Copyright (c) 1989-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: pickle.cxx
Generates stub routines to call the pickle engine.
Mar-22-1994 VibhasC Created
* include files ***************************************************************************/ #include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma warning ( disable : 4127 )
#include "szbuffer.h"
* local definitions ***************************************************************************/
* local data ***************************************************************************/
* externs ***************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/
CG_STATUS CG_ENCODE_PROC::GenClientStubV1( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate DCE style procedure pickling stub code for the V1 interpreter.
pCCB - The code gen controller block.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
// Register this procedure as a proc-encoding procedure.
pCCB->RegisterEncodeDecodeProc( this );
// Generate the format strings.
MIDL_ASSERT( pCommand->IsNDRRun() ); GenNdrFormat( pCCB );
// Print the prolog of procedure.
Out_ClientProcedureProlog( pCCB, GetType() );
// If there exists a return type, declare a local resource of that
// type.
if( GetReturnType() ) { node_id *node = MakeIDNode( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME, GetReturnType()->GetType() );
pStream->Write( " " ); node->PrintType( (PRT_PARAM_WITH_TYPE | PRT_CSTUB_PREFIX), pStream, (node_skl *)0 ); pStream->NewLine(); }
// The V1 interpreter calls NdrMesProcEncodeDecode and passes the addresses
// of all the parameters that were passed to the stub.
GenEpilog( pCCB );
return CG_OK; }
CG_STATUS CG_ENCODE_PROC::GenClientStub( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate DCE style procedure pickling stub code.
pCCB - The code gen controller block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { if ( ! ( GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ) ) return GenClientStubV1( pCCB );
ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
// Register this procedure as a proc-encoding procedure.
pCCB->RegisterEncodeDecodeProc( this );
// Generate the format strings.
if ( pCommand->IsNDRRun() ) { GenNdrFormat( pCCB ); } else { pCCB->GetNdr64Format()->Generate( this ); }
// Print the prolog of procedure.
Out_ClientProcedureProlog( pCCB, GetType() );
// If there exists a return type, declare a local resource of that
// type.
if( GetReturnType() || HasComplexReturnType() ) { pStream->IndentInc();
if ( HasComplexReturnType() ) { pStream->NewLine(); ( (node_proc *) GetType() ) ->GetReturnType()->PrintType(PRT_DECL, pStream); } else pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "CLIENT_CALL_RETURN " );
pStream->Write( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ";" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine( 2 ); }
// Generate ia64 or x86 code
if ( pCommand->Is64BitEnv() ) { GenMesProcEncodeDecodeCall( pCCB, PROC_PLATFORM_IA64) ; } else { GenMesProcEncodeDecodeCall( pCCB, PROC_PLATFORM_X86 ); }
if ( GetReturnType() || HasComplexReturnType() ) { CG_NDR* pNdr; node_skl* pType;
if ( GetReturnType() ) { pNdr = (CG_NDR *) GetReturnType()->GetChild(); pType = GetReturnType()->GetType(); }
pStream->NewLine( 2 ); pStream->Write("return ");
// byval structures, unions, floats, doubles
if ( HasComplexReturnType() ) { pStream->Write( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ";"); }
// Base type return value.
else if ( pNdr->IsSimpleType() ) { pType->PrintType( PRT_CAST_TO_TYPE, pStream ); pStream->Write( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ".Simple;" ); } //
// old-style byval structs and unions
else if ( pNdr->IsStruct() || pNdr->IsUnion() ) { expr_node * pExpr;
pExpr = new expr_variable( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ".Pointer" );
pExpr = MakeDerefExpressionOfCastPtrToType( pType, pExpr );
pExpr->Print( pStream );
pStream->Write( ';' ); } //
// Otherwise pointer or array.
else { pType->PrintType( PRT_CAST_TO_TYPE, pStream ); pStream->Write( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ".Pointer;" ); } }
pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->WriteOnNewLine("}");
return CG_OK; }
CG_STATUS CG_ENCODE_PROC::GenMesProcEncodeDecodeCall( CCB * pCCB, PROC_CALL_PLATFORM Platform ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate DCE style procedure pickling stub code.
pCCB - The code gen controller block. Platform - ia64, etc
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { expr_proc_call * pProc; node_skl * pType; expr_node * pExpr; CG_ITERATOR I; CG_PARAM * pCG; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); PNAME pHandleName; RESOURCE * pReturnResource = 0; bool fOutputConstantZero = true;
// Generate a call to the single encode proc engine call.
