Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1652 lines
46 KiB

  1. #define _UNICODE
  2. #define UNICODE
  3. #include <nt.h>
  4. #include <ntrtl.h>
  5. #include <nturtl.h>
  6. #include <windows.h>
  7. #include <tchar.h>
  8. #include <stdlib.h>
  9. #include <strsafe.h>
  10. #define REG_PROXY_PATH_STR _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Rpc\\RpcProxy")
  11. #define REG_PROXY_VALID_PORTS_STR _T("ValidPorts")
  12. #define MIN(x, y) ( ((x) >= (y)) ? y:x )
  13. BOOL
  14. GetHttpSettingsString(
  15. OUT LPTSTR *HttpSettings
  16. )
  17. /*++
  18. Routine Description:
  19. This retrives any existing http settings string, allocates a string to hold it and passes
  20. the string back to the caller. If the RpcProxy key doesn't exist, we return success and
  21. HttpSettings == NULL. We also print out a warning message. If RpcProxy exists, but ValidPorts
  22. does not, we return success, but we set HttpSettings equal to an empty string. The caller treats
  23. this the same as if ValidPorts exists but contains an empty string.
  24. Arguments:
  25. HttpSettings - This will point to the existing http settings or NULL if none exist.
  26. Return Value:
  30. If not ERROR_SUCCESS, then HttpSettings is undefined.
  31. --*/
  32. {
  33. ULONG Status;
  34. HKEY hKey;
  35. *HttpSettings = NULL;
  36. //
  37. // See if RpcProxy exists.
  38. //
  39. Status = RegOpenKeyEx(
  42. 0,
  44. &hKey
  45. );
  46. if (Status == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND){
  47. _tprintf(_T("Error: RpcProxy is not installed on this system.\n"));
  48. return FALSE;
  49. }
  50. else if (Status){
  51. return Status;
  52. }
  53. //
  54. // Query the ValidPorts. The first RegQueryValue gets the size, the second retrieves
  55. // the data.
  56. //
  57. LPTSTR TmpStr = NULL;
  58. ULONG TmpStrLen = 0;
  59. Status = RegQueryValueEx(
  60. hKey,
  62. NULL,
  63. NULL,
  64. NULL,
  65. &TmpStrLen
  66. );
  67. if (Status){
  68. CloseHandle(hKey);
  69. if (Status == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND){
  70. //
  71. // Treat a non-existant ValidPorts as if it existed but contained no data,
  72. // return success and an empty string.
  73. //
  74. *HttpSettings = new TCHAR[1];
  75. if (*HttpSettings == NULL){
  76. return FALSE;
  77. }
  78. **HttpSettings = _T('\0');
  79. return TRUE;
  80. }
  81. return FALSE;
  82. }
  83. if (TmpStrLen == 0){
  84. //
  85. // If ValidPorts contains no data, return an empty string
  86. //
  87. CloseHandle(hKey);
  88. *HttpSettings = new TCHAR[1];
  89. if (*HttpSettings == NULL){
  90. return FALSE;
  91. }
  92. **HttpSettings = _T('\0');
  93. return TRUE;
  94. }
  95. //
  96. // TmpStrLen includes the terminating NULL
  97. //
  98. TmpStr = new TCHAR[TmpStrLen];
  99. if (TmpStr == NULL){
  100. CloseHandle(hKey);
  101. return FALSE;
  102. }
  103. //
  104. // Retrieve the data, this will NULL terminate the string.
  105. //
  106. Status = RegQueryValueEx(
  107. hKey,
  109. NULL,
  110. NULL,
  111. (LPBYTE)TmpStr,
  112. &TmpStrLen
  113. );
  114. CloseHandle(hKey);
  115. if (Status){
  116. delete [] TmpStr;
  117. return FALSE;
  118. }
  119. *HttpSettings = TmpStr;
  120. return TRUE;
  121. }
  122. BOOL
  123. SetHttpSettingsString(
  124. IN LPTSTR HttpSettings
  125. )
  126. /*++
  127. Routine Description:
  128. Replace the http settings in the registry with the input string.
  129. Arguments:
  130. HttpSettings - The string to write to the registry.
  131. Return Value:
  134. If not ERROR_SUCESS, then the http settings in the registry will remain unchanged.
  135. --*/
  136. {
  137. ULONG Status;
  138. HKEY hKey;
  139. Status = RegOpenKeyEx(
  142. 0,
  143. KEY_WRITE,
  144. &hKey
  145. );
  146. if (Status == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND){
  147. _tprintf(_T("Error: RpcProxy is not installed on this system.\n"));
  148. return FALSE;
  149. }
  150. Status = RegSetValueEx(
  151. hKey,
  153. 0,
  154. REG_SZ,
  155. (LPBYTE)HttpSettings,
  156. (_tcslen(HttpSettings)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)
  157. );
  158. CloseHandle(hKey);
  159. if (Status){
  160. return FALSE;
  161. }
  162. return TRUE;
  163. }
  164. BOOL
  165. AppendHttpSettingsString(
  166. IN LPTSTR HttpSettings
  167. )
  168. /*++
  169. Routine Description:
  170. This takes the input string and appends it to the existing http_settings in the registry.
  171. The string passed in is a valid http settings string. If there is already settings present
  172. in the registry then this input string will be appended after a _T(';') is appended to the existing
  173. string.
  174. Arguments:
  175. HttpSettings - The string which is to be appended to the existing settings.
  176. Return Value:
  180. --*/
  181. {
  182. BOOL bStatus;
  183. LPTSTR OldHttpSettings = NULL;
  184. HRESULT hr;
  185. bStatus = GetHttpSettingsString(&OldHttpSettings);
  186. if (!bStatus){
  187. return bStatus;
  188. }
  189. // If GetHttpSettingsString has succeeded, it has allocated OldHttpSettings.
  190. ASSERT(OldHttpSettings != NULL);
  191. //
  192. // The ValidPorts contains an emtpy string, so to append the new settings we just
  193. // write them to ValidPorts.
