Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999
Module Name:
Debugger Extension Api for interpretting scsiport structures
Peter Wieland (peterwie) 16-Oct-1995 johnstra ervinp
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
#include "classpnp.h" // #defines ALLOCATE_SRB_FROM_POOL as needed
#include "classp.h" // Classpnp's private definitions
#include "cdrom.h"
#include "classkd.h" // routines that are useful for all class drivers
Routine Description:
Dumps the device extension for a given device object, or dumps the given device extension
args - string containing the address of the device object or device extension
Return Value:
{ ULONG64 devObjAddr = 0; ULONG64 detail = 0; ReloadSymbols("classpnp.sys"); if (GetExpressionEx(args, &devObjAddr, &args)) { GetExpressionEx(args, &detail, &args); }
* Read the device object and extension into the debugger's address space. */ if (devObjAddr == 0){ /*
* If this is the server version of classpnp with the global AllFdosList, display all class FDOs. */ ClassTryShowAllFDOs((ULONG)detail);
xdprintf(0, "\n usage: !classext <class fdo> <level [0-2]>\n\n"); } else { CSHORT objType = GetUSHORTField(devObjAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Type"); if (objType == IO_TYPE_DEVICE){ ULONG64 devExtAddr;
devExtAddr = GetULONGField(devObjAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceExtension"); if (devExtAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 commonExtAddr = devExtAddr; ULONG64 tmpDevObjAddr; BOOLEAN isFdo;
* To sanity-check our device context, check that the 'DeviceObject' field matches our device object. */ tmpDevObjAddr = GetULONGField(devExtAddr, "classpnp!_FUNCTIONAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "DeviceObject"); isFdo = GetUCHARField(commonExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "IsFdo"); if ((tmpDevObjAddr == devObjAddr) && isFdo && (isFdo != BAD_VALUE)){ ULONG64 fdoDataAddr;
fdoDataAddr = GetULONGField(devExtAddr, "classpnp!_FUNCTIONAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "PrivateFdoData"); if (fdoDataAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ClassDumpFdoExtensionInternal(fdoDataAddr, (ULONG)detail, 0); ClassDumpFdoExtensionExternal(devExtAddr, (ULONG)detail, 0); } } else { dprintf("%08p is not a storage class FDO (for PDO information, use !classext on the parent FDO) \n", devObjAddr); dprintf(g_genericErrorHelpStr); } } } else { dprintf("Error: 0x%08p is not a device object\n", devObjAddr); dprintf(g_genericErrorHelpStr); } } return S_OK; }
BOOLEAN ClassTryShowAllFDOs(ULONG Detail) { ULONG64 allFdosListAddr; BOOLEAN found = FALSE; allFdosListAddr = GetExpression("classpnp!AllFdosList"); if (allFdosListAddr){ ULONG64 listEntryAddr = GetULONGField(allFdosListAddr, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink"); dprintf("\n"); if (listEntryAddr == BAD_VALUE){ } else if (listEntryAddr == allFdosListAddr){ dprintf(" No class FDOs found\n"); } else { found = TRUE; do { ULONG64 fdoDataAddr = GetContainingRecord(listEntryAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "AllFdosListEntry"); if (fdoDataAddr == BAD_VALUE){ break; } else { /*
* We got the private FDO data struct. * Get the actual FDO from one of the TRANSFER_PACKETS. */ ULONG numPackets = (ULONG)GetULONGField(fdoDataAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "NumTotalTransferPackets"); if ((numPackets != BAD_VALUE) && (numPackets > 0)){ ULONG64 xferPktListHeadAddr = GetFieldAddr(fdoDataAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "AllTransferPacketsList"); if (xferPktListHeadAddr == BAD_VALUE){ break; } else { ULONG64 pktListEntryAddr = GetULONGField(xferPktListHeadAddr, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink"); if (pktListEntryAddr == BAD_VALUE){ break; } else { ULONG64 pktAddr = GetContainingRecord(pktListEntryAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "AllPktsListEntry"); if (pktAddr == BAD_VALUE){ break; } else { ULONG64 fdoAddr = GetULONGField(pktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "Fdo"); if (fdoAddr == BAD_VALUE){ break; } else { /*
* Got the FDO. Figure out if its a paging device. */ BOOLEAN isPagingDevice = FALSE; ULONG64 devExtAddr = GetULONGField(fdoAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceExtension");
if (devExtAddr != BAD_VALUE) { ULONG64 commonExtAddr = devExtAddr; ULONG pagingPathCount = (ULONG)GetULONGField(commonExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "PagingPathCount");
if ((pagingPathCount != BAD_VALUE) && (pagingPathCount > 0)) { isPagingDevice = TRUE; } }
