Microsoft Windows Copyright (c) 1994-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name: proxy.c
Abstract: Implements the IRpcProxyBuffer interface.
Author: ShannonC 12-Oct-1994
Environment: Windows NT and Windows 95 and PowerMac. We do not support DOS, Win16 and Mac.
Revision History:
#include <ndrp.h>
#include <ndrole.h>
#include <rpcproxy.h>
#include <stddef.h>
CStdProxyBuffer * RPC_ENTRY NdrGetProxyBuffer( void *pThis);
const IID * RPC_ENTRY NdrGetProxyIID( const void *pThis);
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_Release( IN IRpcProxyBuffer *This);
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer2_Release( IN IRpcProxyBuffer *This);
BOOL NdrpFindInterface( IN const ProxyFileInfo ** pProxyFileList, IN REFIID riid, OUT const ProxyFileInfo ** ppProxyFileInfo, OUT long * pIndex );
// The channel wrapper
typedef struct tagChannelWrapper { const IRpcChannelBufferVtbl *lpVtbl; long RefCount; const IID * pIID; struct IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; } ChannelWrapper;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateChannelWrapper ( const IID * pIID, IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, IRpcChannelBuffer ** pChannelWrapper );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateAsyncChannelWrapper ( const IID * pIID, IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, IRpcChannelBuffer ** pChannelWrapper );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_QueryInterface ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject );
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_AddRef ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This );
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_Release ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_GetBuffer ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID riid );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_SendReceive ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ULONG * pStatus );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_FreeBuffer ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_GetDestCtx ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, DWORD * pdwDestContext, void ** ppvDestContext );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_IsConnected ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_GetProtocolVersion ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, DWORD * pdwVersion );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_Send( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ULONG * pStatus );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_Receive( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ULONG ulSize, ULONG * pStatus );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_Cancel( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_GetCallContext( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID riid, void ** pInterface );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_GetDestCtxEx( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, DWORD * pdwDestContext, void ** ppvDestContext );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_GetState( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, DWORD * pState );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_RegisterAsync( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, IAsyncManager * pAsyncMgr );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_QueryInterface ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject );
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_AddRef ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This );
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_Release ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_GetBuffer ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID riid );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_SendReceive ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ULONG * pStatus );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_FreeBuffer ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_GetDestCtx ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, DWORD * pdwDestContext, void ** ppvDestContext );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_IsConnected ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_GetProtocolVersion ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, DWORD * pdwVersion );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_Send( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ISynchronize * pSynchronize, ULONG * pStatus );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_Receive( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ULONG * pStatus );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_GetDestCtxEx ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, DWORD * pdwDestContext, void ** ppvDestContext );
// Global data
// ProxyBuffer vtables for non-delegaed and delegated case.
extern const IRpcProxyBufferVtbl CStdProxyBufferVtbl = { CStdProxyBuffer_QueryInterface, CStdProxyBuffer_AddRef, CStdProxyBuffer_Release, CStdProxyBuffer_Connect, CStdProxyBuffer_Disconnect };
extern const IRpcProxyBufferVtbl CStdProxyBuffer2Vtbl = { CStdProxyBuffer_QueryInterface, CStdProxyBuffer_AddRef, CStdProxyBuffer2_Release, CStdProxyBuffer2_Connect, CStdProxyBuffer2_Disconnect };
// ICallFactory interface on the ProxyBuffer objects.
// ICallFactory is an interface on a sync proxy only.
// It has been introduced for NT5 beta2.
extern const ICallFactoryVtbl CStdProxyBuffer_CallFactoryVtbl = { CStdProxyBuffer_CF_QueryInterface, CStdProxyBuffer_CF_AddRef, CStdProxyBuffer_CF_Release, CStdProxyBuffer_CF_CreateCall };
extern const ICallFactoryVtbl CStdProxyBuffer2_CallFactoryVtbl = { CStdProxyBuffer_CF_QueryInterface, CStdProxyBuffer_CF_AddRef, CStdProxyBuffer_CF_Release, CStdProxyBuffer2_CF_CreateCall };
extern const IReleaseMarshalBuffersVtbl CStdProxyBuffer_ReleaseMarshalBuffersVtbl = { CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_QueryInterface, CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_AddRef, CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_Release, CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_ReleaseMarshalBuffer };
extern const IReleaseMarshalBuffersVtbl CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_ReleaseMarshalBuffersVtbl = { CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_QueryInterface, CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_AddRef, CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_Release, CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_RMB_ReleaseMarshalBuffer };
// Async proxy buffer vtables
extern const IRpcProxyBufferVtbl CStdAsyncProxyBufferVtbl = { CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_QueryInterface, CStdProxyBuffer_AddRef, CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_Release, CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_Connect, CStdProxyBuffer_Disconnect };
extern const IRpcProxyBufferVtbl CStdAsyncProxyBuffer2Vtbl = { CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_QueryInterface, CStdProxyBuffer_AddRef, CStdAsyncProxyBuffer2_Release, CStdAsyncProxyBuffer2_Connect, CStdProxyBuffer2_Disconnect };
// Channel wrapper is used for delegetion only.
extern const IRpcChannelBuffer3Vtbl ChannelWrapperVtbl = { ChannelWrapper_QueryInterface, ChannelWrapper_AddRef, ChannelWrapper_Release, ChannelWrapper_GetBuffer, ChannelWrapper_SendReceive, ChannelWrapper_FreeBuffer, ChannelWrapper_GetDestCtx, ChannelWrapper_IsConnected, ChannelWrapper_GetProtocolVersion, ChannelWrapper_Send, ChannelWrapper_Receive, ChannelWrapper_Cancel, ChannelWrapper_GetCallContext, ChannelWrapper_GetDestCtxEx, ChannelWrapper_GetState, ChannelWrapper_RegisterAsync };
extern const IAsyncRpcChannelBufferVtbl AsyncChannelWrapperVtbl = { AsyncChannelWrapper_QueryInterface, AsyncChannelWrapper_AddRef, AsyncChannelWrapper_Release, AsyncChannelWrapper_GetBuffer, AsyncChannelWrapper_SendReceive, AsyncChannelWrapper_FreeBuffer, AsyncChannelWrapper_GetDestCtx, AsyncChannelWrapper_IsConnected, AsyncChannelWrapper_GetProtocolVersion, AsyncChannelWrapper_Send, AsyncChannelWrapper_Receive, AsyncChannelWrapper_GetDestCtxEx };
// End of Global data
#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
// __inline
CStdProxyBuffer * RPC_ENTRY NdrGetProxyBuffer( IN void *pThis) /*++
Routine Description: The "this" pointer points to the pProxyVtbl field in the CStdProxyBuffer structure. The NdrGetProxyBuffer function returns a pointer to the top of the CStdProxyBuffer structure.
