Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Code generation methods for miscellaneous cg classes.
Sep-01-1993 VibhasC Created.
* include files ***************************************************************************/ #include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "malloc.h"
* local definitions ***************************************************************************/
* local data ***************************************************************************/ GUID_STRS TransferSyntaxGuidStrs( TRANSFER_SYNTAX_GUID_STR_1, TRANSFER_SYNTAX_GUID_STR_2, TRANSFER_SYNTAX_GUID_STR_3, TRANSFER_SYNTAX_GUID_STR_4, TRANSFER_SYNTAX_GUID_STR_5);
* externs ***************************************************************************/ extern CMD_ARG * pCommand;
extern BOOL IsTempName( char * );
CG_INTERFACE::CG_INTERFACE( node_interface * pI, GUID_STRS GStrs, BOOL fCallbacks, BOOL fMopInfo, CG_HANDLE * pIH, CG_INTERFACE* pBaseIF ) :CG_NDR(pI, XLAT_SIZE_INFO() ), fTypeInfoInitialized( FALSE )
Routine Description:
The constructor for the code generation file node.
pI - A pointer to the interface node in type graph. GStrs - guid strings fCallbacks - Does the interface have any callbacks ? fMopInfo - Does the interface have any mops ? pIH - A pointer to the CG nodes for any implicit handle Return Value: Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { pCGBase = pBaseIF; _pCTI = NULL; char * pName = GetType()->GetSymName();
GuidStrs = GStrs; GuidStrs.SetValue(); fMopsPresent = fMopInfo; fCallbacksPresent = fCallbacks; pImpHdlCG = (CG_HANDLE *) pIH; CreateDispatchTables(); fAllRpcSS = FALSE; fUsesRpcSS = FALSE; pIntfName = pName; fHasPipes = FALSE; fVisited = FALSE;
fLocal = GetType()->FInSummary( ATTR_LOCAL ); fHasMSConfStructAttr = FALSE; //
// For now.
ProtSeqEPCount = 0;
pStubDescName = new char[ strlen(STUB_DESC_STRUCT_VAR_NAME) + strlen(pName) + 1 ];
strcpy( pStubDescName, pName ); strcat( pStubDescName, STUB_DESC_STRUCT_VAR_NAME );
pSyntaxInfoName = new char [strlen(MIDL_SYNTAX_INFO_VAR_NAME) + strlen(pName) + 1];
strcpy( pSyntaxInfoName, pName ); strcat( pSyntaxInfoName, MIDL_SYNTAX_INFO_VAR_NAME );
pProxyInfoName = new char [strlen(MIDL_PROXY_INFO_VAR_NAME) + strlen(pName) + 1];
strcpy( pProxyInfoName, pName ); strcat( pProxyInfoName, MIDL_PROXY_INFO_VAR_NAME ); }
CG_STATUS CG_INTERFACE::GenClientInfo( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate code for the file node.
Arguments: pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block.
Return Value:
CG_OK if all is well, error otherwise. Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { unsigned short M,m; // for MAJOR and minor versions :-)
CG_ITERATOR I; CG_PROC * pCG; CG_HANDLE * pCGHandle = GetImplicitHandle(); node_skl * pID; char Buffer[_MAX_DRIVE+_MAX_DIR+_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT+1]; short CallbackCount; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); int ProtSeqEPCount = 0; ITERATOR * pProtSeqIterator; char * pCStubPrefix;
//Initialize the CCB for this interface.
pCCB->SetImplicitHandleIDNode( 0 );
if( !GetMembers( I ) ) { return CG_OK; }
// Emit the external variables needed.
if ( HasInterpretedCallbackProc() ) Out_InterpreterServerInfoExtern( pCCB );
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) Out_ProxyInfoExtern( pCCB );
if( pCGHandle ) { pID = pCGHandle->GetHandleIDOrParam(); pID->PrintType( PRT_ID_DECLARATION, pStream, 0 ); }
// Emit the protseq endpoint structure if necessary. It is not
// necessary if the endpoint attribute was not specified in which
// case the ep count is 0.
if ( ( pProtSeqIterator = GetProtSeqEps() ) != 0 ) { ProtSeqEPCount = ITERATOR_GETCOUNT( *pProtSeqIterator ); Out_EP_Info( pCCB, pProtSeqIterator ); }
// Emit the interface information structure.
