/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Description :
Provides RPC client side stub context management
History :
stevez 01-15-91 First bits into the bucket.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <precomp.hxx>
#include <osfpcket.hxx>
#include <context.hxx>
// The NDR format of a context is a (GUID, long) instead of a pointer
// in the server address space due history. Anyway, we just save this
// cookie, which is sent on the and mapped to and from a pointer
// on the server side.
typedef struct _CCONTEXT {
RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hRPC; // binding handle assoicated with context
unsigned long MagicValue; WIRE_CONTEXT NDR;
Routine Description:
Given a client context handle, we need to extract the binding from it. If an addressing exception occurs, we need to return invalid handle rather than GP-fault.
CContext - Supplies the client context handle.
Return Value:
The binding handle associated with the supplied client context handle will be returned. If the client context handle is invalid, then we raise the RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH exception.
--*/ { __try { if ( ((CCONTEXT PAPI *) CContext)->MagicValue != CONTEXT_MAGIC_VALUE ) { RpcRaiseException(RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH); } } _except( ( GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION ) || ( GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT ) ) { RpcRaiseException(RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH); }
return(((CCONTEXT PAPI *) CContext)->hRPC); }
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcSsGetContextBinding ( IN void *ContextHandle, OUT RPC_BINDING_HANDLE PAPI * Binding ) { RPC_STATUS Status = RPC_S_OK;
__try { if ( ((CCONTEXT PAPI *) ContextHandle)->MagicValue != CONTEXT_MAGIC_VALUE ) { Status = RPC_S_INVALID_ARG; } else { *Binding = (((CCONTEXT PAPI *) ContextHandle)->hRPC); } } __except( ( GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION ) || ( GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT ) ) { Status = RPC_S_INVALID_ARG; }
return Status; }
void RPC_ENTRY NDRCContextMarshall ( // copy a context to a buffer
IN NDR_CCONTEXT hCC, // context to marshell
OUT void PAPI *pBuff // buffer to marshell to
) // Copy the interal representation of a context into a buffer
{ #define hCContext ((CCONTEXT PAPI *) hCC) // cast opaque pointer to internal
THREAD *ThisThread;
ThisThread = RpcpGetThreadPointer(); ASSERT(ThisThread);
if (!hCContext) memset(pBuff, 0, cbNDRContext); else {
// Check the magic value to see if this is a legit context
__try { if ( ((CCONTEXT PAPI *) hCContext)->MagicValue != CONTEXT_MAGIC_VALUE ) { RpcRaiseException(RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH); } } __except( ( GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION ) || ( GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT ) ) { RpcRaiseException(RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH); }
memcpy(pBuff, &hCContext->NDR, sizeof(hCContext->NDR)); }
#undef hCContext
long NDRCCopyContextHandle ( IN void *SourceBinding, OUT void **DestinationBinding )
Routine Description:
Duplicates a context handle by copying the binding handle and the context information.
SourceBinding - the source handle DestinationBinding - the copied handle on success. Undefined on failure.
Return Value:
RPC_S_OK for success. RPC_S_* for errors.
--*/ { CCONTEXT *ContextHandle = (CCONTEXT *)SourceBinding; CCONTEXT *NewContextHandle; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE OldBindingHandle; RPC_STATUS Status;
Status = RpcSsGetContextBinding(ContextHandle, &OldBindingHandle); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) return Status;
NewContextHandle = new CCONTEXT; if (NewContextHandle == NULL) return RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
RpcpMemoryCopy(NewContextHandle, ContextHandle, sizeof(CCONTEXT));
Status = RpcBindingCopy(OldBindingHandle, &NewContextHandle->hRPC);
if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { delete NewContextHandle; return Status; }
*DestinationBinding = NewContextHandle;
return RPC_S_OK; }
void ByteSwapWireContext( IN WIRE_CONTEXT PAPI * WireContext, IN unsigned long PAPI * DataRepresentation ) /*++
Routine Description:
If necessary, the wire context will be byte swapped in place.
WireContext - Supplies the wire context be byte swapped and returns the resulting byte swapped context.