  194. //
  195. if (_tcslen(OldHttpSettings) == 0){
  196. bStatus = SetHttpSettingsString(HttpSettings);
  197. delete OldHttpSettings;
  198. return bStatus;
  199. }
  200. //
  201. // The len of the new settings is the old len + new len + _T(';') + _T('\0')
  202. //
  203. ULONG Len = _tcslen(OldHttpSettings) + _tcslen(HttpSettings) + 2;
  204. LPTSTR NewSettings = new TCHAR[Len];
  205. if (NewSettings == NULL){
  206. delete [] OldHttpSettings;
  207. return FALSE;
  208. }
  209. hr = StringCchCopy(NewSettings, Len, OldHttpSettings);
  210. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  211. hr = StringCchCat(NewSettings, Len, _T(";"));
  212. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  213. hr = StringCchCat(NewSettings, Len, HttpSettings);
  214. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  215. bStatus = SetHttpSettingsString(NewSettings);
  216. delete [] NewSettings;
  217. delete [] OldHttpSettings;
  218. return bStatus;
  219. }
  220. struct PORT_RANGE
  221. {
  222. BOOL IsRange;
  223. int Lower;
  224. int Upper; // Only valid if IsRange is TRUE
  225. };
  226. struct MACHINE_SETTINGS
  227. {
  228. LPTSTR MachineName;
  229. ULONG PortRangeCount;
  230. PORT_RANGE *PortRanges;
  231. };
  232. struct HTTP_SETTINGS
  233. {
  234. ULONG MachineSettingsCount;
  235. MACHINE_SETTINGS *MachineSettings;
  236. };
  237. VOID
  238. InitializeMachineSettings(
  240. )
  241. /*++
  242. Routine Description:
  243. This initializes the members of MACHINE_SETTINGS. This should be the first
  244. operation performed on a MACHINE_SETTINGS object.
  245. Arguments:
  246. M - A pointer to the MACHINE_SETTINGS to initialize.
  247. --*/
  248. {
  249. M->MachineName = NULL;
  250. M->PortRangeCount = 0;
  251. M->PortRanges = NULL;
  252. }
  253. VOID
  254. FreeMachineSettings(
  256. )
  257. /*++
  258. Routine Description:
  259. Cleans up all memory assocaited with this MACHINE_SETTINGS object.
  260. Arguments:
  261. M - A pointer to the MACHINE_SETTINGS to clean up.
  262. --*/
  263. {
  264. delete [] M->MachineName;
  265. delete [] M->PortRanges;
  266. }
  267. BOOL
  268. CreateMachineSettings(
  270. IN LPTSTR MachineName,
  271. IN LPTSTR *PortRanges,
  272. IN ULONG PortRangeCount
  273. )
  274. /*++
  275. Routine Description:
  276. Poplulates the internal members of the MACHINE_SETTINGS object based off of
  277. the parameters passed in.
  278. Arguments:
  279. M - A pointer to the MACHINE_SETTINGS to fill in.
  280. MachineName - The name which these port settings are associated with.
  281. PortRanges - An array of strings, each one containing a port range "100" or "100-300"
  282. PortRangeCount - The number of port ranges provided in PortRanges.
  283. Return Value:
  287. If the return value is not ERROR_SUCCESS, the MACHINE_SETTINGS structure is left in an
  288. undetermined state and should be re-initialized before reuse (calling
  289. FreeMachineSettings is unnessisary).
  290. --*/
  291. {
  292. HRESULT hr;
  293. ASSERT(PortRangeCount != 0);
  294. ASSERT(_tcslen(MachineName) != 0);
  295. //
  296. // Attempt all the memory allocations needed, one allocation for the MachienName,
  297. // another for the array of PORT_RANGE objects.
  298. //
  299. M->MachineName = new TCHAR[_tcslen(MachineName)+1];
  300. if (M->MachineName == NULL)
  301. return FALSE;
  302. if (PortRangeCount == 0)
  303. M->PortRanges = NULL;
  304. else{
  305. M->PortRanges = new PORT_RANGE[PortRangeCount];
  306. if (M->PortRanges == NULL){
  307. delete [] M->MachineName;
  308. return FALSE;
  309. }
  310. }
  311. M->PortRangeCount = PortRangeCount;
  312. //
  313. // Copy the machine name and parse the port range strings to fill
  314. // in the PORT_RANGE array. Print out error messages for poorly formed ranges.
  315. //
  316. hr = StringCchCopy(M->MachineName,_tcslen(MachineName)+1, MachineName);
  317. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  318. for (ULONG i = 0; i < PortRangeCount; i++){
  319. if (_tcslen(PortRanges[i]) == 0){
  320. _tprintf(_T("Error: Invalid port range for machine \'%s\'.\n"), MachineName);
  321. delete [] M->MachineName;
  322. delete [] M->PortRanges;
  323. return FALSE;
  324. }
  325. M->PortRanges[i].IsRange = FALSE;
  326. M->PortRanges[i].Lower = _ttoi(PortRanges[i]);
  327. if (M->PortRanges[i].Lower <= 0){
  328. _tprintf(_T("Error: Invalid port range for machine \'%s\'.\n"), MachineName);
  329. delete [] M->MachineName;
  330. delete [] M->PortRanges;
  331. return FALSE;
  332. }
  333. if (_tcschr(PortRanges[i],_T('-')) != NULL){
  334. LPTSTR c;
  335. M->PortRanges[i].IsRange = TRUE;
  336. c = _tcschr(PortRanges[i],_T('-'));
  337. M->PortRanges[i].Upper = _ttoi(++c);
  338. if (M->PortRanges[i].Upper <= 0){
  339. _tprintf(_T("Error: Invalid port range for machine \'%s\'.\n"), MachineName);
  340. delete [] M->MachineName;
  341. delete [] M->PortRanges;
  342. return FALSE;
  343. }
  344. }
  345. }
  346. //
  347. // Sort the port ranges by Lower in ascending order, bubble sort.
  348. //
  349. int End;
  350. for (End = PortRangeCount; End != 0; End--){
  351. int Max = 0;
  352. for (int i = 0; i< End; i++){
  353. if (M->PortRanges[i].Lower >= Max){
  354. Max = M->PortRanges[i].Lower;
  355. }
  356. else{
  357. PORT_RANGE Tmp;
  358. memcpy(&Tmp, &(M->PortRanges[i]), sizeof(PORT_RANGE));
  359. memcpy(&(M->PortRanges[i]), &(M->PortRanges[i-1]), sizeof(PORT_RANGE));
  360. memcpy(&(M->PortRanges[i-1]), &Tmp, sizeof(PORT_RANGE));
  361. }
  362. }
  363. }
  364. return TRUE;
  365. }
  366. BOOL
  367. StringFromMachineSettings(
  369. OUT LPTSTR *Str
  370. )
  371. /*++
  372. Routine Description:
  373. Creates a valid <http_settings> string based off of the MACHINE_SETTINGS structure.
  374. Arguments:
  375. M - A pointer to the MACHINE_SETTINGS to use.
  376. Str - This will point to the htt_settings string. This must be freed by the caller.
  377. On failure, this will point to NULL.
  378. Return Value:
  379. TRUE - Success
  380. FALSE - We ran out of memory
  381. --*/
  382. {
  383. ULONG Len;
  384. LPTSTR TmpStr, TmpStrStart;
  385. *Str = NULL;
  386. HRESULT hr;
  387. //
  388. // Calculate the length of the string. We will assume that a given port range
  389. // including the prefix _T(':') and a possible suffix _T(';') in total will be 32 charaters.
