Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
This file contains the APIs for handling full pointers in the NDR engine and inlined stubs for MIDL 2.0.
Author :
David Kays dkays January 1994.
Revision History :
#include "ndrp.h"
static void NdrFullPointerXlatRealloc ( PFULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES pXlatTables, ulong RefId );
PFULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES RPC_ENTRY NdrFullPointerXlatInit( ulong NumberOfPointers, XLAT_SIDE XlatSide ) /***
Routine description :
Allocates full pointer support data structures for an RPC call.
Arguments :
NumberOfPointer - If possible, the stub passes in the total number of possible full pointers that will be used during a call.
Return value :
A pointer to the full pointer translations tables used during an rpc call.
***/ { PFULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES pXlatTables; uint RefIdToPointerEntries; uint PointerToRefIdBuckets; BOOL fOutOfMemory = FALSE;
pXlatTables = (PFULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES) I_RpcAllocate(sizeof(FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES));
// Because old compilers didn't initialize the xlat ptr in stubmsg
// at the client in Os mode, we cannot raise exception right away.
if ( ! pXlatTables ) fOutOfMemory = TRUE; else { //
// Determine the size of both translation tables.
if ( NumberOfPointers ) { ulong Shift, Bitmask; RefIdToPointerEntries = (uint) NumberOfPointers; //
// Find the smallest power of 2 which is greater than
// RefIdToPointerEntries.
for ( Shift = 0, Bitmask = 0x80000000; ! (Bitmask & (ulong) RefIdToPointerEntries); Shift++, Bitmask >>= 1 ) ; PointerToRefIdBuckets = (uint)((0xffffffff >> Shift) + 1); } else { RefIdToPointerEntries = DEFAULT_REF_ID_TO_POINTER_TABLE_ELEMENTS; PointerToRefIdBuckets = DEFAULT_POINTER_TO_REF_ID_TABLE_BUCKETS; } // Make sure we can clean up correctly later if case of an exception.
pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable = 0; pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.StateTable = 0; pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable = 0; pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.NumberOfEntries = 0; pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.NumberOfBuckets = 0; //
// Initialize the ref id to pointer tables.
pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable = (void **) I_RpcAllocate( RefIdToPointerEntries * sizeof(void *) ); if ( ! pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable ) fOutOfMemory = TRUE; else { MIDL_memset( pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable, 0, RefIdToPointerEntries * sizeof(void *) ); pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.StateTable = (uchar *) I_RpcAllocate( RefIdToPointerEntries * sizeof(uchar) ); if ( ! pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.StateTable ) fOutOfMemory = TRUE; else { MIDL_memset( pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.StateTable, 0, RefIdToPointerEntries * sizeof(uchar) ); pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.NumberOfEntries = RefIdToPointerEntries; //
// Intialize the pointer to ref id tables.
pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable = (PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT *) I_RpcAllocate( PointerToRefIdBuckets * sizeof(PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT) ); if ( ! pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable ) fOutOfMemory = TRUE; else { MIDL_memset( pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable, 0, PointerToRefIdBuckets * sizeof(PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT) ); } } } }
if ( fOutOfMemory ) { NdrFullPointerXlatFree( pXlatTables );
if ( XlatSide == XLAT_SERVER ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); else { // The old compilers generate a code for the client side that
// doesn't initialize the table pointer and the stub msg
// initialization is after call to xlat initialize.
// So, we are down to checking the pointer when used.
return( 0 ); } }
pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.NumberOfBuckets = PointerToRefIdBuckets; pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.HashMask = PointerToRefIdBuckets - 1;
pXlatTables->NextRefId = 1;
pXlatTables->XlatSide = XlatSide;
return pXlatTables; }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrFullPointerXlatFree( PFULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES pXlatTables ) /***
Routine description :
Free the full pointer support data structures for an rpc call.
Arguments :
pXlatTables - Full pointer translation tables data structure to free.
***/ { PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT * HashTable; PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT pElement, pTemp; ulong Buckets; ulong i;
if ( ! pXlatTables ) return;
// Free the ref id to pointer tables.
if ( pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable ) I_RpcFree( pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable );
if ( pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.StateTable ) I_RpcFree( pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.StateTable );
// Free the pointer to ref id table.
HashTable = pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable;
if ( HashTable ) { Buckets = pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.NumberOfBuckets; for ( i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) if ( HashTable[i] ) for ( pElement = HashTable[i]; pElement; pElement = pTemp ) { pTemp = pElement->Next; I_RpcFree(pElement); } I_RpcFree( HashTable ); }
// Free the translation table structure.
I_RpcFree( pXlatTables ); }
int RPC_ENTRY NdrFullPointerQueryPointer( PFULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES pXlatTables, void * pPointer, uchar QueryType, ulong * pRefId ) /***
Routine description :
This routine checks if a full pointer is in the full pointer translation table and is marked with the given state.