pCCB->GetVersion( &M,&m );
CallbackCount = ((node_interface *)GetType())->GetCallBackProcCount();
if( CallbackCount ) { sprintf( Buffer, "extern %s %s%s%s%_DispatchTable;", RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE_TYPE_NAME, pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), pCommand->IsNDR64Run()?"_NDR64_":"", pCCB->GenMangledName() );
pStream->NewLine( 2 ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
/// NOTE:: This buffer is printed in the Out_IfInfo call !!!!
sprintf( Buffer, "&%s%s%s_DispatchTable", pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), pCommand->IsNDR64Run()?"_NDR64_":"", pCCB->GenMangledName() ); } //
// Must set this before outputing the interface info.
pCCB->SetCodeGenSide( CGSIDE_CLIENT );
Out_IFInfo( pCCB, // controller block.
RPC_C_INT_INFO_TYPE_NAME, // interface info type name.
RPC_C_INT_INFO_STRUCT_NAME, // variable name.
SIZEOF_RPC_CLIENT_INTERFACE, // string speicifying size.
GuidStrs, // Guid specified in idl
M, // user specified major version
m, // user specified minor version
// TransferSyntaxGuidStrs, // ndr identifying guid.
// NDR_UUID_MAJOR_VERSION, // ndr's version
CallbackCount ? Buffer : 0, // call back dispatch table name
ProtSeqEPCount, // if this is 0, then the next
// 2 fields are ignored by
// the call.
PROTSEQ_EP_VAR_NAME, // ___RpcProtSeqEndpoint
pCCB->IsNoDefaultEpv(), 0, // client side
HasPipes() );
if ( (pCStubPrefix = pCommand->GetUserPrefix( PREFIX_CLIENT_STUB ) ) == 0 ) { pCStubPrefix = ""; }
pStream->NewLine(); sprintf( Buffer, "RPC_IF_HANDLE %s%s%s_%s = (RPC_IF_HANDLE)& %s" RPC_C_INT_INFO_STRUCT_NAME";", pCStubPrefix, pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), pCCB->GenMangledName(), ((pCCB->IsOldNames()) ? "ClientIfHandle" : "c_ifspec"), pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
// Emit the stub descriptor extern declaration.
Out_StubDescriptorExtern( pCCB );
// Check for use of [enable_allocate]
// Use in ms_ext when explicit, in osf always, to cover some weird cases.
if ( GetUsesRpcSS() || pCCB->InOSFMode() ) pCCB->SetMallocAndFreeStructExternEmitted();
// Emit the auto handle extern
pStream->NewLine(); sprintf( Buffer, "static %s %s%s;", AUTO_BH_TYPE_NAME, pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), AUTO_BH_VAR_NAME );
pStream->Write( Buffer );
// Send the message to the children to emit code.
// for all procedure in this interface, generate code.
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, pCG ) ) { pCG->GenClientStub( pCCB ); }
return CG_OK; }
void CG_INTERFACE::Out_ProcOffsetTable( CCB *pCCB, BOOL IsForCallback ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output a table of offsets to procedure information in the format string/structure. Arguments: pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block. IsForCallback - Is this is a table of callback offsets?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM *pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "static const FormatInfoRef " ); else pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "static const unsigned short " );
if ( IsForCallback ) pStream->Write( MIDL_CALLBACK_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( GetSymName() ); if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) pStream->Write( "_Ndr64ProcTable[] =" ); else pStream->Write( "_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =" );
pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->WriteOnNewLine( '{' ); pStream->NewLine();
OutputProcOffsets( pCCB, TRUE, IsForCallback );
pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine( 2 );
// If we need a table of callbacks also, recursively call ourselves
if ( !IsForCallback && HasInterpretedCallbackProc() ) Out_ProcOffsetTable( pCCB, TRUE ); }
if( !GetMembers( I ) ) { return CG_OK; }
//Initialize the CCB for this interface.
// Output a table containing the offsets of each proc description for this
// interface in the format info string/struct. Output another table for
// callbacks if needed.
Out_ProcOffsetTable( pCCB );
// Emit the stub descriptor and all that is specific to the interface,
// Generate externs to tables that may be common to several interfaces.