dprintf(" ' !scsikd.classext %08p ' (%c) ", fdoAddr, ((isPagingDevice) ? 'p' : ' ')); ClassDumpIds(fdoAddr, 1); } } } } } else { break; } } listEntryAddr = GetULONGField(listEntryAddr, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink"); } while ((listEntryAddr != allFdosListAddr) && (listEntryAddr != BAD_VALUE)); } }
return found; }
VOID ClassDumpFdoExtensionExternal( IN ULONG64 FdoExtAddr, IN ULONG Detail, IN ULONG Depth ) { ULONG64 commonExtAddr = FdoExtAddr; ULONG64 mediaChangeInfoAddr; ULONG64 childPdoExtAddr; ULONG isRemoved; UCHAR isInitialized; ULONG removeLock; UCHAR currentState, previousState; ULONG64 lowerDevObjAddr; ULONG64 classDriverDataAddr; classDriverDataAddr = GetULONGField(commonExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "DriverData");
xdprintf(Depth, "\n"); xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("Classpnp _EXTERNAL_ data (ext=%08p, class DriverData=%08p):\n\n", FdoExtAddr, classDriverDataAddr);
* Print the media change information (which only exists for removable media like cdrom) */ mediaChangeInfoAddr = GetULONGField(FdoExtAddr, "classpnp!_FUNCTIONAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "MediaChangeDetectionInfo"); if (mediaChangeInfoAddr != BAD_VALUE){ if (mediaChangeInfoAddr){ ULONG64 mediaChangeIrpAddr = GetULONGField(mediaChangeInfoAddr, "classpnp!_MEDIA_CHANGE_DETECTION_INFO", "MediaChangeIrp"); UCHAR gesnSupported = GetUCHARField(mediaChangeInfoAddr, "classpnp!_MEDIA_CHANGE_DETECTION_INFO", "Gesn.Supported"); xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("MEDIA_CHANGE_DETECTION_INFO @ %08p:\n", mediaChangeInfoAddr); if (gesnSupported){ xdprintf(Depth+2, "GESN is supported\n"); } else { xdprintf(Depth+2, "GESN is NOT supported\n"); } xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("MediaChangeIrp = %08p\n", mediaChangeIrpAddr); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("(for more info, use 'dt classpnp!_MEDIA_CHANGE_DETECTION_INFO %08p')\n", mediaChangeInfoAddr); dprintf("\n"); } else { xdprintf(Depth+1, "MediaChangeDetectionInfo is NULL\n"); } }
* Print the media type and geometry information */ { ULONG64 geometryInfoAddr = GetFieldAddr(FdoExtAddr, "classpnp!_FUNCTIONAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "DiskGeometry");
if (geometryInfoAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 numCylinders = GetULONGField(geometryInfoAddr, "classpnp!_DISK_GEOMETRY", "Cylinders"); ULONG mediaType = (ULONG)GetULONGField(geometryInfoAddr, "classpnp!_DISK_GEOMETRY", "MediaType"); ULONG64 tracksPerCylinder = GetULONGField(geometryInfoAddr, "classpnp!_DISK_GEOMETRY", "TracksPerCylinder"); ULONG64 sectorsPerTrack = GetULONGField(geometryInfoAddr, "classpnp!_DISK_GEOMETRY", "SectorsPerTrack"); ULONG64 bytesPerSector = GetULONGField(geometryInfoAddr, "classpnp!_DISK_GEOMETRY", "BytesPerSector");
if ((numCylinders != BAD_VALUE) && (mediaType != BAD_VALUE) && (tracksPerCylinder != BAD_VALUE) && (sectorsPerTrack != BAD_VALUE) && (bytesPerSector != BAD_VALUE)){ ULONG64 totalVolume = numCylinders*tracksPerCylinder*sectorsPerTrack*bytesPerSector; xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("Media type: %s(%xh)\n", DbgGetMediaTypeStr(mediaType), mediaType); xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("Geometry: %d(%xh)cyl x %d(%xh)tracks x %d(%xh)sectors x %d(%xh)bytes\n", (ULONG)numCylinders, (ULONG)numCylinders, (ULONG)tracksPerCylinder, (ULONG)tracksPerCylinder, (ULONG)sectorsPerTrack, (ULONG)sectorsPerTrack, (ULONG)bytesPerSector, (ULONG)bytesPerSector); xdprintf(Depth+1+4, ""), dprintf("= %x'%xh", (ULONG)(totalVolume>>32), (ULONG)totalVolume); if (totalVolume > (((ULONG64)1) << 30)){ dprintf(" = ~%d GB\n", (ULONG)(totalVolume >> 30)); } else { dprintf(" = ~%d MB\n", (ULONG)(totalVolume >> 20)); } } } }
* Print 'IsInitialized' state. */ isInitialized = GetUCHARField(commonExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "IsInitialized"); xdprintf(Depth+1, "IsInitialized = %d\n", isInitialized); /*
* Print the 'IsRemoved' state. */ isRemoved = (ULONG)GetULONGField(commonExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "IsRemoved"); removeLock = (ULONG)GetULONGField(commonExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "RemoveLock"); xdprintf(Depth+1, "Remove lock count = %d\n", removeLock); switch (isRemoved){ #undef MAKE_CASE
#define MAKE_CASE(remCase) case remCase: xdprintf(Depth+1, "IsRemoved = " #remCase "(%d)\n", isRemoved); break;
