/** FILE: util.c *********** Module Header ********************************
* * Ports applet utility library routines. This file contains string, * cursor, SendWinIniChange() routines. * * History: * 15:30 on Thur 25 Apr 1991 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat] * Took base code from Win 3.1 source * 10:30 on Tues 04 Feb 1992 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat] * Updated code to latest Win 3.1 sources * 15:30 on Thur 03 May 1994 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat] * Increased MyMessageBox buffers, Restart dialog changes * 17:00 on Mon 18 Sep 1995 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat] * Changes for product update - SUR release NT v4.0 * Nov 1997 -by- Doron Holan [stevecat] * Removed obsolete cpl code * * Copyright (C) 1990-1995 Microsoft Corporation * *************************************************************************/ /* Notes -
Global Functions:
BackslashTerm () - add backslash char to path ErrMemDlg () - display Memory Error message box MyAtoi () - To convert from Unicode to ANSI string before calling atoi myatoi () - local implementation of atoi for Unicode strings MyItoa () - To convert from ANSI to Unicode string after calling itoa MyMessageBox () - display message to user, with parameters MyUltoa () - To convert from Unicode to ANSI string before calling ultoa SendWinIniChange () - broadcast system change message via USER strscan () - Find a string within another string StripBlanks () - Strip leading and trailing blanks from a string
Local Functions:
// Include files
// C Runtime
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
// Application specific
#include "cyzports.h"
#define INT_SIZE_LENGTH 20
LPTSTR BackslashTerm(LPTSTR pszPath) { LPTSTR pszEnd;
pszEnd = pszPath + lstrlen(pszPath);
// Get the end of the source directory
switch(*CharPrev(pszPath, pszEnd)) { case TEXT('\\'): case TEXT(':'): break;
default: *pszEnd++ = TEXT('\\'); *pszEnd = TEXT('\0'); }
return pszEnd; }
void ErrMemDlg(HWND hParent) { MessageBox(hParent, g_szErrMem, g_szPortsApplet, MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND | MB_SYSTEMMODAL ); }
// MyAtoi
// Desc: To convert from Unicode to ANSI string before
// calling CRT atoi and atol functions.
int MyAtoi(LPTSTR string) { CHAR szAnsi[ INT_SIZE_LENGTH ]; BOOL fDefCharUsed;
#ifdef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, string, INT_SIZE_LENGTH, szAnsi, INT_SIZE_LENGTH, NULL, &fDefCharUsed);
return atoi(szAnsi); #else
return atoi(string); #endif
int myatoi(LPTSTR pszInt) { int retval; TCHAR cSave;
for (retval = 0; *pszInt; ++pszInt) { if ((cSave = (TCHAR) (*pszInt - TEXT('0'))) > (TCHAR) 9) break;
retval = (int) (retval * 10 + (int) cSave); } return (retval); }
// MyItoa
// Desc: To convert from ANSI to Unicode string after calling
// CRT itoa function.
LPTSTR MyItoa(INT value, LPTSTR string, INT radix) { CHAR szAnsi[INT_SIZE_LENGTH];
#ifdef UNICODE
_itoa(value, szAnsi, radix); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szAnsi, -1, string, INT_SIZE_LENGTH ); #else
_itoa(value, string, radix);
return (string); } // end of MyItoa()
LPTSTR MyUltoa(unsigned long value, LPTSTR string, INT radix) { CHAR szAnsi[ LONG_SIZE_LENGTH ];
#ifdef UNICODE
_ultoa(value, szAnsi, radix); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szAnsi, -1, string, LONG_SIZE_LENGTH ); #else
_ultoa(value, string, radix);
return( string );
} // end of MyUltoa()
int MyMessageBox(HWND hWnd, DWORD wText, DWORD wCaption, DWORD wType, ...) { TCHAR szText[4 * PATHMAX], szCaption[2 * PATHMAX]; int ival; va_list parg;
va_start(parg, wType);
if (wText == INITS) goto NoMem;
if (!LoadString(g_hInst, wText, szCaption, CharSizeOf(szCaption))) goto NoMem;
wvsprintf(szText, szCaption, parg);
if (!LoadString(g_hInst, wCaption, szCaption, CharSizeOf(szCaption))) goto NoMem;
if ((ival = MessageBox(hWnd, szText, szCaption, wType)) == 0) goto NoMem;
return ival;
NoMem: va_end(parg); ErrMemDlg(hWnd);
return 0; }
void SendWinIniChange(LPTSTR lpSection) { // NOTE: We have (are) gone through several iterations of which USER
// api is the correct one to use. The main problem for the Control
// Panel is to avoid being HUNG if another app (top-level window)
// is HUNG. Another problem is that we pass a pointer to a message
// string in our address space. SendMessage will 'thunk' this properly
// for each window, but PostMessage and SendNotifyMessage will not.
// That finally brings us to try to use SendMessageTimeout(). 9/21/92
// Try SendNotifyMessage in build 260 or later - kills earlier builds
// SendNotifyMessage ((HWND)-1, WM_WININICHANGE, 0L, (LONG)lpSection);
// PostMessage ((HWND)-1, WM_WININICHANGE, 0L, (LONG)lpSection);
// [stevecat] 4/4/92
// SendMessage ((HWND)-1, WM_WININICHANGE, 0L, (LPARAM)lpSection);
// NOTE: The final parameter (LPDWORD lpdwResult) must be NULL
SendMessageTimeout((HWND)-1, WM_WININICHANGE, 0L, (WPARAM) lpSection, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, NULL); }
LPTSTR strscan(LPTSTR pszString, LPTSTR pszTarget) { LPTSTR psz;
if (psz = _tcsstr( pszString, pszTarget)) return (psz); else return (pszString + lstrlen(pszString)); }
// StripBlanks()
// Strips leading and trailing blanks from a string.
// Alters the memory where the string sits.
void StripBlanks(LPTSTR pszString) { LPTSTR pszPosn;
// strip leading blanks
pszPosn = pszString;
while (*pszPosn == TEXT(' ')) pszPosn++;
if (pszPosn != pszString) lstrcpy(pszString, pszPosn);
// strip trailing blanks
if ((pszPosn = pszString + lstrlen(pszString)) != pszString) { pszPosn = CharPrev(pszString, pszPosn);
while (*pszPosn == TEXT(' ')) pszPosn = CharPrev(pszString, pszPosn);
pszPosn = CharNext(pszPosn);
*pszPosn = TEXT('\0'); } }
BOOL ReadRegistryByte(HKEY hKey, PTCHAR valueName, PBYTE regData) { DWORD regDataType = 0; DWORD regDataSize = 0;
regDataSize = sizeof(*regData); if ((ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hKey, valueName, NULL, ®DataType, regData, ®DataSize)) || (regDataSize != sizeof(BYTE)) || (regDataType != REG_BINARY)) { //
// Read was unsuccessful or not a binary value, regData is not set
return FALSE; }
// Read was a success, regData contains the value read in
return TRUE; }