If there is no current translation for this pointer then a translation is inserted in the given translation table and a ref id is assigned if pRefId is non-null.
Arguments :
pXlatTable - The full pointer translation tables. pPointer - The pointer to check. QueryType - The type of query, either FULL_POINTER_MARSHALLED or FULL_POINTER_BUF_SIZED. pRefId - The ref id for the pointer is returned if this parameter is non-null.
Return Value :
TRUE if the given pointer was null or a translation for the full pointer was found and had the QueryType set, FALSE otherwise.
A return value of FALSE indicates that the pointee should be sized or marshalled.
***/ { PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT * HashTable; PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT pElement; ulong HashTableIndex;
if ( ! pPointer ) { if ( pRefId ) *pRefId = 0;
return TRUE; }
if ( ! pXlatTables ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
HashTable = pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable;
// Lookup pPointer in PointerToRefId table.
HashTableIndex = PTR_HASH( pPointer, pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.HashMask );
for ( pElement = HashTable[HashTableIndex]; pElement; pElement = pElement->Next ) { if ( pElement->Pointer == pPointer ) { if ( CHECK_FULL_POINTER_STATE( pElement->State, QueryType ) ) { if ( pRefId ) *pRefId = pElement->RefId;
return TRUE; } else { //
// Assign a ref id now if it doesn't have one and pRefId is
// non null.
if ( pRefId && ! pElement->RefId ) pElement->RefId = pXlatTables->NextRefId++;
SET_FULL_POINTER_STATE( pElement->State, QueryType ); } break; } }
// If there is no translation for the pointer then insert a new one.
if ( ! pElement ) { pElement = (PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT) I_RpcAllocate( sizeof(FULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT) );
if ( ! pElement ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
pElement->State = 0;
SET_FULL_POINTER_STATE( pElement->State, QueryType );
pElement->Pointer = pPointer;
if ( pRefId ) pElement->RefId = pXlatTables->NextRefId++; else pElement->RefId = 0;
pElement->Next = HashTable[HashTableIndex]; HashTable[HashTableIndex] = pElement; }
// Set the ref id return value.
if ( pRefId ) { //
// We get here the first time we marshall a new full pointer.
*pRefId = pElement->RefId;
// We insert the reverse translation if we're on the client side.
if ( pXlatTables->XlatSide == XLAT_CLIENT ) { if ( *pRefId >= pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.NumberOfEntries ) NdrFullPointerXlatRealloc( pXlatTables, *pRefId );
pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable[*pRefId] = pPointer; } }
return FALSE; }
int RPC_ENTRY NdrFullPointerQueryRefId( PFULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES pXlatTables, ulong RefId, uchar QueryType, void ** ppPointer ) /***
Routine description :
This routine checks if a ref id is in the full pointer translation table and is marked with the given state.
If a translation is found and ppPointer is non-null then *ppPointer is set to the value of the ref id's pointer value.
If this routine returns FALSE for a FULL_POINTER_UNMARSHALLED query then the full pointer should be allocated and a call to NdrFullPointerInsertRefId must be made.
If this routine returns FALSE for a FULL_POINTER_MEM_SIZED query then the size of the full pointer's pointee should be added to the current memory sizing calculation.
Arguments :
pXlatTable - The full pointer translation tables. pRefId - The ref id to search for. QueryType - The type of query, either FULL_POINTER_UNMARSHALLED or FULL_POINTER_MEM_SIZED. ppPointer - Holds the returned pointer value for the ref id if it is found.
Return Value :
TRUE if the ref id is 0 or a translation for the ref id is found and had the QueryType set, FALSE otherwise.
A return value of FALSE indicates that the pointee should be sized or unmarshalled.
***/ { uchar * StateTable; void * Pointer;
if ( ! RefId ) { return TRUE; }
if ( ! pXlatTables ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
if ( RefId >= pXlatTables->NextRefId ) { pXlatTables->NextRefId = RefId + 1; if ( pXlatTables->NextRefId < RefId ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA ); }
if ( RefId >= pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.NumberOfEntries ) NdrFullPointerXlatRealloc( pXlatTables, RefId );
StateTable = pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.StateTable;
Pointer = pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable[RefId];
// We make this check first. It's possible that we will already have
// a translation for the ref id, but it simply won't be marked yet with
// the proper state. In this case we still want to return the correct
// pointer value from the translation tables, but we'll still end up
// returning false when we make the state check.
if ( ppPointer ) { //
// We have to make sure and always copy the pointer's value from
// the table. This way we handle the case when a pointer's VALUE
// changes to a pointer which has a currently valid RefId (an
// example of this could happen when a server swaps the values of
// two [in,out] double pointers).
// Pointer will be null if this is the first time we've seen or used
// this ref id.