* Print the PnP state. */ currentState = GetUCHARField(commonExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "CurrentState"); previousState = GetUCHARField(commonExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "PreviousState"); xdprintf(Depth+1, "PnP state: CurrentState:"); switch (currentState){ #undef MAKE_CASE
#define MAKE_CASE(pnpCase) case pnpCase: xdprintf(0, #pnpCase "(%xh)", pnpCase); break;
#define MAKE_CASE(pnpCase) case pnpCase: xdprintf(0, #pnpCase "(%xh)", pnpCase); break;
* Print target device */ lowerDevObjAddr = GetULONGField(commonExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "LowerDeviceObject"); xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("Target device=%08p\n", lowerDevObjAddr);
* Dump child PDO list */ xdprintf(Depth+1, "Child PDOs:\n"); childPdoExtAddr = GetULONGField(commonExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "ChildList"); while (childPdoExtAddr && (childPdoExtAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ ULONG64 pdoAddr = GetULONGField(childPdoExtAddr, "classpnp!_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "DeviceObject"); UCHAR isEnumerated = GetUCHARField(childPdoExtAddr, "classpnp!_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "IsEnumerated"); UCHAR isMissing = GetUCHARField(childPdoExtAddr, "classpnp!_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "IsMissing"); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("PDO=%08p IsEnumerated=%d IsMissing=%d\n", pdoAddr, isEnumerated, isMissing); childPdoExtAddr = GetULONGField(childPdoExtAddr, "classpnp!_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "CommonExtension.ChildList"); } dprintf("\n"); dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("(for more info use 'dt classpnp!_FUNCTIONAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION %08p')\n", FdoExtAddr); xdprintf(0, "\n"); }
VOID ClassDumpFdoExtensionInternal( IN ULONG64 FdoDataAddr, IN ULONG Detail, IN ULONG Depth ) { ULONG64 keTickCountAddr; ULONG keTickCount; ULONG len; dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth, ""), dprintf("Classpnp _INTERNAL_ data (%08p):\n", FdoDataAddr); /*
* Dump TRANSFER_PACKET lists */ ClassDumpTransferPacketLists(FdoDataAddr, Detail, Depth+1);
* Dump private error logs */ ClassDumpPrivateErrorLogs(FdoDataAddr, Detail, Depth+1);
* Show time at trap (for comparison with error log timestamps) */ keTickCountAddr = GetExpression("nt!KeTickCount"); if (ReadMemory(keTickCountAddr, &keTickCount, sizeof(ULONG), &len)){ dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("KeTickCount at trap time: %d.%d (%04xh)\n", (ULONG)(keTickCount/1000), (ULONG)(keTickCount%1000), keTickCount); }
* For full details on debug target, show the packet log */ if (Detail >= 2) { ClassDumpPrivatePacketLogs(FdoDataAddr, Detail, Depth+1); } dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""), dprintf("(for more info use 'dt classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA %08p')\n", FdoDataAddr); }
VOID ClassDumpTransferPacketLists(ULONG64 FdoDataAddr, ULONG Detail, ULONG Depth) { ULONG64 allxferPktsListAddr;
* Print transfer packet lists */ allxferPktsListAddr = GetFieldAddr(FdoDataAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "AllTransferPacketsList"); if (allxferPktsListAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 listEntryAddr; ULONG numTotalXferPkts = (ULONG)GetULONGField(FdoDataAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "NumTotalTransferPackets"); ULONG numFreeXferPkts = (ULONG)GetULONGField(FdoDataAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "NumFreeTransferPackets"); ULONG numPackets; char *extraSpaces = IsPtr64() ? " " : ""; /*
* Walk AllTransferPacketsList and print only the outstanding packets with full SRB info. */ xdprintf(Depth, "\n"); xdprintf(Depth, "Outstanding transfer packets: (out of %d total)\n", numTotalXferPkts); xdprintf(Depth, "\n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, " packet %s irp %s srb %s sense %s status \n", extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces); xdprintf(Depth+1, "--------%s --------%s --------%s --------%s -------- \n", extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces); numPackets = 0; listEntryAddr = GetULONGField(allxferPktsListAddr, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink"); while ((listEntryAddr != allxferPktsListAddr) && (listEntryAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ ULONG64 pktAddr;
