** ** OLE 2 Sample Code ** ** outldata.c ** ** This file contains LineList and NameTable functions ** and related support functions. ** ** (c) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1993 All Rights Reserved ** *************************************************************************/
#include "outline.h"
extern LPOUTLINEAPP g_lpApp;
char ErrMsgListBox[] = "Can't create ListBox!";
static int g_iMapMode;
/* LineList_Init
* ------------- * * Create and Initialize the LineList (owner-drawn listbox) */ BOOL LineList_Init(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPOUTLINEDOC lpOutlineDoc) { LPOUTLINEAPP lpOutlineApp = (LPOUTLINEAPP)g_lpApp;
#if defined( INPLACE_CNTR )
lpLL->m_hWndListBox = CreateWindow( "listbox", /* Window class name */ NULL, /* Window's title */
/* OLE2NOTE: an in-place contanier MUST use
** WS_CLIPCHILDREN window style for the window ** that it uses as the parent for the server's ** in-place active window so that its ** painting does NOT interfere with the painting ** of the server's in-place active child window. */
WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CHILDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | LBS_EXTENDEDSEL | LBS_NOTIFY | LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_USETABSTOPS, 0, 0, /* Use default X, Y */ 0, 0, /* Use default X, Y */ lpOutlineDoc->m_hWndDoc,/* Parent window's handle */ (HMENU)IDC_LINELIST, /* Child Window ID */ lpOutlineApp->m_hInst, /* Instance of window */ NULL); /* Create struct for WM_CREATE */ #else
lpLL->m_hWndListBox = CreateWindow( "listbox", /* Window class name */ NULL, /* Window's title */ WS_CHILDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | LBS_EXTENDEDSEL | LBS_NOTIFY | LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_USETABSTOPS, 0, 0, /* Use default X, Y */ 0, 0, /* Use default X, Y */ lpOutlineDoc->m_hWndDoc,/* Parent window's handle */ (HMENU)IDC_LINELIST, /* Child Window ID */ lpOutlineApp->m_hInst, /* Instance of window */ NULL); /* Create struct for WM_CREATE */
if(! lpLL->m_hWndListBox) { OutlineApp_ErrorMessage(g_lpApp, ErrMsgListBox); return FALSE; }
lpOutlineApp->m_ListBoxWndProc = (FARPROC) GetWindowLongPtr ( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, GWLP_WNDPROC ); SetWindowLongPtr (lpLL->m_hWndListBox, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) LineListWndProc);
#if defined ( USE_DRAGDROP )
/* m_iDragOverLine saves index of line that has drag/drop target
** feedback. we currently use our focus rectangle feedback for ** this. it would be better to have a different visual feedback ** for potential target of the pending drop. */ lpLL->m_iDragOverLine = -1; #endif
lpLL->m_nNumLines = 0; lpLL->m_nMaxLineWidthInHimetric = 0; lpLL->m_lpDoc = lpOutlineDoc; _fmemset(&lpLL->m_lrSaveSel, 0, sizeof(LINERANGE));
return TRUE; }
/* LineList_Destroy
* ---------------- * * Clear (delete) all Line objects from the list and free supporting * memory (ListBox Window) used by the LineList object itself. */ void LineList_Destroy(LPLINELIST lpLL) { int i; int linesTotal = lpLL->m_nNumLines;
// Delete all Line objects
for (i = 0; i < linesTotal; i++) LineList_DeleteLine(lpLL, 0); // NOTE: always delete line 0
// Remove all Lines from the ListBox
lpLL->m_nNumLines=0; DestroyWindow(lpLL->m_hWndListBox); lpLL->m_hWndListBox = NULL; }
/* LineList_AddLine
* ---------------- * * Add one line to the list box. The line is added following the * line with index "nIndex". If nIndex is larger than the number of lines * in the ListBox, then the line is appended to the end. The selection * is set to the newly added line. */ void LineList_AddLine(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINE lpLine, int nIndex) { int nAddIndex = (lpLL->m_nNumLines == 0 ? 0 : (nIndex >= lpLL->m_nNumLines ? lpLL->m_nNumLines : nIndex+1)); LINERANGE lrSel;
#if defined( USE_HEADING )
int nHeight = Line_GetHeightInHimetric(lpLine);
nHeight = XformHeightInHimetricToPixels(NULL, nHeight);
// Add a dummy string to the row heading
Heading_RH_SendMessage(OutlineDoc_GetHeading(lpLL->m_lpDoc), LB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)nAddIndex, MAKELPARAM(nHeight, 0)); #endif
