| initrk.c - main init code for RocketPort/Modem NT device driver. Contains mostly initialization code. Copyright 1996-98 Comtrol Corporation. All rights reserved. |--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "precomp.h"
char *szResourceClassName = {"Resources RocketPort"};
MODEM_IMAGE * ReadModemFile(MODEM_IMAGE *mi); void FreeModemFiles();
FindPCIBus - Purpose: To query system for pci bus. If there is a PCI bus call FindPCIRocket to check for PCI rocket cards. Returns: Bus number of the PCI bus, or 0 if no PCI bus found. |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UCHAR FindPCIBus(void) { NTSTATUS Status; int i,NumPCIBuses=0; unsigned char tmpstr[8]; // place to put data
for(i=0;i<255;++i) { Status = HalGetBusData(PCIConfiguration, i, // bus
0, // slot
(PCI_COMMON_CONFIG *) tmpstr, // ptr to buffer
2); // get two bytes of data
if (Status == 0) // No more PCI buses
if (Status >= 2) // the bus exists
++NumPCIBuses; }
MyKdPrint( D_Init, ("Found %d PCI Bu%s\n", NumPCIBuses, (NumPCIBuses != 1 ? "sses" : "s")))
return((UCHAR)NumPCIBuses); }
FindPCIRockets - Gather info on all rocketport pci boards in the system. Returns: 0 if found, 1 if not found. |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int FindPCIRockets(UCHAR NumPCI) { PCI_COMMON_CONFIG *PCIDev; UCHAR i; NTSTATUS Status; int Slot; int find_index = 0;
PCIDev = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,sizeof(PCI_COMMON_CONFIG)); if ( PCIDev == NULL ) { Eprintf("FindPCIRockets no memory"); return 1; } for(i=0;i<NumPCI;++i) { for(Slot = 0;Slot < 32;++Slot) /*5 bits for device 32 = 2^5*/ { // get a few bytes of pci-config space(vendor-id & device-id).
Status = HalGetBusData(PCIConfiguration,i,Slot,PCIDev,0x4); if (Status == 0) { Eprintf("PCI Bus %d does not exist.",i); }
if (Status > 2) /* Found Device Is it ours? */ { if (PCIDev->VendorID == PCI_VENDOR_ID) {
switch (PCIDev->DeviceID) { case PCI_DEVICE_4Q: // 4 Port Quadcable
case PCI_DEVICE_4RJ: // 4 Port RJ
case PCI_DEVICE_8RJ: // 8 Port RJ
case PCI_DEVICE_8O: // 8 Port Octacable
case PCI_DEVICE_8I: // 8 Port interface
case PCI_DEVICE_SIEMENS8: case PCI_DEVICE_SIEMENS16: case PCI_DEVICE_16I: //16 Port interface
case PCI_DEVICE_32I: // 32 Port interface
continue; } // switch
// get 0x40 worth of pci-config space(includes irq, addr, etc.)
Status = HalGetBusData(PCIConfiguration,i,Slot,PCIDev,0x40);
if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("PCI Board found, IO:%xh, Int:%d ID:%d.", PCIDev->u.type0.BaseAddresses[0]-1, PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptLine, PCIDev->DeviceID);
PciConfig[find_index].BusNumber = i; //get from previous halquerysysin
PciConfig[find_index].PCI_Slot = Slot; PciConfig[find_index].PCI_DevID = PCIDev->DeviceID; PciConfig[find_index].PCI_RevID = PCIDev->RevisionID; PciConfig[find_index].PCI_SVID = PCIDev->u.type0.SubVendorID; PciConfig[find_index].PCI_SID = PCIDev->u.type0.SubSystemID; PciConfig[find_index].BaseIoAddr = PCIDev->u.type0.BaseAddresses[0]-1; PciConfig[find_index].NumPorts = id_to_num_ports(PCIDev->DeviceID); if (PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptLine != 255) { MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Saving the Interrupt: %d\n", PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptLine))
PciConfig[find_index].Irq = PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptLine; }
if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Bus:%d,Slt:%x,Dev:%x,Pin:%x", i, Slot, PCIDev->DeviceID, PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptPin);
if ((PCIDev->Command & 1) == 0) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Turn on PCI io access");
PCIDev->Command = PCI_ENABLE_IO_SPACE; Status = HalSetBusDataByOffset(PCIConfiguration, i, // bus
Slot, // slot
&PCIDev->Command, FIELD_OFFSET(PCI_COMMON_CONFIG, Command), sizeof(PCIDev->Command)); // len of buffer
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Ctlr: __ Slot: %x Device: %x, Base0: %x, IPin: %x, ILine: %x\n", Slot,PCIDev->DeviceID,PCIDev->u.type0.BaseAddresses[0]-1, PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptPin, PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptLine)) if (find_index < MAX_NUM_BOXES) ++find_index; } // if (PCIDev->VendorID == PCI_VENDOR_ID)
} // if (Status > 2)
} // pci slots
} // pci buses
if (find_index > 0) return 0; // ok: found
return 1; // err: not found
FindPCIRocket - Help enumerate Rocketport PCI devices. Fills in enties in config structure.
match_option : 0 - match exact, 1 - match if desired ports <= actual. Returns: 0 if found, 1 if not found. |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int FindPCIRocket(DEVICE_CONFIG *config, int match_option) { int brd = 0; int good;
while (PciConfig[brd].BaseIoAddr != 0) { good = 1; if (PciConfig[brd].Claimed) // used
good = 0;
switch (match_option) { case 0: if (id_to_num_ports(PciConfig[brd].PCI_DevID) != config->NumPorts) good = 0; break; case 1: if (id_to_num_ports(PciConfig[brd].PCI_DevID) < config->NumPorts) good = 0; break; }
if (good) // assign it.