Arguments: pThis - Supplies a pointer to the interface proxy.
Return Value: This function returns a pointer to the proxy buffer.
--*/ { unsigned char *pTemp;
pTemp = (unsigned char *) pThis; pTemp -= offsetof(CStdProxyBuffer, pProxyVtbl);
return (CStdProxyBuffer *)pTemp; }
const IID * RPC_ENTRY NdrGetProxyIID( IN const void *pThis) /*++
Routine Description: The NDRGetProxyIID function returns a pointer to IID.
Arguments: pThis - Supplies a pointer to the interface proxy.
Return Value: This function returns a pointer to the IID.
--*/ { unsigned char ** ppTemp; unsigned char * pTemp; CInterfaceProxyVtbl *pProxyVtbl;
//Get a pointer to the proxy vtbl.
ppTemp = (unsigned char **) pThis; pTemp = *ppTemp; pTemp -= sizeof(CInterfaceProxyHeader); pProxyVtbl = (CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) pTemp;
return pProxyVtbl->header.piid; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_QueryInterface( IN IRpcProxyBuffer * This, IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppv) /*++
Routine Description: Query for an interface on the proxy. This function provides access to both internal and external interfaces.
Arguments: riid - Supplies the IID of the requested interface. ppv - Returns a pointer to the requested interface.
--*/ { CStdProxyBuffer * pCThis = (CStdProxyBuffer *) This; HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; const IID * pIID;
*ppv = 0;
if( (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IUnknown, sizeof(IID)) == 0) || (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IRpcProxyBuffer, sizeof(IID)) == 0) ) { //This is an internal interface. Increment the internal reference count.
InterlockedIncrement( &pCThis->RefCount); *ppv = This; hr = S_OK; return hr; } else if ( pCThis->pCallFactoryVtbl != 0 && memcmp(&riid, &IID_ICallFactory, sizeof(IID)) == 0 ) { // This is an exposed interface so go through punkOuter ot addref.
*ppv = (void *) & pCThis->pCallFactoryVtbl; hr = S_OK; return hr; } else if ( pCThis->pRMBVtbl && (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IReleaseMarshalBuffers,sizeof(IID)) == 0)) { InterlockedIncrement( &pCThis->RefCount);
*ppv = (void *) & pCThis->pRMBVtbl; hr = S_OK; return hr; }
pIID = NdrGetProxyIID(&pCThis->pProxyVtbl);
if( memcmp(&riid, pIID, sizeof(IID)) == 0) { //Increment the reference count.
pCThis->punkOuter->lpVtbl->AddRef(pCThis->punkOuter); *ppv = (void *) &pCThis->pProxyVtbl; hr = S_OK; }
return hr; };
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_QueryInterface( IN IRpcProxyBuffer * This, IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppv) /*++
Routine Description: Query for an interface on the proxy. This function provides access to both internal and external interfaces. Used for CStdAsyncProxyBuffer2 as well.
Arguments: riid - Supplies the IID of the requested interface. ppv - Returns a pointer to the requested interface.
--*/ { CStdProxyBuffer * pCThis = (CStdProxyBuffer *) This; HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; const IID * pIID;
*ppv = 0;
if( (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IUnknown, sizeof(IID)) == 0) || (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IRpcProxyBuffer, sizeof(IID)) == 0)) { //This is an internal interface. Increment the internal reference count.
InterlockedIncrement( &pCThis->RefCount); *ppv = This; hr = S_OK; return hr; } else if ( pCThis->pRMBVtbl && (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IReleaseMarshalBuffers,sizeof(IID)) == 0)) { InterlockedIncrement( &pCThis->RefCount);
*ppv = (void *) & pCThis->pRMBVtbl; hr = S_OK; return hr; }
if(memcmp(&riid, &IID_ISynchronize, sizeof(IID)) == 0) { hr = pCThis->punkOuter->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pCThis->punkOuter, IID_ISynchronize, ppv); }
pIID = NdrGetProxyIID(&pCThis->pProxyVtbl);
if(memcmp(&riid, pIID, sizeof(IID)) == 0) { //Increment the reference count.
pCThis->punkOuter->lpVtbl->AddRef(pCThis->punkOuter); *ppv = (void *) &pCThis->pProxyVtbl; hr = S_OK; }
return hr; };
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_AddRef( IN IRpcProxyBuffer *This) /*++
Routine Description: Increment reference count.
Used for CStdProxyBuffer2 CStdAsyncProxyBuffer CStdAsuncProxyBuffer2
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ { // We do not need to go through punkOuter for ICallFactory.
CStdProxyBuffer * pCThis = (CStdProxyBuffer *) This;
return (ULONG) pCThis->RefCount; };
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_Release( IN IRpcProxyBuffer *This) /*++
Routine Description: Decrement reference count.
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ { ULONG count; IPSFactoryBuffer *pFactory;
NDR_ASSERT(((CStdProxyBuffer *)This)->RefCount > 0, "Invalid reference count");
count = (unsigned long) ((CStdProxyBuffer *)This)->RefCount - 1;
if(InterlockedDecrement(&((CStdProxyBuffer *)This)->RefCount) == 0) { count = 0;
pFactory = (IPSFactoryBuffer *) ((CStdProxyBuffer *)This)->pPSFactory;
//Decrement the DLL reference count.
#if DBG == 1
//In debug builds, zero fill the memory.
memset(This, '\0', sizeof(CStdProxyBuffer)); #endif
//Free the memory
(*pfnCoTaskMemFree)(This); }
return count; };
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer2_Release( IN IRpcProxyBuffer * This) /*++
Routine Description: Decrement reference count. This function is used by proxies which delegate to the base interface.
Arguments: This - Points to a CStdProxyBuffer2.
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ { ULONG count; IPSFactoryBuffer * pFactory; IRpcProxyBuffer * pBaseProxyBuffer; IUnknown * pBaseProxy;
NDR_ASSERT(((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->RefCount > 0, "Invalid reference count");
count = (ULONG) ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->RefCount - 1;
if(InterlockedDecrement(&((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->RefCount) == 0) { count = 0;
//Delegation support.
pBaseProxy = ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pBaseProxy; if(pBaseProxy != 0) { // Shannon - why?
//This is a weak reference, so we don't release it.
pBaseProxyBuffer = ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pBaseProxyBuffer;
if( pBaseProxyBuffer != 0) { pBaseProxyBuffer->lpVtbl->Release(pBaseProxyBuffer); }
//Decrement the DLL reference count.
pFactory = (IPSFactoryBuffer *) ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pPSFactory; pFactory->lpVtbl->Release(pFactory);
#if DBG == 1
//In debug builds, zero fill the memory.
memset(This, '\0', sizeof(CStdProxyBuffer2)); #endif
//Free the memory
(*pfnCoTaskMemFree)(This); }
return count; };
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_Release( IN IRpcProxyBuffer *This) /*++
Routine Description: Decrement reference count.
