Copyright (c) 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains routines for the generation of the new NDR format strings for pointer types, and the new NDR marshalling and unmarshalling calls.
DKays Oct-1993 Created. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
static long StringToHex( char * str ); extern CMD_ARG * pCommand; #define OUT_CORRELATION_DESC( x, y ) (x)->PushCorrelationFlagsShort(y)
BOOL CG_POINTER::IsPointerToBaseType() { BOOL fIsPointerToBaseType = FALSE; CG_NDR * pChild;
if(GetCGID() == ID_CG_PTR) { pChild = (CG_NDR *)GetChild();
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pChild = (CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild();
if ( pChild->IsSimpleType() ) { if ( pChild->GetRangeAttribute() == NULL ) fIsPointerToBaseType = TRUE; else { if (!pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) RpcError( NULL, 0, POINTER_TO_RANGE, pChild->GetSymName() ); } } }
return fIsPointerToBaseType; }
BOOL CG_POINTER::IsPointerToPointer() { BOOL fIsPointerToPointer = FALSE; CG_NDR * pChild;
if(GetCGID() == ID_CG_PTR) { pChild = (CG_NDR *)GetChild();
if ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pChild = (CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild();
if (pChild->IsPointer()) fIsPointerToPointer = TRUE; }
return fIsPointerToPointer; }
BOOL CG_POINTER::IsBasicRefPointer() { short Attributes;
if ( ( IsInterfacePointer() ) || (GetCGID() == ID_CG_BC_PTR) || (GetCGID() == ID_CG_STRUCT_STRING_PTR) || (GetPtrType() != PTR_REF) || IsPointerToBaseType() ) return FALSE;
if ( ((GetCGID() == ID_CG_STRING_PTR) || (GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR)) && ((CG_STRING_POINTER *)this)->IsStringableStruct() ) return FALSE;
Attributes = GetAllocateDetails();
if ( IsPointerToPointer() || IS_ALLOCATE(Attributes, ALLOCATE_ALL_NODES) || IS_ALLOCATE(Attributes, ALLOCATE_DONT_FREE) ) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CG_POINTER::IsMultiSize() /*
Count the sized pointers below a pointer. At least 2 are needed to come up with TRUE. size_is(a) and size_is(,b) should give false size_is(a,b) and size_is(,a,b) should give true */ { return (SizedDimensions() > 1); }
long CG_POINTER::SizedDimensions() { CG_NDR * pNdr; long Dim; bool SeenOne = false;
// Accept (non-sized) pointers before a sized pointer but not after.
// Checking for pointer breaks a recursion as well.
Dim = 0; pNdr = this;
while ( pNdr && pNdr->IsPointer() ) { if ( (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_PTR) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR) ) { Dim++; SeenOne = true; } else { if ( SeenOne ) break; } pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild(); }
return Dim; }
long CG_POINTER::FixedBufferSize( CCB * pCCB ) { long BufSize;
// Must give up on string or sized pointers.
if ( GetCGID() != ID_CG_PTR ) return -1;
BufSize = ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->FixedBufferSize( pCCB );
if ( BufSize == -1 ) return -1;
return BufSize; }
BOOL CG_POINTER::InterpreterAllocatesOnStack( CCB * pCCB, CG_PARAM * pMyParam, long * pAllocationSize ) { CG_NDR * pNdr; long OutSize;
if ( ! pMyParam ) return FALSE;
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) GetChild();
// [cs_tag] params that are omitted because of a tag routine can't be on
// the allocated on the stack because they don't exist!
if ( pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CS_TAG ) { CG_PROC *pProc = (CG_PROC *) pCCB->GetCGNodeContext();
if ( pProc->GetCSTagRoutine() ) { *pAllocationSize = 0; return FALSE; } }
if ( pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild();
if ( pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) { //
// These get the "allocated on stack" attribute but a size of 0 since
// they are allocated by calling NDRSContextUnmarshall.