{ config->BusNumber = PciConfig[brd].BusNumber; config->PCI_Slot = PciConfig[brd].PCI_Slot; config->PCI_DevID = PciConfig[brd].PCI_DevID; config->PCI_RevID = PciConfig[brd].PCI_RevID; config->PCI_SVID = PciConfig[brd].PCI_SVID; config->PCI_SID = PciConfig[brd].PCI_SID; config->BaseIoAddr = PciConfig[brd].BaseIoAddr; config->Irq = PciConfig[brd].Irq; config->BusType = PCIBus;
config->AiopIO[0] = config->BaseIoAddr;
// bugfix, 9-30-98 9:20 A.M.
PciConfig[brd].Claimed = 1; // used
return 0; // ok, found
//SetupConfig(config); // fill in NumPorts based on model, etc
++brd; } return 1; // err, not found
RcktConnectInt - Connect the Driver.isr to an Interrupt |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NTSTATUS RcktConnectInt(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) {
NTSTATUS status;
KINTERRUPT_MODE InterruptMode; BOOLEAN ShareVector; ULONG Vector; KIRQL Irql; KAFFINITY ProcessorAffinity;
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("RcktConnectInt\n")) status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
//------ Get an interrupt vector from HAL
Vector = HalGetInterruptVector( Driver.irq_ext->config->BusType, Driver.irq_ext->config->BusNumber, Driver.irq_ext->config->Irq, Driver.irq_ext->config->Irq, &Irql, &ProcessorAffinity);
#if DBG
// Driver.irq_ext->config->BusType,
// Driver.irq_ext->config->BusNumber,
// Driver.irq_ext->config->Irq);
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Vector %x Irql %x Affinity %x\n", Vector, Irql, ProcessorAffinity)) MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Connecting To IRQ %x on a %x bus \n", Driver.irq_ext->config->Irq, Driver.irq_ext->config->BusType))
// Rocket port doesn't need a context for the ISR
//Driver.OurIsrContext = NULL;
//Driver.OurIsr = SerialISR;
if(Driver.irq_ext->config->BusType == PCIBus) { InterruptMode = LevelSensitive; //PCI style
ShareVector = TRUE; } else // ISA
{ InterruptMode = Latched; //ISA style
ShareVector = FALSE; }
status = IoConnectInterrupt( &Driver.InterruptObject, (PKSERVICE_ROUTINE) SerialISR, // Driver.OurIsr,
NULL, // Driver.OurIsrContext,
NULL, Vector, Irql, Irql, InterruptMode, ShareVector, ProcessorAffinity, FALSE);
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Vector %x Irql %x Affity %x Irq %x\n", Vector, Irql, ProcessorAffinity, Driver.irq_ext->config->Irq))
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Driver.InterruptObject = NULL; MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Not Avalable IRQ:%d, Status:%xH", Driver.irq_ext->config->Irq, status)) }
return status; }
VerboseLogBoards - Log the Board IO, IRQ configuration. |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void VerboseLogBoards(char *prefix) { int k; char tmpstr[80]; PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION board_ext;
k = 0; board_ext = Driver.board_ext; while (board_ext != NULL) { strcpy(tmpstr, prefix); Sprintf(&tmpstr[strlen(tmpstr)], " Brd:%d,IO:%xH,NumCh:%d,NumA:%d,Bus:%d", k+1, board_ext->config->AiopIO[0], board_ext->config->NumPorts, board_ext->config->NumAiop, board_ext->config->BusType);
//Sprintf(&tmpstr[strlen(tmpstr)], ",Irq:%d", board_ext->config->.Irq);
Eprintf(tmpstr); // Log it
board_ext = board_ext->board_ext; ++k; } }
SetupRocketCfg - Sets up the details in the DEVICE_CONFIG structure based on the information passed to it from DriverEntry() or PnP. The NT4.0 DriverEntry handling should be easy, because our boards are ordered by us. NT5.0 is more complex, because we may not see the "first" rocketport board in the correct order. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int SetupRocketCfg(int pnp_flag) { //int i,j;
int have_isa_boards = 0; PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION first_isa_ext; PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION ext; int pnp_isa_index = 1; ULONG first_isa_MudbacIO;
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("SetupRocketCfg\n")) // Set up the Mudbac I/O addresses
// see if we have any isa-boards, and mark a ptr to this first board.