Out_StubDescriptor( GetImplicitHandle(), pCCB );
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) Out_ProxyInfo( pCCB, FALSE );
// Generate the dispatch table.
short CallbackCount = ( (node_interface *) GetType() ) ->GetCallBackProcCount(); if( CallbackCount ) { ITERATOR ProcList;
GetCallbackProcedureList( ProcList, DTF_NONE ); Out_DispatchTableStuff( pCCB, ProcList, CallbackCount ); }
if ( HasInterpretedCallbackProc() ) { GenSyntaxInfo( pCCB, TRUE ); Out_InterpreterServerInfo( pCCB, CGSIDE_CLIENT ); }
return CG_OK; }
CG_STATUS CG_INTERFACE::GenServerInfo( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate code for the interface node.
Arguments: pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block.
Return Value:
CG_OK if all is well, error otherwise. Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { unsigned short M,m; // for MAJOR and minor versions :-)
CG_PROC * pCG; CG_ITERATOR I; char Buffer[ _MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR + _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 1 ]; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); ITERATOR * pProtSeqIterator; node_interface * pInterface = (node_interface *)GetType(); char * pSStubPrefix;
if( !GetMembers( I ) ) { return CG_OK; }
// Emit the external variables needed.
if ( HasInterpretedProc() ) Out_InterpreterServerInfoExtern( pCCB );
// Emit the protseq endpoint structure if necessary. It is not
// necessary if the endpoint attribute was not specified in which
// case the ep count is 0.
if ( ( pProtSeqIterator = GetProtSeqEps() ) != 0 ) { ProtSeqEPCount = ITERATOR_GETCOUNT( *pProtSeqIterator ); Out_EP_Info( pCCB, pProtSeqIterator ); }
// Emit the interface information structure.
pCCB->GetVersion( &M,&m );
// Emit the extern decl for the server's dispatch table, which goes
// in the server interface structure which follows.
sprintf( Buffer, "extern %s %s%s%s_DispatchTable;", RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE_TYPE_NAME, pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), pCommand->IsNDR64Run()?"_NDR64_":"", pCCB->GenMangledName() );
pStream->NewLine( 2 ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
// Emit the extern decl for the server side manager epv table, which goes
// in the server interface structure which follows.
if( pCCB->IsMEpV() && !pCCB->IsNoDefaultEpv() && (pInterface->GetProcCount() != 0) ) { sprintf( Buffer, "extern %s%s_%s DEFAULT_EPV;", pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), pCCB->GenMangledName(), pCCB->IsOldNames() ? "SERVER_EPV" : "epv_t" );
pStream->NewLine( 2 ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); }
// Prepare address string for the address of the dispatch table in the
// interface information structure.
sprintf( Buffer, "&%s%s%s_DispatchTable", pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), pCommand->IsNDR64Run()?"_NDR64_":"", pCCB->GenMangledName() );
// Must set this before outputing the interface info.
pCCB->SetCodeGenSide( CGSIDE_SERVER );
Out_IFInfo( pCCB, // controller block.
RPC_S_INT_INFO_TYPE_NAME, // interface info type name.
RPC_S_INT_INFO_STRUCT_NAME, // variable name.
SIZEOF_RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE, // string speicifying size.
GuidStrs, // Guid specified in idl
M, // user specified major version
m, // user specified minor version
// TransferSyntaxGuidStrs, // ndr identifying guid.
// NDR_UUID_MAJOR_VERSION, // ndr's version
Buffer, ProtSeqEPCount, // if this is 0, then the next
// 2 fields are ignored by
// the call.
PROTSEQ_EP_VAR_NAME, // ___RpcProtSeqEndpoint
pCCB->IsNoDefaultEpv(), 1, HasPipes() );
if ( (pSStubPrefix = pCommand->GetUserPrefix( PREFIX_SERVER_MGR ) ) == 0 ) { pSStubPrefix = ""; }
pStream->NewLine(); sprintf( Buffer, "RPC_IF_HANDLE %s%s%s_%s = (RPC_IF_HANDLE)& %s" RPC_S_INT_INFO_STRUCT_NAME";", pSStubPrefix, pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), pCCB->GenMangledName(), ((pCCB->IsOldNames()) ? "ServerIfHandle" : "s_ifspec"), pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
// Emit the stub descriptor extern declaration.