*pAllocationSize = 0; return TRUE; }
// Make sure this pointer is a top level parameter and doesn't have
// any allocate attributes.
if ( (pMyParam->GetCGID() == ID_CG_RETURN) || (pMyParam->GetChild() != this) || pMyParam->IsForceAllocate() || IS_ALLOCATE( GetAllocateDetails(), ALLOCATE_ALL_NODES ) || IS_ALLOCATE( GetAllocateDetails(), ALLOCATE_DONT_FREE ) ) return FALSE;
OutSize = pCCB->GetInterpreterOutSize();
// Watch for [out] only ref to ref pointers as they should be
// handled by NdrOutInit in the new interpreter, not on stack.
if ( ! pMyParam->IsParamIn() && IsRef() && IsPointerToPointer() && ((CG_POINTER *)pNdr)->IsRef() ) return FALSE;
// Look for pointer to pointer, [out] only pointer to base type, or
// pointer to enum16 of any direction.
if ( IsPointerToPointer() || (IsPointerToBaseType() && ! pMyParam->IsParamIn()) || (IsPointerToBaseType() && (((CG_BASETYPE *)pNdr)->GetFormatChar() == FC_ENUM16) && pMyParam->IsParamIn()) ) { if ( (OutSize + 8) <= MAX_INTERPRETER_OUT_SIZE ) { *pAllocationSize = 8; pCCB->SetInterpreterOutSize( pCCB->GetInterpreterOutSize() + 8 ); return TRUE; } }
// Finished with [in], [in,out] cases now.
if ( pMyParam->IsParamIn() ) return FALSE;
// This covers [out] pointers to structs and unions. We don't allow
// any one parameter to eat up too much of the total stack space
// the interpreter has set aside for this optimization.
if ( pNdr->GetMemorySize() <= MAX_INTERPRETER_PARAM_OUT_SIZE ) { OutSize += (pNdr->GetMemorySize() + 7) & ~0x7;
if ( OutSize <= MAX_INTERPRETER_OUT_SIZE ) { *pAllocationSize = (pNdr->GetMemorySize() + 7) & ~0x7; pCCB->SetInterpreterOutSize( pCCB->GetInterpreterOutSize() + *pAllocationSize ); return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
void CG_POINTER::GetTypeAndFlags( CCB *pCCB, NDR64_POINTER_FORMAT *format ) { CG_PARAM * pParam; short Attributes;
pParam = pCCB->GetCurrentParam();
BOOL IsNDR64 = pCommand->IsNDR64Run();
// Set the pointer type.
switch ( GetPtrType() ) { case PTR_REF : format->FormatCode = (NDR64_FORMAT_CHAR)(IsNDR64 ? FC64_RP : FC_RP); break;
case PTR_UNIQUE : //
// Check if this is a unique pointer in an OLE interface, but
// is not the top most pointer.
if ( pCCB->IsInObjectInterface() && pParam->IsParamOut() && pParam->GetChild() != this ) { format->FormatCode = (NDR64_FORMAT_CHAR)(IsNDR64 ? FC64_OP : FC_OP); } else { format->FormatCode = (NDR64_FORMAT_CHAR)(IsNDR64 ? FC64_UP : FC_UP); }
case PTR_FULL : format->FormatCode = (NDR64_FORMAT_CHAR)(IsNDR64 ? FC64_FP : FC_FP); break; }
// Now the attributes.
format->Flags = 0;
Attributes = GetAllocateDetails();
if ( IS_ALLOCATE(Attributes, ALLOCATE_ALL_NODES) ) format->Flags |= FC_ALLOCATE_ALL_NODES; if ( IS_ALLOCATE(Attributes, ALLOCATE_DONT_FREE) ) format->Flags |= FC_DONT_FREE;
if ( GetCGID() == ID_CG_PTR ) { //
// Check if we are allocated on the stack by the stub. Currently this
// only works for top level pointers.
if ( ! ShouldPointerFree() && ! (pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) ) { format->Flags |= FC_ALLOCED_ON_STACK; }
// For the interpreter we set the alloced on stack attribute for
// those [out] pointers which we will be able to "allocate" on the
// server interpreter's stack. We also do this for [in,out] double
// pointers.
