** ** OLE 2 Sample Code ** ** outline.h ** ** This file contains file contains data structure defintions, ** function prototypes, constants, etc. used by the Outline series ** of sample applications: ** Outline -- base version of the app (without OLE functionality) ** SvrOutl -- OLE 2.0 Server sample app ** CntrOutl -- OLE 2.0 Containter (Container) sample app ** ISvrOtl -- OLE 2.0 Server sample app ** CntrOutl -- OLE 2.0 Containter (Container) sample app ** ** (c) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1993 All Rights Reserved ** ** For structures which we read from and write to disk we define shadow ** structures (with the _ONDISK suffix) that allow us to maintain ** 16-bit Windows and Macintosh compatibility. ** *************************************************************************/
#if !defined( _OUTLINE_H_ )
#define _OUTLINE_H_
#include <testmess.h>
#if !defined( RC_INVOKED )
#pragma message ("INCLUDING OUTLINE.H from " __FILE__)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
// use strict ANSI standard (for DVOBJ.H)
// use system defined bitmap, this line must go before windows.h
#ifdef WIN32
#define _INC_OLE
// #define __RPC_H__
#define EXPORT
#define _fstrchr strchr
#define EXPORT _export
#define SDI_VERSION 1 // ONLY SDI version is currently supported
#if defined( OLE_SERVER ) || defined( OLE_CNTR )
#define OLE_VERSION 1
#define USE_DRAGDROP 1 // enable drag/drop code in OLE versions
#define USE_MSGFILTER 1 // enable IMessageFilter implementation
#define USE_HEADING 1 // enable the row/col headings
#define USE_STATUSBAR 1 // enable status bar window
#define USE_FRAMETOOLS 1 // enable the toolbar
#ifndef WIN32 //BUGBUG32
#define USE_CTL3D 1 // enable 3D looking dialogs
#define STRICT 1
#undef UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <ole2ui.h>
#include <olestr.h>
#include "outlrc.h"
#define APPMAJORVERSIONNO 3 // major no. incremented for major releases
// (eg. when an incompatible change is made
// to the storage format)
#define APPMINORVERSIONNO 5 // minor no. incremented for minor releases
/* Definition of SCALEFACTOR */ typedef struct tagSCALEFACTOR { ULONG dwSxN; // numerator in x direction
ULONG dwSxD; // denominator in x direction
ULONG dwSyN; // numerator in y direction
ULONG dwSyD; // denominator in y direction
#if defined( USE_FRAMETOOLS )
#include "frametls.h"
#if defined( USE_HEADING )
#include "heading.h"
/* max line height (in pixels) allowed in a listbox */ #define LISTBOX_HEIGHT_LIMIT 255
#define MAXSTRLEN 80 // max string len in bytes
#define MAXNAMESIZE 30 // max length of names
#define MAXFORMATSIZE 10 // max length of DEFDOCFORMAT (actually size is 5)
#define TABWIDTH 2000 // 2000 in Himetric units, i.e. 2cm
#define DEFFONTFACE "Times New Roman"
#define OUTLINEDOCFORMAT "Outline" // CF_Outline format name
#define IS_FILENAME_DELIM(c) ( (c) == '\\' || (c) == '/' || (c) == ':' )
// REVIEW: some of these strings should be loaded from a resource file
#define UNTITLED "Outline" // title used for untitled document
/* Macro to get a random integer within a specified range */ #define getrandom( min, max ) ((rand() % (int)(((max)+1) - (min))) + (min))
// REVIEW: should load strings from string resource file
#define APPFILENAMEFILTER "Outline Files (*.OLN)|*.oln|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
#define DEFEXTENSION "oln" // Default file extension
/* forward type references */ typedef struct tagOUTLINEDOC FAR* LPOUTLINEDOC; typedef struct tagTEXTLINE FAR* LPTEXTLINE;
** class LINE ** The class LINE is an abstract base class. Instances of class LINE ** are NOT created; only instances of the concrete subclasses of ** LINE can be created. In the base app version and the OLE 2.0 ** server-only version only TEXTLINE objects can be created. In the ** OLE 2.0 client app version either TEXTLINE objects or CONTAINERLINE ** objects can be created. The LINE class has all fields and methods ** that are common independent of which subclass of LINE is used. ** Each LINE object that is created in added to the LINELIST of the ** OUTLINEDOC document. *************************************************************************/
typedef struct tagLINE { LINETYPE m_lineType; UINT m_nTabLevel; UINT m_nTabWidthInHimetric; UINT m_nWidthInHimetric; UINT m_nHeightInHimetric; BOOL m_fSelected; // does line have selection feedback
