// Microsoft OLE
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994-1995.
// File: convert.cxx
// Contents: Conversion functions for various things.
// Classes:
// Functions: TStrToWStr
// WStrToTStr
// MakeUnicodeString
// MakeSingleByteString
// History: 20-Feb-95 AlexE Created
// 29-Jan-98 FarzanaR Ported from ctoleui tree
#include <dfheader.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// Debug Object declaration
// Function: TStrToWStr
// Synopsis: Converts a TCHAR string to a WCHAR string
// Arguments: [pszSource] -- The string to convert, NULL is valid
// [ppszDest] -- The location to store the new string
// Returns: S_OK if the conversion was successful, another HRESULT
// if it was not.
// History: 4-20-95 kennethm Created
// Notes: If unicode is defined this function allocates memory for
// the new string and does a simple 'strcpy'.
// If unicode is NOT defined, a CHAR to WCHAR conversion is
// performed.
// If *ppszDest is non NULL when this function returns, the
// caller is responsible for freeing the memory allocated at
// [*ppszDest]
HRESULT TStrToWStr(LPCTSTR pszSource, LPWSTR *ppszDest) { //
// Make sure the destination is a valid address
if (IsBadWritePtr(ppszDest, sizeof(ppszDest))) { DH_ASSERT(!"TStrToWStr(): Bad destination pointer"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (IsBadReadPtr(pszSource, sizeof(TCHAR))) { DH_ASSERT(!"TStrToWStr(): Bad source pointer"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ('\0' == *pszSource) { *ppszDest = NULL; DH_ASSERT(!"TStrToWStr(): Source string is empty"); return E_INVALIDARG ; }
#ifdef UNICODE
// If we're in a unicode world then this whole thing was in vain
// but we allocate memory and copy the string anyhow
*ppszDest = new WCHAR[lstrlen(pszSource) + 1];
if (NULL == *ppszDest) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
lstrcpy(*ppszDest, pszSource);
return S_OK;
// Otherwise we do the conversion
return MakeUnicodeString(pszSource, ppszDest);
// Function: WStrToTStr
// Synopsis: Converts a WCHAR string into a TCHAR string
// Arguments: [pszSource] -- The string to convert, NULL is valid
// [ppszDest] -- The location to store the new string
// Returns: S_OK if the conversion was successful, another HRESULT
// if not.
// History: 12-May-1995 alexe Created
// Notes: If unicode is defined this function allocates memory for
// the new string and does a simple 'strcpy'.
// If unicode is NOT defined, a WCHAR to CHAR conversion is
// performed.
// If *ppszDest is non NULL when this function returns, the
// caller is responsible for freeing the memory allocated at
// [*ppszDest]
HRESULT WStrToTStr(LPCWSTR pszSource, LPTSTR *ppszDest) { //
// Make sure the destination is a valid address
if (IsBadWritePtr(ppszDest, sizeof(ppszDest))) { DH_ASSERT(!"WStrToTStr(): Bad destination pointer"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (IsBadReadPtr(pszSource, sizeof(WCHAR))) { DH_ASSERT(!"WStrToTStr(): Bad source pointer"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ('\0' == *pszSource) { *ppszDest = NULL; DH_ASSERT(!"WStrToTStr(): Source string is empty"); return E_INVALIDARG ; }
#ifdef UNICODE
// If we're in a unicode world then this whole thing was in vain
// but we allocate memory and copy the string anyhow
*ppszDest = new WCHAR[lstrlen(pszSource) + 1];
if (NULL == *ppszDest) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
lstrcpy(*ppszDest, pszSource);
return S_OK;
// Otherwise we do the conversion
return MakeSingleByteString(pszSource, ppszDest);
// Member: MakeUnicodeString
// Synopsis: Converts an LPCSTR into an LPWSTR. This function is
// intended to be a helper function for other functions,
// TStrToWStr() in particular, so it does NOT do any
// parameter validation.
// Arguments: [pszSource] - The string to convert.
// [ppszDest] - A place to put pointer to new string.
// Returns: S_OK if all goes well, another HRESULT if not.
// Remarks: The user of this function is responsible for freeing
// the memory allocated by this function using the
// current 'delete' operator implementation.
// History: 07-Mar-95 AlexE Created
// 28-Mar-95 AlexE Moved from strhelp.cxx
HRESULT MakeUnicodeString(LPCSTR pszSource, LPWSTR *ppszDest) { HRESULT hr = S_OK ; INT nLen = 0 ; LPWSTR pszTmp = NULL ;
// Find the length of the string in UNICODE
SetLastError(0) ;
nLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pszSource, -1, NULL, 0) ;
DH_ASSERT(0 != nLen) ;
pszTmp = new WCHAR [ nLen + 1 ] ;
if (NULL == pszTmp) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { SetLastError(0) ;
if (nLen != MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pszSource, -1, pszTmp, nLen)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ;
DH_ASSERT(S_OK == hr) ; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { *ppszDest = pszTmp ; } else { if (NULL != pszTmp) { delete pszTmp ; } }
return hr ; }
// Member: MakeSingleByteString
// Synopsis: Converts an LPCWSTR into an LPSTR. This function is
// intended to be a helper function for other functions,
// WStrToTStr() in particular, so it does NOT do any
// parameter validation.
// Arguments: [pszSource] - The string to convert.
// [ppszDest] - A place to put pointer to new string.
// Returns: S_OK if all goes well, another HRESULT if not.
// Remarks: The user of this function is responsible for freeing
// the memory allocated by this function using the
// current 'delete' operator implementation.
// History: 07-Mar-95 AlexE Created
// 28-Mar-95 AlexE Moved from strhelp.cxx
HRESULT MakeSingleByteString(LPCWSTR pszSource, LPSTR *ppszDest) { HRESULT hr = S_OK ; INT nLen ; LPSTR pszTmp ;
SetLastError(0) ;
nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pszSource, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) ;
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ;
pszTmp = new CHAR[ nLen + 1 ] ;
if (NULL == pszTmp) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY ; }
if (S_OK == hr) { SetLastError(0) ;
if (nLen != WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pszSource, -1, pszTmp, nLen, NULL, NULL)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ;
DH_ASSERT(S_OK == hr) ; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { *ppszDest = pszTmp ; } else { if (NULL != pszTmp) { delete pszTmp ; } }
return hr ; }