Out_StubDescriptorExtern( pCCB );
// Check for use of [enable_allocate]
if ( GetUsesRpcSS() && !pCCB->InOSFMode() ) pCCB->SetMallocAndFreeStructExternEmitted();
// has callback and Needsndr64: we need to generate proxy info for callback's
// client stub.
if ( HasInterpretedCallbackProc() ) Out_ProxyInfoExtern( pCCB );
// Send the message to the children to emit code.
// For all procedures in this interface, generate code.
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, pCG ) ) { pCG->GenServerStub( pCCB ); }
return CG_OK; }
if( !GetMembers( I ) ) { return CG_OK; }
short NormalProcCount; ITERATOR NormalProcList;
InitializeCCB( pCCB );
// For procs that return complex types (structures, floating point, etc)
// we need to have a thunk that takes a pointer to where to store this
// type.
OutputComplexReturnThunks( pCCB );
// Output a table containing the offsets of each proc description for this
// interface in the format info string/struct. Output another table for
// callbacks if needed.
Out_ProcOffsetTable( pCCB );
// Emit the stub descriptor.
if ( HasInterpretedProc() ) pCCB->SetOptimOption( unsigned short( pCCB->GetOptimOption() | OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ) );
Out_StubDescriptor( GetImplicitHandle(), pCCB );
// Generate the dispatch table.
NormalProcCount = GetNormalProcedureList( NormalProcList, DTF_NONE ); if( NormalProcCount ) Out_DispatchTableStuff( pCCB, NormalProcList, NormalProcCount );
// Generate the manager epv if the -use epv switch has been specified.
if( pCCB->IsMEpV() && !pCCB->IsNoDefaultEpv() ) { ITERATOR ProcList; short Count;
Count = GetNormalProcedureList( ProcList, DTF_NONE );
if( Count ) { Out_ManagerEpv( pCCB, pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), ProcList, Count ); } }
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) { GenSyntaxInfo( pCCB, FALSE ); if ( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->HasInterpretedCallbackProc() ) Out_ProxyInfo( pCCB, TRUE ); }
if ( HasInterpretedProc() ) Out_InterpreterServerInfo( pCCB, CGSIDE_SERVER ); return CG_OK; }
void CG_INTERFACE::OutputComplexReturnThunks( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
For procs that return complex types (structures, floating point, etc we need to have a thunk that takes a pointer to where to store this type.
Arguments: pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block.
Notes: The thunk looks like:
void Proc_ComplexThunk(..., ReturnType *_RetVal) { *_RetVal = Proc(...); }
Integrate this with NeedsServerThunk stuff
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { if ( CGSIDE_SERVER != pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() ) return;
if ( !pCommand->IsFinalProtocolRun() ) return;
ISTREAM *pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); ITERATOR procs; CG_PROC *procCG;
GetMembers( procs );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( procs, procCG ) ) { if ( ! procCG->HasComplexReturnType() || procCG->HasAsyncHandle() ) continue;
ITERATOR params; short nParams; expr_proc_call *pCall = new expr_proc_call( procCG->GetSymName() ); expr_node *pExpr; CG_PARAM *param;
procCG->GetMembers( params ); nParams = ITERATOR_GETCOUNT( params );
for ( int i = 0; i < nParams - 1; i++ ) { ITERATOR_GETNEXT( params, param ); pCall->SetParam( new expr_variable( param->GetResource()->GetResourceName() ) ); }
node_proc *proc = new node_proc( (node_proc *) procCG->GetType() ); node_param *pParam; node_skl *pVoid; node_skl *pOldChild;
char *pProcName = (char *) alloca( strlen( proc->GetSymName() ) + sizeof( "_ComplexThunk" ) );
strcpy( pProcName, proc->GetSymName() ); strcat( pProcName, "_ComplexThunk" ); proc->SetSymName( pProcName ); // REVIEW: A lot of this is cruft, clean it up!