#if defined( USE_DRAGDROP )
BOOL m_fDragOverLine; // does line have drop target feedback
/* Line methods (functions) */ void Line_Init(LPLINE lpLine, int nTab, HDC hDC); void Line_Delete(LPLINE lpLine); BOOL Line_CopyToDoc(LPLINE lpSrcLine, LPOUTLINEDOC lpDestDoc, int nIndex); BOOL Line_Edit(LPLINE lpLine, HWND hWndDoc, HDC hDC); void Line_Draw( LPLINE lpLine, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect, LPRECT lpRectWBounds, BOOL fHighlight ); void Line_DrawToScreen( LPLINE lpLine, HDC hDC, LPRECT lprcPix, UINT itemAction, UINT itemState, LPRECT lprcDevice ); void Line_DrawSelHilight(LPLINE lpLine, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect, UINT itemAction, UINT itemState); void Line_DrawFocusRect(LPLINE lpLine, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect, UINT itemAction, UINT itemState); void Line_Unindent(LPLINE lpLine, HDC hDC); void Line_Indent(LPLINE lpLine, HDC hDC); LINETYPE Line_GetLineType(LPLINE lpLine); UINT Line_GetTotalWidthInHimetric(LPLINE lpLine); void Line_SetWidthInHimetric(LPLINE lpLine, int nWidth); UINT Line_GetWidthInHimetric(LPLINE lpLine); UINT Line_GetHeightInHimetric(LPLINE lpLine); void Line_SetHeightInHimetric(LPLINE lpLine, int nHeight); UINT Line_GetTabLevel(LPLINE lpLine); int Line_GetTextLen(LPLINE lpLine); void Line_GetTextData(LPLINE lpLine, LPSTR lpszBuf); BOOL Line_GetOutlineData(LPLINE lpLine, LPTEXTLINE lpBuf); int Line_CalcTabWidthInHimetric(LPLINE lpLine, HDC hDC); BOOL Line_SaveToStg(LPLINE lpLine, UINT uFormat, LPSTORAGE lpSrcStg, LPSTORAGE lpDestStg, LPSTREAM lpLLStm, BOOL fRemember); LPLINE Line_LoadFromStg(LPSTORAGE lpSrcStg, LPSTREAM lpLLStm, LPOUTLINEDOC lpDestDoc); void Line_DrawDragFeedback(LPLINE lpLine, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect, UINT itemState ); BOOL Line_IsSelected(LPLINE lpLine);
** class TEXTLINE : LINE ** The class TEXTLINE is a concrete subclass of the abstract base ** class LINE. The TEXTLINE class holds a string that can be edited ** by the user. In the base app version and the OLE 2.0 ** server-only version only TEXTLINE objects can be created. In the ** OLE 2.0 client app version either TEXTLINE objects or CONTAINERLINE ** objects can be created. The TEXTLINE class inherits all fields ** from the LINE class. This inheritance is achieved by including a ** member variable of type LINE as the first field in the TEXTLINE ** structure. Thus a pointer to a TEXTLINE object can be cast to be ** a pointer to a LINE object. ** Each TEXTLINE object that is created in added to the LINELIST of ** the associated OUTLINEDOC document. *************************************************************************/
typedef struct tagTEXTLINE { LINE m_Line; // TextLine inherits all fields of Line
UINT m_nLength; char m_szText[MAXSTRLEN+1]; } TEXTLINE;
LPTEXTLINE TextLine_Create(HDC hDC, UINT nTab, LPSTR szText); void TextLine_Init(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, int nTab, HDC hDC); void TextLine_CalcExtents(LPTEXTLINE lpLine, HDC hDC); void TextLine_SetHeightInHimetric(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, int nHeight); void TextLine_Delete(LPTEXTLINE lpLine); BOOL TextLine_Edit(LPTEXTLINE lpLine, HWND hWndDoc, HDC hDC); void TextLine_Draw( LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect, LPRECT lpRectWBounds, BOOL fHighlight ); void TextLine_DrawSelHilight(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect, UINT itemAction, UINT itemState); BOOL TextLine_Copy(LPTEXTLINE lpSrcLine, LPTEXTLINE lpDestLine); BOOL TextLine_CopyToDoc(LPTEXTLINE lpSrcLine, LPOUTLINEDOC lpDestDoc, int nIndex); int TextLine_GetTextLen(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine); void TextLine_GetTextData(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, LPSTR lpszBuf); BOOL TextLine_GetOutlineData(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, LPTEXTLINE lpBuf); BOOL TextLine_SaveToStm(LPTEXTLINE lpLine, LPSTREAM lpLLStm); LPLINE TextLine_LoadFromStg(LPSTORAGE lpSrcStg, LPSTREAM lpLLStm, LPOUTLINEDOC lpDestDoc);