lrSel.m_nStartLine = nAddIndex; lrSel.m_nEndLine = nAddIndex;
if (!lpLine) { OutlineApp_ErrorMessage(g_lpApp, "Could not create line."); return; }
SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)nAddIndex, (DWORD)lpLine);
LineList_SetMaxLineWidthInHimetric( lpLL, Line_GetTotalWidthInHimetric(lpLine) );
LineList_SetSel(lpLL, &lrSel); }
/* LineList_DeleteLine
* ------------------- * * Delete one line from listbox and memory */ void LineList_DeleteLine(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nIndex) { LPLINE lpLine = LineList_GetLine(lpLL, nIndex); BOOL fResetSel;
fResetSel = (BOOL)SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_GETSEL, (WPARAM)nIndex, 0L);
if (lpLine) Line_Delete(lpLine); // free memory of Line
// Remove the Line from the ListBox
SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)nIndex, 0L); lpLL->m_nNumLines--;
if (fResetSel) { if (nIndex > 0) { #if defined( WIN32 )
SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETSEL, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)nIndex-1 ); #else
SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETSEL, (WPARAM)TRUE, MAKELPARAM(nIndex-1,0) ); #endif
} else { if (lpLL->m_nNumLines > 0) { #if defined( WIN32 )
SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETSEL, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)0 ); #else
SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETSEL, (WPARAM)TRUE, MAKELPARAM(0,0) ); #endif
} } }
#if defined( USE_HEADING )
// Remove the dummy string from the row heading
Heading_RH_SendMessage(OutlineDoc_GetHeading(lpLL->m_lpDoc), LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)nIndex, 0L); #endif
/* LineList_ReplaceLine
* -------------------- * * Replace the line at a given index in the list box with a new * line. */ void LineList_ReplaceLine(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINE lpLine, int nIndex) { LPLINE lpOldLine = LineList_GetLine(lpLL, nIndex);
if (lpOldLine) Line_Delete(lpOldLine); // free memory of Line
else return; // if no previous line then invalid index
SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)nIndex, (LPARAM)lpLine ); }
/* LineList_GetLineIndex
* --------------------- * * Return the index of the Line given a pointer to the line. * Return -1 if the line is not found. */ int LineList_GetLineIndex(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINE lpLine) { LRESULT lRet;
if (! lpLine) return -1;
lRet = SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR)lpLine );
return ((lRet == LB_ERR) ? -1 : (int)lRet); }
/* LineList_GetLine
* ---------------- * * Retrieve the pointer to the Line given its index in the LineList */ LPLINE LineList_GetLine(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nIndex) { DWORD dWord; LRESULT lRet;
if (lpLL->m_nNumLines == 0 || nIndex > lpLL->m_nNumLines || nIndex < 0) return NULL;
lRet = SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox,LB_GETTEXT,nIndex,(LPARAM)(LPCSTR)&dWord);
return ((lRet == LB_ERR || lRet == 0) ? NULL : (LPLINE)dWord); }
/* LineList_SetFocusLine
* --------------------- * */
void LineList_SetFocusLine ( LPLINELIST lpLL, WORD wIndex ) {
SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETCARETINDEX, (WPARAM)wIndex, 0L );
/* LineList_GetLineRect
* -------------------- * * Retrieve the rectangle of a Line given its index in the LineList */ BOOL LineList_GetLineRect(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nIndex, LPRECT lpRect) { DWORD iReturn = (DWORD)LB_ERR;
if ( !(lpLL->m_nNumLines == 0 || nIndex > lpLL->m_nNumLines || nIndex < 0) ) iReturn = SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox,LB_GETITEMRECT,nIndex,(LPARAM)lpRect);
return (iReturn == LB_ERR ? FALSE : TRUE ); }
/* LineList_GetFocusLineIndex
* -------------------------- * * Get the index of the line that currently has focus (the active line). */ int LineList_GetFocusLineIndex(LPLINELIST lpLL) { return (int)SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox,LB_GETCARETINDEX,0,0L); }
/* LineList_GetCount
* ----------------- * * Return number of line objects */ int LineList_GetCount(LPLINELIST lpLL) { if (lpLL) return lpLL->m_nNumLines; else { OleDbgAssert(lpLL!=NULL); return 0; } }
/* LineList_SetMaxLineWidthInHimetric