ext = Driver.board_ext; while (ext) { if (ext->config->BusType == Isa) { have_isa_boards = 1; } ext = ext->board_ext; // next in chain
} // while ext
if (have_isa_boards) { MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Stp1\n")) first_isa_ext = FindPrimaryIsaBoard(); if (first_isa_ext == NULL) { MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Err1X\n")) if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("First Isa-brd not 44H io"); // return 1; // err
first_isa_MudbacIO = 0x1c0; // this is cheating
} else { MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Stp2\n"))
//----- setup the initial Mudback IO
if (first_isa_ext->config->MudbacIO == 0) first_isa_ext->config->MudbacIO = first_isa_ext->config->AiopIO[0] + 0x40; first_isa_MudbacIO = first_isa_ext->config->MudbacIO; }
//----- setup any remaining Mudback IO addresses
ext = Driver.board_ext; while (ext) { if (ext->config->BusType == Isa) { if ((ext != first_isa_ext) && (ext->config->BaseIoSize == 0x44)) { MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Unused MudbackIO\n")) // don't allow them to configure two boards with space for mudback.
ext->config->BaseIoSize = 0x40; }
if ((ext != first_isa_ext) && (ext->config->BaseIoSize == 0x40)) { if (ext->config->ISABrdIndex == 0) { // this case shouldn't come up, pnpadd.c code generates index
// and saves it to the registry. Or nt40 driverentry does it.
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Bad IsaIndx\n")) ext->config->ISABrdIndex = pnp_isa_index; } ++pnp_isa_index;
// setup the Mudback IO
ext->config->MudbacIO = first_isa_MudbacIO + (ext->config->ISABrdIndex * 0x400); } } ext = ext->board_ext; // next in chain
} // while ext
// Set up the rest of the Aiop addresses
ext = Driver.board_ext; while (ext) { ConfigAIOP(ext->config); //SetupConfig(ext->config);
ext = ext->board_ext; // next in chain
} // while ext
return(0); }
ConfigAIOP - Setup the number of AIOP's based on:
* if PCI, use the pci-id to determine number of ports, since detecting is unreliable do to back-to-back aiop-is slots possibility.
* if ISA, set to max and let init controller figure it out. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int ConfigAIOP(DEVICE_CONFIG *config) { int j; int found_ports=0;
if (config->BusType == Isa) /* Set up ISA adrs */ { if (config->NumPorts == 0) config->NumAiop=AIOP_CTL_SIZE; // let init figure it out
else if (config->NumPorts <= 8) config->NumAiop=1; else if (config->NumPorts <= 16) config->NumAiop=2; else if (config->NumPorts <= 32) config->NumAiop=4;
for(j = 1;j < config->NumAiop;j++) /* AIOP aliases */ config->AiopIO[j] = config->AiopIO[j - 1] + 0x400; }
if (config->BusType == PCIBus) // Set up PCI adrs
{ switch (config->PCI_DevID) { case PCI_DEVICE_4Q: // 4 Port Quadcable
case PCI_DEVICE_4RJ: // 4 Port RJ
found_ports=4; config->NumAiop=1; config->AiopIO[0] = config->BaseIoAddr; break;
case PCI_DEVICE_8RJ: // 8 Port RJ
case PCI_DEVICE_8O: // 8 Port Octacable
case PCI_DEVICE_8I: // 8 Port interface
case PCI_DEVICE_SIEMENS8: found_ports=8; config->NumAiop=1; config->AiopIO[0] = config->BaseIoAddr; break;
case PCI_DEVICE_SIEMENS16: case PCI_DEVICE_16I: //16 Port interface
found_ports=16; config->NumAiop=2; config->AiopIO[0] = config->BaseIoAddr; config->AiopIO[1] = config->BaseIoAddr + 0x40; break;
case PCI_DEVICE_32I: // 32 Port interface
found_ports=32; config->NumAiop=4; config->AiopIO[0] = config->BaseIoAddr; config->AiopIO[1] = config->BaseIoAddr + 0x40; config->AiopIO[2] = config->BaseIoAddr + 0x80; config->AiopIO[3] = config->BaseIoAddr + 0xC0; break;
case PCI_DEVICE_RPLUS2: case PCI_DEVICE_422RPLUS2: found_ports=2; config->NumAiop=1; config->AiopIO[0] = config->BaseIoAddr; config->AiopIO[1] = 0; break;
case PCI_DEVICE_RPLUS4: found_ports=4; config->NumAiop=1; config->AiopIO[0] = config->BaseIoAddr; config->AiopIO[1] = 0; break;
case PCI_DEVICE_RPLUS8: found_ports=8; config->NumAiop=2; config->AiopIO[0] = config->BaseIoAddr; config->AiopIO[1] = config->BaseIoAddr + 0x40; config->AiopIO[2] = 0; break;
case PCI_DEVICE_RMODEM6: found_ports=6; config->NumAiop=1; config->AiopIO[0] = config->BaseIoAddr; break;
case PCI_DEVICE_RMODEM4: found_ports=4; config->NumAiop=1; config->AiopIO[0] = config->BaseIoAddr; break;
default: found_ports=0; config->NumAiop=0; Eprintf("Err,Bad PCI Dev ID!"); break; } // switch
// allow for user configured smaller number of ports
if ((config->NumPorts == 0) || (config->NumPorts > found_ports)) config->NumPorts = found_ports;
} // if pci
return 0; // ok
SerialUnReportResourcesDevice - This routine unreports the resources used for the board. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID SerialUnReportResourcesDevice(IN PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION Extension) { CM_RESOURCE_LIST resourceList; ULONG sizeOfResourceList = 0; char name[70]; BOOLEAN junkBoolean;
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("UnReportResourcesDevice\n")) RtlZeroMemory(&resourceList, sizeof(CM_RESOURCE_LIST));