** class LINERANGE ** The class LINERANGE is a supporting object used to describe a ** particular range in an OUTLINEDOC. A range is defined by a starting ** line index and an ending line index. *************************************************************************/
typedef struct tagLINERANGE { signed short m_nStartLine; signed short m_nEndLine; } LINERANGE, FAR* LPLINERANGE;
** class OUTLINENAME ** The class OUTLINENAME stores a particular named selection in the ** OUTLINEDOC document. The NAMETABLE class holds all of the names ** defined in a particular OUTLINEDOC document. Each OUTLINENAME ** object has a string as its key and a starting line index and an ** ending line index for the named range. *************************************************************************/
#pragma pack(push, 2)
typedef struct tagOUTLINENAME { char m_szName[MAXNAMESIZE+1]; signed short m_nStartLine; // must be signed for table update
signed short m_nEndLine; // functions to work
void OutlineName_SetName(LPOUTLINENAME lpOutlineName, LPSTR lpszName); void OutlineName_SetSel(LPOUTLINENAME lpOutlineName, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, BOOL fRangeModified); void OutlineName_GetSel(LPOUTLINENAME lpOutlineName, LPLINERANGE lplrSel); BOOL OutlineName_SaveToStg(LPOUTLINENAME lpOutlineName, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, UINT uFormat, LPSTREAM lpNTStm, BOOL FAR* lpfNameSaved);
BOOL OutlineName_SaveToStg(LPOUTLINENAME lpOutlineName, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, UINT uFormat, LPSTREAM lpNTStm, BOOL FAR* lpfNameSaved); BOOL OutlineName_LoadFromStg(LPOUTLINENAME lpOutlineName, LPSTREAM lpNTStm);
** class OUTLINENAMETABLE ** OUTLINENAMETABLE manages the table of named selections in the ** OUTLINEDOC document. Each OUTLINENAMETABLE entry has a string as its key ** and a starting line index and an ending line index for the ** named range. There is always one instance of OUTLINENAMETABLE for each ** OUTLINEDOC created. *************************************************************************/
/* OutlineNameTable methods (functions) */ BOOL OutlineNameTable_Init(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineNameTable_Destroy(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable); void OutlineNameTable_ClearAll(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable); LPOUTLINENAME OutlineNameTable_CreateName(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable); void OutlineNameTable_AddName(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, LPOUTLINENAME lpOutlineName); void OutlineNameTable_DeleteName(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, int nIndex); int OutlineNameTable_GetNameIndex(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, LPOUTLINENAME lpOutlineName); LPOUTLINENAME OutlineNameTable_GetName(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, int nIndex); LPOUTLINENAME OutlineNameTable_FindName(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, LPSTR lpszName); LPOUTLINENAME OutlineNameTable_FindNamedRange(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, LPLINERANGE lplrSel); int OutlineNameTable_GetCount(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable); void OutlineNameTable_AddLineUpdate(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, int nAddIndex); void OutlineNameTable_DeleteLineUpdate(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, int nDeleteIndex); BOOL OutlineNameTable_LoadFromStg(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, LPSTORAGE lpSrcStg); BOOL OutlineNameTable_SaveSelToStg( LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, UINT uFormat, LPSTREAM lpNTStm );
** class LINELIST ** The class LINELIST manages the list of Line objects in the ** OUTLINEDOC document. This class uses a Window's Owner-draw ListBox ** to hold the list of LINE objects. There is always one instance of ** LINELIST for each OUTLINEDOC created. *************************************************************************/
typedef struct tagLINELIST { HWND m_hWndListBox; // hWnd of OwnerDraw listbox
int m_nNumLines; // number of lines in LineList
int m_nMaxLineWidthInHimetric; // max width of listbox
LPOUTLINEDOC m_lpDoc; // ptr to associated OutlineDoc