* ---------------------------------- * * Adjust the maximum line width for the listbox. The max line width is * used to determine if a horizontal scroll bar is needed. * * Parameters: * nWidthInHimetric - if +ve, width of an additional line * - if -ve, reset Max to be the value * * Returns: * TRUE is max line width of LineList changed * FALSE if no change */ BOOL LineList_SetMaxLineWidthInHimetric(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nWidthInHimetric) { int nWidthInPix; BOOL fSizeChanged = FALSE; LPSCALEFACTOR lpscale;
if (!lpLL) return FALSE;
lpscale = OutlineDoc_GetScaleFactor(lpLL->m_lpDoc);
if (nWidthInHimetric < 0) { lpLL->m_nMaxLineWidthInHimetric = -1; nWidthInHimetric *= -1; }
if (nWidthInHimetric > lpLL->m_nMaxLineWidthInHimetric) { lpLL->m_nMaxLineWidthInHimetric = nWidthInHimetric; nWidthInPix = XformWidthInHimetricToPixels(NULL, nWidthInHimetric + LOWORD(OutlineDoc_GetMargin(lpLL->m_lpDoc)) + HIWORD(OutlineDoc_GetMargin(lpLL->m_lpDoc)));
nWidthInPix = (int)(nWidthInPix * lpscale->dwSxN / lpscale->dwSxD); SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, nWidthInPix, 0L ); fSizeChanged = TRUE;
#if defined( USE_HEADING )
Heading_CH_SetHorizontalExtent( OutlineDoc_GetHeading(lpLL->m_lpDoc), lpLL->m_hWndListBox); #endif
} return fSizeChanged; }
/* LineList_GetMaxLineWidthInHimetric
* ---------------------------------- * * Return the width of the widest line */ int LineList_GetMaxLineWidthInHimetric(LPLINELIST lpLL) { return lpLL->m_nMaxLineWidthInHimetric; }
/* LineList_RecalcMaxLineWidthInHimetric
* ------------------------------------- * * Recalculate the maximum line width in the entire list. * * Parameters: * nWidthInHimetric should be set to the width of line being removed. * nWidthInHimetric == 0 forces list to recalculate in all cases. * nWidthInHimetric == current max width => forces recalc. * * Returns: * TRUE is max line width of LineList changed * FALSE if no change */ BOOL LineList_RecalcMaxLineWidthInHimetric( LPLINELIST lpLL, int nWidthInHimetric ) { int i; LPLINE lpLine; BOOL fSizeChanged = FALSE; int nOrgMaxLineWidthInHimetric = lpLL->m_nMaxLineWidthInHimetric;
if (nWidthInHimetric == 0 || nWidthInHimetric == lpLL->m_nMaxLineWidthInHimetric) {
lpLL->m_nMaxLineWidthInHimetric = -1;
LineList_SetMaxLineWidthInHimetric(lpLL, 0);
for(i = 0; i < lpLL->m_nNumLines; i++) { lpLine=LineList_GetLine(lpLL, i); LineList_SetMaxLineWidthInHimetric( lpLL, Line_GetTotalWidthInHimetric(lpLine) ); } }
if (nOrgMaxLineWidthInHimetric != lpLL->m_nMaxLineWidthInHimetric) fSizeChanged = TRUE;
return fSizeChanged; }
/* LineList_CalcSelExtentInHimetric
* -------------------------------- * * Calculate the extents (widht and height) of a selection of lines. * * if lplrSel == NULL, calculate extent of all lines. */ void LineList_CalcSelExtentInHimetric( LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, LPSIZEL lpsizel ) { int i; int nEndLine; int nStartLine; LPLINE lpLine; long lWidth;
if (lplrSel) { nEndLine = lplrSel->m_nEndLine; nStartLine = lplrSel->m_nStartLine; } else { nEndLine = LineList_GetCount(lpLL) - 1; nStartLine = 0; }
lpsizel->cx = 0; lpsizel->cy = 0;
for(i = nStartLine; i <= nEndLine; i++) { lpLine=LineList_GetLine(lpLL,i); if (lpLine) { lWidth = (long)Line_GetTotalWidthInHimetric(lpLine); lpsizel->cx = max(lpsizel->cx, lWidth); lpsizel->cy += lpLine->m_nHeightInHimetric; } } }
/* LineList_GetWindow
* ------------------ * * Return handle of list box */ HWND LineList_GetWindow(LPLINELIST lpLL) { return lpLL->m_hWndListBox; }
/* LineList_GetDC
* -------------- * * Return DC handle of list box */ HDC LineList_GetDC(LPLINELIST lpLL) { HFONT hfontOld; HDC hDC = GetDC(lpLL->m_hWndListBox); int iXppli; //* pixels per logical inch along width
int iYppli; //* pixels per logical inch along height
SIZE size;
// Setup a mapping mode for the DC which maps physical pixel
// coordinates to HIMETRIC units. The standard MM_HIMETRIC mapping
// mode does not work correctly because it does not take into
// account that a logical inch on the display screen is drawn
// physically larger than 1 inch. We will setup an anisotropic
// mapping mode which will perform the transformation properly.
