. return E_FAIL;
  14012. }
  14013. }
  14014. /***************************************************************************/
  14015. void thread_get_interface_buffer( void *p )
  14016. {
  14017. SGetInterface *getif = (SGetInterface *) p;
  14018. HANDLE memory = NULL;
  14019. IStream *stream = NULL;
  14020. LARGE_INTEGER pos;
  14021. DWORD size;
  14022. void *objref;
  14024. DWORD name_size = sizeof(name)/sizeof(WCHAR);
  14025. // Find out how much memory to allocate.
  14026. getif->status = RPC_S_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
  14027. getif->status = CoGetMarshalSizeMax( (unsigned long *) getif->buf_size,
  14028. IID_ITest, GlobalTest,
  14030. NULL,
  14032. ASSERT( getif->status, "Could not marshal server object" );
  14033. // Allocate memory.
  14034. memory = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, *getif->buf_size );
  14035. ASSERT_EXPR( memory != NULL, "Could not allocate memory." );
  14036. // Create a stream.
  14037. getif->status = CreateStreamOnHGlobal( memory, TRUE, &stream );
  14038. ASSERT( getif->status, "Could not create stream" );
  14039. // Marshal the object.
  14040. getif->status = CoMarshalInterface( stream, IID_ITest, GlobalTest,
  14042. NULL,
  14044. ASSERT( getif->status, "Could not marshal object" );
  14045. // Find the object reference in the stream.
  14046. objref = (void *) GlobalLock( memory );
  14047. // Allocate a buffer for MIDL.
  14048. *getif->buffer = (unsigned char *) midl_user_allocate( *getif->buf_size );
  14049. ASSERT_EXPR( *getif->buffer != NULL, "Could not allocate MIDL memory." );
  14050. // Copy the stream to the buffer.
  14051. memcpy( *getif->buffer, objref, *getif->buf_size );
  14052. GlobalUnlock( memory );
  14053. // Make sure that the original reference to the object gets released once.
  14054. if (InterlockedExchange( &GlobalFirst, FALSE ) == TRUE)
  14055. GlobalTest->Release();
  14056. // Return the buffer.
  14057. getif->status = RPC_S_OK;
  14058. cleanup:
  14059. if (stream != NULL)
  14060. stream->Release();
  14061. PostThreadMessage( getif->thread, WM_USER, 0, 0 );
  14062. }
  14063. /***************************************************************************/
  14064. void __RPC_USER transmit_crash_to_xmit( transmit_crash __RPC_FAR *c, DWORD __RPC_FAR * __RPC_FAR *x )
  14065. {
  14066. DWORD tmp = 1 / *c;
  14067. *x = (DWORD *) CoTaskMemAlloc( 4 );
  14068. **x = tmp;
  14069. *c -= 1;
  14070. }
  14071. /***************************************************************************/
  14072. void __RPC_USER transmit_crash_from_xmit( DWORD __RPC_FAR *x, transmit_crash __RPC_FAR *c )
  14073. {
  14074. *c = *x;
  14075. }
  14076. /***************************************************************************/
  14077. void __RPC_USER transmit_crash_free_inst( transmit_crash __RPC_FAR *x )
  14078. {
  14079. }
  14080. /***************************************************************************/
  14081. void __RPC_USER transmit_crash_free_xmit( DWORD __RPC_FAR *x )
  14082. {
  14083. CoTaskMemFree( x );
  14084. }
  14085. /***************************************************************************/
  14086. void wait_apartment()
  14087. {
  14088. HRESULT result;
  14089. SThreadList *next;
  14090. // Loop over all apartments.
  14091. next = ThreadList.next;
  14092. while (next != &ThreadList)
  14093. {
  14094. // Wait for the thread.
  14095. result = WaitForSingleObject( next->thread, INFINITE );
  14096. if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
  14097. printf( "WaitForSingleObject on thread 0x%x failed with 0x%x.\n",
  14098. next->thread, result );
  14099. // Remove the thread.