LINERANGE m_lrSaveSel; // selection saved on WM_KILLFOCUS
#if defined( USE_DRAGDROP )
int m_iDragOverLine; // line index w/ drop target feedback
/* LineList methods (functions) */ BOOL LineList_Init(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void LineList_Destroy(LPLINELIST lpLL); void LineList_AddLine(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINE lpLine, int nIndex); void LineList_DeleteLine(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nIndex); void LineList_ReplaceLine(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINE lpLine, int nIndex); int LineList_GetLineIndex(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINE lpLine); LPLINE LineList_GetLine(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nIndex); void LineList_SetFocusLine ( LPLINELIST lpLL, WORD wIndex ); BOOL LineList_GetLineRect(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nIndex, LPRECT lpRect); int LineList_GetFocusLineIndex(LPLINELIST lpLL); int LineList_GetCount(LPLINELIST lpLL); BOOL LineList_SetMaxLineWidthInHimetric( LPLINELIST lpLL, int nWidthInHimetric ); void LineList_ScrollLineIntoView(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nIndex); int LineList_GetMaxLineWidthInHimetric(LPLINELIST lpLL); BOOL LineList_RecalcMaxLineWidthInHimetric( LPLINELIST lpLL, int nWidthInHimetric ); void LineList_CalcSelExtentInHimetric( LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, LPSIZEL lpsizel ); HWND LineList_GetWindow(LPLINELIST lpLL); HDC LineList_GetDC(LPLINELIST lpLL); void LineList_ReleaseDC(LPLINELIST lpLL, HDC hDC); void LineList_SetLineHeight(LPLINELIST lpLL,int nIndex,int nHeightInHimetric); void LineList_ReScale(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPSCALEFACTOR lpscale); void LineList_SetSel(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINERANGE lplrSel); int LineList_GetSel(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINERANGE lplrSel); void LineList_RemoveSel(LPLINELIST lpLL); void LineList_RestoreSel(LPLINELIST lpLL); void LineList_SetRedraw(LPLINELIST lpLL, BOOL fEnableDraw); void LineList_ForceRedraw(LPLINELIST lpLL, BOOL fErase); void LineList_ForceLineRedraw(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nIndex, BOOL fErase); int LineList_CopySelToDoc( LPLINELIST lpSrcLL, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, LPOUTLINEDOC lpDestDoc ); BOOL LineList_SaveSelToStg( LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, UINT uFormat, LPSTORAGE lpSrcStg, LPSTORAGE lpDestStg, LPSTREAM lpLLStm, BOOL fRemember ); BOOL LineList_LoadFromStg( LPLINELIST lpLL, LPSTORAGE lpSrcStg, LPSTREAM lpLLStm );
#if defined( USE_DRAGDROP )
void LineList_SetFocusLineFromPointl( LPLINELIST lpLL, POINTL pointl ); void LineList_SetDragOverLineFromPointl ( LPLINELIST lpLL, POINTL pointl ); void LineList_Scroll(LPLINELIST lpLL, DWORD dwScrollDir); int LineList_GetLineIndexFromPointl(LPLINELIST lpLL, POINTL pointl); void LineList_RestoreDragFeedback(LPLINELIST lpLL); #endif
LRESULT FAR PASCAL LineListWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
// Document initialization type
#define DOCTYPE_UNKNOWN 0 // new doc created but not yet initialized
#define DOCTYPE_NEW 1 // init from scratch (new doc)
#define DOCTYPE_FROMFILE 2 // init from a file (open doc)
** class OUTLINEDOC ** There is one instance of the OutlineDoc class created per ** document open in the app. The SDI version of the app supports one ** OUTLINEDOC at a time. The MDI version of the app can manage ** multiple documents at one time. *************************************************************************/
/* Definition of OUTLINEDOC */ typedef struct tagOUTLINEDOC { LINELIST m_LineList; // list of lines in the doc
LPOUTLINENAMETABLE m_lpNameTable; // table of names in the doc
HWND m_hWndDoc; // client area window for the Doc
int m_docInitType; // is doc new or loaded from a file?
BOOL m_fDataTransferDoc; // is doc created for copy | drag/drop
CLIPFORMAT m_cfSaveFormat; // format used to save the doc
char m_szFileName[256]; // associated file; "(Untitled)" if none
LPSTR m_lpszDocTitle; // name of doc to appear in window title
BOOL m_fModified; // is the doc dirty (needs to be saved)?
