Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains routines for the generation of the new NDR format strings for unions, and the new NDR marshalling and unmarshalling calls.
DKays Nov-1993 Created. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
void CG_ENCAPSULATED_STRUCT::GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string for an encapsulated union.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
Return : None.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; CG_BASETYPE * pSwitchIsNode; CG_UNION * pUnion; unsigned long SwitchType;
if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
// The child of the struct's first field node is the switch_is node.
pSwitchIsNode = (CG_BASETYPE *) GetChild()->GetChild();
// The child of the struct's second field node is the union node.
pUnion = (CG_UNION *) GetChild()->GetSibling()->GetChild();
SetFormatStringOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_ENCAPSULATED_UNION );
// The switch type field in the format string has the size of the switch_is
// field (including any needed pading) in the upper four bits and the
// actual switch_is type in the lower four bits.
// Get the amount to increment the memory pointer to the encapsulated
// union's struct to get to the actual union. This is the total struct
// size minus the union's size (this may not simply be the size of the
// switch_is member because of possible padding).
CG_FIELD * pSwitchField; CG_FIELD * pUnionField;
pSwitchField = (CG_FIELD *) GetChild(); pUnionField = (CG_FIELD *) pSwitchField->GetSibling();
// Set the memory increment part of the SwitchType field.
SwitchType = ( pUnionField->GetMemOffset() - pSwitchField->GetMemOffset() ) << 4;
if ( pSwitchIsNode->GetFormatChar() == FC_ENUM16 ) SwitchType |= FC_ENUM16; else SwitchType |= pSwitchIsNode->GetSignedFormatChar();
pFormatString->PushByte( SwitchType );
pUnion->GenNdrSizeAndArmDescriptions( pCCB );
SetFormatStringEndOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() ); // SetFormatStringOffset( pFormatString->OptimizeFragment( this ) );
void CG_UNION::GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string for a non-encapsulated union.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
Return : None.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; long Offset;
SetCCB( pCCB );
if ( GetFormatStringOffset() != -1 ) return;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
SetFormatStringOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_NON_ENCAPSULATED_UNION );
if ( ((CG_BASETYPE *)pCGSwitchType)->GetFormatChar() == FC_ENUM16 ) pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_ENUM16 ); else { FORMAT_CHARACTER SwitchTypeFc;
// Note that we take the signed format character this time.
SwitchTypeFc = ((CG_BASETYPE *)pCGSwitchType)->GetSignedFormatChar();
#if defined(TARGET_RKK)
if ( pCommand->GetTargetSystem() == NT35 && SwitchTypeFc == FC_USMALL ) { // The NT 807 NDR engine doesn't know about usmall.
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_BYTE ); pFormatString->PushFormatChar( FC_SMALL ); } else #endif
pFormatString->PushFormatChar( SwitchTypeFc ); }
GenNdrSwitchIsDescription( pCCB );
Offset = pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset();
pFormatString->PushShortOffset( 0 );
GenNdrSizeAndArmDescriptions( pCCB );
pFormatString->PushShortOffset( GetNdrSizeAndArmDescriptionOffset() - Offset, Offset );
SetFormatStringEndOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() ); // SetFormatStringOffset( pFormatString->OptimizeFragment( this ) );
void CG_UNION::GenNdrFormatArms( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the format string for the arms of an encapsulated or a non-encapsulated union.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
Return : None.
--*/ { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_CASE * pCase; CG_NDR * pNdr;
GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pCase ) ) { if ( ! pCase->GetChild() ) continue;
// The child of the CG_CASE is a CG_FIELD.
// The child of the CG_FIELD is the actual NDR entity.
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pCase->GetChild()->GetChild();
if ( ! pNdr ) continue;
if ( pNdr && ( ! pNdr->IsSimpleType() || pNdr->GetRangeAttribute() ) ) pNdr->GenNdrFormat( pCCB ); } }
void CG_UNION::GenNdrSizeAndArmDescriptions( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
Generates the memory size and arm description portion of the format string for an encapsulated or a non-encapsulated union.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
Return : None.