GetBaseTypeNode( &pVoid, SIGN_UNDEF, SIZE_UNDEF, TYPE_VOID, ATTR_NONE ); pParam = new node_param; pParam->SetSymName( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ); pParam->SetChild( new node_pointer( proc->GetChild() ) ); pParam->GetChild()->GetModifiers().SetModifier( ATTR_TAGREF ); pOldChild = proc->GetChild(); proc->SetChild( pVoid ); // proc->SetHasComplexReturnType( FALSE );
proc->RemoveAttribute( ATTR_PTR_KIND ); proc->AddLastMember( pParam );
pExpr = new expr_assign(new expr_variable( "*" RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ), pCall );
pStream->NewLine( 2 ); proc->PrintType( PRT_DECL, pStream ); pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "{" ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pExpr->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "}" );
proc->RemoveLastMember(); proc->SetChild( pOldChild ); } }
CG_STATUS CG_INTERFACE::GenHeader( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate interface header file.
Arguments: pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block.
Return Value:
CG_OK if all is well, error other wise.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { node_interface * pInterface = (node_interface *) GetType(); ITERATOR I; ITERATOR J; char Buffer[ _MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR + _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 1 ]; CG_HANDLE * pCGHandle = GetImplicitHandle(); node_skl * pID; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned short M, m; char * pCStubPrefix; char * pSStubPrefix; char * pName = pInterface->GetSymName(); BOOL fAnonymous = IsTempName( pName );
//Initialize the CCB for this interface.
// put out the interface guards
if ( !fAnonymous ) { pStream->Write("\n#ifndef __"); pStream->Write( pName ); pStream->Write( "_INTERFACE_DEFINED__\n" );
pStream->Write( "#define __"); pStream->Write( pName ); pStream->Write( "_INTERFACE_DEFINED__\n" ); }
// Print out the declarations of the types and the procedures.
// If the user defined a prefix for the cstub or sstub,
// then emit prototypes with the prefix in them.
pStream->NewLine(); pInterface->PrintType( PRT_INTERFACE | PRT_BOTH_PREFIX | PRT_OMIT_CS_TAG_PARAMS, pStream, 0 );
if( pCGHandle ) { pID = pCGHandle->GetHandleIDOrParam(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "extern " ); pID->PrintType( PRT_ID_DECLARATION, pStream, 0 ); }
// Emit the declarations for user supplied routines.
// Print out the dispatch table.
pStream->NewLine(); GetNormalProcedureList( I, DTF_NONE );
if( pCCB->IsMEpV() ) { if( ITERATOR_GETCOUNT(I) ) Out_DispatchTableTypedef( pCCB, pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), I, 0 ); }
GetCallbackProcedureList( J, DTF_NONE );
if( ITERATOR_GETCOUNT(J ) ) Out_DispatchTableTypedef( pCCB, pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), J, 1 ); pCCB->GetVersion( &M, &m );
if ( (pCStubPrefix = pCommand->GetUserPrefix( PREFIX_CLIENT_STUB ) ) == 0 ) { pCStubPrefix = 0; } if ( (pSStubPrefix = pCommand->GetUserPrefix( PREFIX_SERVER_MGR ) ) == 0 ) { pSStubPrefix = 0; }
// Generate the extern for the client if handle.
pStream->NewLine(); sprintf( Buffer, "extern RPC_IF_HANDLE %s%s%s_%s;", (pCStubPrefix == 0) ? "" : pCStubPrefix, pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), pCCB->GenMangledName(), (pCCB->IsOldNames()) ? "ClientIfHandle" : "c_ifspec" ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
// If a prefix is defined for cstub, generate another extern for the
// non - prefixed client if handle. Remember, in the header file we need
// both the externs, since the header file generated out of the -prefix
// cstub invocation contains prototypes for both prefixed and non-prefix
// stuff.
if( pCStubPrefix ) { pStream->NewLine(); sprintf( Buffer, "extern RPC_IF_HANDLE %s%s%s_%s;", "", pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), pCCB->GenMangledName(), (pCCB->IsOldNames()) ? "ClientIfHandle" : "c_ifspec" ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); }
pStream->NewLine(); sprintf( Buffer, "extern RPC_IF_HANDLE %s%s%s_%s;", (pSStubPrefix == 0) ? "" : pSStubPrefix, pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), pCCB->GenMangledName(), (pCCB->IsOldNames()) ? "ServerIfHandle" : "s_ifspec" ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine();
// put out the trailing interface guard
if ( !fAnonymous ) { pStream->Write( "#endif /* __"); pStream->Write( pName ); pStream->Write( "_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */\n" ); } return CG_OK; }
ITERATOR * CG_INTERFACE::GetProtSeqEps() /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Get the protocol sequences pairs iterator.