  390. //
  391. Len = (_tcslen(M->MachineName)+32) // Each entry is machine name + _T(':') + port range + _T(';')
  392. * M->PortRangeCount // Number of entries
  393. + 1 // Trailing NULL;
  394. ;
  395. TmpStr = new TCHAR[Len];
  396. if (TmpStr == NULL)
  397. return FALSE;
  398. TmpStrStart = TmpStr;
  399. *Str = TmpStr;
  400. //
  401. // Convert each port range into a string, add the _T('-') if needed. This loop creates
  402. // the actual http_settings string
  403. //
  404. for (ULONG i = 0; i < M->PortRangeCount; i++){
  405. hr = StringCchCopy(TmpStr, Len, M->MachineName);
  406. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  407. TmpStr = _tcschr(TmpStr, _T('\0'));
  408. *(TmpStr++) = _T(':');
  409. _ltot(M->PortRanges[i].Lower, TmpStr, 10);
  410. TmpStr = _tcschr(TmpStr, _T('\0'));
  411. if (TmpStr == NULL)
  412. {
  413. ASSERT(TmpStr != NULL);
  414. delete [] TmpStrStart;
  415. return FALSE;
  416. }
  417. if (M->PortRanges[i].IsRange){
  418. *(TmpStr++) = _T('-');
  419. _ltot(M->PortRanges[i].Upper, TmpStr, 10);
  420. TmpStr = _tcschr(TmpStr, _T('\0'));
  421. }
  422. *(TmpStr++) = _T(';');
  423. }
  424. //
  425. // Replace the last _T(';') with a NULL to end the string (there should be no trailing _T(';'))
  426. //
  427. *(--TmpStr) = _T('\0');
  428. return TRUE;
  429. }
  430. VOID
  431. InitializeHttpSettings(
  433. )
  434. /*++
  435. Routine Description:
  436. This initializes the members of HTTP_SETTINGS. This should be the first
  437. operation performed on a HTTP_SETTINGS object.
  438. Arguments:
  439. M - A pointer to the HTTP_SETTINGS to initialize.
  440. --*/
  441. {
  442. H->MachineSettingsCount = 0;
  443. H->MachineSettings = NULL;
  444. }
  445. VOID
  446. FreeHttpSettings(
  448. )
  449. /*++
  450. Routine Description:
  451. Cleans up all memory assocaited with this HTTP_SETTINGS object.
  452. Arguments:
  453. M - A pointer to the HTTP_SETTINGS to clean up.
  454. --*/
  455. {
  456. for (ULONG i = 0; i < H->MachineSettingsCount; i++)
  457. FreeMachineSettings(&(H->MachineSettings[i]));
  458. delete [] H->MachineSettings;
  459. }
  460. BOOL
  461. StringToHttpSettings(
  462. IN LPTSTR HttpSettings,
  464. )
  465. /*++
  466. Routine Description:
  467. This fills in an initialized HTTP_SETTINGS structure with the settings
  468. supplied in the HttpSettings string.
  469. Arguments:
  470. HttpSettings - A valid HttpSettings string. If this string is not valid,
  471. this function will return failure.
  472. H - Pointer to the initilized HTTP_SETTINGS structure to fill in.
  473. Return Value:
  477. If not ERROR_SUCCESS, the HTTP_SETTINGS strucutre is in an undefined state and should be
  478. initialized before using again. You should not call FreeHttpSettings if on
  479. the object if this function fails.
  480. --*/
  481. {
  482. //
  483. // Count the number of entries (semicolons + 1 since there is no trailing semicolon)
  484. // allocate enough MACHINE_SETTINGS for all of them. We actually may need less since
  485. // there can be repeat entries, but this is simpler.
  486. //
  487. BOOL bStatus;
  488. LPTSTR c;
  489. LPTSTR Current;
  490. ULONG ProxySettingsCount = 1;
  491. for (c = _tcschr(HttpSettings,_T(';'));
  492. c != NULL;
  493. c = _tcschr(++c, _T(';')), ProxySettingsCount++);
  494. //
  495. // Allocate the MACHINE_SETTINGS, and initialize each. Fill in the machine settings
  496. // using a O(N^2) algorithm. This is a simple way to do it, and as long as the number of
  497. // settings stays reasonable then we should be fine.
  498. //
  499. H->MachineSettings = new MACHINE_SETTINGS[ProxySettingsCount];
  500. if (H->MachineSettings == NULL)
  501. return FALSE;
  502. for (ULONG i = 0; i < ProxySettingsCount; i++)
  503. InitializeMachineSettings(&(H->MachineSettings[i]));
  504. //
  505. // First, create an array of pointers, each one pointing to a settings
  506. // string within the HttpSettings (machine name:port range). We need to
  507. // fill in NULL for the semi-colins and colins to separate the strings.
  508. //
  509. LPTSTR *ProxySettings = new LPTSTR[ProxySettingsCount];
  510. if (ProxySettings == NULL){
  511. delete [] H->MachineSettings;
  512. return FALSE;
  513. }
  514. //
  515. // Replace the _T(':') and _T(';') for each setting with null, print out error messages
  516. // if a poorly formed setting is encountered.