// The version 1 interpreter simply looks for pointers to context
// handles.
if ( pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ) { if ( ! (pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2) ) { if ( ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) format->Flags |= FC_ALLOCED_ON_STACK; } else { long OutSize;
if ( InterpreterAllocatesOnStack( pCCB, pParam, &OutSize ) ) format->Flags |= FC_ALLOCED_ON_STACK; } } }
// Check for a pointer to simple type, non-sized string, or pointer to
// pointer.
if ( IsPointerToBaseType() || (GetCGID() == ID_CG_STRING_PTR) ) format->Flags |= FC_SIMPLE_POINTER;
if ( IsPointerToPointer() ) format->Flags |= FC_POINTER_DEREF;
SetFormatAttr( format->Flags ); }
void CG_POINTER::GenNdrPointerType( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the first two bytes of a pointer's format string description.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
Returns FALSE if the format string for the pointer type has already been generated, otherwise returns TRUE.
--*/ { NDR64_POINTER_FORMAT format;
GetTypeAndFlags( pCCB, &format );
pCCB->GetFormatString()->PushPointerFormatChar( (unsigned char) format.FormatCode ); pCCB->GetFormatString()->PushByte( format.Flags ); }
void CG_POINTER::RegisterRecPointerForFixup( CCB * pCCB, long OffsetAt ) /*++
Register a simple pointer for fixup. Don't register qualified pointers, byte pointers etc. --*/ { // This routine should be called only for ID_CG_PTR pointers, but check
// just in case.
if ( GetCGID() == ID_CG_PTR ) { pCCB->RegisterRecPointerForFixup( (CG_NDR *) GetChild(), OffsetAt ); } }
void CG_POINTER::GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for a pointer to anything.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ {
FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString(); long StartOffset = pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset(); if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
SetFormatStringOffset( StartOffset ); SetFormatStringEndOffset( StartOffset + 4 );
if ( GenNdrFormatAlways( pCCB ) == 0 ) { // Don't optimize out when the pointee hasn't been generated.
return; }
// here, we assume all pointers generate 4 bytes
pFormatString->OptimizeFragment( this );
long CG_POINTER::GenNdrFormatAlways( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for a pointer to anything.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; long Offset;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
SetFormatStringOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
GenNdrPointerType( pCCB );
// If it's an unattributed pointer to a simple type then the format
// string is optimized.
if ( IsPointerToBaseType() ) { GenNdrFormatPointee( pCCB );
// True simple types are represented as 1 byte (e.g. FC_LONG) and thus
// subsequent stuff needs to be aligned. Ranges (which are also
// considered simpe types) get a more standard, already aligned
// representation
if ( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() & 1 ) pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_PAD );
// return something non-zero to mark it ok for optimizing out.
return GetFormatStringOffset(); }
// Get the current offset.
Offset = pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset();
// Push a short for the offset to be filled in later.
pFormatString->PushShortOffset( 0 );
// Generate the pointee's format string.
GenNdrFormatPointee( pCCB );
// Now fill in the offset field correctly.
// Register for fixup if the offset isn't known yet. Note that we cannot
// use RegisterComplexEmbeddedForFixups because it uses a relative offset.
if ( 0 == GetPointeeFormatStringOffset() ) RegisterRecPointerForFixup( pCCB, GetFormatStringOffset() + 2 ); pFormatString->PushShortOffset( GetPointeeFormatStringOffset() - Offset, Offset );
return GetPointeeFormatStringOffset(); }
void CG_POINTER::GenNdrParamOffline( CCB * pCCB ) { GenNdrFormat( pCCB ); }
void CG_POINTER::GenNdrFormatPointee( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for the pointee of an unattributed pointer to anything.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { CG_NDR * pChild;
pChild = (CG_NDR *)GetChild();
if (pChild->IsProc()) { MIDL_ASSERT(0); } else { //
// For unattributed pointers (no size or length), this is simply a
// call to the child's GenNdrFormat method.