  14100. ThreadList.next = next->next;
  14101. delete next;
  14102. next = ThreadList.next;
  14103. }
  14104. }
  14105. /***************************************************************************/
  14106. void wait_for_message()
  14107. {
  14108. MSG msg;
  14109. DWORD status;
  14110. if (get_apt_type() == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  14111. {
  14112. status = WaitForSingleObject( Done, INFINITE );
  14113. if (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
  14114. {
  14115. printf( "Could not wait for event.\n" );
  14116. }
  14117. }
  14118. else
  14119. {
  14120. if (GetMessageA( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ))
  14121. {
  14122. if (msg.hwnd == NULL && msg.message == WM_USER+1)
  14123. ((SIMPLE_FN) msg.wParam)( (void *) msg.lParam );
  14124. else
  14125. {
  14126. TranslateMessage (&msg);
  14127. DispatchMessageA (&msg);
  14128. }
  14129. }
  14130. }
  14131. }
  14132. /***************************************************************************/
  14133. void wake_up_and_smell_the_roses()
  14134. {
  14135. if (get_apt_type() == COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
  14136. SetEvent( Done );
  14137. }
  14138. /***************************************************************************/
  14139. void what_next( what_next_en what )
  14140. {
  14141. SAptData *apt = get_apt_data();
  14142. apt->what_next = what;
  14143. }
  14144. /***************************************************************************/
  14145. unsigned long xacl_call( handle_t binding )
  14146. {
  14147. RPC_STATUS status;
  14148. RPC_STATUS status2;
  14149. BOOL success;
  14150. DWORD granted_access;
  14151. BOOL access;
  14152. BOOL ignore;
  14153. HANDLE token;
  14154. HANDLE none;
  14155. PRIVILEGE_SET privilege;
  14156. DWORD privilege_size = sizeof(privilege);
  14157. GENERIC_MAPPING gmap;
  14158. LARGE_INTEGER start;
  14159. LARGE_INTEGER impersonate;
  14160. LARGE_INTEGER open;
  14161. LARGE_INTEGER accesscheck;
  14162. LARGE_INTEGER setnull;
  14163. LARGE_INTEGER opennull;
  14164. LARGE_INTEGER settoken;
  14165. LARGE_INTEGER close;
  14166. LARGE_INTEGER revert;
  14167. LARGE_INTEGER freq;
  14168. #if 1
  14169. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  14170. #endif
  14171. status = RpcImpersonateClient( binding );
  14172. #if 1
  14173. QueryPerformanceCounter( &impersonate );
  14174. #endif
  14175. if (status == RPC_S_OK)
  14176. {
  14177. // Get the thread token.
  14178. success = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(),
  14180. TRUE, &token );
  14181. #if 1
  14182. QueryPerformanceCounter( &open );
  14183. #endif
  14184. if (!success)
  14185. {
  14186. printf( "Could not OpenThreadToken.\n" );
  14187. status = E_FAIL;
  14188. }
  14189. // Check access.
  14190. else
  14191. {
  14192. gmap.GenericRead = READ_CONTROL;
  14193. gmap.GenericWrite = READ_CONTROL;
  14194. gmap.GenericExecute = READ_CONTROL;
  14195. gmap.GenericAll = READ_CONTROL;
  14196. privilege.PrivilegeCount = 1;
  14197. privilege.Control = 0;
  14198. success = AccessCheck( GlobalSecurityDescriptor, token, READ_CONTROL,
  14199. &gmap, &privilege, &privilege_size,
  14200. &granted_access, &access );
  14201. #if 1
  14202. QueryPerformanceCounter( &accesscheck );
  14203. #endif
  14204. if (!success)
  14205. {
  14206. printf( "Bad parameters to AccessCheck: 0x%x.\n",
  14207. GetLastError() );
  14208. status = E_FAIL;
  14209. }
  14210. else if (!access)
  14211. {
  14212. printf( "Could not get access.\n" );
  14213. status = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
  14214. }
  14215. // Set the thread token to null.
  14216. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, NULL );
  14217. if (!success)
  14218. {
  14219. printf( "SetThreadToken null failed.\n" );
  14220. status = E_FAIL;
  14221. }
  14222. QueryPerformanceCounter( &setnull );
  14223. // Try to open a null token.
  14224. success = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(),
  14226. TRUE, &none );
  14227. if (success)
  14228. {
  14229. printf( "OpenThreadToken null succeeded.\n" );
  14230. status = E_FAIL;
  14231. }
  14232. QueryPerformanceCounter( &opennull );
  14233. // Set the thread token.
  14234. success = SetThreadToken( NULL, token );
  14235. if (!success)
  14236. {
  14237. printf( "SetThreadToken failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  14238. status = E_FAIL;
  14239. }
  14240. QueryPerformanceCounter( &settoken );
  14241. // Close the token handle.
