Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
@doc @module Writer.h | Declaration of Writer @end
Adi Oltean [aoltean] 08/18/1999
Add comments.
Revision History:
Name Date Comments aoltean 08/18/1999 Created brianb 05/03/2000 Changed for new security model brianb 05/09/2000 fix problem with autolocks mikejohn 06/23/2000 Add connection for SetWriterFailure() --*/
// forward declarations
class CVssWriterImplStateMachine; class CVssCreateWriterMetadata; class CVssWriterComponents; class IVssWriterComponentsInt;
// Standard foo for file name aliasing. This code block must be after
// all includes of VSS header files.
// implementation class for writers
class IVssWriterImpl : public IVssWriter { public: // initialize writer
virtual void Initialize ( VSS_ID writerId, LPCWSTR wszWriterName, VSS_USAGE_TYPE ut, VSS_SOURCE_TYPE st, VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL nLevel, DWORD dwTimeout ) = 0;
// subscribe to events
virtual void Subscribe ( ) = 0;
// unsubscribe from events
virtual void Unsubscribe ( ) = 0;
virtual void Uninitialize ( ) = 0;
// get array of volume names
virtual LPCWSTR *GetCurrentVolumeArray() const = 0;
// get # of volumes in volume array
virtual UINT GetCurrentVolumeCount() const = 0;
// get the snapshot device name for a particular volume
virtual HRESULT GetSnapshotDeviceName ( LPCWSTR wszOriginalVolume, LPCWSTR* ppwszSnapshotDevice ) const = 0;
// get id of snapshot set
virtual VSS_ID GetCurrentSnapshotSetId() const = 0;
// get the current backup context
virtual LONG GetContext() const = 0; // determine which Freeze event writer responds to
virtual VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL GetCurrentLevel() const = 0;
// determine if path is included in the snapshot
virtual bool IsPathAffected(IN LPCWSTR wszPath) const = 0;
// determine if bootable state is backed up
virtual bool IsBootableSystemStateBackedUp() const = 0;
// determine if the backup application is selecting components
virtual bool AreComponentsSelected() const = 0;
// determine the backup type for the backup
virtual VSS_BACKUP_TYPE GetBackupType() const = 0;
// determine the type of restore
virtual VSS_RESTORE_TYPE GetRestoreType() const = 0; // let writer pass back indication of reason for failure
virtual HRESULT SetWriterFailure(HRESULT hr) = 0;
// determine if requestor support partial file backups
virtual bool IsPartialFileSupportEnabled() const = 0; };
// writer state structure. encapsulates state of this writer for a
// specific snapshot set
typedef struct _VSWRITER_STATE { // snapshot id
VSS_ID m_idSnapshotSet;
// writer state
volatile VSS_WRITER_STATE m_state;
// reason for writer failure
volatile HRESULT m_hrWriterFailure;
// are we currently in an operation
volatile bool m_bInOperation;
// current operation
volatile VSS_OPERATION m_currentOperation;
class CVssWriterState;
// Auto diag class
class CVssAutoDiagLogger { public:
// Constructor
CVssAutoDiagLogger( IN CVssWriterState & state, IN DWORD dwEventID, IN VSS_ID ssid = GUID_NULL, IN DWORD dwEventFlags = 0 ); // Constructor
CVssAutoDiagLogger( IN CVssWriterState & state, IN DWORD dwEventID, IN WCHAR* pwszSSID, IN DWORD dwEventFlags = 0 );
// Destructor
private: CVssAutoDiagLogger( const CVssAutoDiagLogger& ); void operator = ( const CVssAutoDiagLogger& );
CVssWriterState & m_state; DWORD m_dwEventID; DWORD m_dwEventFlags; VSS_ID m_ssid; };
// writer state class. encapsulates all aspects of a writer's state
class CVssWriterState { private: CVssWriterState(); CVssWriterState(const CVssWriterState&); public: // constructors and destructors