DataRepresentation - Supplies the data representation of the supplied wire context.
--*/ { if ( (*DataRepresentation & NDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN) != NDR_LOCAL_ENDIAN ) { WireContext->ContextType = RpcpByteSwapLong(WireContext->ContextType); ByteSwapUuid((class RPC_UUID *)&WireContext->ContextUuid); } }
void RPC_ENTRY NDRCContextUnmarshall ( // process returned context
OUT NDR_CCONTEXT PAPI *phCContext,// stub context to update
IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hRPC, // binding handle to associate with
IN void PAPI *pBuff, // pointer to NDR wire format
IN unsigned long DataRepresentation // pointer to NDR data rep
) // Update the users context handle from the servers NDR wire format.
{ PCCONTEXT hCC = (PCCONTEXT) *phCContext; THREAD *ThisThread;
ThisThread = RpcpGetThreadPointer(); ASSERT(ThisThread);
ByteSwapWireContext((WIRE_CONTEXT PAPI *) pBuff, (unsigned long PAPI *) &DataRepresentation);
ASSERT( !RpcpCheckHeap() );
// destory this context if the server returned none
if (RpcpMemoryCompare(pBuff, &NullContext, cbNDRContext) == 0) { if (hCC) { if (hCC->hRPC) RpcBindingFree(&(hCC->hRPC)); // discard duplicated binding
hCC->MagicValue = 0; I_RpcFree(hCC); }
*phCContext = Nil;
return; }
PCCONTEXT hCCtemp = 0;
if (! hCC) // allocate new if none existed
{ hCCtemp = (PCCONTEXT) I_RpcAllocate(sizeof(CCONTEXT));
if (hCCtemp == 0) { RpcRaiseException(RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY); }
hCCtemp->MagicValue = CONTEXT_MAGIC_VALUE; } else if (RpcpMemoryCompare(&hCC->NDR, pBuff, sizeof(hCC->NDR)) == 0) { // the returned context is the same as the app's context.
return; }
if( I_RpcBindingCopy(hRPC, &hBindtemp) != RPC_S_OK ) { ASSERT( !RpcpCheckHeap() ); I_RpcFree( hCCtemp ); RpcRaiseException(RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY); }
if ( hCCtemp ) hCC = hCCtemp; else RpcBindingFree(&(hCC->hRPC));
memcpy(&hCC->NDR, pBuff, sizeof(hCC->NDR)); hCC->hRPC = hBindtemp;
ASSERT( !RpcpCheckHeap() );
*phCContext = (NDR_CCONTEXT)hCC; }
void RPC_ENTRY RpcSsDestroyClientContext ( IN OUT void PAPI * PAPI * ContextHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
A client application will use this routine to destroy a context handle which it no longer needs. This will work without having to contact the server.
ContextHandle - Supplies the context handle to be destroyed. It will be set to zero before this routine returns.
If the context handle is invalid, then the RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH exception will be raised.
--*/ { RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus; THREAD *ThisThread; PVOID OldLastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext;
ThisThread = RpcpGetThreadPointer(); if (ThisThread) { OldLastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext = ThisThread->GetLastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext(); ThisThread->SetLastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext(NULL);
if (OldLastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext && (*ContextHandle == OldLastSuccessfullyDestroyedContext)) { *ContextHandle = 0; return; } }
BindingHandle = NDRCContextBinding(*ContextHandle);
// If a live context handle is destroyed, set the association
// to don't linger state. This is necessary so that the server
// receives the rundown for the destroyed context handles when the
// association goes away. Otherwise the client may reconnect before
// the garbage collector kills the connection, and the server will
// leak the context handle
// N.B. Ignore return value. For binding handles not tied to an
// association, that's ok, because there is no association to linger
// behind them.
(void) RpcBindingSetOption(BindingHandle, RPC_C_OPT_DONT_LINGER, TRUE);
RpcStatus = RpcBindingFree(&BindingHandle);
PCCONTEXT hCC = (PCCONTEXT) *ContextHandle; hCC->MagicValue = 0;
I_RpcFree(*ContextHandle); *ContextHandle = 0; }