resourceList.Count = 0; strcpy(name, szResourceClassName); our_ultoa(Extension->UniqueId, &name[strlen(name)], 10);
IoReportResourceUsage( CToU1(name), Extension->DeviceObject->DriverObject, NULL, 0, Extension->DeviceObject, &resourceList, sizeof(CM_RESOURCE_LIST), FALSE, &junkBoolean); }
RocketReportResources - |-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int RocketReportResources(IN PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION extension) { PCM_RESOURCE_LIST resourceList; ULONG sizeOfResourceList; ULONG countOfPartials; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR partial; NTSTATUS status; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MyPort; BOOLEAN ConflictDetected; BOOLEAN MappedFlag; int i,j; int brd = extension->UniqueId; DEVICE_CONFIG *Ctl; char name[70];
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("ReportResources\n")) ConflictDetected=FALSE;
countOfPartials=0; Ctl = extension->config;
if (Ctl->BusType == PCIBus) { //-------- Report the resources indicated by partial list (resourceList)
strcpy(name, szResourceClassName); our_ultoa(extension->UniqueId, &name[strlen(name)], 10);
status= HalAssignSlotResources ( &Driver.RegPath, // RegistryPath
CToU1(name), // DriverClassName(optional)
extension->DeviceObject->DriverObject, // DriverObject
// Driver.GlobalDriverObject, //
NULL, // DeviceObject(optional)
Ctl->BusType, // PCIBus
Ctl->BusNumber, // Bus Num
Ctl->PCI_Slot, // slot num
&resourceList); // IN OUT PCM_RESOURCE_LIST *AllocatedResources
if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR21"); return(1); } if (resourceList == NULL) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR22"); return(2); }
if (resourceList->Count != 1) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err ResCnt RR23"); return(3); }
countOfPartials = resourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.Count; if ( ((countOfPartials > 2) && (Ctl->PCI_SVID != PCI_VENDOR_ID)) || (countOfPartials < 1)) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err ResCnt RR24"); return(4); }
if (resourceList->List[0].InterfaceType != PCIBus) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err ResCnt RR25"); return(5); } partial = &resourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[0]; for (i=0; i<(int)countOfPartials; i++) { // partial->u.Port.Start = MyPort;
// partial->u.Port.Length = SPANOFMUDBAC;
switch(partial->Type) { case CmResourceTypePort: if ((partial->u.Port.Length != SPANOFAIOP) && (partial->u.Port.Length != (SPANOFAIOP*2)) && (partial->u.Port.Length != (SPANOFAIOP*3)) && (partial->u.Port.Length != (SPANOFAIOP*4)) ) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR35"); return 6; } Ctl->pAiopIO[0] = SerialGetMappedAddress(Ctl->BusType, Ctl->BusNumber, partial->u.Port.Start, partial->u.Port.Length, 1, // port-io
if (Ctl->pAiopIO[0] == NULL) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR36"); return 7; } Ctl->pAiopIO[1] = Ctl->pAiopIO[0] + 0x40; Ctl->pAiopIO[2] = Ctl->pAiopIO[0] + 0x80; Ctl->pAiopIO[3] = Ctl->pAiopIO[0] + 0xc0;
Ctl->AiopIO[0] = partial->u.Port.Start.LowPart; Ctl->AiopIO[1] = partial->u.Port.Start.LowPart + 0x40; Ctl->AiopIO[2] = partial->u.Port.Start.LowPart + 0x80; Ctl->AiopIO[3] = partial->u.Port.Start.LowPart + 0xc0; break;
case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: #ifdef DO_LATER
case CmResourceTypeMemory: #ifdef DO_LATER
default: if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err ResCnt RR26"); return(8); } ++partial; // to next io-resource in list.
// Release the memory used for the resourceList
if (resourceList) ExFreePool(resourceList); resourceList = NULL;
return(0); } #endif
if (Ctl->BusType == Isa) countOfPartials++; //Mudbacs only exist on ISA Boards
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Report Resources brd:%d bus:%d\n",brd+1, Ctl->BusType))
for (j=0; j<Ctl->NumAiop; j++) { if (Ctl->AiopIO[j] > 0) countOfPartials++; // For each Aiop, we will get resources
if (Driver.irq_ext == extension) { MyKdPrint(D_Init,("IRQ:%d\n",Driver.SetupIrq)) countOfPartials++; // plus 1 for IRQ info
sizeOfResourceList = sizeof(CM_RESOURCE_LIST) + sizeof(CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) + // add, kpb
(sizeof(CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)* countOfPartials);
// add 64 for slop -kpb(this structure sucks)
resourceList = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeOfResourceList+64);
if (!resourceList) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("No ResourceList");
EventLog(extension->DeviceObject->DriverObject, ////Driver.GlobalDriverObject,
RtlZeroMemory(resourceList, sizeOfResourceList);
resourceList->Count = 1; resourceList->List[0].InterfaceType = Ctl->BusType; resourceList->List[0].BusNumber = Ctl->BusNumber; //change for multibus
resourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.Count = countOfPartials; partial = &resourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[0];
// Account for the space used by the Rocket.