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ { // We do not need to go through punkOuter for ICallFactory
// and so everything is local.
CStdAsyncProxyBuffer * pAsyncPB = (CStdAsyncProxyBuffer *)This; ULONG count;
NDR_ASSERT( pAsyncPB->RefCount > 0, "Async proxy Invalid reference count");
count = (unsigned long) pAsyncPB->RefCount - 1;
if ( InterlockedDecrement(&pAsyncPB->RefCount) == 0) { IPSFactoryBuffer * pFactory = pAsyncPB->pPSFactory;
count = 0;
// Release the pAsyncMsg and the related state
NdrpAsyncProxyMsgDestructor( pAsyncPB );
//Decrement the DLL reference count.
pFactory->lpVtbl->Release( pFactory );
#if DBG == 1
//In debug builds, zero fill the memory.
memset( pAsyncPB, '\32', sizeof(CStdAsyncProxyBuffer)); #endif
//Free the memory
(*pfnCoTaskMemFree)(pAsyncPB); }
return count; };
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdAsyncProxyBuffer2_Release( IN IRpcProxyBuffer * This) /*++
Routine Description: Decrement reference count. This function is used by proxies which delegate to the base interface.
Arguments: This - Points to a CStdProxyBuffer2.
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ { CStdAsyncProxyBuffer * pAsyncPB = (CStdAsyncProxyBuffer *)This; ULONG count;
NDR_ASSERT( pAsyncPB->RefCount > 0, "Invalid reference count");
count = (ULONG) pAsyncPB->RefCount - 1;
if ( InterlockedDecrement(&pAsyncPB->RefCount) == 0) { IRpcProxyBuffer * pBaseProxyBuffer ; IPSFactoryBuffer * pFactory = pAsyncPB->pPSFactory;
count = 0;
// Delegation support - release the base async proxy.
if( pAsyncPB->map.pBaseProxy != 0) { // Shannon - why?
//This is a weak reference, so we don't release it.
pBaseProxyBuffer = pAsyncPB->pBaseProxyBuffer;
if( pBaseProxyBuffer != 0) pBaseProxyBuffer->lpVtbl->Release(pBaseProxyBuffer);
// Release the pAsyncMsg and the related state
NdrpAsyncProxyMsgDestructor( (CStdAsyncProxyBuffer*)This );
// Then clean up the async proxy itself.
//Decrement the DLL reference count.
#if DBG == 1
//In debug builds, zero fill the memory.
memset(pAsyncPB, '\32', sizeof(CStdAsyncProxyBuffer)); #endif
//Free the memory
(*pfnCoTaskMemFree)(pAsyncPB); }
return count; };
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_QueryInterface( IN IReleaseMarshalBuffers *This, IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppvObject) /*++
Routine Description: Query for an interface on the interface stub IReleaseMarshalBuffers pointer.
Arguments: riid - Supplies the IID of the interface being requested. ppvObject - Returns a pointer to the requested interface.
Note: Works the same way for ProxyBuffer2 and AsyncProxyBuffer. --*/ { CStdProxyBuffer * pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer *) ((uchar *)This - offsetof(CStdProxyBuffer,pRMBVtbl));
return pSyncPB->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( (IRpcProxyBuffer *)pSyncPB, riid, ppvObject ); }
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_AddRef( IN IReleaseMarshalBuffers *This) /*++
Routine Description: Implementation of AddRef for interface proxy.
Return Value: Reference count. --*/ { ULONG count;
CStdProxyBuffer * pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer *) ((uchar *)This - offsetof(CStdProxyBuffer,pRMBVtbl));
// It needs to go through punkOuter.
count = pSyncPB->lpVtbl->AddRef((IRpcProxyBuffer *) pSyncPB ); return count; };
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_Release( IN IReleaseMarshalBuffers *This) /*++
Routine Description: Implementation of Release for interface proxy.
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ { ULONG count;
CStdProxyBuffer2 * pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer2 *) ((uchar *)This - offsetof(CStdProxyBuffer2,pRMBVtbl));
count = pSyncPB->lpVtbl->Release( (IRpcProxyBuffer *)pSyncPB);
return count; };
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_RMB_ReleaseMarshalBuffer( IN IReleaseMarshalBuffers *This, IN RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMsg, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN IUnknown *pChnl) { CStdProxyBuffer * pSyncPB; HRESULT hr; if (NULL != pChnl) return E_INVALIDARG;
// [in] only in client side.
if (dwFlags) return E_INVALIDARG; hr = NdrpClientReleaseMarshalBuffer(This, (RPC_MESSAGE *)pMsg, dwFlags, FALSE ); // SYNC
return hr; }
#define IN_BUFFER 0
#define OUT_BUFFER 1
// the pRMBVtbl member is in the same position is both CStdProxyBuffer(2) and
// CStdAsyncProxyBuffer so we can cast it anyway.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_RMB_ReleaseMarshalBuffer( IN IReleaseMarshalBuffers *This, IN RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMsg, IN DWORD dwIOFlags, IN IUnknown *pChnl) { HRESULT hr; if (NULL != pChnl) return E_INVALIDARG;
// [in] only in client side.
if (dwIOFlags != IN_BUFFER) return E_INVALIDARG; hr = NdrpClientReleaseMarshalBuffer(This, (RPC_MESSAGE *)pMsg, dwIOFlags, TRUE); // is async
return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_Connect( IN IRpcProxyBuffer * This, IN IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel) /*++
Routine Description: Connect the proxy to the channel.
Arguments: pChannel - Supplies a pointer to the channel.
Return Value: S_OK
--*/ { CStdProxyBuffer * pCThis = (CStdProxyBuffer *) This; HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pTemp = 0;
// Get a pointer to the new channel.
hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pChannel, IID_IRpcChannelBuffer, (void **) &pTemp);
if(hr == S_OK) { //
// Save the pointer to the new channel.
pTemp = (IRpcChannelBuffer *) InterlockedExchangePointer( (PVOID *) &pCThis->pChannel, (PVOID) pTemp);
if(pTemp != 0) { //
//Release the old channel.
pTemp->lpVtbl->Release(pTemp); pTemp = 0; } } return hr; };
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_Connect( IN IRpcProxyBuffer * This, IN IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel) /*++
Routine Description: Connect the proxy to the channel.
Arguments: pChannel - Supplies a pointer to the channel.
Return Value: S_OK
--*/ { CStdProxyBuffer * pCThis = (CStdProxyBuffer *) This; HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pTemp = 0;
// Get a pointer to the new channel.
