Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Generate a file containing UUIDs of [object] interfaces.
* include files ***************************************************************************/ #include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
CG_STATUS CG_IID_FILE::GenCode( CCB * pCCB) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the IID file.
pCCB - The code gen controller block. Return Value:
CG_OK if all is well. Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM Stream( GetFileName(), 4 ); ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->SetStream( &Stream, this ); CG_INTERFACE * pIntf;
EmitFileHeadingBlock( pCCB, "the IIDs and CLSIDs", "link this file in with the server and any clients" );
// Write out the cplusplus guard.
pStream->NewLine( 2 ); pStream->Write( "#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\"{\n#endif " ); pStream->NewLine( 2 );
// Print out the declarations of the types and the procedures.
const char * DefinitionBlock[] = { "#include <rpc.h>" ,"#include <rpcndr.h>" ,"" ,"#ifdef _MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_" ,"" ,"#ifndef INITGUID" ,"#define INITGUID" ,"#include <guiddef.h>" ,"#undef INITGUID" ,"#else" ,"#include <guiddef.h>" ,"#endif" ,"" ,"#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \\" ," DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)" ,"" ,"#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_" ,"" ,"#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__" ,"#define __IID_DEFINED__" ,"" ,"typedef struct _IID" ,"{" ," unsigned long x;" ," unsigned short s1;" ," unsigned short s2;" ," unsigned char c[8];" ,"} IID;" ,"" ,"#endif // __IID_DEFINED__" ,"" ,"#ifndef CLSID_DEFINED" ,"#define CLSID_DEFINED" ,"typedef IID CLSID;" ,"#endif // CLSID_DEFINED" ,"" ,"#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \\" ," const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}" ,"" ,"#endif !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_" ,"" ,NULL }; pStream->WriteBlock(DefinitionBlock); pIntf = (CG_INTERFACE*) GetChild();
while ( pIntf ) { node_interface * pIntfNode = (node_interface *) pIntf->GetType(); if (!pIntfNode->PrintedIID()) { switch ( pIntf->GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_DISPINTERFACE: { CG_DISPINTERFACE * pDI = (CG_DISPINTERFACE *)pIntf; node_dispinterface * pType = (node_dispinterface *) pDI->GetType(); node_guid * pGuid = (node_guid *) pType->GetAttribute( ATTR_GUID ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, DIID_"); pStream->Write(pDI->GetSymName()); pStream->Write(','); Out_Guid(pCCB, pGuid->GetStrs(), GUIDFORMAT_RAW); pStream->Write(");"); pStream->NewLine(2); pIntfNode->SetPrintedIID(); break; } case ID_CG_COCLASS: { CG_COCLASS * pCoclass = (CG_COCLASS *)pIntf; node_coclass * pType = (node_coclass *) pCoclass->GetType(); node_guid * pGuid = (node_guid *) pType->GetAttribute( ATTR_GUID ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(CLSID, CLSID_"); pStream->Write(pCoclass->GetSymName()); pStream->Write(','); Out_Guid(pCCB, pGuid->GetStrs(), GUIDFORMAT_RAW); pStream->Write(");"); pStream->NewLine(2); pIntfNode->SetPrintedIID(); break; } case ID_CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE: { pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_"); pStream->Write(pIntf->GetSymName()); pStream->Write(','); Out_Guid(pCCB, pIntf->GetGuidStrs(), GUIDFORMAT_RAW); pStream->Write(");"); pStream->NewLine(2); pIntfNode->SetPrintedIID();
break; } case ID_CG_LIBRARY: { CG_LIBRARY * pLib = (CG_LIBRARY *)pIntf; node_library * pType = (node_library *) pLib->GetType(); node_guid * pGuid = (node_guid *) pType->GetAttribute( ATTR_GUID ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, LIBID_"); pStream->Write(pLib->GetSymName()); pStream->Write(','); Out_Guid(pCCB, pGuid->GetStrs(), GUIDFORMAT_RAW); pStream->Write(");"); pStream->NewLine(2); CG_NDR * pChild = (CG_NDR*) pLib->GetChild(); pIntfNode->SetPrintedIID();
while ( pChild ) { node_interface * pChildType = (node_interface *) pChild->GetType(); if (!pChildType->PrintedIID()) { switch ( pChild->GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE: { if (!pChildType->PrintedIID()) { pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_"); pStream->Write(pChild->GetSymName()); pStream->Write(','); Out_Guid(pCCB, ((CG_INTERFACE*)pChild)->GetGuidStrs(), GUIDFORMAT_RAW ); pStream->Write(");"); pStream->NewLine(2); pChildType->SetPrintedIID(); } break; } case ID_CG_DISPINTERFACE: { CG_DISPINTERFACE * pDI = (CG_DISPINTERFACE *)pChild; node_dispinterface * pIntfType = (node_dispinterface *) pDI->GetType(); node_guid * pIntfGuid = (node_guid *) pIntfType->GetAttribute( ATTR_GUID ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, DIID_"); pStream->Write(pDI->GetSymName()); pStream->Write(','); Out_Guid(pCCB, pIntfGuid->GetStrs(), GUIDFORMAT_RAW); pStream->Write(");"); pStream->NewLine(2); pChildType->SetPrintedIID(); break; } case ID_CG_COCLASS: { CG_COCLASS * pCoclass = (CG_COCLASS *)pChild; node_coclass * pClassType = (node_coclass *) pCoclass->GetType(); node_guid * pClassfGuid = (node_guid *) pClassType->GetAttribute( ATTR_GUID ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(CLSID, CLSID_"); pStream->Write(pCoclass->GetSymName()); pStream->Write(','); Out_Guid(pCCB, pClassfGuid->GetStrs(), GUIDFORMAT_RAW); pStream->Write(");"); pStream->NewLine(2); pChildType->SetPrintedIID(); break; } case ID_CG_INTERFACE: case ID_CG_INHERITED_OBJECT_INTERFACE: default: break; } } pChild = (CG_INTERFACE *) pChild->GetSibling(); } } case ID_CG_INTERFACE: case ID_CG_INHERITED_OBJECT_INTERFACE: default: break; } } // if pIntfNode not printed
pIntf = (CG_INTERFACE *) pIntf->GetSibling(); } // while
// print out the closing endifs.
// the MIDL_DEFINE_GUID stuff.
pStream->Write( "#undef MIDL_DEFINE_GUID" ); pStream->NewLine(); // the cplusplus stuff.
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n" ); pStream->NewLine();
EmitFileClosingBlock( pCCB );
return CG_OK; }