g_iMapMode = SetMapMode(hDC, MM_ANISOTROPIC); iXppli = GetDeviceCaps (hDC, LOGPIXELSX); iYppli = GetDeviceCaps (hDC, LOGPIXELSY); SetViewportExtEx(hDC, iXppli, iYppli, &size); SetWindowExtEx(hDC, HIMETRIC_PER_INCH, HIMETRIC_PER_INCH, &size);
// Set the default font size, and font face name
hfontOld = SelectObject(hDC, OutlineApp_GetActiveFont(g_lpApp));
return hDC; }
/* LineList_ReleaseDC
* ------------------ * * Release DC of list box returned from previous LineList_GetDC call. */ void LineList_ReleaseDC(LPLINELIST lpLL, HDC hDC) { SetMapMode(hDC, g_iMapMode); ReleaseDC(lpLL->m_hWndListBox, hDC); }
/* LineList_SetLineHeight
* ---------------------- * * Set the height of a line in the LineList list box */ void LineList_SetLineHeight(LPLINELIST lpLL,int nIndex,int nHeightInHimetric) { LPARAM lParam; LPOUTLINEDOC lpDoc; LPSCALEFACTOR lpscale; UINT uHeightInPix; LPHEADING lphead;
if (!lpLL) return;
lpDoc = lpLL->m_lpDoc; lphead = OutlineDoc_GetHeading(lpDoc); lpscale = OutlineDoc_GetScaleFactor(lpDoc);
uHeightInPix = XformHeightInHimetricToPixels(NULL, nHeightInHimetric);
Heading_RH_SendMessage(lphead, LB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)nIndex, MAKELPARAM(uHeightInPix, 0));
uHeightInPix = (UINT)(uHeightInPix * lpscale->dwSyN / lpscale->dwSyD);
lParam = MAKELPARAM(uHeightInPix, 0); SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox,LB_SETITEMHEIGHT,(WPARAM)nIndex, lParam); Heading_RH_SendMessage(lphead, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, (WPARAM)nIndex, lParam); Heading_RH_ForceRedraw(lphead, TRUE); }
/* LineList_ReScale
* ---------------- * * Re-scale the LineList list box */ void LineList_ReScale(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPSCALEFACTOR lpscale) { int nIndex; LPLINE lpLine; UINT uWidthInHim;
if (!lpLL) return;
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < lpLL->m_nNumLines; nIndex++) { lpLine = LineList_GetLine(lpLL, nIndex); if (lpLine) { LineList_SetLineHeight( lpLL, nIndex, Line_GetHeightInHimetric(lpLine) ); } }
uWidthInHim = LineList_GetMaxLineWidthInHimetric(lpLL); LineList_SetMaxLineWidthInHimetric(lpLL, -(int)uWidthInHim); }
/* LineList_SetSel
* --------------- * * Set the selection in list box */ void LineList_SetSel(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINERANGE lplrSel) { DWORD dwSel;
if (lpLL->m_nNumLines <= 0 || lplrSel->m_nStartLine < 0) return; // no lines in list; can't set a selection
dwSel = MAKELPARAM(lplrSel->m_nStartLine, lplrSel->m_nEndLine);
lpLL->m_lrSaveSel = *lplrSel;
/* remove previous selection */ #if defined( WIN32 )
SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETSEL, (WPARAM)FALSE, (LPARAM)-1 ); #else
SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETSEL, (WPARAM)FALSE, MAKELPARAM(-1,0) ); #endif
/* mark selection */ SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox,LB_SELITEMRANGE, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)dwSel); /* set focus line (caret) */ LineList_SetFocusLine ( lpLL, (WORD)lplrSel->m_nStartLine );
/* LineList_GetSel
* --------------- * * Get the selection in list box. * * Returns the count of items selected */ int LineList_GetSel(LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINERANGE lplrSel) { int nNumSel=(int)SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox,LB_GETSELCOUNT,0,0L);