CVssWriterState( IN CVssDiag& diag );
// initialization function
void Initialize() { m_cs.Init(); }
// get state for a snapshot set
void GetStateForSnapshot ( IN const VSS_ID &idSnapshot, OUT VSWRITER_STATE &state );
// initialize a snapshot
void InitializeCurrentState(IN const VSS_ID &idSnapshot);
// indicate we are in an operation
void SetInOperation(VSS_OPERATION operation) { CVssSafeAutomaticLock lock(m_cs); m_currentState.m_bInOperation = true; m_currentState.m_currentOperation = operation; }
// are we in a restore operation
bool IsInRestore() { return (m_currentState.m_currentOperation == VSS_IN_PRERESTORE || m_currentState.m_currentOperation == VSS_IN_POSTRESTORE); }
// indicate that we are leaving an operation
void ExitOperation() { CVssSafeAutomaticLock lock(m_cs); m_currentState.m_bInOperation = false; }
// push the current state onto the recent snapshot set stack
void PushCurrentState();
// set the current state
void SetCurrentState(IN VSS_WRITER_STATE state) { CVssSafeAutomaticLock lock(m_cs); CVssAutoDiagLogger logger(*this, state, GetCurrentSnapshotSet(), CVssDiag::VSS_DIAG_IGNORE_LEAVE | CVssDiag::VSS_DIAG_IS_STATE); m_currentState.m_state = state; }
// get current state
VSS_WRITER_STATE GetCurrentState() { return m_currentState.m_state; }
// set current failure
void SetCurrentFailure(IN HRESULT hrWriterFailure) { CVssSafeAutomaticLock lock(m_cs);
// Make sure S_OK is translated
CVssAutoDiagLogger logger(*this, hrWriterFailure? hrWriterFailure: VSS_S_OK, GetCurrentSnapshotSet(), CVssDiag::VSS_DIAG_IGNORE_LEAVE | CVssDiag::VSS_DIAG_IS_HRESULT); m_currentState.m_hrWriterFailure = hrWriterFailure; }
// obtain the current failure
HRESULT GetCurrentFailure() { return m_currentState.m_hrWriterFailure; }
// obtain the snapshot set for the current state
VSS_ID GetCurrentSnapshotSet() { return m_currentState.m_idSnapshotSet; } // handle backup complete state transition to being stable
void FinishBackupComplete(const VSS_ID &id);
// indicate that backup complete failed
void SetBackupCompleteStatus(const VSS_ID &id, HRESULT hr);
// determine if a snapshot set id is in the cache of previous
// snapshot sets
bool CVssWriterState::IsSnapshotSetIdValid(VSS_ID &id) { CVssSafeAutomaticLock lock(m_cs); INT nPrevious = SearchForPreviousSequence(id);
return nPrevious != INVALID_SEQUENCE_INDEX; }
// set a failure in the case where a writer is returning a
// no response error. It first checks to see if we are still
// in the operation. If not, then we need to retry obtaining
// the writer's state
bool SetNoResponseFailure( IN const VSS_ID &id, IN const VSWRITER_STATE &state );
CVssDiag & GetDiag() { return m_diag; };
private: // search for a previous state
INT SearchForPreviousSequence(IN const VSS_ID& idSnapshotSet);
// critical section protecting class
CVssSafeCriticalSection m_cs;
// current state
VSWRITER_STATE m_currentState;
// structures to keep track of writer status from previous snapshots
// previous states
// current slot for dumping a previous snapshots result
volatile UINT m_iPreviousSnapshots;
// are we currently in a sequence
volatile bool m_bSequenceInProgress;
CVssDiag & m_diag; };
// CVssWriterImpl
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CVssWriterImpl : public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>, public IVssWriterImpl {
public: friend class CVssWriterImplLock;
// Constructors & Destructors
// Exposed operations
public: // create a writer implementation for a specific writer
static void CreateWriter ( CVssWriter *pWriter, IVssWriterImpl **ppImpl );
// set external writer object