pChild->GenNdrFormat( pCCB );
SetPointeeFormatStringOffset( pChild->GetFormatStringOffset() ); } }
BOOL CG_POINTER::ShouldFreeOffline() { CG_NDR * pNdr;
// The order here is very, very important.
if ( IsAllocateDontFree() ) return FALSE;
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) GetChild();
// Skip past generic handle nodes.
if ( pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild();
// Check for handles.
if ( (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL) ) return FALSE;
// Offline full pointers.
if ( GetPtrType() == PTR_FULL ) return TRUE;
switch ( GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_PTR : case ID_CG_SIZE_PTR : break;
default : MIDL_ASSERT(0); }
if ( pNdr->IsSimpleType() ) return FALSE;
if ( pNdr->IsStruct() ) return ((CG_STRUCT *)pNdr)->ShouldFreeOffline();
return TRUE; }
void CG_POINTER::GenFreeInline( CCB * pCCB ) { CG_PARAM * pParam; CG_NDR * pNdr; BOOL fFree;
if ( ShouldFreeOffline() || IsAllocateDontFree() ) return;
// We use the buffer for these since they have to be [in] or [in,out].
if ( GetCGID() == ID_CG_STRING_PTR ) return;
fFree = FALSE;
pParam = (CG_PARAM *) pCCB->GetLastPlaceholderClass();
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) GetChild();
// Skip past generic handle nodes.
if ( pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild();
// Check for handles.
if ( (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PRIMITIVE_HDL) ) return;
// Free a pointer to simple type only if it's a pointer to enum16 or int3264.
if ( pNdr->IsSimpleType() ) fFree = ((pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_ENUM) && !((CG_ENUM *)pNdr)->IsEnumLong()) ||pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_INT3264;
// Out only pointer is freed if it wasn't allocated on the server's stack.
// We overwrite any previous freeing descision.
if ( ! pParam->IsParamIn() ) fFree = ShouldPointerFree();
if ( fFree ) { //
// Always check if the pointer is not null before freeing.
Out_FreeParamInline( pCCB ); } }
void CG_SIZE_POINTER::GenNdrFormatPointee( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for the pointee of an sized pointer to anything. Since a sized pointer is really the same as a pointer to a conformant array in Ndr terms, we just create a CG_CONFORMANT_ARRAY class on the fly and tell it to generate it's code.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { CG_CONFORMANT_ARRAY * pConformantArray; CG_QUALIFIED_POINTER * pOldSizePtr;
if ( GetPointeeFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
#if 0
// This fixes the case below but causes regressions in ds bvt's. Pull it
// for now.
if ( GetPointee() && GetPointee()->GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) { // This happens when the sized pointer is recursively defined.