// Report the use of the Mudbacs on Isa boards only
if (Ctl->BusType == Isa) { MyPort.HighPart=0x0; MyPort.LowPart=Ctl->MudbacIO; partial->Type = CmResourceTypePort; partial->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive; partial->Flags = CM_RESOURCE_PORT_IO; partial->u.Port.Start = MyPort; partial->u.Port.Length = SPANOFMUDBAC; partial++; }
for (j=0; j<Ctl->NumAiop; j++) { // Report the use of the AIOPs.
if (Ctl->AiopIO[j] > 0) { MyPort.HighPart=0x0; MyPort.LowPart=Ctl->AiopIO[j]; partial->Type = CmResourceTypePort; partial->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive; partial->Flags = CM_RESOURCE_PORT_IO; partial->u.Port.Start = MyPort; partial->u.Port.Length = SPANOFAIOP; partial++; } else { MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Aiop Count Wrong, A.\n")) if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Error RR12"); } } // end for j
if (Driver.irq_ext == extension) { // Report the interrupt information.
partial->Type = CmResourceTypeInterrupt;
if(Ctl->BusType == PCIBus) { partial->Flags = CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE; partial->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareShared; } else // if (Ctl->BusType == Isa) //Isa and Pci use differnt int mech
{ partial->Flags = CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED; partial->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDriverExclusive; }
partial->u.Interrupt.Vector = Driver.SetupIrq; partial->u.Interrupt.Level = Driver.SetupIrq; #ifdef DO_LATER
// is the above wrong???
// partial->u.Interrupt.Affinity = -1; //per CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR
partial++; // definition DbgPrintf
//-------- Report the resources indicated by partial list (resourceList)
strcpy(name, szResourceClassName); our_ultoa(extension->UniqueId, &name[strlen(name)], 10);
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Reporting Resources To system\n")) status=IoReportResourceUsage( CToU1(name), // DriverClassName OPTIONAL,
extension->DeviceObject->DriverObject, // DriverObject,
// Driver.GlobalDriverObject,
NULL, // DriverList OPTIONAL,
0, // DriverListSize OPTIONAL,
extension->DeviceObject, // DeviceObject
resourceList, // DeviceList OPTIONAL,
sizeOfResourceList, // DeviceListSize OPTIONAL,
FALSE, // OverrideConflict,
&ConflictDetected); // ConflictDetected
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR13"); MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Error from IoReportResourceUsage.\n")) }
if (ConflictDetected) { Eprintf("Error, Resource Conflict."); if (resourceList) ExFreePool(resourceList); resourceList = NULL; EventLog(extension->DeviceObject->DriverObject, ////Driver.GlobalDriverObject,
STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL); MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Resource Conflict Detected.\n")) return(10); }
// OK, even more important than reporting resources is getting
// the pointers to the I/O ports!!
if (Ctl->BusType == Isa) { MyPort.HighPart=0x0; MyPort.LowPart=Ctl->MudbacIO;
Ctl->pMudbacIO = SerialGetMappedAddress(Isa,Ctl->BusNumber,MyPort,SPANOFMUDBAC,1,&MappedFlag,1); if (Ctl->pMudbacIO == NULL) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR15"); MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Resource Error A.\n")) return 11; } }
for (j=0; j<Ctl->NumAiop; j++) { if (Ctl->AiopIO[j] > 0) { MyPort.HighPart=0x0; MyPort.LowPart=Ctl->AiopIO[j]; Ctl->pAiopIO[j] = SerialGetMappedAddress(Ctl->BusType, Ctl->BusNumber,MyPort,SPANOFAIOP,1,&MappedFlag,1);
if (Ctl->pAiopIO[j] == NULL) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR16"); MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Resource Error B.\n")) return 12; }
} else { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR17"); MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Aiop Count Wrong, B.\n")) return 13; } }
extension->io_reported = 1; // tells that we should deallocate on unload.