void SetWriter(CVssWriter *pWriter) { BS_ASSERT(pWriter); m_pWriter = pWriter; }
// initialize class
void Initialize ( IN VSS_ID WriterID, IN LPCWSTR wszWriterName, IN VSS_USAGE_TYPE ut, IN VSS_SOURCE_TYPE st, IN VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL nLevel, IN DWORD dwTimeoutFreeze );
// subscribe to writer events
void Subscribe ( );
// unsubscribe from writer events
void Unsubscribe();
// uninitialize the writer
void Uninitialize();
// get array of volume names
LPCWSTR* GetCurrentVolumeArray() const { return (LPCWSTR *) m_ppwszVolumesArray; };
// get count of volumes in array
UINT GetCurrentVolumeCount() const { return m_nVolumesCount; };
// get the snapshot device name for a particular volume
HRESULT GetSnapshotDeviceName ( LPCWSTR wszOriginalVolume, LPCWSTR* ppwszSnapshotDevice ) const;
// get id of snapshot
VSS_ID GetCurrentSnapshotSetId() const { return m_CurrentSnapshotSetId; };
// get the current backup context
LONG GetContext() const { return m_lContext; } // get level at which freeze takes place
VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL GetCurrentLevel() const { return m_nLevel; };
// determine if path is included in the snapshot
bool IsPathAffected(IN LPCWSTR wszPath) const;
// determine if the backup is including bootable system state
bool IsBootableSystemStateBackedUp() const { return m_bBootableSystemStateBackup ? true : false; }
// determine if the backup selects components
bool AreComponentsSelected() const { return m_bComponentsSelected ? true : false; }
// return the type of backup
VSS_BACKUP_TYPE GetBackupType() const { return m_backupType; }
VSS_RESTORE_TYPE GetRestoreType() const { return m_restoreType; }
// indicate why the writer failed
HRESULT SetWriterFailure(HRESULT hr);
// does requestor support partial file backups and restores
bool IsPartialFileSupportEnabled() const { return m_bPartialFileSupport ? true : false; }
// IVssWriter ovverides
// request WRITER_METADATA or writer state
STDMETHOD(RequestWriterInfo)( IN BSTR bstrSnapshotSetId, IN BOOL bWriterMetadata, IN BOOL bWriterState, IN IDispatch* pWriterCallback );
// prepare for backup event
STDMETHOD(PrepareForBackup)( IN BSTR bstrSnapshotSetId, IN IDispatch* pWriterCallback );
// prepare for snapshot event
STDMETHOD(PrepareForSnapshot)( IN BSTR bstrSnapshotSetId, IN BSTR VolumeNamesList );
// freeze event
STDMETHOD(Freeze)( IN BSTR bstrSnapshotSetId, IN INT nApplicationLevel );
// thaw event
STDMETHOD(Thaw)( IN BSTR bstrSnapshotSetId );
STDMETHOD(PostSnapshot)( IN BSTR bstrSnapshotSetId, IN IDispatch *pWriterCallback, IN BSTR SnapshotDevicesList );
// backup complete event
STDMETHOD(BackupComplete)( IN BSTR bstrSnapshotSetId, IN IDispatch* pWriterCallback );
// backup shutdown event
STDMETHOD(BackupShutdown)( IN BSTR bstrSnapshotSetId ); // abort event
STDMETHOD(Abort)( IN BSTR bstrSnapshotSetId );
STDMETHOD(PreRestore)( IN IDispatch* pWriterCallback );
STDMETHOD(PostRestore)( IN IDispatch* pWriterCallback );
// Implementation - methods
// get WRITER callback from IDispatch
void GetCallback ( IN IDispatch *pWriterCallback, OUT IVssWriterCallback **ppCallback, IN BOOL bAllowImpersonate = FALSE );
// reset state machine
void ResetSequence ( IN bool bCalledFromTimerThread );
// abort the current snapshot sequence
void DoAbort ( IN bool bCalledFromTimerThread, IN BSTR strSnapshotSetId = NULL );
// obtain components for this writer
void InternalGetWriterComponents ( IN IVssWriterCallback *pCallback, OUT IVssWriterComponentsInt **ppWriter, IN bool bWriteable, IN bool bInRestore );