// e.g. struct f {long s; [size_is(s)] struct f *p;};
SetPointeeFormatStringOffset( GetPointee()->GetFormatStringOffset() ); return; } #endif
if ( IsMultiSize() ) { CG_NDR * pChild = (CG_NDR *) GetChild();
SetIsInMultiSized( TRUE );
if ( (pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_PTR) || (pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR) || (pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR) ) { ((CG_QUALIFIED_POINTER *)pChild)->SetIsInMultiSized( TRUE ); ((CG_QUALIFIED_POINTER *)pChild)->SetDimension(GetDimension() + 1); } }
pOldSizePtr = pCCB->GetCurrentSizePointer(); pCCB->SetCurrentSizePointer( this );
pConformantArray = new CG_CONFORMANT_ARRAY( this );
SetPointee( pConformantArray );
pConformantArray->SetPtrType( PTR_REF );
pConformantArray->SetChild( GetChild() );
pConformantArray->SetIsInMultiDim( IsInMultiSized() );
if ( IsInMultiSized() && !pCCB->GetCGNodeContext()->IsProc() ) { pConformantArray->ForceComplex(); }
pConformantArray->SetFormatStringOffset( -1 );
pConformantArray->GenNdrFormat( pCCB );
SetPointeeFormatStringOffset( pConformantArray->GetFormatStringOffset() );
pCCB->SetCurrentSizePointer( pOldSizePtr ); }
void CG_SIZE_LENGTH_POINTER::GenNdrFormatPointee( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for the pointee of a size-length pointer to anything. Since a size-length pointer is really the same as a pointer to a conformant varying array in Ndr terms, we just create a CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_ARRAY class on the fly and tell it to generate it's code.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
if ( GetPointeeFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
if ( IsMultiSize() ) { CG_NDR * pChild = (CG_NDR *) GetChild();
SetIsInMultiSized( TRUE );
if ( (pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_PTR) || (pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR) || (pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR) ) { ((CG_QUALIFIED_POINTER *)pChild)->SetIsInMultiSized( TRUE ); ((CG_QUALIFIED_POINTER *)pChild)->SetDimension(GetDimension() + 1); } }
pOldSizePtr = pCCB->GetCurrentSizePointer(); pCCB->SetCurrentSizePointer( this );
pConfVaryArray = new CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_ARRAY( this );
SetPointee( pConfVaryArray );
pConfVaryArray->SetPtrType( PTR_REF );
pConfVaryArray->SetChild( GetChild() );
pConfVaryArray->SetIsInMultiDim( IsInMultiSized() );
if ( IsInMultiSized() && !pCCB->GetCGNodeContext()->IsProc() ) { pConfVaryArray->ForceComplex(); }
pConfVaryArray->SetFormatStringOffset( -1 );
pConfVaryArray->GenNdrFormat( pCCB );
SetPointeeFormatStringOffset( pConfVaryArray->GetFormatStringOffset() );
pCCB->SetCurrentSizePointer( pOldSizePtr ); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Strings
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CG_STRING_POINTER::GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for a string pointer.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString(); long StartOffset = pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset(); if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
SetFormatStringOffset( StartOffset ); SetFormatStringEndOffset( StartOffset + 4 );
if ( GenNdrFormatAlways( pCCB ) == 0 ) { // Don't optimize out if the pointee wasn't generated yet.
return; }
// here, we assume all pointers generate 4 bytes
pFormatString->OptimizeFragment( this ); }
long CG_STRING_POINTER::GenNdrFormatAlways( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for a string pointer.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { GenNdrPointerType( pCCB );
if ( IsStringableStruct() ) { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; long Offset;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
// For stringable struct's we must emit the offset to the pointee
// description. Regular string pointers have the actual description
// immediately following.
Offset = pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset(); pFormatString->PushShortOffset( 0 );
GenNdrFormatPointee( pCCB );
pFormatString->PushShortOffset( GetPointeeFormatStringOffset() - Offset, Offset );
return GetPointeeFormatStringOffset(); }
GenNdrFormatPointee( pCCB );
pCCB->GetFormatString()->PushFormatChar( FC_PAD );
return GetPointeeFormatStringOffset(); }
void CG_STRING_POINTER::GenNdrFormatPointee( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generate the format string of the actual string type without the pointer attributes.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
// Check for stringable struct.
if ( IsStringableStruct() ) { if ( GetPointeeFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
SetPointeeFormatStringOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_C_SSTRING ); pFormatString->PushByte( ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->GetWireSize() );
return; }
// Always generate the format string. The description of a non-sized
// string pointer is not shared.
switch ( ((CG_BASETYPE *)GetChild())->GetFormatChar() ) { case FC_CHAR : case FC_BYTE : pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_C_CSTRING ); break; case FC_WCHAR : pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_C_WSTRING ); break; default : MIDL_ASSERT(0); } }
void CG_SIZE_STRING_POINTER::GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for a sized string pointer.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString(); long StartOffset = pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset(); if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
SetFormatStringOffset( StartOffset ); SetFormatStringEndOffset( StartOffset + 4 );
if ( GenNdrFormatAlways( pCCB ) == 0 ) { // Don't optimize out if the pointee wasn't generated yet.
return; }
// here, we assume all pointers generate 4 bytes
pFormatString->OptimizeFragment( this ); }
long CG_SIZE_STRING_POINTER::GenNdrFormatAlways( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for a sized string pointer.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; long Offset;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
GenNdrPointerType( pCCB );
// Get the current offset.