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) pProc = new expr_proc_call( "NdrMesProcEncodeDecode3" ); else if ( GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ) pProc = new expr_proc_call( PROC_ENCODE_DECODE_RTN_NAME2 ); else pProc = new expr_proc_call( PROC_ENCODE_DECODE_RTN_NAME );
// Handle. If the handle is explicit, then it must be a MIDL_ES_HANDLE
if( GetHandleUsage() == HU_EXPLICIT ) { pHandleName = SearchForBindingParam()->GetName(); pType = MakeIDNodeFromTypeName( pHandleName, MIDL_ES_HANDLE_TYPE_NAME ); } else { MIDL_ASSERT( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetImplicitHandle() != 0 );
pType = (node_id *)pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetImplicitHandle()-> GetHandleIDOrParam(); pHandleName = pType->GetSymName(); }
pProc->SetParam( new expr_variable( pHandleName, pType ) );
// ProcEncodeDecode3 needs a proxy info and a proc number. 1 and 2
// need a stub descriptor and a format string
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) { long ProcNum = GetProcNum();
pExpr = new expr_variable(pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetProxyInfoName()); pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( PMIDL_PROXY_INFO_TYPE_NAME, pExpr);
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_constant( ProcNum ) ) );
if ( HasComplexReturnType() ) { pExpr = new expr_variable( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ); pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); } else { pExpr = new expr_param( new expr_constant( (long) 0 ) ); }
pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); } else { // Stub descriptor.
pExpr = new RESOURCE( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetStubDescName(), (node_skl *)0 );
pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( PSTUB_DESC_STRUCT_TYPE_NAME, pExpr );
pProc->SetParam( pExpr );
// Offset into the format string.
pExpr = Make_1_ArrayExpressionFromVarName( PROC_FORMAT_STRING_STRING_FIELD, GetFormatStringOffset() );
pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( PFORMAT_STRING_TYPE_NAME, pExpr ); pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); }
switch ( Platform ) { case PROC_PLATFORM_V1_INTERPRETER: { // Parameters to the engine are the address of each of the parameters to
// this procedure. If there is no parameter AND no return type, push a
// null (0).
if( GetMembers( I ) ) { fOutputConstantZero = false; while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, pCG ) ) { pExpr = new expr_variable( pCG->GetType()->GetSymName(), pCG->GetType()); pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); pExpr = MakeCastExprPtrToUChar( pExpr ); pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); } } break; }
case PROC_PLATFORM_IA64: { // Parameters to the engine are the actual parameter to this
// this procedure. If there is no parameter AND no return type, push a
// null (0).
if( GetMembers( I ) ) { fOutputConstantZero = false; while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, pCG ) ) { pExpr = new expr_variable( pCG->GetType()->GetSymName(), pCG->GetType()); pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); } } break; }
default: // PROC_PLATFORM_DEFAULT (i.e. x86)
{ CG_PARAM * pParam = (CG_PARAM *) GetChild();
if (NULL != pParam) { fOutputConstantZero = false; pExpr = new expr_variable( pParam->GetType()->GetSymName(), pParam->GetType() ); pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); pExpr = MakeCastExprPtrToUChar( pExpr ); pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); } } break; }
// If there is a return value, for the V1 interpreter add another
// parameter to the generated procedure expression. For the V2
// interpreter assign the return value from the engine to the local
// return value variable.
