* OPENCLOS.C SigmaTel STIR4200 init/shutdown module ************************************************************************************************************************** * (C) Unpublished Copyright of Sigmatel, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * * Created: 04/06/2000 * Version 0.9 * Edited: 04/24/2000 * Version 0.91 * Edited: 04/27/2000 * Version 0.92 * Edited: 05/12/2000 * Version 0.94 * Edited: 05/19/2000 * Version 0.95 * * **************************************************************************************************************************/
#define DOBREAKS // enable debug breaks
#include <ndis.h>
#include <ntddndis.h> // defines OID's
#include <usbdi.h>
#include <usbdlib.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "ircommon.h"
#include "irndis.h"
* * Function: InitializeDevice * * Synopsis: initialize resources for a single IR device object * * Arguments: pThisDev - IR device object to initialize * * Returns: NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS - if device is successfully opened * NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES - could not claim sufficient * resources * * * Notes: * we do a lot of stuff in this open device function * - allocate packet pool * - allocate buffer pool * - allocate packets/buffers/memory and chain together * (only one buffer per packet) * - initialize send queue * * This function should be called with device lock held. * * We don't initialize the following ir device object entries, since * these values will outlast an reset. * pUsbDevObj * hNdisAdapter * dongleCaps * fGotFilterIndication * *****************************************************************************/ NDIS_STATUS InitializeDevice( IN OUT PIR_DEVICE pThisDev ) { int i; NDIS_STATUS status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
DEBUGMSG(DBG_FUNC|DBG_PNP, ("+InitializeDevice\n"));
// Current speed is the default (9600).
pThisDev->linkSpeedInfo = &supportedBaudRateTable[BAUDRATE_9600]; pThisDev->currentSpeed = DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE;
// Init statistical info.
// We need to do this cause reset won't free and realloc pThisDev!
pThisDev->packetsReceived = 0; pThisDev->packetsReceivedDropped = 0; pThisDev->packetsReceivedOverflow = 0; pThisDev->packetsReceivedChecksum = 0; pThisDev->packetsReceivedRunt = 0; pThisDev->packetsReceivedNoBuffer = 0; pThisDev->packetsSent = 0; pThisDev->packetsSentDropped = 0; pThisDev->packetsSentRejected = 0; pThisDev->packetsSentInvalid = 0;
pThisDev->NumDataErrors = 0; pThisDev->NumReadWriteErrors = 0;
pThisDev->NumReads = 0; pThisDev->NumWrites = 0; pThisDev->NumReadWrites = 0;
#if DBG
pThisDev->TotalBytesReceived = 0; pThisDev->TotalBytesSent = 0; pThisDev->NumYesQueryMediaBusyOids = 0; pThisDev->NumNoQueryMediaBusyOids = 0; pThisDev->NumSetMediaBusyOids = 0; pThisDev->NumMediaBusyIndications = 0; pThisDev->packetsHeldByProtocol = 0; pThisDev->MaxPacketsHeldByProtocol = 0; pThisDev->NumPacketsSentRequiringTurnaroundTime = 0; pThisDev->NumPacketsSentNotRequiringTurnaroundTime = 0; #endif
// Variables about the state of the device
pThisDev->fDeviceStarted = FALSE; pThisDev->fGotFilterIndication = FALSE; pThisDev->fPendingHalt = FALSE; pThisDev->fPendingReadClearStall = FALSE; pThisDev->fPendingWriteClearStall = FALSE; pThisDev->fPendingReset = FALSE;
pThisDev->fPendingClearTotalStall = FALSE;
pThisDev->fKillPollingThread = FALSE;
pThisDev->fKillPassiveLevelThread = FALSE;
pThisDev->LastQueryTime.QuadPart = 0; pThisDev->LastSetTime.QuadPart = 0; pThisDev->PendingIrpCount = 0;
// OID Set/Query pending
pThisDev->fQuerypending = FALSE; pThisDev->fSetpending = FALSE;
// Diags are off
#if defined(DIAGS)
pThisDev->DiagsActive = FALSE; pThisDev->DiagsPendingActivation = FALSE; #endif
// Some more state variables
InterlockedExchange( &pThisDev->fMediaBusy, FALSE ); InterlockedExchange( &pThisDev->fIndicatedMediaBusy, FALSE );
pThisDev->pCurrentRecBuf = NULL;
pThisDev->fProcessing = FALSE; pThisDev->fCurrentlyReceiving = FALSE;
pThisDev->fReadHoldingReg = FALSE;
pThisDev->BaudRateMask = 0xffff; // as per Class Descriptor; may be reset in registry
// Initialize the queues.
if( TRUE != IrUsb_InitSendStructures( pThisDev ) ) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_ERR, (" Failed to init WDM objects\n")); goto done; }
// Allocate the NDIS packet and NDIS buffer pools
// for this device's RECEIVE buffer queue.
// Our receive packets must only contain one buffer a piece,
// so #buffers == #packets.
