pnprckt.c - rocketport pnp specific things. |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "precomp.h"
#define TraceStr(s) GTrace(D_Pnp, sz_modid, s)
#define TraceStr1(s, p1) GTrace1(D_Pnp, sz_modid, s, p1)
#define TraceStr2(s, p1, p2) GTrace2(D_Pnp, sz_modid, s, p1, p2)
#define DTraceStr(s) DTrace(D_Pnp, sz_modid, s)
#define TraceErr(s) GTrace(D_Error, sz_modid_err, s)
static char *sz_modid = {"pnpadd"}; static char *sz_modid_err = {"Error,pnpadd"};
PrimaryIsaBoard - Search for Primary Isa boards, if found then return a pointer to the extension.
Return Value: Return ptr to extension of primary Isa board, if not found, null. |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION FindPrimaryIsaBoard(void) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION ext;
ext = Driver.board_ext; while (ext) { if (ext->config->BusType == Isa) { // first board must have 4 hex io-defined, 4 bytes for mudback.
// additional isa-boards alias up on original to save space.
if ((ext->config->BaseIoSize == 0x44) && (ext->config->ISABrdIndex == 0)) { return ext; } } ext = ext->board_ext; // next in chain
} // while ext
return NULL; }
#ifdef NT50
GetPCIRocket - find the pci-card indicated by BaseAddr and fill in the rest of the info in the config. |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int GetPCIRocket(ULONG BaseAddr, DEVICE_CONFIG *CfCtl) { PCI_COMMON_CONFIG *PCIDev; UCHAR i; NTSTATUS Status; int Slot; int NumPCI;
NumPCI = FindPCIBus(); if (NumPCI == 0) return 1;
PCIDev = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,sizeof(PCI_COMMON_CONFIG)); if ( PCIDev == NULL ) { Eprintf("No memory for PCI device."); return 1; }
for(i=0;i<NumPCI;++i) { for(Slot = 0;Slot < 32;++Slot) /*5 bits for device 32 = 2^5*/ { // get a few bytes of pci-config space(vendor-id & device-id).
Status = HalGetBusData(PCIConfiguration,i,Slot,PCIDev,0x4); if (Status == 0) { Eprintf("PCI Bus %d does not exist.",i); }
if (Status > 2) /* Found Device Is it ours? */ { if (PCIDev->VendorID == PCI_VENDOR_ID) { // get 0x40 worth of pci-config space(includes irq, addr, etc.)
Status = HalGetBusData(PCIConfiguration,i,Slot,PCIDev,0x40);
if (BaseAddr == (PCIDev->u.type0.BaseAddresses[0]-1)) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("PCI Board found, IO:%xh, Int:%d ID:%d Rev:%d.", PCIDev->u.type0.BaseAddresses[0]-1, PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptLine, PCIDev->DeviceID, PCIDev->RevisionID);
CfCtl->BusType=PCIBus; CfCtl->BusNumber = i; //get from previous halquerysysin
CfCtl->PCI_Slot = Slot; CfCtl->PCI_DevID = PCIDev->DeviceID; CfCtl->PCI_RevID = PCIDev->RevisionID; CfCtl->PCI_SVID = PCIDev->u.type0.SubVendorID; CfCtl->PCI_SID = PCIDev->u.type0.SubSystemID; CfCtl->BaseIoAddr = PCIDev->u.type0.BaseAddresses[0]-1;
//if (PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptLine != 255)
//RcktCfg->Irq = PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptLine;
if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Bus:%d,Slt:%x,Dev:%x,Rev:%x,Pin:%x", i, Slot, PCIDev->DeviceID, PCIDev->RevisionID, PCIDev->u.type0.InterruptPin);
ExFreePool(PCIDev); return 0; // fail
} } // if (PCIDev->VendorID == PCI_VENDOR_ID)
} // if (Status > 2)
} } ExFreePool(PCIDev); return 2; // fail
RkGetPnpResourceToConfig -
This routine will get the configuration information and put it and the translated values into CONFIG_DATA structures. It first sets up with defaults and then queries the registry to see if the user has overridden these defaults; if this is a legacy multiport card, it uses the info in PUserData instead of groping the registry again.