Offset = pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset();
// Push a short for the offset to be filled in later.
pFormatString->PushShortOffset( 0 );
// Generate the pointee's format string.
GenNdrFormatPointee( pCCB );
// Now fill in the offset field correctly.
pFormatString->PushShortOffset( GetPointeeFormatStringOffset() - Offset, Offset );
return GetPointeeFormatStringOffset(); }
void CG_SIZE_STRING_POINTER::GenNdrFormatPointee( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generate the format string of the actual string type without the pointer attributes.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; CG_QUALIFIED_POINTER * pOldSizePtr;
if ( GetPointeeFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
SetPointeeFormatStringOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
pOldSizePtr = pCCB->GetCurrentSizePointer(); pCCB->SetCurrentSizePointer( this );
// Check for stringable struct.
if ( IsStringableStruct() ) { pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_C_SSTRING ); pFormatString->PushByte( ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->GetWireSize() ); pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_STRING_SIZED ); pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_PAD );
GenFormatStringConformanceDescription( pCCB, TRUE, IsInMultiSized() );
pCCB->SetCurrentSizePointer( pOldSizePtr ); return; }
switch ( ((CG_BASETYPE *)GetChild())->GetFormatChar() ) { case FC_CHAR : case FC_BYTE : pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_C_CSTRING ); break; case FC_WCHAR : pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_C_WSTRING ); break; default : MIDL_ASSERT(0); }
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_STRING_SIZED );
// Set the IsPointer parameter to TRUE.
GenFormatStringConformanceDescription( pCCB, TRUE, IsInMultiSized() );
pCCB->SetCurrentSizePointer( pOldSizePtr ); }
void CG_BYTE_COUNT_POINTER::GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for a byte count pointer.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; CG_PROC * pProc; CG_PARAM * pParam; CG_NDR * pChild; unsigned short uConfFlags = 0;
if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
pChild = (CG_NDR *) GetChild();
if ( ! pChild->IsSimpleType() || pChild->GetRangeAttribute() ) pChild->GenNdrFormat( pCCB );
SetFormatStringOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_BYTE_COUNT_POINTER );
if ( pChild->IsSimpleType() && !pChild->GetRangeAttribute() ) pChild->GenNdrFormat( pCCB ); else pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_PAD );
pProc = (CG_PROC *) pCCB->GetCGNodeContext();
pProc->GetMembers( Iterator );
bool fThisIsFirst = false;
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pParam ) ) { if ( GetByteCountParam() == pParam->GetType() ) { break; } if ( pParam->GetChild() == this ) { fThisIsFirst = true; } }
uConfFlags |= fThisIsFirst ? 0 : FC_EARLY_CORRELATION;
MIDL_ASSERT( ((CG_NDR *)pParam->GetChild())->IsSimpleType() );
CG_BASETYPE * pCount = (CG_BASETYPE *) pParam->GetChild(); unsigned char Type;
Type = (unsigned char) pCount->GetFormatChar(); Type |= FC_TOP_LEVEL_CONFORMANCE;
// Byte count description, just do it here.
pFormatString->PushByte( Type ); pFormatString->PushByte( 0 ); pFormatString->PushShortStackOffset( pParam->GetStackOffset( pCCB, I386_STACK_SIZING ) );
if ( pCommand->IsSwitchDefined( SWITCH_ROBUST ) ) { OUT_CORRELATION_DESC( pFormatString, uConfFlags ); } if ( !pChild->IsSimpleType() || pChild->GetRangeAttribute() ) { pFormatString->PushShortOffset( pChild->GetFormatStringOffset() - pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() ); } }
void CG_INTERFACE_POINTER::GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for an interface pointer.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString;
if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
SetFormatStringOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
// There are two cases, the constant UUID and the [iid_is] expression.