pktAddr = GetContainingRecord(listEntryAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "AllPktsListEntry"); if (pktAddr == BAD_VALUE){ break; } else { ClassDumpTransferPacket(pktAddr, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, Depth+1);
numPackets++; listEntryAddr = GetULONGField(listEntryAddr, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink"); } } if (numPackets != numTotalXferPkts){ xdprintf(Depth, "*** Warning: NumTotalTransferPackets(%d) doesn't match length of queue(%d) ***\n", numTotalXferPkts, numPackets); }
if (Detail > 0){ ULONG64 slistEntryAddr; /*
* Print all transfer packets */ xdprintf(Depth, "\n"); xdprintf(Depth, "All transfer packets: (%d total, %d free)\n", numTotalXferPkts, numFreeXferPkts); xdprintf(Depth, "\n"); xdprintf(Depth+1, " packet %s irp %s srb %s sense %s status \n", extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces); xdprintf(Depth+1, "--------%s --------%s --------%s --------%s -------- \n", extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces); numPackets = 0; listEntryAddr = GetULONGField(allxferPktsListAddr, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink"); while ((listEntryAddr != allxferPktsListAddr) && (listEntryAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ ULONG64 pktAddr;
pktAddr = GetContainingRecord(listEntryAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "AllPktsListEntry"); if (pktAddr == BAD_VALUE){ break; } else { ClassDumpTransferPacket(pktAddr, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, Depth+1);
listEntryAddr = GetULONGField(listEntryAddr, "nt!_LIST_ENTRY", "Flink"); } }
* Print free packets sList */ xdprintf(Depth, "\n"); xdprintf(Depth, "Free transfer packets in fast SLIST: (%d free)\n", numFreeXferPkts); if (IsPtr64()){ xdprintf(Depth, "(Cannot display fast SLIST on 64-bit system)\n"); } else { xdprintf(Depth+1, " packet %s irp %s srb %s sense %s status \n", extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces); xdprintf(Depth+1, "--------%s --------%s --------%s --------%s -------- \n", extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces, extraSpaces); numPackets = 0; slistEntryAddr = GetULONGField(FdoDataAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "FreeTransferPacketsList.Next.Next"); while (slistEntryAddr && (slistEntryAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ ULONG64 pktAddr;
pktAddr = GetContainingRecord(slistEntryAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "SlistEntry"); if (pktAddr == BAD_VALUE){ break; } else { ClassDumpTransferPacket(pktAddr, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, Depth+1); numPackets++; slistEntryAddr = GetULONGField(pktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "SlistEntry.Next"); } } if (numPackets != numFreeXferPkts){ xdprintf(Depth, "*** Warning: NumFreeTransferPackets(%d) doesn't match length of queue(%d) ***\n", numFreeXferPkts, numPackets); } } } }
* ClassDumpTransferPacket * * Dump TRANSFER_PACKET contents under the following heading: * * " packet irp srb sense status " * " -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- " * */ VOID ClassDumpTransferPacket( ULONG64 PktAddr, BOOLEAN DumpPendingPkts, BOOLEAN DumpFreePkts, BOOLEAN DumpFullInfo, ULONG Depth) {
ULONG64 irpAddr = GetULONGField(PktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "Irp"); ULONG64 srbAddr = GetFieldAddr(PktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "Srb"); ULONG64 senseAddr = GetFieldAddr(PktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "SrbErrorSenseData");
if ((irpAddr == BAD_VALUE) || (srbAddr == BAD_VALUE) || (senseAddr == BAD_VALUE)){ dprintf("\n ClassDumpTransferPacket: error retrieving contents of packet %08p.\n", PktAddr); } else { UCHAR currentStackLoc = GetUCHARField(irpAddr, "nt!_IRP", "CurrentLocation"); UCHAR stackCount = GetUCHARField(irpAddr, "nt!_IRP", "StackCount"); BOOLEAN isPending; isPending = (currentStackLoc != stackCount+1); if ((isPending && DumpPendingPkts) || (!isPending && DumpFreePkts)){ /*
* Print the transfer packet description line */ xdprintf(Depth, ""); dprintf("%08p", PktAddr); dprintf(" %08p", irpAddr); dprintf(" %08p", srbAddr); dprintf(" %08p", senseAddr); if (isPending){ xdprintf(0, " pending*"); } else { xdprintf(0, " (free)"); } xdprintf(0, "\n");
if (DumpFullInfo){ ULONG64 bufLen = GetULONGField(srbAddr, "classpnp!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "DataTransferLength"); ULONG64 cdbAddr = GetFieldAddr(srbAddr, "classpnp!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "Cdb"); ULONG64 origIrpAddr = GetULONGField(PktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "OriginalIrp"); ULONG64 mdlAddr = GetULONGField(origIrpAddr, "nt!_IRP", "MdlAddress"); UCHAR scsiOp = GetUCHARField(cdbAddr, "classpnp!_CDB", "CDB6GENERIC.OperationCode"); UCHAR srbStat = GetUCHARField(srbAddr, "classpnp!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "SrbStatus"); ULONG64 bufAddr;