// Release the memory used for the resourceList
if (resourceList) ExFreePool(resourceList); resourceList = NULL; MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Done Reporting Resources\n")) return 0; }
InitController - |-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int InitController(PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION ext) { int Aiop; /* AIOP number */ CONTROLLER_T *CtlP; /* ptr to controller structure */ int periodic_only = 1; CHANNEL_T *Chan; /* channel structure */ CHANNEL_T ch; /* channel structure */ int Irq; int freq; // poll frequency
int Ch; /* channel number */ int NumChan; static int Dev = 0; int Ctl = (int) ext->UniqueId; DEVICE_CONFIG *pConfig = ext->config;
// if (pConfig->pMudbacIO,
if (ext == Driver.irq_ext) // irq extension
{ Irq = pConfig->Irq; #if DBG
// Eprintf("Irq Used:%d", Irq);
if (Driver.ScanRate == 0) freq = FREQ_137HZ; else if (Driver.ScanRate <= 2) { if (pConfig->BusType == PCIBus) freq = FREQ_560HZ; else freq = FREQ_274HZ; } else if (Driver.ScanRate <= 5) freq = FREQ_274HZ; else if (Driver.ScanRate <= 10) freq = FREQ_137HZ; else if (Driver.ScanRate <= 20) freq = FREQ_69HZ; else if (Driver.ScanRate <= 35) freq = FREQ_34HZ; else if (Driver.ScanRate <= 70) freq = FREQ_17HZ; else freq = FREQ_137HZ; } else { freq = 0; Irq=0; }
if ( (ext->config->BusType == PCIBus) && ((ext->config->PCI_DevID == PCI_DEVICE_RPLUS2) || (ext->config->PCI_DevID == PCI_DEVICE_422RPLUS2) || (ext->config->PCI_DevID == PCI_DEVICE_RPLUS4) || (ext->config->PCI_DevID == PCI_DEVICE_RPLUS8)) ) ext->config->IsRocketPortPlus = 1; // true if rocketport plus hardware
// setup default ClkRate if not specified
if (ext->config->ClkRate == 0) { // use default
if (ext->config->IsRocketPortPlus) // true if rocketport plus hardware
ext->config->ClkRate = DEF_RPLUS_CLOCKRATE; else ext->config->ClkRate = DEF_ROCKETPORT_CLOCKRATE; }
// setup default PreScaler if not specified
if (ext->config->ClkPrescaler == 0) { // use default
if (ext->config->IsRocketPortPlus) // true if rocketport plus hardware
ext->config->ClkPrescaler = DEF_RPLUS_PRESCALER; else ext->config->ClkPrescaler = DEF_ROCKETPORT_PRESCALER; }
// --- stop doing this, 5-7-98, setup now sets, we could check!
//pConfig->NumPorts = 0; // this gets calculated in initcontroller
CtlP = ext->CtlP; // point to our board struct
CtlP->ClkPrescaler = (BYTE)ext->config->ClkPrescaler; CtlP->ClkRate = ext->config->ClkRate;
// Initialize PCI Bus and Dev
CtlP->BusNumber = (UCHAR)pConfig->BusNumber; CtlP->PCI_Slot = (UCHAR)pConfig->PCI_Slot;
CtlP->PCI_DevID = pConfig->PCI_DevID; CtlP->PCI_SVID = pConfig->PCI_SVID; CtlP->PCI_SID = pConfig->PCI_SID;
periodic_only = 0; #endif
if (pConfig->BusType == Isa) { MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Mbio:%x %x IO len:%x\n", pConfig->MudbacIO, pConfig->pMudbacIO, pConfig->BaseIoSize)) } MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Aiopio:%x %x num:%x\n", pConfig->AiopIO[0], pConfig->pAiopIO[0], pConfig->NumAiop))
if (sInitController(CtlP, // Ctl,
pConfig->pMudbacIO, pConfig->pAiopIO, pConfig->AiopIO, pConfig->NumAiop, Irq, (unsigned char)freq, TRUE, pConfig->BusType, pConfig->ClkPrescaler) != 0) { Eprintf("Error, Failed Init, Brd:%d, IO:%xH", Ctl, pConfig->AiopIO[0]); if (Driver.VerboseLog) { Eprintf("Init: pM:%x,pA:%x,N:%d,B:%d", pConfig->pMudbacIO, pConfig->pAiopIO[0], pConfig->NumAiop, pConfig->BusType); } // This controller was in the registry, but it couldn't be initialized
pConfig->RocketPortFound = FALSE; //pConfig->NumChan = 0; stop messing with NumPorts
return 2; // err
} else { // this controller was successfully initialized
// if it's the first one found, tell the rest of the init that
// it should be the one to interrupt.
pConfig->RocketPortFound = TRUE; }
for(Aiop = 0;Aiop < CtlP->NumAiop; Aiop++) { if (CtlP->BusType == Isa) sEnAiop(CtlP,Aiop);
NumChan = CtlP->AiopNumChan[Aiop];
for(Ch = 0; Ch < NumChan; Ch++) { Chan = &ch;
//MyKdPrint(D_Init,("sInitChan %d\n", Ch+1))
if(!sInitChan(CtlP,Chan,Aiop,(unsigned char)Ch)) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err Ch %d on Brd %d", Ch+1, Ctl+1);
MyKdPrint(D_Error,("sInitChan %d\n", Ch+1)) return (-1); } Dev++; } // for ch
// pConfig->NumChan += NumChan; [kpb, 5-7-98, stop messing with config]
} // for Aiop
if (Driver.VerboseLog) { Eprintf("Initialized OK, Brd:%d, IO:%xH", Ctl+1, pConfig->AiopIO[0]); }
return 0; }
StartRocketIRQorTimer - |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void StartRocketIRQorTimer(void) { #ifdef DO_ROCKET_IRQ
//--------------- Connect to IRQ, or start Timer.