  14242. CloseHandle( token );
  14243. #if 1
  14244. QueryPerformanceCounter( &close );
  14245. #endif
  14246. }
  14247. status2 = RpcRevertToSelf();
  14248. #if 1
  14249. QueryPerformanceCounter( &revert );
  14250. QueryPerformanceFrequency( &freq );
  14251. start.QuadPart = 1000000 * (impersonate.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14252. printf( "RpcImpersonateClient took % 10d uS\n", start.u.LowPart );
  14253. impersonate.QuadPart = 1000000 * (open.QuadPart - impersonate.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14254. printf( "OpenThreadToken took % 10d uS\n", impersonate.u.LowPart );
  14255. open.QuadPart = 1000000 * (accesscheck.QuadPart - open.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14256. printf( "AccessCheck took % 10d uS\n", open.u.LowPart );
  14257. accesscheck.QuadPart = 1000000 * (setnull.QuadPart - accesscheck.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14258. printf( "SetThreadToken null took % 10d uS\n", accesscheck.u.LowPart );
  14259. setnull.QuadPart = 1000000 * (opennull.QuadPart - setnull.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14260. printf( "OpenThreadToken null took % 10d uS\n", setnull.u.LowPart );
  14261. opennull.QuadPart = 1000000 * (settoken.QuadPart - opennull.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14262. printf( "SetThreadToken took % 10d uS\n", setnull.u.LowPart );
  14263. settoken.QuadPart = 1000000 * (close.QuadPart - settoken.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14264. printf( "CloseHandle took % 10d uS\n", settoken.u.LowPart );
  14265. close.QuadPart = 1000000 * (revert.QuadPart - close.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14266. printf( "RpcRevertToSelf took % 10d uS\n", close.u.LowPart );
  14267. #endif
  14268. if (status2 != RPC_S_OK)
  14269. status = status2;
  14270. }
  14271. return status;
  14272. }
  14273. /***************************************************************************/
  14274. unsigned long xaudit_call( handle_t binding )
  14275. {
  14276. RPC_STATUS status;
  14277. RPC_STATUS status2;
  14278. BOOL success;
  14279. DWORD granted_access;
  14280. BOOL access;
  14281. BOOL ignore;
  14282. HANDLE token;
  14283. GENERIC_MAPPING gmap;
  14284. LARGE_INTEGER start;
  14285. LARGE_INTEGER impersonate;
  14286. LARGE_INTEGER accesscheck;
  14287. LARGE_INTEGER revert;
  14288. LARGE_INTEGER freq;
  14289. #if 1
  14290. QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
  14291. #endif
  14292. status = RpcImpersonateClient( binding );
  14293. #if 1
  14294. QueryPerformanceCounter( &impersonate );
  14295. #endif
  14296. if (status == RPC_S_OK)
  14297. {
  14298. // Check access and do audits.
  14299. gmap.GenericRead = READ_CONTROL;
  14300. gmap.GenericWrite = READ_CONTROL;
  14301. gmap.GenericExecute = READ_CONTROL;
  14302. gmap.GenericAll = READ_CONTROL;
  14303. success = AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm( L"Test",
  14304. NULL,
  14305. L"Test Type Name",
  14306. L"Test Name",
  14307. GlobalSecurityDescriptor,
  14308. READ_CONTROL,
  14309. &gmap,
  14310. FALSE,
  14311. &granted_access,
  14312. &access,
  14313. &ignore );
  14314. #if 1
  14315. QueryPerformanceCounter( &accesscheck );
  14316. #endif
  14317. if (!success)
  14318. {
  14319. printf( "Bad parameters to AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm: 0x%x.\n",
  14320. GetLastError() );
  14321. status = E_FAIL;
  14322. }
  14323. else if (!access)
  14324. {
  14325. printf( "Could not get access.\n" );
  14326. status = E_FAIL;
  14327. }
  14328. status2 = RpcRevertToSelf();
  14329. #if 1
  14330. QueryPerformanceCounter( &revert );
  14331. QueryPerformanceFrequency( &freq );
  14332. start.QuadPart = 1000000 * (impersonate.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14333. printf( "RpcImpersonateClient took %duS\n", start.u.LowPart );
  14334. impersonate.QuadPart = 1000000 * (accesscheck.QuadPart - impersonate.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14335. printf( "AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm took %duS\n", impersonate.u.LowPart );
  14336. accesscheck.QuadPart = 1000000 * (revert.QuadPart - accesscheck.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;
  14337. printf( "RpcRevertToSelf took %duS\n", accesscheck.u.LowPart );
  14338. #endif
  14339. if (status2 != RPC_S_OK)
  14340. status = status2;
  14341. }
  14342. return status;
  14343. }
  14344. /***************************************************************************/
  14345. unsigned long xcheck_client( handle_t binding, error_status_t *error_status )
  14346. {
  14347. HANDLE client_token = NULL;
  14348. HANDLE server_token = NULL;
  14349. TOKEN_USER *client_sid;
  14350. TOKEN_USER *server_sid;
  14351. DWORD count;
  14352. char buffer1[100];
  14353. char buffer2[100];
  14354. HRESULT result = S_OK;
  14355. RPC_STATUS status;
  14356. HANDLE process = NULL;
  14357. // Get this process's security token.
