// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: ilbmem.cx
// Contents: ILockBytes memory implementation
// Classes: CMapBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
#include "headers.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <memory.h>
#include <ilb.hxx>
#if DBG == 1
// Member: CMapBytes::CMapBytes, public
// Synopsis: constructor
// Effects: initialize member variables
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
// Notes: Returns a fully initialized CMapBytes (ref count == 1)
CMapBytes::CMapBytes(void) { _ulSize = 0; _pv = 0;
_ulRef = 1; }
// Member: CMapBytes::QueryInterface, public
// Arguments: [riid] - interface id
// [ppvObj] - place holder for interface
// Returns: Always fails
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
// Notes: Not used in tests
STDMETHODIMP CMapBytes::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) { *ppvObj = NULL; return ResultFromScode(STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION); }
// Member: CMapBytes::AddRef, public
// Synopsis: add reference
// Returns: post reference count
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CMapBytes::AddRef(void) { AtomicInc(&_ulRef); return(_ulRef); }
// Member: CMapBytes::Release, public
// Synopsis: release reference
// Effects: deletes object when reference count reaches zero
// Returns: post reference count
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CMapBytes::Release(void) { AtomicDec(&_ulRef);
if (_ulRef > 0) return(_ulRef);
delete this;
return(0); }
// Member: CMapBytes::ReadAt
// Synopsis: Reads bytes from memory
// Arguments: [ulOffset] - byte offset
// [pv] - input buffer
// [cb] - count of bytes to read
// [pcbRead] - count of bytes read
// Returns: SCODE
// Modifies: pv, pcbRead
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 30-Oct-92 AlexT Created
STDMETHODIMP CMapBytes::ReadAt(ULARGE_INTEGER uliOffset, VOID HUGEP *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbRead) { olAssert(ULIGetHigh(uliOffset) == 0);
ULONG ulOffset = ULIGetLow(uliOffset); if (ulOffset >= _ulSize) { // truncate read
cb = 0; } else if (cb > (_ulSize - ulOffset)) { // truncate range that exceeds size
cb = _ulSize - ulOffset; }
memcpy(pv, (void*)(((BYTE*)_pv) + ulOffset), (size_t) cb); *pcbRead = cb; return NOERROR; }
// Member: CMapBytes::WriteAt, public
// Synopsis: Writes bytes to memory
// Effects: May change memory size
// Arguments: [uliOffset] - byte offset
// [pv] - output buffer
// [cb] - count of bytes to write
// [pcbWritten] - count of bytes written
// Returns: SCODE
// Modifies: pcbWritten
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
// Notes: This implementation doesn't write partial buffers.
STDMETHODIMP CMapBytes::WriteAt(ULARGE_INTEGER uliOffset, VOID const HUGEP *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG FAR *pcbWritten) { olAssert(ULIGetHigh(uliOffset) == 0);
ULONG ulOffset = ULIGetLow(uliOffset); HRESULT hr;
if (ulOffset + cb > _ulSize) { // increase memory buffer to accomodate write
ULISetHigh(uliSize, 0); ULISetLow(uliSize, ulOffset + cb); hr = SetSize(uliSize);
if (FAILED(DfGetScode(hr))) { // don't bother writing partial buffers
*pcbWritten = 0; return hr; } }
memcpy((void *)(((BYTE*)_pv) + ulOffset), pv, (size_t) cb); *pcbWritten = cb; return NOERROR; }
// Member: CMapBytes::Flush, public
// Synopsis: flushes memory - not appropriate for this implementation
// Effects: none
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
STDMETHODIMP CMapBytes::Flush(void) { return NOERROR; }
// Member: CMapBytes::GetSize, public
// Synopsis: gets memory buffer size
// Arguments: [pcb] - size place holder
// Modifies: pcb
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
STDMETHODIMP CMapBytes::GetSize(ULARGE_INTEGER FAR *pcb) { ULISetHigh(*pcb, 0); ULISetLow(*pcb, _ulSize); return NOERROR; }
// Member: CMapBytes::SetSize, public
// Synopsis: sets memory buffer size
// Effects: may change buffer size
// Arguments: [ulicb] - new memory size
// Returns: SCODE
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// Algorithm: realloc the buffer
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
STDMETHODIMP CMapBytes::SetSize(ULARGE_INTEGER ulicb) { olAssert(ULIGetHigh(ulicb) == 0);
ULONG cb = ULIGetLow(ulicb);
if (cb == _ulSize) return NOERROR;
void *pv = realloc(_pv, (size_t) cb);
if ((cb > 0) && (pv == NULL)) { // Unable to allocate memory
// Leave current memory and size alone
return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
_pv = pv; _ulSize = cb;
return NOERROR; }
// Member: CMapBytes::LockRegion, public
// Synopsis: not supported (intentionally)
// Effects: asserts if called
// Arguments: [libOffset] - lock range offset
// [cb] - lock range size
// [dwLockType] - lock type
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
STDMETHODIMP CMapBytes::LockRegion(ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType) { olAssert(0 && "Can't lock CMapBytes"); return ResultFromScode(STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION); }
// Member: CMapBytes::UnLockRegion, public
// Synopsis: not supported (intentionally)
// Effects: asserts if called
// Arguments: [libOffset] - lock range offset
// [cb] - lock range size
// [dwLockType] - lock type
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
STDMETHODIMP CMapBytes::UnlockRegion(ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType) { olAssert(0 && "Can't unlock CMapBytes"); return ResultFromScode(STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION); }
// Member: CMapBytes::Stat, public
// Synopsis: Provide instance information
// Arguments: [pstatstg] - status buffer
// [grfStatFlag] - status flags
// Returns: SCODE
// Modifies: pstatstg
// Derivation: ILockBytes
// History: 06-Nov-92 AlexT Created
// Notes: No time stamps
STDMETHODIMP CMapBytes::Stat(STATSTG FAR *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag) { memset(pstatstg, 0, sizeof(STATSTG));
if ((grfStatFlag & STATFLAG_NONAME) == 0) { static char const abName[] = "Memory";
if (FAILED(DfGetScode(hr = drtMemAlloc(sizeof(abName), (void **) &pstatstg->pwcsName)))) return hr;
memcpy(pstatstg->pwcsName, abName, sizeof(abName)); }
pstatstg->type = STGTY_LOCKBYTES;
ULISetHigh(pstatstg->cbSize, 0); ULISetLow(pstatstg->cbSize, _ulSize);
return NOERROR; }