--*/ { FORMAT_STRING * pFormatString; unsigned short UnionArms; long FormatOffset;
if ( GetNdrSizeAndArmDescriptionOffset() != -1 ) return;
pFormatString = pCCB->GetFormatString();
SetNdrSizeAndArmDescriptionOffset( pFormatString->GetCurrentOffset() );
FILE * fUnionLog = NULL;
fUnionLog = fopen("c:\\unioninfo.log", "a+t");
if (fUnionLog) { char *pName = GetSymName(); unsigned long UnionArms = GetNumberOfArms(); char *pUnionKind = NULL; unsigned long UnionFlavor = GetUnionFlavor(); char *pFileName = "Unknown"; char *pEnv = pCommand->Is64BitEnv() ? ("64") : ("32"); switch(UnionFlavor) { case UNION_UNKNOWN: pUnionKind = "Union_Unknown"; break; case UNION_ENCAP: pUnionKind = "Union_Encap"; break; case UNION_NONENCAP_DCE: pUnionKind = "Union_NonEncap_DCE"; break; case UNION_NONENCAP_MS: pUnionKind = "Union_NonEncap_MS"; break; default: pUnionKind = "Unknown"; break; }
node_file * pFile = GetType()->GetDefiningFile(); if (pFile && pFile->GetSymName()) pFileName = pFile->GetSymName(); fprintf(fUnionLog, "* %s FileName: %s, Symbol: %s, Kind %u(%s), Arms: %u \n", pEnv, pFileName, pName, UnionFlavor, pUnionKind, UnionArms); }
// Set aside the space for the union's description. Then we generate
// the format string description for all the union's arms, and then
// we go back and patch up the the union's description to have the
// proper offsets. This must be done to handle self referencing union
// types.
// Memory size.
pFormatString->PushShort( (short) GetMemorySize() );
// union_arms<2>
UnionArms = (unsigned short) GetNumberOfArms();
if ( GetUnionFlavor() == UNION_NONENCAP_MS ) { //
// Microsoft union support.
// Set the upper four bits of the union_arm<2> field with the
// the alignment of the largest aligned union arm.
UnionArms |= (GetWireAlignment() - 1) << 12; }
pFormatString->PushShort( (short) UnionArms );
// Get union arms again since we may have just munged it.
UnionArms = (short) GetNumberOfArms();
// The arms.
for ( ; UnionArms-- > 0; ) { pFormatString->PushLong( 0 ); pFormatString->PushShortOffset( 0 ); }
// default_arm_description<2>
pFormatString->PushShortOffset( 0 );
// Generate the format string descriptions of the arms.
GenNdrFormatArms( pCCB );
// Find out where the arms' descriptions begin.
FormatOffset = GetNdrSizeAndArmDescriptionOffset() + 4;
CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_CASE * pCase; CG_NDR * pNdr; CG_NDR * pNdrDefaultCase; BOOL DefaultCaseFound; GetMembers( Iterator );
pNdrDefaultCase = NULL; DefaultCaseFound = FALSE;
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pCase ) ) { //
// Check for the default case first.
if ( pCase->GetCGID() == ID_CG_DEFAULT_CASE ) { pNdrDefaultCase = pCase->GetChild() ? (CG_NDR *) pCase->GetChild()->GetChild() : 0;
DefaultCaseFound = TRUE;
if (fUnionLog) { fprintf(fUnionLog, "DEFAULT\n"); } #endif
continue; }
// Fill in the arm's case value.
if (NULL == pCase->GetExpr()) { RpcError(NULL, 0, NO_CASE_EXPR, GetSymName()); exit(NO_CASE_EXPR); }
if (fUnionLog) fprintf(fUnionLog, "%d \n", (long)pCase->GetExpr()->GetValue());
pFormatString->PushLong( (long)pCase->GetExpr()->GetValue(), FormatOffset ); FormatOffset += 4;
// Check for a non-default case with an empty (;) arm.
if ( ! pCase->GetChild() || ! pCase->GetChild()->GetChild() ) { //
// Increment the FormatOffset past the arm description, which
// simply remains zero.