// Note, the async proxy is not aggregated with the channel,
// It simply keeps the channel pointer.
hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pChannel, IID_IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer, (void **) &pTemp);
if(hr == S_OK) { //
// Save the pointer to the new channel.
pTemp = (IRpcChannelBuffer *) InterlockedExchangePointer( (PVOID *) &pCThis->pChannel, (PVOID) pTemp);
if(pTemp != 0) { //
//Release the old channel.
pTemp->lpVtbl->Release(pTemp); pTemp = 0; } } return hr; };
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer2_Connect( IN IRpcProxyBuffer * This, IN IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel) /*++
Routine Description: Connect the proxy to the channel. Supports delegation.
Arguments: pChannel - Supplies a pointer to the channel.
--*/ { HRESULT hr; IRpcProxyBuffer * pBaseProxyBuffer; IRpcChannelBuffer * pWrapper; const IID * pIID;
hr = CStdProxyBuffer_Connect(This, pChannel);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pBaseProxyBuffer = ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pBaseProxyBuffer;
if(pBaseProxyBuffer != 0) { pIID = NdrGetProxyIID(&((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pProxyVtbl);
hr = CreateChannelWrapper(pIID, pChannel, &pWrapper); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBaseProxyBuffer->lpVtbl->Connect(pBaseProxyBuffer, pWrapper); // HACKALERT: OleAutomation returns NULL pv in CreateProxy
// in cases where they don't know whether to return an NDR
// proxy or a custom-format proxy. So we have to go connect
// the proxy first then Query for the real interface once that
// is done.
if((NULL == ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pBaseProxy) && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IUnknown *pv;
hr = pBaseProxyBuffer->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pBaseProxyBuffer, ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->iidBase, (void **) &pv); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //Release our reference here.
//We keep a weak reference to pv.
((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pBaseProxy = pv; } } pWrapper->lpVtbl->Release(pWrapper); } } }
return hr; };
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdAsyncProxyBuffer2_Connect( IN IRpcProxyBuffer * This, IN IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel) /*++
Routine Description: Connect the proxy to the channel. Supports delegation.
Arguments: pChannel - Supplies a pointer to the channel.
--*/ { HRESULT hr; IRpcProxyBuffer * pBaseProxyBuffer; IRpcChannelBuffer * pWrapper; const IID * pIID;
hr = CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_Connect(This, pChannel);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Note that all the fields from CStdProxyBuffer2 that we indicate below
// have the same offsets in CStdAsyncProxyBuffer that is being handled.
// So I leave the cast unchanged to make future code merge easier.
pBaseProxyBuffer = ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pBaseProxyBuffer;
if(pBaseProxyBuffer != 0) { pIID = NdrGetProxyIID(&((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pProxyVtbl);
// We need a pChannel that is guaranteed to be IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer -
// but note, this is exactly what we obtained in the Connect call above.
hr = CreateAsyncChannelWrapper( pIID, ((CStdProxyBuffer2*)This)->pChannel, &pWrapper); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBaseProxyBuffer->lpVtbl->Connect(pBaseProxyBuffer, pWrapper);
// This hack alert is rather for future.
// HACKALERT: OleAutomation returns NULL pv in CreateProxy
// in cases where they don't know whether to return an NDR
// proxy or a custom-format proxy. So we have to go connect
// the proxy first then Query for the real interface once that
// is done.
if((NULL == ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pBaseProxy) && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IUnknown *pv;
hr = pBaseProxyBuffer->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pBaseProxyBuffer, ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->iidBase, (void **) &pv); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //Release our reference here.
//We keep a weak reference to pv.
((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pBaseProxy = pv; } } pWrapper->lpVtbl->Release(pWrapper); } } }
return hr; };
void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_Disconnect( IN IRpcProxyBuffer *This) /*++
Routine Description: Disconnect the proxy from the channel. Also used for: CStdAsyncProxyBuffer_Disconnect
Return Value: None.
--*/ { CStdProxyBuffer * pCThis = (CStdProxyBuffer *) This; IRpcChannelBuffer * pOldChannel;
pOldChannel = (IRpcChannelBuffer *) InterlockedExchangePointer( (PVOID *) &pCThis->pChannel, 0);
if(pOldChannel != 0) { //Release the old channel.
pOldChannel->lpVtbl->Release(pOldChannel); } };
void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer2_Disconnect( IN IRpcProxyBuffer *This) /*++
Routine Description: Disconnect the proxy from the channel.
Also used for: CStdAsyncProxyBuffer2_Disconnect
Return Value: None.
--*/ { IRpcProxyBuffer *pBaseProxyBuffer;
pBaseProxyBuffer = ((CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This)->pBaseProxyBuffer;
if(pBaseProxyBuffer != 0) pBaseProxyBuffer->lpVtbl->Disconnect(pBaseProxyBuffer); };
HRESULT NdrpCreateNonDelegatedAsyncProxy( //CStdProxyBuffer_CreateAsyncProxy(
IN IRpcProxyBuffer *This, IN REFIID riid, // async IID
IN IUnknown * punkOuter, // controlling unknown
OUT CStdAsyncProxyBuffer ** ppAsyncProxy ) /*
Creates a call object, i.e. an async proxy object. An async proxy doesn't have a pSynchronize, just passes it. Note, because the call comes via a CStdProxyBuffer, not Buffer2, we know that we need to create only a non-delegated async proxy. This is because CStdProxyBuffer itself is a non-delegated proxy. */ { BOOL fFound; long j; // if index
const ProxyFileInfo * pProxyFileInfo;
CStdProxyBuffer * pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer *)This;
*ppAsyncProxy = 0; if ( ! pSyncPB->pCallFactoryVtbl || !pSyncPB->pAsyncIID ) return E_NOINTERFACE;
// Check if sync and async iids match.
if ( memcmp( &riid, pSyncPB->pAsyncIID, sizeof(IID)) != 0 ) return E_NOINTERFACE;
// same file, so we can use the sync pPSFactory.
fFound = NdrpFindInterface( ((CStdPSFactoryBuffer *)pSyncPB->pPSFactory)->pProxyFileList, riid, &pProxyFileInfo, & j); if ( !fFound ) return E_NOINTERFACE;
CStdAsyncProxyBuffer *pAsyncPB = (CStdAsyncProxyBuffer*)(*pfnCoTaskMemAlloc)(sizeof(CStdAsyncProxyBuffer)); if( ! pAsyncPB ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
memset( pAsyncPB, 0, sizeof(CStdAsyncProxyBuffer)); //
// Everything gets zeroed out regardless of their position
// when mapping CStdBuffer vs. CstdBuffer2 into CStdAsyncBuffer
// Non-delegated case.
pAsyncPB->lpVtbl = & CStdAsyncProxyBufferVtbl; pAsyncPB->pProxyVtbl = & pProxyFileInfo->pProxyVtblList[j]->Vtbl; pAsyncPB->RefCount = 1; pAsyncPB->punkOuter = punkOuter ? punkOuter : (IUnknown *) pAsyncPB; pAsyncPB->pSyncIID = NdrGetProxyIID( &pSyncPB->pProxyVtbl ); // Note, no connection to channel yet.