expr_node *pFinalExpr = pProc;
if( GetReturnType() && !HasComplexReturnType() ) {
if ( GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ) { pFinalExpr = new expr_assign( new expr_variable( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME ), pProc ); } else { pReturnResource = new RESOURCE( RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME, GetReturnType()->GetType() ); pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pReturnResource ); pExpr = MakeCastExprPtrToUChar( pExpr ); pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); } } else if (fOutputConstantZero ) { pProc->SetParam( new expr_constant( 0L ) ); }
// Now print the call out.
pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
pFinalExpr->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->IndentDec();
return CG_OK; }
CG_STATUS CG_TYPE_ENCODE_PROC::GenClientStub( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the client side type encoding stub for this proc.
pCCB - The code gen controller block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
This proc node hanging under the encode interface node is really a dummy proc, put in so that the format string generator can have a placeholder node to look at. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { return ((CG_PARAM *)GetChild())->GenTypeEncodingStub( pCCB ); }
CG_STATUS CG_PARAM::GenTypeEncodingStub( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the client side type encoding stub for this param.
pCCB - The code gen controller block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
This param is really a dummy param, put in so that the format string generator can have a placeholder node to look at. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { CG_STATUS Status; CG_NDR * pLast = pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( this );
Status = ((CG_TYPE_ENCODE *)GetChild())->GenTypeEncodingStub( pCCB );
pCCB->SetLastPlaceholderClass( pLast );
return Status; }
CG_STATUS CG_TYPE_ENCODE::GenTypeEncodingStub( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the pickling stubs for a given type.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generator control block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
Emit the Type_Encode(), Type_Size() and Type_Decode() routines. If the encode is needed, then sizing is needed too !. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { CG_NDR * pChild = (CG_NDR *)GetChild();
// Generate the ndr format for the types.
if( ! pChild->IsSimpleType() ) { if ( pCommand->IsNDRRun() ) pChild->GenNdrFormat( pCCB ); else pCCB->GetNdr64Format()->Generate( pChild );
// Register this type so we can output a table of type offsets later
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) TypeIndex = pCCB->RegisterPickledType( this ); }
// Check if implicit binding exists.
if( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetImplicitHandle() ) { SetHasImplicitHandle(); }
// Create a resource dictionary database.
pCCB->SetResDictDatabase( new RESOURCE_DICT_DATABASE ); pCCB->ClearParamResourceDict();
if ( ! pCCB->HasTypePicklingInfoBeenEmitted() && ( pCommand->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ) ) { Out_TypePicklingInfo( pCCB ); pCCB->SetTypePicklingInfoEmitted(); }
// If the type has [encode] on it, generate the sizing and encode routines.
if( IsEncode() ) { // Allocate standard resources for type encoding.
AllocateEncodeResources( pCCB );
// Generate the sizing and encode routines.
GenTypeSize( pCCB ); GenTypeEncode( pCCB );
// If the type has [decode] on it, generate the decode routine.
if( IsDecode() ) { // Allocate standard resources for type decoding.
AllocateEncodeResources( pCCB );
GenTypeDecode( pCCB ); GenTypeFree( pCCB ); }
return CG_OK; }
CG_STATUS CG_TYPE_ENCODE::GenTypeSize( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the type sizing routine for the type.
pCCB - The code gen controller block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); PNAME pName; TYPE_ENCODE_INFO * pTEInfo = new TYPE_ENCODE_INFO;
// Generate the standard prototype. This really means emit the proto of
// the proc in the stub file. Remember, a real proc node does not exist
// for this pickling type. So we emit a prototype by hand (so to speak).