FormatOffset += 2; continue; }
// Else it's a regular case with a valid arm.
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pCase->GetChild()->GetChild();
// Emit a short with type or offset representation.
// For simple types we push <0x80><type>, for others we push offset<2>.
// The engine checks if the first byte is 0x80 to decide how it should
// treat the short, hence the offset range is from 0x8100 to 7fff, i.e.
// the offset of 0x80xx is invalid.
if ( pNdr && pNdr->IsSimpleType() ) { short s; //
// The offset in this case is the actual format character for
// the base type, but with a 1 in the upper bit of the short, to
// make it look negative.
s = (short) ((CG_BASETYPE *)pNdr)->GetFormatChar(); s |= MAGIC_UNION_SHORT;
pFormatString->PushMagicUnionShort( s, FormatOffset ); } else { //
// The offset pushed here is the usual relative offset, except
// as explained above, it has to be >= 0x8100.
pFormatString->PushShortOffset( pNdr->GetFormatStringOffset() - FormatOffset, FormatOffset ); }
FormatOffset += 2; }
// Finally, handle the default case.
if ( ! DefaultCaseFound ) { // We push an offset here for easier stub reading as this is an offset..
// However, this would prevent union optimization if we switched it on,
// so at that stage an FS_ marker is needed to generate a comment.
pFormatString->PushShortOffset( -1, FormatOffset ); } else { if ( ! pNdrDefaultCase ) pFormatString->PushShortOffset( 0, FormatOffset ); else { if ( pNdrDefaultCase->IsSimpleType() ) { short s; s = (short) ((CG_BASETYPE *)pNdrDefaultCase)->GetFormatChar(); s |= MAGIC_UNION_SHORT; pFormatString->PushMagicUnionShort( s, FormatOffset ); } else pFormatString->PushShortOffset( pNdrDefaultCase->GetFormatStringOffset() - FormatOffset, FormatOffset ); } }
if (fUnionLog) { fprintf(fUnionLog, "+\n"); fprintf(fUnionLog, "\n"); fclose(fUnionLog); } #endif
BOOL CG_UNION::CanUseBuffer() { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_CASE * pCase; CG_NDR * pNdr; unsigned long Size; long Align; long TempBufAlign;
// We will be very strict, since there is not much room for
// leeway. Only return TRUE if all arms have the same size, the same
// wire alignment, and matching wire/memory alignments & sizes.
// The real scenario we're after is a union with all pointer arms or
// longs. This is fairly common in NT.
GetMembers( Iterator );
Size = 0; Align = 0; while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pCase ) ) { if ( ! pCase->GetChild() || (pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pCase->GetChild()->GetChild()) == 0 ) continue;
TempBufAlign = pNdr->GetWireAlignment(); if ( (pNdr->GetWireSize() != pNdr->GetMemorySize()) || (pNdr->GetMemoryAlignment() != TempBufAlign) ) return FALSE;
if ( ! Size ) { Size = pNdr->GetWireSize(); Align = TempBufAlign; continue; } if ( (Size != pNdr->GetWireSize()) || (Align != TempBufAlign) ) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
void CG_UNION::GenNdrSwitchIsDescription( CCB * pCCB ) /*++
Routine Description :
This routine generates the switch_type<1> and switch_is_description<4> field for a non-encapsulated union.
Arguments :
pCCB - pointer to the code control block
Return : None.
--*/ { CG_NDR * pParamOrField; CG_FIELD * pField; expr_node * pSwitchExpr; BOOL IsPointer;
pParamOrField = pCCB->GetLastPlaceholderClass();
// Get the switch is expression.
switch ( pParamOrField->GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_PARAM : pSwitchExpr = ((CG_PARAM *)pParamOrField)->GetSwitchExpr();
// If it's top level param then this flag doesn't matter.