Fdo - Pointer to the functional device object. pResourceList - Pointer to the untranslated resources requested. pTrResourceList - Pointer to the translated resources requested. pConfig - Pointer to configuration info PUserData - Pointer to data discovered in the registry for legacy devices.
Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS if consistant configuration was found - otherwise. returns STATUS_SERIAL_NO_DEVICE_INITED. |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NTSTATUS RkGetPnpResourceToConfig(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT Fdo, IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST pResourceList, IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST pTrResourceList, OUT DEVICE_CONFIG *pConfig) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION fdoExtension = Fdo->DeviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT pdo = fdoExtension->LowerDeviceObject; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
ULONG count; ULONG i; BOOLEAN MappedFlag;
PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pFullResourceDesc = NULL, pFullTrResourceDesc = NULL;
ULONG zero = 0;
pFullResourceDesc = &pResourceList->List[0]; pFullTrResourceDesc = &pTrResourceList->List[0];
// Ok, if we have a full resource descriptor. Let's take it apart.
if (pFullResourceDesc) { PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST prl; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR prd; unsigned int Addr;
prl = &pFullResourceDesc->PartialResourceList; prd = prl->PartialDescriptors; count = prl->Count;
// Pull out the stuff that is in the full descriptor.
// for rocketport could be: PCIBus, Isa, MicroChannel
pConfig->BusType = pFullResourceDesc->InterfaceType; pConfig->BusNumber = pFullResourceDesc->BusNumber;
if ((pConfig->BusType != PCIBus) && (pConfig->BusType != Isa)) { Eprintf("Err, Unknown Bus"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// Now run through the partial resource descriptors looking for the port,
// interrupt, and clock rate.
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, prd++) { switch (prd->Type) { case CmResourceTypePort: Addr = (unsigned int) prd->u.Port.Start.LowPart; #if 0
// we don't handle aliasing here
if (pConfig->BusType == Isa) { // only setup if not an isa-bus alias address
if (prd->u.Port.Start.LowPart < 0x400) pConfig->BaseIoAddr = Addr; } else #endif
pConfig->BaseIoAddr = Addr;
pConfig->BaseIoSize = prd->u.Port.Length;
switch(pConfig->BusType) { case Isa: pConfig->AiopIO[0] = pConfig->BaseIoAddr; pConfig->AiopIO[1] = pConfig->AiopIO[0] + 0x400; pConfig->AiopIO[2] = pConfig->AiopIO[0] + 0x800; pConfig->AiopIO[3] = pConfig->AiopIO[0] + 0xc00; pConfig->MudbacIO = pConfig->AiopIO[0] + 0x40; //if (prd->u.Port.Length == 0x40)
//pConfig->AddressSpace = prd->Flags;
//Eprintf("Error, Res 1C");
GTrace1(D_Pnp,sz_modid,"ISA_Addr:%xH", pConfig->BaseIoAddr); break; case PCIBus: pConfig->AiopIO[0] = pConfig->BaseIoAddr; pConfig->AiopIO[1] = pConfig->AiopIO[0] + 0x40; pConfig->AiopIO[2] = pConfig->AiopIO[0] + 0x80; pConfig->AiopIO[3] = pConfig->AiopIO[0] + 0xc0; GTrace1(D_Pnp,sz_modid,"PCI_Addr:%xH", pConfig->BaseIoAddr); break; } break;
case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: pConfig->IrqLevel = prd->u.Interrupt.Level; pConfig->IrqVector = prd->u.Interrupt.Vector; pConfig->Affinity = prd->u.Interrupt.Affinity;
if (prd->Flags & CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED) { pConfig->InterruptMode = Latched; } else { pConfig->InterruptMode = LevelSensitive; } GTrace1(D_Pnp,sz_modid, "Res_Int:%xH", pConfig->IrqVector); break;
case CmResourceTypeMemory: DTraceStr("PnP:Res,DevSpec"); break;
case CmResourceTypeDeviceSpecific: DTraceStr("PnP:Res,DevSpec"); break;
default: if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("PnP:Dev. Data 1G:%x",prd->Type); break; } // switch (prd->Type)
} // for (i = 0; i < count; i++, prd++)
} // if (pFullResourceDesc)
//---- Do the same for the translated resources
prl = &pFullTrResourceDesc->PartialResourceList; prd = prl->PartialDescriptors; count = prl->Count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, prd++) { switch (prd->Type) { case CmResourceTypePort:
pConfig->TrBaseIoAddr = (unsigned int) prd->u.Port.Start.LowPart;
pAddr = SerialGetMappedAddress( pConfig->BusType, pConfig->BusNumber, prd->u.Port.Start, prd->u.Port.Length, prd->Flags, // port-io?