  517. //
  518. ProxySettings[0] = HttpSettings;
  519. c = HttpSettings;
  520. for (ULONG i = 1; i < ProxySettingsCount; i++){
  521. Current = c;
  522. c = _tcschr(Current, _T(':'));
  523. if (c == NULL){
  524. _tprintf(_T("Error: Expected ':' in string \'%s\'.\n"),Current);
  525. delete [] H->MachineSettings;
  526. return FALSE;
  527. }
  528. *c++ = _T('\0');
  529. Current = c;
  530. c = _tcschr(Current, _T(';'));
  531. if (c == NULL){
  532. _tprintf(_T("Error: Expected ';' in string \'%s\'.\n"),Current);
  533. delete [] H->MachineSettings;
  534. return FALSE;
  535. }
  536. *c++ = _T('\0');
  537. ProxySettings[i] = c;
  538. }
  539. //
  540. // Set the final _T(':') to \0, there is no trailing _T(';')
  541. //
  542. Current = c;
  543. c = _tcschr(Current, _T(':'));
  544. if (c == NULL){
  545. _tprintf(_T("Error: Expected ':' in string \'%s\'.\n"),Current);
  546. delete [] H->MachineSettings;
  547. return FALSE;
  548. }
  549. *c = _T('\0');
  550. //
  551. // Here is the actual O(N^2) algorithm. Each time through the outer loop,
  552. // we will have consumed a number of proxy settings (all with the same machine name).
  553. // These consumed settings are converted to MACHINE_SETTINGS which is recorded in our
  554. // HTTP_SETTINGS object. The inner loop first gets a machine name to group by, and then
  555. // loops through the un-consumed (non-NULL) proxy settings matching them with the machine name.
  556. // These are grouped into another array of string pointers and passed to CreateMachineSettings.
  557. //
  558. ULONG ProxySettingsConsumed = 0;
  559. ULONG MachineSettingsCount = 0;
  560. LPTSTR *PortRanges = new LPTSTR[ProxySettingsCount];
  561. if (PortRanges == NULL){
  562. delete [] H->MachineSettings;
  563. delete [] ProxySettings;
  564. return FALSE;
  565. }
  566. while (ProxySettingsConsumed < ProxySettingsCount){
  567. LPTSTR MachineName = NULL;
  568. ULONG PortRangeCount = 0;
  569. for (ULONG i = 0; i < ProxySettingsCount; i++){
  570. if (ProxySettings[i] != NULL){
  571. if (MachineName == NULL)
  572. MachineName = ProxySettings[i];
  573. if (_tcsicmp(MachineName, ProxySettings[i]) == 0){
  574. c = _tcschr(ProxySettings[i], _T('\0'));
  575. PortRanges[PortRangeCount++] = ++c;
  576. ProxySettings[i] = NULL;
  577. ProxySettingsConsumed++;
  578. }
  579. }
  580. }
  581. //
  582. // Do some validation befor passing the machine name and port settings to CreateMachineSettings
  583. //
  584. if (_tcslen(MachineName) == 0){
  585. _tprintf(_T("Error: Zero length machine name after entry %d.\n"), MachineSettingsCount);
  586. delete [] H->MachineSettings;
  587. delete [] ProxySettings;
  588. delete [] PortRanges;
  589. return FALSE;
  590. }
  591. if (PortRangeCount <= 0 ){
  592. _tprintf(_T("Error: No port settings for machine name %s.\n"), MachineName);
  593. delete [] H->MachineSettings;
  594. delete [] ProxySettings;
  595. delete [] PortRanges;
  596. return FALSE;
  597. }
  598. bStatus = CreateMachineSettings(
  599. &(H->MachineSettings[MachineSettingsCount++]),
  600. MachineName,
  601. PortRanges,
  602. PortRangeCount
  603. );
  604. if (!bStatus){
  605. delete [] H->MachineSettings;
  606. delete [] ProxySettings;
  607. delete [] PortRanges;
  608. return bStatus;
  609. }
  610. }
  611. //
  612. // Sort the machine settings, bubble sort.
  613. //
  614. int End;
  615. for (End = MachineSettingsCount; End != 0; End--){
  616. LPTSTR MaxString = H->MachineSettings[0].MachineName;
  617. for (int i = 0; i< End; i++){
  618. if (_tcsicmp(MaxString, H->MachineSettings[i].MachineName) < 0){
  619. MaxString = H->MachineSettings[i].MachineName;
  620. }
  621. else if (i > 0){
  623. memcpy(&Tmp, &(H->MachineSettings[i]), sizeof(MACHINE_SETTINGS));
  624. memcpy(&(H->MachineSettings[i]), &(H->MachineSettings[i-1]), sizeof(MACHINE_SETTINGS));
  625. memcpy(&(H->MachineSettings[i-1]), &Tmp, sizeof(MACHINE_SETTINGS));
  626. }
  627. }
  628. }
  629. H->MachineSettingsCount = MachineSettingsCount;
  630. delete [] PortRanges;
  631. delete [] ProxySettings;
  632. return TRUE;
  633. }
  634. BOOL
  635. StringFromHttpSettings(
  637. OUT LPTSTR *HttpSettings
  638. )
  639. /*++
  640. Routine Description:
  641. This function creates a valid http settings string from a filled-in HttpSettings structure.
  642. Arguments:
  643. HttpSettings - Set to point to the settings string which must be freed by the caller.
  644. H - Pointer to the filled-in HTTP_SETTINGS structure from which we will derive the settings string
  645. Return Value:
  648. --*/
  649. {
  650. HRESULT hr;
  651. //
  652. // Loop through and create strings for each machine settings, calculate
  653. // the total length needed for them and concatenate
  654. //
  655. LPTSTR *MachineSettingsStrings = new LPTSTR[H->MachineSettingsCount];
  656. if (MachineSettingsStrings == NULL){
  657. return FALSE;
  658. }
  659. //
  660. // This loop fills in the array of machine settings and adds up the length
  661. //
  662. LPTSTR Str = NULL;
  663. ULONG TotalStrLen = 0;
  664. for (ULONG i = 0; i < H->MachineSettingsCount; i++){
  665. if (StringFromMachineSettings(&(H->MachineSettings[i]), &(MachineSettingsStrings[i])) == TRUE)
  666. {
  667. TotalStrLen += _tcslen(MachineSettingsStrings[i]);
  668. }
  669. else
  670. {
  671. for (; i>0; i--)
  672. {
  673. delete [] MachineSettingsStrings[i];
  674. }
  675. delete [] MachineSettingsStrings;
  676. return FALSE;
  677. }
  678. }
  679. //
  680. // This loop concatenates the strings stored in the MachineSettingsStrings array into the final
  681. // string which will be returned to the caller.