IsPointer = FALSE;
case ID_CG_FIELD : pField = (CG_FIELD *) pParamOrField;
pSwitchExpr = pField->GetSwitchExpr(); // Check if the field is actually a pointer to a union.
IsPointer = ((CG_NDR *)pField->GetChild())->IsPointer(); break;
default : MIDL_ASSERT(0); }
GenNdrFormatAttributeDescription( pCCB, NULL, pSwitchExpr, IsPointer, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, pCommand->IsSwitchDefined( SWITCH_ROBUST ) ); }
void CG_UNION::SetFormatStringOffset( long Offset ) { CCB * pCCB; CG_NDR * pParamOrFieldNode;
pCCB = GetCCB();
pParamOrFieldNode = pCCB->GetLastPlaceholderClass();
if ( pParamOrFieldNode->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PARAM ) ((CG_PARAM *)pParamOrFieldNode)->SetUnionFormatStringOffset( Offset ); else ((CG_FIELD *)pParamOrFieldNode)->SetUnionFormatStringOffset( Offset ); }
long CG_UNION::GetFormatStringOffset() { CCB * pCCB; CG_NDR * pParamOrFieldNode;
pCCB = GetCCB();
pParamOrFieldNode = pCCB->GetLastPlaceholderClass();
if ( pParamOrFieldNode->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PARAM ) return ((CG_PARAM *)pParamOrFieldNode)->GetUnionFormatStringOffset(); else return ((CG_FIELD *)pParamOrFieldNode)->GetUnionFormatStringOffset(); }
void CG_ENCAPSULATED_STRUCT::GenNdrPointerFixUp( CCB * pCCB, CG_STRUCT * pStruct ) { //
// For an encapsulated struct, call this method on the actual union.
// Remember that the encap struct's child is a CG_FIELD whose sibling's
// child will be the actual union.
((CG_UNION*)(GetChild()->GetSibling()->GetChild()))-> GenNdrPointerFixUp( pCCB, pStruct ); }
void CG_UNION::GenNdrPointerFixUp( CCB * pCCB, CG_STRUCT * pStruct ) { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_NDR * pMember; CG_NDR * pNdr; long OffsetOffset;
if ( IsInFixUp() ) return;
SetFixUpLock( TRUE );
OffsetOffset = GetNdrSizeAndArmDescriptionOffset() + 4;
GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pMember ) ) { if ( ! pMember->GetChild() || ! pMember->GetChild()->GetChild() ) { OffsetOffset += 6; continue; }
// Child of the case is a CG_FIELD - get it's child to get the
// actual Ndr entity.
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pMember->GetChild()->GetChild();
if ( pNdr == pStruct ) { //
// Patch up the offset.
OffsetOffset += 4;
pCCB->GetFormatString()->PushShortOffset( pStruct->GetFormatStringOffset() - OffsetOffset, OffsetOffset );
OffsetOffset += 2; continue; }
if ( (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PTR) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_PTR) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR) ) { CG_POINTER * pPointer = (CG_POINTER *) pNdr;
// Check if we're ready for this guy yet.
if ( pPointer->GetFormatStringOffset() == -1 ) continue;
// Get the pointee.
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild();
// If the pointer's pointee is the struct we're checking for,
// then patch up the pointer's offset_to_description<2> field.
if ( pNdr == pStruct ) { long PointerOffset;
// Get the offset in the format string where the
// offset_to_description<2> field of the pointer is.
PointerOffset = pPointer->GetFormatStringOffset() + 2;
pCCB->GetFormatString()->PushShortOffset( pStruct->GetFormatStringOffset() - PointerOffset, PointerOffset );
OffsetOffset += 6; continue; } }
// Continue the chase if necessary.
if ( pNdr->IsStruct() || pNdr->IsUnion() || pNdr->IsArray() ) pNdr->GenNdrPointerFixUp( pCCB, pStruct );
OffsetOffset += 6; }
SetFixUpLock( FALSE ); }