// MS security bug #540550
pThisDev->hPacketPool = NULL;
NdisAllocatePacketPool( &status, // return status
&pThisDev->hPacketPool, // handle to the packet pool
NUM_RCV_BUFS, // number of packet descriptors
16 // number of bytes reserved for ProtocolReserved field
if( status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_ERR, (" NdisAllocatePacketPool failed. Returned 0x%.8x\n", status)); goto done; }
NdisAllocateBufferPool( &status, // return status
&pThisDev->hBufferPool,// handle to the buffer pool
NUM_RCV_BUFS // number of buffer descriptors
if( status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_ERR, (" NdisAllocateBufferPool failed. Returned 0x%.8x\n", status)); pThisDev->BufferPoolAllocated = FALSE; goto done; } pThisDev->BufferPoolAllocated = TRUE;
// Prepare the work items
for( i = 0; i < NUM_WORK_ITEMS; i++ ) { PIR_WORK_ITEM pWorkItem;
pWorkItem = &(pThisDev->WorkItems[i]);
pWorkItem->pIrDevice = pThisDev; pWorkItem->pInfoBuf = NULL; pWorkItem->InfoBufLen = 0; pWorkItem->fInUse = FALSE; pWorkItem->Callback = NULL; }
// Initialize each of the RECEIVE objects for this device.
for( i = 0; i < NUM_RCV_BUFS; i++ ) { PNDIS_BUFFER pBuffer = NULL; PRCV_BUFFER pReceivBuffer = &pThisDev->rcvBufs[i];
// Allocate a data buffer
pReceivBuffer->pDataBuf = MyMemAlloc( MAX_RCV_DATA_SIZE );
if( pReceivBuffer->pDataBuf == NULL ) { status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; goto done; }
NdisZeroMemory( pReceivBuffer->pDataBuf, MAX_RCV_DATA_SIZE );
pReceivBuffer->pThisDev = pThisDev; pReceivBuffer->DataLen = 0; pReceivBuffer->BufferState = RCV_STATE_FREE;
pReceivBuffer->MissingC1Detected = FALSE; pReceivBuffer->MissingC1Possible = FALSE; #endif
// Allocate the NDIS_PACKET.
NdisAllocatePacket( &status, // return status
&((PNDIS_PACKET)pReceivBuffer->pPacket), // return pointer to allocated descriptor
pThisDev->hPacketPool // handle to packet pool
if( status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_ERR, (" NdisAllocatePacket failed. Returned 0x%.8x\n", status)); goto done; } }
// These are the receive objects for the USB
pThisDev->PreReadBuffer.pDataBuf = MyMemAlloc( STIR4200_FIFO_SIZE );
if( pThisDev->PreReadBuffer.pDataBuf == NULL ) { status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; goto done; }
NdisZeroMemory( pThisDev->PreReadBuffer.pDataBuf, STIR4200_FIFO_SIZE );
pThisDev->PreReadBuffer.pThisDev = pThisDev; pThisDev->PreReadBuffer.DataLen = 0; pThisDev->PreReadBuffer.BufferState = RCV_STATE_FREE;
// Synchronization events
KeInitializeEvent( &pThisDev->EventSyncUrb, NotificationEvent, // non-auto-clearing event
FALSE // event initially non-signalled
KeInitializeEvent( &pThisDev->EventAsyncUrb, NotificationEvent, // non-auto-clearing event
FALSE // event initially non-signalled
done: //
// If we didn't complete the init successfully, then we should clean
// up what we did allocate.
if( status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { DEBUGMSG(DBG_ERR, (" InitializeDevice() FAILED\n")); DeinitializeDevice(pThisDev); } else { DEBUGMSG(DBG_OUT, (" InitializeDevice() SUCCEEDED\n")); }
DEBUGMSG(DBG_FUNC|DBG_PNP, ("-InitializeDevice()\n")); return status; }
* * Function: DeinitializeDevice * * Synopsis: deallocate the resources of the IR device object * * Arguments: pThisDev - the IR device object to close * * Returns: none * * * Notes: * * Called for shutdown and reset. * Don't clear hNdisAdapter, since we might just be resetting. * This function should be called with device lock held. * *****************************************************************************/ VOID DeinitializeDevice( IN OUT PIR_DEVICE pThisDev ) { UINT i;
DEBUGMSG( DBG_FUNC|DBG_PNP, ("+DeinitializeDevice\n"));
pThisDev->linkSpeedInfo = NULL;
// Free all resources for the RECEIVE buffer queue.
for( i = 0; i < NUM_RCV_BUFS; i++ ) { PNDIS_BUFFER pBuffer = NULL; PRCV_BUFFER pRcvBuf = &pThisDev->rcvBufs[i];
if( pRcvBuf->pPacket != NULL ) { NdisFreePacket( (PNDIS_PACKET)pRcvBuf->pPacket ); pRcvBuf->pPacket = NULL; }
if( pRcvBuf->pDataBuf != NULL ) { MyMemFree( pRcvBuf->pDataBuf, MAX_RCV_DATA_SIZE ); pRcvBuf->pDataBuf = NULL; }
pRcvBuf->DataLen = 0; }
// Deallocate the USB receive buffers
if( pThisDev->PreReadBuffer.pDataBuf != NULL ) MyMemFree( pThisDev->PreReadBuffer.pDataBuf, STIR4200_FIFO_SIZE );
// Free the packet and buffer pool handles for this device.
if( pThisDev->hPacketPool ) { NdisFreePacketPool( pThisDev->hPacketPool ); pThisDev->hPacketPool = NULL; }
if( pThisDev->BufferPoolAllocated ) { NdisFreeBufferPool( pThisDev->hBufferPool ); pThisDev->BufferPoolAllocated = FALSE; }
if( pThisDev->fDeviceStarted ) { NTSTATUS ntstatus;
ntstatus = IrUsb_StopDevice( pThisDev ); DEBUGMSG(DBG_FUNC, (" DeinitializeDevice IrUsb_StopDevice() status = 0x%x\n",ntstatus)); }
InterlockedExchange( &pThisDev->fMediaBusy, FALSE ); InterlockedExchange( &pThisDev->fIndicatedMediaBusy, FALSE );
IrUsb_FreeSendStructures( pThisDev );
DEBUGMSG(DBG_FUNC|DBG_PNP, ("-DeinitializeDevice\n")); }