  682. //
  683. ULONG Len = TotalStrLen + H->MachineSettingsCount + 1;
  684. Str = new TCHAR[Len];
  685. *Str = _T('\0');
  686. *HttpSettings = Str;
  687. for (ULONG i = 0; i < H->MachineSettingsCount; i++){
  688. hr = StringCchCat(Str, Len, MachineSettingsStrings[i]);
  689. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  690. if (i != H->MachineSettingsCount-1){
  691. hr =StringCchCat(Str, Len, _T(";"));
  692. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  693. }
  694. delete [] MachineSettingsStrings[i];
  695. }
  696. return TRUE;
  697. }
  698. BOOL
  699. RemoveMachineFromHttpSettings(
  700. IN LPTSTR MachineName,
  702. )
  703. /*++
  704. Routine Description:
  705. Given a name, this function removes all port settings for that machine from
  706. the HTTP_SETTINGS structure.
  707. Arguments:
  708. MachineName - Name for which all settings should be removed.
  709. H - Pointer to the filled-in HTTP_SETTINGS structure from which we will remove the specified settings
  710. Return Value:
  711. True if there was a matching machine name.
  712. --*/
  713. {
  714. //
  715. // Find a matching machine entry, free it, copy the rest of the entries to
  716. // keep the array contiguous.
  717. //
  718. for (ULONG i = 0; i < H->MachineSettingsCount; i++){
  719. if (_tcsicmp(MachineName, H->MachineSettings[i].MachineName) == 0){
  720. FreeMachineSettings(&(H->MachineSettings[i]));
  721. break;
  722. }
  723. }
  724. //
  725. // We didn't find a match, indicate by returning FALSE
  726. //
  727. if (i == H->MachineSettingsCount)
  728. return FALSE;
  729. //
  730. // This does the actual copy. No need to copy if we deleted the end entry in the array.
  731. //
  732. if (i < (H->MachineSettingsCount-1))
  733. memcpy(&(H->MachineSettings[i]),
  734. &(H->MachineSettings[i+1]),
  735. sizeof(MACHINE_SETTINGS)*((H->MachineSettingsCount - 1) - i)
  736. );
  737. H->MachineSettingsCount--;
  738. return TRUE;
  739. }
  740. BOOL
  741. HttpHandleAdd(
  742. IN OUT LPTSTR Arguments[],
  743. IN ULONG ArgCount
  744. )
  745. /*++
  746. Routine Description:
  747. This handler is called when the user enters
  748. rpc http add <machine_name> <port_range> <port_range>...
  749. These settings are converted then converted to the appropriate
  750. set of <http_settings> string which is then concatenated to any
  751. <http_settings> string which is already present in the registry.
  752. So basic validation is done on the user input.
  753. Arguments:
  754. See the NetShell documentation for a description of the arguments.
  755. Return Value:
  756. See the NetShell documentation for a description of the return value.
  757. --*/
  758. {
  760. LPTSTR HttpSettings = NULL;
  761. BOOL bStatus;
  762. //
  763. // Parse the input commands (array of strings, starting at dwCurrentIndex).
  764. // The first string is the machine name, subsequent strings are port ranges.
  765. // Initialize a MACHINE_SETTINGS structure, pull the machine name out of the arguments
  766. // and fill in the MACHINE_SETTINGS strucutre based off of the Machine name and remaing
  767. // arguments (port ranges).
  768. //
  769. if ( ArgCount < 2){
  770. _tprintf(_T("Error: Please enter rpccfg /? to see the proper syntax for this command.\n"));
  771. return FALSE;
  772. }
  773. InitializeMachineSettings(&M);
  774. bStatus = CreateMachineSettings(
  775. &M,
  776. Arguments[0], // First arg is machine name
  777. &(Arguments[1]), // Remaining args are port settings
  778. ArgCount - 1 // -1 to account for machine name
  779. );
  780. if (!bStatus){
  781. return FALSE;
  782. }
  783. //
  784. // Convert the MACHINE_SETTINGS to a valid <http_settings> string and
  785. // concatenate that to the existing settings and clean up.
  786. //
  787. bStatus = StringFromMachineSettings(&M, &HttpSettings);
  788. if (!bStatus){
  789. return FALSE;
  790. }
  791. bStatus = AppendHttpSettingsString(HttpSettings);
  792. delete [] HttpSettings;
  793. if (!bStatus){
  794. return FALSE;
  795. }
  796. return TRUE;
  797. }
  798. BOOL
  799. HttpHandleDelete(
  800. IN OUT LPTSTR Arguments[],
  801. IN ULONG ArgCount
  802. )
  803. /*++
  804. Routine Description:
  805. This handler is called when the user enters 'rpc http delete <machine_name>')
  806. We get the current <http_settings> string from the registry, convert it to
  807. a HTTP_SETTINGS object, delete the MACHINE_SETTINGS for the specified <machine_name>,
  808. convert the HTTP_SETTINGS object back to an <http_settings> string and commit it to
  809. the registry.
  810. Arguments:
  811. See the NetShell documentation for a description of the arguments.
  812. Return Value:
  813. See the NetShell documentation for a description of the return value.
  814. --*/
  815. {
  816. BOOL bStatus;
  817. LPTSTR MachineName = NULL,
  818. HttpSettings = NULL;
  820. //
  821. // We should be passed one argument, the machine name. If there are no settings currently
  822. // for this machine name, return an error to the user. Otherwise, remove the settings for
  823. // this machine name and write the new settings back to the registry.
  824. //
  825. if (ArgCount != 1){
  826. _tprintf(_T("Error: Please enter rpccfg /? to see the proper syntax for this command.\n"));
  827. return FALSE;
  828. }
  829. MachineName = Arguments[0];
  830. bStatus = GetHttpSettingsString(&HttpSettings);
  831. if (!bStatus){
  832. return FALSE;
  833. }
  834. //
  835. // If there are no settings, then the machine name passed in couldn't possibly match anything
  836. // so return failure.
  837. //
  838. if ((HttpSettings == NULL) || (_tcslen(HttpSettings) == 0)){
  839. _tprintf(_T("Error: There are no settings for the specified machine name: \"%s\".\n"),MachineName);
  840. return FALSE;
  841. }
  842. //
  843. // Convert the string to an HTTP_SETTINGS structure which we can manipulate
  844. //
  845. InitializeHttpSettings(&H);
  846. bStatus = StringToHttpSettings(HttpSettings, &H);
  847. delete [] HttpSettings;
  848. if (!bStatus){
  849. return FALSE;
  850. }
  851. //
  852. // Remove all instances of this machine name which exist in the HttpSettings.