void SaveChangedComponents ( IN IVssWriterCallback *pCallback, IN bool bInRestore, IN IVssWriterComponentsInt *pComponents );
// create WRITER_METADATA XML document
CVssCreateWriterMetadata *CreateBasicWriterMetadata();
// startup routine for timer thread
static DWORD StartTimerThread(void *pv);
// function to run in timer thread
void TimerFunc(VSS_ID id);
// enter a state
bool EnterState ( IN const CVssWriterImplStateMachine &vwsm, IN BSTR bstrSnapshotSetId ) throw(HRESULT);
// leave a state
void LeaveState ( IN const CVssWriterImplStateMachine &vwsm, IN bool fSuccessful );
// create a Handle to an event
void SetupEvent ( IN HANDLE *phevt ) throw(HRESULT);
// begin a sequence to create a snapshot
void BeginSequence ( IN CVssID &SnapshotSetId ) throw(HRESULT);
// terminate timer thread
void TerminateTimerThread();
// lock critical section
inline void Lock() { m_cs.Lock(); m_bLocked = true; }
// unlock critical section
inline void Unlock() { m_bLocked = false; m_cs.Unlock(); }
// assert that critical section is locked
inline void AssertLocked() { BS_ASSERT(m_bLocked); }
// Implementation - members
VSS_STACK_SIZE = 256 * 1024 // 256K
enum { x_MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS = 32 };
// data related to writer
// writer class id
VSS_ID m_WriterID;
// writer instance id
VSS_ID m_InstanceID;
// usage type for writer
// data source type for writer
// writer name
LPWSTR m_wszWriterName;
// Data related to the current sequence
// snapshot set id
VSS_ID m_CurrentSnapshotSetId;
// context
LONG m_lContext; // volume array list passed in as a string
LPWSTR m_pwszLocalVolumeNameList;
// # of volumes in volume array
INT m_nVolumesCount;
// volume array
LPWSTR* m_ppwszVolumesArray;
// Subscription-related data
CComBSTR m_bstrSubscriptionName;
// actual subscription ids
CComBSTR m_rgbstrSubscriptionId[x_MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS];
// number of allocated subscription ids
UINT m_cbstrSubscriptionId;
// Data related with the Writer object
// which freeze event is handled
// what events are subscribed to
DWORD m_dwEventMask;
// Critical section or avoiding race between tasks
CVssSafeCriticalSection m_cs;
// was critical section initialized
bool m_bLockCreated;
// flag indicating if critical section is locked
bool m_bLocked;
// timeout and queuing mechanisms
HANDLE m_hevtTimerThread; // event used to signal timer thread if timer is aborted
HANDLE m_hmtxTimerThread; // mutex used to guarantee only one timer thread exists at a time
HANDLE m_hThreadTimerThread; // handle to timer thread
VSS_TIMER_COMMAND m_command; // timer command when it exits the wait
DWORD m_dwTimeoutFreeze; // timeout for freeze
// actual writer implementation
CVssWriter *m_pWriter;
// state of backup components
BOOL m_bBootableSystemStateBackup; BOOL m_bComponentsSelected; VSS_BACKUP_TYPE m_backupType; VSS_RESTORE_TYPE m_restoreType; BOOL m_bPartialFileSupport;
// state of writer
CVssWriterState m_writerstate;
// TRUE if an OnPrepareForBackup/Freeze/Thaw
// was sent and without a corresponding OnAbort
bool m_bOnAbortPermitted;
// is a sequence in progress
bool m_bSequenceInProgress;
// current state
CVssSidCollection m_SidCollection;
// Initialization flag
bool m_bInitialized;
// This flags are TRUE only during Setup/SafeMode
bool m_bInSafeMode; bool m_bInSetup;
// Diagnose tool
CVssDiag m_diag; };
// auto class for locks
class CVssWriterImplLock { public: CVssWriterImplLock(CVssWriterImpl *pImpl) : m_pImpl(pImpl) { m_pImpl->Lock(); }
~CVssWriterImplLock() { m_pImpl->Unlock(); }
private: CVssWriterImpl *m_pImpl; };
#endif //__CVSS_WRITER_IMPL_H_