// Microsoft OLE
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1997.
// File: miscutil.cpp
// Contents: General utility functions for storage
// VerifyResult
// RunningDebugOle
// WaitForObjectsAndProcessMessages
// Hex
// EnumLocalDrives
// Functions:
// History: 07/29/97 SCousens Created
#include <dfheader.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// Debug Object declaration
// Function: VerifyResult
// Synopsis: Check to see if a HRESULT has the expected value
// Parameters: [hrCheck] -- the HRESULT to check
// [hrExpected] -- the HRESULT expected
// Returns: S_OK if the HRESULT's match. If they don't match and the
// and the actual result was a failure, then that result is
// returned (preserving the original failure). Otherwise
// E_FAIL is returned.
// History: 28-Jun-95 MikeW Created
// Notes: The main advantages of this routine over DH_HRCHECK is that
// it puts out more diagnostic messages and that it's easier
// to verify values where hr != S_OK.
HRESULT VerifyResult(HRESULT hrCheck, HRESULT hrExpected) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DH_FUNCENTRY(&hr, DH_LVL_TRACE2, TEXT("VerifyResult"));
hrCheck = FixHr (hrCheck);
if (hrCheck != hrExpected) { DH_TRACE(( DH_LVL_ERROR, TEXT("HRESULT == 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x"), hrCheck, hrExpected));
if (FAILED(hrCheck)) { hr = hrCheck; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } }
return hr; }
// Method: Hex
// Synopsis: Converts a hex char to integer
// Parameters: [ch] -- character to convert
// History: 03-Nov-97 BogdanT Created
// Comments: This function asserts if the character is passing chars
// outside the hexadecimal range
UINT Hex(CHAR ch) { if('0'<=ch && ch<='9') return ch-'0'; if('a'<=ch && ch<='f') return 10+ch-'a'; if('A'<=ch && ch<='F') return 10+ch-'A';
DH_ASSERT(!TEXT("Non hexadecimal char passed to Hex()")); return '\0'; }
// Function: EnumLocalDrives
// Synopsis: Enumerates all local drives (except A:, B:)
// and returns a 32bit drive mask to show
// availablity of FIXED, REMOVABLE, RAM disks.
// Return : ULONG bitmask
// return value: bit set drive present.
// A:=bit 0, B:=bit 1, C:=bit 2 D:=bit 3.
// bits 0,1 always off (ignore A:, B:)
// History: 10-Oct-97 scousens created.
ULONG EnumLocalDrives() { #ifdef _MAC
return 0L; #else
ULONG ulMask, ulMap = 0L; TCHAR szDrive[3] = {TEXT("C:")};
ulMap = 0L; // We don't have A:, B:
ulMask = 0x04L ; do { switch (GetDriveType(szDrive)) { case DRIVE_FIXED : //The disk cannot be removed from the drive.
case DRIVE_RAMDISK : //The drive is a RAM disk.
case DRIVE_REMOVABLE : //The disk can be removed from the drive.
ulMap |= ulMask; break; //case DRIVE_UNKNOWN : //The drive type cannot be determined.
//case DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR : //The root directory does not exist.
//case DRIVE_REMOTE : //The drive is a remote (network) drive.
//case DRIVE_CDROM : //The drive is a CD-ROM drive.
default: break; }
ulMask <<= 1; ++*szDrive; } while (*szDrive <= TCHAR('Z')); return (ulMap); #endif //_MAC
// Function: WaitForObjectsAndProcessMessages
// Synopsis: Processes windows messages for all windows on the
// current thread and waits for provided events to be
// signalled.
// Arguments: [pHandles] - A pointer to an array of handles to wait
// on. These handles must be Windows thread
// synchronization objects.
// [dwCount] - The count of handles in [pHandles]
// [fWaitAll] - TRUE to wait for all objects in [pHandles];
// FALSE to wait for only one.
// [dwMilliSeconds] - Milliseconds to wait; can be INFINITE
// Returns: The return value from MsgWaitForMultipleObjects()
// History: 18-Sept-1995 AlexE Created
DWORD WaitForObjectsAndProcessMessages( LPHANDLE pHandles, DWORD dwCount, BOOL fWaitAll, DWORD dwMilliSeconds) { MSG msg ; DWORD dwWaitResult ; BOOL fGotQuitMessage = FALSE ; int nQuitExitCode = 0;
for (;;) { //
// Wait on supplied events; only wake up if we need
// to process a message - we force QS_ALLINPUT here
// to make sure that ALL windows on this thread have
// their messages processed.
dwWaitResult = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( dwCount, pHandles, fWaitAll, dwMilliSeconds, QS_ALLINPUT) ;
// If one or all of our objects has become signalled,
// return the value to the caller
if ( (dwWaitResult < (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + dwCount)) && (dwWaitResult >= WAIT_OBJECT_0) ) { break ; }
// If a message is in the queue, wake up, process the
// message, and call MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() again.
else if ( (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + dwCount) == dwWaitResult) { while (FALSE != PeekMessage( &msg, (HWND) 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (WM_QUIT == msg.message) { DH_ASSERT(FALSE == fGotQuitMessage) ;
fGotQuitMessage = TRUE ; nQuitExitCode = (int) msg.wParam ; } else { TranslateMessage(&msg) ; DispatchMessage(&msg) ; } } }
// Else, some unusual situation has occurred; we
// can just assert in this case and break out of
// the loop
else { DH_ASSERT(!"MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() error") ;
break ; } }
// If we got a WM_QUIT while waiting for the event re-post it now
if (fGotQuitMessage) { PostQuitMessage(nQuitExitCode); }
return dwWaitResult ; }
// Function: RunningDebugOle
// Synopsis: Determines if were running under debug Ole
// Parameters: None
// Returns: S_OK -- Debug Ole
// S_FALSE -- Retail Ole
// HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) -- Ole is not loaded
// Algorithm: Since there's no official way to tell if were running debug
// Ole or not, we have to fall back to checking for debug-only
// exports - we use "DumpATOM" here.
// History: 13-Nov-95 MikeW Created
HRESULT RunningDebugOle() { HMODULE hModOle;
hModOle = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("OLE32"));
if (NULL == hModOle) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
if (NULL == GetProcAddress(hModOle, "DumpATOM")) { return S_FALSE; }
return S_OK; }