  853. // If no match, return error. If failure, return error.
  854. //
  855. bStatus = RemoveMachineFromHttpSettings(MachineName, &H);
  856. if (!bStatus){
  857. _tprintf(_T("Error: There are no settings for machine name: \"%s\".\n"),MachineName);
  858. FreeHttpSettings(&H);
  859. return FALSE;
  860. }
  861. //
  862. // Get the new string from the HTTP_SETTINGS structure and commit it to the registry
  863. //
  864. bStatus = StringFromHttpSettings(&H, &HttpSettings);
  865. if (!bStatus){
  866. return FALSE;
  867. }
  868. FreeHttpSettings(&H);
  869. bStatus = SetHttpSettingsString(HttpSettings);
  870. delete [] HttpSettings;
  871. if (!bStatus){
  872. return FALSE;
  873. }
  874. return TRUE;
  875. }
  876. BOOL
  877. FormatColumns(
  878. IN ULONG Columns,
  879. IN ULONG *ColumnWidth,
  880. IN ULONG *Margins,
  881. IN LPTSTR *Strings,
  882. OUT LPTSTR *FormatedString,
  883. OUT ULONG *LinesCount
  884. )
  885. /*++
  886. Routine Description:
  887. This routine takes various parameters defining a column display and an array
  888. of strings (one for each column). Based off this, a new string is created, and returned
  889. to the user (who is responsible for freeing it). This string contains the input strings
  890. formated into columns.
  891. Arguments:
  892. Columns - The number of columns.
  893. ColumnWidth - An array conatinaing on entry per column which specifies the number of charters
  894. contained in the associated column.
  895. Margins - This contains the size of the right margin for each column, except for the last. This
  896. contains Columns-1 entries.
  897. Strings - An array of pointers to strings. Each string is formated into its associated column.
  898. FormatedString - This holds the formated string composed of the input strings.
  899. Lines - The number of lines which the formated string spans (number of _T('\n')).
  900. Return Value:
  903. --*/
  904. {
  905. //
  906. // Calculate the total length of the final output string. First calculate the length of each string,
  907. // then calculate the total number of lines needed (max of the number of lines needed for each column).
  908. // The total length is (Sum of columns + Sum of margins + _T('\n')) * number of lines + _T('\0').
  909. //
  910. ULONG *StrLengths = new ULONG[Columns];
  911. if (StrLengths == NULL){
  912. return FALSE;
  913. }
  914. ULONG MaxLines = 1;
  915. ULONG ColumnLenSum = 0;
  916. ULONG MarginLengthSum = 0;
  917. for (ULONG i = 0; i < Columns; i++){
  918. ULONG TmpLen = _tcslen(Strings[i]);
  919. StrLengths[i] = TmpLen;
  920. ULONG Lines = (TmpLen + ColumnWidth[i] - 1) / ColumnWidth[i];
  921. if (Lines > MaxLines){
  922. MaxLines = Lines;
  923. }
  924. if (i < Columns -1){
  925. MarginLengthSum += Margins[i];
  926. }
  927. ColumnLenSum += ColumnWidth[i];
  928. }
  929. ULONG TotalStrLen = (ColumnLenSum + MarginLengthSum +1)*MaxLines +1;
  930. LPTSTR Str = new TCHAR[TotalStrLen];
  931. if (Str == NULL){
  932. delete [] StrLengths;
  933. return FALSE;
  934. }
  935. #ifdef UNICODE
  936. wmemset(Str, ' ', TotalStrLen);
  937. #else
  938. memset(Str, ' ', TotalStrLen);
  939. #endif
  940. //
  941. // Walk through the formated string and copy in the appropriate portion of each string per
  942. // column. The margins are set using the width option in StringCchPrintf. Each itteration
  943. // through the outer loop adds one formated line (and one \n) to the format string. The inner
  944. // loop walks through each column.
  945. //
  946. ULONG NewLines = 0;
  947. LPTSTR TmpStrPtr = Str;
  948. ULONG *TmpColumnStringOffset = new ULONG[Columns];
  949. if (TmpColumnStringOffset == NULL){
  950. delete [] StrLengths;
  951. delete [] Str;
  952. return FALSE;
  953. }
  954. memset(TmpColumnStringOffset, 0x00, Columns * sizeof(ULONG));
  955. for (ULONG Lines = 0; Lines < MaxLines; Lines++){
  956. for (ULONG i = 0; i < Columns; i++){
  957. LPTSTR TmpColumnString = Strings[i];
  958. TmpColumnString = &(TmpColumnString[TmpColumnStringOffset[i]]);
  959. ULONG TmpColumnStringRemaining = StrLengths[i] - TmpColumnStringOffset[i];
  960. ULONG TmpColumnStringLenToCopy = MIN(TmpColumnStringRemaining, ColumnWidth[i]);
  961. if (TmpColumnStringLenToCopy != 0){
  962. _tcsncpy(TmpStrPtr, TmpColumnString, TmpColumnStringLenToCopy);
  963. TmpColumnStringOffset[i] += TmpColumnStringLenToCopy;
  964. }
  965. TmpStrPtr += ColumnWidth[i];
  966. if (i < Columns - 1){
  967. TmpStrPtr += Margins[i];
  968. }
  969. }
  970. *TmpStrPtr++ = _T('\n');
  971. NewLines++;
  972. }
  973. *TmpStrPtr = _T('\0');
  974. *FormatedString = Str;
  975. delete [] StrLengths;
  976. delete [] TmpColumnStringOffset;
  977. *LinesCount = NewLines;
  978. return TRUE;
  979. }
  980. BOOL
  981. PrintColumns(
  982. IN LPTSTR Str1,
  983. IN LPTSTR Str2
  984. )
  985. /*++
  986. Routine Description:
  987. This is just a wrapper around FormatColumns which passes in the correct parameters
  988. so that we print two columns, width 34, 43 with two spaces between them. We also
  989. print out an empty line if the formated columns are multi-line.