Iterator reference. Return Value: FALSE if there are no endpoints
The iterator is invalid if there are no endpoints.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { node_interface * pIntf = (node_interface *) GetType(); node_endpoint * pEps = (node_endpoint *) pIntf->GetAttribute( ATTR_ENDPOINT );
return ( pEps ) ? &(pEps->GetEndPointPairs()) : NULL;
void CG_INTERFACE::CreateDispatchTables() /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Set up the stub dispatch tables.
None. Return Value: None.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ {
pNormalDispatchTable = new DISPATCH_TABLE(); pCallbackDispatchTable = new DISPATCH_TABLE();
ppDispatchTableSaved = ppDispatchTable = &pNormalDispatchTable;
BOOL CG_INTERFACE::HasInterpretedProc() { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PROC * pProc;
GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) if ( pProc->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
BOOL CG_INTERFACE::HasOnlyInterpretedProcs() { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PROC * pProc;
GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) if ( (pProc->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ) == 0 ) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE::HasOnlyInterpretedMethods() { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PROC * pProc; CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE* pBaseCG = (CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE*) GetBaseInterfaceCG(); if ( pBaseCG && !pBaseCG->HasOnlyInterpretedMethods() ) return FALSE;
GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) if ( (pProc->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ) == 0 ) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CG_INTERFACE::HasItsOwnOi2() { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PROC * pProc;
GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) if ( (pProc->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2) ) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
void CG_INTERFACE::EvaluateVersionControl() { if ( HasItsOwnOi2() ) { GetNdrVersionControl().SetHasOi2(); } }
BOOL CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE::HasItsOwnStublessProxies() { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PROC * pProc;
GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) if (pProc->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_STUBLESS_CLIENT ) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
void CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE::EvaluateVersionControl() { CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE* pBaseCG = (CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE*) GetBaseInterfaceCG(); if ( pBaseCG ) { pBaseCG->EvaluateVersionControl(); }
if ( HasItsOwnStublessProxies() || pBaseCG && pBaseCG->HasStublessProxies() ) { GetNdrVersionControl().SetHasStublessProxies(); }
if ( HasItsOwnOi2() || pBaseCG && pBaseCG->HasOi2() ) { GetNdrVersionControl().SetHasOi2(); } }
BOOL CG_INTERFACE::HasInterpretedCallbackProc() { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PROC * pProc;
GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) if ( pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC && pProc->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
BOOL CG_INTERFACE::HasClientInterpretedCommOrFaultProc( CCB * pCCB ) { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PROC * pProc; CGSIDE Side;
Side = pCCB->GetCodeGenSide();
GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) if ( (pProc->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) && pProc->HasStatuses() && ( ((pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PROC) && (Side == CGSIDE_CLIENT)) || ((pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC) && (Side == CGSIDE_SERVER)) ) ) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
CG_STATUS CG_INTERFACE::InitializeCCB( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Initialize the CCB for this interface.
Arguments: pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block.
Return Value:
CG_OK if all is well, error otherwise. Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { unsigned short Major,minor; node_interface *pInterface = (node_interface *) GetType();
pInterface->GetVersionDetails(&Major, &minor); pCCB->SetVersion(Major, minor); pCCB->SetInterfaceName(pInterface->GetSymName()); pCCB->SetInterfaceCG(this);
return CG_OK; }
void CG_INTERFACE::OutputProcOffsets( CCB * pCCB, BOOL fLast, BOOL IsForCallback ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output a list of offsets (from the beginning of the proc format info) to each proc in the interface
Arguments: pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block. fLast - IsForCallback -
For Ndr32 the list is a table of shorts that offset from the beginning of the proc format string.