// Actually we never call create call on the channel.
NdrpAsyncProxyMsgConstructor( pAsyncPB );
// Increment the DLL reference count for DllCanUnloadNow.
// Same dll, so we can use the sync pPSFactory.
pSyncPB->pPSFactory->lpVtbl->AddRef( pSyncPB->pPSFactory ); // This is in the "map".
((CStdProxyBuffer *)pAsyncPB)->pPSFactory = pSyncPB->pPSFactory;
// Just have it in both places.
pAsyncPB->pPSFactory = pSyncPB->pPSFactory;
*ppAsyncProxy = pAsyncPB;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT // CStdProxyBuffer2_CreateAsyncProxy(
NdrpCreateDelegatedAsyncProxy( IN IRpcProxyBuffer *This, IN REFIID riid, // async IID
IN IUnknown * punkOuter, // controlling unknown
OUT CStdAsyncProxyBuffer ** ppAsyncProxy ) /*
Creates a call object, i.e. an async proxy object. Note, because the call comes via a CStdProxyBuffer2, not Buffer, we know that we need to create only a delegated async proxy. */ { HRESULT hr; BOOL fFound; long j; // if index
const ProxyFileInfo * pProxyFileInfo;
CStdProxyBuffer2 * pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer2 *)This; CStdAsyncProxyBuffer *pBaseAsyncPB;
ICallFactory * pCallFactory;
*ppAsyncProxy = 0; if ( ! pSyncPB->pCallFactoryVtbl || !pSyncPB->pAsyncIID ) return E_NOINTERFACE;
if ( memcmp( &riid, pSyncPB->pAsyncIID, sizeof(IID)) != 0 ) return E_NOINTERFACE;
// same file, so we can use the sync pPSFactory.
fFound = NdrpFindInterface( ((CStdPSFactoryBuffer *)pSyncPB->pPSFactory)->pProxyFileList, riid, &pProxyFileInfo, & j); if ( !fFound ) return E_NOINTERFACE;
// Create async proxy.
CStdAsyncProxyBuffer *pAsyncPB = (CStdAsyncProxyBuffer*)(*pfnCoTaskMemAlloc)(sizeof(CStdAsyncProxyBuffer)); if( ! pAsyncPB ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
memset( pAsyncPB, 0, sizeof(CStdAsyncProxyBuffer)); //
// Everything gets zeroed out regardless of their position
// when mapping CStdBuffer vs. CstdBuffer2 into CStdAsyncBuffer
// Fill in for a delegated case.
pAsyncPB->lpVtbl = & CStdAsyncProxyBuffer2Vtbl; pAsyncPB->pProxyVtbl = & pProxyFileInfo->pProxyVtblList[j]->Vtbl; pAsyncPB->RefCount = 1; pAsyncPB->punkOuter = punkOuter ? punkOuter : (IUnknown *) pAsyncPB; pAsyncPB->iidBase = *pProxyFileInfo->pDelegatedIIDs[j]; pAsyncPB->pPSFactory = pSyncPB->pPSFactory; pAsyncPB->pSyncIID = NdrGetProxyIID( &pSyncPB->pProxyVtbl ); // Note, no connection to channel yet.
// So we cannot call create call on the channel.
NdrpAsyncProxyMsgConstructor( pAsyncPB );
// Create an async proxy for the base interface.
// We don't know if the base is delegated, so we have to use base call factory.
// Get the call factory from the base proxy.
hr = pSyncPB->pBaseProxyBuffer->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pSyncPB->pBaseProxyBuffer, IID_ICallFactory, (void**)& pCallFactory );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { const IID * pBaseAsyncIID;
pBaseAsyncIID = *(const IID **)( (uchar*)pSyncPB->pBaseProxyBuffer + offsetof(CStdProxyBuffer, pAsyncIID));
// Aggregate the base async proxy with the current async proxy,
// not with the channel's punkOuter.
hr = pCallFactory->lpVtbl->CreateCall( pCallFactory, *pBaseAsyncIID, (IUnknown*) pAsyncPB, IID_IUnknown, (IUnknown**)& pBaseAsyncPB ); pCallFactory->lpVtbl->Release( pCallFactory ); }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Increment the DLL reference count for DllCanUnloadNow.
// Same dll, so we can use the sync pPSFactory.
pSyncPB->pPSFactory->lpVtbl->AddRef( pSyncPB->pPSFactory );
// Hook up the base async proxy.
pAsyncPB->pBaseProxyBuffer = (IRpcProxyBuffer*) pBaseAsyncPB; pAsyncPB->map.pBaseProxy = (IUnknown *) & pBaseAsyncPB->pProxyVtbl;
*ppAsyncProxy = pAsyncPB; } else { (*pfnCoTaskMemFree)( pAsyncPB ); }
return hr; }
// ICallFactory interface on the sync ProxyBuffer and ProxyBuffer2 objects.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_CF_QueryInterface( IN ICallFactory *This, IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppvObject) /*++
Routine Description: Query for an interface on the interface stub CallFactory pointer.
Arguments: riid - Supplies the IID of the interface being requested. ppvObject - Returns a pointer to the requested interface.
Note: Works the same way for ProxyBuffer2 and AsyncProxyBuffer. --*/ { CStdProxyBuffer * pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer *) ((uchar *)This - offsetof(CStdProxyBuffer,pCallFactoryVtbl));
return pSyncPB->punkOuter->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pSyncPB->punkOuter, riid, ppvObject ); }
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_CF_AddRef( IN ICallFactory *This) /*++
Routine Description: Implementation of AddRef for interface proxy.
Return Value: Reference count. --*/ { ULONG count;
CStdProxyBuffer * pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer *) ((uchar *)This - offsetof(CStdProxyBuffer,pCallFactoryVtbl));
// It needs to go through punkOuter.
count = pSyncPB->punkOuter->lpVtbl->AddRef( pSyncPB->punkOuter ); return count; };
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_CF_Release( IN ICallFactory *This) /*++
Routine Description: Implementation of Release for interface proxy.