// The body of the function is output later,
GenStdMesPrototype( pCCB, (pName = GetType()->GetSymName()), TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE_CODE, HasImplicitHandle() );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
// The procedure body consists of a single procedure call.
expr_proc_call * pProc = CreateStdMesEngineProc( pCCB, TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE_CODE);
pStream->Write( "return " ); pProc->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
// Terminate the procedure body.
pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '}' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Register the routine with the ccb to enable emitting of prototypes.
pTEInfo->pName = pName; pTEInfo->Flags = HasImplicitHandle() ? TYPE_ENCODE_WITH_IMPL_HANDLE : TYPE_ENCODE_FLAGS_NONE; pCCB->RegisterTypeAlignSize( pTEInfo );
return CG_OK;
CG_STATUS CG_TYPE_ENCODE::GenTypeEncode( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the type encoding routine for the type.
pCCB - The code gen controller block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); PNAME pName; TYPE_ENCODE_INFO * pTEInfo = new TYPE_ENCODE_INFO;
// Generate the standard prototype. This really means emit the proto of
// the proc in the stub file. The body of the function output later,
GenStdMesPrototype( pCCB, (pName = GetType()->GetSymName()), TYPE_ENCODE_CODE, HasImplicitHandle() );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->IndentInc();pStream->NewLine();
// The procedure body consists of a single procedure call.
expr_proc_call * pProc = CreateStdMesEngineProc( pCCB, TYPE_ENCODE_CODE);
pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 );
// Terminate the procedure body.
pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '}' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Register the routine with the ccb to enable emitting of prototypes.
pTEInfo->pName = pName; pTEInfo->Flags = HasImplicitHandle() ? TYPE_ENCODE_WITH_IMPL_HANDLE : TYPE_ENCODE_FLAGS_NONE; pCCB->RegisterTypeEncode( pTEInfo );
return CG_OK;
CG_STATUS CG_TYPE_ENCODE::GenTypeDecode( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the type sizing routine for the type.
pCCB - The code gen controller block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); PNAME pName; TYPE_ENCODE_INFO * pTEInfo = new TYPE_ENCODE_INFO;
// Generate the standard prototype. This really means emit the proto of
// the proc in the stub file. The body of the function output later,
GenStdMesPrototype( pCCB, ( pName = GetType()->GetSymName()), TYPE_DECODE_CODE, HasImplicitHandle() );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->IndentInc();pStream->NewLine();
// The procedure body consists of a single procedure call.
expr_proc_call * pProc = CreateStdMesEngineProc( pCCB, TYPE_DECODE_CODE);
pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 );
// Terminate the procedure body.
pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '}' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Register the routine with the ccb to enable emitting of prototypes.
pTEInfo->pName = pName; pTEInfo->Flags = HasImplicitHandle() ? TYPE_ENCODE_WITH_IMPL_HANDLE : TYPE_ENCODE_FLAGS_NONE; pCCB->RegisterTypeDecode( pTEInfo );
return CG_OK;
CG_STATUS CG_TYPE_ENCODE::GenTypeFree( CCB* pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the type freeing routine for the type.
pCCB - The code gen controller block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { // Freeing is only allowed under the new intrepreter
if ( ! ( pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ) ) return CG_OK;
ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); PNAME pName; TYPE_ENCODE_INFO * pTEInfo = new TYPE_ENCODE_INFO;
// Generate the standard prototype. This really means emit the proto of
// the proc in the stub file. The body of the function output later,
if ( ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->IsSimpleType() ) return CG_OK;
GenStdMesPrototype( pCCB, ( pName = GetType()->GetSymName()), TYPE_FREE_CODE, HasImplicitHandle() );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->IndentInc();pStream->NewLine();
// The procedure body consists of a single procedure call.
expr_proc_call * pProc = CreateStdMesEngineProc( pCCB, TYPE_FREE_CODE);
pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 );
// Terminate the procedure body.
pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '}' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Register the routine with the ccb to enable emitting of prototypes.
pTEInfo->pName = pName; pTEInfo->Flags = HasImplicitHandle() ? TYPE_ENCODE_WITH_IMPL_HANDLE : TYPE_ENCODE_FLAGS_NONE; pCCB->RegisterTypeFree( pTEInfo );
return CG_OK; }
void CG_TYPE_ENCODE::AllocateEncodeResources( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Allocate predefined resources for type pickling.