//1, // port-io
&MappedFlag, // do we need to unmap on cleanup?
0); // don't translate
#if 0
// we do not handle the alias io here
//!!!!!!! this is guarenteed to work, since it is mapped
if (pConfig->BusType == Isa) { // only setup if not an isa-bus alias address
if (prd->u.Port.Start.LowPart < 0x400) pConfig->pBaseIoAddr = pAddr; } else #endif
pConfig->pBaseIoAddr = pAddr;
if (pConfig->BaseIoSize == 0) pConfig->BaseIoSize = prd->u.Port.Length;
switch(pConfig->BusType) { case Isa: pConfig->NumAiop=AIOP_CTL_SIZE; // let init figure it out
pConfig->pAiopIO[0] = pConfig->pBaseIoAddr; pConfig->pAiopIO[1] = pConfig->pAiopIO[0] + 0x400; pConfig->pAiopIO[2] = pConfig->pAiopIO[0] + 0x800; pConfig->pAiopIO[3] = pConfig->pAiopIO[0] + 0xc00; if (pConfig->BaseIoSize == 0x44) { pConfig->pMudbacIO = pConfig->pAiopIO[0] + 0x40; } GTrace1(D_Pnp,sz_modid,"ISA TrRes_Addr:%xH", prd->u.Port.Start.LowPart); GTrace1(D_Pnp,sz_modid,"ISA pAddr:%xH", pAddr); //Eprintf("ISA TrRes_Addr:%xH", prd->u.Port.Start.LowPart);
break; case PCIBus: pConfig->pAiopIO[0] = pConfig->pBaseIoAddr; pConfig->pAiopIO[1] = pConfig->pAiopIO[0] + 0x40; pConfig->pAiopIO[2] = pConfig->pAiopIO[0] + 0x80; pConfig->pAiopIO[3] = pConfig->pAiopIO[0] + 0xc0; //if (prd->u.Port.Length == 0x40)
//pConfig->AddressSpace = prd->Flags;
//Eprintf("Error, Res 1G");
GTrace1(D_Pnp,sz_modid,"PCI TrRes_Addr:%xH", prd->u.Port.Start.LowPart); GTrace1(D_Pnp,sz_modid,"PCI pAddr:%xH", pAddr); break; } break;
case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: pConfig->TrIrqVector = prd->u.Interrupt.Vector; pConfig->TrIrqLevel = prd->u.Interrupt.Level; pConfig->TrAffinity = prd->u.Interrupt.Affinity; GTrace1(D_Pnp,sz_modid,"TrRes_Int:%xH", pConfig->TrIrqVector); break;
case CmResourceTypeMemory: DTraceStr("PnP:TransRes,DevSpec"); break;
default: if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("PnP:Dev. Data 1H:%x",prd->Type); break; } // switch (prd->Type)
} // for (i = 0; i < count; i++, prd++)
} // if (pFullTrResourceDesc)
if (pConfig->BusType == Isa) { // figure out mudbac alias io space stuff.
