Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: cgdump.cxx
A debug code generation object dumper.
VibhasC Aug-13-1993 Created. mzoran Nov-15-1999 Modified to print tree. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
// Characters for class graph dumper
#if defined(WIN32)
const char CharElbow = '�'; const char CharTee = '�'; const char CharVLine = '�'; const char StringTeeLine[] = "����"; const char StringElbowLine[] = "����";
const char CharElbow = '\\'; const char CharTee = '>'; const char CharVLine = '|'; const char StringTeeLine[] = ">---"; const char StringElbowLine[] = "\\---";
typedef PTR_SET<CG_CLASS> CG_DUMP_SET; typedef MAP<CG_CLASS*, unsigned long> CG_DUMP_MAP;
const char * DoGetAdditionalDumpInfo( CG_CLASS *pClass ) { if ( ( dynamic_cast<CG_FILE*>( pClass ) != NULL ) && ( static_cast<CG_FILE*>( pClass )->GetFileName() != NULL ) ) { return static_cast<CG_FILE*>( pClass )->GetFileName(); } else if ( ( dynamic_cast<CG_HANDLE*>( pClass ) != NULL ) && ( static_cast<CG_HANDLE*>( pClass )->GetHandleType() != NULL ) && ( static_cast<CG_HANDLE*>( pClass )->GetHandleType()->GetSymName() != NULL ) ) { return static_cast<CG_HANDLE*>( pClass )->GetHandleType()->GetSymName(); } else if ( dynamic_cast<CG_FIELD*>( pClass ) != NULL ) { CG_FIELD *pField = dynamic_cast<CG_FIELD*>( pClass ); size_t Length = strlen(pField->GetSymName()) + strlen(pField->GetPrintPrefix()) + 1; char *p = new char[Length]; strcpy( p, pField->GetPrintPrefix() ); strcat( p, pField->GetSymName() ); return p; } else if ( ( pClass->GetType() != NULL ) && ( pClass->GetType()->GetSymName() != NULL ) ) { return pClass->GetType()->GetSymName(); } else { return ""; } }
unsigned long DoDumpCGClassList( CG_CLASS *pClass, CG_DUMP_MAP & DumpMap, unsigned long & LastNodeNum ) {
if ( pClass == NULL ) return 0;
// See if this node has already been printed
unsigned long Me; if ( DumpMap.Lookup( pClass, &Me ) ) return Me;
Me = ++LastNodeNum; DumpMap.Insert( pClass, Me );
CG_CLASS * pChild = pClass->GetChild(); CG_CLASS * pSibling= pClass->GetSibling();
CG_CLASS *pReturnType; if ( ( dynamic_cast<CG_PROC*>( pClass ) != NULL ) && ( ( pReturnType = static_cast<CG_PROC*>( pClass )->GetReturnType() ) != NULL ) ) { DoDumpCGClassList( pReturnType, DumpMap, LastNodeNum ); }
unsigned long Ch = DoDumpCGClassList( pChild, DumpMap, LastNodeNum ); unsigned long Si = DoDumpCGClassList( pSibling, DumpMap, LastNodeNum ); const char *pName = typeid( *pClass ).name(); const char *pAdditionalInfo = DoGetAdditionalDumpInfo( pClass );
fprintf( stderr, "%30s : %.4d(0x%p) : Ch = %.4d, Si = %.4d %s\n", pName, Me, pClass, Ch, Si, pAdditionalInfo ); return Me; }
void DoDumpCGClassList( CG_CLASS *pClass, CG_DUMP_MAP *pDumpMap = NULL ) { unsigned long NodeNum = 0; if ( NULL == pDumpMap ) { CG_DUMP_MAP DumpMap; DoDumpCGClassList( pClass, DumpMap, NodeNum ); } else DoDumpCGClassList( pClass, *pDumpMap, NodeNum ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); }
void DoDumpCGClassGraph( CG_CLASS *pClass, CG_DUMP_MAP * pDumpMap, CG_DUMP_SET & DumpSet, const char *pPrefixString ) { if ( pClass == NULL ) return; //
// Print Myself
unsigned long Me; BOOL LookupResult = pDumpMap->Lookup( pClass, &Me ); MIDL_ASSERT( LookupResult );
fprintf( stderr, "%s%s, %.4d(0x%p), %s\n", pPrefixString, typeid( *pClass ).name(), Me, pClass, DoGetAdditionalDumpInfo( pClass ) );
// If this node has already been printed, do not print children.
if ( DumpSet.Lookup( pClass ) ) return;
DumpSet.Insert( pClass );
// Copy old prefix
const size_t PrevStrLen = strlen( pPrefixString ); const size_t NewStringLength = PrevStrLen + 4 + sizeof('\0'); char *pNewPrefix = new char[ NewStringLength ]; char *pNewPrefixTail = pNewPrefix + PrevStrLen; memset( pNewPrefix, 0xBD, NewStringLength ); memcpy( pNewPrefix, pPrefixString, PrevStrLen + 1 );
// Modify the previous characters. If this was the last child,
// convert previous 4 characters to spaces, otherwise convert
// to a line with spaces.
if ( PrevStrLen >= 4 ) { pNewPrefix[PrevStrLen - 3] = ' '; pNewPrefix[PrevStrLen - 2] = ' '; pNewPrefix[PrevStrLen - 1] = ' '; if (pNewPrefix[PrevStrLen - 4] == CharElbow) pNewPrefix[PrevStrLen - 4] = ' '; else if ( pNewPrefix[PrevStrLen - 4] == CharTee ) pNewPrefix[PrevStrLen - 4] = CharVLine; else MIDL_ASSERT( false ); }
gplistmgr Children; pClass->GetMembers( Children ); //
// Add return type for procs
CG_CLASS *pReturnType; if ( ( dynamic_cast<CG_PROC*>( pClass ) != NULL ) && ( ( pReturnType = static_cast<CG_PROC*>( pClass )->GetReturnType() ) != NULL ) ) { Children.InsertHead( pReturnType ); }
CG_CLASS *pChild; CG_CLASS *pNext; ITERATOR_INIT( Children ); if ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Children, pChild ) ) { for(;;) { if ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Children, pNext ) ) { //
// Additional children follow
memcpy( pNewPrefixTail, StringTeeLine, sizeof(StringTeeLine)); DoDumpCGClassGraph( pChild, pDumpMap, DumpSet, pNewPrefix ); pChild = pNext; } else { //
// No more children
memcpy( pNewPrefixTail, StringElbowLine, sizeof(StringElbowLine) ); DoDumpCGClassGraph( pChild, pDumpMap, DumpSet, pNewPrefix ); break; } } }
delete[] pNewPrefix;
void DoDumpCGClassGraph( CG_CLASS *pClass, CG_DUMP_MAP * pDumpMap = NULL ) { CG_DUMP_SET DumpSet; DoDumpCGClassGraph( pClass, pDumpMap, DumpSet, ""); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); }
void CG_CLASS::Dump( const char *pTitle ) { if ( pTitle ) { fprintf( stderr, pTitle ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); }
CG_DUMP_MAP DumpMap; DoDumpCGClassList( this, &DumpMap ); DoDumpCGClassGraph( this, &DumpMap ); }