if (nNumSel) { SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox,LB_GETSELITEMS, (WPARAM)1,(LPARAM)(int FAR*)&(lplrSel->m_nStartLine)); lplrSel->m_nEndLine = lplrSel->m_nStartLine + nNumSel - 1; } else { _fmemset(lplrSel, 0, sizeof(LINERANGE)); } return nNumSel; }
/* LineList_RemoveSel
* ------------------ * * Remove the selection in list box but save the selection state so that * it can be restored by calling LineList_RestoreSel * LineList_RemoveSel is called when the LineList window looses focus. */ void LineList_RemoveSel(LPLINELIST lpLL) { LINERANGE lrSel; if (LineList_GetSel(lpLL, &lrSel) > 0) { lpLL->m_lrSaveSel = lrSel; #if defined( WIN32 )
SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETSEL, (WPARAM)FALSE, (LPARAM)-1 ); #else
SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETSEL, (WPARAM)FALSE, MAKELPARAM(-1,0) ); #endif
} }
/* LineList_RestoreSel
* ------------------ * * Restore the selection in list box that was previously saved by a call to * LineList_RemoveSel. * LineList_RestoreSel is called when the LineList window gains focus. */ void LineList_RestoreSel(LPLINELIST lpLL) { LineList_SetSel(lpLL, &lpLL->m_lrSaveSel); }
/* LineList_SetRedraw
* ------------------ * * Enable/Disable the redraw of the linelist (listbox) on screen * * fEnbaleDraw = TRUE - enable redraw * FALSE - disable redraw */ void LineList_SetRedraw(LPLINELIST lpLL, BOOL fEnableDraw) { SendMessage(lpLL->m_hWndListBox,WM_SETREDRAW,(WPARAM)fEnableDraw,0L); }
/* LineList_ForceRedraw
* -------------------- * * Force redraw of the linelist (listbox) on screen */ void LineList_ForceRedraw(LPLINELIST lpLL, BOOL fErase) { InvalidateRect(lpLL->m_hWndListBox, NULL, fErase); }
/* LineList_ForceLineRedraw
* ------------------------ * * Force a particular line of the linelist (listbox) to redraw. */ void LineList_ForceLineRedraw(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nIndex, BOOL fErase) { RECT rect;
LineList_GetLineRect( lpLL, nIndex, (LPRECT)&rect ); InvalidateRect( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, (LPRECT)&rect, fErase ); }
/* LineList_ScrollLineIntoView
* --------------------------- * Make sure that the specified line is in view; if necessary scroll * the listbox. if any portion of the line is visible, then no * scrolling will occur. */ void LineList_ScrollLineIntoView(LPLINELIST lpLL, int nIndex) { RECT rcWindow; RECT rcLine; RECT rcInt;
if ( lpLL->m_nNumLines == 0 ) return;
if (! LineList_GetLineRect( lpLL, nIndex, (LPRECT)&rcLine ) ) return;
GetClientRect( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, (LPRECT) &rcWindow );
if (! IntersectRect((LPRECT)&rcInt, (LPRECT)&rcWindow, (LPRECT)&rcLine)) SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_SETTOPINDEX, (WPARAM)nIndex, (LPARAM)NULL ); }
/* LineList_CopySelToDoc
* --------------------- * * Copy the selection of the linelist to another document * * RETURNS: number of lines copied. */ int LineList_CopySelToDoc( LPLINELIST lpSrcLL, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, LPOUTLINEDOC lpDestDoc ) { int nEndLine; int nStartLine; LPLINELIST lpDestLL = &lpDestDoc->m_LineList; signed short nDestIndex = LineList_GetFocusLineIndex(lpDestLL); LPLINE lpSrcLine; int nCopied = 0; int i;