pCCB - The code gen controller block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
Resources are:
1. The MIDL_ES_HANDLE if explicit binding. 2. A pointer to the type.
If there is no explicit binding set the implicit binding resource. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { node_id * pMidlESHandle; RESOURCE * pBindingResource; node_id * pType = MakeIDNode( PTYPE_VAR_NAME,GetType());
// If explicit binding, then a parameter of the type MIDL_ES_HANDLE will
// be specified by the user. This must be added to the dictionary of
// parameter resources.
if( !HasImplicitHandle() ) { pMidlESHandle = MakeIDNodeFromTypeName( MIDL_ES_HANDLE_VAR_NAME, MIDL_ES_HANDLE_TYPE_NAME ); pBindingResource = pCCB->AddParamResource( MIDL_ES_HANDLE_VAR_NAME, pMidlESHandle ); } else {
PNAME pName;
// If an implicit binding has been specified, a global variable of the
// type MIDL_ES_HANDLE will have been specified by the user. Pick that
// up and use as the binding resource.
MIDL_ASSERT( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetImplicitHandle() != 0 );
pMidlESHandle = (node_id *)pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()-> GetImplicitHandle()-> GetHandleIDOrParam(); pName = pMidlESHandle->GetSymName();
pBindingResource = new RESOURCE( pName, MakeIDNodeFromTypeName( pName, MIDL_ES_HANDLE_TYPE_NAME));
SetBindingResource( pBindingResource );
// Add a param for the type being pickled.
pCCB->AddParamResource( PTYPE_VAR_NAME, pType ); }
expr_proc_call * CG_TYPE_ENCODE::CreateStdMesEngineProc( CCB * pCCB, int Code ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Create a standard proc expression for calls to the engine for encode, decode, align/size, and free.
pCCB - The code gen controller block. Code - Which can be any standard encoding services code.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
If the child is a base type that is being pickled, make direct calls to the internal apis.
In -Oicf mode the emitted stub looks like the following with Encode changed to whichever operation [Code] specifies:
void <typename>_Encode( <object>) { NdrMesTypeEncodeXXX(); }
For pre -Oicf modes the <&type_pickling_info> parameter is omitted.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { expr_node * pExpr; expr_proc_call * pProc; PNAME pProcName; CG_NDR * pChild = (CG_NDR *)GetChild(); CSzBuffer ProcNameBuf; BOOL fIsBaseType; bool fNeedPicklingInfoParam = false; int fNeedsNDR64;
fIsBaseType = pChild->IsSimpleType(); fNeedsNDR64 = pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run();
// Figure out what the name of the routine to call is
PNAME pNdrMesProcNames[4] = { "NdrMesTypeAlignSize", "NdrMesTypeEncode", "NdrMesTypeDecode", "NdrMesTypeFree" };
if ( fIsBaseType ) { MIDL_ASSERT( Code != TYPE_FREE_CODE );
ProcNameBuf.Set("NdrMesSimpleType"); ProcNameBuf.Append((Code == TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE_CODE) ? "AlignSize" : (Code == TYPE_ENCODE_CODE) ? "Encode" : "Decode");
if ( fNeedsNDR64 ) { ProcNameBuf.Append( "All" ); } } else { ProcNameBuf.Set( pNdrMesProcNames[Code] );
// -protocol all and ndr64 uses "3" routines.
// -Oicf in straight dce mode uses "2" routines
// otherwise uses unnumbered routines
if ( fNeedsNDR64 ) { ProcNameBuf.Append( "3" ); fNeedPicklingInfoParam = true; } else if ( pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ) { ProcNameBuf.Append( "2" ); fNeedPicklingInfoParam = true; } else { MIDL_ASSERT( TYPE_FREE_CODE != Code ); } }
pProcName = new char [strlen( ProcNameBuf ) + 1]; strcpy( pProcName, ProcNameBuf );
// Start putting together the proc call
pProc = new expr_proc_call( pProcName );
// Set parameters.
