Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999
Module Name:
uuidgen.c {v1.00}
usage: uuidgen [-xisconvh?] x - Generate sequential (V1) UUIDs i - Output UUID in an IDL interface template s - Output UUID as an initialized C struct c - Output UUID in upper case o<filename> - redirect output to a file, specified immediately after o n<number> - Number of UUIDs to generate, specified immediately after n v - display version information about uuidgen h,? - Display command option summary
This command-line program simply uses the procedure I_UuidStringGenerate to output one or more UUIDs in one of the formats normal, IDL, or C struct. This code should build under nt to nt and nmake under os2 to dos. Requires uuidfmt.c.
Joev Dubach (t-joevd) 6/11/92
Revision History:
// Inclusions
// The order in which these includes are performed seems, after
// extensive testing and analysis, to be highly crucial to an
// NT build.
#include <sysinc.h>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <uuidfmt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <common.ver>
// Defines
#define IDL_BIT_FLAG 0x01
#define CSTRUCT_BIT_FLAG 0x02
#define UPPER_CASE_UUIDS 0x08
#define BAD_SWITCH_STR "Invalid Switch Usage: %s\n\n"
#define CANNOT_OPEN_STR "Cannot open output file: %s\n\n"
#define TOO_SMALL_STR "Argument to %s must be an integer greater than 0.\n\n"
"Microsoft UUID Generator v1.01 " \ VER_LEGALCOPYRIGHT_STR \ "\n\n" #define BAD_ARGS_STR "The arguments i and s are mutually exclusive.\n\n"
#define NO_ADDRESS_STR \
"Cannot find the RPC End Point Mapper (RPCSS.EXE); Unable to allocate UUIDs.\n\n" #define OUT_OF_MEMORY_STR \
"Unable to allocate enough memory to create string.\n\n" #define LOCAL_ONLY_STR \
"Warning: Unable to determine your network address. The UUID generated is\n" \ "unique on this computer only. It should not be used on another computer.\n"
// Function prototypes.
#ifdef NTENV
int __cdecl #else // NTENV
int #endif // NTENV
main( int argc, char **argv );
void Usage(void);
void ErrorUsageAndExit(void);
void NoErrorUsageAndExit(void);
// Global variables
FILE * OutputFile = stdout;
#ifdef NTENV
int __cdecl #else // NTENV
int #endif // NTENV
main( int argc, char **argv ) { int ConditionFlags = 0; // Holds conditions IDL_BIT_FLAG and
char MyUuidString[255]; // The UUID string returned by
// I_UuidStringGenerate.
int NumberOfUuids = 1; // How many to make.
int i; // Current arg#.
int Flag; // UUID Format requested.
RPC_STATUS Result; int FirstTime = 1; //
// Parse the command line.
for (i=1;argc-i;i++) {
// Make sure arg is in proper format.
if ( (argv[i][0] != '/') && (argv[i][0] != '-') ) { fprintf(stderr, BAD_SWITCH_STR, argv[i]); ErrorUsageAndExit(); }
// Which arg is it?
switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'c': case 'C': ConditionFlags |= UPPER_CASE_UUIDS; break; case 'I': case 'i': ConditionFlags |= IDL_BIT_FLAG; break;
case 'S': case 's': ConditionFlags |= CSTRUCT_BIT_FLAG; break;
case 'O': case 'o': OutputFile = fopen(argv[i]+2, "wt"); if (OutputFile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,CANNOT_OPEN_STR, argv[i]+2); exit(1); } break;
case 'N': case 'n': NumberOfUuids = atoi(argv[i]+2); if (NumberOfUuids <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, TOO_SMALL_STR, argv[i-1]); ErrorUsageAndExit(); } break;
case 'x': case 'X': ConditionFlags |= SEQUENTIAL_UUIDS; break;
case 'V': case 'v': fprintf(OutputFile, VERSION_INFO_STR); exit(0);
case 'H': case 'h': case '?': NoErrorUsageAndExit();
default: fprintf(stderr, BAD_SWITCH_STR, argv[i]); ErrorUsageAndExit();
} // switch
} // for
// Fulfill the user's request
if ((ConditionFlags & IDL_BIT_FLAG) && (ConditionFlags & CSTRUCT_BIT_FLAG)) { fprintf(stderr,BAD_ARGS_STR); ErrorUsageAndExit(); }
if (ConditionFlags & IDL_BIT_FLAG) { Flag = UUIDGEN_FORMAT_IDL; } else if (ConditionFlags & CSTRUCT_BIT_FLAG) { Flag = UUIDGEN_FORMAT_CSTRUCT; } else { Flag = UUIDGEN_FORMAT_PLAIN; }
for (;NumberOfUuids;NumberOfUuids--) { Result = I_UuidStringGenerate( Flag, (ConditionFlags & SEQUENTIAL_UUIDS) != 0, (ConditionFlags & UPPER_CASE_UUIDS) != 0, MyUuidString, "INTERFACENAME" );
ASSERT((Result == RPC_S_OK) || (Result == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY) || (Result == RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY) || (Result == RPC_S_UUID_NO_ADDRESS));
switch(Result) { case RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY: fprintf(stderr,OUT_OF_MEMORY_STR); exit(1);
case RPC_S_UUID_NO_ADDRESS: fprintf(stderr,NO_ADDRESS_STR); exit(1);
case RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY: if (FirstTime) { fprintf(stderr,LOCAL_ONLY_STR); FirstTime = 0; }
// Fall through to the valid case.
case RPC_S_OK: fprintf( OutputFile, MyUuidString ); } // end switch
} // end for
return(0); }
void Usage(void) { fprintf(OutputFile, VERSION_INFO_STR "usage: uuidgen [-xisconvh?]\n" "\tx - Generate sequential (V1) UUIDs\n" "\ti - Output UUID in an IDL interface template\n" "\ts - Output UUID as an initialized C struct\n" "\tc - Output UUID in upper case\n" "\to<filename> - redirect output to a file, specified immediately after o\n" "\tn<number> - Number of UUIDs to generate, specified immediately after n\n" "\tv - display version information about uuidgen\n" "\th,? - Display command option summary\n" ); }
void ErrorUsageAndExit(void) { OutputFile = stderr; Usage(); exit(1); }
void NoErrorUsageAndExit(void) { Usage(); exit(0); }