* The the buffer address from the MDL if possible; * else from the SRB (which may not be valid). */ bufAddr = GetULONGField(srbAddr, "classpnp!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "DataBuffer"); if (mdlAddr && (mdlAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ ULONG mdlFlags = (ULONG)GetULONGField(mdlAddr, "nt!_MDL", "MdlFlags"); if ((mdlFlags != BAD_VALUE) && (mdlFlags & MDL_PAGES_LOCKED)){ bufAddr = GetULONGField(mdlAddr, "nt!_MDL", "MappedSystemVa"); } } else { /*
* There's no MDL, so bufAddr should be the actual kernel-space pointer. * Sanity-check it. */ if (!IsPtr64() && !(bufAddr & 0x80000000)){ bufAddr = BAD_VALUE; } } /*
* Print the SRB description line */ xdprintf(Depth+1, "("); dprintf("%s ", DbgGetScsiOpStr(scsiOp)); dprintf("status=%s ", DbgGetSrbStatusStr(srbStat));
if (mdlAddr && (mdlAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ if (bufAddr == BAD_VALUE){ dprintf("mdl=%08p ", mdlAddr); } else { dprintf("mdl+%08p ", bufAddr); } } else if (bufAddr == BAD_VALUE){ dprintf("buf=??? "); } else { dprintf("buf=%08p ", bufAddr); } dprintf("len=%08lx", bufLen); dprintf(")\n");
* Print a line with original irp if appropriate */ if (cdbAddr != BAD_VALUE){ scsiOp = GetUCHARField(cdbAddr, "classpnp!_CDB", "CDB6GENERIC.OperationCode"); if ((scsiOp == SCSIOP_READ) || (scsiOp == SCSIOP_WRITE)){ xdprintf(Depth+1, ""), dprintf("(OriginalIrp=%08p)\n", origIrpAddr); } } } } }
VOID ClassDumpPrivateErrorLogs(ULONG64 FdoDataAddr, ULONG Detail, ULONG Depth) { ULONG64 errLogsAddr; errLogsAddr = GetFieldAddr(FdoDataAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "ErrorLogs"); if (errLogsAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG errLogSize = GetTypeSize("classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA"); if (errLogSize != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG nextErrLogIndex, firstErrLogIndex, lastErrLogIndex; /*
* Find what should be the index of the last error log (if there were any error logs) * See if it is valid by checking for a non-zero timestamp. */ nextErrLogIndex = (ULONG)GetULONGField(FdoDataAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "ErrorLogNextIndex"); if (nextErrLogIndex != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 tickCount; lastErrLogIndex = (nextErrLogIndex+NUM_ERROR_LOG_ENTRIES-1) % NUM_ERROR_LOG_ENTRIES;
tickCount = GetULONGField(errLogsAddr+lastErrLogIndex*errLogSize, "classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA", "TickCount"); if (tickCount == BAD_VALUE){ } else if (tickCount == 0){ /*
* The "latest" error log is not initialized, so there are no error logs */ dprintf("\n"), xdprintf(Depth, "No Error Logs:\n"); } else { /*
* Search forward through the circular list for the first valid error log. */ for (firstErrLogIndex = (lastErrLogIndex+1)%NUM_ERROR_LOG_ENTRIES; firstErrLogIndex != lastErrLogIndex; firstErrLogIndex = (firstErrLogIndex+1)%NUM_ERROR_LOG_ENTRIES){
ULONG64 thisErrLogAddr = errLogsAddr+firstErrLogIndex*errLogSize; tickCount = GetULONGField(thisErrLogAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA", "TickCount"); if (tickCount == BAD_VALUE){ /*
* something's screwed up; abort */ break; } else if (tickCount != 0){ /*
* found the earliest of the recorded error logs, break */ break; } }
if (tickCount != BAD_VALUE){ /*
* Now that we've found the valid range of error logs, print them out. */ ULONG numErrLogs = (lastErrLogIndex >= firstErrLogIndex) ? lastErrLogIndex-firstErrLogIndex+1 : lastErrLogIndex+NUM_ERROR_LOG_ENTRIES-firstErrLogIndex+1; dprintf("\n\n"), xdprintf(Depth, "ERROR LOGS (%d):\n", numErrLogs); xdprintf(Depth, "---------------------------------------------------\n"); do { ULONG64 thisErrLogAddr = errLogsAddr+firstErrLogIndex*errLogSize; ULONG64 senseDataAddr = GetFieldAddr(thisErrLogAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA", "SenseData"); ULONG64 srbAddr = GetFieldAddr(thisErrLogAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA", "Srb"); ULONG64 cdbAddr;
tickCount = GetFieldAddr(thisErrLogAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA", "TickCount");
// GetFieldOffset of an embedded struct gets the wrong address for some reason,
// so do this manually.
