Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by cyycoins.rc
  4. //
  5. #define INITS 0
  6. #define PORTS_ICON 2
  7. #define DLG_PP_PORTSETTINGS 15
  8. #define IDS_FRIENDLY_FORMAT 29
  9. #define IDS_IN_USE 61
  10. #define IDS_CYCLOMY 80
  11. #define IDS_NUM_PORTS_DISABLED 81
  12. #define IDS_START_COM_DISABLED 82
  13. #define IDS_COM_TOO_BIG_WRN 83
  14. #define IDS_MEM_ALLOC_WRN 84
  15. #define IDS_COM_TOO_BIG_ERR 85
  16. #define IDS_MEM_ALLOC_ERR 86
  17. #define IDS_INVALID_HCOMDB 87
  18. #define IDS_START_COM_NOT_CHANGED 88
  19. #define IDS_PORT_OPEN_ERROR 89
  20. #define IDS_PORT_IN_USE_ERROR 90
  21. #define IDS_PORT_RENAME_ERROR 91
  22. #define PP_START_COM 1038
  23. #define IDC_START_COM 1040
  24. #define PP_NUM_PORTS 1044
  25. #define IDC_NUM_PORTS 1045
  26. #define IDC_RESTORE_DEFAULTS 1046
  27. #define PP_BUS_TYPE 1047
  28. #define IDC_MODEL 1052
  29. #define PP_MODEL 1053
  30. #define IDC_CONFIGURATION 1054
  31. #define PP_CONFIGURATION 1055
  32. #define IDC_BUS_TYPE 1056
  33. #define IDC_STATIC_BOARD_DETAILS 1057
  34. #define IDC_STATIC_SETTINGS 1058
  35. #define IDC_STATIC -1
  36. // Next default values for new objects
  37. //
  40. #define _APS_NO_MFC 1
  41. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 112
  42. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
  43. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1058
  44. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
  45. #endif
  46. #endif