SetupRocketCfg(1); } // isa
// if PCI bus, then we need to query for device type, etc.
if (pConfig->BusType == PCIBus) { if (GetPCIRocket(pConfig->AiopIO[0], pConfig) != 0) { Eprintf("Unknown PCI type"); } } ConfigAIOP(pConfig);
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; return status; }
Report_Alias_IO - |-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int Report_Alias_IO(IN PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION extension) { PCM_RESOURCE_LIST resourceList; ULONG sizeOfResourceList; ULONG countOfPartials; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR partial; NTSTATUS status; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MyPort; BOOLEAN ConflictDetected; BOOLEAN MappedFlag; int j; int brd = extension->UniqueId; DEVICE_CONFIG *Ctl; char name[70]; int need_alias = 0; int NumAiop;
DTraceStr("ReportResources"); ConflictDetected=FALSE;
countOfPartials=0; Ctl = extension->config;
// we got mudback.
if (Ctl->BusType != Isa) { DTraceStr("NotISA"); return 0; }
// if it only has 1 aiopic and has 4 bytes for mudback,
// then no aliasing required.
if (Ctl->BaseIoSize != 0x44) need_alias = 1;
// rocketport boards need extra aiop space for reset circuitry.
if (extension->config->ModemDevice) { need_alias = 1; }
if (Ctl->NumPorts > 8) need_alias = 1;
if (need_alias == 0) { // no aliasing needed.
DTraceStr("EasyISA"); return 0; } // we need to update initcontroller to stall until first controller
// gets a start.
// else it is an additional board which needs to alias its mudback
// ontop of the first ISA(44H) address space, or it is a board
// with more than 1 aiopic chip(which requires aliasing over itself)
if (Ctl->BaseIoSize != 0x44) // must be 2nd, 3rd, or 4th board
{ DTraceStr("HasMdBk"); countOfPartials++; // so mudback is aliased up
NumAiop = Ctl->NumAiop;
if (extension->config->ModemDevice) { // reset circuitry
++NumAiop; } if (NumAiop > 4) return 15; // error
MyKdPrint(D_Pnp,("Report Resources brd:%d bus:%d\n",brd+1, Ctl->BusType))
// don't report first aiop(we got that from pnp)
for (j=1; j<NumAiop; j++) { if (Ctl->AiopIO[j] > 0) countOfPartials++; // For each Aiop, we will get resources
sizeOfResourceList = sizeof(CM_RESOURCE_LIST) + sizeof(CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) + // add, kpb
(sizeof(CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)* countOfPartials);
// add 64 for slop
resourceList = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeOfResourceList+64);
if (!resourceList) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("No ResourceList");
EventLog(Driver.GlobalDriverObject, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL); return(9); }
RtlZeroMemory(resourceList, sizeOfResourceList);
resourceList->Count = 1; resourceList->List[0].InterfaceType = Ctl->BusType; resourceList->List[0].BusNumber = Ctl->BusNumber; //change for multibus
resourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.Count = countOfPartials; partial = &resourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[0];
// Account for the space used by the Rocket.
// Report the use of the Mudbacs on Isa boards only
if (Ctl->BaseIoSize != 0x44) // must be 2nd, 3rd, or 4th board
{ MyPort.HighPart=0x0; MyPort.LowPart=Ctl->MudbacIO; partial->Type = CmResourceTypePort; partial->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive; partial->Flags = CM_RESOURCE_PORT_IO; partial->u.Port.Start = MyPort; partial->u.Port.Length = SPANOFMUDBAC; partial++; }
for (j=1; j<NumAiop; j++) { if (Ctl->AiopIO[j] == 0) Ctl->AiopIO[j] = Ctl->AiopIO[j-1];
// Report the use of the AIOPs.
