// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994.
// File: bm_parse.cxx
// Contents: Implementation of Base class for generic parsers
// Classes: CTimerBase
// Functions:
// History: 16-June-94 t-vadims Created
#include <benchmrk.hxx>
#include <bm_parse.hxx>
#define MAX_INSTR_LENGTH 150
// Structure for linked list of instructions with their timings
struct SInstruction { ULONG ulID; ULONG ulTime[TEST_MAX_ITERATIONS]; SInstruction *pNext; };
// Member: CTimerBase::Setup, public
// Synopsis: Makes all neccessary initializations.
// History: 16-June-94 t-vadims Created
SCODE CTimerBase::Setup (CTestInput *pInput) { SCODE sc; char szFileName[80]; TCHAR szBuf[80];
m_iIterations = pInput->GetIterations(Name());
// get name of the script file
pInput->GetConfigString(Name(), TEXT("ScriptName"), TEXT("script.txt"), szBuf, 80);
#ifdef UNICODE
wcstombs(szFileName, szBuf, 80); #else
strcpy(szFileName, szBuf); #endif
m_fpIn = fopen(szFileName, "r"); if(m_fpIn == NULL) { Log(TEXT("Can't open script file"), STG_E_FILENOTFOUND); return STG_E_FILENOTFOUND; }
m_pParser = NULL; sc = SetParserObject(); // virtual call to setup m_pParser object.
if(m_pParser == NULL) sc = E_FAIL;
if(FAILED(sc)) { Log(TEXT("Setup failed to initialize parser object"), sc); fclose(m_fpIn); return sc; }
OleInitializeEx(NULL, pInput->GetOleInitFlag()); #else
OleInitialize(NULL); #endif
sc = m_pParser->Setup(pInput); if(FAILED(sc)) { Log(TEXT("Setup of Parser object failed"), sc); DeleteParserObject(); OleUninitialize(); fclose(m_fpIn); return sc; }
m_pHead = NULL; m_iLine = 0; return S_OK; }
// Member: CTimerBase::Cleanup, public
// Synopsis: Clean everything up.
// History: 16-June-94 t-vadims Created
SCODE CTimerBase::Cleanup () { SInstruction *pInstr, *pNextInstr;
pInstr = m_pHead; while (pInstr != NULL) { pNextInstr = pInstr->pNext; delete pInstr; pInstr = pNextInstr; } m_pHead = NULL;
m_pParser->Cleanup(); DeleteParserObject(); fclose (m_fpIn);
return S_OK; }
// Member: CTimerBase::Run, public
// Synopsis: Read and execute the script file.
// History: 16-June-94 t-vadims Created
SCODE CTimerBase::Run () { ReadFile (); ExecuteFile (); return S_OK; }
BOOL CTimerBase::IsEmptyLine (LPTSTR pszLine) { while (*pszLine) { if ( *pszLine != TEXT(' ') && *pszLine != TEXT('\n') && *pszLine != TEXT('\t')) return FALSE;
pszLine++; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CTimerBase::IsInternalID (ULONG ulID) { return (ulID >= FIRST_INTERNALID); }
// Member: CTimerBase::ReadFile, private
// Synopsis: Reads script file, adding each instruction to the
// link list.
// History: 16-June-94 t-vadims Created
SCODE CTimerBase::ReadFile () { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_INSTR_LENGTH]; SInstruction *pTail = NULL; ULONG ulID;
while ( SUCCEEDED(GetNextLine(szBuf))) // get line from file to szBuf
{ m_iLine ++; if (IsEmptyLine(szBuf)) { pTail = AddNewInstruction(pTail, BLANK_LINE); } else { ulID = m_pParser->ParseNewInstruction(szBuf);
if (ulID == INVALID_INSTRUCTION) { wsprintf(szBuf, TEXT("Invalid instruction on line %d"), m_iLine ); Log(szBuf, E_FAIL); } else if(ulID != NOT_INSTRUCTION) // valid instruction
{ pTail = AddNewInstruction(pTail, ulID); } } } return S_OK; }
// Member: CTimerBase::AddNewInstruction, private
// Synopsis: Adds new instruction to linked list
// History: 16-June-94 t-vadims Created
SInstruction *CTimerBase::AddNewInstruction(SInstruction *pTail, ULONG ulID) { SInstruction *pInstruction = new SInstruction;
pInstruction->ulID = ulID; pInstruction->pNext = NULL; INIT_RESULTS(pInstruction->ulTime);
if (m_pHead == NULL) // first instruction
{ m_pHead = pTail = pInstruction; } else { pTail->pNext = pInstruction; pTail = pInstruction; }
return pTail; }
// Member: CTimerBase::GetNextLine, private
// Synopsis: Reads the next line from the file.
// Returns E_FAIL on end of file
// History: 16-June-94 t-vadims Created
SCODE CTimerBase::GetNextLine(LPTSTR pszLine) { #ifdef UNICODE
if (fgets(szBuf, MAX_INSTR_LENGTH, m_fpIn) != NULL) { mbstowcs(pszLine, szBuf, MAX_INSTR_LENGTH); return S_OK; } #else
if (fgets(pszLine, MAX_INSTR_LENGTH, m_fpIn) != NULL) { return S_OK; } #endif
else return E_FAIL; }
// Member: CTimerBase::ExecuteFile, private
// Synopsis: Loops throug the linked list execute each command, and
// recording timings.
// History: 16-June-94 t-vadims Created
SCODE CTimerBase::ExecuteFile() { ULONG iIter; SInstruction *pInstr;
for (iIter = 0; iIter < m_iIterations; iIter++) { pInstr = m_pHead; while (pInstr != NULL) { if (!IsInternalID(pInstr->ulID)) pInstr->ulTime[iIter] = m_pParser->ExecuteInstruction(pInstr->ulID); pInstr = pInstr->pNext; } }
return S_OK; }
// Member: CTimerBase::Report, public
// Synopsis: Loops throug the linked list, outputing timings of each command.
// History: 16-June-94 t-vadims Created
SCODE CTimerBase::Report (CTestOutput &output) { SInstruction *pInstr = m_pHead;
output.WriteSectionHeader (Name(), SectionHeader(), *m_pInput); output.WriteString (TEXT("\n"));
while (pInstr != NULL) { if (pInstr->ulID == BLANK_LINE) output.WriteString (TEXT("\n")); else output.WriteResults (m_pParser->InstructionName(pInstr->ulID), m_iIterations, pInstr->ulTime);
pInstr = pInstr->pNext; }
return S_OK; }