#if 0
cdbAddr = GetFieldAddr(thisErrLogAddr, "classpnp!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "Cdb"); #else
cdbAddr = (srbAddr == BAD_VALUE) ? BAD_VALUE : IsPtr64() ? srbAddr + 0x48 : srbAddr + 0x30; #endif
if ((thisErrLogAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (srbAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (senseDataAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (cdbAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ UCHAR scsiOp = GetUCHARField(cdbAddr, "classpnp!_CDB", "CDB6GENERIC.OperationCode"); UCHAR srbStat = GetUCHARField(srbAddr, "classpnp!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "SrbStatus"); UCHAR scsiStat = GetUCHARField(srbAddr, "classpnp!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "ScsiStatus"); UCHAR isPaging = GetUCHARField(thisErrLogAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA", "ErrorPaging"); UCHAR isRetried = GetUCHARField(thisErrLogAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA", "ErrorRetried"); UCHAR isUnhandled = GetUCHARField(thisErrLogAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA", "ErrorUnhandled"); tickCount = GetULONGField(thisErrLogAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA", "TickCount");
if ((scsiOp != BAD_VALUE) && (tickCount != BAD_VALUE)){
xdprintf(Depth+1, ""); dprintf("<tick %d.%d>: ", (ULONG)(tickCount/1000), (ULONG)(tickCount%1000)); dprintf("%s(%xh)\n", DbgGetScsiOpStr(scsiOp), (ULONG)scsiOp); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""); dprintf("srbStat=%s(%xh) scsiStat=%xh \n", DbgGetSrbStatusStr(srbStat), (ULONG)srbStat, (ULONG)scsiStat ); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""); dprintf("SenseData = %s/%s/%s \n", DbgGetSenseCodeStr(srbStat, senseDataAddr), DbgGetAdditionalSenseCodeStr(srbStat, senseDataAddr), DbgGetAdditionalSenseCodeQualifierStr(srbStat, senseDataAddr)); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""); if (isPaging) dprintf("Paging; "); else dprintf("(not paging); "); if (isRetried) dprintf("Retried; "); else dprintf("(not retried); "); if (isUnhandled) dprintf("Unhandled; "); if ((scsiOp == SCSIOP_READ) || (scsiOp == SCSIOP_WRITE)){ UCHAR lbaBytes[4], numBlocksBytes[4] = {0}; ULONG lba, numBlocks; lbaBytes[3] = GetUCHARField(cdbAddr, "classpnp!_CDB", "CDB10.LogicalBlockByte0"); lbaBytes[2] = GetUCHARField(cdbAddr, "classpnp!_CDB", "CDB10.LogicalBlockByte1"); lbaBytes[1] = GetUCHARField(cdbAddr, "classpnp!_CDB", "CDB10.LogicalBlockByte2"); lbaBytes[0] = GetUCHARField(cdbAddr, "classpnp!_CDB", "CDB10.LogicalBlockByte3"); lba = *(PULONG)(PUCHAR)lbaBytes; numBlocksBytes[0] = GetUCHARField(cdbAddr, "classpnp!_CDB", "CDB10.TransferBlocksLsb"); numBlocksBytes[1] = GetUCHARField(cdbAddr, "classpnp!_CDB", "CDB10.TransferBlocksMsb"); numBlocks = *(PULONG)(PUCHAR)numBlocksBytes; dprintf("LBA=%xh; blocks=%xh;", lba, numBlocks); } dprintf("\n"); xdprintf(Depth+2, ""); dprintf("(for more info, use 'dt classpnp!_CLASS_ERROR_LOG_DATA %08p'\n\n", thisErrLogAddr); firstErrLogIndex = (firstErrLogIndex+1)%NUM_ERROR_LOG_ENTRIES; } else { break; } } else { break; } } while (firstErrLogIndex != (lastErrLogIndex+1)%NUM_ERROR_LOG_ENTRIES); xdprintf(Depth, "---------------------------------------------------\n"); } } } } }
VOID ClassDumpPrivatePacketLogs(ULONG64 FdoDataAddr, ULONG Detail, ULONG Depth) { ULONG fieldMissing; ULONG offset;
* The packet log only exists for debug targets, and only for Whistler server ~beta 3 builds and up. * Don't complain if its missing. */ fieldMissing = GetFieldOffset("classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "DbgPacketLogs", &offset); if (!fieldMissing){ ULONG64 pktLogsAddr; pktLogsAddr = GetFieldAddr(FdoDataAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "DbgPacketLogs"); if (pktLogsAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG pktSize = GetTypeSize("classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET"); if (pktSize != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG nextPktIndex, firstPktIndex, lastPktIndex; /*