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ { ULONG count;
CStdProxyBuffer2 * pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer2 *) ((uchar *)This - offsetof(CStdProxyBuffer2,pCallFactoryVtbl));
count = pSyncPB->punkOuter->lpVtbl->Release( pSyncPB->punkOuter );
return count; };
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer_CF_CreateCall( IN ICallFactory *This, IN REFIID riid, IN IUnknown * punkOuter, // controlling unknown
IN REFIID riid2, OUT IUnknown ** ppv ) /*
Creates a call object, i.e. an async proxy object. Note, because the call comes via a CStdProxyBuffer, not Buffer2, we know that we need to create only a non-delegated async proxy. */ { CStdProxyBuffer * pSyncPB;
if ( memcmp( &riid2, &IID_IUnknown, sizeof(IID)) != 0 ) return E_INVALIDARG; pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer *) (((uchar *)This) - offsetof( CStdProxyBuffer, pCallFactoryVtbl )); return NdrpCreateNonDelegatedAsyncProxy( (IRpcProxyBuffer*) pSyncPB, riid, punkOuter, (CStdAsyncProxyBuffer**) ppv ); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdProxyBuffer2_CF_CreateCall( IN ICallFactory *This, IN REFIID riid, IN IUnknown * punkOuter, // controlling unknown
IN REFIID riid2, OUT IUnknown ** ppv ) /*
Creates a call object, i.e. an async proxy object.
Note, because the virtual call comes via a CStdProxyBuffer2, we know that we need to create only a delegated async proxy. */ { CStdProxyBuffer2 * pSyncPB;
if ( memcmp( &riid2, &IID_IUnknown, sizeof(IID)) != 0 ) return E_INVALIDARG; pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer2 *) (((uchar *)This) - offsetof( CStdProxyBuffer2, pCallFactoryVtbl ));
return NdrpCreateDelegatedAsyncProxy( (IRpcProxyBuffer*) pSyncPB, riid, punkOuter, (CStdAsyncProxyBuffer**) ppv ); } /*
HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE NdrClientReleaseMarshalBuffer( IN IRpcProxyBuffer *pProxy, IN RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMsg, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN IUnknown *pChnl) { CStdProxyBuffer * pSyncPB; void * This = NULL; HRESULT hr;
if (NULL != pChnl) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (dwFlags) return E_INVALIDARG;
hr = pProxy->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pProxy,&IID_IReleaseMarshalBuffers, &This); if (FAILED(hr)) return E_NOTIMPL; pSyncPB = (CStdProxyBuffer *) (((uchar *)This) - offsetof( CStdProxyBuffer, lpVtbl ));
hr = NdrpClientReleaseMarshalBuffer(pSyncPB,(RPC_MESSAGE *)pMsg, dwFlags); ((IRpcProxyBuffer *)This)->lpVtbl->Release(This);
return hr; }
// IUknown Query, AddRef and Release.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy( IN IUnknown * This, IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppv) /*++
Routine Description: Implementation of QueryInterface for interface proxy.
Arguments: riid - Supplies the IID of the requested interface. ppv - Returns a pointer to the requested interface.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; CStdProxyBuffer * pProxyBuffer;
pProxyBuffer = NdrGetProxyBuffer(This);
hr = pProxyBuffer->punkOuter->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pProxyBuffer->punkOuter, riid, ppv);
return hr; };
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy( IN IUnknown *This) /*++
Routine Description: Implementation of AddRef for interface proxy.
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ { CStdProxyBuffer * pProxyBuffer; ULONG count;
pProxyBuffer = NdrGetProxyBuffer(This); count = pProxyBuffer->punkOuter->lpVtbl->AddRef(pProxyBuffer->punkOuter);
return count; };
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE IUnknown_Release_Proxy( IN IUnknown *This) /*++
Routine Description: Implementation of Release for interface proxy.
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ { CStdProxyBuffer * pProxyBuffer; ULONG count;
pProxyBuffer = NdrGetProxyBuffer(This); count = pProxyBuffer->punkOuter->lpVtbl->Release(pProxyBuffer->punkOuter);
return count; };
void RPC_ENTRY NdrProxyInitialize( IN void * pThis, IN PRPC_MESSAGE pRpcMsg, IN PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, IN PMIDL_STUB_DESC pStubDescriptor, IN unsigned int ProcNum ) /*++
Routine Description: Initialize the MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE.
Arguments: pThis - Supplies a pointer to the interface proxy. pRpcMsg pStubMsg pStubDescriptor ProcNum
Return Value:
--*/ { CStdProxyBuffer * pProxyBuffer; HRESULT hr;
pProxyBuffer = NdrGetProxyBuffer(pThis);
// Initialize the stub message fields.
NdrClientInitializeNew( pRpcMsg, pStubMsg, pStubDescriptor, ProcNum );
//Note that NdrClientInitializeNew sets RPC_FLAGS_VALID_BIT in the ProcNum.
//We don't want to do this for object interfaces, so we clear the flag here.
pRpcMsg->ProcNum &= ~RPC_FLAGS_VALID_BIT;
pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer = pProxyBuffer->pChannel;
//Check if we are connected to a channel.
if(pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer != 0) { //AddRef the channel.
//We will release it later in NdrProxyFreeBuffer.
//Get the destination context from the channel
hr = pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer->lpVtbl->GetDestCtx( pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer, &pStubMsg->dwDestContext, &pStubMsg->pvDestContext); } else { //We are not connected to a channel.
RpcRaiseException(CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED); } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrProxyGetBuffer( IN void * pThis, IN PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg) /*++
Routine Description: Get a message buffer from the channel
Arguments: pThis - Supplies a pointer to the interface proxy. pStubMsg
Return Value: None. If an error occurs, this function will raise an exception.
--*/ { HRESULT hr;
const IID * pIID = NdrGetProxyIID(pThis); LENGTH_ALIGN(pStubMsg->BufferLength, 3); pStubMsg->RpcMsg->BufferLength = pStubMsg->BufferLength; pStubMsg->RpcMsg->DataRepresentation = NDR_LOCAL_DATA_REPRESENTATION; pStubMsg->dwStubPhase = PROXY_GETBUFFER;
hr = pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer->lpVtbl->GetBuffer( pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer, (RPCOLEMESSAGE *) pStubMsg->RpcMsg, *pIID);
pStubMsg->dwStubPhase = PROXY_MARSHAL;
if(FAILED(hr)) { RpcRaiseException(hr); } else { NDR_ASSERT( ! ((ULONG_PTR)pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer & 0x7), "marshaling buffer misaligned" );
pStubMsg->Buffer = (unsigned char *) pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->fBufferValid = TRUE; } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrProxySendReceive( IN void * pThis, IN MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE * pStubMsg) /*++
Routine Description: Send a message to server, then wait for reply message.
Arguments: pThis - Supplies a pointer to the interface proxy. pStubMsg
Return Value: None. If an error occurs, this function will raise an exception.