*ppPointer = Pointer; }
if ( CHECK_FULL_POINTER_STATE( StateTable[RefId], QueryType ) ) { return TRUE; } else { SET_FULL_POINTER_STATE( StateTable[RefId], QueryType ); return FALSE; } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrFullPointerInsertRefId( PFULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES pXlatTables, ulong RefId, void * pPointer ) /***
Routine description :
This routine inserts a ref id to pointer translation in the full pointer translation table.
Arguments :
pXlatTable - The full pointer translation tables. pRefId - The ref id. pPointer - The pointer.
Return Value :
***/ { // unused: uchar * StateTable;
if ( ! pXlatTables ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
// Ref id should be non-zero.
NDR_ASSERT( RefId, "NdrFullPointerInsertRefId : Ref id is zero" );
// Ref id should fit in the current table.
NDR_ASSERT( RefId < pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.NumberOfEntries, "NdrFullPointerInsertRefId : Ref Id too large" );
// There should currently be no pointer translation for this ref id.
NDR_ASSERT( ! pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable[RefId], "NdrFullPointerInsertRefId : Translation already exists" );
// Insert the translation.
pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable[RefId] = pPointer;
// If we're on the server side then insert the inverse translation.
if ( pXlatTables->XlatSide == XLAT_SERVER ) { PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT pElement; long HashTableIndex;
if ( ! pElement ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
pElement->State = 0; pElement->Pointer = pPointer; pElement->RefId = RefId;
HashTableIndex = PTR_HASH( pPointer, pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.HashMask );
pElement->Next = pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable[HashTableIndex]; pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable[HashTableIndex] = pElement; } }
int RPC_ENTRY NdrFullPointerFree( PFULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES pXlatTables, void * pPointer ) /***
Routine description :
Removes a full pointer from the translation tables, and frees it's associated translation data.
Return value :
TRUE if the pointer has not yet been freed or is null, FALSE otherwise.
***/ { PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT * HashTable; PFULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT pElement; ulong HashTableIndex;
if ( ! pPointer ) return FALSE;
if ( ! pXlatTables ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
HashTable = pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable;
// Lookup pPointer in PointerToRefId table.
HashTableIndex = PTR_HASH( pPointer, pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.HashMask );
for ( pElement = HashTable[HashTableIndex]; pElement; pElement = pElement->Next ) { if ( pElement->Pointer == pPointer ) { if ( CHECK_FULL_POINTER_STATE(pElement->State,FULL_POINTER_FREED) ) { return FALSE; } else { SET_FULL_POINTER_STATE(pElement->State,FULL_POINTER_FREED); return TRUE; } } }
// There is an instance when a full pointer is encountered for the first
// time during freeing. This occurs if an [in] full pointer is changed
// by the server manager routine. If this occurs we must insert the new
// full pointer so we can keep track of it so that we don't free it more
// than once.
if ( ! pElement ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
pElement->State = 0; pElement->Pointer = pPointer;
HashTableIndex = PTR_HASH( pPointer, pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.HashMask );
pElement->Next = pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable[HashTableIndex]; pXlatTables->PointerToRefId.XlatTable[HashTableIndex] = pElement;
return TRUE; }
static void NdrFullPointerXlatRealloc( PFULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES pXlatTables, ulong RefId) { void * pMemory; uint Entries;
if ( ! pXlatTables ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
Entries = (uint) pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.NumberOfEntries;
// If the number is much larger than the previous one, most likely the
// number is invalid. Before we have a concrete solution to replace the
// current fixed array of RefIdToPointer lookup, this can catch most
// of the failures.
if ( RefId >= 2 * Entries ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA ); //
// Realloc RefIdToPointerTable. Allocate twice as many entries.
pMemory = I_RpcAllocate( Entries * sizeof(void *) * 2 );
if ( ! pMemory ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
// Now copy the current entries into the new memory.
RpcpMemoryCopy( pMemory, pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable, Entries * sizeof( void * ) );
// Set the new entries to 0.
MIDL_memset( (char *) pMemory + Entries * sizeof( void *), 0, Entries * sizeof( void *) );
// Free the old table.
I_RpcFree( pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable );
// Get the new table.
pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.XlatTable = (void**)pMemory;
// Realloc RefIdToPointerState
pMemory = I_RpcAllocate( Entries * sizeof(uchar) * 2 );
if ( ! pMemory ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
// Now copy the current entries into the new memory.
RpcpMemoryCopy( pMemory, pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.StateTable, Entries * sizeof(uchar) );
// Set the new entries to 0.
MIDL_memset( (char *) pMemory + Entries * sizeof(uchar), 0, Entries * sizeof(uchar) );
// Free the old table.
I_RpcFree( pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.StateTable );
// Get the new table.
pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.StateTable = (uchar*)pMemory;
// Update number of entries.
pXlatTables->RefIdToPointer.NumberOfEntries *= 2; }