* Find what should be the index of the last pkt (if there were any pkt logs) * See if it is valid by checking for a non-zero Fdo. */ nextPktIndex = (ULONG)GetULONGField(FdoDataAddr, "classpnp!_CLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA", "DbgPacketLogNextIndex"); if (nextPktIndex != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 fdoAddr; lastPktIndex = (nextPktIndex+DBG_NUM_PACKET_LOG_ENTRIES-1) % DBG_NUM_PACKET_LOG_ENTRIES;
fdoAddr = GetULONGField(pktLogsAddr+lastPktIndex*pktSize, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "Fdo"); if (fdoAddr == BAD_VALUE){ } else if (fdoAddr == 0){ /*
* The "latest" pkt log is not initialized, so there are no pkt logs */ dprintf("\n"), xdprintf(Depth, "No Packet Logs:\n"); } else { /*
* Search forward through the circular list for the first valid pkt log. */ for (firstPktIndex = (lastPktIndex+1)%DBG_NUM_PACKET_LOG_ENTRIES; firstPktIndex != lastPktIndex; firstPktIndex = (firstPktIndex+1)%DBG_NUM_PACKET_LOG_ENTRIES){
ULONG64 thisPktAddr = pktLogsAddr+firstPktIndex*pktSize; fdoAddr = GetULONGField(thisPktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "Fdo"); if (fdoAddr == BAD_VALUE){ /*
* something's screwed up; abort */ break; } else if (fdoAddr != 0){ /*
* found the earliest of the recorded pkt logs, break */ break; } }
if (fdoAddr != BAD_VALUE){ /*
* Now that we've found the valid range of pkt logs, print them out. */ ULONG numPktLogs = (lastPktIndex >= firstPktIndex) ? lastPktIndex-firstPktIndex+1 : lastPktIndex+DBG_NUM_PACKET_LOG_ENTRIES-firstPktIndex+1; dprintf("\n\n"), xdprintf(Depth, "PACKET LOGS (%d):\n", numPktLogs); xdprintf(Depth, "---------------------------------------------------\n"); do { ULONG64 thisPktAddr = pktLogsAddr+firstPktIndex*pktSize; ULONG64 srbAddr = GetFieldAddr(thisPktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "Srb"); ULONG64 cdbAddr;
// GetFieldOffset of an embedded struct gets the wrong address for some reason,
// so do this manually.
#if 0
cdbAddr = GetFieldAddr(thisPktAddr, "classpnp!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "Cdb"); #else
cdbAddr = (srbAddr == BAD_VALUE) ? BAD_VALUE : IsPtr64() ? srbAddr + 0x48 : srbAddr + 0x30; #endif
if ((thisPktAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (srbAddr != BAD_VALUE) && (cdbAddr != BAD_VALUE)){ UCHAR scsiOp = GetUCHARField(cdbAddr, "classpnp!_CDB", "CDB6GENERIC.OperationCode"); ULONG srbFlags = (ULONG)GetULONGField(srbAddr, "classpnp!_SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK", "SrbFlags"); ULONG pktId = (ULONG)GetULONGField(thisPktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "DbgPktId"); ULONG64 timeSent = GetULONGField(thisPktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "DbgTimeSent"); ULONG64 timeReturned = GetULONGField(thisPktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "DbgTimeReturned"); if ((scsiOp != BAD_VALUE) && (srbFlags != BAD_VALUE) && (timeSent != BAD_VALUE) && (timeReturned != BAD_VALUE) && (pktId != BAD_VALUE)){ UCHAR directionIndicator = (timeReturned == 0) ? '>' : '<'; xdprintf(Depth, ""); dprintf("%c #%04x @%d.%d %s ", directionIndicator, pktId, (ULONG)(timeReturned ? timeReturned/1000 : timeSent/1000), (ULONG)(timeReturned ? timeReturned%1000 : timeSent%1000), DbgGetScsiOpStr(scsiOp)); dprintf("("); if (srbFlags & SRB_CLASS_FLAGS_PAGING) dprintf("Paging;"); if ((scsiOp == SCSIOP_READ) || (scsiOp == SCSIOP_WRITE)){ ULONG numRetries = (ULONG)GetULONGField(thisPktAddr, "classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET", "NumRetries"); if ((numRetries != BAD_VALUE) && (numRetries < MAXIMUM_RETRIES)){ dprintf("I/O Retry %d/%d;", MAXIMUM_RETRIES-numRetries, MAXIMUM_RETRIES); } } dprintf(")\n");
xdprintf(Depth, ""); dprintf("%27s ' dt classpnp!_TRANSFER_PACKET %08p '\n", "", thisPktAddr); firstPktIndex = (firstPktIndex+1)%DBG_NUM_PACKET_LOG_ENTRIES; } else { break; } } else { break; } } while (firstPktIndex != (lastPktIndex+1)%DBG_NUM_PACKET_LOG_ENTRIES); xdprintf(Depth, "---------------------------------------------------\n"); } } } } } }
VOID ClassDumpIds( ULONG64 devObjAddr, ULONG detail ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the vendor, model, firmware and serial number for a given device object. Accepts either a FDO or PDO that belongs to a CLASSPNP driver (disk, cdrom, tape)
args - string containing the address of the device object
Return Value:
--*/ { /*
* Read the device object and extension into the debugger's address space. */ if (devObjAddr == 0){ /*