if (Driver.irq_ext) { status = RcktConnectInt(DriverObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Eprintf("Error,IRQ not found, using Timer!"); Driver.irq_ext = NULL; Driver.SetupIrq = 0; // use timer instead
} }
//--- kick start the interrupts
if (Driver.irq_ext) // if using interrupt
{ CtlP = Driver.irq_ext->CtlP; // first boards struct
if(CtlP->BusType == Isa) { MyKdPrint(D_Init,("ISA IRQ Enable.\n")) sEnGlobalInt(CtlP); } if(CtlP->BusType == PCIBus) { MyKdPrint(D_Init,("PCI IRQ Enable.\n")) sEnGlobalIntPCI(CtlP); } } else #endif
{ MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Initializing Timer\n")) RcktInitPollTimer();
MyKdPrint(D_Init,("Set Timer\n")) KeSetTimer(&Driver.PollTimer, Driver.PollIntervalTime, &Driver.TimerDpc); } }
SetupRocketIRQ - |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SetupRocketIRQ(void) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION ext;
//------ Determine a board to use for interrupts
Driver.irq_ext = NULL; if (Driver.SetupIrq != 0) { ext = Driver.board_ext; while(ext) { if (Driver.SetupIrq == 1) // auto-pci irq pick
{ if ((ext->config->BusType == PCIBus) && (ext->config->Irq != 0)) { Driver.irq_ext = ext; // found a pci-board with irq
break; // bail from while
} } else { if (ext->config->BusType == Isa) { ext->config->Irq = Driver.SetupIrq; Driver.irq_ext = ext; // found a isa-board with irq
break; // bail from while
} } ext = ext->board_ext; // next
} if (Driver.irq_ext == NULL) // board for irq not found
{ Eprintf("Warning, IRQ not available"); } } } #endif
init_cfg_rocket - rocketport specific startup code. Setup some of the config structs, look for PCI boards in system, match them up. |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NTSTATUS init_cfg_rocket(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) { // Holds status information return by various OS and driver
// initialization routines.
UCHAR NumPCIBuses, NumPCIRockets, NumISARockets, all_found; PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION board_ext;
int do_pci_search = 0;
//------ get the Box information from setup.exe
board_ext = Driver.board_ext; while (board_ext != NULL) { if (board_ext->config->IoAddress == 1) // PCI board setup
do_pci_search = 1; board_ext = board_ext->board_ext; }
//---- tally up boards
//---- interrupting board always first.
NumPCIRockets = 0; NumISARockets = 0;
// configure ISA boards, and see if we have any pci boards
board_ext = Driver.board_ext; while (board_ext != NULL) { if (board_ext->config->IoAddress >= 0x100) // ISA io address
{ board_ext->config->BusType = Isa; board_ext->config->AiopIO[0] = board_ext->config->IoAddress; board_ext->config->BaseIoAddr = board_ext->config->IoAddress;
board_ext->config->ISABrdIndex = NumISARockets; if (NumISARockets == 0) board_ext->config->BaseIoSize = 0x44; else board_ext->config->BaseIoSize = 0x40;
++NumISARockets; } else if (board_ext->config->IoAddress == 1) // PCI board setup
{ ++NumPCIRockets; // we have some pci boards configured
} else if (board_ext->config->IoAddress == 0) // bad setup
{ Eprintf("Error, Io Address is 0."); EventLog(DriverObject, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_RP_INIT_FAIL, 0, NULL); return STATUS_SERIAL_NO_DEVICE_INITED; }
board_ext = board_ext->board_ext; // next
// configure PCI boards, and see if we have any pci boards
if (NumPCIRockets > 0) // we have some pci boards configured
{ NumPCIBuses = FindPCIBus(); if (NumPCIBuses == 0) { Eprintf("Error, No PCI BUS"); return STATUS_SERIAL_NO_DEVICE_INITED; } if (FindPCIRockets(NumPCIBuses) != 0) // err, none found
{ Eprintf("Error, PCI board not found"); return STATUS_SERIAL_NO_DEVICE_INITED; }
all_found = 1; board_ext = Driver.board_ext; while (board_ext != NULL) { if (board_ext->config->IoAddress == 1) // PCI board setup
{ // see if direct matches exist
if (FindPCIRocket(board_ext->config, 0) != 0) { all_found = 0; // not found
} } board_ext = board_ext->board_ext; // next
} // while more boards
// try again, this time allowing NumPorts <= actual_ports
if (!all_found) { board_ext = Driver.board_ext; while (board_ext != NULL) { if ((board_ext->config->IoAddress == 1) && // PCI board setup
(board_ext->config->BaseIoAddr == 0)) // not setup yet
{ // see if match exist, NumPorts <= actual_ports
if (FindPCIRocket(board_ext->config, 1) != 0) { Eprintf("Error, PCI brd %d setup", BoardExtToNumber(board_ext)+1); return STATUS_SERIAL_NO_DEVICE_INITED; } } board_ext = board_ext->board_ext; // next
} // while more boards
Eprintf("Warning, PCI num-ports mismatch"); } // if (!all_found)
} // if (NumPCIRockets > 0)
load up the modem microcode from disk.