if (lplrSel) { nEndLine = lplrSel->m_nEndLine; nStartLine = lplrSel->m_nStartLine; } else { nEndLine = LineList_GetCount(lpSrcLL) - 1; nStartLine = 0; }
for(i = nStartLine; i <= nEndLine; i++) { lpSrcLine = LineList_GetLine(lpSrcLL, i); if (lpSrcLine && Line_CopyToDoc(lpSrcLine, lpDestDoc, nDestIndex)) { nDestIndex++; nCopied++; } }
return nCopied; }
/* LineList_SaveSelToStg
* --------------------- * * Save lines in selection into lpDestStg. * * Return TRUE if ok, FALSE if error */ BOOL LineList_SaveSelToStg( LPLINELIST lpLL, LPLINERANGE lplrSel, UINT uFormat, LPSTORAGE lpSrcStg, LPSTORAGE lpDestStg, LPSTREAM lpLLStm, BOOL fRemember ) { int nEndLine; int nStartLine; int nNumLinesWritten = 0; HRESULT hrErr = NOERROR; ULONG nWritten; LPLINE lpLine; LINELISTHEADER_ONDISK llhRecord; int i; LARGE_INTEGER dlibSaveHeaderPos; LARGE_INTEGER dlibZeroOffset; LISet32( dlibZeroOffset, 0 );
if (lplrSel) { nEndLine = lplrSel->m_nEndLine; nStartLine = lplrSel->m_nStartLine; } else { nEndLine = LineList_GetCount(lpLL) - 1; nStartLine = 0; }
/* save seek position for LineList header record */ hrErr = lpLLStm->lpVtbl->Seek( lpLLStm, dlibZeroOffset, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, (ULARGE_INTEGER FAR*)&dlibSaveHeaderPos ); if (hrErr != NOERROR) goto error;
/* write LineList header record */ hrErr = lpLLStm->lpVtbl->Write( lpLLStm, (LPVOID)&llhRecord, sizeof(llhRecord), &nWritten ); if (hrErr != NOERROR) { OleDbgOutHResult("Write LineList header returned", hrErr); goto error; }
for(i = nStartLine; i <= nEndLine; i++) { lpLine = LineList_GetLine(lpLL, i); if(lpLine && Line_SaveToStg(lpLine, uFormat, lpSrcStg, lpDestStg, lpLLStm, fRemember)) llhRecord.m_nNumLines++; }
/* retore seek position for LineList header record */ hrErr = lpLLStm->lpVtbl->Seek( lpLLStm, dlibSaveHeaderPos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL ); if (hrErr != NOERROR) goto error;
/* write LineList header record */ hrErr = lpLLStm->lpVtbl->Write( lpLLStm, (LPVOID)&llhRecord, sizeof(llhRecord), &nWritten ); if (hrErr != NOERROR) goto error;
/* reset seek position to end of stream */ hrErr = lpLLStm->lpVtbl->Seek( lpLLStm, dlibZeroOffset, STREAM_SEEK_END, NULL ); if (hrErr != NOERROR) goto error;
return TRUE;
error: #if defined( _DEBUG )
OleDbgAssertSz( hrErr == NOERROR, "Could not write LineList header to LineList stream" ); #endif
return FALSE; }
/* LineList_LoadFromStg
* -------------------- * * Load lines into linelist from storage. * * Return TRUE if ok, FALSE if error */ BOOL LineList_LoadFromStg( LPLINELIST lpLL, LPSTORAGE lpSrcStg, LPSTREAM lpLLStm ) { HRESULT hrErr; ULONG nRead; LPLINE lpLine; int i; int nNumLines; LINELISTHEADER_ONDISK llineRecord;
/* write LineList header record */ hrErr = lpLLStm->lpVtbl->Read( lpLLStm, (LPVOID)&llineRecord, sizeof(llineRecord), &nRead );
if (hrErr != NOERROR) { OleDbgOutHResult("Read LineList header returned", hrErr); goto error; }
nNumLines = (int) llineRecord.m_nNumLines;
for(i = 0; i < nNumLines; i++) { lpLine = Line_LoadFromStg(lpSrcStg, lpLLStm, lpLL->m_lpDoc); if (! lpLine) goto error;
// Directly add lines to LineList without trying to update a NameTbl
LineList_AddLine(lpLL, lpLine, i-1); }
