Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
This file contains the routines to check if -robust flag is presented on all the methods in an interface. This includes both raw rpc interfaces and DCOM interfaces.
Author :
Yong Qu yongqu March 2002
Revision History :
**********************************************************************/ #include "ndrp.h"
#include "ndrole.h"
static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER gOleServer[] = { {0x69C09EA0, 0x4A09, 0x101B, 0xAE, 0x4B, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x34, 0x9A, 0x02, {0, 0}}, {0x00000131, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, {0, 0}}, {0x69C09EA0, 0x4A09, 0x101B, 0xAE, 0x4B, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x34, 0x9A, 0x02, {0, 0}} };
// called from RpcServerRegisterIf(x) family
RPC_STATUS CheckForRobust ( RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE * pRpcServerIf ) { NDR_ASSERT( pRpcServerIf != NULL, "invalid input RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE" );
if ( pRpcServerIf->DefaultManagerEpv ) { // use_epv, it's not secure
// either OLE or /Os stub altogether.
if ( pRpcServerIf->InterpreterInfo == NULL ) { // there are three "fake" ole interfaces that do their own dispatching
for ( ulong i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if ( memcmp(&(pRpcServerIf->InterfaceId), &gOleServer[i], sizeof(RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER) )== 0 ) return RPC_S_OK; } return RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA; }
#if !defined(__RPC_WIN64__)
// I don't like this. This is the only way to check for /Oi,Oic stub for raw rpc interface
for ( ulong i = 0; i < pRpcServerIf->DispatchTable->DispatchTableCount ; i ++ ) { if (pRpcServerIf->DispatchTable->DispatchTable[i] == NdrServerCall ) return RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA; } #endif
return NdrpCheckMIDLRobust ( (MIDL_SERVER_INFO *)pRpcServerIf->InterpreterInfo, pRpcServerIf->DispatchTable->DispatchTableCount , FALSE); }
// called from NdrpCheckRpcServerRobust or from NdrDllRegisterProxy
DWORD NdrpCheckMIDLRobust( IN const MIDL_SERVER_INFO * pMServerInfo, ulong ProcCount , BOOL IsObjectIntf ) { NDR_ASSERT( pMServerInfo != NULL, "invalid MIDL_SERVER_INFO" ); PMIDL_STUB_DESC pStubDesc = pMServerInfo->pStubDesc; BOOL fHasNoRobust = FALSE; // ulong i = IsObjectIntf? 2:0;
if (pStubDesc->mFlags & RPCFLG_HAS_MULTI_SYNTAXES ) { // -protocol ndr64 or -protocol all has to be robust
return RPC_S_OK; }
if ( MIDL_VERSION_3_0_39 > pStubDesc->MIDLVersion ) { // we don't support ROBUST in early version of MIDL
if ( pStubDesc->Version < NDR_VERSION_2_0 ) { // we don't support ROBUST in early version of NDR
NDR_ASSERT( pMServerInfo->FmtStringOffset != NULL, "invalid format string offset" );
// there might be some interpreter mode method in this interface
// We are just checking the last one for performance; we don't care about mixed case (where
// midl roll back to /Os mode
// we can't check delegation case.
if ( pMServerInfo->FmtStringOffset[ProcCount-1] != 0xffff ) { PFORMAT_STRING ProcFormat = &(pMServerInfo->ProcString[pMServerInfo->FmtStringOffset[ProcCount-1]] ); NDR_PROC_CONTEXT ProcContext; if ( !IsObjectIntf || ( ProcFormat[1] & Oi_OBJ_USE_V2_INTERPRETER ) ) { MulNdrpInitializeContextFromProc(XFER_SYNTAX_DCE , ProcFormat, &ProcContext , NULL , FALSE ); if (ProcContext.NdrInfo.pProcDesc->Oi2Flags.HasExtensions && ProcContext.NdrInfo.pProcDesc->NdrExts.Flags2.HasNewCorrDesc ) return RPC_S_OK; } } return RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA; }