********************************************************************/ int LoadModemCode(char *Firm_pathname,char *Loader_pathname) { #ifdef S_RK
MODEM_IMAGE Mi; MODEM_IMAGE *pMi; static char *Firm_def_pathname = {MODEM_CSREC_PATH}; static char *Loader_def_pathname = {MODEM_CSM_SREC_PATH};
#define FIRM_TYPE "MFW"
// flush any leftovers...
FreeModemFiles(); pMi = &Mi;
// first, do the FLM or CSM loader...
pMi->imagepath = Loader_pathname; pMi->image = (UCHAR *)NULL; pMi->imagesize = (ULONG)0; pMi->imagetype = MLOADER_TYPE; pMi->rc = 0;
if (pMi->imagepath == (char *)NULL) pMi->imagepath = Loader_def_pathname;
pMi = ReadModemFile(pMi);
if (pMi->rc) return(pMi->rc);
Driver.ModemLoaderCodeImage = pMi->image; Driver.ModemLoaderCodeSize = pMi->imagesize;
// tinydump(Driver.ModemLoaderCodeImage,Driver.ModemLoaderCodeSize);
pMi->imagepath = Firm_pathname; pMi->image = (UCHAR *)NULL; pMi->imagesize = (ULONG)0; pMi->imagetype = FIRM_TYPE; pMi->rc = 0;
if (pMi->imagepath == (char *)NULL) pMi->imagepath = Firm_def_pathname;
pMi = ReadModemFile(pMi);
if (pMi->rc) { // earlier read of CSM should have been successful, so we should dump
// the CSM buffer before we bail...
if (Driver.ModemLoaderCodeImage) { our_free(Driver.ModemLoaderCodeImage,MLOADER_TYPE);
Driver.ModemLoaderCodeImage = (UCHAR *)NULL; Driver.ModemLoaderCodeSize = 0; } return(pMi->rc); }
Driver.ModemCodeImage = pMi->image; Driver.ModemCodeSize = pMi->imagesize;
// tinydump(Driver.ModemCodeImage,Driver.ModemCodeSize);
return(0); }
free up space no longer necessary...
********************************************************************/ void FreeModemFiles(void) { #ifdef S_RK
if (Driver.ModemLoaderCodeImage) { our_free(Driver.ModemLoaderCodeImage,MLOADER_TYPE);
Driver.ModemLoaderCodeImage = (UCHAR *)NULL; Driver.ModemLoaderCodeSize = 0; }
if (Driver.ModemCodeImage) { our_free(Driver.ModemCodeImage,FIRM_TYPE);
Driver.ModemCodeImage = (UCHAR *)NULL; Driver.ModemCodeSize = 0; } #endif
load up a specified file from disk...
********************************************************************/ MODEM_IMAGE * ReadModemFile(MODEM_IMAGE *pMi) { #ifdef S_RK
NTSTATUS ntStatus; HANDLE NtFileHandle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus; USTR_160 uname; FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION StandardInfo; ULONG LengthOfFile;
CToUStr((PUNICODE_STRING)&uname, pMi->imagepath, sizeof(uname));
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &uname.ustr, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
ntStatus = ZwCreateFile(&NtFileHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatus, NULL, // alloc size = none
0); // ealength
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { pMi->rc = 1; return(pMi); }
// query the object to determine its length...
ntStatus = ZwQueryInformationFile(NtFileHandle, &IoStatus, &StandardInfo, sizeof(FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION), FileStandardInformation );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { ZwClose(NtFileHandle);
pMi->rc = 2;
return(pMi); }
LengthOfFile = StandardInfo.EndOfFile.LowPart;
if (LengthOfFile < 1) { ZwClose(NtFileHandle);
pMi->rc = 3;
return(pMi); }
// allocate buffer for this file...
pMi->image = (UCHAR *)our_locked_alloc(LengthOfFile,pMi->imagetype); if (pMi->image == (UCHAR *)NULL ) { ZwClose(NtFileHandle );
pMi->rc = 4;
return(pMi); }
// read the file into our buffer...
ntStatus = ZwReadFile(NtFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatus, pMi->image, LengthOfFile, NULL, NULL);
if((!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) || (IoStatus.Information != LengthOfFile)) { our_free(pMi->image,pMi->imagetype);
pMi->rc = 5;
return(pMi); }
pMi->imagesize = LengthOfFile;
return(pMi); }
grind through S3 files, dumping out each line. assumes there are embedded CRs/LFs in the stream...
********************************************************************/ void tinydump(char *ptr, int count) { int tbcount; char tinybuf[128];
while (count > 0) { tbcount = 0; if (*ptr >= '0') { while (*ptr >= '0') { --count; tinybuf[tbcount++] = *(ptr++); } } else { while (*ptr < '0') { --count; ++ptr; } } tinybuf[tbcount] = 0; if (tbcount) MyKdPrint(D_Init,("%s\r",tinybuf)); } MyKdPrint(D_Init,("\r")); } #endif