  14358. *error_status = RPC_S_OK;
  14359. if (!OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &server_token ))
  14360. {
  14361. printf( "Could not GetProcessToken: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  14362. result = E_FAIL;
  14363. goto cleanup;
  14364. }
  14365. // Get the token's user id.
  14366. if (!GetTokenInformation( server_token, TokenUser, &buffer1, sizeof(buffer1),
  14367. &count ))
  14368. {
  14369. printf( "Could not GetTokenInformation: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  14370. result = E_FAIL;
  14371. goto cleanup;
  14372. }
  14373. server_sid = (TOKEN_USER *) &buffer1;
  14374. // Impersonate the client.
  14375. status = RpcImpersonateClient( binding );
  14376. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  14377. {
  14378. printf( "Could not impersonate client: 0x%x\n", status );
  14379. result = MAKE_WIN32( status );
  14380. goto cleanup;
  14381. }
  14382. // Get the clients security token.
  14383. if (!OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &client_token ))
  14384. {
  14385. printf( "Could not GetProcessToken: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  14386. result = E_FAIL;
  14387. goto cleanup;
  14388. }
  14389. // Get the token's user id.
  14390. if (!GetTokenInformation( client_token, TokenUser, &buffer2, sizeof(buffer2),
  14391. &count ))
  14392. {
  14393. printf( "Could not GetTokenInformation: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
  14394. result = E_FAIL;
  14395. goto cleanup;
  14396. }
  14397. client_sid = (TOKEN_USER *) &buffer2;
  14398. // Compare the client and server.
  14399. if (!EqualSid( server_sid->User.Sid, client_sid->User.Sid))
  14400. {
  14401. printf( "Client and server have different SIDs.\n" );
  14402. result = E_FAIL;
  14403. goto cleanup;
  14404. }
  14405. // Try to open this process while impersonating the client.
  14406. process = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId() );
  14407. if (process == NULL)
  14408. {
  14409. printf( "Could not open process.\n" );
  14410. result = E_FAIL;
  14411. goto cleanup;
  14412. }
  14413. // Undo the impersonation.
  14414. status = RpcRevertToSelf();
  14415. if (status != RPC_S_OK)
  14416. {
  14417. printf( "Could not revert to self: 0x%x\n", status );
  14418. result = MAKE_WIN32( status );
  14419. goto cleanup;
  14420. }
  14421. cleanup:
  14422. if (client_token != NULL)
  14423. CloseHandle( client_token );
  14424. if (server_token != NULL)
  14425. CloseHandle( server_token );
  14426. if (process != NULL)
  14427. CloseHandle( process );
  14428. return result;
  14429. }
  14430. /***************************************************************************/
  14431. void xget_interface_buffer( handle_t binding, long *buf_size,
  14432. unsigned char **buffer, SAptId *id,
  14433. error_status_t *status )
  14434. {
  14435. SGetInterface get_interface;
  14436. *buffer = NULL;
  14437. get_interface.buf_size = buf_size;
  14438. get_interface.buffer = buffer;
  14439. get_interface.thread = GetCurrentThreadId();
  14440. *status = switch_thread( thread_get_interface_buffer, (void *) &get_interface );
  14441. if (*status == RPC_S_OK)
  14442. *status = get_interface.status;
  14443. InterlockedIncrement( &GlobalClients );
  14444. InterlockedIncrement( &GlobalTotal );
  14445. }
  14446. /***************************************************************************/
  14447. unsigned long ximpersonate_call( handle_t binding )
  14448. {
  14449. RPC_STATUS status;
  14450. status = RpcImpersonateClient( binding );
  14451. if (status == RPC_S_OK)
  14452. status = RpcRevertToSelf();
  14453. return status;
  14454. }
  14455. /***************************************************************************/
  14456. void xnullcall( handle_t binding )
  14457. {
  14458. }
  14459. /***************************************************************************/
  14460. void xrelease_interface( handle_t binding, error_status_t *status )
  14461. {
  14462. *status = RPC_S_OK;
  14463. InterlockedDecrement( &GlobalClients );
  14464. }
  14465. /***************************************************************************/
  14466. void xset_status( handle_t binding, HRESULT result, error_status_t *status )
  14467. {
  14468. RawResult = result;
  14469. *status = RPC_S_OK;
  14470. SetEvent( RawEvent );
  14471. }
  14472. /***************************************************************************/
  14473. unsigned long xtest( handle_t binding, ITest *obj, SAptId id,
  14474. error_status_t *status )
  14475. {
  14476. *status = RPC_S_OK;
  14477. return obj->check( id );
  14478. }
  14479. /***************************************************************************/
  14480. unsigned long xtransitive( handle_t handle, wchar_t *binding )
  14481. {
  14482. return 0;
  14483. }