--*/ { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwStatus;
//Calculate the number of bytes to send.
if ( pStubMsg->RpcMsg->BufferLength < (uint)(pStubMsg->Buffer - (uchar *)pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer)) { NDR_ASSERT( 0, "NdrProxySendReceive : buffer overflow" ); RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR ); }
pStubMsg->RpcMsg->BufferLength = (ulong)( pStubMsg->Buffer - (unsigned char *) pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer );
pStubMsg->fBufferValid = FALSE; pStubMsg->dwStubPhase = PROXY_SENDRECEIVE;
hr = pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer->lpVtbl->SendReceive( pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer, (RPCOLEMESSAGE *) pStubMsg->RpcMsg, &dwStatus);
pStubMsg->dwStubPhase = PROXY_UNMARSHAL;
if(FAILED(hr)) { switch(hr) { case RPC_E_FAULT: RpcRaiseException(dwStatus); break;
default: RpcRaiseException(hr); break; } } else { NDR_ASSERT( ! ((ULONG_PTR)pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer & 0x7), "marshaling buffer misaligned" );
pStubMsg->Buffer = (uchar*)pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->BufferStart = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->BufferEnd = pStubMsg->BufferStart + pStubMsg->RpcMsg->BufferLength; pStubMsg->fBufferValid = TRUE; } }
void RPC_ENTRY NdrProxyFreeBuffer( IN void * pThis, IN MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE * pStubMsg) /*++
Routine Description: Free the message buffer.
Arguments: pThis - Supplies a pointer to the interface proxy. pStubMsg
Return Value: None.
--*/ { if(pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer != 0) { //Free the message buffer.
if(pStubMsg->fBufferValid == TRUE) { // If pipes, we need to reset the partial bit for some reason.
pStubMsg->RpcMsg->RpcFlags &= ~RPC_BUFFER_PARTIAL;
pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer->lpVtbl->FreeBuffer( pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer, (RPCOLEMESSAGE *) pStubMsg->RpcMsg); }
//Release the channel.
pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer->lpVtbl->Release(pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer); pStubMsg->pRpcChannelBuffer = 0; } }
HRESULT RPC_ENTRY NdrProxyErrorHandler( IN DWORD dwExceptionCode) /*++
Routine Description: Maps an exception code into an HRESULT failure code.
Arguments: dwExceptionCode
Return Value: This function returns an HRESULT failure code.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = dwExceptionCode;
if(FAILED((HRESULT) dwExceptionCode)) hr = (HRESULT) dwExceptionCode; else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwExceptionCode);
return hr; }
Routine Description: Creates a wrapper for the channel. The wrapper ensures that we use the correct IID when the proxy for the base interface calls GetBuffer.
Arguments: pIID pChannel pChannelWrapper
--*/ ( const IID * pIID, IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, IRpcChannelBuffer ** ppChannelWrapper ) { HRESULT hr; ChannelWrapper *pWrapper = (ChannelWrapper*)(*pfnCoTaskMemAlloc)(sizeof(ChannelWrapper));
if(pWrapper != 0) { hr = S_OK; pWrapper->lpVtbl = (IRpcChannelBufferVtbl*) &ChannelWrapperVtbl; pWrapper->RefCount = 1; pWrapper->pIID = pIID; pChannel->lpVtbl->AddRef(pChannel); pWrapper->pChannel = pChannel; *ppChannelWrapper = (IRpcChannelBuffer *) pWrapper; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; *ppChannelWrapper = 0; } return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateAsyncChannelWrapper /*++
Routine Description: Creates a wrapper for the channel. The wrapper ensures that we use the correct IID when the proxy for the base interface calls GetBuffer.
Arguments: pIID pChannel pChannelWrapper
--*/ ( const IID * pIID, IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, IRpcChannelBuffer ** ppChannelWrapper ) { HRESULT hr; ChannelWrapper *pWrapper = (ChannelWrapper*)(*pfnCoTaskMemAlloc)(sizeof(ChannelWrapper));
if(pWrapper != 0) { hr = S_OK; pWrapper->lpVtbl = (IRpcChannelBufferVtbl*) &AsyncChannelWrapperVtbl; pWrapper->RefCount = 1; pWrapper->pIID = pIID; pChannel->lpVtbl->AddRef(pChannel); pWrapper->pChannel = pChannel; *ppChannelWrapper = (IRpcChannelBuffer *) pWrapper; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; *ppChannelWrapper = 0; } return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_QueryInterface /*++
Routine Description: The channel wrapper supports the IUnknown and IRpcChannelBuffer interfaces.
Arguments: riid ppvObject
--*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject ) { HRESULT hr;
if((memcmp(&riid, &IID_IUnknown, sizeof(IID)) == 0) || (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IRpcChannelBuffer, sizeof(IID)) == 0) || (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IRpcChannelBuffer2, sizeof(IID)) == 0) || (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IRpcChannelBuffer3, sizeof(IID)) == 0)) { hr = S_OK; This->lpVtbl->AddRef(This); *ppvObject = This; } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; *ppvObject = 0; }
return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_QueryInterface /*++
Routine Description: The channel wrapper supports the IUnknown and IRpcChannelBuffer interfaces.
Arguments: riid ppvObject
--*/ ( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject ) { HRESULT hr;
if((memcmp(&riid, &IID_IUnknown, sizeof(IID)) == 0) || (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IRpcChannelBuffer, sizeof(IID)) == 0) || (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IRpcChannelBuffer2, sizeof(IID)) == 0) || (memcmp(&riid, &IID_IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer, sizeof(IID)) == 0)) { hr = S_OK; This->lpVtbl->AddRef(This); *ppvObject = This; } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; *ppvObject = 0; }
return hr; }
Routine Description: Increment reference count.
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This ) { ChannelWrapper *pWrapper = (ChannelWrapper *) This;
return (ULONG) pWrapper->RefCount;
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_AddRef( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This ) { return ChannelWrapper_AddRef( (IRpcChannelBuffer3 *) This ); }
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_Release /*++
Routine Description: Decrement reference count.
Return Value: Reference count.
--*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This ) { unsigned long count; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel;
NDR_ASSERT(((ChannelWrapper *)This)->RefCount > 0, "Invalid reference count");
count = (unsigned long) ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->RefCount - 1;
if(InterlockedDecrement(&((ChannelWrapper *)This)->RefCount) == 0) { count = 0;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel;
if(pChannel != 0) pChannel->lpVtbl->Release(pChannel);
#if DBG == 1
//In debug builds, zero fill the memory.
memset(This, '\0', sizeof(ChannelWrapper)); #endif
//Free the memory
(*pfnCoTaskMemFree)(This); }
return count; }
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_Release( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This ) { return ChannelWrapper_Release( (IRpcChannelBuffer3 *) This ); }
Routine Description: Get a message buffer from the channel. This is the reason we have the ChannelWrapper at all. We replace the riid of the current proxy by the one from the Wrapper.