  990. Arguments:
  991. Str1 - Strings to be printed in columns 1 and 2 respectively.
  992. Str2 -
  993. --*/
  994. {
  995. BOOL bStatus;
  996. ULONG ColumnWidths[2];
  997. ULONG ColumnMargins;
  998. LPTSTR Strings[2];
  999. LPTSTR OutputString;
  1000. ULONG Lines = 0;
  1001. ColumnWidths[0] = 34;
  1002. ColumnWidths[1] = 43;
  1003. ColumnMargins = 2;
  1004. Strings[0] = Str1;
  1005. Strings[1] = Str2;
  1006. bStatus = FormatColumns(
  1007. 2,
  1008. ColumnWidths,
  1009. &ColumnMargins,
  1010. Strings,
  1011. &OutputString,
  1012. &Lines
  1013. );
  1014. if (!bStatus){
  1015. return FALSE;
  1016. }
  1017. _tprintf(_T("%s"),OutputString);
  1018. if (Lines > 1){
  1019. _tprintf(_T("\n"));
  1020. }
  1021. delete [] OutputString;
  1022. return TRUE;
  1023. }
  1024. BOOL
  1025. HttpHandleShow(
  1026. IN OUT LPTSTR Arguments[],
  1027. IN ULONG ArgCount
  1028. )
  1029. /*++
  1030. Routine Description:
  1031. This handler retreives any existing http settings and displays them like this.
  1032. Server Name Port Settings
  1033. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1034. grigorik-dev1 200 220-240
  1035. yongqu 200
  1036. The server name will wrap as will the port settings. Both will wrap within
  1037. there own column. If any wrapping occurs, there will be a blank line after
  1038. the wrapped entry before the next entry.
  1039. Arguments:
  1040. See the NetShell documentation for a description of the arguments.
  1041. Return Value:
  1042. See the NetShell documentation for a description of the return value.
  1043. --*/
  1044. {
  1045. //
  1046. // Initialize the HTTP_SETTINGS struct, get the HttpSettings string, fill in
  1047. // the HTTP_SETTINGS struct from the string and then display.
  1048. //
  1050. LPTSTR HttpSettings = NULL;
  1051. BOOL bStatus;
  1052. HRESULT hr;
  1053. InitializeHttpSettings(&H);
  1054. bStatus = GetHttpSettingsString(&HttpSettings);
  1055. if (!bStatus){
  1056. return FALSE;
  1057. }
  1058. // If GetHttpSettingsString has succeeded, it has allocated HttpSettings.
  1059. ASSERT(HttpSettings != NULL);
  1060. if (_tcslen(HttpSettings) == 0){
  1061. _tprintf(_T("There are no settings to display.\n"));
  1062. return TRUE;
  1063. }
  1064. bStatus = StringToHttpSettings(HttpSettings, &H);
  1065. if (!bStatus){
  1066. return FALSE;
  1067. }
  1068. //
  1069. // Display the settings. First print the header than loop through and print each
  1070. // MACHINE_SETTINGS. The inner loop generates the PortSettings string for the current
  1071. // MachineName. Each itteration through the outer loop prints one potentially multi-lined
  1072. // MACHINE_SETTINGS entry.
  1073. //
  1074. _tprintf(_T("Server Name Port Settings\n"));
  1075. _tprintf(_T("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"));
  1076. for (ULONG i = 0; i < H.MachineSettingsCount; i++){
  1077. MACHINE_SETTINGS *M = &(H.MachineSettings[i]);
  1078. ULONG PortSettingsLen = (M->PortRangeCount * 32) +1;
  1079. LPTSTR PortSettings = new TCHAR[PortSettingsLen]; // Approx max size of two dwords in decimal + space + hyphen
  1080. if (PortSettings == NULL){
  1081. delete HttpSettings;
  1082. return FALSE;
  1083. }
  1084. *PortSettings = _T('\0');
  1085. for (ULONG j = 0; j < M->PortRangeCount; j++){
  1086. TCHAR PortString[16];
  1087. _ltot(M->PortRanges[j].Lower, PortString, 10);
  1088. hr = StringCchCat(PortSettings, PortSettingsLen, PortString);
  1089. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  1090. if (M->PortRanges[j].IsRange){
  1091. hr = StringCchCat(PortSettings,PortSettingsLen, _T("-"));
  1092. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  1093. _ltot(M->PortRanges[j].Upper, PortString, 10);
  1094. hr = StringCchCat(PortSettings, PortSettingsLen, PortString);
  1095. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  1096. }
  1097. hr = StringCchCat(PortSettings, PortSettingsLen, _T(" "));
  1098. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  1099. }
  1100. //
  1101. // Print the machine name and port settings in a two column format
  1102. //
  1103. PrintColumns(M->MachineName, PortSettings);
  1104. delete [] PortSettings;
  1105. }
  1106. return TRUE;
  1107. }
  1108. BOOL
  1109. HttpHandleSave(
  1110. IN OUT LPTSTR Arguments[],
  1111. IN ULONG ArgCount
  1112. )
  1113. /*++
  1114. Routine Description:
  1115. This handler retrieves the proxy settings from the registry and saves it to the
  1116. specified file.
  1117. Arguments:
  1118. See the NetShell documentation for a description of the arguments.
  1119. Return Value:
  1120. See the NetShell documentation for a description of the return value.
  1121. --*/
  1122. {
  1123. BOOL bStatus;
  1124. //
  1125. // We should be passed one argument, the file name.
  1126. //
  1127. if ( ArgCount != 1){
  1128. _tprintf(_T("Error: Please enter rpccfg /? to see the proper syntax for this command.\n"));
  1129. return FALSE;
  1130. }
  1131. //
  1132. // Get the registry settings string and write its contents to a file.
  1133. //
  1134. LPTSTR HttpSettings;
  1135. bStatus = GetHttpSettingsString(&HttpSettings);
  1136. if (!bStatus){
  1137. return FALSE;
  1138. }
  1139. // If GetHttpSettingsString has succeeded, it has allocated OldHttpSettings.