if (Ctl->AiopIO[j] > 0) { MyPort.HighPart=0x0; MyPort.LowPart=Ctl->AiopIO[j]; partial->Type = CmResourceTypePort; partial->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive; partial->Flags = CM_RESOURCE_PORT_IO; partial->u.Port.Start = MyPort; partial->u.Port.Length = SPANOFAIOP; partial++; } else { MyKdPrint(D_Pnp,("Aiop Count Wrong, A.\n")) if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Error RR12"); } } // end for j
//-------- Report the resources indicated by partial list (resourceList)
strcpy(name, szResourceClassName); our_ultoa(extension->UniqueId, &name[strlen(name)], 10);
MyKdPrint(D_Pnp,("Reporting Resources To system\n")) status=IoReportResourceUsage( CToU1(name), // DriverClassName OPTIONAL,
extension->DeviceObject->DriverObject, // DriverObject,
// Driver.GlobalDriverObject,
NULL, // DriverList OPTIONAL,
0, // DriverListSize OPTIONAL,
extension->DeviceObject, // DeviceObject
resourceList, // DeviceList OPTIONAL,
sizeOfResourceList, // DeviceListSize OPTIONAL,
FALSE, // OverrideConflict,
&ConflictDetected); // ConflictDetected
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Error, Resources"); TraceErr("Err5G"); }
if (ConflictDetected) { Eprintf("Error, Resource Conflict."); if (resourceList) ExFreePool(resourceList); resourceList = NULL; EventLog(Driver.GlobalDriverObject, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL); MyKdPrint(D_Pnp,("Resource Conflict Detected.\n")) return(10); }
// OK, even more important than reporting resources is getting
// the pointers to the I/O ports!!
if (Ctl->BusType == Isa) { MyPort.HighPart=0x0; MyPort.LowPart=Ctl->MudbacIO;
if (Ctl->BaseIoSize != 0x44) // must be 2nd, 3rd, or 4th board
{ Ctl->pMudbacIO = SerialGetMappedAddress(Isa,Ctl->BusNumber,MyPort,SPANOFMUDBAC,1,&MappedFlag,1); if (Ctl->pMudbacIO == NULL) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR15"); MyKdPrint(D_Pnp,("Resource Error A.\n")) return 11; } } }
for (j=1; j<NumAiop; j++) { if (Ctl->AiopIO[j] > 0) { MyPort.HighPart=0x0; MyPort.LowPart=Ctl->AiopIO[j]; Ctl->pAiopIO[j] = SerialGetMappedAddress(Ctl->BusType, Ctl->BusNumber,MyPort,SPANOFAIOP,1,&MappedFlag,1);
if (Ctl->pAiopIO[j] == NULL) { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR16"); MyKdPrint(D_Pnp,("Resource Error B.\n")) return 12; }
} else { if (Driver.VerboseLog) Eprintf("Err RR17"); MyKdPrint(D_Pnp,("Aiop Count Wrong, B.\n")) return 13; } }
extension->io_reported = 1; // tells that we should deallocate on unload.
// Release the memory used for the resourceList
if (resourceList) ExFreePool(resourceList); resourceList = NULL; MyKdPrint(D_Pnp,("Done Reporting Resources\n")) return 0; } #endif
#if 0
SerialFindInitController - |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NTSTATUS SerialFindInitController(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT Fdo, IN PCONFIG_DATA PConfig) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION fdoExtension = Fdo->DeviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject; PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION pExtension; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS serialPhysicalMax; //SERIAL_LIST_DATA listAddition;
PLIST_ENTRY currentFdo; NTSTATUS status;
serialPhysicalMax.LowPart = (ULONG)~0; serialPhysicalMax.HighPart = ~0;
//if (address is hosed,)
// Loop through all of the driver's device objects making
// sure that this new record doesn't overlap with any of them.
#ifdef DO_LATER
if (!IsListEmpty(&Driver.AllFdos)) { currentFdo = Driver.AllFdos.Flink; pExtension = CONTAINING_RECORD(currentFdo, SERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION, AllFdos); } else { currentFdo = NULL; pExtension = NULL; }
// Loop through all previously attached devices
if (!IsListEmpty(&Driver.AllFdos)) { currentFdo = Driver.AllFdos.Flink; pExtension = CONTAINING_RECORD(currentFdo, SERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION, AllFdos); } else { currentFdo = NULL; pExtension = NULL; }
//status = SerialInitOneController(Fdo, PConfig);
//PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION fdoExtension = Fdo->DeviceExtension;
// init the thing
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; } #endif
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif // 0
for our board FDO entity. Test to see if we can adjust requirements to handle io-aliasing(no, doesn't look too promising). |----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NTSTATUS BoardFilterResReq(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT devobj, IN PIRP Irp) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION Ext = devobj->DeviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT pdo = Ext->LowerDeviceObject; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); NTSTATUS status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED;
//******** see serial driver(changes resource requirements)
HANDLE pnpKey; //KEVENT resFiltEvent;
//ULONG isMulti = 0;
ULONG i, j; ULONG reqCnt; ULONG rrl_size; ULONG rl_size;
TraceStr1("Filt Res Req, PDO:%x", do);
status = WaitForLowerPdo(devobj, Irp);
if (Irp->IoStatus.Information == 0) { if (irpStack->Parameters.FilterResourceRequirements .IoResourceRequirementList == 0) { DTraceStr("No Resources"); status = Irp->IoStatus.Status; SerialCompleteRequest(Ext, Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); return status; }
Irp->IoStatus.Information = (ULONG)irpStack->Parameters .FilterResourceRequirements .IoResourceRequirementList; }
// Add aliases to IO_RES_REQ_LIST.