return TRUE;
error: // Delete any Line objects that were created
if (lpLL->m_nNumLines > 0) { int nNumLines = lpLL->m_nNumLines; for (i = 0; i < nNumLines; i++) LineList_DeleteLine(lpLL, i); }
return FALSE; }
#if defined( USE_DRAGDROP )
/* LineList_SetFocusLineFromPointl
* ------------------------------- * */
void LineList_SetFocusLineFromPointl( LPLINELIST lpLL, POINTL pointl ) { int i = LineList_GetLineIndexFromPointl( lpLL, pointl );
if ( i == (int)-1) return ; else LineList_SetFocusLine( lpLL, (WORD)i ); }
/* LineList_SetDragOverLineFromPointl
* ---------------------------------- * */
void LineList_SetDragOverLineFromPointl ( LPLINELIST lpLL, POINTL pointl ) { int nIndex = LineList_GetLineIndexFromPointl( lpLL, pointl ); LPLINE lpline = LineList_GetLine( lpLL, nIndex );
if (!lpline) return;
if (! lpline->m_fDragOverLine) { /* user has dragged over a new line. force new drop target line
** to repaint so that drop feedback will be drawn. */ lpline->m_fDragOverLine = TRUE; LineList_ForceLineRedraw( lpLL, nIndex, TRUE /*fErase*/);
if (lpLL->m_iDragOverLine!= -1 && lpLL->m_iDragOverLine!=nIndex) {
/* force previous drop target line to repaint so that drop
** feedback will be undrawn */ lpline = LineList_GetLine( lpLL, lpLL->m_iDragOverLine ); if (lpline) lpline->m_fDragOverLine = FALSE;
LineList_ForceLineRedraw( lpLL,lpLL->m_iDragOverLine,TRUE /*fErase*/); }
lpLL->m_iDragOverLine = nIndex;
// Force repaint immediately
UpdateWindow(lpLL->m_hWndListBox); } }
/* LineList_Scroll
* --------------- * * Scroll the LineList list box in the desired direction by one line. * * this function is called during a drag operation. */
void LineList_Scroll(LPLINELIST lpLL, DWORD dwScrollDir) { switch (dwScrollDir) { case SCROLLDIR_UP: SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0L ); break;
case SCROLLDIR_DOWN: SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0L ); break; } }
/* LineList_GetLineIndexFromPointl
* ------------------------------- * do hit test to get index of line corresponding to pointl */ int LineList_GetLineIndexFromPointl(LPLINELIST lpLL, POINTL pointl) { RECT rect; POINT point; DWORD i;
point.x = (int)pointl.x; point.y = (int)pointl.y;
ScreenToClient( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, &point);
if ( lpLL->m_nNumLines == 0 ) return -1;
GetClientRect( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, (LPRECT) &rect );
i = SendMessage( lpLL->m_hWndListBox, LB_GETTOPINDEX, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)NULL );
for ( ;; i++){
RECT rectItem;
if (!LineList_GetLineRect( lpLL, (int)i, (LPRECT)&rectItem ) ) return -1;
if ( rectItem.top > rect.bottom ) return -1;
if ( rectItem.top <= point.y && point.y <= rectItem.bottom) return (int)i;
/* LineList_RestoreDragFeedback
* ---------------------------- * * Retore the index of the line that currently has focus (the active line). */ void LineList_RestoreDragFeedback(LPLINELIST lpLL) { LPLINE lpLine;
if (lpLL->m_iDragOverLine < 0 ) return;
lpLine = LineList_GetLine( lpLL, lpLL->m_iDragOverLine);
if (lpLine) {
lpLine->m_fDragOverLine = FALSE; LineList_ForceLineRedraw( lpLL,lpLL->m_iDragOverLine,TRUE /*fErase*/);
// Force repaint immediately
UpdateWindow(lpLL->m_hWndListBox); }
lpLL->m_iDragOverLine = -1;