UINT m_nDisableDraw; // enable/disable updating the display
SCALEFACTOR m_scale; // current scale factor of the doc
int m_nLeftMargin; // left margin in Himetric
int m_nRightMargin; // right margin in Himetric
UINT m_uCurrentZoom; // cur. zoom (used for menu checking)
UINT m_uCurrentMargin; // cur. margin (used for menu checking)
#if defined( USE_HEADING )
HEADING m_heading; #endif
#if defined( USE_FRAMETOOLS )
LPFRAMETOOLS m_lpFrameTools; // ptr to frame tools used by this doc
/* OutlineDoc methods (functions) */
BOOL OutlineDoc_Init(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, BOOL fDataTransferDoc); BOOL OutlineDoc_InitNewFile(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); LPOUTLINENAMETABLE OutlineDoc_CreateNameTable(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_Destroy(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); BOOL OutlineDoc_Close(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, DWORD dwSaveOption); void OutlineDoc_ShowWindow(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_FrameWindowResized( LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPRECT lprcFrameRect, LPBORDERWIDTHS lpFrameToolWidths );
void OutlineDoc_ClearCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_CutCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_CopyCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_ClearAllLines(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); LPOUTLINEDOC OutlineDoc_CreateDataTransferDoc(LPOUTLINEDOC lpSrcOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_PasteCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); int OutlineDoc_PasteOutlineData(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, HGLOBAL hOutline, int nStartIndex); int OutlineDoc_PasteTextData(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, HGLOBAL hText, int nStartIndex); void OutlineDoc_AddTextLineCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_AddTopLineCommand( LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, UINT nHeightInHimetric ); void OutlineDoc_EditLineCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_IndentCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_UnindentCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_SetLineHeightCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpDoc); void OutlineDoc_SelectAllCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_DefineNameCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_GotoNameCommand(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc);
void OutlineDoc_Print(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, HDC hDC); BOOL OutlineDoc_SaveToFile(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPCSTR lpszFileName, UINT uFormat, BOOL fRemember); void OutlineDoc_AddLine(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPLINE lpLine, int nIndex); void OutlineDoc_DeleteLine(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, int nIndex); void OutlineDoc_AddName(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPOUTLINENAME lpOutlineName); void OutlineDoc_DeleteName(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, int nIndex); void OutlineDoc_Resize(LPOUTLINEDOC lpDoc, LPRECT lpRect); LPOUTLINENAMETABLE OutlineDoc_GetNameTable(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); LPLINELIST OutlineDoc_GetLineList(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); int OutlineDoc_GetNameCount(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); int OutlineDoc_GetLineCount(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_SetTitle(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, BOOL fMakeUpperCase); BOOL OutlineDoc_CheckSaveChanges( LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPDWORD lpdwSaveOption ); BOOL OutlineDoc_IsModified(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_SetModified(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, BOOL fModified, BOOL fDataChanged, BOOL fSizeChanged); void OutlineDoc_SetRedraw(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, BOOL fEnableDraw); BOOL OutlineDoc_LoadFromFile(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPSTR szFileName); BOOL OutlineDoc_SaveSelToStg( LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, UINT uFormat, LPSTORAGE lpDestStg, BOOL fSameAsLoad, BOOL fRemember ); BOOL OutlineDoc_LoadFromStg(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPSTORAGE lpSrcStg); BOOL OutlineDoc_SetFileName(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPSTR lpszFileName, LPSTORAGE lpNewStg); HWND OutlineDoc_GetWindow(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_SetSel(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPLINERANGE lplrSel); int OutlineDoc_GetSel(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPLINERANGE lplrSel); void OutlineDoc_ForceRedraw(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, BOOL fErase); void OutlineDoc_RenderFormat(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, UINT uFormat); void OutlineDoc_RenderAllFormats(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); HGLOBAL OutlineDoc_GetOutlineData(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPLINERANGE lplrSel); HGLOBAL OutlineDoc_GetTextData(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPLINERANGE lplrSel); void OutlineDoc_DialogHelp(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wDlgID); void OutlineDoc_SetCurrentZoomCommand( LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, UINT uCurrentZoom ); UINT OutlineDoc_GetCurrentZoomMenuCheck(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_SetScaleFactor( LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPSCALEFACTOR lpscale, LPRECT lprcDoc ); LPSCALEFACTOR OutlineDoc_GetScaleFactor(LPOUTLINEDOC lpDoc); void OutlineDoc_SetCurrentMarginCommand( LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, UINT uCurrentMargin ); UINT OutlineDoc_GetCurrentMarginMenuCheck(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_SetMargin(LPOUTLINEDOC lpDoc, int nLeftMargin, int nRightMargin); LONG OutlineDoc_GetMargin(LPOUTLINEDOC lpDoc);
#if defined( USE_FRAMETOOLS )
void OutlineDoc_AddFrameLevelTools(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_SetFormulaBarEditText( LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPLINE lpLine ); void OutlineDoc_SetFormulaBarEditFocus( LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, BOOL fEditFocus ); BOOL OutlineDoc_IsEditFocusInFormulaBar(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_UpdateFrameToolButtons(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); #endif // USE_FRAMETOOLS
#if defined( USE_HEADING )
LPHEADING OutlineDoc_GetHeading(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineDoc_ShowHeading(LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, BOOL fShow); #endif // USE_HEADING
** class OUTLINEAPP ** There is one instance of the OUTLINEAPP class created per running ** application instance. This object holds many fields that could ** otherwise be organized as global variables. *************************************************************************/
/* Definition of OUTLINEAPP */ typedef struct tagOUTLINEAPP { HWND m_hWndApp; // top-level frame window for the App
HMENU m_hMenuApp; // handle to frame level menu for App
HACCEL m_hAccelApp; HACCEL m_hAccelFocusEdit;// Accelerator when Edit in Focus
LPOUTLINEDOC m_lpDoc; // main SDI document visible to user
LPOUTLINEDOC m_lpClipboardDoc; // hidden doc for snapshot of copied sel
HWND m_hWndStatusBar; // window for the status bar
HCURSOR m_hcursorSelCur; // cursor used to select lines
HINSTANCE m_hInst; PRINTDLG m_PrintDlg; HFONT m_hStdFont; // font used for TextLines
UINT m_cfOutline; // clipboard format for Outline data
HACCEL m_hAccel; HWND m_hWndAccelTarget; FARPROC m_ListBoxWndProc; // orig listbox WndProc for subclassing
#if defined ( USE_FRAMETOOLS ) || defined ( INPLACE_CNTR )
BORDERWIDTHS m_FrameToolWidths; // space required by frame-level tools
#if defined( USE_FRAMETOOLS )
FRAMETOOLS m_frametools; // frame tools (button & formula bars)
/* OutlineApp methods (functions) */ BOOL OutlineApp_InitApplication(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, HINSTANCE hInst); BOOL OutlineApp_InitInstance(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, HINSTANCE hInst, int nCmdShow); BOOL OutlineApp_ParseCmdLine(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow); void OutlineApp_Destroy(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); LPOUTLINEDOC OutlineApp_CreateDoc( LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, BOOL fDataTransferDoc ); HWND OutlineApp_GetWindow(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); HWND OutlineApp_GetFrameWindow(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); HINSTANCE OutlineApp_GetInstance(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); LPOUTLINENAME OutlineApp_CreateName(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); void OutlineApp_DocUnlockApp(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc); void OutlineApp_InitMenu(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPOUTLINEDOC lpDoc, HMENU hMenu); void OutlineApp_GetFrameRect(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPRECT lprcFrameRect); void OutlineApp_GetClientAreaRect( LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPRECT lprcClientAreaRect ); void OutlineApp_GetStatusLineRect( LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPRECT lprcStatusLineRect ); void OutlineApp_ResizeWindows(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); void OutlineApp_ResizeClientArea(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); void OutlineApp_AboutCommand(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); void OutlineApp_NewCommand(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); void OutlineApp_OpenCommand(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); void OutlineApp_PrintCommand(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); BOOL OutlineApp_SaveCommand(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); BOOL OutlineApp_SaveAsCommand(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); BOOL OutlineApp_CloseAllDocsAndExitCommand( LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, BOOL fForceEndSession ); void OutlineApp_DestroyWindow(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp);