* If this is the server version of classpnp with the global AllFdosList, display all class FDOs. */ ClassTryShowAllFDOs(detail);
xdprintf(0, "\n usage: !classid <class fdo/pdo> [0|1]\n\n"); } else { CSHORT objType = GetUSHORTField(devObjAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "Type"); if (objType == IO_TYPE_DEVICE){ ULONG64 devExtAddr;
devExtAddr = GetULONGField(devObjAddr, "nt!_DEVICE_OBJECT", "DeviceExtension"); if (devExtAddr != BAD_VALUE){ ULONG64 partitionZeroExtension = BAD_VALUE; ULONG64 deviceDescriptor = BAD_VALUE; ULONG64 tmpDevObjAddr = BAD_VALUE; BOOLEAN isFdo;
* To sanity-check our device context, check that the 'DeviceObject' field matches our device object. */ tmpDevObjAddr = GetULONGField(devExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "DeviceObject"); isFdo = GetUCHARField(devExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "IsFdo"); if ((tmpDevObjAddr == devObjAddr) && (isFdo != BAD_VALUE)) { partitionZeroExtension = GetULONGField(devExtAddr, "classpnp!_COMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "PartitionZeroExtension"); } if (partitionZeroExtension != BAD_VALUE) { deviceDescriptor = GetULONGField(devExtAddr, "classpnp!_FUNCTIONAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION", "DeviceDescriptor"); }
if (deviceDescriptor != BAD_VALUE) {
// get and dump the real info
ULONG64 vendorIdOffset = BAD_VALUE; ULONG64 productIdOffset = BAD_VALUE; ULONG64 productRevisionOffset = BAD_VALUE; ULONG64 serialNumberOffset = BAD_VALUE; UCHAR vendorId[256] = {0}; UCHAR productId[256] = {0}; UCHAR productRevision[256] = {0}; UCHAR serialNumber[256] = {0};
vendorIdOffset = GetULONGField(deviceDescriptor, "classpnp!_STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR", "VendorIdOffset"); productIdOffset = GetULONGField(deviceDescriptor, "classpnp!_STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR", "ProductIdOffset"); productRevisionOffset = GetULONGField(deviceDescriptor, "classpnp!_STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR", "ProductRevisionOffset"); serialNumberOffset = GetULONGField(deviceDescriptor, "classpnp!_STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR", "SerialNumberOffset"); if ((vendorIdOffset != 0) && (vendorIdOffset != BAD_VALUE)) { ULONG t = (sizeof(vendorId) / sizeof (UCHAR)) - 1; // always keep a NULL
GetAnsiString(deviceDescriptor + vendorIdOffset, vendorId, &t); } if ((productIdOffset != 0) && (productIdOffset != BAD_VALUE)) { ULONG t = (sizeof(productId) / sizeof (UCHAR)) - 1; // always keep a NULL
GetAnsiString(deviceDescriptor + productIdOffset, productId, &t); } if ((productRevisionOffset != 0) && (productRevisionOffset != BAD_VALUE)) { ULONG t = (sizeof(productRevision) / sizeof (UCHAR)) - 1; // always keep a NULL
GetAnsiString(deviceDescriptor + productRevisionOffset, productRevision, &t); } if ((serialNumberOffset != 0) && (serialNumberOffset != BAD_VALUE)) { ULONG t = (sizeof(serialNumber) / sizeof (UCHAR)) - 1; // always keep a NULL
GetAnsiString(deviceDescriptor + serialNumberOffset, serialNumber, &t); }
if (detail == 1) { // print it all on one line
dprintf("| %s | %s | %s | %s |\n", vendorId, productId, productRevision, serialNumber); } else { // print it with labels and such
dprintf(" Device Object: %p\n" " Is Fdo: %s\n" " Vendor Id: \"%s\"\n" " Product Id: \"%s\"\n" "Product Revision: \"%s\"\n" " Serial Number: \"%s\"\n", devExtAddr, (isFdo ? "Yes" : "No"), vendorId, productId, productRevision, serialNumber); }
} else { dprintf("%08p - could not retrieve requested information\n", devObjAddr); dprintf(g_genericErrorHelpStr); } } } else { dprintf("Error: 0x%08p is not a device object\n", devObjAddr); dprintf(g_genericErrorHelpStr); } } return; }
DECLARE_API(classid) /*++
Routine Description:
Dumps the vendor, model, firmware and serial number for a given device object. Accepts either a FDO or PDO that belongs to a CLASSPNP driver (disk, cdrom, tape)
args - string containing the address of the device object
Return Value:
{ ULONG64 devObjAddr = 0; ULONG64 detail = 0; ReloadSymbols("classpnp.sys"); if (GetExpressionEx(args, &devObjAddr, &args)) { GetExpressionEx(args, &detail, &args); }
ClassDumpIds( devObjAddr, (ULONG)detail ); return S_OK; }