Arguments: pMessage riid
Return Value:
--*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID riid ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; const IID * pIID;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; pIID = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pIID;
hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->GetBuffer(pChannel, pMessage, *pIID); return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_GetBuffer( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID riid ) { return ChannelWrapper_GetBuffer( (IRpcChannelBuffer3 *) This, pMessage, riid ); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_SendReceive /*++
Routine Description: Get a message buffer from the channel
Arguments: pMessage pStatus
Return Value: S_OK
--*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ULONG * pStatus ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->SendReceive(pChannel, pMessage, pStatus); return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_SendReceive( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ULONG * pStatus ) { // This can never happen for an async call stub.
return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_FreeBuffer /*++
Routine Description: Free the message buffer.
Arguments: pMessage
Return Value: S_OK
--*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->FreeBuffer(pChannel, pMessage); return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_FreeBuffer( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage ) { return ChannelWrapper_FreeBuffer( (IRpcChannelBuffer3 *) This, pMessage ); }
Routine Description: Get the destination context from the channel
Arguments: pdwDestContext ppvDestContext
Return Value: S_OK
--*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, DWORD * pdwDestContext, void ** ppvDestContext ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->GetDestCtx(pChannel, pdwDestContext, ppvDestContext); return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_GetDestCtx( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, DWORD * pdwDestContext, void ** ppvDestContext ) { return ChannelWrapper_GetDestCtx( (IRpcChannelBuffer3 *) This, pdwDestContext, ppvDestContext ); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_IsConnected /*++
Routine Description: Determines if the channel is connected.
Return Value: S_TRUE S_FALSE
--*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->IsConnected(pChannel); return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_IsConnected( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This ) { return ChannelWrapper_IsConnected( (IRpcChannelBuffer3 *) This ); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_GetProtocolVersion /*++
Routine Description: Returns the protocol version if available.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, DWORD * pdwVersion ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IRpcChannelBuffer2 * pChannel2;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pChannel, IID_IRpcChannelBuffer2, (void**)&pChannel2); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pChannel2->lpVtbl->GetProtocolVersion(pChannel2, pdwVersion); pChannel2->lpVtbl->Release(pChannel2); } return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_GetProtocolVersion( IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, DWORD * pdwVersion ) { return ChannelWrapper_GetProtocolVersion( (IRpcChannelBuffer3 *) This, pdwVersion ); }
Routine Description: Executes an asynchronous or partial send.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ULONG * pStatus ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IRpcChannelBuffer3 * pChannel3;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pChannel, IID_IRpcChannelBuffer3, (void**)&pChannel3 ); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pChannel3->lpVtbl->Send(pChannel3, pMessage, pStatus); pChannel3->lpVtbl->Release(pChannel3); } return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_Send( /*++
Routine Description: Executes an asynchronous or partial send.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ISynchronize * pSynchronize, ULONG * pStatus ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * pAsChannel;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pChannel, IID_IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer, (void**)&pAsChannel ); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pAsChannel->lpVtbl->Send( pAsChannel, pMessage, pSynchronize, pStatus); pAsChannel->lpVtbl->Release( pAsChannel); } return hr; }
Routine Description: Executes an asynchronous or partial receive.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ ( IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ULONG ulSize, ULONG * pStatus ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IRpcChannelBuffer3 * pChannel3;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pChannel, IID_IRpcChannelBuffer3, (void**)&pChannel3); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pChannel3->lpVtbl->Receive( pChannel3, pMessage, ulSize, pStatus ); pChannel3->lpVtbl->Release(pChannel3); } return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_Receive( /*++
Routine Description: Executes an asynchronous or partial receive.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, ULONG * pStatus ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer *pAsChannel;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pChannel, IID_IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer, (void**)&pAsChannel); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pAsChannel->lpVtbl->Receive( pAsChannel, pMessage, pStatus ); pAsChannel->lpVtbl->Release(pAsChannel); } return hr; }
Routine Description: Executes an asynchronous Cancel.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IRpcChannelBuffer3 * pChannel3;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pChannel, IID_IRpcChannelBuffer3, (void**)&pChannel3); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pChannel3->lpVtbl->Cancel( pChannel3, pMessage ); pChannel3->lpVtbl->Release(pChannel3); } return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_GetCallContext( /*++
Routine Description: Gets an asynchronous call context.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID riid, void ** ppInterface ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IRpcChannelBuffer3 * pChannel3;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pChannel, IID_IRpcChannelBuffer3, (void**)&pChannel3); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pChannel3->lpVtbl->GetCallContext( pChannel3, pMessage, riid, ppInterface ); pChannel3->lpVtbl->Release(pChannel3); } return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AsyncChannelWrapper_GetDestCtxEx( /*++
Routine Description: Gets an asynchronous call context.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, DWORD * pdw, void ** ppv ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer * pAsChannel;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pChannel, IID_IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer, (void**)&pAsChannel); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pAsChannel->lpVtbl->GetDestCtxEx( pAsChannel, pMessage, pdw, ppv ); pAsChannel->lpVtbl->Release(pAsChannel); } return hr; }
Routine Description: Gets the new destination context.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, DWORD * pdwDestContext, void ** ppvDestContext ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IRpcChannelBuffer3 * pChannel3;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pChannel, IID_IRpcChannelBuffer3, (void**)&pChannel3); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pChannel3->lpVtbl->GetDestCtxEx( pChannel3, pMessage, pdwDestContext, ppvDestContext ); pChannel3->lpVtbl->Release(pChannel3); } return hr; }
Routine Description: Gets the call state.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, DWORD * pState ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IRpcChannelBuffer3 * pChannel3;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pChannel, IID_IRpcChannelBuffer3, (void**)&pChannel3); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pChannel3->lpVtbl->GetState( pChannel3, pMessage, pState ); pChannel3->lpVtbl->Release(pChannel3); } return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ChannelWrapper_RegisterAsync( /*++
Routine Description: Registers the async manager object and call with the channel.
Return Value: S_OK E_NOINTERFACE --*/ IRpcChannelBuffer3 * This, RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, IAsyncManager * pAsyncMgr ) { HRESULT hr; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IRpcChannelBuffer3 * pChannel3;
pChannel = ((ChannelWrapper *)This)->pChannel; hr = pChannel->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pChannel, IID_IRpcChannelBuffer3, (void**)&pChannel3); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pChannel3->lpVtbl->RegisterAsync( pChannel3, pMessage, pAsyncMgr ); pChannel3->lpVtbl->Release(pChannel3); } return hr; }