#if defined( USE_FRAMETOOLS )
void OutlineApp_SetBorderSpace( LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPBORDERWIDTHS lpBorderWidths ); LPFRAMETOOLS OutlineApp_GetFrameTools(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); void OutlineApp_SetFormulaBarAccel( LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, BOOL fEditFocus ); #endif // USE_FRAMETOOLS
void OutlineApp_SetStatusText(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPSTR lpszMessage); LPOUTLINEDOC OutlineApp_GetActiveDoc(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); HMENU OutlineApp_GetMenu(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); HFONT OutlineApp_GetActiveFont(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); HDC OutlineApp_GetPrinterDC(LPOUTLINEAPP lpApp); void OutlineApp_PrinterSetupCommand(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp); void OutlineApp_ErrorMessage(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPSTR lpszMsg); void OutlineApp_GetAppVersionNo(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, int narrAppVersionNo[]); void OutlineApp_GetAppName(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPSTR lpszAppName); BOOL OutlineApp_VersionNoCheck(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, LPSTR lpszAppName, int narrAppVersionNo[]); void OutlineApp_SetEditText(LPOUTLINEAPP lpApp); void OutlineApp_SetFocusEdit(LPOUTLINEAPP lpApp, BOOL bFocusEdit); BOOL OutlineApp_GetFocusEdit(LPOUTLINEAPP lpApp); void OutlineApp_ForceRedraw(LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp, BOOL fErase);
/* struct definition for persistant data storage of OutlineDoc data */
#pragma pack(push, 2)
typedef struct tagOUTLINEDOCHEADER_ONDISK { char m_szFormatName[32]; short m_narrAppVersionNo[2]; USHORT m_fShowHeading; DWORD m_reserved1; // space reserved for future use
DWORD m_reserved2; // space reserved for future use
DWORD m_reserved3; // space reserved for future use
DWORD m_reserved4; // space reserved for future use
typedef struct tagOUTLINEDOCHEADER { char m_szFormatName[32]; int m_narrAppVersionNo[2]; BOOL m_fShowHeading; DWORD m_reserved1; // space reserved for future use
DWORD m_reserved2; // space reserved for future use
DWORD m_reserved3; // space reserved for future use
DWORD m_reserved4; // space reserved for future use
#pragma pack(push,2)
typedef struct tagLINELISTHEADER_ONDISK { USHORT m_nNumLines; DWORD m_reserved1; // space reserved for future use
DWORD m_reserved2; // space reserved for future use
typedef struct tagLINELISTHEADER { int m_nNumLines; DWORD m_reserved1; // space reserved for future use
DWORD m_reserved2; // space reserved for future use
#pragma pack(push,2)
typedef struct tagLINERECORD_ONDISK { USHORT m_lineType; USHORT m_nTabLevel; USHORT m_nTabWidthInHimetric; USHORT m_nWidthInHimetric; USHORT m_nHeightInHimetric; DWORD m_reserved; // space reserved for future use
typedef struct tagLINERECORD { LINETYPE m_lineType; UINT m_nTabLevel; UINT m_nTabWidthInHimetric; UINT m_nWidthInHimetric; UINT m_nHeightInHimetric; DWORD m_reserved; // space reserved for future use
/* Function prototypes in main.c */ int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow); BOOL MyTranslateAccelerator(LPMSG lpmsg); int GetAccelItemCount(HACCEL hAccel);
/* Function prototypes in outldlgs.c */ BOOL InputTextDlg(HWND hWnd, LPSTR lpszText, LPSTR lpszDlgTitle); BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT AddEditDlgProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT SetLineHeightDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT DefineNameDlgProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT GotoNameDlgProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); void NameDlg_LoadComboBox(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable,HWND hCombo); void NameDlg_LoadListBox(LPOUTLINENAMETABLE lpOutlineNameTable,HWND hListBox); void NameDlg_AddName(HWND hCombo, LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, LPSTR lpszName, LPLINERANGE lplrSel); void NameDlg_UpdateName(HWND hCombo, LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, int nIndex, LPSTR lpszName, LPLINERANGE lplrSel); void NameDlg_DeleteName(HWND hCombo, LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc, UINT nIndex); BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT AboutDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
/* Function prototypes in outldata.c */ LPVOID New(DWORD lSize); void Delete(LPVOID p);
/* Function prototypes in outlprnt.c */ BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT AbortProc (HDC hdc, WORD reserved); BOOL CALLBACK EXPORT PrintDlgProc(HWND hwnd, WORD msg, WORD wParam, LONG lParam);
/* Function prototypes in debug.c */ void SetDebugLevelCommand(void); void TraceDebug(HWND, int);
// now declare test functions
extern HWND g_hwndDriver;
void StartClipboardTest1( LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp ); void ContinueClipboardTest1( LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp );
#if defined( OLE_VERSION )
#include "oleoutl.h"
#endif // OLE_VERSION
#endif // _OUTLINE_H_