// First the encoding handle.
pProc->SetParam( GetBindingResource() );
// Then pickling info structure
if( fNeedPicklingInfoParam ) { pExpr = new RESOURCE( PICKLING_INFO_STRUCT_NAME, (node_skl *)0 );
pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( PMIDL_TYPE_PICKLING_INFO_NAME, pExpr );
pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); }
// Next the stub descriptor or the proxy info
if ( !fIsBaseType || fNeedsNDR64 || Code == TYPE_ENCODE_CODE ) { PNAME StubOrProxy;
if ( fNeedsNDR64 ) StubOrProxy = pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetProxyInfoName(); else StubOrProxy = pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetStubDescName();
pExpr = new RESOURCE( StubOrProxy, (node_skl *)0 );
pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr );
pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); } // Next in straight dce, if it's not a simple type, comes the offset into
// the format string of the type
if( !fNeedsNDR64 && !fIsBaseType ) { // Next parameter is the address of the format string indexed by the
// correct offset i.e &__MIDLFormatString[ ? ].
pExpr = Make_1_ArrayExpressionFromVarName(FORMAT_STRING_STRING_FIELD, pChild->GetFormatStringOffset()); pExpr = MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( PFORMAT_STRING_TYPE_NAME, pExpr ); pProc->SetParam( pExpr );
// For -protocol all or ndr64, the table of type offset tables is next
// followed by the index of this type into the tables.
if ( fNeedsNDR64 && !fIsBaseType ) { pExpr = new RESOURCE( "TypePicklingOffsetTable", NULL ); pProc->SetParam( pExpr );
pExpr = new expr_constant( this->TypeIndex ); pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); }
// Now for everything except simply type AlignSize, we need the object
// itself
if ( ! (fIsBaseType && Code == TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE_CODE) ) { pExpr = pCCB->GetParamResource( PTYPE_VAR_NAME ); pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); }
// Data size for simple type encoding and decoding
if ( fIsBaseType ) { switch ( Code ) { case TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE_CODE: break;
case TYPE_ENCODE_CODE: { pExpr = new expr_constant( (short) pChild->GetMemorySize() ); pProc->SetParam( pExpr );
} break;
case TYPE_DECODE_CODE: // We need format char because of conversion.
pExpr = new expr_constant( (short) ((CG_BASETYPE *)pChild)->GetFormatChar() ); pProc->SetParam( pExpr ); break;
default: MIDL_ASSERT( FALSE ); break; } }
return pProc; }
void GenStdMesPrototype( CCB * pCCB, PNAME TypeName, int Code, BOOL fImplicitHandle ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate a standard prototype for the type pickle routines.
pCCB - The code gen controller block. PNAME - Name of the type. Code - Size / Encode / Decode code. fImplicitImplicitHandle - TRUE if implicit binding handle used.
Return Value: Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { CSzBuffer Buffer; char * p;
switch( Code ) { case TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE_CODE: p = "AlignSize"; break; case TYPE_ENCODE_CODE: p = "Encode"; break; case TYPE_DECODE_CODE: p = "Decode"; break; case TYPE_FREE_CODE: p = "Free"; break; default: MIDL_ASSERT( FALSE ); }
if( fImplicitHandle ) { Buffer.Set("\n"); Buffer.Append((Code == TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE_CODE) ? "size_t" : "void"); Buffer.Append("\n"); Buffer.Append(TypeName); Buffer.Append("_"); Buffer.Append(p); Buffer.Append("(\n "); Buffer.Append(TypeName); Buffer.Append(" * "); Buffer.Append(PTYPE_VAR_NAME); Buffer.Append(")"); } else { Buffer.Set("\n"); Buffer.Append((Code == TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE_CODE) ? "size_t" : "void"); Buffer.Append("\n"); Buffer.Append(TypeName); Buffer.Append("_"); Buffer.Append(p); Buffer.Append("(\n "); Buffer.Append(MIDL_ES_HANDLE_TYPE_NAME); Buffer.Append(" "); Buffer.Append(MIDL_ES_HANDLE_VAR_NAME); Buffer.Append(",\n "); Buffer.Append(TypeName); Buffer.Append(" * "); Buffer.Append(PTYPE_VAR_NAME); Buffer.Append(")"); }
pCCB->GetStream()->Write( Buffer ); }