  1140. ASSERT(HttpSettings != NULL);
  1141. if (_tcslen(HttpSettings) == 0){
  1142. _tprintf(_T("Error: No settings exist, the file will not be created.\n"));
  1143. return FALSE;
  1144. }
  1145. HANDLE h;
  1146. h = CreateFile(
  1147. Arguments[0], // file name
  1148. GENERIC_WRITE, // access mode
  1149. 0, // share mode
  1150. NULL, // SD
  1151. CREATE_ALWAYS, // how to create
  1152. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // file attributes
  1153. NULL // handle to template file
  1154. );
  1155. if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){
  1156. _tprintf(_T("Error: Either the file could not be found or you do not have permission to write to the file.\n"));
  1157. return FALSE;
  1158. }
  1159. ULONG Len = _tcslen(HttpSettings);
  1160. Len = Len*sizeof(TCHAR);
  1161. ULONG Dummy;
  1162. bStatus = WriteFile(
  1163. h,
  1164. (LPCVOID)HttpSettings,
  1165. Len,
  1166. &Dummy,
  1167. NULL
  1168. );
  1169. delete [] HttpSettings;
  1170. CloseHandle(h);
  1171. if (!bStatus){
  1172. _tprintf(_T("Error: Either the file could not be found or you do not have permission to write to the file.\n"));
  1173. return FALSE;
  1174. }
  1175. return TRUE;
  1176. }
  1177. BOOL
  1178. HttpHandleLoad(
  1179. IN OUT LPTSTR Arguments[],
  1180. IN ULONG ArgCount
  1181. )
  1182. /*++
  1183. Routine Description:
  1184. This handler reads settings from the specified file and commits them to the registry.
  1185. Arguments:
  1186. See the NetShell documentation for a description of the arguments.
  1187. Return Value:
  1188. See the NetShell documentation for a description of the return value.
  1189. --*/
  1190. {
  1191. //
  1192. // Open the file, get its length and read the contents into a string. Write
  1193. // the string to the registry.
  1194. //
  1195. BOOL bStatus;
  1196. HANDLE h;
  1197. h = CreateFile(
  1198. Arguments[0], // file name
  1199. GENERIC_READ, // access mode
  1200. 0, // share mode
  1201. NULL, // SD
  1202. OPEN_EXISTING, // how to create
  1203. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // file attributes
  1204. NULL // handle to template file
  1205. );
  1206. if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){
  1207. _tprintf(_T("Error: Either the file could not be found or you do not have permission to read the file.\n"));
  1208. return FALSE;
  1209. }
  1210. ULONG FileSize = GetFileSize(h, NULL);
  1211. LPVOID HttpSettings = new BYTE[FileSize+sizeof(TCHAR)];
  1212. if (HttpSettings == NULL){
  1213. CloseHandle(h);
  1214. return FALSE;
  1215. }
  1216. memset(HttpSettings, 0x00, FileSize+sizeof(TCHAR));
  1217. ULONG Dummy;
  1218. bStatus = ReadFile(
  1219. h,
  1220. HttpSettings,
  1221. FileSize,
  1222. &Dummy,
  1223. NULL
  1224. );
  1225. CloseHandle(h);
  1226. if (!bStatus){
  1227. _tprintf(_T("Error: Either the file could not be found or you do not have permission to read the file.\n"));
  1228. delete [] HttpSettings;
  1229. return FALSE;
  1230. }
  1231. bStatus = SetHttpSettingsString((LPTSTR)HttpSettings);
  1232. delete [] HttpSettings;
  1233. return bStatus;
  1234. }
  1235. VOID
  1236. DoHttpCommand(
  1237. IN TCHAR Command,
  1238. IN LPTSTR Arguments[],
  1239. IN ULONG ArgCount
  1240. )
  1241. /*++
  1242. Routine Description:
  1243. This is the interface which rpccfg uses to execute an httpcfg command. This function
  1244. just forwards the arguments and the argcount to the correct handler based on the command
  1245. character passed in. If the command is not recognized, then an error message is displayed.
  1246. Arguments:
  1247. Command - This is used to specify which handler to execute, valid values are 'a' 'r' 'd' 'l' 's'
  1248. Arguments[] - These are the argument strings to be passed to the handler, they are command specific.
  1249. ArgCount - The number of argument strings contained in the arguments array.
  1250. --*/
  1251. {
  1252. BOOL bResult;
  1253. switch (Command)
  1254. {
  1255. case _T('a'):
  1256. bResult = HttpHandleAdd(Arguments, ArgCount);
  1257. break;
  1258. case _T('r'):
  1259. bResult = HttpHandleDelete(Arguments, ArgCount);
  1260. break;
  1261. case _T('d'):
  1262. bResult = HttpHandleShow(Arguments, ArgCount);
  1263. break;
  1264. case _T('l'):
  1265. bResult = HttpHandleLoad(Arguments, ArgCount);
  1266. break;
  1267. case _T('s'):
  1268. bResult = HttpHandleSave(Arguments, ArgCount);
  1269. break;
  1270. default:
  1271. _tprintf(_T("Error: The command was not recognized, please enter rpccfg /? for a list of valid commands.\n"));
  1272. return;
  1273. }
  1274. if (!bResult){
  1275. _tprintf(_T("The command did not complete successfully.\n"));
  1276. }
  1277. return;
  1278. }
  1279. VOID
  1280. DoHttpCommandA(
  1281. IN CHAR Command,
  1282. IN LPSTR Arguments[],
  1283. IN ULONG ArgCount
  1284. )
  1285. {
  1286. #ifdef UNICODE
  1287. WCHAR CommandW = Command;
  1288. LPWSTR *ArgumentsW = NULL;
  1289. HRESULT hr;
  1290. if (ArgCount != 0){
  1291. ArgumentsW = new LPWSTR[ArgCount];
  1292. if (ArgumentsW == NULL)
  1293. {
  1294. _tprintf(_T("Error: Out of memory.\n"));
  1295. return;
  1296. }
  1297. }
  1298. for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArgCount; i++){
  1299. ULONG Len = strlen(Arguments[i]) + 1;
  1300. ArgumentsW[i] = new WCHAR[Len];
  1301. if (ArgumentsW[i] == NULL)
  1302. {
  1303. _tprintf(_T("Error: Out of memory.\n"));
  1304. for (; i>0; i--)
  1305. {
  1306. delete [] ArgumentsW[i];
  1307. }
  1308. delete [] ArgumentsW;
  1309. return;
  1310. }
  1311. hr = StringCchPrintf(ArgumentsW[i], Len, _T("%S"), Arguments[i]);
  1312. ASSERT(hr == S_OK);
  1313. }
  1314. DoHttpCommand(CommandW, ArgumentsW, ArgCount);
  1315. for (ULONG i = 0; i < ArgCount; i++){
  1316. ULONG Len = strlen(Arguments[i]) + 1;
  1317. delete [] ArgumentsW[i];
  1318. }
  1319. #else
  1320. DoHttpCommand(Command, Arguments, ArgCount);
  1321. #endif
  1322. return;
  1323. }