For Ndr64 it is a table of longs that is the offset from the format info structure.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { CG_PROC * pProc; CG_ITERATOR Iterator; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CGSIDE Side; long Offset;
// IUnknown doesn't get entries in the proc offsets table
if ( IsIUnknown() ) { if ( fLast ) { pStream->Write( '0' ); pStream->NewLine(); } return; }
Side = pCCB->GetCodeGenSide();
if ( IsObject() ) { CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE * pObjInterface;
pObjInterface = (CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE *) this;
if ( pObjInterface->GetBaseInterfaceCG() ) { pObjInterface->GetBaseInterfaceCG()->OutputProcOffsets( pCCB, FALSE, IsForCallback ); } }
GetMembers( Iterator );
BOOL fNoOffsetsEmitted = TRUE;
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) { if ( (Side == CGSIDE_CLIENT) && ( IsForCallback ? ( pProc->GetCGID() != ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC ) : (pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC) ) ) continue;
if ( (Side == CGSIDE_SERVER) && ( ( IsForCallback ? ( pProc->GetCGID() != ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC ) : ( pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC ) ) || (pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_TYPE_ENCODE_PROC ) ) ) continue;
CG_PROC *pTargetProc = pProc;
if ( fLocal ) pTargetProc = pProc->GetCallAsCG();
// type encode procs are not real procs
if ( dynamic_cast<CG_TYPE_ENCODE_PROC *>(pTargetProc) ) continue;
fNoOffsetsEmitted = FALSE;
// REVIEW: If Offset is -1 (dce) or 0 (ndr64) then we haven't generated
// format info for the proc. This can only happen in certain
// conditions ([nocode], methods in parent interface). There
// should be an assert.
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { Offset = 0; if ( pTargetProc ) Offset = (long) (size_t) pCCB->GetNdr64Format()->GetRoot() ->LookupFragmentID( pTargetProc );
if ( 0 == Offset ) pStream->Write( "(FormatInfoRef) -1" ); else pStream->WriteNumber( "&__midl_frag%d", Offset ); } else { Offset = -1; if ( pTargetProc ) Offset = pTargetProc->GetFormatStringOffset();
if ( -1 == Offset ) pStream->Write( "(unsigned short) -1" ); else pStream->WriteNumber( "%d", Offset ); }
if ( pProc->GetSibling() || !fLast ) pStream->Write( ',' );
pStream->NewLine(); }
if ( fNoOffsetsEmitted && fLast ) { pStream->Write( '0' ); pStream->NewLine(); } }
void CG_INTERFACE::OutputThunkTableEntries( CCB * pCCB, BOOL fLast ) { CG_PROC * pProc; CG_ITERATOR Iterator; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CGSIDE Side = pCCB->GetCodeGenSide(); char * pIntfName = GetType()->GetSymName();
// IUnknown doesn't get entries in the thunk table
if ( IsIUnknown() ) { if ( fLast ) { pStream->Write( '0' ); pStream->NewLine(); } return; }
if ( IsObject() ) { CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE * pObjInterface;
pObjInterface = (CG_OBJECT_INTERFACE *) this;
if ( pObjInterface->GetBaseInterfaceCG() ) { pObjInterface->GetBaseInterfaceCG()->OutputThunkTableEntries( pCCB, FALSE ); } }
GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) { if ( (Side == CGSIDE_CLIENT) && (pProc->GetCGID() != ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC) ) continue;
if ( (Side == CGSIDE_SERVER) && (pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC) ) continue;
if ( pProc->NeedsServerThunk( pCCB, Side ) && !pProc->IsDelegated() ) { pStream->Write( pIntfName ); pStream->Write( '_' ); pStream->Write( pProc->GetType()->GetSymName() );
// if( IsObject() )
pStream->Write( "_Thunk" ); } else pStream->Write( '0' );
if ( pProc->GetSibling() || !fLast ) pStream->Write( ',' );
pStream->NewLine(); } }
void CG_INTERFACE::OutputInterfaceIdComment( CCB * pCCB ) { char TmpBuf[40]; unsigned short Major, Minor; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); char * pIfKind = IsObject() ? "Object" : HasPicklingStuffOnly() ? "Pickling" : "Standard"; pStream->NewLine(2); sprintf( TmpBuf, "/* %s interface: ", pIfKind ); pStream->Write( TmpBuf ); pStream->Write( GetInterfaceName() );
((node_interface *) GetType())->GetVersionDetails( &Major, &Minor ); sprintf( TmpBuf, ", ver. %d.%d,\n GUID=", Major, Minor ); pStream->Write( TmpBuf );
Out_Guid( pCCB, GetGuidStrs() ); pStream->Write( " */" ); pStream->NewLine(); }