prrl = (PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST)Irp->IoStatus.Information;
#if 0
new_prrl = (new_prrl) ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, prrl->ListSize + (sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)*2)); if (new_prrl == NULL) { TraceErr("Bad Buf Z"); //ExFreePool();
} memcpy(new_prrl, prrl); #endif
//reqCnt = ((prrl->ListSize - sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST))
// / sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)) + 1;
reqCnt = 0;
TraceStr1("RRL Size:%x", sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST)); TraceStr1("RL Size:%x", sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_LIST)); TraceStr1("RD Size:%x", sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)); TraceStr1("List Size:%x", prrl->ListSize);
TraceStr1("RRL Base Size:%x", rrl_size); TraceStr1("RL Base Size:%x", rl_size);
//for (i = 0; i < reqCnt; i++) {
reqCnt = rrl_size; // pass up base of IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST
while (reqCnt < prrl->ListSize) { prl = (PIO_RESOURCE_LIST) &((BYTE *)prrl)[reqCnt]; // ptr to IO_RESOURCE_LIST
reqCnt += rl_size; // pass up base of IO_RESOURCE_LIST
TraceStr1("Num Res Desc:%d", prl->Count); for (j = 0; j < prl->Count; j++) { reqCnt += sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR); prd = &prl->Descriptors[j]; TraceStr2("Desc Type:%x, Flags:%x", prd->Type, prd->Flags); if (prd->Type == CmResourceTypePort) { DTraceStr("Type:Port"); TraceStr2("Min:%x Max:%x", prd->u.Port.MinimumAddress.LowPart, prd->u.Port.MaximumAddress.LowPart); TraceStr2("Align:%x Len:%x", prd->u.Port.Alignment, prd->u.Port.Length);
//Addr = (unsigned int) prd->u.Port.Start.LowPart;
//if (Addr < 0x400)
// pConfig->BaseIoAddr = Addr;
//pConfig->BaseIoSize = prd->u.Port.Length;
} } TraceStr1("ByteCnt:%d", reqCnt); }
Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; SerialCompleteRequest(Ext, Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif // DO_BRD_FILTER_RES_REQ
| is_isa_cards_pending_start - scan linked list of card devices, see if any ISA bus cards are not started(delayed or pending a start waiting for first ISA card.) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int is_isa_cards_pending_start(void) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION Ext;
Ext = Driver.board_ext; while (Ext) { if (Ext->config->BusType == Isa) { if (Ext->config->ISABrdIndex == 0) { if (Ext->config->HardwareStarted) return 1; // true, its pending a start
} } Ext = Ext->board_ext; // next in chain
} // while board extension
return 0; // false, not started
| is_first_isa_card_started - scan linked list of card devices, see if "first" ISA bus card is started. |----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int is_first_isa_card_started(void) { PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION Ext;
Ext = Driver.board_ext; while (Ext) { if (Ext->config->BusType == Isa) { if (Ext->config->ISABrdIndex == 0) { if (Ext->config->HardwareStarted) return 1; // true, its started
} } Ext = Ext->board_ext; // next in chain
} // while board extension
return 0; // false, not started
#endif // NT50