// In the normal case, we will get the 16 byte UUID from the [uuid]
// attribute on the interface node. The 16 byte UUID is written to the
// format string. Note that the UUID in the format string is not aligned
// in memory. The UUID must be copied to a local structure before being
// used.
// Get the interface node.
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_IP );
// Else handle a constant iid interface pointer.
MIDL_ASSERT( GetTheInterface()->NodeKind() == NODE_INTERFACE );
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_CONSTANT_IID );
GenNdrFormatForGuid( pCCB );
SetFormatStringEndOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() ); pFormatString->OptimizeFragment( this );
void CG_INTERFACE_POINTER::GenNdrFormatForGuid( CCB * pCCB ) { node_interface *pInterface = GetTheInterface(); FORMAT_STRING *pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString(); node_guid *pGuid; char *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *p5;
// Get the [uuid] from the interface node.
pGuid = (node_guid *)pInterface->GetAttribute( ATTR_GUID );
MIDL_ASSERT( pGuid && "No UUID for interface pointer" );
pGuid->GetStrs( &p1, &p2, &p3, &p4, &p5 );
pFormatString->PushLong( StringToHex( p1 ) ); pFormatString->PushShort( StringToHex( p2 ) ); pFormatString->PushShort( StringToHex( p3 ) );
char Buffer[20]; char String[4]; int i;
strcpy( Buffer, p4 ); strcat( Buffer, p5 );
for ( i = 0; i < 16; i += 2 ) { String[0] = Buffer[i]; String[1] = Buffer[i+1]; String[2] = '\0';
pFormatString->PushByte( StringToHex( String ) ); } }
long CG_INTERFACE_POINTER::GenNdrFormatAlways( CCB * pCCB ) { long OldOffset;
OldOffset = GetFormatStringOffset();
SetFormatStringOffset( -1 );
GenNdrFormat( pCCB );
SetFormatStringOffset( OldOffset );
// The Always methods return the offset to pointee to watch for 0.
// This does not apply to intf pointer, so just return the current offset.
return GetFormatStringOffset(); }
void CG_IIDIS_INTERFACE_POINTER::GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string description for an interface pointer.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString;
if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
SetFormatStringOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
// There are two cases, the constant UUID and the [iid_is] expression.
// In the normal case, we will get the 16 byte UUID from the [uuid]
// attribute on the interface node. The 16 byte UUID is written to the
// format string. Note that the UUID in the format string is not aligned
// in memory. The UUID must be copied to a local structure before being
// used.
// Get the interface node.
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_IP );
// Interface pointer has [iid_is] applied to it.
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_PAD ); GenNdrFormatAttributeDescription( pCCB, 0, GetIIDExpr(), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, pCommand->IsSwitchDefined( SWITCH_ROBUST ), FC_IID_CORRELATION ); return;
long CG_IIDIS_INTERFACE_POINTER::GenNdrFormatAlways( CCB * pCCB ) { long OldOffset;
OldOffset = GetFormatStringOffset();
SetFormatStringOffset( -1 );
GenNdrFormat( pCCB );
SetFormatStringOffset( OldOffset );
// The Always methods return the offset to pointee to watch for 0.
// This does not apply to intf pointer, so just return the current offset.
return GetFormatStringOffset(); }
static long StringToHex( char * str ) { long l;
l = 0;
for ( ; *str ; str++ ) { l *= 16;
if ( ('0' <= *str) && (*str <= '9') ) { l += *str - '0'; continue; }
if ( ('a' <= *str) && (*str <= 'f') ) { l += 10 + *str - 'a'; continue; }
if ( ('A' <= *str) && (*str <= 'F') ) { l += 10 + *str - 'A'; continue; }
return l; }