Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1999
Module Name:
This file specifies the interface for enhanced debugging in the endpoint mapper
Kamen Moutafov (kamenm) 11-18-99
Revision History:
// // DbgIdl Interface. //
[ uuid(1d55b526-c137-46c5-ab79-638f2a68e869), version(1.0), ]
interface DbgIdl
{ import "nbase.idl";
cpp_quote("#if 0") typedef unsigned short USHORT; typedef byte BYTE; typedef unsigned long DWORD; cpp_quote("#endif")
typedef [context_handle] void * DbgCallEnumHandle; typedef [context_handle] void * DbgThreadEnumHandle; typedef [context_handle] void * DbgEndpointEnumHandle; typedef [context_handle] void * DbgClientCallEnumHandle;
cpp_quote("// the DebugCellID allows to uniquely identify a cell using just a DWORD") cpp_quote("// Giving any pointer to the cell would require QUADWORD on Win64") cpp_quote("// The SectionID corresponds to the section id of the containing") cpp_quote("// section in the dictionary. The CellID is the index of the cell") cpp_quote("// within the containing section")
cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// The maximum size, in bytes, of incoming data for methods in the interface.") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// Any legitimate call should fit into several K and we will be generous.") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define DbgIdl_MaxRpcSize (4*1024)")
typedef struct tagDebugCellID { USHORT SectionID; USHORT CellID; } DebugCellID;
typedef struct tagLRPCCaller { USHORT PID; USHORT TID; } LRPCCaller;
typedef enum tagDebugCellType { dctInvalid, dctFree, dctCallInfo, dctThreadInfo, dctEndpointInfo, dctClientCallInfo, dctConnectionInfo, dctCallTargetInfo, dctUsedGeneric } DebugCellType;
typedef enum tagConnectionReferenceType { crtOsfConnection, crtLrpcConnection } ConnectionReferenceType;
typedef [switch_type(short)] union tagConnectionReferenceInfo { [case (crtOsfConnection)] DebugCellID Connection;
[case (crtLrpcConnection)] LRPCCaller Caller;
} ConnectionReferenceInfo;
typedef struct tagRemoteDebugCallInfo { BYTE Type; BYTE Status; USHORT ProcNum; DWORD InterfaceUUIDStart; DebugCellID ServicingTID; DWORD CallFlags; DWORD CallID; DWORD LastUpdateTime;
ConnectionReferenceType ConnectionType; [switch_is(ConnectionType)] ConnectionReferenceInfo connInfo; } RemoteDebugCallInfo;
typedef struct tagRemoteDebugConnectionInfo { BYTE Type; BYTE Flags; USHORT LastTransmitFragmentSize; DebugCellID Endpoint; DWORD ConnectionID[2]; DWORD LastSendTime; DWORD LastReceiveTime; } RemoteDebugConnectionInfo;
typedef struct tagRemoteDebugThreadInfo { BYTE Type; USHORT Status; DWORD LastUpdateTime; USHORT TID; DebugCellID Endpoint; } RemoteDebugThreadInfo;
typedef struct tagRemoteDebugEndpointInfo { BYTE Type; BYTE ProtseqType; BYTE Status; [range(0, 200)] short EndpointNameLength; [size_is(EndpointNameLength)] char *EndpointName; } RemoteDebugEndpointInfo;
typedef struct tagRemoteDebugClientCallInfo { BYTE Type; USHORT ProcNum; DebugCellID ServicingThread; DWORD IfStart; DWORD CallID; DebugCellID CallTargetID; [range(0, 200)] short EndpointLength; [size_is(EndpointLength)] char *Endpoint; } RemoteDebugClientCallInfo;
typedef struct tagRemoteDebugCallTargetInfo { BYTE Type; USHORT ProtocolSequence;
DWORD LastUpdateTime; [range(0, 300)] short TargetServerLength; [size_is(TargetServerLength)] char *TargetServer; } RemoteDebugCallTargetInfo;
typedef [switch_type(short)] union tagRemoteDebugCellUnionBody { [case (dctCallInfo)] RemoteDebugCallInfo callInfo;
[case (dctThreadInfo)] RemoteDebugThreadInfo threadInfo;
[case (dctEndpointInfo)] RemoteDebugEndpointInfo endpointInfo;
[case (dctClientCallInfo)] RemoteDebugClientCallInfo clientCallInfo;
[case (dctConnectionInfo)] RemoteDebugConnectionInfo connectionInfo;
[case (dctCallTargetInfo)] RemoteDebugCallTargetInfo callTargetInfo;
} RemoteDebugCellUnionBody;
typedef struct tagRemoteDebugCellUnion { short UnionType; [switch_is(UnionType)] RemoteDebugCellUnionBody debugInfo; } RemoteDebugCellUnion;
// in, out, unique means client side must deallocate it after the call returns error_status_t RemoteGetCellByDebugCellID([in] DWORD ProcessID, [in] DebugCellID CellID, [in, out, unique] RemoteDebugCellUnion **debugInfo);
// call enumeration routines error_status_t RemoteOpenRPCDebugCallInfoEnumeration([out] DbgCallEnumHandle *h, [in] DWORD CallID, [in] DWORD IfStart, [in] int ProcNum, [in] DWORD ProcessID); error_status_t RemoteGetNextRPCDebugCallInfo([in] DbgCallEnumHandle h, [in, out, unique] RemoteDebugCallInfo **debugInfo, [out] DebugCellID *CellID, [out] DWORD *ProcessID); error_status_t RemoteFinishRPCDebugCallInfoEnumeration([in, out] DbgCallEnumHandle *h);
// endpoint enumeration routines error_status_t RemoteOpenRPCDebugEndpointInfoEnumeration([out] DbgEndpointEnumHandle *h, [in, range(0, 200)] short EndpointSize, [in, size_is(EndpointSize), unique] char *Endpoint); error_status_t RemoteGetNextRPCDebugEndpointInfo([in] DbgEndpointEnumHandle h, [in, out, unique] RemoteDebugEndpointInfo **debugInfo, [out] DebugCellID *CellID, [out] DWORD *ProcessID); error_status_t RemoteFinishRPCDebugEndpointInfoEnumeration([in, out] DbgEndpointEnumHandle *h);
// thread enumeration routines error_status_t RemoteOpenRPCDebugThreadInfoEnumeration([out] DbgThreadEnumHandle *h, [in] DWORD ProcessID, [in] DWORD ThreadID); error_status_t RemoteGetNextRPCDebugThreadInfo([in] DbgThreadEnumHandle h, [in, out, unique] RemoteDebugThreadInfo **debugInfo, [out] DebugCellID *CellID, [out] DWORD *ProcessID); error_status_t RemoteFinishRPCDebugThreadInfoEnumeration([in, out] DbgThreadEnumHandle *h);
// client call enumeration routines error_status_t RemoteOpenRPCDebugClientCallInfoEnumeration([out] DbgClientCallEnumHandle *h, [in] DWORD CallID, [in] DWORD IfStart, [in] int ProcNum, [in] DWORD ProcessID); error_status_t RemoteGetNextRPCDebugClientCallInfo([in] DbgClientCallEnumHandle h, [in, out, unique] RemoteDebugClientCallInfo **debugInfo, [in, out, unique] RemoteDebugCallTargetInfo **CallTargetDebugInfo, [out] DebugCellID *CellID, [out] DWORD *ProcessID); error_status_t RemoteFinishRPCDebugClientCallInfoEnumeration([in, out] DbgClientCallEnumHandle *h);
} // interface DbgIdl